Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Doubts Confronted- John 20:26-27

Sermon nuggets Weds Dec 31

Theme- Doubts

Verses- John 20:26-27 A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!"
27 Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe."

Doubts Confronted-

A problem with confronting doubts is the tendency to believe what we first were taught. Some studies says when we hear a lie it takes up to 5 times to hear the truth before we actually change our minds. First impressions do make a difference. But when we know a truth how much more difficult to accept another truth. Death ends life. To accept a resurrection from someone who died is a big adjustment.

Jesus is confronting Thomas with his personal appearance. His doubts must be faced with another truth.

But before that Thomas heard many testimonies of the miracle by those who were his friends. When people respond to Christ because of others it is never as strong a faith as when someone has a personal meeting with Jesus. In the first instance people are responding to ideas and testimony. Those become important steps to bring us to meeting the Lord. However, if that is all we base our faith on then doubts arise more quickly. We need a personal encounter with Christ. But rebellion may keep us from wanting to heed the Holy Spirit’s conviction on our hearts.

When we disbelieve something it is difficult to change one’s mind. You must be shown to be wrong. Most beliefs hinge not so much on the facts as on pride. It is difficult to admit personal change of opinions. Yet, there is no one who can accept Christ without first coming to the very point of humility saying “I was wrong”, "I have sinned”, "I need help". Sin keeps people in their doubts even when confronted with truth because it is as one who says, “Don’t confuse me with the fact, my mind is made up.”

Likewise, there are doubt that come from our emotions more than reason. Emotional doubt is just a feeling we have. Something in us doesn’t make sense. Someone might doubt because of hypocrisy in the church. This has nothing to do with the claims of Jesus only the emotions we have about others. Such a person needs a different perspective. They need to think through the real issues and not judge Jesus by those who claim to believe in Him.

I find doubts of emotion to come into play with the loss of a loved one. It is grief that keeps some people from trusting in Jesus because they are hurt when a loved one leaves them. Life didn’t happen hey way they wanted it to happen. Surprisingly to me, it has nothing to do with the facts. All people die. I would think someone who has died past their 80s would be more understandable. The resentments against God, church, pastors and faith are just as strong for some who lost a grandparent or an older parent. They don’t like death and so blame God. It is especially hard to lose a child in death by illness, or worse by violence.

When some doubt God or the Bible it might be helpful to evaluate what else is going on in their life that is keeping them from the real issues about Jesus. Satan uses lots of lies to keep us from faith. But we also need to look within to see what is going on in our own hearts-Pride? Sin? Selfishness? Grief? Anger? Loneliness? Lust? Looking at the facts doesn’t always change the emotions. “Lord, change me” is one of the hardest prayers to give to face our doubts as well as our lives when we know we are not in the will of the Lord.

That is an important prayer also as we face a New Year.

Pastor Dale.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Doubts Expressed John 20:24-25

Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 30

Theme- Doubt

Verses- John 20: 24 Now Thomas (called Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came.
25 So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord!" But he said to them, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it."

Doubts Expressed

Sometimes people are harder on Thomas than I think he deserves. You might remember that Thomas was a questioner. Thomas was especially chosen by Jesus because he had a function to perform with the personality given to him by God. I am glad he was quizzical and asked questions. He wasn’t afraid to speak up.

When I was a student in college I was too shy to ask questions of the professor. There were things I didn’t understand or doubted. I didn’t want the class to think I was the only one not getting it. I thought if nobody else had a question I must be the only one. I didn’t want to appear dumb. Every now and again someone would ask the question I had. I am glad he did. I was off the hook as to what others thought about me when I kept my silence. But I learned from others asking the question.

I am glad Thomas was the one asking questions that has be raised ever since the resurrection. When Jesus told their earlier, “I am going to prepare a place for you and I will come again to receive you unto myself” Thomas asked “But we don’t know where you are going. How can we know the way?” If it wasn’t for Thomas we might never have those glorious words from our Lord, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me.”

We cannot fault Thomas on his commitment. When Jesus was going to Bethany to raise Lazarus from the dead, Thomas was so convinced he would be killed he said, “Let us go too, and die with him.”

Perhaps that is why he was so dejected at the crucifixion. He trusted so much in the Messiah that died he was devastated. He believed and now was wrong. He was discouraged for all he believe in he thought was false. The Kingdom had not come. Israel did not have Jesus as King. That day of crucifixion was a day Thomas’ doubts got the best of him. He wasn’t going to be fooled again.

I think it is interesting that all the others grieved together in the upper room. They had contact with one another. Jesus appeared to them all except Thomas who was not there. We are not told the reason for his absence but doubts can have a way of closing ourselves off from others. No longer being with this friends for support can move him to further doubt.

When someone faces suffering alone their burdens can be almost unbearable. When someone shares their burden it is lighter. Just to talk with another who tries to understand helps. He may not be able to solve our problems, but things do not look quite so dark when someone else cares.

C.S. Lewis said that he was plagued with doubts while away form home and in hotel rooms or foreign towns by himself. It is exceedingly difficult to maintain a viewpoint when you are isolated from others who share it. It is true that the hardest part of temptation for Christians is holding their faith when they are thinking they are alone. The encouragement of others who pray and read and worship helps us grow and become stronger in our faith. The Lord designed us for fellowship.

When Thomas did join his friends they were so excited to tell him of the miracle of the resurrection. They had seen the Lord alive! NO. Thomas could not believe that. They tried to explain they saw Him with their own eyes. For Thomas it was too much to swallow. Eye witnesses of 10 men and one woman would not change his mind. He was further alienating himself from his friends by implying that they were mistaken. He refused to accept their testimony.

Our society is full of skeptics and doubters that say what is real is only what is experienced personally. They live a narrow life. I have been encourage with the faith of others, as well as the testimony of the word. I might question some of the facts but when enough people I trust tell of their experience I am willing to consider that as an option of truth.

But Thomas demands proof. What he cannot see, touch or hear he will no longer believe. The naturalist takes that view when it comes to the supernatural. Scientists who do experiments that are repeatable and observable make conclusions based on empirical data. But how do you measure love, or commitment? There are evidences of the non material one must take into account. To conclude there is no God based on outside observation is narrowing the criteria of acceptance of data. Our scientific tools are limited in what they can measure.

Thomas had seen the miracles and witnessed changed lives, but the circumstance of the dead coming back to life was more than he could accept. I would have a hard time believing since it hardly happens today unless it is within minutes of someone being declared clinically dead. It is not part of our experience. Thomas was honest with his feelings and thoughts. He was a man of integrity, not wanting to convince others, but not wanting to be convinced of anything he didn’t personally experience. He could express his doubts and conclude in error that it was impossible for Jesus to rise from the dead.

Most times what others believe really makes no difference if we believe or not. But the resurrection of Jesus Christ is pivotal to trusting Him for all eternity and having hope after death.

Pastor Dale

Monday, December 29, 2008

Doubts John 20:19-24

Theme Doubts

Verses- John 20:19-24
19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!"20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.
21 Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."
22 And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit.
23 If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven."
24 Now Thomas (called Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came.

Doubting Others
This past month I was told a story by a lady who was convinced that her car was stolen but the Lord returned it. She explained there was spiritual warfare going on and when she prayed the demons were not as powerful as the angels so God's forces stopped the robbers and caused them to return the car to a different place in the large parking lot.

I had my doubts.

The facts were- It was a very large parking lot with many doors surrounding the building. When I went to my car I went to the wrong parking lot and Judi thought it was in one place I thought it was in another. When this lady reported her car stolen she as convinced she parked near a particular door. When the security found her car it was parked in a different parking lot. They fact the car was also locked and not damaged and nothing taken from the car didn't made sense that would be something robbers would do if they left the car and took off.

I could nether confirm nor deny her story. But I doubted it. It was not important that I be convinced that she forget where she parked or not.

Unfortunately, I have heard many stories that seem odd. UFOs, miracles, dreams, visions, prophecies that people claim are from God.

I only know what I have experienced. I do not know what others have experienced but there is no reason why I should or should not believe most of the stories. So I doubt. Maybe. Maybe not. There are people who want to perpetuate a hoax. Others are convinced they are singled out by God or Satan in a special way. The only basis for knowing truth and revelation is the Scriptures. If it doesn’t match then it is not of God.

So when most Europeans deny the reality of a Virgin Birth. I understand their doubting of miracle. When most Europeans deny the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I understand outright skepticism. When something goes contrary to natural causes, experiences, or explanation it is probably wise to doubt than believe lies, hoaxes or imaginary explainations. It is appropriate to check out the facts and come to one’s own conclusions.

When Jesus revealed Himself to the disciples some things were already anticiapted. Jesus had spoken of the resurrection before He died, which is why the Jews wanted the tomb sealed and guards around it. They suspected, not that he would get up from the dead, but that the disciples would steal the body and say he arose. So the talk of resurrection was discussed.

Mary saw the tomb empty and assumed someone stole the body. Peter and John raced to the tomb and the evidence was more than they expected. The tomb was not empty. It had no body but it did have grave clothes. Why would someone unwrap the body if they were going to steal it? Wouldn’t it seem reasonable to just take the whole wrapped body? But the clothes were empty and the face cloth neatly folded. It is unlikely a grave robber would take the time to fold up a face napkin just like it would be unlikely for a car robber to relock the car after he left. But after the disciples saw the empty clothes. verse 8 declares they believed.

