Friday, January 1, 2010

God's Workmen Col 3:22-4:1

Sermon Nuggets week of Dec 28- God’s Workmen

Theme- God’s Workmen

Col 3:22-4:1
23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,
24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
25 Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favoritism.
4:1 Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven.

God's Workmen

What a relief to come to a weekend and realize that most people ave a break from work. It seems that more jobs require week-end responsibilities as well as some get no days off. Many people long to leave the work-a-day world to escape labor and pursue their personal pleasures. God designed us to work and to rest. There is an important balance to make us whole and productive people. Whether one is employed or not work is designed by God for mankind.

I have been on committees for the conference with men and women who now in their retirement, or semi retirement put as much effort in their responsibilities as they did when they were employed. They loved what they do and feel fulfilled when they have something meaningful to do.

When I am at Study Break at Trout Lake Camp there is a force of retired men and women who are busy with building and cleaning buildings for campers. There are special project where some have the ability and training to now work for the Lord in electrical, plumbing, carpentry, sewing, painting tasks.

Rob Boyd of the Minnesota Baptist Conference is semi-retired but I don’t think anyone told him. When I asked him what he will be doing he said the same thing I’ve always been doing, only now have the freedom to take more vacations and days off. He loves what he does and cannot image not doing it, even if he is not getting as much money.

What a blessing if you work at a job you love. Unfortunately that is not case with everyone. And it is typical that at any job there are things most people enjoy and other things they do not enjoy. It is a mixture of fulfillment and frustration.

If you had all the money you could live on, and were allowed to continue your job for only expenses, would you do what you are doing? There are thankless jobs. I am sure that if it wasn't for the paycheck many jobs never done for not all work is pleasurable.

I found it hard to put myself in the shoes of factory workers in Russia who haven't been paid for 3 months. I think it would be hard to want to do a good job.

Other than the chores my Mother made me do at home, my worse job was working as a bus boy in a large University cafeteria for a few months. During the 1 to 1½ hours of lunch I was running, barked at by the boss, trying to hurry people out of their table to make room for more. It didn’t seem like a service to people, but treated as a machine never interacting with anyone. I didn’t like it. However hard anyone worked there was never any appreciation given by the employers or the customers.

Fortunately, after a few months I worked in the kitchen in a private sorority house waiting on pretty girls every day. What a happy change! The conditions were much better, the employee was someone I could talk to. The food they provided was much better than cafeteria food.

We live in a fantastic age where there are such a variety of jobs open to people. If you are at the point in your life of considering training for vocation, ask yourself what would you enjoy doing even if you were not get paid for it? Or what type of working environment would be ideal for you? Even if it doesn’t exist in reality, it gets you closer than a mismatch of gifts, interests and talents, unless it is honest work and you need the money to live. There is nothing wrong with that if it is honest work.

It is a far cry from the days when sons were expected to follow in their father's occupation, or take over the family business, even if they did not want it. Work is also part of the curse of the fall. It is with the sweat of the brow that man must labor, with thorns and thistles.

What is a chore for one is like recreation for another. It is a matter of perspective. For a worm digging in the hard ground is much more relaxing than going fishing.

In Colossians we are instructed to live up to our calling. Our new nature affect, not only our families, but also our relationships at work. Paul is writing to slaves and masters. This is not support for slavery as much as it is bringing faith into a society that already has slavery. 50% of the people were slaves. When people were brought to a saving faith in Jesus the Holy Spirit began to work in society. That's when slavery began to diminish. In I Cor 7:21 Paul tells slaves if possible to get their freedom. But he did not advocate rebellious overthrow of the government or the existing authorities.

Our faith affects our works and there are directive for Employees and Employers as we apply truth.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 29 Quality of Work

Verse- Col 3:22 Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor,

Quality of Work

When we have a new nature it affects our family life, as we have been discussing the last couple of weeks. And also affects our work life. When Paul’s letter is directed at slaves we can interpret these principles to all employees, who are under voluntary and paid arrangements for employment as people pay for your time for your services.

