Friday, January 27, 2012

Troubled Marriages Malachi 2:10-16

Sermon Nuggets Mon Jan 23 

Verses-  Mal 2:10-16

Troubled Marriages
    Phillip Yancey awhile back wrote an article regarding Midlife Crisis. He said, "If I heard that term one more time, I may have one." The phrase commonly refers to the inner emotional struggles of those between 35-55. However many people rationalize their sin where no longer do they commit adultery and break up their marriages they "go through midlife crises." Arguments are almost by script.
    "I have changed. I am different man today than when I married her. I must be true to myself, and follow who I really am as far as that leads me. I have spent all my time concerned for others, now I must take care of me for awhile."
    What that often means is another woman who truly understands (which incidentally usually is 10 years younger and 15 pounds lighter than his wife, and not often bound with the same responsibilities of motherhood.) Yancey asks this question "Can a person who is actively lusting objectively examine himself and make a judgment about the future direction of his life without being affected by the lust itself?”
     The Bible simply says there is no temptation which is taken you that is not common to man But God is faithful and will provide an escape that you may be able to endure it." What is he saying?  Don't make yourself an exception to God's rule. He will be with you to work out your struggle if you are willing to obey and trust Him.
   Marriage is vitally important in many ways. For followers of Christ this is a spiritual commitment that affects relationships to God.
   There were many sins of the people which Malachi pointed out. The most important was to think they were honoring God with actions, while their hearts were complacent. Spiritual leaders were in need of revival themselves. They were doing a job, not a ministry. They were not instructing the people in the revealed word of truth, they were not correcting the people in disobedience. Commitment to Christ means a life change of heart and body and soul. Lack of commitment to God affects all the other areas of our lives. Perhaps the closest of all relationships next to the Lord is that of a marriage partner. God's intent for marriage has never been that it be a privately arranged affair for one's own personal conveniences. Marriage is a very solemn covenant entered into in the presence of God. The obligations of marriage are not to be taken lightly.  This week we will look at some things regarding marriage and divorce.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues Jan 24 

Verses Mal 2:10-13 -Have we not all one Father? Did not one God create us? Why do we profane the covenant of our fathers by breaking faith with one another?
 11 Judah has broken faith. A detestable thing has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem: Judah has desecrated the sanctuary the LORD loves, by marrying the daughter of a foreign god. 12 As for the man who does this, whoever he may be, may the LORD cut him off from the tents of Jacob—even though he brings offerings to the LORD Almighty.
 13 Another thing you do: You flood the LORD’s altar with tears. You weep and wail because he no longer pays attention to your offerings or accepts them with pleasure from your hands. 

Unequally yoked affects our Relationship to God.

     There are three marital problems being addressed in the larger passage: the marrying of people who are not of the faith, adultery, and divorce.  These are spiritual matters for the all involved the breaking of God's laws. They hold spiritual consequences. How is that? Because when we marry we are making a spiritual commitment to God. To break that commitment affects our own relationship to God. Look at verse 13.
      People were complaining and crying that the Lord was not hearing their prayers and they are wondering why? Yet they don't come to him in confession and repentance, but in thinking that going through religious acts of sacrifice and temple worship God is not keeping his part of the bargain of answering their prayers and blessing their lives.
   If your spiritual life is in the pits, perhaps you need to re-evaluate your relationship with your spouse. If your relationship with your mate is having great difficulty perhaps it's time to do spiritual evaluation.
   Now let me explain again the problem with marrying foreign wives. People of various nationalities then believed each group of people had their own god. I understand some of the Native American tribes worshiped a different god or part of nature. They believed they got powers from that god- a crow, a buffalo, the moon, the eagle and so forth. When a member of one tribe married a member from another the problem wasn't racial, it was religious and cultural. Whose god is to be worshiped? This was more pronounced in Israel when they married foreign wives. They would bring in family idols and that was an offense to God. The was the problem with Solomon whose heart grow cold to Jehovah-God in his later years. 
     The issue of the Israelites marrying women of a different race involved the introduction of the false gods being worshipped. It was perverting the faith. Indeed, if people worshiped the true God there was no problem, as evidenced in the book of Ruth. She was a Moabite and was blessed for she accepted the true God. Rahab was a gentile prostitute. But she changed allegiances and believed in the God of Israel and all was forgiven.
      So the matter is not a racial problem it is a spiritual problem. Questions of differing cultures may have a tremendous affect on how people communicate and act and think, but spiritually there is a big gulf if the Spirit of God resides in one and not the other. They don't even see things the same way. That is why Christians are instructed not to marry non Christians. (2 Cor 6:14) When you marry non-Christians your own faith will be challenged to grow colder or your marriage will, for the most important thing is seeking God’s will in all of your life and if the spouse does not there is a major difference in priorities.
     The problem, of course, is a spiritual problem. It is a symptom not only a cause. There is no question that adultery and divorce will also affect Christians in their spiritual relationship. Two people who love God with all their hearts will commit themselves to seeking solutions to resolved differences and work out together alternatives whereby they might support, love and remain faithful to each other. I also know many try with all their hearts to make a marriage work, but have a mate who is not willing to work in the relationship any longer.
     Many couples have no sense of the Biblical concept of marriage as a covenant established before God and man. On the one hand there is lot of premarital sex play based on the physical excitement. On the other hand, there is no genuine sense of pledge of spiritual fidelity on the part of the husband and wife to each other. Marriage is a spiritual commitment.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds Jan 25 