So now the evidence for the resurrection was mounting. At least two disciples already believed. When Mary returned from encountering the risen Lord she told them her story. Their hopes were high. They were waiting in the upper room wondering what they should do when Jesus suddenly appeared.

“Peace be with you” was spoken first by Jesus after his resurrection. He is the fulfillment of peace from the fear of death. Certainly the emotion of the room was joy when He proved to them by showing the nail prints and scars that it was indeed Jesus, Himself, standing there. Those scars were proof. Now this victory power was to be in them in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was on a mission sent by His Father and these men were to receive a mission now sent by Jesus to tell the world of His victory over Satan, sin and death. It is good news. It is based on the resurrection.

Certainly space does not allow for a complete discussion of the confusion of vs. 23. What does it mean to forgive sins, receive the Holy Spirit given to the apostles? I do not believe this was the indwelling of the Holy Spirit which came at Pentecost. Since only God can forgive since I do not believe this is granted as the Roman Catholic church teaches confession and forgiveness by church appointed priests or pastors. I believe Jesus gave a special authority to the apostles and disciples present. First to carry out the temporary work of salvation until Pentecost. Secondly to grant to church leaders the authority for church discipline as also discussed in Matthew 18. With this authority, church discipline could be maintained whether positive or negative. With it, the disciples could forgive certain consequences of sin.

Unlike the emphasis on individualistic Christian, too many minimize God’s plan for the local congregation that has a place in God’s administration of witness, work and the use of gifts.

Pastor Dale

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sermon nuggets Sat Dec 27

Theme Resurrection

Verses – John 20: 17 Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"
18 Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: "I have seen the Lord!" And she told them that he had said these things to her.

From Weakness to Witness

Jesus saw Mary Magdalene weeping. He knew her broken and confused heart. He saw her futility of not knowing what to do but to express her sorrow. I wondered what she thought she could have done when she started off to the tomb in the first place. Her willingness, her heart, her passion, her desires were all in the right place, but she didn’t think how she was going to open the tomb with the rock there, or the guards there. She just went without thinking it through. But since the tomb was opened there was a worse problem. He was not there.

Jesus gives an unusual response in v 17 “Don’t touch me, or hold on to me” C.I. Scofield recognized there are 3 interpretations of this. First some think this is a type of Jesus taking the role of a high priest, who is to take the blood sacrifice to the Holy of Holies on behalf of the people. He can’t be touched until he comes in holiness before His Father. Between the time Jesus reveals himself to Mary and before he appears to the disciples, he must go to finish his priestly duties before his Father and ascend to heaven.

A second interpretation is that she is holding on Him. The Greek implies a hanging on to Jesus, more than actually touching Him.

There is a third interpretation that she was holding Him not wanting Him to leave, so things could be just the way they were before. But it is not like it was before. He is not in the same earthly body nor does He have the same mission. He reminds Mary that now she must not seek to hold Him to the earth, but rather become His messenger to a new joy. He is back, but in a much greater way.

I favor the first interpretation, but regardless Jesus gave her the first and most important message in the bible. Jesus is risen! He is alive and she is the first to see Him and tell of it. Jesus looked not on her weakness but her willingness, not on the problems that she was a woman, not a chosen apostle. He looked not on her past, instead He saw her as useable for His service. Women, of course, were thought less of in that day and didn’t have any spiritual duties toward others beyond children. Jesus didn’t think that. He gave her the greatest message of all. She was willing to obey and go and tell.

Our Christmas hymn says, “Go tell it on the mountains, over the hills and everywhere. God tell it on the mountains that Jesus Christ is born.” The Shepherds went away rejoicing telling of their experience. Now the command is to go and tell people of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This message is given to us all. The shepherd who had the priviledge of experiencing the birth of the Son of God went and told. Those of us who have the priviledge of experiencing the resurrected Son of God are to go and tell. Go and tell that Christ is risen. He is alive. He is our hope. He is our salvation. Don’t make excuses thinking you are not a profession and can’t be used of the Lord in this coming year. If you know the resurrected Christ you are important. You are loved. You are gifted by his Spirit. It doesn’t’ make a difference whether you are a child, youth, women, man, married, single, gone to school or not.

One artist was painting picture. He took out the huge canvas and starting daubing on the blue and the grey for the background. He added and little here and there and then got further excited. He didn’t notice a lady stepped into his studio. Backing up to admire his work he bumped into her. He said, “What do you think? I am so excited. I think this will be my best ever.” She looked at him with a quizzical look and said. “I’m sorry. I only see dabs of blue and grey. Am I missing something?”

“O, I forgot. You can only see what is there, while I see the picture as it’s going to be.” Through out Christ’s ministry he could look back upon events in the Old Testament and say, “Isn’t that the greatest.” People stand with quizzical look and say I don’t get it. It looks like blues and grays to me. In the New Testament Jesus walks and talks with His Father and seeing how the plan is unfolding remarks it’s coming. Everything is ready. Mary, Peter, James, John and the whole rest are in grief and weakness and lost for words. And He remarks “O yes, You only see what is. I see what is yet to be and it’s marvelous.”

Pastor Dale

Friday, December 26, 2008

From Doubts to Discover John 20:10-16

Sermon nuggets Fri Dec 26

Theme Resurrection

Verses- John 20:10-16 Then the disciples went back to their homes, but Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus' body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot.
13 They asked her, "Woman, why are you crying?" "They have taken my Lord away," she said, "and I don't know where they have put him."
14 At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. "Woman," he said, "why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?" Thinking he was the gardener, she said, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him."
16 Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, "Rabboni!" (which means Teacher).

From Doubts to Discovery
There are some who delight in Christmas and other for whom this season is nothing more than a secular time to celebrate with loved ones. For some they delight in God and marvel at His wonder and works. For others it is an opportunity for parties, play, presents, and traditions. What makes the difference?

Mary didn’t come Easter morning to see if the tomb was opened. She didn’t come to see if Jesus’ word about his resurrection was true. She had no understanding and expectations of seeing Him alive. She doubted just like all the disciples doubted. This was something far beyond their experience. Yes he talked about resurrection, but no one really believed it.

After she had told the disciples of her discovery, they went to the tomb, saw the empty grave except the clothes and returned to their place. Mary also returned in her doubts. She thought someone stole the body. She was there. There was no question about His being buried there. In confusion and grief she cried and sat there by herself.

When she peered into the tomb she saw two figures in white sitting at the place where the body used to be. They asked, “Why are your crying”? Her disbelief was made plain in what she thought happened. “They have taken away my Lord and I don‘t know where they have put him.”

Mary Magdalene saw what Peter and John didn’t. These angels never appeared to the disciples but they did to Mary. It seems these heavenly beings can be seen and not seen by their will. He didn’t expect to see anything and didn’t recognize them as angels at the time. She didn’t believe, she doubted, but that lack of understanding wasn’t important. God saw her heart.

I am not saying that it doesn’t make any difference what we believe. It has been said that as long as you are sincere God will honor that, even if you are wrong. You might sincerely believe you are on think ice and it will hold you, but sincerity has nothing to do with the actual thickness of the ice. People put their faith in many things, but if it isn’t in the works of Jesus Christ they are lost and without hope. There is no other name given among men whereby you must be saved.

Do you have doubts? I do sometimes. Some times it is easy to trust human understanding instead of what is revealed in the Word of God. But even in my doubts I am in the hands of Jesus, since I have trusted Christ to save me. He holds on to me.

It is like the incident of Peter, who had the right desire, but doubted when he was walking on the water. His doubts caused him to look at the winds and the waves instead of keeping his eyes on Christ. When he was falling he cried out to Christ. Jesus wasn’t going to let Peter drown. He had everything under control He know Peter’s desires and called him to follow. All the doubts of the other apostles kept them in the boat, but that little faith was accepted.

A gentile came to Jesus asking healing for his son. He said, “Lord, if you can, heal my boy from convulsions? Jesus said, “If I can? Everything is possible for him who believes. I liked the father’s response, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief.” Jesus healed his son. The man had the desire and came to the right person. He had little faith but he had the right faith in the right person. It isn’t important how much faith you have, but where that faith is placed. If we have put faith the size of a mustard seed that is enough for your desires. Mary didn’t believe he could rise, but had the desire to see Jesus and He gave her much more than what she even hoped or dreamed.

Tears so blinded her eyes with grief and thinking about her loss that she failed to see the answer that sorrow would turn into joy.

He was standing there. She did not realize it was him. Woman he said, “Why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?” Thinking he was the gardener she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him” Jesus said to her, “Mary”

She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic “Rabboni” which means Teacher. I wonder how many times Jesus speaks to us but we fail to recognize him because we are centered on our own pain? We don’t expect God surprises.

With a deep feeling of faith and loyalty and love she places him to be the object of her worship. It is the desire of her heart to honor her Lord. The resurrection changes doubts to desire to worship and serve Him. It provides for us hope of our resurrection as well.

This is the confidence of one who knew the Savior. Is it your confidence? Yet the resurrected Lord didn’t look at her doubts, but her faith and she was blessed with new discovery. It is faith that moves our doubts to discovery- at Christmas, at Easter and throughout the experiences in the New Year.

