Sermon Nuggets Mon Nov 14
Verses Titus 3:9-11
The Saints Below
Most know what I mean when I talk about the saints below. It is a take off on a now well known ditty. "To dwell above with the saints I love, Oh that will be glory, But to dwell below with the saints I know, Well, that's another story!"
But until we are with the saints above we must learn to put up with them and they with us. That's what makes the writings of Paul so practical.
We know it is God's design as a church to work together in cooperation and appreciation of the variety of gifts. It is not God's plan to live our Christian life in isolation of other believers. The
Bible tells us to submit our rights unto Jesus Christ and by His Spirit let him assign to us the task to carry out his work together in His love and in his power.
But Satan keeps us separated with envy, selfish ambition, competition, individualism, and dissension.
The story is told of a bright yellow highway department truck that creeps along a quiet, city street. A worker slowly climbs out of the truck and laboriously digs a large hole between the sidewalk and the street. A few minutes later, the second worker gets out, fills in the hole, and taps down the dirt. A few yards down the street they repeat the same procedure. Then again and again.
An elderly lady was been watching. She walks over and asks. "What in the world are you doing? " The workers says, "We're on an urban beautification project." She asks with dismay.
"What's' so beautiful about all these filled-in holes?”
"Well, you see," says the worker, the man who actually plants the trees is out sick today. And we're certainly not to going do his job too."
In a ridiculous way that little story reminds us that different people play different roles. When one person does not do his or her job, there is a hole. When there is a spirit of shortsightedness we lose the purpose behind what we are doing.
The apostle Paul gave Titus a job to do. It was to work in cooperation with other believer to grow disciples of the new believers on the island of creed. He instructs them to pick qualified leaders, to guard against false teachers. He tells Titus to instruct the people how they ought to live as the people of God. Doctrine is important. Good works is important. He concludes this book by reminding us of the saints below. There are two kinds of people identified: The Divisive and the Devoted. Now I am sure there are also a bunch in between these two extremes, but we learn from God's word how to work with them.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Nov 15 Differences
Verses- Titus 3:9-11
9 But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless.
10 Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him.
11 You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.
Dealing with Differences
One important way of working together is to determine in a church what the major and minor issues are and be willing to go to the wall for the majors, but allow flexibility to the minors. Of course who determines what is major and what is minor?
The clear doctrine of Scriptures we do not change. But not everyone is going to experience the same priorities and gifts. How can a healthy dialogue occur? Ought we to go around walking on eggs never mentioning the things that need to be addressed? Ought we to expose and bring out for open vote and discussion everything that anyone has that comes to mind?
Three words which might help explain what I mean. There are differences, difficulties, and divisions. I believe that differences which can bring some tension are inevitable in the church of Jesus Christ. People just are not going to think alike, act alike, enjoy the same music, dress the same way. Who knows some might even like clean shaven faces and others prefer beards. People are different.
People are going to have different gifts and abilities, and sometimes some will step on another’s toes. Love is like that if you are committed together to work on those differences.
Newlyweds often move from a glowing ideal romantic relationship to discover that a deep love comes through continually adjusting in this new found entity called love in marriage. Working out differences doesn't mean one loves the other less, but learning to adjust to moods, to habits, and preferences is part of what makes the task of commitment important.
Stewart Briscoe in his book “Purifying the Church” identifies several common differences in church people. There is the difference with knowledge, difference in spiritual experience and how some are saved and mature. There are differences in social graces and backgrounds differences in psychological makeup, and different personality. We can learn to agree to disagree, without being disagreeable.
Now where to have differences you will also have some difficulty. We still need to treat brothers and sisters with respect. There is something I've learned in time and it is that some people don't necessarily say what they mean. So many arguments are over what one said instead of what one meant. Also people don't necessarily hear what you say. This is a communication problem. But instead of calling it a communication problem people make it into personal problems. People not having expressed themselves properly or not having been heard adequately attributes motives to those related to the problem. Once you have people anticipating motives, problems often occur.
Be committed not only to forgiveness but clarification. The cause of Christ and unity in the church is worth it.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Nov 16 Divisive
Verses- Titus 3:10-11 Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him.
11 You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.
Dealing with Divisiveness
A divisive person seeks to divide people onto their side and against the side and opinions of others. Now that is the way politics works, you understand. We have some people who are democrats and some who are republicans. I am here to tell you that those who are really into their party find absolutely no good in anything anyone says from the other party. Even if they say the right things their motive are questioned.
When division begins in a church it makes enemies of friends we are called to love for Jesus sake. Trust is breaking down.
A divisive person will take offense if everyone doesn't agree in most issues with him/her. A divisive person in the church will live as if they have a chip on their shoulder and love to have people make choices as to which camp or opinion they belong?
Legalistic churches are well known for fighting about anything and everything. I asked one person who had been in a number of churches what some do not get along with others when I could not see any difference in their theology. The answer he gave was a true, but sad one. They cooperate based on who they are against, not what they are for. Now that is division and inbreeds divisiveness.
