Sermon nuggets Fri July 25
Theme: Responding to Jesus
Verses- John 12:9-11 Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and putting their faith in him.(NIV)
Reactions to a Resurrection
Many came to believe because they saw the work of God in Lazarus raised to life after being dead. Rumors quickly spread and people needed to see for themselves. Many did believe in Jesus because of the sight of Lazarus alive.
Now Christ will return all all in Him will rise again. But that Spirit of life is available now to all who believe. People take notice when someone demonstrates a new life in Christ by the change and excitement and repenting from sin. Some when they see life in us marvel and follow Jesus for themselves. Do people see Jesus in us? Is there life evident?
Romans 6:4 says, "We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." We have been raised from the dead Ephesians also tells us, that we were dead in transgressions and sins. We followed the ways of the world, but God in His great love and mercy made us alive. "Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set you minds on things above, not on earthly things."
Ralph Neighbour, pastor of Houston's West Memorial Baptist Church tells this story. Jack had been president of a large corporation, and when he got cancer, he went through his insurance, used his life savings, and had practically nothing left. Dr. Neighbour visited him with one of his deacons who said, "Jack, you speak so openly about the brief life you have left. I wonder if you've prepared for your life after death?"
Jack stood up, livid with rage. "You_____ _____ Christians, All you ever think about is what's going to happen to me after I die. If your God is so great, why doesn't he do something about the real problems of life?” He went on to tell us he was leaving his wife penniless and his daughter without money for college. Then he ordered them out of his room.
The pastor and deacon made a follow-up call. "Jack, I know I offended you, I humbly apologize. But I want you to know I've been working since then. Your first problem is where your family will live after you die. A Realtor in our church has agreed to sell your house and give you wife his commission. I guarantee you that, you you'll permit us, some other men and I will make the house payment until it's sold. Then, I've contacted the owner of an apartment house down the street. He's offered your wife a three bedroom apartment plus free utilities and an $850-a month salary in return for her collecting rents and supervising plumbing and electrical repairs. The income from your house should pay for your daughter's college. I just want you to know your family will be cared for."
Jack cried like a baby. He died shortly thereafter, so wrapped in pain he never accepted Christ. But he experienced God's love even while rejecting Him and his widow, touched by the caring Christians, responded to the gospel message.
Since Lazarus was a walking miracle that put him in the place of danger because the leaders wanted to kill him too. They were willing to keep their positions by arranging two murders. When a man has to support a position by destroying evidence which threatens it, it means that he is prepared to use dishonest methods to support a lie. And he knows it. Satan wants to destroy the life. Satan wants us to be powerless, fearful, and self-seeking. He knows when the glory of the Lord is seen people will see the reality of Jesus in ways that they want.
The same miracle produced two different responses. “Lets praise Him and follow Him.” And “If we can’t ignore Him, let’s attack and destroy Him.”
I see this spirit growing as increased martyrdom is exhibited. But Christ’s people let their light and life shine.
Pastor Dale
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Responding in Worship John 112:7-8
Sermon nuggets Thurs July 24
Theme Responding to Jesus
Verses- John 12:7-8 "Leave her alone," Jesus replied. "It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial.
You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me." (NIV)
Responding in Worship
I thought about the preachers comments. “We were made to worship. That is the greatest thing we can do both on the earth and in heaven.”
Is worshipping the Lord more important than feeding the hungry?
Many will criticize money used for a sanctuary while others desire the money to go toward the homeless. It seems Jesus is relating a truth that we find in Ecclesiastes 3:1 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven”
We respond to Jesus by both worshipping and giving a cup of cold water in Jesus name. We respond to His love by adoring Him with all we have and serving others that they might know the love and kindness of Christ. Worship is more than what is done in church, it is ascribing worth and honor and praise in being the provider of beauty as well as food, of salvation as well as meeting our temporary needs.
Jesus was to go to the cross. He used this time of anointing to remind His disciples of His coming burial. John and the others realized the significance of this statement after the resurrection. Jesus knew why He was to be in Jerusalem during the Passover. He knew His Father’s plans. Such ointment was used for burial purposes. She was honoring Him in a way that even she had no knowledge. She worshipped. God confirmed this as a holy act.