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Resurrection John 20:3-10

Sermon Nuggets Wed Dec 24

Theme- Resurrection

Verses- John 20:3-10 So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first.
He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in. Then Simon Peter, who was behind him, arrived and went into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there, as well as the burial cloth that had been around Jesus' head. The cloth was folded up by itself, separate from the linen.
Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed.
(They still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.)

Ever wonder why clothing is given so much attention in the Bible? Certainly with all the symbolism the clothing of the priests were important. Most clothing was practical for the area. We understand that clothing was a matter of modesty when in the garden the sins of Adam and Eve were exposed and they made clothing of fig leafs. God killed an animal and gave them skins to wear symbolizing the first sacrifice based on man’s disobedience. They were naked and felt ashamed.

We know about clothing for special occasions. If someone died the family and loved ones grieved wearing dark colored sackcloth of coarse goat’s hair. Sometimes people would wear these garment of lament when they were repenting of sin.

We know about Joseph’s robe of many colors that brought jealousy to the family. Special robes were worn by people of high political positions in the ancient world. Such a robe was given to Joseph by the Pharaoh of Egypt.

Just like today there are special garments worn by brides at their wedding. The wedding dress was usually white silk, perhaps embroidered. The bride also wore a veil and considerable jewelry. The bridegroom's attire resembled that of a king. He might also wear a garland. Festive robes were also given to the guests at a wedding, as in Jesus' parable where a man was turned away for wearing inappropriate clothes.

What captured my attention was the clothing of Jesus and why it was reported at the time of his birth. Luke 2:12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." I could definitely understand the sign of the uniqueness of this child who would be in a manger. Babies are not kept in mangers. But don’t most of them have cloths they are wrapped in?

In Jewish custom, swaddling clothes consisted of fabric cut into long thin bands (the term swaddling comes from swath – the width covered by the single cut of a scythe). The bands would be wrapped around a newborn in order to comfort them and give them proper posture. Sometimes the band would first be worn as a girdle around the belly of the pregnant woman, then used to swaddle the child, then saved for the eventual purpose of wrapping the body for burial.

Paintings of Christ as a swaddled infant tend to foreshadow his death by showing him sleeping in a kind of haunting stillness. We are meant to see the relationship between the child “wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger" with the body of Jesus "wrapped in linen, laid in a sepulcher that was hewn in stone."

It seems the reason the angel points out these cloths that are wrapped tightly around the baby have both a practical and prophetic implications. Naked one comes into the world. As a baby is wrapped tightly around clothing it sleeps better and is protected from cold and outside elements.

When a body is buried it would not need clothes. But as mentioned in the previous chapter Nicodemus brought about a hundred pounds of myrrh and aloes to spice Jesus body, and that He was bound in linen wrappings. We find out that His body and His head were wrapped separately.

Of course the mother wrapped the baby in secure, warm cloths, but why does the Holy Spirit call our attention to this? This event apparently points also to the passion of Christ, when there is no room for Jesus in the Temple and Synagogues. He is cast off and following his death he is wrapped in cloths and laid in a tomb.

When Jesus was raised from the dead, He apparently passed through these wrappings, leaving them behind as they were. Only John tells us of these things. Also, only John tells us that the soldiers divided Jesus’ garments into four parts, but did not divide His seamless tunic. All of this information is in keeping with Jesus as the Great High Priest. Aaron wore garments of glory and beauty when he carried out his work, and among these were a tunic of checkered work of fine linen. On the Day of Atonement, however, Aaron set aside these glorious garments and wore only "holy garments," consisting of linen tunics, undergarments, sash, and turban. When the work of atonement was concluded, Aaron put back on his garments of glory and beauty.

The linen garments in which Jesus was wrapped speak of His work as Great High Priest on the Great Day of Atonement. They were left behind "in a holy place" when His work was finished, and He assumed his glorified body.

Thus, the seamless tunic removed from Jesus at the crucifixion corresponds to Aaron’s garments of glory and beauty. The "tunic" of Aaron’s garments is the same word as the "garments" of skin God made for Adam and Eve to cover their nakedness. Jesus’ nakedness was exposed on the cross, signifying His humiliation and His taking the punishment for our sins.

Now there are new cloths for Jesus Matt 28:3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow.

His body in birth or death didn’t need these binding cloths anymore. He is free, glorious, prepared as we will be in the heavenly marriage.

Pastor Dale.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Two Marys John 20:1-2

Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 23

Theme- Resurrection

Verses- John 20:1-2 Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they have put him!"

Two Marys

This week we celebrate Christmas. We hear much about the choosing of Mary to be the woman to deliver birth to Jesus Christ. We see appropriately God chose a young virgin who was upstanding and virtuous. Unlike the teaching of the Roman Catholic church, Mary was not sinless. She prayed also in need of a savior. Someone without sin does not need a savior.

But at the beginning of Jesus life on earth and at the end of Jesus life on earth Mary was there for her son. But beside her was another Mary who could be contrasted with Jesus’ mother. One might represent the celebration God coming into the world. The other how God saves the world from sin.

Mary Magdalene was from the area of Magdala. John records Mary’s story when she came to the tomb that Easter morning. Mary Magdalene was plagued with 7 demons. Although the Bible does not say so, some think this Mary was the same woman who was caught in adultery and later washed Jesus feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.

There certainly was a dramatic change in her character once she was free of her demons. Along with some other women Mary was part of a group who ministered to Jesus with offerings, meals and whatever help they could give in their travels. They were faithful in their following of the Christ. It made no difference what type of woman she was any longer now that she had been forgiven. She was free from demonic oppression and she was free from scorn of sin. She was one also heard Christ’s teaching. She believed Him to be the Messiah.

When word came that Christ was arrested during all the events we discussed she, along with Mary, his Mother and the other Mary, were all there witnessing his false trial, beatings, walk to Golgotha and crucifixion. She would not leave regardless how horrible it was. She wept with the others as she witnessed his anguish and heard Jesus cries, “My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me?” She heard the cry, “Father into thy hands I commit my spirit", and drop his dead with “It is finished.”

Mary was there when Jesus was taken down from the cross and among the last one who was with Joseph and Armathea and Nicodemus when Jesus was placed in the tomb. She was among the last to leave and the first to be there early Sunday morning

Her passion and devotion were recognized by all the gospel writers. Was it any wonder that she was the first to whom Jesus revealed Himself that resurrection morning? He didn’t look at her past, or sin, or the things in her life for which she should be ashamed. All of the past remains in the past and what we witness is her new heart. That is the wonderful thing about being born again. That is the wonderful things about resurrections. We no longer need to worry about the past wrongs in our lives, they are made right when we confess and are forgiven. Mary was clean because of the touch of Jesus Christ on her life. Now there is revealed even a better relationship.

The resurrection allows all our past to be wiped clean for the asking if you trust in Jesus to be your Savior. Friends, when we see our past and all that is unholy and prideful, sinful and selfish, when we are lazy, and have improper lusts. When we lie and give over to anger or cheat and think evil, when we gossip and back bite or hate and harbor grudges, we can put all that in the past because of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Satan no longer has any power over us. The resurrection points to His power to forgive.

No one seemed to love him as much as Mary did. She owed so much to Christ. There is nothing better to see a young person grow up in the church accept Christ and live for him all their lives. But it also seems that the one saved from sinful background has a deeper appreciation and commitment to Christ knowing the length from which they came. One of the fun things to see in prison ministry is the zeal and passion of some of the believers. It is a hard place to live for Christ, but to be free from the past is also wonderful freeing experience. There is wonderful news. We don’t have to be carrying the past any more, but rather a renewed passion.

Pastor Dale

Monday, December 22, 2008

Resurrection John 20:1-18

Sermon Nuggets Mon Dec 22

Theme- Resurrection

Verses- John 20:1-18
Vs. 18 Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: "I have seen the Lord!" And she told them that he had said these things to her.

Wide Eyed.
That first Christmas Shepherds came to see the place where Jesus was born. They worshiped the child. 33 years later the disciples came to see the place where His body was laid. When Mary saw Him alive, she worshiped the savior.

One SS teacher told the 5th grade class that Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb. She wondered if they knew why? One student said, “Jesus only used it three days."

Well he did give it back. So perhaps that was the best answer. Some people have gone to the Holy Land and if they have the place correct, stood in the empty tomb. If that was the case then Joseph’s family decided not to use it for him after that, but kept it empty.

We celebrate the Birthday of Jesus Christ this week. It is when he received a human body. In our passage of study we celebrate the resurrection of this body. But it is not the same as Mary delivered. I am not speaking only of size and maturity. It is a new body that is not bound by death. It is a new body not hindered by walls or space. Jesus could do more amazing things that what his previous physical body allowed.

Although we celebrate many birthdays of people, there is only one celebration of a resurrection. Everyone else has graves or places where their ashes have been placed who have passed on, but there is no place for Jesus’ body.
Perhaps no fact in ancient history has so fully proven as the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

A couple of years ago we looked at the Case for Christmas written by Lee Strobel. As an atheist, Strobel, who was a journalist for the Chicago Tribune, made it his task to disprove the resurrection. Drawing on expert testimony first shared in his blockbuster book The Case for Christ, Strobel examines the medical evidence, the explanations for the missing body if in fact it was mission. He examined the evidences of post resurrection appearances of Jesus and the reaction of the disciples. Was it a superstitious myth or life-changing reality? According to the evidences and interview of a variety of people, the startling findings changed him from atheism to a follower of Jesus Christ. He evidentially quit his job and joined the staff at the Willowcreek Church near Chicago.