Verses Mal 2: 13 Another thing you do: You flood the LORD’s altar with tears. You weep and wail because he no longer pays attention to your offerings or accepts them with pleasure from your hands. 14 You ask, “Why?” It is because the LORD is acting as the witness between you and the wife of your youth, because you have broken faith with her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant.

Adultery affects our Relationship to God

     There is no one who affects me more than Judi and vice versa. When there is no a spiritual link between the husband and wife then there is a vast limited communication and understanding. God calls people into a relationship as husband and wife to fulfill a spiritual task. Did you know that? We are to affect one another but mostly to encourage one another in the faith. God gives each different gifts and abilities to complement one another.
     What a joy when one prays for the other, and can discuss spiritual things together and teach one another characteristics that God uses in our own growth.
    I am spiritually blessed because of Judi. I trust that same is true. Almost all the fruit of the Spirit are the results of relationships which we learn in marriage: love, long suffering, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, self-control. She is God's tool to help me and I am God's tool to help her.
    How can that happen if one isn't a believer? How can that happen if the marriage vows are broken?  If a husband or wife cheats on their spouse it affects them and it affects their mate. Infidelity causes many marriages to crumble. Why does it happen?
    Some marriage partners are unfaithful only mentally for a time, but then it yields to physical. Some people practice extramarital sex to boost their own ego, or convince themselves they are still attractive and important and appreciated by someone. Sometimes affairs are a tool of vengeance to get back at their mate. Obviously there are more complicated reasons but unless it is a safety issue it usually is a selfish one. All of these reasons are still show a lack of commitment to their marriage vows to God and each other.
     We are not created sexual animals to run about doing what feels natural. God created male and female to enable two people to become one in the fullest and most complete sense, of which sex is only a part.
     God hates divorce. There is no such thing as anyone who isn't sadly affected. What does the Bible say v.16 "I hate divorce and I hate a man's covering himself with violence as well as with his garment." Some pastors will say in no uncertain terms that wives your job is submission even if you are being beat every night.
      I never advise divorce. I would do everything I can to seek the parties to correct the sin so God can work in people’s lives. But to advise someone to stay in an abusive relationship is wrong? God hates violence. Do you think God honors one person beating up on another?  Get protection and if the person is unable to get help then your first obligation is to protect you and your children, for God hates violence. He hates divorce.
    Divorce had become so prevalent in Malachi's day that he focused on it as a major evil. It was breaking the marriage vow before God and the Jewish community. It was used for man to please himself and his desires out of selfishness. Men would be enamored by a pagan women, or seduced by a younger and more attractive woman. His pride would supersede his spiritual vow to God and to his wife.
    There is no question that when we sin against God we also sin against our mate. If we are committed to Christ and desire to honor him we will do right to take God's commands seriously. It is another thing according to 1 Corinthians 7 if we marry and then come to Christ and our mate does not. We are to remain a witness so God can work on your spouse, unless the spouse chooses to leave for religious purposes.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs Jan 26 

Verses- Mal 2:  15 Has not the LORD made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his. And why one? Because he was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth.

Marriage affects our Children’s' Relationship to God.

