Friday, May 22, 2009

Remember Your Creator Ecclesiastes 12

Sermon Nuggets Mon May 18

Theme- Remember your Creator

Verses-Ecc 12: 1 Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, "I find no pleasure in them"--

Roses or Wilted Flowers
Gary Chapman in his book on Love Languages identifies 5 ways we express love to another. He claims people have a love language that speaks to them more clearly than other ways. How you express your love may not have the same affect on the receiver because of different love languages. The concept of the book is that people give and receive love messages in different ways.

I switched his words around to make it into a devotional. Five ways to express love might include-Telling, Touching, Togetherness, Tasks, and Treasures. (Sounds like a sermon, huh?)
Some people appreciate being told they are loved by words, by notes, by outward expressions. Some prefer touch like hand holding, hugging, snuggling, kissing, back-rubs. Others find just doing things together makes them feel close whether it is going for a walk, reading a book, going out to eat, or even cleaning a house.

A fourth way to express love is tasks. Doing something for another is important for some. A husband might know his wife loves him by the fact she makes him a special dinner, or she might appreciate his filling her car up with gas.

Lastly, gift giving is a way some express love. Roses, or cologne, a special apparel or surprise trip might be treasures that have great meaning to another.

The goal of a relationship, according to Chapman, is finding your loved one’s love language and use it more often. What they respond to best, may not be your priority of communicating love. All of them are important, but some are favored.

I am not much of a gift giver. That would not be my prime expression. When I worked in the nursing home we'd get funeral bouquets from a service and divide up the flowers into smaller bouquets. I'd bring home a bunch to Judi thinking they were pretty and she might appreciate them. She didn’t.

If I was going to give her a gift (which she enjoyed) flowers were an expression of love when they were fresh, not used. It was more meaningful if I bought them, not got them as throwaways. To me a flower is a flower. Isn’t it the thought that counts? Buying fresh flowers doesn’t’ do it for me. But it is something she enjoys. I would be just as pleased with a gift from Tusen Tak than Sacs on Fifth Avenue.

I thought of that as Solomon concluded his thoughts from this sermon. All of life seems meaningless. There is one purpose and that is to remember your Creator. The sooner the better. The best life is not when the flowers are wilted or spend, but when they are fresh and young, so to speak. Serve God while you are young. Don't wait.

Solomon is older and realed he has not given God the priority He deserved. Certainly we can come to Him and serve Him at any time in life. But this message was meant for the young, not for the elderly. Give of your best to your master. Too many are diluted into thinking they will come to Christ when they are old and their life is almost gone. Of course, we never know at what age we are going to die. One reason older people might be more religious is they have seen life and found it to be empty without the Lord. If they realized that sooner they wouldn’t have wasted most their lives in meaningless pursuits. That is Solomon’s message.

Many young people are determined to give to God wilted flowers. They think, "When I'm older then I'll live for God; when I'm older I'll turn to the Lord and accept Jesus as my Savior, but not now. Lord, I don't want to give you roses, or buds that are in their prime. I'll give you wilted flowers once my life is spent."

The final theme from Solomon is the call to make the Lord the Center of your life and affection. To some of you senior citizens I ask, if you had it to do all over again what would you change in your life in your spiritual life? Some of Solomon’s thoughts to that question will be discussed this week.

Maybe this week think of different ways to use love language toward God by telling (praying), tasks (service), togetherness (devotions reading and enjoying His presence) Treasures (gift giving); and touching (giving that up of cold water in Jesus name-social concerns for others)

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nugget Tues May 19, 2009

Verses- Ecc 12:1 Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, "I find no pleasure in them"--before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars grow dark, and the clouds return after the rain; when the keepers of the house tremble, and the strong men stoop, when the grinders cease because they are few, and those looking through the windows grow dim; when the doors to the street are closed and the sound of grinding fades; when men rise up at the sound of birds, but all their songs grow faint; when men are afraid of heights and of dangers in the streets; when the almond tree blossoms and the grasshopper drags himself along and desire no longer is stirred. Then man goes to his eternal home and mourners go about the streets.
Remember him-- before the silver cord is severed, or the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well, and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
"Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Everything is meaningless!"