Slaves in that day had very little rights. But they did have responsibilities to represent Christ even in their work as a child of God. They were to be a witness to the Lord by working effectively.

Obedience seems like something a slave ought to do. When masters are in complete control do slaves have any options? Some with cruel masters can be killed or beaten for not obeying. Fortunately that is not the case any longer, under the law. But a good employee seeks to win the pleasure of his or her employer by following the rules and abiding by the guidelines of the company or place of employment. They would do well to reflect Jesus by having an attitude of wanting to do a good job. Christians should work differently. Obedience and seeking to win the favor of an employer are part of being a good effective workman (and workwoman. The apostle Paul also adds not just when the boss is looking at you, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.

I remember working early mornings at the Farmer's Union Grain Terminal Association in St. Paul while I attended Bethel College. I was hired to work in the mail room. The personal director said, "We like to hire Bethel students because they are usually dependable."

When the boss was not around the other younger people employed in the mail room would have rubber band fights, and sneak off to the coffee shop. When passing the mail around the building, rather than come back when they were done, they would find places to hide and cheat on their time. Sometimes I was surprised how little work was being done. It seemed some worked at getting out of work.

One attendee of Stanchfield told me of his problem. He worked too well. As we worked with others his production was far greater and fellow employees got on his case lest the boss would require the same from them. He asked me what he should do. I advised him to remember who he really worked for. Then they began to sabotage his work. Unfortunately, I have seen that happen in the ministry when people who are upset with the pastor will offer false and misleading accusations to get them fired. God knows the whole story and many people find that the encouragement to do right even if they are wronged.

From time to time the secret investigative reporting team on a TV station would sneak around and show some police men or fire inspectors, or University employees, or government officials goofing off on the job, going home in the middle of the day on company pay and so forth. What type of testimony does that give the Christian if he or she acted that way? They are stealing from their employer. The employer or company is paying your time and services which they are not getting.

The story is told by a missionary in Africa about a foreman who was responsible for getting people to do certain jobs. He discovered that they were all rather lazy and would only perform while he was actually watching them. When he left they would stop work and do nothing until he returned. This man had a glass eye, and one day when his eye was irritating him he took it out and put it on a stump.

When he returned he found that everyone was still working because the "eye" as they thought, was watching them all the while he was away.

That is what the apostle means here- eye service, working only when the boss is watching.

This foreman thought had found a way to free himself, until one day he returned to discover that one of the workers had sneaked around from behind and put his hat over the eye, everyone was lounging around enjoying themselves without working. The thought no one was watching them.

We begin by saying our employer is really the Lord. We do not work out of fear lest he catches us loafing, because His eye is always on us. We work out of love and by the strength of the Spirit because we love him.

The quality of work we do because we are Christians does provide a witness to His kingdom people and is of honor to the Lord who in turn will honor us. The word we hope to hear is "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds Dec 30

Verse. Col 3: 22-23
22 Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.
23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,

Attitude of work

Christians are instructed as employees (slaves) to work wholeheartedly as unto the Lord. It doesn't make any difference whether you are a housewife, cook meals, or wash clothes if you are doing it for loved ones and Jesus. Or if you are a teacher, doctor, lawyer, nurse, sales clerk, or accountant, are you seeking to serve the Lord? Does the farmer work not only for profit but working as a privilege to God?

Col 3:23 instructs Christians to be whole hearted in every worthy endeavor. That means applying ourselves to the same diligence to lowly tasks that we do to prominent ones. There is nothing too small for Jesus.

We have talked in the past about the dangers of workaholics who make work the sole attention of their activity. For some the quality of work is focused only on increasing in material wealth. Many fail to understand the importance of worship, of rest, and their responsibility serving their families and church. It is not God’s will to neglect those priorities. But incorporate them in giving your best in the things you do.

