Friday, September 4, 2009

A Living Example 1 Peter 4:7-11

Sermon Nuggets Week of Aug 31

Sermon Nuggets Mon, Aug 31


1 Pet 4:7-11

A Living Example

There is no question that the most effective teaching is done when someone watches you. More is caught than taught. How often we learn when we watch others put lessons into practice.

I think that is the same in faith. People read and heard the Scriptures from old, but it wasn’t until Jesus came that the world saw righteousness in action. It came from a heart toward His Father, God. It came from His love toward His disciples. It came from Jesus relating to the lost and hurting. It came from our Lord living in a corrupt political environment. But mostly they saw faith at work when it came to his suffering on the cross.

We can teach all we want, but what we do is more closely watched.

In a View from the Zoo, Gary Richmond tells about the birth of a giraffe: He talks about the first thing to emerge are the baby giraffe's front hoofs and head. A few minutes later the plucky newborn calf is hurled forth, falls 10 feet, and lands on its back. Within seconds, he rolls to an upright position with his legs tucked under his body. From this position he considers the world for the first time and shakes off the last vestiges of the birthing fluid from his eyes and ears, while kneeling on the ground.

The mother giraffes lowers her head long enough to take a quick look. then she positions herself directly over her calf. She waits for about a minute, and then she does the most unreasonable thing. She swings her long, leg outward and kicks her baby, so that it is sent sprawling head over heals.

When it doesn't get up, the violent process is repeated over and over again. The struggle to rise is momentous. As the baby calf grows tired, the mother kicks it again to stimulate its efforts. Finally, the calf stands for the first time on its wobbly legs. Then the mother does the most remarkable thing. She kicks it off its feet again. Why? She wants it to remember how it got up. In the wild, the baby giraffes must be able to get up as quickly as possible in order to stay with the herd, where there is safety. Lions, hyenas, leopards, and wild hunting dogs all enjoy young giraffes, and they'd get it too, if the mother didn't teach her calf to get up quickly.

It seems that when Christians rise up they get knocked down again, and again. Mostly out of persecution, but lots of experiences challenge the faith of the believer in Jesus. Complete dependency on the Lord is a life long lesson. We are placed in positions where there are times in our lives all the resources we can think of fail us and we have nothing more than faith in God. So I need to watch those who are more mature in the faith to see how they live not just when times are good, but especially when the resources of man no longer work and all they have is their faith that sustains them from the daily power and presence of the Lord.

It seems that God is helping us to remember how to get up when we have been knocked down. We need to be continually dependent upon Him for all things.

In Peter letter to a persecuted people he had pointed them to focus on the Lord's glorious coming for their rewards and His godly revenge on those who are ungodly. But until that time comes we are to demonstrate faith to the babes in Christ. We will be looking at some important ways to be an example to the believers in our faith walk.

Think on who might be watching you today. Are you a help to them in what they see in you?

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Sept 1

Verse-1 Pet 4:7 The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.

An Example in Prayer.

Peter taught the end was near. It was not as we look at linear time, but from God's eternal purposes and theological perspective. The subject of end times is really anytime after the resurrection. This is a reference to Christ's second coming and the judgment associated with it.

The New Testament insistence on the imminent return of Jesus arises from the teaching that the last days begin with the incarnation. We are living in the last days as Heb. 1:1 teaches us. The next great event in redemptive history is Christ's second coming. We do not know when, but it is certain. Believers are always encouraged to watch for it and especially be prepared. Therefore anticipating the end times, and Christ's return should influence our attitudes, actions and relationships.

Because we await the second coming, and because there is the judgment, we need to be diligent in much prayer. To be an example in prayer requires a prepared heart and prepared mind. The NIV uses the term clear minded, not cluttering out attentions with things of this world. We ought to clear our minds of things that would displease God and disrupt his priorities.

Christian are to be characterized by reason. They are to make wise, mature decisions and are able to seek the will of Christ.

Too often we clutter our minds with ungodly media. It is hard to watch a program which has a decent plot or entertaining story without the producers sticking in sex scenes or cursing. The talk shows mind have an interesting interview with a person only to make foul jokes. Most know the details of Michael Jackson or Brett Faurve but cannot find a common passage in the Bible or memorize a verse. Clear your minds.

One good piece of advice came from pastor friend who said we should go on a personal spiritual retreat once a year, a day a month for personal reflection and prayer. Also spend a day a week devoted to the Lord (Sabbath-Sunday) and some moments every day for spiritual prayer and devotion. I think that is good advice for a busy person.

Being self controlled is part of self discipline. It is easy to let everything else control us. Part of a pastor's day is being available to people. But there is also a time when my door needs to be shut and although appointments need to be made I am continually in need of making priories and not just be people lead, but God lead in my day.

