Sermon nuggets Fri Dec 12
Theme- Jesus Death
Verses John 19:35, 36 The man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe.
These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: "Not one of his bones will be broken," and, as another scripture says, "They will look on the one they have pierced."
John Explained his Responsibility
Some things were finished at the cross. One thing continues- it is the witness of what just happened. The man who saw it told his story. It is true. He testifies of what he had seen and heard for one purpose- that the world may believe.
Many tried to disprove the stories of Jesus. Many still attack the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. John would clearly say “incredible”. “I saw it happen. I was there. I stake my life on it.”
Jon Richard Moreland wrote : “Revealed”
They planned for Christ a cruel death: Steel pierced His hands, feet and side.
They mocked His last expiring breath, and though their hate was satisfied,
They wagged their heads and said “Lo, He would crush our temple and in three days,
Restore its beauty. Come and see. This boaster gone death’s quiet ways.
They did not know that on that hill eternal love was satisfied:
That Christ, who hung there, triumphed still. And only cruel death itself had died.”
The offer of the gospel is not an offer to politely accept or refuse, but a command to turn from sin and turn to Jesus Christ. It is to repent of sin by believing Jesus died to give you eternal life, and come follow Him.
John also had a part to play in this event more than taking care of Mary. God inspired him to write a written record that we might know that Jesus died for our sin out of love. It was to show these events were part of the plan of God. It was to present the parts that each played in the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. It is that we might believe that God’s word is true. He keeps his promises even from the prophets of old. After being presented with the story it was the purpose that we believe and follow Jesus.
J.B. Phillips tells of the 100s of people who had been converted in his world travels. What he discovered was not that people were quick to refute the claims of Jesus death, burial, resurrection. It was the fact they are ignorant of it and what it meant to them personally. Many who did know the story had never been presented the need to personally respond- to repent and commit their lives to Christ.
John wants to present the most important event in all the history of mankind. Once you know about it, what will you do about it?
Jesus finished His part. The Jews finished their part. The Gentiles finished their part. John explained his part of telling the story. Continuing telling the story is also our part. It is the part of the Holy Spirit to take that story we continue to pass along and convince hearers of their need for a Savior, who is Christ the Lord
Pastor Dale
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Gentiles Finished Responsibilities John 19:32-34
Sermon nuggets Thurs Dec 11
Theme- Jesus Death
Verses-John 19: 32-34 The soldiers therefore came and broke the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, and then those of the other.
33 But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs.
34 Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.
The Gentiles Finished their Responsibility
It has always amazed me that racial prejudice raises up it’s angry head causing people to hate one another. Many a Jew in our recent history has been not only the discriminated race in Nazi Germany, but in our own country. Children have had to run home and ask their parents why neighborhood Christian kids picked on them calling them Christ killers. They never hurt anyone.
Pick a country, pick a group of people, pick a nationality, pick a language group and pretty soon one group begins to rise up and show prejudice against another. This seems to be a successful plan of Satan.
There were not many times were Jews and Gentiles cooperated. They hated one another. There were not many times the Romans would cooperate with the sub-servant class of people. But the soldiers joined the taunting and the ridicule of Jesus.
Sin separates. Christ unites. Sin caused people within the same race and same family to divide- Cain killed Abel. Sin motivated the people together to build a tower unto God at Babel. From there the language confusion brought together those who could understand one another. But sin allowed those divisions to be causes for wars and jealousies, and prejudice.
When people have a common enemy they unite. When people have a common cause they unite. Since Jesus came on the scene of this earth there were Jews and Gentiles, rich and poor that united at Bethlehem. There were those in power who divided people according to their birth to get taxes to Rome, and those who divided among their own race so Herod would kill babies who might be a threat to his power.
When people gathered at Golgotha, they united Jews and Gentiles to hurl insults, mocking and abuse at this same Jesus. The Bible makes it clear that all of us who sin are part of the crucifixion of Jesus. All races are included also at Calvary.