Serve God while you're Able
Remember your Creator in the days of your youth...It is a message from an older Solomon that started on the right track but veered from it. He is wishing he could relive some of those days when the lusts of this world were unfortunately more important than making God center of his life. As people grow older there are many regrets. One is the regret of not accepted Christ as Savior earlier in life. Many have told me that life was wasted without the Lord. Others recognize later in life the misplaced priorities and sin that caused heartache from which they were blind at the time.

Young people, remember your Creator. Keep God first. We so easily forget Him in the excitement of youth. God is our creator. He made us. That is the most important reason to remember Him. He made us for Himself, for his pleasure and we find purpose in our life when we fulfill the reason for His creating us in the first place.

Now the rest of these verses are biographical. Solomon is cursing his inability to do what he really wanted to do. The curse of old age is preventing him from that. One older saint said to me, “This business of old age is much over rating. There is nothing golden about it.”

Solomon says, Serve God while you are young, while you are able.

One big problem with dreams at my age is that my body doesn’t cooperate. Simple tasks that I watch other do with envy, now hurt! My energy doesn’t last as long. So Solomon wrote before the winter of our lives, when things are almost gone, serve the Lord.

Look at how graphic and almost humorous Solomon portrays the aging process. The keepers of the house tremble and strong men stoop. Our hands get shaky and weak and we can't take care of this old house or body anymore. I think of the song by Stuart Hamblin "This Ol house is getting Shaky this ol house has gotten worn, This ol' house is running down. I'm getting ready to meet the Lord.”

The back stoops, grinders cease because they are few. Teeth dropping out and can't eat like used to. It's like one economic advisor said, "things are getting so tough the older folks just have to gum the bullet."

Other graphic pictures include the windows grow dim; your eyes are going and things are getting fuzzy and faint. Door are closed. Opportunity and jobs aren’t available any more. Certain doors are closed to you, and even the strength of getting up stairs or going places has waned. One of the most difficult things for older people is the day they have to give up their driver’s license.

Older people have more difficulty time sleeping. They get up early in the morning, voice faint, fears multiply. Have you ever notice how some older people are such worry warts? Three days before an outing tghey start worrying about it. They get ready hours before time.

When I worked in the nursing home people would line up 1 hour before a meal, but if the doors to the dining room opened 5 minutes late, they would be so impatient. They did not want to wait. What were they doing the hour before? It's not like they are going anywhere. I've never understood that.

Almond tree blossoms by turning white and grasshoppers drag themselves along. Things aren't as appealing as they once were. Just sitting and doing nothing takes effort. Then man goes to his eternal home and mourners go about the streets. Death is just around the corner.

The Bible says, "Remember God before death while you are vigorous and full of energy and have a sharp sense and quick mind. Remember God when you can enjoy Him to your fullest and enjoy the life He has planned for you. Remember you creation before the evil days come and we can't do what we want to do for God any longer.

Medical and technical advances have helped prolong useful years. We have wheelchairs, and elevators and cars to get around. We have eyeglasses, contacts, and cataract operations to improve sight. We have dentists and orthodontist that charge an arm and leg for a tooth. There are plastic gizmos that go into your ear to improve your hearing. Through surgery we can get new parts. We even have bottles of color which allow you to make your almond blossom hair any color you want. But you can't stop the aging process, only some of the symptoms.

I believe Erma Bombeck wrote, "You know you are getting older when the gleam in your eye is from the sun hitting the bifocals. When you feel like the night before and you haven't been anywhere; When your little black book contains only names ending in MD. You are telling your age when you know all the answers but nobody is asking you the questions, when you look forward to a dull evening, when your knees buckle and your belt won't; when you have too much room in the house and not enough in the medicine cabinet. You sink teeth into a steak and they stay there.

Youth is great. It is the time to give now to the Lord fully. But even if you are older eventually you won’t be able to do what you can do now. So whatever you can do, do it now before it is too late. Do it now while you are able, for one day soon you will not be able to do it. Instead of coming up with excuses ask God for opportunities and do it now.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds May 20, 2009

Eccl 12: 9 Not only was the Teacher wise, but also he imparted knowledge to the people. He pondered and searched out and set in order many proverbs.
10 The Teacher searched to find just the right words, and what he wrote was upright and true.
11 The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails-- given by one Shepherd.