The reasons the disciples first called deacons was so the apostles would give their great attention to the Word and to prayer. Spending time with God is one of the greatest challenges to make a priority. I believe Satan will fill our days.

Some versions translate the word sober instead of self controlled. The word sober seems to imply seriousness and lack of fun. What the Bible teaches is that we need to plan to pray or it would not get done. Who doesn’t need that challenge. It is so important and we know it, but give that our last priority when everything else demands our attention.

But the peace of God is available daily. It comes by grounding ourselves in the strength of the Lord and growing in our communication with Him by prayer and meditating on the Word of God in a personal way. Prayer provides the wisdom and the strength to made it during those hard days. Some may need to get to bed earlier so they can get up earlier. It is interesting that the consequences of sin is a prayerlessness, a result of holiness is effective prayer.

How is your prayer life?

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds Sept 2

Verse 1 Peter 4: 8,9 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.

An Example in Love.

Many sermons have been preached on love. The emphasis of Peter is deep love. Be deeply and seriously committed to the Lord and to one another for it has many benefits as well as it models for us Jesus Christ.

A well-known TV personality was a handsome man and had a glamorous wife. They not only had good looks, but popular, wealthy and have been coveted by countless Americans. However the actor experienced great heartache because his wife had fallen for another man. The husband was quoted as saying "I will always be her friend. She's a great lady and can call on me for help anytime. I telephone her now and then to find out how she's doing and to keep her spirits high. We end every call by saying 'I love you.'" Of course that is true for both parties.

On the surface, that might look like a mature response in a difficult situation, but it is an example of the kind of love that lacks the most essential elements: faithfulness and commitment.

Many Christian try to maintain that kind of relationship with the Lord, but God does not value expressions of love that only sound good. Jesus said to his disciples if they loved Him they must keep his commandments. Empty words are not enough. Nor are empty words enough in our love relationships with brothers and sister in the Lord. The word said deeply love- desire to commit yourself to the others for their best good.

When a mother holds a little child in her arms there is an important question that needs to be asked. "What is my part and what is God's part in raising this child?" Unless the Lord works all a mother’s efforts are in vain. You can read everything on child rearing and closely supervise all their activities but still miss the target. Something spiritual happens in a child's life because God has done something.

Do you really want God to do something in their lives? Then pray, obey, and trust the Lord. By your example you show your children the importance of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Have you by personal commitment offered your children to Him and pray regularly for them? Being clear minded and sober so your prayers will not be hinders.

As parents our part is to nurture children by meeting more than just their physical needs of food, shelter and clothing. We can demonstrate a deep love. This verse is applicable for good parenting advice, but don't forget it is also written for all Christians toward one another. We love, encourage, build up one another like our children with words, acceptance, listening and making them feel you really do care because you do. But even if you make all kinds of mistakes they can be overlooked if you really have the person’s best interest in mind. Isn't that a relief? You will make mistakes, you will commit sins as parents, but a deep love will overshadow those sins and mistakes.

Forgiveness is related to love. Real love forgives and forgives again. It is true that love covers over a multitude of sins on both sides. God's love allows me to come to Him asking for forgiveness. It was the love of Christ allowing Him to die for my sins and therein am I forgiven as I respond to his love. The gift, the giver and the receiver are all part of the love equation.

How might you be an example of love today?

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs Sept 3

Verses- 1 Peter 4:9,10 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

An Example in Service

When we are saved the Bible tells us we receive gifts from the Holy Spirit. For many those gifts become part of their natural ability by which they serve the Lord. From time to time we have classes or sermons on the use of Spiritual Gifts. Do you see in the Scriptures here how they are to be used? “In service to others.” The gifts have been given to build others up in the faith and used to witness to God that he would receive glory and praise not us.

Certainly the place to begin is using your natural abilities and talents which are also God given. As the Spirit has control of you, He works in us as the Lord made us. If you are social or shy, musical or mechanical, athletic or academic, God uses who you are in ways that match your make up. But the gifts of leadership, helps, generosity, teaching, etc are the avenues those talents take place for the service toward others. There is a special anointing by the Spirit if God praised and honored in it, not the person. We are but vessels for His service.

There have been people with great musical ability who after their number get the accolades. I recently heard a lady sing and the Lord used that song and the humble spirit of her character to speak to me. There were people more talented that she was, but the manner of her singing was more for the glory of the Lord than the attention of man. I didn’t see anything wrong in thanking her for using her gifts to the Lord. It was my way to encourage her to keep looking up.

Interestingly on the internet today I watched a gospel duet musical video. What they do is between them and the Lord. They seemed sincere, but with all the glamour, dance steps, clothing and hair styles I tried to find Jesus. Maybe He was there, but I missed Him. They are making lots of money, putting on lots of concerts. I would just as soon listen to someone who loves the Lord and willing to share in a humble spirit than those who appeal to the physical senses.