Jesus knew the hearts of the disciples. The value of the ointment was of greater concern that the witness of worship.
When I think of the extravagant cathedrals of Europe my admiration goes out to those who planned it and constructed it as a means of their faith expression to the grandeur and exaltation of Jesus. As I toured some of these magnificent structures in Europe it struck me that the faith of the fathers certainly did not carry over to the generations that followed. Faith today seemed dead. It was materialistic. It was ritualistic. Worship for the most part was not out of a heart filled with love and devotion to our Lord, but out of duty, obligation and tradition. Even the alms collected for the poor showed limited compassion.
The worship of the Lord that is out of love was used of God to point to the redemption of Jesus by His death. But worship is also assisting those in need as that delights our Lord.
Mary chose the best part. He was used of God for prophetic purposes. It was designed to prepare his body for burial in the best way possible. It was done in worship.
Pastor Dale
Theme Responding to Jesus
Verses- John 12:7-8 "Leave her alone," Jesus replied. "It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial.
You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me." (NIV)
Responding in Worship
I thought about the preachers comments. “We were made to worship. That is the greatest thing we can do both on the earth and in heaven.”
Is worshipping the Lord more important than feeding the hungry?
Many will criticize money used for a sanctuary while others desire the money to go toward the homeless. It seems Jesus is relating a truth that we find in Ecclesiastes 3:1 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven”
We respond to Jesus by both worshipping and giving a cup of cold water in Jesus name. We respond to His love by adoring Him with all we have and serving others that they might know the love and kindness of Christ. Worship is more than what is done in church, it is ascribing worth and honor and praise in being the provider of beauty as well as food, of salvation as well as meeting our temporary needs.
Jesus was to go to the cross. He used this time of anointing to remind His disciples of His coming burial. John and the others realized the significance of this statement after the resurrection. Jesus knew why He was to be in Jerusalem during the Passover. He knew His Father’s plans. Such ointment was used for burial purposes. She was honoring Him in a way that even she had no knowledge. She worshipped. God confirmed this as a holy act.
Jesus knew the hearts of the disciples. The value of the ointment was of greater concern that the witness of worship.
When I think of the extravagant cathedrals of Europe my admiration goes out to those who planned it and constructed it as a means of their faith expression to the grandeur and exaltation of Jesus. As I toured some of these magnificent structures in Europe it struck me that the faith of the fathers certainly did not carry over to the generations that followed. Faith today seemed dead. It was materialistic. It was ritualistic. Worship for the most part was not out of a heart filled with love and devotion to our Lord, but out of duty, obligation and tradition. Even the alms collected for the poor showed limited compassion.
The worship of the Lord that is out of love was used of God to point to the redemption of Jesus by His death. But worship is also assisting those in need as that delights our Lord.
Mary chose the best part. He was used of God for prophetic purposes. It was designed to prepare his body for burial in the best way possible. It was done in worship.
Pastor Dale
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Pretense John 12:4-8
Sermon nuggets Weds, July 23
Theme Responding to Jesus
Verses- John 12:4-8 But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected,"Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages."
6 He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.
7 "Leave her alone," Jesus replied. "It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. 8 You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me."
The Pretense of Service and Love
Since Mary’s love was shown by what she gave to Jesus, Judas displays a concern for the poor that is revealed to be hypocritical.
So many people fake love. It is especially true when it comes to responding to Jesus. There are many ulterior motives. People want others to think they are Christians and love Jesus. It is common that acts of service are not out of love for the Lord, or even for others, but what others might think or out of concern for ourselves.
Many show acts of kindness that go unnoticed and unannounced. Others will only demonstrate service if others are watching or if they will announce their good works to get the praise and respect of people. Jesus knows the heart of those who love and those who pretend.
Judas had just witnessed the action of surpassing loveliness and ended up calling it an action of extravagant waste. An embittered man takes an embittered view of something. One can easily be in love and see things through rose colored glasses, another may be filled with hurt or hate and all they see in another's action is cause for further criticism and contempt.
