Sermon Nuggets Mon July 12
Theme Mission Minded
Verses Acts 11:19-20
Characteristics of a Mission Minded Church
I was upset when I read an American Anthropologist attacking the idea of churches sending missionaries to other countries. He asks, “What right do we have trying to teach them an American religion when their own serves them just fine? What right do we have teaching them a new standing of right and wrong? What makes us think ours is superior to their methods of worship? Let each person and each culture develop it own beliefs and practices. ‘
In an article by Oswald Smith he recounts a Moslem in Algeria who slashed his head with a large knife until the blood flowed freely, then took newspapers and plastered them on top. He took a match and setting fire to the papers, hair and blood. Can you imagine the agony? Why? Because of he was trying to earn merit in Heaven showing his sincerity. Is his religion just fine?
Or look at the Aborigines of Australia. There a witch doctor looks for just the right baby to sacrifice to his god. He seizes the newborn infant in spite of the mother’s protest and agonizing appeals. He fills its little mouth with sand until it chokes to death. Why? Because his pagan religion tells him he must. The spirits have to be satisfied. Does the religion make them happier? Yet some tell her that her religion is good enough for her and we have no right to show her Jesus Christ.
In some tribe in Africa they kill twin babies believing they are demon possessed. Or one of the sects of Hinduism believes if the husband dies the wife should be cremated with him. Somehow his death must be her fault. People gather as her screams are heard. She is burned alive. Do you think it brings them happiness and fulfillment? Buddhist monks are also known to burn themselves up to show their self control and spirit of Nirvana where the circumstances that surround them to not affect their peace.
“Until one is wiling to accept these religions with their consequences and their abominable practices for himself one ought to be ashamed to say that the heathen are better off.” writes Oswald Smith. Theirs is a religion of fear and works hoping to earn some salvation and appease the gods. They know nothing of peace, and love, or a loving God who was willing to suffer Himself to save all who will receive Christ. Christ alone offers life, abundant life, and that which satisfies the soul and the only way to the Father.
As I am presently in Mexico and seek the positive effects of missionaries and church planting I thought I’d comment on this theme. Where I am presently 1/3 of 1% are evangelical believers. The task is much larger than I realized. The responsibility of mission is more than a few people being called to go to a foreign country or a group of people who are different from us with the gospel and good works of Jesus. Missions is for the whole church. We are part of the missionary call. I think it would be well for us to look in the Acts for a model Missionary church that is explained to us in Antioch and see how we match up.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues July 13
Verses Acts 11:19-26 Now those who had been scattered by the persecution in connection with Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, telling the message only to Jews.
20 Some of them, however, men from Cyprus and Cyrene, went to Antioch and began to speak to Greeks also, telling them the good news about the Lord Jesus.
21 The Lord's hand was with them, and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord.
22 News of this reached the ears of the church at Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch.
23 When he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.
24 He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.
25 Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul,
26 and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.
A Mission Minded church is a SPIRITUAL Church.
The study from the church of Antioch showed they were recipients of the work of missionaries themselves. Stanchfield had believers from Sweden come over to our area and start a church in a foreign land. They believed and turned to the Lord and many immigrants were witnessed to and accepted Christ.
When Barnabas arrived in Antioch he saw the evidence of the grace of God he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.
It is exciting to see a new Christians discover first hand the person relationship with Christ and the way in which the Holy Spirit lives in them. As I am in Mexico I rejoice to see we have something in common with people all over the world who are Christians. We have the same Holy Spirit that unites our hearts together in Him. We have the same Father and that makes us brothers and sisters. The church at Antioch accepted Jesus. It was not a community gathering place to discuss politics, or social organization to play cards, or entertainment center to appease their cultural tastes. This was a place alive with love for Jesus, a place to hear truth of God, and confess sins and introduce Jesus to other family, friends, visitors, and pray together.
It is important for believers to worship with other believers who meet for the purpose of honoring our Lord. Because of the seed of the Gospel being planted in Antioch Barnabas recognized their faith in God and unity in Jesus Christ.
We have commonness with the folks in the Mexican churches I have visited even if I had not met them before. It is the Spirit of God that makes us one.
At Stanchfield we have had people of different countries coming here and we there to see different styles of worship, different music, different dress, but the one Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Sometimes there are churches that are dead. I’m not talking about style of music, or if they clap or dance, or raise their hands or don’t. I am talking about there is no spirit of God. They might discuss politics, health, philosophies, psychology, ways to a happy life, but God is not worshiped. Some churches can run perfectly well without the Holy Spirit and could never pin point the time when Christ left the church.
Traditions can be so ingrained in our practices that if something spontaneous happened some people might faint of fear.