Study God's Word while you're Open
Solomon was the wise teacher, trying to teach knowledge through parables and memorable sayings. The Book of proverbs is the example of many teachable words that come from his mouth and pen under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. This is why his sermon is part of Scripture. Parables and wisdom statements are meant as lines on a highway. They guide us on our path and show us the boundaries. Wisdom that includes words of warning, words like goads- those sticks that prodded an ox or mule.

As we look back on his sermon we see the futility of a life void of God. In that context study can be a burden. We are reminded that pleasure, wine women and song can be entertaining for a short while, but it passes very quickly and is nothing. Work and vocational opportunities are important, but serve a short term purpose. It does not fulfill life in the long run. People who put all the labor into something find it is disappointing later in life if that has lost its meaning.

Throughout the book Solomon reminds us of the problems of wealth. It is quickly spent and you can't take it with you. Honor and achievement is fleeting only a moment of glory and it is gone. People can't even remember your name after a little while. There are principles that we need to apply in our lives that make it easier on this earth, but when it all comes down to the basics.

As I've sat with couples in broken marriages and unhappy people that couldn't wait with sex until marriage. I find that the wisdom of the Bible is just the same now as it was then. Solomon you are so right this world doesn't have anything compared to having the Lord in the center of your life. If He is at the center you can enjoy hobbies and discern entertainment. You put your cars and houses in a different perspective. The Lord leads us in college, in relationships and friendship, and in marriage, but without Him it is all vanity.

Make Christ center of your life. Make his Word the purpose of your study while you are open. The wisest man looked for all the life would bring meaning and only found satisfaction on God after he and fallen in sin and veered form his relationship with God.

Maybe you are one that isn't a young person any longer. Maybe you are older or young adult. There is a time in your life when you are learning new things, and developing a philosophy of life. You leave your parents home and develop your own lifestyle. Major changes cause you to adjust and change your thinking about many things. Getting married does that. Having children does that. Changing jobs and getting new jobs does that; making moves in your life, or new responsibilities in your church does that. But there are times when our faith or our manner of thinking and beliefs are challenged. Before you make too many major mistakes in your life, stop thinking that this life has to offer more excitement than God. Let the Word of God and His wisdom be the foundation of your life for truth.

Seek it with all intensity, ponder His word realize in it is truth study it, read it. In fact you are blessed in your spiritual faith journey if you spend some times and read God's word every day. Make it a regular habit. God will use a verse, a thought, a principle in your life when you have the resources because you have studied and prayed.

I am overwhelmed how much God has for the individual who spends times in prayer and in God's word. Even if you have a few minutes in the morning in your chair, or in the car with a Bible tape, or before going to bed, expose your mind to the word of God. Read it. You will never be sorry. It becomes the authority for us to follow.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs May 21, 2009

Verse- Eccl 12: 11,12 The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails-- given by one Shepherd.
Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them. Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.

Be Discerning in your Resources
All reading, media, internet, music, TV programs and multitude of input needs to be filtered through the truth of the Bible and confirmed by the Holy Spirit. I emphasize HOLY. We are bombarded with all kinds of images, and messages throughout the day. What we see and read does affect us.

I, for one, am not opposed to non religious writings and readings. There are times a discerning Christians also needs to know what is being said and taught, not to be enticed by lusts to the flesh. But how much time should we waste to every new and popular book on the market? Just because a new movie is out or a new TV program is on the air doesn’t mean we have to take time to watch it. How much of that time is given to input from God’s word?

Since the rise of internet I have done lots more study and reading off the screen than through books and magazine. I have stopped most of my subscriptions seeing I can access and highlight articles posted on their websites. I realize newspapers are not able to make it in our competitive world anymore, yet almost all editions are available for free online. I can read version of the Bible. I can hear or read sermons from the greatest and worst of preachers and teachers. My problem is how to discern and limit the resources and not be taken captive to the amount of material readily available.

When I was in college I was shocked how much the professors wanted us to read. My library is full of books. Obviously, study is needed to prepare for sermons and articles in the pastorate. It is one of my addictions. I have a shelf of books that I want to read this year and doubt it will happen. Yet, for recreational reading I still go to the library for a novel. Right now I have been going through Bodie Thoene’s AD Chronicles, and just completed one of Ted Dekker’s novels.