Judas condemned what Mary did because he said that this expensive perfume should not be wasted in that way, but at least saved and sold so the money could be distributed to the poor. But we also see behind the scene, as God sees all the time. We see not only the words that make Judas sound very pious and practical, but also the motive which had nothing to do with his statement. He was a thief. He didn't want that money to be used for Jesus, but put in the treasury. There he could have some control over it and indeed even have access to use it for his own wants. Judas is testifying of his concern from the poor, but his heart before God is full of pretense. Jesus knows that. He is not motivated out of love or concern for others because of his love for Christ, but rather selfishness.
The poor indeed could and should be helped. That was the purpose of Jesus' teaching they might know now is a time of worship which is a priority. Jesus made it clear that there was only a short time that he would be there with them and it was the right time to share their love for Him.
This is a good reminder for us that our relationships here on earth are temporary. Tell people you love them while they are living, they will not hear it once they are gone. Do you want to do something nice for someone, do it now, you will regret it if you don't when it is too late.
But do not understand this passage to mean that the matters of helping the poor are not important. The Bible is full of instruction that teaches one of the ways we serve our God is to have a heart that is benevolent. Deut. 15:11 says, "There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land." We need to be aware and desirous of helping the poor, the victims, the unfortunate around us. We will always have poor with us and one of the ways God meets their needs is through believers. We are doing God's work when we care for others whose circumstances are different than ours. There are some who are seeking to beat the system. That is too bad, but there are many legitimate needs that are going unmet unless we do something.
Pastor Dale
Theme Responding to Jesus
Verses- John 12:4-8 But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected,"Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages."
6 He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.
7 "Leave her alone," Jesus replied. "It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. 8 You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me."
The Pretense of Service and Love
Since Mary’s love was shown by what she gave to Jesus, Judas displays a concern for the poor that is revealed to be hypocritical.
So many people fake love. It is especially true when it comes to responding to Jesus. There are many ulterior motives. People want others to think they are Christians and love Jesus. It is common that acts of service are not out of love for the Lord, or even for others, but what others might think or out of concern for ourselves.
Many show acts of kindness that go unnoticed and unannounced. Others will only demonstrate service if others are watching or if they will announce their good works to get the praise and respect of people. Jesus knows the heart of those who love and those who pretend.
Judas had just witnessed the action of surpassing loveliness and ended up calling it an action of extravagant waste. An embittered man takes an embittered view of something. One can easily be in love and see things through rose colored glasses, another may be filled with hurt or hate and all they see in another's action is cause for further criticism and contempt.
Judas condemned what Mary did because he said that this expensive perfume should not be wasted in that way, but at least saved and sold so the money could be distributed to the poor. But we also see behind the scene, as God sees all the time. We see not only the words that make Judas sound very pious and practical, but also the motive which had nothing to do with his statement. He was a thief. He didn't want that money to be used for Jesus, but put in the treasury. There he could have some control over it and indeed even have access to use it for his own wants. Judas is testifying of his concern from the poor, but his heart before God is full of pretense. Jesus knows that. He is not motivated out of love or concern for others because of his love for Christ, but rather selfishness.
The poor indeed could and should be helped. That was the purpose of Jesus' teaching they might know now is a time of worship which is a priority. Jesus made it clear that there was only a short time that he would be there with them and it was the right time to share their love for Him.
This is a good reminder for us that our relationships here on earth are temporary. Tell people you love them while they are living, they will not hear it once they are gone. Do you want to do something nice for someone, do it now, you will regret it if you don't when it is too late.
But do not understand this passage to mean that the matters of helping the poor are not important. The Bible is full of instruction that teaches one of the ways we serve our God is to have a heart that is benevolent. Deut. 15:11 says, "There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land." We need to be aware and desirous of helping the poor, the victims, the unfortunate around us. We will always have poor with us and one of the ways God meets their needs is through believers. We are doing God's work when we care for others whose circumstances are different than ours. There are some who are seeking to beat the system. That is too bad, but there are many legitimate needs that are going unmet unless we do something.