I do not understand why people are quick to point their finger at others for killing jesus. It is easy to say Pontius Pilate killed him- the early Apostles’ creed acknowledges that. He suffered under Pontius Pilate. He represented the political and Gentile cultures. The Romans finished their part as Gentiles by casting lots for his robe, by nailing Him to the cross and piercing his side to show blood and water mingled down, a sign of his death. This too was to complete the greater plan of God.
As another gospel writer included there was a Jewish prisoner recognizing his sin and asking forgiveness from the cross. Jesus grants him salvation, “Today you shall be with me in paradise”. Another man from a different race and culture looked upon the pierced Christ and came to a new revelation, “Truly this was the Son of God.” Did he also accept by faith Jesus Christ? Was this a head knowledge or a trust in Christ for personal salvation? The details are not clear, but there are recorded for a reason. Not only was the suffering of Jesus a combined effort from those representing different races, but the salvation of Jesus was also for Jew and Gentile.
Faith in Christ unites people of different races, genders, nationalities. We are people who lay aside our sin and repent of it. We realize we had a part in our hearts of the death of Christ, and we are given the wonderful opportunity to receive forgiveness and become part of a group of new brothers and sisters who speak different languages, have different customs and dress, who have different colors. We are people who unite with different gifts and abilities for one cause- to serve Jesus Christ and advance His Kingdom.
There were different tongues at the crucifixion of Christ. There will be different tongues expressing His glory when He returns. Going to the uttermost parts of world will bring hatred, so Satan is not quite done yet. But missionary activity will also bring salvation to a people God loves.
Christmas is the season when we see the greatest missionary coming to a foreign world to prepare the news. "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.”
I am glad this good news is for all people.
Pastor Dale
Theme- Jesus Death
Verses-John 19: 32-34 The soldiers therefore came and broke the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, and then those of the other.
33 But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs.
34 Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.
The Gentiles Finished their Responsibility
It has always amazed me that racial prejudice raises up it’s angry head causing people to hate one another. Many a Jew in our recent history has been not only the discriminated race in Nazi Germany, but in our own country. Children have had to run home and ask their parents why neighborhood Christian kids picked on them calling them Christ killers. They never hurt anyone.
Pick a country, pick a group of people, pick a nationality, pick a language group and pretty soon one group begins to rise up and show prejudice against another. This seems to be a successful plan of Satan.
There were not many times were Jews and Gentiles cooperated. They hated one another. There were not many times the Romans would cooperate with the sub-servant class of people. But the soldiers joined the taunting and the ridicule of Jesus.
Sin separates. Christ unites. Sin caused people within the same race and same family to divide- Cain killed Abel. Sin motivated the people together to build a tower unto God at Babel. From there the language confusion brought together those who could understand one another. But sin allowed those divisions to be causes for wars and jealousies, and prejudice.
When people have a common enemy they unite. When people have a common cause they unite. Since Jesus came on the scene of this earth there were Jews and Gentiles, rich and poor that united at Bethlehem. There were those in power who divided people according to their birth to get taxes to Rome, and those who divided among their own race so Herod would kill babies who might be a threat to his power.
When people gathered at Golgotha, they united Jews and Gentiles to hurl insults, mocking and abuse at this same Jesus. The Bible makes it clear that all of us who sin are part of the crucifixion of Jesus. All races are included also at Calvary.
I do not understand why people are quick to point their finger at others for killing jesus. It is easy to say Pontius Pilate killed him- the early Apostles’ creed acknowledges that. He suffered under Pontius Pilate. He represented the political and Gentile cultures. The Romans finished their part as Gentiles by casting lots for his robe, by nailing Him to the cross and piercing his side to show blood and water mingled down, a sign of his death. This too was to complete the greater plan of God.