    Just like marriage is a tool of God's to affect our spiritual lives and the spiritual lives of our spouses, even more so marriage and  parenthood is used of God to influence children for God.  The job of the parent is to be God's servants for preparing them for this life and the next.  It is more than seeing they learn math, reading, and science. It is more than providing food and clothes, and housing.  It is love and nurture, and acceptance, and discipline, and learning to work together, and values and morals and principles. We as parent can make a kid get baptized, or even join a church, but that doesn't make him a Christian.
   We are to show the reality of Christ in us and in our love for Jesus then the Holy Spirit uses that to convict each child of their own sin and need for personally accepting Christ and following Him with all their heart.
   Modern Christians are often tempted to think that what happens in the church building comprises the sum of their religious experience. Most of the religious learning in Malachi's day took place in the Jewish home. The majority of the worship occurred in the home. Scripture memorization was not in the temple it was in the home. So a woman as a wife and mother who knew nothing about the worship of the one true God would basically be a corruption, a distortion, and the worship of God in the home was destroyed. That same woman would also successfully seek to inject into the Jewish home the worship of her pagan god.  Our marriage to non Christians sadly affects the attitude that many children have toward the faith. Young people remember now before you even date, what type of father or mother would your boy friend or girl friend make to your kids. Would they have a spiritual concern for them; would you have unity in your convictions?
   How do you think an affair might influence your children? I cannot begin to describe the tremendous influence divorce has on kids. It isn't just their own emotional health that is important it is their spiritual health and issues of trust, and prayer, and faith, and security. God's grace is often seen when re-commitments and dedications are made following recovery from divorce, but it is not without a great deal of scars. If you think being a single parent is an easy job, ask them. If you think you get out of responsibilities by leaving your family, the consequences are numerous, not to mention the Spiritual consequences to which God holds us responsible.
   We need to help, encourage and pray for those who are victims of broken marriages and especially the children.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri Jan 27 – Divorce

Verse Mal 2:  16 “I hate divorce,” says the LORD God of Israel, “and I hate a man’s covering himself with violence as well as with his garment,” says the LORD Almighty.
   So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith.

Divorce affects our Community’s Relationship to God. 

   We do not live unto ourselves. As I was reading Malachi these commandment are for individuals, but they are for the people of God too. The Lord called Jacob unto himself. He is referring to fellow Jews. I believe the nation of Judah does represent the people God calls unto himself. They are like a bride to Him.
       In the New Testament the church is the body of Christ. When the people of God continue in unfaithfulness, in divorce, and in disobedience how is the church not affected?  The cause of Christ is compromised. The more Christians ignore their vows and pledges to God, the whole body of Christ is negatively affected. Malachi asserted the every offense against the brotherhood was also against His sacred covenant that bound them together as a people.
    Given the set of circumstances, divorce may seem to be the only way to salvage anything of two lives, much less a family that has broken in two. Divorce is always failure, and since we are human, divorce will always be with us. It is not an unpardonable sin. Still we should not approach marriage or be in marriage expecting divorce as the alternative to unhappy trials.
     When sin abounds then it must be dealt with.  We not only bear one another's burdens but also are affected when someone falls.  As one is hurt so is the body hurt. When they joined themselves in marriage to heathen women or to put away by divorce their own wives in defiance of their obligations to one another, it affected the fellowship.
     Sin is not just personal. The larger communities also experience the consequences. With the rise of divorce, living outside of marriage, adultery, and broken families come the increase of the affects on children and finances, and increases the need for welfare for those who cannot make ends meet. Most jails and prisons are filled with people who do not have fathers or mothers are not around because they work two jobs to make ends meet. Drug problems, welfare, crime, alcoholism was so much higher among broken families.  One mayor said when values are taught at home it affects the city.
   To be a witness to the Lord as Christians, first we must get our own life in order, then we must make things right with our mate, then our children, then our church, and beyond that our communities.
    Many people in our nation have a rather casual attitude toward marriage. Increasingly I am hearing among church people that when their kids start living together with people of the opposite sex the rationale is well, that's the society we live in. Yes it is, but it is still sin against God. We never judge our actions based on what society is doing or even what other's who claim to be Christians are doing. We based our actions on the word of God. You cannot change the rules just become you love the players. You don't stop loving the players either. You love them pray for them, witness to them. And when their lives fall apart, for they will, then be there to pick them up and show them the path to confession, repentance and forgiveness and acceptance of God.
    There is an increasing movement to redefine families. We have an opportunity in Minnesota to vote on the marriage amendment this November. It is foolish to think it is just affects consenting parties. The relationships, even same sex relationships, affect the communities, churches, and nation.
     The call of Malachi is to have God renew our relationships and see them as something more than just between two people, or what our family does is our own business. It is a call to give yourselves to God as vessels and let God use your marriage as another illustration of grace, forgiveness and love.
    Although this passage doesn’t deal with the all the teachings of divorce and remarriage it is pointing out the results of marriage failures due to sin. Realize that your spiritual life affects your marriage and your marriage affects your spiritual life. It affects your relationship with God, your mate, your children, your church, and your community. Let God know that there are people who will stop the trend and be examples and lights to those around us.  Be God's people! Begin in your homes.

Pastor Dale