Jesus was no longer bound to this earth. He could no longer be betrayed, or killed or die again as like what happed to Lazarus. His body was not incorruptible. Lives were tremendously changed after seeing the resurrected Lord. Immediately the Christian church began and hundreds followed because His identity was no longer hidden from the people as it was when He was growing up in Nazareth. Jesus is God come to earth as a man and took our sin upon his body in his suffering and death and rose again to defeat the powers of Satan and death and says all who believe in me will never die.

The Shepherds were introduced to the message of the angels who proclaimed the birth of the Savior. They responded by saying, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."

Mary was introduced to the message of the angels who said, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen just as he said.”

What Christmas brought in hope, the resurrection bought in reality. God continues to bid men and women to come to and see, and then believe.

Pastor Dale

Friday, December 19, 2008

Burial results in Caution Matt 27:62-66

Theme Jesus’ Burial

Verses- Matt 27:62-66 The next day, the one after Preparation Day, the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate.
63 "Sir," they said, "we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver said, 'After three days I will rise again.'
64 So give the order for the tomb to be made secure until the third day. Otherwise, his disciples may come and steal the body and tell the people that he has been raised from the dead. This last deception will be worse than the first."
65 "Take a guard," Pilate answered. "Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how."
66 So they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard.

The Burial Shows Caution as Illustrated by the chief priests and Pharisees.

The day of preparation was usually Friday before the Sabbath begins to get things ready in each household or gathering to celebrate. Such days were also designated before other Jewish festivals. I suppose it used to be like Christmas Eve Day. Christmas was the Holiday for years and Christmas Eve was the preparation before the Holiday. But in time I am guessing (I didn’t look it up) Dec 24 became important to people as they gathered for the meals and left Christmas for religious observances. In time people would gather for mass the hour before Christmas Day at Midnight. So families would come Christmas Eve before the services the next day and have a special time preparing for all the events. Convenience changes things and many churches, like Stanchfield, have an afternoon service before many family meals and prepartions. Now in many homes gifts are exchanged the night before Christmas. Dec 24 becomes as much a day of setting aside regular activities as it was the Day before the annual Passover.

With a week of holidays ahead, the Preparation Day for the Passover was especially busy. The details for preparing the Passover supper had to be completed by afternoon. Preparations included baking the unleavened bread, gathering festive garments to wear for the occasion, and taking a ceremonial bath. But above all, the paschal lamb had to be slain. Slaughtering began an hour or more earlier than for the usual daily evening sacrifice. At the Temple, the priests slaughtered thousands of lambs brought in by the people. Their blood was poured at the foot of the altar. Then the lambs were roasted whole in preparation for the Passover meal in each home that evening.

It was this time the paschal Lamb of God was shed.

As good Pharisees, Joseph and Nicodemus prepared the body for burial in the amount of time they had before the Sabbath. If they would work quickly so it wouldn’t be too late. But the ladies noticed the job wasn’t completed, so they intended to come back after the Passover day celebration to complete the anointing.

But Jesus' burial indicates all is finished. The burial puts to rest the body of Christ and confirmed the death of Jesus.

Some people who watched the movie, The Passion of Jesus Christ were so moved to bring to mind the details of a wicked suffering and crucifixion they repented of their sins and change their ways. Mel Gibson said he was a Christian, but the spirit of God moved in his heart and compelled him to produce a film on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. No one would back him. So he was willing to give up reputation, give up being hired anymore in Hollywood. He was willing to take the scorn and received it from friends and journalists and reviewers. He was willing to give up millions of dollars to follow the commitment of his faith in Jesus Christ. He reminded me of Joseph of Aramathea. He came out publicly for this faith and gave what a rich man had to give to honor the Lord.

The Muslim clerics thought this might be a means of adding to Anti-Semitism. So they initially agreed to have people see the movie. But some came from the movie saved and others asking questions like never before. One missionary recently said more had been done in the 2 hour movie than in 5 ½ years of his working in a Muslim land.

Bringing the suffering of Jesus to light again was used by the Holy Spirit to confront people with their sin. A neo-Nazi confessed to two decade-old bombings in Norway after watching the death of Jesus in "The Passion." Here in the states, a man in Arizona walked up to police and confessed to a half-dozen burglaries after watching the movie, and, in Florida, a fugitive from a bank robbery that happened two years ago turned himself in to police after watching Gibson's film. In Texas, a man had confessed to killing his girlfriend -- after the death had been ruled a suicide -- saying he had been moved by his experience viewing "The Passion."

Religous leaders wanted to exercise caution as to what the results might be following Jesus' burial. In the passage today it records that since rumors were going around that Jesus might be resurrected they requested guards be placed around the tomb for 3 days in case the disciples return to steal the body away. They wanted to take precautions to stop the Jesus movement.

King Herod wanted to take precautions to stop any Kingship movement when he ordered his troops to commit child genocide in Bethlehem.
When a follower of Jesus Christ is baptized there is something about the burial, the symbol of being immersed that says the old life is finished. Now there is a new life begun.

All of the caution and precautions in the world cannot stop God from advancing his kingdom. Herod couldn’t do it at Bethlehem, the chief priests and scribes couldn’t do it at Calvary. The Communists couldn’t do it in the last century, and the Muslim world cannot do it today.

There is a power in the hearts of believers that advances until He returns. Any burial is only temporary.

Pastor Dale

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Matt 27:55-61 Burial reveals Compassion

Sermon nuggets Thurs Dec 18

Theme Jesus’ Burial

Matt 27:55-56 Many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs.
56 Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's sons.
61 Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were sitting there opposite the tomb.

The Burial Shows Compassion – as illustrated by The Women
As we looked at the two other Christians we saw the secret Christian for fear of others now show courage. We saw the hesitant Christian who believed and some knew it, but now showed commitment.

Since we talked about the preparation of the body by the followers, I also want to add the place that the woman held in the burial. I think these women illustrated Jesus point she loves much because she was forgiven much. This is especially true for Mary Magdalene as we know more details about her life. Jesus illustrated her love when she was the one weeping and wiping off the dirt from Jesus feet. She takes an expensive perfume and anoints his feet and kisses them.

Many think that was Mary of Magdalene, others question if it was as it is not clear. But either way she was possessed with 7 demons and like that woman who was forgiven much or Mary who was freed from horrible sin and possession there was completion to her faith. There was no turning back. These women showed compassion by following Jesus to the end, regardless of who knew it or what would be done to him or to them.

For the ones who wholly turn over their lives to Christ there is no turning back. There is outward worship and witness. There is a courage, a commitment that takes them to the end of completion and ultimately to glory.

Jesus had one mission in this life. It wasn't to be a great teacher, though He was a great teacher. It wasn't to be a great prophet, though He was a great prophet. It wasn't to be a great miracle worker, though He did work many great miracles. No my friend, Jesus came to this world to perform only one die.

Believing in Jesus is the only way to be saved because it was Jesus who died
for our sins. There are no other ways to be saved, no other roads to God. There are no other plans of salvation!

There are many incredible mysteries in the Bible. There are many doctrinal issues that will never be fully understood until we are in Heaven. But God made the most important decision of this life very easy and simple to understand. He gave every one the same opportunity to have their sins washed away and be assured of an eternity in Heaven. That is why we celebrate Good Friday today. That is why we put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

The most important decision you will make in this life is not who you will marry, or where you will live, or what kind of job you will have. The most important decision you will make in this life is to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. For in the death and in the burial it is completed. It is finished. There is nothing else other than accepted it. Certainly we will speak of the resurrection of Christ, but in his death he bought your soul. If you haven’t prayed to received Christ to be your savior and forgive you of all your sins do so today.

The women showed compassion. The burial was not the end of their faith, but a continuance of their love.

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Burial shows Commitment John 19:39,40

Sermon nuggets Wed Dec 17

Theme- Jesus’ Burial

Verses- John 19:39,40 He was accompanied by Nicodemus, the man who earlier had visited Jesus at night. Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds. Taking Jesus' body, the two of them wrapped it, with the spices, in strips of linen. This was in accordance with Jewish burial customs.

Burial shows Commitment as illustrated by Nicodemus.

I think Nicodemus represents the type of Christian who will generally be the hesitant believer. I think he came to saving faith in Christ, and did simple things here and there which indicated he was believer. But it was convenient to keep quiet in some circles and speak up with others. The Gospels repeatedly said there were also some priests and teachers of the law who followed Jesus. I wonder if Nicodemus was a follower out of convenience more than conviction.

This passage reminds us that he was at the cross. He took it upon himself to buy 75 pounds of spices an myrrh and aloes which is enough to bury a king. That was not common for the burial of typical people, but to Nicodemus Jesus was a king. This was symbolic of the Kingdom and the Kingship of Christ.

Even though Nicodemus and Joseph were from the Pharisees party they were willing to do what a good Pharisee was not willing to do. They were willing to touch a dead body-especially before a Sabbath for that would make them unclean. They would have to ceremonially purify themselves and endure a waiting period before they could participate in public worship.