Vs. 23 says Barnabas encouraged them to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. Where is your heart? Do you seek to remain true to the Lord, or to habits, tradition, people, families, community, or friends? Where is your treasure? That’s a good indication as to where your heart is. This church was comprised of a group of people who wanted God to be first in their lives. They wanted the change He provides. They wanted to live differently than they used to live: Not seeking to satisfy their own pleasures, but go heartily for God. Now getting ahead in this world wasn’t as important as it once was. Impressing their neighbors didn’t have the same appeal as before. Money now became a means to exist for a short time we have on earth but the taste of heaven on earth nothing can beat. The hope of glories forever more is something no man made religious can come up with. When members of Stanchfield Baptist church seek God first that is a sign of a Spiritual church. A spiritual church begins to demonstrate the fruit of the spirit- love joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, self control, faithfulness. Where is the spirit working most on your right now? God is not done working with us. There is always improvement, but are your keeping your eyes on HIM?
The believers were called Christians first at Antioch. A Christian is a Christ follower. They wanted to follow what Jesus had to say. Lots of people call themselves Christians. But two words are often used by Jesus Christ in presenting the gospel that Americans don’t like to hear very much. They are repentance, and Kingdom. Repentance means a willingness to turn from sin, and the Kingdom is presented where God is King and we follow voluntarily obediently. Then there is good news by faith. There is the working of the Holy Spirit. There is the key to begin a mission minded church .
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds July 14
Verses- Acts 11:29-30
29 The disciples, each according to his ability, decided to provide help for the brothers living in Judea.
30 This they did, sending their gift to the elders by Barnabas and Saul.
A Missions Minded church is a Giving Church.
In the Antioch church all gave as the Lord prospered, each according to his ability. It was a personal thing, but it was also a proportionate thing. They wanted to help others. There was another famine in another area and they sent money with Saul and Barnabas to help them out. When one has a love for God they start having a love for others. When one has a love for others they want to help others and sooner or later that will show itself in giving to the Lord and giving to others. And I can’t help but think that the churches that have a heart for mission and other believers in need will have blessings from God in different ways.
We have had projects at Stanchfield lately that incurred expenses. The giving has been commendable. We are looking at our budget with regular giving as well. We have had short term missions as well as commitment to our mission programming. God has blessed us and many needs, gifts, and expenses have been met year by year.
But one problem is we can be tempted to measuring giving by the standards of others churches, other years, other people instead of the standards of the Lord. To whom much is given much shall be required. We are not in the business of making money but in the business of giving it away for God’s glory. The temptation is to measure the standard with the budgets instead of asking God Lord, whom can we help? What in the world doe God want us to do?
I am seeing some of the results of our missions giving while here in Mexico. I have had the privilege of passing out flyers in plazas advertising VBS program in a large city without an evangelical church. A youth group from the states is here now providing the introduction of Bible stories and games through translators. I see the effect and encouragement this is to established churches and pastors. I have seen the planting of churches were there were none and the desire to plant and grow more. We enjoy many programs in the US and now family counseling and pastoral training is part of the curriculum we help support. I am glad as Kim Hansen gave her report last week of what is happening as she is training to go to East Africa in Bible translation. There is a need world wide as well as at home. God has given us a opportunities. He has blessed us with money. Should we hang on to it?
Do you know that last year for most of us we had all the food we wanted, we had gas we needed, we paid all our utilities bill have more clothes than I can wear in a month, two cars, air conditioning, two televisions sets, computers and on and on. Some have experienced job and home loss and we have used the food shelf and gas vouchers to help folks make ends meet. I am glad for the benevolent fund to assist in short term help.
Let’s see who the Lord wants to bless and use Stanchfield as that blessing and we continue to be a giving church. Realize God´s glory as you are faithful in your voluntary contributions to the Lord and His word.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thur July 15, 2010
Verse Acts 13:2 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them."
A Mission Minded church is a Praying Church
Worship and prayers are the backbone of every church. Prayer isn’t just the job of the pastor or few deacons on Sunday morning. The passage said that the church gathered, worshipping fasting, and vs. 3 after they had fasted and prayed they placed hands on Saul and Barnabas. A praying church is a church that calls out to God in worship and in need. They recognize the awesomeness of God and the dependency of mankind. A praying church recognizes that it is the work of God and not of man.
It is encouraging to see a prayer room in our church. But far more encouraging is to see it filled. It is encouraging that people led of God desire to intercede for our fellowship and needs, for the pastors and members every week. It is special to set some times aside for specific prayer needs. Sometimes we have at prayer partners in church. We have had some evening services were we anointed people and prayed for healing and have seen some results. We prayed for the requests that came in and rejoiced to see some of them answered.