As another gospel writer included there was a Jewish prisoner recognizing his sin and asking forgiveness from the cross. Jesus grants him salvation, “Today you shall be with me in paradise”. Another man from a different race and culture looked upon the pierced Christ and came to a new revelation, “Truly this was the Son of God.” Did he also accept by faith Jesus Christ? Was this a head knowledge or a trust in Christ for personal salvation? The details are not clear, but there are recorded for a reason. Not only was the suffering of Jesus a combined effort from those representing different races, but the salvation of Jesus was also for Jew and Gentile.
Faith in Christ unites people of different races, genders, nationalities. We are people who lay aside our sin and repent of it. We realize we had a part in our hearts of the death of Christ, and we are given the wonderful opportunity to receive forgiveness and become part of a group of new brothers and sisters who speak different languages, have different customs and dress, who have different colors. We are people who unite with different gifts and abilities for one cause- to serve Jesus Christ and advance His Kingdom.
There were different tongues at the crucifixion of Christ. There will be different tongues expressing His glory when He returns. Going to the uttermost parts of world will bring hatred, so Satan is not quite done yet. But missionary activity will also bring salvation to a people God loves.
Christmas is the season when we see the greatest missionary coming to a foreign world to prepare the news. "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.”
I am glad this good news is for all people.
Pastor Dale
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Jews Requirement John 19:31
Sermon nuggets Wed Dec 10
Theme- Jesus Death
Verses- John 19:31 Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath. Because the Jews did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down.
The Jews Finished their Requirements
All was accomplished by Christ on the cross, but not all was completed to fulfill the prophecies. The religious community needed to make a request.
Crucifixion by the cross was practiced by the Persians, Carthaginians, and the Romans. They let the birds eat the flesh of the dead criminals by leaving the bodies up on the crosses. But in Palestine the Jews were offended at that pagan custom since it went against their laws. Deut 21:22-23 “If a man guilty of a capital offense is put to death and his body is hung on a tree,you must not leave his body on the tree overnight. Be sure to bury him that same day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God's curse. You must not desecrate the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.”
Since nightfall brought the Sabbath it was especially important for them to fulfill the law so no work would be done by night fall. Interesting how scrupulously they kept the law while calling for an innocent man’s death. They are more concerned with the religious practices than with God. They wanted to be holy while killing the Son of God. They wanted to honor the Lord in their actions while they shouted blasephemies and unleashed hatred at Jesus. Yet it was the this very suffering and death which is the avenue to true holiness.
Breaking the legs of the executed was a way of speeding up the crucifixion. Since men could lift up their bodies from time to time to get their breath by pushing down on the nails with their feet it would give relief but also prolong their death. The breaking of the legs was an additionally cruel practice. When the soldier came and saw the two thieves still alive they took the large mallet and shattered their legs with a blow making it impossible to breath. With the additional shock and pain to the system death was very quick. But when they saw that Jesus was already dead they did not break his legs. But that was according to prophecy that not a bone of his would be broken. Number 9:12 tells us not a bone of the Passover lamb was to be broken. Ps 34:40 says not one of his bone were broken. If he lived any longer then he would have been a victim of this practice.
It was just at 3 O’clock that the hour could allow all the requirements through the non believers to be completed. God used the Jewish practice and the insistence on their part to fulfill Scripture. Believer, non-believer, Jew, Gentile, men and women fulfill the plan of God.
How often in your life can you look back and see the hand of God in details that you didn’t think about at the time? How often has He used events to open doors or close doors that were clearly His guidance and purpose? We see the truths even of Romans 8:28 in play."And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." But God also uses those who do not love him to bring about His good and glory.
Pastor Dale
Theme- Jesus Death
Verses- John 19:31 Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath. Because the Jews did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down.
The Jews Finished their Requirements
All was accomplished by Christ on the cross, but not all was completed to fulfill the prophecies. The religious community needed to make a request.
Crucifixion by the cross was practiced by the Persians, Carthaginians, and the Romans. They let the birds eat the flesh of the dead criminals by leaving the bodies up on the crosses. But in Palestine the Jews were offended at that pagan custom since it went against their laws. Deut 21:22-23 “If a man guilty of a capital offense is put to death and his body is hung on a tree,you must not leave his body on the tree overnight. Be sure to bury him that same day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God's curse. You must not desecrate the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.”