Nicodemus’ commitment is shown by giving. There would be no return on the investments of a tomb or burial clothes, or spices. It was not something they’d get back on income tax breaks. Commitment and concern for others goes hand in hand.

The cross motivated Nicodemus from being an observing Christian to getting committed. It motivated him from being secret to being public. He watched Jesus on the cross commit his life for the salvation of others. He knew with the other miracles that Jesus could have come down, but didn’t. There were some things that this educated teacher did not understand, and it is true today. There are things the wisest and smartest and most trained teachers of our society both liberals and conservatives, both unsaved and saved do not understand. God is beyond our comprehension. Eventually one takes the facts and must exercise faith. That faith may be strong or weak, but there is a time when each person must take what he doesn’t know and give himself or herself to the control and authority of Jesus wherever that may lead.

For Nicodemus it seemed that it was the burial of the Lord and his chance to do the will and work of God Almighty.

I think it was the companionship of Nicodemus that helped Joseph cross the line to publicly identify with Christ. I think it was the encouragement of Joseph that also helpled motivate Nicodemus to take a further step. The good Samaritan was the lesson of loving your neighbor who was in need. Nicodemus saw that love acted out by Jesus Christ. The commitment by the good Samaritan cost him something. There is commitment by Nicodemus which costs him something. Position and riches didn’t mean the same anymore.

Nicodemus saw the original passion of Jesus Christ and was moved to get involved. But getting involved may cost something. He his discovered a new truth which Jesus passed on, Luke 14:33 “In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.”

He was now free.

Pastor Dale

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Burial gives Courage John 19:38

Sermon nuggets Tues Dec 16

Verses- John 19:38 “Later, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Now Joseph was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly because he feared the Jews. With Pilate's permission, he came and took the body away.”

The Burial Shows Courage as illustrated by Joseph

Joseph of Aramathea was a Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin. Arimathea was called the city of the Jews meaning that there were a great many Jewish people born and raised there. We know he was a wealthy man. Not only does Matthew reveal this to us, but to have his own hand hewn tomb in a garden also helps us know that he was a man of means. All the members of the Sanhedrin were wealthy compared to most of the other population. They were respected.

But one reason that Scriptures talk about Joseph is to show the fulfillment of the prophecy in Isaiah 53:9 “And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.”

Thousands of years before the Bible speaks of Jesus grave with the wicked. We know that two thieves were crucified on either side of Jesus. But instead of being taken from the cross and thrown on a heap, Joseph came on the scene by no accident. He came forward before Pilate asking for the body knowing that Jesus had no place to be buried. Jesus’ family would not have the money for a tomb. So he requested the body of Jesus and helped prepare the body to have buried in his own tomb. It was new. It was in a garden. It was the fulfillment that he was made his grave with the rich in his death.

The other thing that could be said about Joseph was that he was a secret disciple. I have heard it expressed often that people like to keep their religion private. Why? I think one reason might be to as not to offend others. People can get into arguments when they discuss religion and politics. When someone holds a minority opinion it is easier to keep quiet than to be excluded for your beliefs.

The text says he was a secret believer because he feared the Jews. He didn’t want them to know. That is true today. Some people who are Jewish don’t want their friends and relatives to know it if they are interested in Jesus Christ. Jews can be disowned by their families and thought to be traitors by their own people if they become Christians. In some countries in Asia and the Middle East they could lose their lives if families discovered they were believers in Jesus. But what about America?

There is social pressure to fit in. Joseph would have been disowned by his own people and his standing as a leader of the group that just condemned him would have also rejected Joseph. So he kept his faith quiet.

That is one main reason some Christians today don’t want to be public about their faith, because of pressures of friends, or social fear of what others might say or do. But there are others reasons. He might have known about the rich young ruler who was told to sell all that he had and give to the poor. Rich people don’t like to do that. That is easy for poor people. They don’t have much to lose. But if Jesus is Lord there is a different way in which we look at our possessions. We are aware that they do not belong to us but to the Lord.

Some might think they can’t be a good enough Christians and not a good enough witness so they don’t want others to know because their lives don’t live up to their profession. I was in a conversation recently with a man who was using all kinds of foul language until he discovered I was a pastor. It is amazing how quickly his conversation cleaned up. He told me he was a Christian and an active church man. But his tongue was still in the process apparently getting saved. Some want to keep faith a secret because they know they don’t live they way they want to-but who of us lives as we should?

There was an experiment done in psychology class in a High School of about 100 kids. They were put in groups of 10. They were instructed to tell which of three lines were the longest. 9 of the 10 kids were told to vote for the middle one. One person was the test subject and was not given any further instructions. When the instructor asked them to vote on the length of the lines each time 9 hands would go up and the person would look around and get a little embarrassed and slowly raise his hand repeatedly with the group. How many do you think voted for the obviously wrong answer? All of them.

Joseph wanted to fit in. He didn’t want to lose status, or maybe business. He feared what others would think if they knew he was a believer in Jesus.

But the cross changed his fear into courage. Joseph looked at the suffering savior and it gave him the courage that if Christ would so die as one who was innocent, then now he would come out in the open and let others think what they want. Truly this was the Son of God. He went and asked for the body.

Where are your fears? How can Jesus give you courage in your faith walk this coming year? When we see what He went through for your salvation may it be an encouragement to step forward and be counted in ways that are led by the Lord.

Pastor Dale

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Burial John 19:38-42

Sermon Nuggets Mon Dec 15

Theme- The Burial

Verses- John 19:38-42 Later, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Now Joseph was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly because he feared the Jews. With Pilate's permission, he came and took the body away.
39 He was accompanied by Nicodemus, the man who earlier had visited Jesus at night. Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds.
40 Taking Jesus' body, the two of them wrapped it, with the spices, in strips of linen. This was in accordance with Jewish burial customs.
41 At the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had ever been laid.
42 Because it was the Jewish day of Preparation and since the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there.

Bruial shows Completion
While the events of Christmas these days has us looking at the birth of Jesus, we come to the place in our devotions from the book of John which records His burial. I want to look at four responses to the burial. The people directly involved in the burial of Jesus Christ were Joseph of Arimathea whose courage was demonstrated, Nicodemus whose commitment was demonstrated, and the women whose compassion was demonstrated.

Matthew records the next day the chief priests and Pharisees showed concern at his burial in order to stop any rumors of the resurrection. They requested of Pilate that guards would be posted for three days around the tomb.

I have preformed services at many funerals in my ministry. Although many people may come to the funeral service, it is only a few people who usually attend a burial. The group around the grave includes immediate family, the pallbearers, other close family and friends, myself, and the people in charge of the burial like the funeral director, and the grave digger. Because of cemetery requirements a vault company provide the heavy vault and workers lower the casket into the ground and seal the tomb.

Sometimes there is a color guard if the person was in the military. The military personnel honors the departed for services rendered to our country. A gun salute, flag folding and presentation, along with the sound of taps is part of the ceremony.

I have been at burials where there were just me and the funeral director and the grave diggers. How burials are done is often cultural and according to religious beliefs. Due to the hot climate of Palestine, dead bodies decayed rapidly, so burial usually took place within a few hours after death. If someone died late in the day, burial took place the next day, but always within 24 hours after death.

When death occurred, the oldest son or nearest of kin closed the eyes of the dead and the mouth was closed and the jaws bound up. After the body was washed, it was usually wrapped in cloth. The wealthy used linen with spices placed between the folds.

For a body not to be buried was considered a great shame and a sign of God's judgment. Part of the practice for bodies of the crucified was to leave them up on crosses where birds would come and eat the remains. If there were relatives around they could take the body for a burial. If the crosses were needed the bodies would be removed and thrown in to a field for scavengers to devour the remains.

There is one thing about putting a body in a tomb. It marks the completion of death. It is the last of funeral ceremonies. It is the completion of formal ritual. Although grieving may follow for years, when the body is disposed of, things are completed.

Paul puts these events as the core of the gospel, 1 Cor 15:3-4 “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,”

When we practice the rite of baptism we symbolize our death to our old self, burial as we go under water and we are raised to new life as a person is lifted up from the water. Why do we make a point of the burial? It is the completion of the past. It is over.

Since the work of Jesus was now completed the use of his physical body was thought to be over, but there is more to come. When we are buried in baptism that past is over, it symbolizes the new life to come. “Old things are past away and behold all things become new.”

Pastor Dale

Friday, December 12, 2008

John's responsibility John 19:35,36

Sermon nuggets Fri Dec 12

Theme- Jesus Death

Verses John 19:35, 36 The man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe.
These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: "Not one of his bones will be broken," and, as another scripture says, "They will look on the one they have pierced."

John Explained his Responsibility
Some things were finished at the cross. One thing continues- it is the witness of what just happened. The man who saw it told his story. It is true. He testifies of what he had seen and heard for one purpose- that the world may believe.

Many tried to disprove the stories of Jesus. Many still attack the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. John would clearly say “incredible”. “I saw it happen. I was there. I stake my life on it.”

