Friday, April 10, 2009

Authority and Wisdom Ecclesastes 8

Sermon nuggets Week of April 6 Ecclesiastes 8

Eccl 8:1-17

Sermon Nuggets Mon April 6

Verses Eccl 8:1,2 Who is like the wise man? Who knows the explanation of things? Wisdom brightens a man's face and changes its hard appearance.
Obey the king's command, I say, because you took an oath before God.

Authority and Wisdom
One little girl was told by her mother at their kitchen table to be seated. She didn't want to sit. The mother explained she needed to sit at the table and not stand. The daughter continued to stand. Finally the mother gave her a choice of being seated, or getting a swat. Disgusted the child sat and said firmly, "I might be seated on the outside, but I'm standing in the inside."

This morning the subject is authority and submission. There are many things we do out of compulsion, not out of desire. If there was one word many would like to remove from the Bible it might be the word, submission. Typically we do not like to submit to any authority, but that is the basis by which society can operate without chaos. In our individualist mindset we want to grant authority to those we deem worthy to receive it and not to those whom we feel do not deserve it. But let’s face it, from the moment we are born until we die there are people in authority over us. Parents and babysitters have responsibility for our care and our discipline as children. Teachers must have authority in the classroom of learning. We have laws and rules to govern our communities and they are established by procedures that govern the legislature and leaders.

But just because someone might have the position of authority doesn’t mean we grant them that authority in our lives. People continually defy rules and laws. We do not always obey those in charge. We might be convinced to do so if it seems to be for our good. But there is this streak within where we think, “No one is going to tell me what to do.”

We resent it if a policeman stops us for going a few miles over the speed limit, but are grateful when there is a disturbance and we want his protection. Young people resent parents authority when they put limitations on their activities, but are happy to partake of their benefits of food, laundry, money and a place to sleep. The Armed Forces provide security and defense but with it comes polished shoes short hair, boot camp and undo hassles from the drill sergeant. We pay them with our tax money.

But what rules and laws ought to govern our morals? There is a growing trend society that each does what is right in his own eyes. This is nothing new, of course. This was the way life was in the days of the Judges from the Old Testament. The philosophy of relativism and pluralism sets up personal opinion guiding our choices and actions.

All throughout our existence we are going to be in conflict with the benefits and the limitation of authority. Yet, we cannot begin to experience spiritual growth until we learn the lesson of submission.

God's word has important instructions- "Children obey your parents, slaves be submission to your masters, wives to subject to your husbands. Be subject to the rulers and authorities, submit yourselves one unto another.” The church is subject to Christ. And in the end the Bible teaches “every knee shall bow and every tongue declare that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father"

Solomon teaches wisdom about authority. We will look more closely at that this week.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues April 7, 2009

Verses Eccl 8:1-6 Who is like the wise man? Who knows the explanation of things? Wisdom brightens a man's face and changes its hard appearance.
Obey the king's command, I say, because you took an oath before God. Do not be in a hurry to leave the king's presence. Do not stand up for a bad cause, for he will do whatever he pleases.
Since a king's word is supreme, who can say to him, "What are you doing?"
Whoever obeys his command will come to no harm, and the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure. For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter, though a man's misery weighs heavily upon him.

Proper Authority

Because God is a God of order He ordained people to be used to maintain order. But the Bible is clear. All authority comes from God. The concept of leadership and submission comes from our Creator. Solomon is sharing facts. There is a king; like him or not. He does what he wants; like it or not. It will go best if you obey him.

I had read about a new TV program called “Kings” inspired by the stories of King Saul and King David. It is put in a modern day setting and certainly veers far from the Biblical account. But I did watch a few episodes. It illustrates the power of a king who does what he wants. To the credit of the producer the character also acknowledges that God is the power that allowed the king to have his position. When power goes to his head his authority may continue for awhile, but the steps of the future are in the hands of God.