Since nightfall brought the Sabbath it was especially important for them to fulfill the law so no work would be done by night fall. Interesting how scrupulously they kept the law while calling for an innocent man’s death. They are more concerned with the religious practices than with God. They wanted to be holy while killing the Son of God. They wanted to honor the Lord in their actions while they shouted blasephemies and unleashed hatred at Jesus. Yet it was the this very suffering and death which is the avenue to true holiness.
Breaking the legs of the executed was a way of speeding up the crucifixion. Since men could lift up their bodies from time to time to get their breath by pushing down on the nails with their feet it would give relief but also prolong their death. The breaking of the legs was an additionally cruel practice. When the soldier came and saw the two thieves still alive they took the large mallet and shattered their legs with a blow making it impossible to breath. With the additional shock and pain to the system death was very quick. But when they saw that Jesus was already dead they did not break his legs. But that was according to prophecy that not a bone of his would be broken. Number 9:12 tells us not a bone of the Passover lamb was to be broken. Ps 34:40 says not one of his bone were broken. If he lived any longer then he would have been a victim of this practice.
It was just at 3 O’clock that the hour could allow all the requirements through the non believers to be completed. God used the Jewish practice and the insistence on their part to fulfill Scripture. Believer, non-believer, Jew, Gentile, men and women fulfill the plan of God.
How often in your life can you look back and see the hand of God in details that you didn’t think about at the time? How often has He used events to open doors or close doors that were clearly His guidance and purpose? We see the truths even of Romans 8:28 in play."And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." But God also uses those who do not love him to bring about His good and glory.
Pastor Dale
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Finishing the Requirements John 19:28-30
Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 9
Theme- Jesus’ Death
Verses- John 19:28-30 Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty."
29 A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus' lips.
30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
Jesus Finished His Requirements
Jesus knew that all was completed. He had omniscient knowledge. He did what needed to be done for our redemption. He fulfilled each prophecy. He was able to show this disciples later how this act of thirst and the response of the soldiers was part of the plan.
Psalm 69:21 “They put gull in my food and gave me vinegar for my thirst.” Jesus asked for a drink. Interesting but common synthesis of Divine sovereignty and free will. God planned it as revealed in the Psalms. The soldiers decided to give him vinegar to drink. I don’t think the soldiers got up that morning after having their devotions reading Psalm 22 and said, “Don’t forget to bring your dice along this morning and let’s gamble for the executed one’s robe. Also that flask of vinegar will come in handy.”
Jesus fed the multitudes with bread and fish and produced wine at the wedding. He could have changed that vinegar into water or wine, but no place for miracles now. Never did He do such things for His convenience or comfort. This was the time for suffering for our sins. He needed to quench thirst and turn to the pagans for it.
Jesus knew. It showed His deity. It confirmed He was the Messiah, the promised one. He not only fulfilled all the prophecies, but completed all things that needed to be done for our salvation. Yet the thirst was real and a last reminder that he was also human. He had the physical and realistic characteristics during execution.
They put the sponge in vinegar and placed it on a stalk of hyssop and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. Hyssop was a herb used to place the blood on the doorpost during the Passover in Egypt. Because the blood came from the lamb the people in the house were saved. Jesus finished his part.
He commanded His own death and said, “It is finished.” And gave up His Spirit. He was never a victim nor was he surprised of the events. His death was in His own hands. He released His own spirit and all was accomplished.
All the types were fulfilled- Abraham offering Isaac, the tabernacle, the sin offering, the perfect lamb, the snake on the pole, the rock that was struck from which water came forth, the serpent who crushed the heel of the seed of the woman. All the prophecies had been completed. Atonement had been paid. Jesus completed all the requirements of the law. How could one reconcile the fact that God hates sin and God must do what is right since He is just? There was no other way whereby we can be saved from the punishment of everlasting damnation except that God took the punishment on Himself and bore the penalty for sin. But it is just.