Jon Richard Moreland wrote : “Revealed”
They planned for Christ a cruel death: Steel pierced His hands, feet and side.
They mocked His last expiring breath, and though their hate was satisfied,
They wagged their heads and said “Lo, He would crush our temple and in three days,
Restore its beauty. Come and see. This boaster gone death’s quiet ways.
They did not know that on that hill eternal love was satisfied:
That Christ, who hung there, triumphed still. And only cruel death itself had died.”

The offer of the gospel is not an offer to politely accept or refuse, but a command to turn from sin and turn to Jesus Christ. It is to repent of sin by believing Jesus died to give you eternal life, and come follow Him.

John also had a part to play in this event more than taking care of Mary. God inspired him to write a written record that we might know that Jesus died for our sin out of love. It was to show these events were part of the plan of God. It was to present the parts that each played in the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. It is that we might believe that God’s word is true. He keeps his promises even from the prophets of old. After being presented with the story it was the purpose that we believe and follow Jesus.

J.B. Phillips tells of the 100s of people who had been converted in his world travels. What he discovered was not that people were quick to refute the claims of Jesus death, burial, resurrection. It was the fact they are ignorant of it and what it meant to them personally. Many who did know the story had never been presented the need to personally respond- to repent and commit their lives to Christ.

John wants to present the most important event in all the history of mankind. Once you know about it, what will you do about it?

Jesus finished His part. The Jews finished their part. The Gentiles finished their part. John explained his part of telling the story. Continuing telling the story is also our part. It is the part of the Holy Spirit to take that story we continue to pass along and convince hearers of their need for a Savior, who is Christ the Lord

Pastor Dale

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gentiles Finished Responsibilities John 19:32-34

Sermon nuggets Thurs Dec 11

Theme- Jesus Death

Verses-John 19: 32-34 The soldiers therefore came and broke the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, and then those of the other.
33 But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs.
34 Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.

The Gentiles Finished their Responsibility
It has always amazed me that racial prejudice raises up it’s angry head causing people to hate one another. Many a Jew in our recent history has been not only the discriminated race in Nazi Germany, but in our own country. Children have had to run home and ask their parents why neighborhood Christian kids picked on them calling them Christ killers. They never hurt anyone.

Pick a country, pick a group of people, pick a nationality, pick a language group and pretty soon one group begins to rise up and show prejudice against another. This seems to be a successful plan of Satan.

There were not many times were Jews and Gentiles cooperated. They hated one another. There were not many times the Romans would cooperate with the sub-servant class of people. But the soldiers joined the taunting and the ridicule of Jesus.

Sin separates. Christ unites. Sin caused people within the same race and same family to divide- Cain killed Abel. Sin motivated the people together to build a tower unto God at Babel. From there the language confusion brought together those who could understand one another. But sin allowed those divisions to be causes for wars and jealousies, and prejudice.

When people have a common enemy they unite. When people have a common cause they unite. Since Jesus came on the scene of this earth there were Jews and Gentiles, rich and poor that united at Bethlehem. There were those in power who divided people according to their birth to get taxes to Rome, and those who divided among their own race so Herod would kill babies who might be a threat to his power.

When people gathered at Golgotha, they united Jews and Gentiles to hurl insults, mocking and abuse at this same Jesus. The Bible makes it clear that all of us who sin are part of the crucifixion of Jesus. All races are included also at Calvary.

I do not understand why people are quick to point their finger at others for killing jesus. It is easy to say Pontius Pilate killed him- the early Apostles’ creed acknowledges that. He suffered under Pontius Pilate. He represented the political and Gentile cultures. The Romans finished their part as Gentiles by casting lots for his robe, by nailing Him to the cross and piercing his side to show blood and water mingled down, a sign of his death. This too was to complete the greater plan of God.

As another gospel writer included there was a Jewish prisoner recognizing his sin and asking forgiveness from the cross. Jesus grants him salvation, “Today you shall be with me in paradise”. Another man from a different race and culture looked upon the pierced Christ and came to a new revelation, “Truly this was the Son of God.” Did he also accept by faith Jesus Christ? Was this a head knowledge or a trust in Christ for personal salvation? The details are not clear, but there are recorded for a reason. Not only was the suffering of Jesus a combined effort from those representing different races, but the salvation of Jesus was also for Jew and Gentile.

Faith in Christ unites people of different races, genders, nationalities. We are people who lay aside our sin and repent of it. We realize we had a part in our hearts of the death of Christ, and we are given the wonderful opportunity to receive forgiveness and become part of a group of new brothers and sisters who speak different languages, have different customs and dress, who have different colors. We are people who unite with different gifts and abilities for one cause- to serve Jesus Christ and advance His Kingdom.

There were different tongues at the crucifixion of Christ. There will be different tongues expressing His glory when He returns. Going to the uttermost parts of world will bring hatred, so Satan is not quite done yet. But missionary activity will also bring salvation to a people God loves.

Christmas is the season when we see the greatest missionary coming to a foreign world to prepare the news. "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.”

I am glad this good news is for all people.

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Jews Requirement John 19:31

Sermon nuggets Wed Dec 10

Theme- Jesus Death

Verses- John 19:31 Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath. Because the Jews did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down.

The Jews Finished their Requirements
All was accomplished by Christ on the cross, but not all was completed to fulfill the prophecies. The religious community needed to make a request.

Crucifixion by the cross was practiced by the Persians, Carthaginians, and the Romans. They let the birds eat the flesh of the dead criminals by leaving the bodies up on the crosses. But in Palestine the Jews were offended at that pagan custom since it went against their laws. Deut 21:22-23 “If a man guilty of a capital offense is put to death and his body is hung on a tree,you must not leave his body on the tree overnight. Be sure to bury him that same day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God's curse. You must not desecrate the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.”

Since nightfall brought the Sabbath it was especially important for them to fulfill the law so no work would be done by night fall. Interesting how scrupulously they kept the law while calling for an innocent man’s death. They are more concerned with the religious practices than with God. They wanted to be holy while killing the Son of God. They wanted to honor the Lord in their actions while they shouted blasephemies and unleashed hatred at Jesus. Yet it was the this very suffering and death which is the avenue to true holiness.

Breaking the legs of the executed was a way of speeding up the crucifixion. Since men could lift up their bodies from time to time to get their breath by pushing down on the nails with their feet it would give relief but also prolong their death. The breaking of the legs was an additionally cruel practice. When the soldier came and saw the two thieves still alive they took the large mallet and shattered their legs with a blow making it impossible to breath. With the additional shock and pain to the system death was very quick. But when they saw that Jesus was already dead they did not break his legs. But that was according to prophecy that not a bone of his would be broken. Number 9:12 tells us not a bone of the Passover lamb was to be broken. Ps 34:40 says not one of his bone were broken. If he lived any longer then he would have been a victim of this practice.

It was just at 3 O’clock that the hour could allow all the requirements through the non believers to be completed. God used the Jewish practice and the insistence on their part to fulfill Scripture. Believer, non-believer, Jew, Gentile, men and women fulfill the plan of God.

How often in your life can you look back and see the hand of God in details that you didn’t think about at the time? How often has He used events to open doors or close doors that were clearly His guidance and purpose? We see the truths even of Romans 8:28 in play."And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." But God also uses those who do not love him to bring about His good and glory.

Pastor Dale

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Finishing the Requirements John 19:28-30

Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 9

Theme- Jesus’ Death

Verses- John 19:28-30 Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty."
29 A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus' lips.
30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Jesus Finished His Requirements
Jesus knew that all was completed. He had omniscient knowledge. He did what needed to be done for our redemption. He fulfilled each prophecy. He was able to show this disciples later how this act of thirst and the response of the soldiers was part of the plan.

Psalm 69:21 “They put gull in my food and gave me vinegar for my thirst.” Jesus asked for a drink. Interesting but common synthesis of Divine sovereignty and free will. God planned it as revealed in the Psalms. The soldiers decided to give him vinegar to drink. I don’t think the soldiers got up that morning after having their devotions reading Psalm 22 and said, “Don’t forget to bring your dice along this morning and let’s gamble for the executed one’s robe. Also that flask of vinegar will come in handy.”

Jesus fed the multitudes with bread and fish and produced wine at the wedding. He could have changed that vinegar into water or wine, but no place for miracles now. Never did He do such things for His convenience or comfort. This was the time for suffering for our sins. He needed to quench thirst and turn to the pagans for it.

Jesus knew. It showed His deity. It confirmed He was the Messiah, the promised one. He not only fulfilled all the prophecies, but completed all things that needed to be done for our salvation. Yet the thirst was real and a last reminder that he was also human. He had the physical and realistic characteristics during execution.

They put the sponge in vinegar and placed it on a stalk of hyssop and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. Hyssop was a herb used to place the blood on the doorpost during the Passover in Egypt. Because the blood came from the lamb the people in the house were saved. Jesus finished his part.

He commanded His own death and said, “It is finished.” And gave up His Spirit. He was never a victim nor was he surprised of the events. His death was in His own hands. He released His own spirit and all was accomplished.

All the types were fulfilled- Abraham offering Isaac, the tabernacle, the sin offering, the perfect lamb, the snake on the pole, the rock that was struck from which water came forth, the serpent who crushed the heel of the seed of the woman. All the prophecies had been completed. Atonement had been paid. Jesus completed all the requirements of the law. How could one reconcile the fact that God hates sin and God must do what is right since He is just? There was no other way whereby we can be saved from the punishment of everlasting damnation except that God took the punishment on Himself and bore the penalty for sin. But it is just.