There is a God; like Him or not. He does what He wants; like it or not. And it will go best if you learn to obey Him. Human government is inaugurated by God. Having civil authority is an absolutely necessary because of fallen, deprived and sinful mankind. We must have a restraint on our evil tendencies. God has therefore authorized human ruling powers in countries, kingdoms and nations to make and enforce laws for the sake of order and public welfare. If any society is going to exist it needs to have rules and someone to enforce those rules or there is chaos and anarchy.

Romans 13:1-3 says, “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you.”(NIV)

When the newspaper speaks of increased burglaries in Cambridge, and vandalism in Braham, I am glad we have laws and civil authorities that can investigate and arrest the guilty parties. Others in authority to create laws and judge whose who brake laws help us making it a punishable crime when peole steal and vandalize and rape, and abuse others. We must not kill and pollute, and speed that might endanger other lives. We must stop at red lights, and keep the noise down after a certain time in the evening, so we might better live in peace. God ordained government to protect, prosecute and execute civil justice for the peace and welfare of its citizens. To the degree they seek to carry out that divine purpose we must submit.

Verses 5& 6 remind us it is wise to obey. We will have an easier time of it. We see this not only in civil government, but also in school, on the job, in all organizations. If you have a boss and she is in authority over you. When you are submissive to her wishes that are appropriate to the job, you will be more blessed as an employee. A good worker seeks the best interest by generally doing her work conscientiously, honestly, and quickly.

Now there are ways that labor and management can negotiate. Employees do have rights. We do not live in slavery like in Solomon’s day without any rights or recourse to stand against injustice. That is true in many countries today. Too often we receive goods from third world countries that have slave labor, or as close to it as possible.

When a youngster obeys his parents, what do you think his parents’ response will be? When an employee is cooperative he or she is honored.

v. 6 reminds us there are also wise citizens who learn the right time and place to provide proper influence on those in authority. Seldom is it in confrontation, but in seeking solutions to make it go easy for all parties involved. Many wise employees learn to reason with their bosses when they are in calmer moods. Most know the times and places for negotiations in respectful and polite manners.

Daniel was just such a man of wisdom who humbly and respectfully submitted the authority King of Babylon and palace guards and made friends while demonstrating allegiance to God. Joseph did the same thing. The kings saw honest character, humble spirit, effective work, loyalty and God used them to influence those in authority for Godly ways.

As Christian citizens, make your views known. Since we are allowed the opportunity for voice, write congressmen, attend local meetings, even protest with respect and reason. But it is wise to obey the laws, unless those laws come in conflict with the laws of God.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds April 8, 2009

Verses-Eccl 8: 7-9 Since no man knows the future, who can tell him what is to come?
8 No man has power over the wind to contain it; so no one has power over the day of his death. As no one is discharged in time of war, so wickedness will not release those who practice it.
9 All this I saw, as I applied my mind to everything done under the sun. There is a time when a man lords it over others to his own hurt.

Limited Authority
We discussed proper authority ordained by God yesterday- government has the right to collect taxes, protect citizens, take care of fire emergencies, build and maintain roads, maintain military and assist in welfare and social services; but no authority in this world is all knowing. All the promises of politicians are just wishful thinking. Our wisest economists are not all that wise. There are things constantly occurring especially today that just do not fit the economic rules.

There are no easy answers to complex questions. There is no president, senator, or political leader that is right all the time, because none of us are omniscient. There is no pastor who doesn't make mistakes; there is no boss who makes decisions that are right all the time. We do not know the future and furthermore there are areas leaders stick their noses in where frankly it does not belong.

Authority is for a prescribed purpose, but it does not extend beyond what is God's intent. There will be mistakes, so learn to forgive and learn to be humble.