People get into arguments on the dates and details of Jesus return; people have church splits as to how long men's hair can be, or whether women can where slacks or shirts. People love to argue and divide as to which Bible version they should be reading, people will insist on areas of how many angels can fit on a head of a pin.
Paul tells us to avoid such arguments. Don't waste your time. If people want to argue about non essentials and confusing verses with such adamantly it will ruin the reputation of a church and not let people work together for the common good of the fellowship and the advancement of Christian growth, evangelism and discipleship.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Nov 17 Discipline
Verses- Titus 3:10-11 Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him.
11 You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.
Dealing with Discipline
What should be done? There are practical instructions when it involves the church, which is God’s plan for all believers to work and worship together for service and for outreach.
Vs 10 “Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him.” Frankly, we are directed to discipline a divisive person. It is important to talk with them and if it doesn't work then warn them against such activities. If there is no change then give them another chance, and three strikes and you're out.
I was talking with a former missionary to who said that pastors in Brazil used to brag about how many they would kick out of the church. There was a spirit among some like a witch hunt where they are looking for infractions by which they can rebuke and in need be reprimand and kick out of the fellowship people that didn't change quickly enough. A purified church was more important than seeking to bring someone into growth or repentance.
Robert Moeller wrote an article on church fighting. He spoke of one pastor who was so concerned about keeping the peace and offending no one that he rarely called anyone to account with their divisive behaviors and words. If volunteers handled the financial affairs in a slipshod way, he said nothing. He didn't want them to quit or offend them. If a SS teacher led questionable life, the church said nothing If staff members didn't do their jobs, he pretended everything was fine. He reasoned love is what builds a church. But over the years problems accumulated. Without providing discipline and correction divisive people cause others to leave the church and it became another statistic of spiritless religious organization.
On the other hand, some pastors thrive on confrontation. Some call people on the carpet for the least bit of infraction that may not be sin, but even differences in lifestyle questions. Sermons sound like scolding. They berate people for their lack of faith, prayer, and service. Such churches train people to be sharks. That group can become very defensive and judgmental and results in power plays in congregations where various groups will gather to divide others from one another. All in the name of Christian purity, mind you.
The Bible says in Ephesians "speak the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is Christ."
According to Matt 18 Jesus says if someone has something against another go to that person and work it out, If that doesn't work then bring along a witness or two if that doesn't work then let the church decide and if a person is still unrepentant then treat him as a tax collector. That may mean some people might be asked to leave the church or leave their positions of official service for the sake of the rest of the group. It may mean removing people from fellowship for a time until repentance and restoration occurs, which ought always to be the goal.
These actions are not to be taken lightly, but neither ought they to be ignored. Pray that we become people who delight in pleasing God and not ourselves and one another.
When it comes to individual matters this instruction is seeking to reconcile, but if attempts have been made without success and even involved others to help clarify matters, then leave them alone and let God deal with them. Have nothing to do with them until they are willing to cooperate in Christ. They are warped, sinful and self condemned.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri Nov 18 Destructive
Verse Titus 3: 11 You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.
Dealing with Destructiveness
What is the character of one who refuses to submit and be cooperative? The disposition that leads to destruction is revealed. “You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.” The reason why a divisive person or factions in a church need to be warned and warned and then disciplined is because their true colors are showing. They are not concerned about the church, they are not concerned about unity in the Lord, they are concerned about their own pride, popularity, and most importantly, power. Words and actions are more than seeking to build up the church it is to tear down. It is not the work of the Holy Spirit it is the work of the unholy spirit. It is devious and determined. Even if with good intentions there are times when faced with how they are coming across becomes a challenge to a fight instead of evaluation of the situation. Paul has seen and over critical people affects the work and destroys others.
Sinfulness is evil and they are condemned if they do not respond to authority. Some people in one setting are very controlling and in another setting fit in much better. The goals of disciple ought never to be ostracism; it ought always to be reconciliation.
Robert Moeller tells of a church in Southern US that no longer exists, due in part to an incident that took place in the church kitchen one Sunday afternoon. A new family had arrived to take part in their first pot-luck luncheon. The aroma of tuna casseroles, baked beans and Tater-Tot dishes waft through the building. The unsuspecting wife cheerfully brought her red gelatin salad to the kitchen then headed back to the fellowship hall to join her family.
After folks started going in the line the husband couldn't find her salad. "There must be some mistake" she said, "I'll find out what happened.” She reached the kitchen door in time to witness the queen of the kitchen ladling the last of her salad in the garbage disposal.
"What are you doing?" the newcomer shrieked. "That's my salad." without batting an eye, the woman looked up and said, "You're new to this church. You'll, soon learn we use only real whipped cream around here, not Cool Whip." One incident started a significant church battle that escalated into all out war.
The problem was they focused only on their own desires and what they wanted. Problems begin when people elevate personal convictions to the level of absolutes. It's when we insist on having things done our way and our way only, that shows character that is sinful and self-centered.
For the sake of God's kingdom if someone isn't' willing to face sin or spiteful attitudes then it is better if they not be part of the church and discipline by asking them to leave is required. Their disposition is destructive.
Pastor Dale