Many only work if they get recognition and glory. Our recent Christmas play highlighted a diva who worked at a homeless shelter to work off community service requirements. But most tasks were beneath her dignity as she sought personal publicity and recognition. There are many like that. I am not talking about service outside of one’s gift mix or training, but the attitude. Some love to work with children, others with numbers, others do better with tools for building, others musically. All, however, are to have the attitude of Jesus who gives their talents to the Lord with a spirit of humility.

Any opportunity to glorify God should never be considered too small or too insignificant to command our best efforts.

When you commit yourself to work for someone you are in a sense, selling yourself for the hours involved. Today we are fortunate to have laws that restrict abusive working conditions, and many serve under contracts that explain their responsibilities for work and training. There are some things under law that people can and cannot do.

Employers cannot control the rest of your life, but they do have a right to control your life during the work hours. Work diligently.

I certainly cannot answer when it is right to quit one job and go to another. We have that freedom in our culture. That was not possible during Biblical days. God often entrusts us with a little to see what we will do in order that he might give us something better. Joseph was required to work his best as a slave for many years and then in prison before God raised him up to rule over the people of Egypt, second to Pharaoh. The quality and attitude toward his work was rewarded.

I don't think that we will become better workers by increasing pay, or having better conditions, or higher benefits. The secret of good work is personal pride one takes in doing a good job. It is in recognizing labor is part of the gift and responsibility from God. Do your best with the attitude of gratitude and humility and God will be honored.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs Dec 31

Verse Col 4:1 Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven.

Conditions of Work

The Apostle Paul discusses how our new nature affects not only the employees, but also the employers. I will call these concerns the conditions of employment.
Employers have a tremendous responsibility because they also are under the submission of Jesus Christ. No boss can do whatever he wants just because he or she is an employer or manager. The master was to treat a slave as a brother or sister in Christ, not to mistreat them or be unjust but to be fair in all one's practice remembering that he is under the authroity of Jesus to treat others that way He instructs.

The two most important conditions mentioned here are justice and equality, or fairness. Justice is doing what is right. We are to apply justice in work. I thinkthat means employees are not be overworked and underpaid. Doing what is right is allowing sufficient breaks, or rest periods, providing for their needs with safe working conditions. It also means following the laws that are used to protect workers.

I was required to read "The Jungle" by Sinclair Lewis in High School. Although it was a novel it depicted the unjust working conditions in the Chicago stock yards at the turn of the last century. Such abuses resulted in the need the labor unions. When one missed work due to work related accident 10 were ready to take their job. They worked long hours for dirt cheap wages. For any reason they could be fired.

There are employers who cheat their workers out of promised benefits, or vacations days.

I have boycotted products or companies if I discovered such products are the result of the breaking of child labor laws, or slave labor. Over 250 million children around the world work in poor countries. Poverty increases because instead of hiring adults to do the jobs, children are forced to work long hours with little pay. Kenya estimates 42% children work full or part time. Although the products may be cheaper working conditions for the poor will not improve if their companies keep pocketing the profits at the expense of abusing others.

An Christian employer is also to be fair and just as important is to compliment and recognize good work.

I first became introduced to Sherm Swenson in a seminary class I was auditing. He was the CEO of B. Dalton Bookstores and invited us into his board room at the corporate offices at the time. He has since retired He found support from his staff in the business world when he demonstrated integrity, honesty and fairness. According to Swenson regardless of favorable or unfavorable circumstances serving with joy leads to finding joy on the job or in the home. When faced with inevitable disappointments and frustrations that work presents Swenson goes on "thank you walks regardless of the weather."

He focused on thanking God for all the positive things God is doing in his life.

As an employer Sherm noted Christ calls us to serve, even as employers, to do our best serving Him by serving our employees. The best rule is the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Treat people the way you want to be treated. If you want respect then you must show respect, even to your employees. If you want service, then you must give service, If you want friendly working relationships, then you need to provide friendship. Remember "as you do it unto the least of these my brothers you do it unto me." Jesus said.