The danger of proper authority is that it often does not recognize when their authority is limited. The policeman who has authority is also under authority. He cannot be judge and jury to a criminal he is arresting. The problem with congressmen is the have authority but cannot take their authority to areas beyond their jurisdiction. But their authority is also subjected to certain laws and rules. A democracy states that the common citizen has rights under the law that the president himself cannot overrule. The court systems are provided so laws can be followed and prescribed ways can be accomplished to determine guilt and innocence. It does not always work.

We must be aware of limited authority. 1) Limited in wisdom, they don't know everything so don't always make the best decisions
2) Limited in power; even though they have authority they may not have the power. Someone said the rebel with the gun may have power, but not authority. Jesus told Pilate that when he was being judged falsely.
3) Authority is limited in that is it also under authority if no one else, at least to God, for He alone has all power and all wisdom and is the final authority.

Solomon is reminding us only God knows all things. Only God controls the winds and the storms and all power is in his hands. Only God can forgive sin. That is why we can look to Jesus and call him our Lord first and foremost. He knows the future. Jesus alone could call the winds and the waves and they would obey. He did have power of the day of his own death and conquered death and arose victorious over the grave. Jesus alone could say to people "thy sins are forgiven you"

Now when it comes to earthly activity how do we respond to limited authority?

I think we need to recognize it. I think we need to pray. I Tim 2:2 “Pray for those in authority over you.” Pray for all people and for our rulers and not just criticize. I've heard lots of complaints concerning our president, concerning our senators, concerning our governor, concerning our representatives, but for all officials, you need to pray.

There are complaints about your boss, about your teacher, about your parents, about your spouse, about your school, about your pastor and church, about any in leadership positions. Recognize their authority is limited. God is in charge, and pray for them.

Thank you so much for those of you who continue to pray for your pastors, keep doing do. Recognize we are so limited and needy and dependent on the true one who has all authority. Our tasks is to point each other to Him.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets April 9 2009

Verses- Eccl 8:9-11,14
9 All this I saw, as I applied my mind to everything done under the sun. There is a time when a man lords it over others to his own hurt.
10 Then too, I saw the wicked buried-- those who used to come and go from the holy place and receive praise in the city where they did this. This too is meaningless.
11 When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong.
14 There is something else meaningless that occurs on earth: righteous men who get what the wicked deserve, and wicked men who get what the righteous deserve. This too, I say, is meaningless.

Abused Authority
Unfortunately with authority comes abuse. Power goes to one’s head when he inflicts injustice an another. It may not be for profit, but just the fact of power. There is the constant temptation of leaders to misuse their position for selfish purposes or pride. It is easy for public servants to become public masters. That is another reason why leaders need our prayers.

I read a story of one of the hired hands working on Teddy Roosevelt’s ranch in North Dakota. He captured a maverick, wild animal on another man's land. According to the law it belonged to the neighbor. Roosevelt’s cowhand was about to put his boss’s brand on. Teddy Roosevelt stopped him and fired him on the spot. He explained "Any man who will steal for me, will steal from me."

I don't understand companies who try to get sales representatives misrepresent the product for they are encouraging liars and dishonest persons as employees and will fail one way or the other sooner or later.

We are troubled when some congressmen think their position is above the law and have the liberty to write bad checks without consequences, using expense accounts for personal use, billing telephones for private use, taking personal trips at government expense. Some are seeking sexual favors with employees. It is horrible abuse of authority when police can beat up people they arrest unmercifully, when doctors change their medical records to cover up their errors. It is an abuse of authority when the wicked are rewarded for their actions and the righteous are punished.

When government exceeds God's authority and promotes ungodly results then it ceases to be legitimate authority and must be corrected, or disobeyed, if contrary to Gods laws. When those in authority fail to see they are under the greater heavenly authority the apostle Peter stated, “We must obey God rather than man.” It is the same principle when your employer asks you to do dishonest things, or when parents abuse their children and instead of protecting them and caring for them. Sexual and physical abuse results when empowered people seek to get their way.