Pastor Dale
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Love by Giving John 12:1-3
Sermon nuggets Tues July 22, 2008
Theme- Responding to Jesus
Verses John 12:1-3 Six days before the Passover, Jesus arrived at Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.
2 Here a dinner was given in Jesus' honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him.
3 Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
Love by Giving
Just has Martha expressed her love to Christ by serving him and others, Mary has a heart filled with love and what she had she wanted to give to Jesus. Her act of love was taking what was valuable to her and making it special by pursing this expensive perfume on Jesus feet.
The most precious thing Mary possessed was spent all on Jesus. As is the custom of that day the people would recline at table, meaning they would be on a couch and prop oneself up on elbow at a low table. It was easy to anoint the head and the feet as the passage indicates. It was the custom of special guests to not just wash feet after travel, but also to put a few drops of oil or perfume on the head of the honored guest.
Mary's love was just such that she came with an alabaster jar and broke it. Nard is the precious ointment from rare plant in far off eastern India. This was an action of love, and deep devotion. Her love was demonstrated with unselfishness, and humility. She unbound her hair and dried his feet with it. She took the position of a slave to serve her master, out of the heart, not out of duty.
Giving is a personal expression of love. Love is sacrificial. True love gives.
I think of David's comment in II Samuel 24:24 He desired to build an alter to sacrifice to God. Araunah was the property owner and was proud to let David use his land and even donate animals to David for such use, as well as wood to use for burning it. David’s response was. "No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the Lord, my God, burnt offerings that cost me nothing." So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen and paid 50 shekels of silver for them.
Mary knows the lesson that many of us are just learning. All that we have belongs to the Lord. Even that ointment wasn't hers, but the Lords. God in his majestic way used it also as a prophetic statement of the burial of Jesus since such ointment was also saved for that occasion.
What we have belongs to God. Our car is God's car, our clothes are a gift from him to protect us and to honor him; Our TV sets belong to God. Does what we watch reflect that?
When the passage says that the whole room was filled with it's fragrance, indeed it was. One church father went on to say, "The whole church was filled with the sweet memory of Mary's lovely deed. A lovely deed became the possession of the whole world."
When Jesus was asked the important commandments, Jesus told his hearers that the greatest commandment was to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul and strength."
Her heart showed.
Pastor Dale
Theme- Responding to Jesus
Verses John 12:1-3 Six days before the Passover, Jesus arrived at Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.
2 Here a dinner was given in Jesus' honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him.
3 Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
Love by Giving
Just has Martha expressed her love to Christ by serving him and others, Mary has a heart filled with love and what she had she wanted to give to Jesus. Her act of love was taking what was valuable to her and making it special by pursing this expensive perfume on Jesus feet.
The most precious thing Mary possessed was spent all on Jesus. As is the custom of that day the people would recline at table, meaning they would be on a couch and prop oneself up on elbow at a low table. It was easy to anoint the head and the feet as the passage indicates. It was the custom of special guests to not just wash feet after travel, but also to put a few drops of oil or perfume on the head of the honored guest.
Mary's love was just such that she came with an alabaster jar and broke it. Nard is the precious ointment from rare plant in far off eastern India. This was an action of love, and deep devotion. Her love was demonstrated with unselfishness, and humility. She unbound her hair and dried his feet with it. She took the position of a slave to serve her master, out of the heart, not out of duty.
Giving is a personal expression of love. Love is sacrificial. True love gives.
I think of David's comment in II Samuel 24:24 He desired to build an alter to sacrifice to God. Araunah was the property owner and was proud to let David use his land and even donate animals to David for such use, as well as wood to use for burning it. David’s response was. "No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the Lord, my God, burnt offerings that cost me nothing." So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen and paid 50 shekels of silver for them.
Mary knows the lesson that many of us are just learning. All that we have belongs to the Lord. Even that ointment wasn't hers, but the Lords. God in his majestic way used it also as a prophetic statement of the burial of Jesus since such ointment was also saved for that occasion.
What we have belongs to God. Our car is God's car, our clothes are a gift from him to protect us and to honor him; Our TV sets belong to God. Does what we watch reflect that?