But there is sadness when you read so much that is foolishness. In the Universities of today to be politically correct is the trend that causes people to question their values. There was a first grade teacher complaining to a family because their little girl was playing princess. She was playing games that were not liberating to females. The first grader wanted to wear a pretty dress and be a princess and let some boy come and rescue her from a dragon. The teacher objected.

John Leo wrote in Reader’s Digest how he went to the Biennial Exhibition of New York's' Whitney Museum of Art. A large section was devoted to women's rage against men. Another glamorized homosexual relationships. There was also a display against oppression of established religion. He said “in two numbing hours at this organized shambles, I learned that the world is neatly divided into good and bad. The good includes women, nonwhites, homosexuals, transvestites, gang members, and people with AIDS. The bad include the United States, straight white males, family, religion and authority.

Instead of trying to adapt and change to conform to this world we need to get back to the word of God and acknowledge there is divine authority; there is divine truth. The Bible will be here until Jesus returns and it will not change. By it we can be discerning.

Remember God before you are sucked into the falsehood of the world's lies. This past Sunday I preached on Romans 12, not to be molded and conformed by the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds. What we choose to read, watch, and listen to is part of what molds us.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri May 22, 2009

Verses: Eccl 12:13,14 Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole of man. 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.

Obey God's Commands before it's too late.
Well maybe you are not young any more, and maybe like the prodigal son, you've already fallen and are discovering the things that you wish you had done, or not done, earlier in life. Maybe you wonder if it is too late. Friend, it is not too late. Make Christ center of you life before the final days. Put Christ on the throne of your life before your days on earth have ended.

After all is said and done, Solomon explains all of life in this one sentence. "Fear God and keep his commands. For it is the whole duty of man.” What is life but to know God and be obedient to Him?

One who fears God need never fear death. For He alone is the conqueror of death. Death is so uncertain. We never know when it comes. Many younger people are planning to give God wilted flowers, but then never reach that stage before the life is taken by tragedy or disease. Now is the time to make the creator your master and Lord. Doing God's will means obedience to follow Him and confession of sin.

Are you willing to turn the management of your life to the one who is your creator and knows how you best function anyway? He knows the vocation that you are best suited for and the mate who is best for you, the experience of life that each the important lessons. He does not promise rose gardens, but there is the promise He is willing to be with us through the gardens of life when we let Him take the lead.

Maybe you've made many mistakes; maybe you learned the hard way like Solomon. In youth perhaps you have made comment to him that you have not kept and now you have felt like you've failed miserably. Maybe you've lived outside of God's plan for your life and in disobedience and you know it because the Spirit is now even reminding you of that fact.

I don't care how old you are. Make God center of you life before the evil days come; before your best years are over; before you are taken in death; before the Lord’s return; before it is too late. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.

The story is told of Sam who made an unusual agreement with death. He told the grim reaper that he would willing accompany him when it came time to die, but only one condition that Death would send a messenger well in advance to warn him. The young man thought that was the best time to set the priorities of his life right. The agreement was made. Weeks winged away into months and months in to years.

Then one bitter winter evening as he sat all alone thinking of all his material possessions, Death suddenly enter the room and tapped him on the shoulder. The man was startled and cried out in despair. "You're here so soon and without warning. I thought we had an agreement."

Death replied, "I've more than kept my part. I've sent you many messengers. Look at your self in the mirror and you'll see some of them." As the man complied, Death whispered, "Notice your hair. Once it was full and black, now it is the thin and white. Look at the way you cock your head to listen to my voice because you can't hear very well, Observe how close you must get to the mirror in order to see yourself clearly. Yes, I've sent many messengers through the years, I've kept my part. I'm sorry you're not ready for me, but the time has come to leave."

Friend, you've had many similar warnings but you too may have disregarded them. While there is still time heed the loving voice of the Spirit of God who urges you to repent. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Seek Him now before you are called upon to keep that inevitable date with death. Salvation deferred too long spells the tragedy of too late.

Someone said your dying is His business. His will is our business. I don't care how old you are, or how young you are. Solomon’s closing message is to make Christ the center of your life. While you are able, make His word the most important book in your life; learn it; study it; and know it while you’re open and before you've followed other paths. But above all make Christ Lord of your life before it's too late when the final judgment comes. For one growing older in the Lord life is blessed even with its inconveniences II Cor 4:12 “Though I am wasting away my inner life is being renewed each day."

Pastor Dale