One of the best gifts to help others in service is the gift of hospitality. Many can recognize the ones with the gift of hospitality when they make others feel right at home in their house and it seems not to be an imposition at all. Now I believe that even though some have the spiritual gift of hospitality and serve the Lord in that way, all are to be hospitable and have times when they reach out to others and see their homes and dinner table not selfishly, but freely offering it to God and the use of others as needed.

Hospitality is culturally defined. In some cultures any stranger that comes on the property is welcomed. In the city there is stress placed on danger and evil that people so filled with fear are willing to shoot others who get on their lawns. Some only provide socialization to those they like, others have an open door policy and never know from meal to meal how many will be eating with them. But hospitality in part in that day was a means of assisting the ministers, evangelists on their journey to spread the good news. Likewise it was the case that many other Christians were rejected by their families and fellow Jews so Christians began to look out for other Christians.

Now here is another important key to hospitality. That you do not gripe about it. Do you offer it to God and glad you can be used, or is the whole family in an uproar for two days because you have company coming? What is your response if asked to help out in the kitchen for a funeral or pot-luck, or asked to bring a dish? Are you able to do it? Never agree to something you cannot afford, or if you have gifts in different areas offer them. Say simply, “you know my area really isn't in serving it is in watching kids, but I'll be happy to teach a class” Don't make it a grumbling griping time.

Obviously, we need to understand that our house is the Lord's house. It is for use for his kingdom. Our dinner table and food is the same way. We are to show God's grace. We are to give out God's grace (undeserved kindness).

How are you seeking to serve the Lord today? What about others?

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri Sept 4

Verse- 1 Peter 4: 11 If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

An Example in Speech

As Peter talks about the importance of living for Christ it is a fact that others watch us in our successes and failures. There is no closer observers than our children and our own family. We must put aside quickly that we will be perfect examples for we all fall short. But no son or daughter expects perfection.

I read recently that G.K. Chesterton once remarked that the doctrine of original sin “is the only part of Christian theology which can really be proved.” I guess sin is so obvious that we cannot deny its presence.

So we are not always faithful in our walk, nor praying as we should, nor loving, nor serving. But are we growing? Do we keep getting up by the power of the Lord? Do we give in to the desires and weaknesses of our flesh?

If James tells us that the tongue is impossible to control, we learn that it must be yielded to the Lord and guided by the Holy Spirit. Who of us wishes we could take back things that were said in haste? Just yesterday I left a message on an answering machine that I feared the wrong person might hear and wished I didn’t say it.

In the context I am sure that Peter is also talking about the things we preach and teach. While passing on the principles of the Christian faith and instructing others in the Word of God we want to be Biblical and controlled by the Holy Spirit.

Whither one speaks from the pulpit or teaches children in Sunday School, or clubs what we say has tremendous impact on others in ways we may never know. I remember things my Sunday School teachers said 50 years ago and more. But I also remember my mother and father discussing the Bible at home and reading devotions and telling me about God. I remember them reading to me Bible stories and praying with me.

I knew when they didn’t practice always what they taught, but I also heard, “I’m sorry. Forgive me. And I am working on getting better.” I knew that though they were not perfect they still keep looking to the perfect example in Jesus Christ and wanted to be more like Him. I knew they were blind to some of their faults, but never held that against them because they believed what they taught even if they fell short of the goal.

There was a missionary family living in Hong Kong getting acquainted with Chinese language and life. Some people wanted to know more about Christmas in America so they planned a big party in December. The lady went to a storekeeper, who happened to be the chief of communistic party in that little village. She ordered nuts, mincemeat and other unusual things. She invited Mr. Wong to the party and he made excuses. As she was preparing one day the two boys were getting in her way.

One 11 year old wanted a Popsicle but she was afraid he would get his shirt dirty with stain, so sent them get ice cream. A little while the boys returned laughing with other friends. She noticed orange stains. "Why did you disobey" Mike said, “I don't know.” She reprimanded him.

The next morning she wrapped Christmas cookies and took them to Mr. Wong.
"How old is that son of yours?"
“Eleven. Why?”
"He will be a good man, tell me how do you teach him?"

Then he told the story how he came in the store to get ice cream with their Hong Kong dollar, but when he saw the other children without money, he turned to Mr Wong and changed the order to 10 popsicles.

She was quite proud of him and the example he was to his friends as well as Mr. Wong. He became an example to his mother as well as a witness to the boys and to the communistic leader. He used the example of love and service to honor Jesus.

Be an example in your faith, in your prayers, in your love, in your service, in your speech. Not so people will think well of you and give you the glory, but to point them to God of glory.

Pastor Dale