When the passage says that the whole room was filled with it's fragrance, indeed it was. One church father went on to say, "The whole church was filled with the sweet memory of Mary's lovely deed. A lovely deed became the possession of the whole world."
When Jesus was asked the important commandments, Jesus told his hearers that the greatest commandment was to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul and strength."
Her heart showed.
Pastor Dale
Love by Serving John 12:1-3
Sermon nuggets week of July 21, 2008
Sermon Nuggets, Mon July 21
Theme Responding to Jesus
Verses John 12:1-2 Six days before the Passover, Jesus arrived at Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.
2 Here a dinner was given in Jesus' honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him.
Love by Serving
Misunderstood actions, are common aren't they? People don't always know what is in our hearts, but there are situations that occur that do reveal what is in a heart.
Ruby Seaman told of the day when a neighbor boy knocked on her door and enthusiastically invited her to join him and his classmate for a marshmallow roast. She declined, although her heart soared with pleasure to think they had wanted her company. The little friend hesitated a
moment and then got to the point; "Well do you have any marshmallows?"
There are times when our intentions get in the way of our actions. They become a testimony of what's really going on. That is something that God always sees. What is the testimony of our heart this morning? What is it that the Lord sees? This passage can be used as a reminder of the importance of self-examination as to how we might respond to Jesus.
Mary and Martha certainly were testifying the love that they had for Jesus. Martha is depicted in the Bible as the one who serves, Mary as the one who worships. Both are different expressions of love and I do not believe one is exclusive of the other. We need to worship and we need to work. Martha showed her love by serving her Lord and guests.
Mary showed her love by outward adoration and personal sacrifice from the heart of devotion, which the Lord saw, which we will discuss a bit tomorrow.
Cecily Hallack captures the prayer of Martha when she wrote in the Divine Office of the Kitchen, "Lord of the pots and pans, since I have no time to be,
A saint by doing lovely things and vigilling with Thee,
By watching in the twilight dawn, and storming Heaven's gates.
Make me a saint by getting meals and washing up the plates!"
God not only sees what we do, but our heart as well. What he sees in Martha is love. This love is shown in responding to Jesus by serving Him and His disciples and friends.
How might you serve Jesus today? Which of His friends might receive from you in love for Him?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets, Mon July 21
Theme Responding to Jesus
Verses John 12:1-2 Six days before the Passover, Jesus arrived at Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.
2 Here a dinner was given in Jesus' honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him.
Love by Serving
Misunderstood actions, are common aren't they? People don't always know what is in our hearts, but there are situations that occur that do reveal what is in a heart.
Ruby Seaman told of the day when a neighbor boy knocked on her door and enthusiastically invited her to join him and his classmate for a marshmallow roast. She declined, although her heart soared with pleasure to think they had wanted her company. The little friend hesitated a
moment and then got to the point; "Well do you have any marshmallows?"
There are times when our intentions get in the way of our actions. They become a testimony of what's really going on. That is something that God always sees. What is the testimony of our heart this morning? What is it that the Lord sees? This passage can be used as a reminder of the importance of self-examination as to how we might respond to Jesus.
Mary and Martha certainly were testifying the love that they had for Jesus. Martha is depicted in the Bible as the one who serves, Mary as the one who worships. Both are different expressions of love and I do not believe one is exclusive of the other. We need to worship and we need to work. Martha showed her love by serving her Lord and guests.
Mary showed her love by outward adoration and personal sacrifice from the heart of devotion, which the Lord saw, which we will discuss a bit tomorrow.
Cecily Hallack captures the prayer of Martha when she wrote in the Divine Office of the Kitchen, "Lord of the pots and pans, since I have no time to be,
A saint by doing lovely things and vigilling with Thee,
By watching in the twilight dawn, and storming Heaven's gates.
Make me a saint by getting meals and washing up the plates!"
God not only sees what we do, but our heart as well. What he sees in Martha is love. This love is shown in responding to Jesus by serving Him and His disciples and friends.
How might you serve Jesus today? Which of His friends might receive from you in love for Him?
Pastor Dale
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