He completed the earthly tasks He came to do. But there is more to come in his Divine role.
Pastor Dale
Theme- Jesus’ Death
Verses- John 19:28-30 Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty."
29 A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus' lips.
30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
Jesus Finished His Requirements
Jesus knew that all was completed. He had omniscient knowledge. He did what needed to be done for our redemption. He fulfilled each prophecy. He was able to show this disciples later how this act of thirst and the response of the soldiers was part of the plan.
Psalm 69:21 “They put gull in my food and gave me vinegar for my thirst.” Jesus asked for a drink. Interesting but common synthesis of Divine sovereignty and free will. God planned it as revealed in the Psalms. The soldiers decided to give him vinegar to drink. I don’t think the soldiers got up that morning after having their devotions reading Psalm 22 and said, “Don’t forget to bring your dice along this morning and let’s gamble for the executed one’s robe. Also that flask of vinegar will come in handy.”
Jesus fed the multitudes with bread and fish and produced wine at the wedding. He could have changed that vinegar into water or wine, but no place for miracles now. Never did He do such things for His convenience or comfort. This was the time for suffering for our sins. He needed to quench thirst and turn to the pagans for it.
Jesus knew. It showed His deity. It confirmed He was the Messiah, the promised one. He not only fulfilled all the prophecies, but completed all things that needed to be done for our salvation. Yet the thirst was real and a last reminder that he was also human. He had the physical and realistic characteristics during execution.
They put the sponge in vinegar and placed it on a stalk of hyssop and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. Hyssop was a herb used to place the blood on the doorpost during the Passover in Egypt. Because the blood came from the lamb the people in the house were saved. Jesus finished his part.
He commanded His own death and said, “It is finished.” And gave up His Spirit. He was never a victim nor was he surprised of the events. His death was in His own hands. He released His own spirit and all was accomplished.
All the types were fulfilled- Abraham offering Isaac, the tabernacle, the sin offering, the perfect lamb, the snake on the pole, the rock that was struck from which water came forth, the serpent who crushed the heel of the seed of the woman. All the prophecies had been completed. Atonement had been paid. Jesus completed all the requirements of the law. How could one reconcile the fact that God hates sin and God must do what is right since He is just? There was no other way whereby we can be saved from the punishment of everlasting damnation except that God took the punishment on Himself and bore the penalty for sin. But it is just.
He completed the earthly tasks He came to do. But there is more to come in his Divine role.
Pastor Dale
Monday, December 8, 2008
Seeking Immortality- John 19:28
Sermon Nuggets Mon Dec 8
Theme – Jesus’ Death
Verses- John 19:28 Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty."
Seeking immorality
I read an article about a 48 year old man named Andew Mehawk of Vesto, N.Y. who was taken to Long Island to have his body put in a capsule to be preserved until there was a cure for his terminal heart disease. His body was packed in ice and rock salt and chemicals. This procedure is available for anyone to do through the Cryonic Society incorporated. Cryonics is the process by which a body is frozen into a capsule, sort of a medical thermos bottle, until the time the body is brought back supposedly when the diseased is cured and resurrected.
There are many stories about trying to prolong life or seek immorality. I was in a play at Bethel called Dr. Faustus written by Christopher Marlowe. It was a classic story of a man who sold his soul to the devil to get extra years on this earth. During this brief respite he was granted all wealth, honor and power, but eventually died and bound for hell.
In high school I read a similar fictional story entitled the Devil and Daniel Webster, by Stephen Vincent Benet. The lawyer, Daniel Webster, was arguing in some type of meta-physical courtroom with the devil who had made a pact with a famer extra time on earth in exchange for his soul. When the time came to claim his soul the famer hired the famed and brilliant lawyer to get him out of the bargain. By trying to argue that the devil was not an American citizen a jury released the farmer from his contract. People are always hoping for a loophole when the time comes to die.