He completed the earthly tasks He came to do. But there is more to come in his Divine role.

Pastor Dale

Monday, December 8, 2008

Seeking Immortality- John 19:28

Sermon Nuggets Mon Dec 8

Theme – Jesus’ Death

Verses- John 19:28 Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty."

Seeking immorality
I read an article about a 48 year old man named Andew Mehawk of Vesto, N.Y. who was taken to Long Island to have his body put in a capsule to be preserved until there was a cure for his terminal heart disease. His body was packed in ice and rock salt and chemicals. This procedure is available for anyone to do through the Cryonic Society incorporated. Cryonics is the process by which a body is frozen into a capsule, sort of a medical thermos bottle, until the time the body is brought back supposedly when the diseased is cured and resurrected.

There are many stories about trying to prolong life or seek immorality. I was in a play at Bethel called Dr. Faustus written by Christopher Marlowe. It was a classic story of a man who sold his soul to the devil to get extra years on this earth. During this brief respite he was granted all wealth, honor and power, but eventually died and bound for hell.

In high school I read a similar fictional story entitled the Devil and Daniel Webster, by Stephen Vincent Benet. The lawyer, Daniel Webster, was arguing in some type of meta-physical courtroom with the devil who had made a pact with a famer extra time on earth in exchange for his soul. When the time came to claim his soul the famer hired the famed and brilliant lawyer to get him out of the bargain. By trying to argue that the devil was not an American citizen a jury released the farmer from his contract. People are always hoping for a loophole when the time comes to die.

Heb 2:14 says, “Man lives all his life in the bondage of the fear of death.”

Even Jesus knew that his appointed time had come to complete his journey on the earth. He knew that all was now completed just as Scripture said it would be. Jesus would have been the only one who could have escaped death since He was without sin. The Bible says, “The soul that sins shall die”. (Ezk 18). So we all experience death at our appointed time, but the only reason Jesus faced death was to free us from our sin and grant to us eternal life. He took our sins upon Him.

A few years ago I borrowed from our local library, a print of Salvador Dali painting entitled “Christ of St. John of the Cross.” It is a picture viewing Jesus on the cross from the perspective of God in heaven. Although it was not an attractive painting it was prophetic. Its purpose was to allow us to understand that God the Father, was looking upon the suffering of His only Son. Below him was the world.

Jesus death was real. There were no loopholes. There were no fancy lawyers to get Him released. There was only the verdict that all stood condemned for sin. Justice required death. The only way to remedy our plight was for God to come to earth and take our place.

We will all have an appointed time planned by God when our life is ended on earth. Christmas is a story of love of God’s gift of Himself to the world. We see how the story is played out to its conclusion when His human body is ended according to the greater plan- His life for ours.

And in that act by faith, the devil has lost.

Pastor Dale

Friday, December 5, 2008

Relationships point to Selfless Love- John 19:25-27

Sermon nuggets Fri Dec 5

Theme- Crucifixion

Verses- John 19:25-27 Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.
26 When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son," and to the disciple, "Here is your mother." From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.

The Relationships points to Christ’s Selfless Love

Love makes one think of others in the midst of all suffering. Jesus sees around and sees those faithful few with whom he has close relationships-mostly women, although John is there again. All haven’t left him. It was the women who demonstrated unbelievable courage in spite of the danger. They followed to the end. Although the women couldn’t do anything to save him, they understood that they could be there and show support for him in his own agony. All the other disciples and followers were gone.

As Jesus looked upon them, note the selflessness of his love-He is not the least bit concerned about Himself, but others. He was concerned about the sinner one on the cross next to him who was repentant, and for the sinners before Him who didn’t know what they were doing. But his special love was directed toward John and His mother, Mary. “Woman, behold your son”. He wants His mother to be taken care of. John is to be like a son to Her, and Mary is to be like a mother to him.

As the eldest earthly son, Jesus cares for the needs of His mother Mary by providing for her in her grief and in her physical need by making sure the disciples would best care for her. He would see her anguish and realize her love that I believe even extended beyond motherhood. Simeon words came true “This child is destined to cause the falling and the rising of many in Israel and to be a sign that will be spoke against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul also.” Jesus knew her sorrows.

Mary was never divine. She was not portrayed as one to be prayed to nor worshipped. She needed to be cared for herself. John was to provide the care. She needed protection. She is the earthly mother, not a heavenly mediator.

The question may come why didn’t Mary turn to one of her other sons mentioned in the Bible? The New Testament is clear that Jesus had brothers. Why didn’t one of them take over their responsibility? I suspect that it is because they were not believers at this time. We are glad to say in the book of Acts there is indication that they too became followers with their hearts of Jesus, but for the present, for the time of grief and for the physical are Mary is watched over by John. And John became one of the family.

There was a news article some time ago of a Father who was aware of his house on fire in California who had 90% burns on his body to save his wife and kids. Beating the door and watched his family burn he went into rescue them and ended up with scars himself, though they were saved. Here is one with scarred hands and feet also who for our love did complete the job for our salvation.

The sign of Pilate points to his sovereign Love. The King of the Jews. In a detailed prophecy His robe may point to his sacrificial love. These relationships point to His selfless love.

Peter said it well. “Cast all your cares upon Him for He cares for you.”

Pastor Dale

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Robe points to Sacrificial Love- John 19:23,24

Sermon nuggets Thurs Dec 4

Theme- Crucifixion

Verses John 19:23-24 When the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothes, dividing them into four shares, one for each of them, with the undergarment remaining. This garment was seamless, woven in one piece from top to bottom.
24 "Let's not tear it," they said to one another. "Let's decide by lot who will get it." This happened that the scripture might be fulfilled which said, "They divided my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing." So this is what the soldiers did.

The Robe Points to Christ's Sacrificial Love
Wm Barclay in his commentary, tells us the Jews typically wore 5 articles of clothing- the shoes, turban, girdle, tunic and robe. The fact the robe was gambled for was a significant in that it was predicted over 1,000 years earlier. Ps 22:14-18 says the soldiers did this that Scriptures might be fulfilled.

We have heard much in the Bible about Jesus being sacrifice for our sins. He fulfilled the image of the sacrificial Lamb of God. As the Passover lamb, He sacrificed His life for us. He sacrificed all that he had by dying. We are not going to need our clothes. But John MacArthur makes an interesting point about this robe being seamless. Why does God choose to put that in the Bible? It isn’t just for a fashion statement. (Although I have heard some ladies group do a take off on this teaching the importance of wearing good clothes.) It is not some special interest in the quality of the tunic. But this was also the specification of the clothing of the high priest. He was to wear special clothing including a garment without seam.

As we read and understand numerous prophetic fulfillments and types which are the pictures that point to Christ. In fact according to one source 322 distinct prophecies are fulfilled in Christ and that doesn’t include such things as the picture of the water from the rock or the person of Moses leading people in to the promised land, or any other picture of which Christ is the New Testament fulfillment. Jesus is also the High priest representing God to man and man to God. The priest is the go between who offers sacrifices on behalf of the people and makes sacrifice for God.

Jesus robe is a picture of the garment of the high priest according to MacArthur that not only ties him in with that O.T. figure but even more importantly is a detail that was mentioned 1,000 years before Christ came.

Do you understand the love of God that is so detailed in the pictures as to sacrifice himself for you and me? God uses hateful and pagan men to carry out his purposes. This is important to recognize that no sinful men will violate the plan of God. God worked through Caiaphas, through Pilate, through Judas through the soldiers who are to kill him. It is interesting to see how some liberals try to explain away the prophecies. They will say that Jesus read a number of prophecies and tried to flow them. How silly. I suppose those pagan Romans soldiers decided to read Psalm 22 that morning and thought, “Oh, I wonder if this isn’t what we are suppose to do this afternoon. Be sure to bring along your dice, Flavious.” Pilate, the soldiers, the men of execution and the place had nothing to do with anything men can concoct. But God knew and so they became his tools to carry out his plan. God also works through Holy men as well. Which are you? Sin does not thrwart Gods’ plan. You may be cured in it or blessed in it because of your disobedience, but God can use you one way or the other. He will carry out his will.

Sin can so easily grab us like a snake eating a mouse.. It is so subtle and surrounds us and until we are engulfed in his grasp. Beware with playing with it. Beware as Christians to continue in things against God’s will for it can enclave us but also be mindful that his sacrifice was for sin and for sinners. We can be freed and in our freedom be victorious.

How could he say of his executioners, “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing?” or to the dying thief “Today you will be with me in Paradise”?

The Robe points to Christ's sacrificial love as our High Priest representing us before God.

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Sign points to His Soveriegn Love John 19:19-21

Sermon nuggets Weds Dec 4

Theme- Crucifixion

Verses- John 19:19-21 Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS.
20 Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek.
21 The chief priests of the Jews protested to Pilate, "Do not write 'The King of the Jews,' but that this man claimed to be king of the Jews.")

The Sign points to Christ’s Sovereign Love

The sign above the cross was not uncommon when one was crucified. It seems that the custom of the Romans was to put the particular individual crime above the criminal's head as a public example for people to see to prevent others from murder, or robbery, or revolting. The reason Pilate was giving Jesus to the Jews he didn’t want the responsibility for the death. So he had written, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.”