How would you treat Jesus Christ if he worked for you? That is how you are supposed to treat your employees as well as fellow workers. It makes for much better working conditions.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri Jan 1 10

Verses- Col 3:23-25

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
25 Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favoritism.

Purpose of Work

William Willimon, the dean of the chapel at Duke University wrote on the topic of clergy and laity burnout. He observed with insight that seldom is burnout the direct result of overwork. Hard and demanding work often can be remarkably energizing. Instead, argues Willimon, burnout is almost always the result of a loss of sense of meaning in our labors. We find sustained energy when we are engaged in something we believe matters.
One poem goes "I may not do great things for God who did so much for me; but if I do the little things, His work through me I'll see."

Work Spiritually. We need to see that God is our boss, not the person who pays our bills, or the one who hired us. Christians need to understand there is no such thing as secular and sacred work. That is not a distinction in the New Testament.

Too often people put work in categories: Running the business of a corporation is secular; running the business of a church is sacred. Singing in the choir is sacred; singing on stage is secular. Building an office complex is secular but building a church is sacred. As a result lay people see most of their time spend in secular activity. They believe that the only time they are serving Christ is when they are doing what is spiritual-teaching SS singing in choir, serving on a board, praying, or sharing their faith with someone who doesn't know about Jesus. Because secular jobs are so demanding they have little time to do these extra "Spiritual things'.

Many think that only ministers and full time Christian workers are doing ministry. What a difference in the NT where the believers were spirit filled. They spread the gospel in ways natural to them. They were filled with the love of God and demonstrated this love by caring for others and sharing possessions. What spoke to the non Christian world was their attitudes which were most clearly seen in the work world. The greatest impact for Jesus was not through the mass media and Jerusalem Gazette, but through the witness of the body of Christ through the way they lived between Sundays in their home and neighborhoods, in their social contacts and on their jobs day in and out. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit they demonstrated Christian love and caring in ways natural to them shared their faith to friends. They affirm confidently how God changed their lives and how He can change anyone's life.

I read a book of the business man Stanley Tam the Title was "God Owns My Business" The story of this man decided to give his business over to God. He began a shrewd operator, but God convicted his heart to give God 51% of the profits of his business. This made God the controlling partner of his silver reclaiming business. IRS audited him every year because they couldn't believe the gifts of charity.

The business grew beyond anyone's exceptions. He found as he was faithful to his commitment to God, the Lord prospered him, not necessarily in financial ways. He had more witnessing opportunities. He saw people grow in their faith and become believers in Jesus. Many times he was tempted to do things that were not in keeping with Christian principles only to get financial advantage, and yet prayed and resisted such temptations.

"My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ" he writes in his book "In my case God knew my yen for making money He had left me undisturbed in this area, I could have become a proud, materialistic, self centered spiritual misfit, but somehow I had found wisdom to tell God he could have full control of me. I meant it and God took me at my word. Thus is asking of me the submission of the greatest drive in my live, the thirst for making money, he removed the blinding influence and replaced it with inner peace and satisfaction such as I could never have otherwise known.

I have no doubt but that the other men may be able to run their businesses in the usual manner but just as committed to God in their way and how they use their money, but with me it was a matter of nailing down my commitment. "

That kind of purpose, as an employee or employer, or self employed or volunteer person means everything you do is completely on the up and up. God wants honest service, never misrepresenting their product, having open books, when one makes a mistake in overpayment that money was returned. Seeking to pay bills on time and paying what you owe.

Moving into the New Year of 2010 is a step of faith. Faith is seeking to live for Jesus in a world that keeps tempting us in different ways, with different purposes and pleasures.

May your New Year be filled with Christ’s presence and peace at work and in your home.

Pastor Dale