Solomon says he sees cruelty done and lording it over others to their own hurt. He's seen wicked buried and then listened to their eulogy. Many wicked are praised at death, but they will be facing the one who has final authority and then it's too late to change.

If all authority is granted by God, that doesn’t mean all things a person in that position is allowed by God. Some day there will be an accounting of how each does his or her work.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri April 10, 2009

Eccl 8:12-17 Although a wicked man commits a hundred crimes and still lives a long time, I know that it will go better with God-fearing men, who are reverent before God.
13 Yet because the wicked do not fear God, it will not go well with them, and their days will not lengthen like a shadow.

15 So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun.
16 When I applied my mind to know wisdom and to observe man's labor on earth-- his eyes not seeing sleep day or night--then I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all his efforts to search it out, man cannot discover its meaning. Even if a wise man claims he knows, he cannot really comprehend it.

Divine Authority

Lastly, the writer reminds us there is divine authority. The preacher realizes that God ordained proper human authority, which makes that indirectly divine authority. We observed all those in authority have limited authority. That is why leaders need prayer. We also see many in power will abuse their leadership. But ultimately God will hold into account all who are in authority as well as those under authority. We need to strongly support people that will carry out justice, help those who are in need, have a just tax, and not abuse power. We need responsible leadership. But never to forget that ultimately our submission and authority is to God. But also remember all humans will fall short of the ideal. All of us will make mistakes.

Who of us as parents at times fall short of the authority granted to us by God? We do not always make wise decisions for the benefit of our family or children. This is a reminder that we are not only under Gods’ authority but need to evaluate our position and responsibility with humility and confession.

Yes, it is true there are people who can get away with crime and sin and do things that are not right. But never forget, God has the last word. Solomon knows it will go better also on this earth with God fearing men, for they have the spirit of God within them, even during the difficulties of our days. King Solomon is mindful that when people do not fear God it will not go well with them and “their days will not lengthen like a shadow" You cannot fool God. He is just.

Those who have been declared righteous, regardless what has happened in their lives, will be rewarded by God, our great and holy judge. Wisdom comes from the fear of the Lord.

Look at vs. 15 Solomon says since there are many things we are blind to, and since God is ultimately in charge, live a life of faith and truth and trust in God. When we seek to live for Christ then joy will come and blessings with the provisions we know comes as a gift from above. Our food and our drink are provisions from God. Enjoy them.

Our Lord gives us this world to enjoy. It is best enjoyed when we put Him as the final authority in our lives, in our work, in our church, in our country. All that we receive are gifts from above. Be glad and full of joy in this life. Thank Him for your daily provisions. Thank Him for your family, friends, air, spring, clothes, and cars. Thank Him for He has given Himself to you and is the Divine Authority that operates out of glory for Him and love for you.

Do you have that peace? Because of the authority of heaven, Jesus bought us unto Himself. He is our Lord and King. We have a Lord whose authority is over all of nature, heaven, hell, principalities above and below. All human authority is in his hand. He seeks to work out good if we submit and obey our king Jesus. Our wisdom is so limited (16-17) When we see all God has done, who can understand or comprehend it all?

Isn't it a curious thing that Jesus, who has all authority, humbled himself into the position of a servant? Isn't it a bit odd that the Lord of the universe took on the form of a man and became servant of all? Why is it that Jesus would say, "He would be first shall be last, and the last shall be first." Why when Jesus was teaching his disciples on leadership say in Mark 10:43 You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you, Instead whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whosoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Because Jesus understood the plan, and the future, He was able to be under authority and carry out our salvation. He who is the best authority is one who has learned to be under authority. The kind of leader we are instructed to be is the leader who is concerned for those for whom he is responsible, their task, their lord, and in humility draw upon the wisdom from the one his is the divine authority. The best leaders are those who model Jesus Christ. The best leader is Jesus Christ.

As we conclude as yourself this question, "Is he Lord over your life?"

Pastor Dale