The Jewish leaders didn’t like that. They wanted it to say, “He says he is the King of the Jews.” But since Pilate hardly got his way in anything else, at least in this he was not going to back down. All the protesting wasn’t going to help because by the time any appeals would be given Jesus would have been dead and buried. Pilate had it written in Greek, Hebrew, and Latin.

The desire to keep his high government post was greater than Pilate’s determination to do what was right. Actually Pilate obtained no earthly benefit from this decision. The church Father, Eusebuis, quoted form Greek historians said that Pilate fell out of favor with his superiors and committed suicide before 40 AD less that 10 years after this fateful decree. But that does not change the sovereignty of God and His Kingly love. Jesus was King. Jews objected with Nazareth being an old hick-town. No king could come from that little place. But God in His power saw to it that the sign was placed up there identifying for the world and for all in the three known languages in that area who it was on the cross and why. He was King. The title in the Hebrew Greek and Latin also implied that all people who could read know it was for more than Jewish eyes. The significance of the cross is not just to recognize Jesus was Savior, one to save us form our sins, but also as King. He is Lord. We are to obey him in all areas of our lives.

James Boice tells us the Hebrew is the language of religious community implying He is the King of all religion. Greek is the language of the sciences, cultures and wars and philosophy and these are the areas of our lives to be subject to his ruler ship. Latin is the language of the law and government. God in Christ is the law giver and one to be obeyed.

Perhaps it was this sign that caused one thief to ponder his own crucifixion that he is suffering of his own sins, but Jesus indeed was an innocent man. “Remember me when you come into your Kingdom”, he asked. And Jesus said, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.” Perhaps it was that sign that was the tool to bring the thief to conviction and salvation realizing who Jesus is. Jesus is our King. He is to be Sovereign.

Herbert Prochow says, “We need to reaffirm our stand on principles that have strongly motivated the conduct of our people throughout their history. The first principle is our recognition of the sovereignty of God. We need to re-emphasize that man is not the center of universe. It is providence that is sovereign and gave the ultimate object and goals to mankind.” The details were planned long ago. Christ accepted His Father’s sovereign control.

The Kingship of Jesus is acknowledged on the sign- “Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews.” Is He king of your heart, of your hand, of your mouth, of your body, of your soul, spirit and mind? He left His glory to demonstrate His sovereign love.

Pastor Dale.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cross points to Sacrifical Love John 19:17,18

Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 2

Theme- Crucifixion

Verses- John 19:17-18 Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha).
18 Here they crucified him, and with him two others-- one on each side and Jesus in the middle.

The Cross Points to Christ’s Saving Love.
The cross is believed to be used by the Persians a number of years previous as a means of execution. The Carthians continued it’s practice, and the Romans adapted it for foreign criminals and slave executions by having the victim carry a horizontal bar on his back to where a pole or upright bar was already arrested. The person was stripped and nailed to the beam. He then was lifted up and then have his feet nailed to the standing vertical beam. The cause of death would often be a combination of shock, exposure, loss of blood and commonly suffocation. It was a cruel death physically. Ciscero said it was the most cruel and horrifying death possible. It was a despicable death. The Romans had a law that a citizen would not be killed in such a manner. This was only reserved for slaves and foreigners. In keeping with John’s purpose of his Gospel the cross was God’s means of our redemption. It was the saving act of love that was consistent with the prophecies of Jesus method of execution.

You may remember that the common means of execution by the Jews was stoning. Normally a person would be brought to a common pit, or valley where tried, and convicted people would be thrown. Large stones and boulders abound in Israel. The accuser or witness was the first to shove the person over and throw the stone upon the heart. Others would join in and crush the body of the person to be killed.

The Roman execution was a cross. It was a much longer death and far more painful. For a short period of time Rome would not allow Jews to have anyone put to death. This must have happened once again to fulfill the prophecies that Jesus was to shed his blood, be lifted up on a pole, like the symbolic serpent on the pole talked about in the time of Moses. Isaiah 53:7 tells us that he was led as a sheep to be slaughtered, yet he opened not his mouth. Jesus was led away. You don’t drive sheep you lead them.

The cross points to the saving love of Jesus Christ taking the curse of sin as the one substitute for our punishment identified with the sinners as he is placed between two thieves. Prophecy after prophecy points to the cross for our salvation. I sometimes wonder how Jews can read from t heir own Old Testament prophets, particularly Isaiah 53 and miss the direct detailed account of the cross of Christ. Moishe Rosen, founder of Jesus for Jesus explains most try to explain it away. But it frustrates the theological Jewish teachers it because it is so close to the life and ministry and death of Jesus of Nazareth. They have one theory that the passage refers to the entire nation of Israel. It is omitted from the liturgical synagogue reading during that calendar year.

Rosen writes that most Jewish people are unaware that Isaiah 53 even exists. A very common response from a Jew who looks at it for the first time is “That’s not from the Jewish Scriptures. It sounds New Testament to me.” When individuals come to faith in Jesus as the true Messiah they see the passage for the first time and are startled to discover it was there all along.

Isaiah is talking about a God who is sending in love a substitute willing to suffer so that by his stripes we are healed and by his sacrifice we are saved. Psalm 22 highlights the piercing of the hands and feet.

Jesus suffered and died to pardon and sanctify me. The cross points to this saving love.

Pastor Dale

Monday, December 1, 2008

Crucifixion John 19:15-16

Sermon nuggets Mon Dec 1

Theme- The Crucifixion

Verses John 19:15-16
15 But they shouted, "Take him away! Take him away! Crucify him!" "Shall I crucify your king?" Pilate asked. "We have no king but Caesar," the chief priests answered.
16 Finally Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified. So the soldiers took charge of Jesus.

The Crucifixion
It seems odd to be studying the crucifixion at a time when the world is preparing for Christmas. I thought of postponing the series from John and going with four week Christmas meditations, but since I started with John at the beginning of the year, I am close to ending the gospel meditations now. I am remindef the very purpose for Jesus first coming was the crucifixion. He had finished the work that His Father had given to Him. This is more important for people to understand than the stories of Jesus’ birth.

I am taken each year how many in the world hate God. This was true when King Herod wanted Jesus dead so badly that he killed all the babies who were two or under. This was true when various times in Jesus life on earth the rulers wanted to take him and stone Him, but He escaped.

What brings 10 terrorists to such hatred that they kill hundreds of people in India? Why is there such rioting in Nigeria? How is it thousands are tortured in North Korea and in China? Why is the spread of the Bible illegal in many countries?

Although the papers will be quick to point out it is for political jockeying for power, yet all those groups whether communist, Muslin, or Hindu, are intent on stopping the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

From that early prophecy in Gen 3:15 “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.", our Lord connects the birth of Jesus from a virgin to the hatred and crucifixion of Jesus to the offspring of the serpent. We know him to be Satan and his demonic forces. The difference people have politically can bring wars for power and money, but the hatred that is motivated by Satan against Christ finds no rest when we know he had been defeated and wants to bring as many down with him to hell.

As we have looked at various aspects of Jesus arrest, trial, beating, mockery, we now center our thoughts on the crucifixion and center some of our thoughts around the cross.

Pilate washes his hands of the whole affair and turns an innocent person to the people. We have reminded ourselves of the hatred , but his Roman guard must carry out the work. This passage points out the deep love of God. We see contrast with the injustice of man with the justice of God in carrying out our sentence. The apostle John seems more concerned in conveying the prophetic fulfillment of the OT in presenting the details, than he is to highlight the physical suffering.

The Hymn, “The Old Rugged Cross,: Was written by George Bennard, a short slight man who one day in 1913 said, “After composing the melody, the words were put into my heart in answer to my own need in a time of crises. I had come to realize that the cross is more than just a religious symbol. Along with the resurrection, it is the very heart of the Gospel.”

It was sometime before Rev. Bennard could think of the words He knew what he wanted to say but the words wouldn’t come to him, until he held a series of evangelistic meetings. He preached on the redeeming grace of God through Jesus Christ. All barriers were broken down. It seemed as if God gave him the words that we know. This song is one of the most requested hymns of all times.

My father like to preach at the Detroit Gospel Mission every so often. I remember going with him on two occasions and helping lead a man to Christ who came forward one evening after my Dad spoke. His theme was the cross. But when the song leader asked for favorite hymns to be sung, the Old Rugged Cross was the most requested. When Dad would speak in the jails every so often again this was the most requested song. While I was in the nursing home ministry this song was asked for repeatedly. Its truth hits home to the hearts of people all over.

“O that old rugged cross, so despised by the world, has a wondrous attraction for me; For the dear Lamb of God left His glory above to bear it to dark Calvary.”

Christmas is that time when we celebrate His coming from glory to earth but there is something only in the cross that can set mankind free from there sin. That is the attraction to people who need hope.

In that old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine, a wondrous beauty I see, for ’twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died, to pardon and sanctify me.

So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross, till my trophies at last I lay down; I will cling to the old rugged cross, and exchange it some day for a crown.”

The crucifixion was an event of hate, but turned into an act of love. The cross has never been looked upon in the same way.

Pastor Dale.