I shared what I heard one Lutheran pastor say. “In our church we never prayed for healing and no one got healed. Now God led us to pray for healing and some people get healed. We have no formulas, no secret interpretations of Scripture. We just pray and anoint with oil if someone asks for it. If not, we don’t do it. Some people get healed. All people get blessed.”
I have been so appreciative of the church praying for Judi and me as we are in Mexico these past two weeks. Things have gone very well. I am praying everyday for the team on Windigo Island, as others are also this week. We have rejoiced to see answers for prayer with our summer missions teams. Prayer for missions and evangelism in Stanchfield has seen God raise people up throughout the years into Christian service. There are times people will fast as the Lord leads. I just wish more would catch the vision to participate in prayer groups.
We need to be praying as we approach VBS and Sunday School recruitment and Club workers in our coming plans. We need to pray for the hindering of Satan and that we have wisdom and protection to take on the fiery darts of the devil.
People at Antioch fasted. Fasting is mentioned often in Scriptures. Why do it since we live under grace and not the law? We do it for our own souls. Even tough it may not look like it, I try to fast and pray different times for spiritual guidance or concerns. You can see I should do it more.
Prayers aren’t answered in response to how much we eat or not, but it is an exercise for ourselves to look at spiritual things with as much devotion as well address our physical needs. We are opening ourselves up to listen to God. When I fast it is a reminder to me that God’s food is more important than man’s food. It is time to pray and to read and to think about the needs of others.
While they were fasting and praying, God revealed his plan to have them send out leaders into the mission field, to people who have not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are told to pray for workers to the harvest. We have prayed for missionaries to be raised from our church. Not necessarily young people but anyone that is open to gods’ leading.
Tennyson said, “More things are wrought by prayer that this world dreams of.”
We had recently been thinking together about the life of Elijah. James reminds us that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Elijah as such a man. When he prayed for the heavens to dry up It didn’t’ rain for 3 ½ years. But then he prayed hat the Lord would send a storm and it came hard.
When things are in turmoil in our lives and in our church we don’t need to be prompted to pray. But when things seem to be going well it is easy to be misled thinking we can do it. We can’t. We need the challenge of being a praying church.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri July 16
Verses Acts 13:3-4 So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.
4 The two of them, sent on their way by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia and sailed from there to Cyprus.
A Missions Minded church is a Sending Church
I suppose this is what makes them especially a mission’s church in the fullest sense of the term. God gave them great leaders in Saul and Barnabas, but God wanted them to give their pastoral leaders to world evangelism and they were glad to do so. These men responded obediently to the call of God. One person said, “Every person is either a missionary or a mission field.”
One asked David Livingstone, “Dr. Livingstone is it true that you are a missionary?” He responded, “Is it true that you are not?”
But God’s plan is that the church does the sending. They have finances, prayer, and encouragement from the body of believers. Now I think back about the many who have left Stanchfield to go into some of full time Christian work. There have been many who have served Christ at home and overseas from Stanchfield. There have been may assistant pastors in the ministry still today who have developed their gifts and training at Stanchfield. There have been former pastors who have had greater influence in national and even worldwide ministries. We are still growing Christian leaders. It is a legacy that God has provided when there have been faithful Sunday School teachers, club workers and youth sponsors pouring out love and truth in young minds.
Antioch church did not have the longevity that Stanchfield has, but God used them to take their young leaders and set them apart by the direction of the Holy Spirit to go to other lands as among the first recorded missionaries from a church. Paul and Barnabas followed Gods direction, but with the prayer support and giving support of th congregation who were happy to receive their reports of the movements of God in various communities.
I had been given a month off to do short term missions. That is why I am in Mexico today. I will be praying for another opportunity if God wills and money allows in the next couple of years. The church as allowed me to go to Russia twice and India twice. The youth are encouraged to go on special missions trips every other year to some place special. Every year our short term missions budget is used for opportunities from folks of Stanchfield to get their ministry projects a try outside of our fellowship. It is important that each church sees the world wide need and not limit themselves to just local church ministry, even for those who do not go, we pray and we send and provide money that is invested in Kingdom work that affects all of eternity.
I am glad for camps we support. We received a check from a man who does not come to our church but has seen in the years that we send kids to camp. He gave $1,500 to help pay for the ½ the campers fees.
The opportunities are not just world wide. The world has come to us. And as new people still move into our community and new homes go up, as God leads some to tune into our broadcasts or fall upon our website, I pray the His truth will not return void but because of peoples willing to risk and trust God we will see His Kingdom advance.
I pray Stanchfield will remain a mission minded church as long as God allows us to exit until His coming again.
Matt 9:37-38 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
Pastor Dale