Heb 2:14 says, “Man lives all his life in the bondage of the fear of death.”
Even Jesus knew that his appointed time had come to complete his journey on the earth. He knew that all was now completed just as Scripture said it would be. Jesus would have been the only one who could have escaped death since He was without sin. The Bible says, “The soul that sins shall die”. (Ezk 18). So we all experience death at our appointed time, but the only reason Jesus faced death was to free us from our sin and grant to us eternal life. He took our sins upon Him.
A few years ago I borrowed from our local library, a print of Salvador Dali painting entitled “Christ of St. John of the Cross.” It is a picture viewing Jesus on the cross from the perspective of God in heaven. Although it was not an attractive painting it was prophetic. Its purpose was to allow us to understand that God the Father, was looking upon the suffering of His only Son. Below him was the world.
Jesus death was real. There were no loopholes. There were no fancy lawyers to get Him released. There was only the verdict that all stood condemned for sin. Justice required death. The only way to remedy our plight was for God to come to earth and take our place.
We will all have an appointed time planned by God when our life is ended on earth. Christmas is a story of love of God’s gift of Himself to the world. We see how the story is played out to its conclusion when His human body is ended according to the greater plan- His life for ours.
And in that act by faith, the devil has lost.
Pastor Dale
Theme – Jesus’ Death
Verses- John 19:28 Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty."
Seeking immorality
I read an article about a 48 year old man named Andew Mehawk of Vesto, N.Y. who was taken to Long Island to have his body put in a capsule to be preserved until there was a cure for his terminal heart disease. His body was packed in ice and rock salt and chemicals. This procedure is available for anyone to do through the Cryonic Society incorporated. Cryonics is the process by which a body is frozen into a capsule, sort of a medical thermos bottle, until the time the body is brought back supposedly when the diseased is cured and resurrected.
There are many stories about trying to prolong life or seek immorality. I was in a play at Bethel called Dr. Faustus written by Christopher Marlowe. It was a classic story of a man who sold his soul to the devil to get extra years on this earth. During this brief respite he was granted all wealth, honor and power, but eventually died and bound for hell.
In high school I read a similar fictional story entitled the Devil and Daniel Webster, by Stephen Vincent Benet. The lawyer, Daniel Webster, was arguing in some type of meta-physical courtroom with the devil who had made a pact with a famer extra time on earth in exchange for his soul. When the time came to claim his soul the famer hired the famed and brilliant lawyer to get him out of the bargain. By trying to argue that the devil was not an American citizen a jury released the farmer from his contract. People are always hoping for a loophole when the time comes to die.
Heb 2:14 says, “Man lives all his life in the bondage of the fear of death.”
Even Jesus knew that his appointed time had come to complete his journey on the earth. He knew that all was now completed just as Scripture said it would be. Jesus would have been the only one who could have escaped death since He was without sin. The Bible says, “The soul that sins shall die”. (Ezk 18). So we all experience death at our appointed time, but the only reason Jesus faced death was to free us from our sin and grant to us eternal life. He took our sins upon Him.
A few years ago I borrowed from our local library, a print of Salvador Dali painting entitled “Christ of St. John of the Cross.” It is a picture viewing Jesus on the cross from the perspective of God in heaven. Although it was not an attractive painting it was prophetic. Its purpose was to allow us to understand that God the Father, was looking upon the suffering of His only Son. Below him was the world.
Jesus death was real. There were no loopholes. There were no fancy lawyers to get Him released. There was only the verdict that all stood condemned for sin. Justice required death. The only way to remedy our plight was for God to come to earth and take our place.
We will all have an appointed time planned by God when our life is ended on earth. Christmas is a story of love of God’s gift of Himself to the world. We see how the story is played out to its conclusion when His human body is ended according to the greater plan- His life for ours.
And in that act by faith, the devil has lost.
Pastor Dale
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