Sermon nuggets Fri April 11, 2008
Theme Feeding of the 5000
Verses John 6:12-15 When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted."
13 So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.
14 After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began to say, "Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world."
15 Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.(NIV)
No Waste
I read a joke of a lady who fell out of a second story window and landed in the garbage truck that was slowly moving past the house. Half buried in the middle, she tried without success to get the drivers attention. A foreign diplomat standing on the sidewalk saw her and commented indignantly “Another example of how wasteful Americans are. That woman looks like she’s good for at least another 10 years.”
Following this miraculous meal the disciples were instructed to collect that which is left over, no waste. We have a problem with being a wasteful people and the food that’s going into garbage cans can feed millions of hungry people in the world. Over consumption is a sin. Be satisfied to be full. Eat what you will, but don’t throw out the excess and dispose of it.
12 basketfuls remained I think for two reasons. To show that there was abundantly more than what was needed. Jesus started with a meager amount and ended up with much. And also, each disciple was able to have a basket for their ongoing provisions for the following day.
The message is true. We grow by sharing and increase by giving. God is the one who is able.
After receiving bread and fish the people were ecstatic. They thought He was the prophet to come. They wanted a King to free them from Roman domination. By force sought to make Jesus King. That was not the mission of Jesus for this time. He was to come as Savior, next time he comes as King.
People always try to lay aside the plan of God and adopt another plan which they think is better. He was to glorify His Father and redeem the people from their sins by going to the cross, paying with His blood, being buried and rise again three days later. Through that plan was the redemption of the world and overtaking of the powers of Satan. That was His mission. No one was going to stop him no matter how well meaning they might be. The crowds followed for the wrong reasons. They wanted entertainment and food, miracles and signs.
Jesus does not receive our full worship and allegiance because there are far too many other things that are important to us. Where do we thwart the plan of God in our lives today?
Pastor Dale
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Provision John 6:10-11
Sermon Nuggets Thur April 10, 2008
Theme – Feeding of the 5,000
Verses- John 6:10-11 Jesus said, "Have the people sit down." There was plenty of grass in that place, and the men sat down, about five thousand of them.
Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. (NIV)
Jesus continued to reveal His power and His identity as well as His heart that day. There were 5,000 men and Matthew’s gospel adds, “besides the women and children.” Some estimate it to be 20,000 people in all.
Jesus had his disciples sit the people down. That phrase caught my attention and I wondered why. Certainly we see organization and administration that is needed with an event like this. Groups of various sizes are manageable if you divide them up, but Tim Richard had another interesting observation as he worked with world relief.
He explained that while in China the crowds receiving food were unmanaged and they were shoving each other. People pushed ahead and there was bedlam and people could be hurt. Then he thought about this account on what Jesus did when feeding so many. He made them sit down. That was the solution to his perplexity. Sitting people do not shove or push, and it can be managed. Jesus is an administrator and organizer who accomplished much too.
Those who were seated quieted down as Jesus offered thanks. I am reminded that Jesus is the bread of life. I thought of the people of Israel during the wilderness wanderings. They did not have any place to buy bread or get the ingredients to do so. God provided Manna. He was the bread. And now Jesus is providing that bread from what they had as another miracle to show the truth that he is from God.
The Manna in the wilderness was harvested by each family. The bread and fish here was passed out by His disciples given to them by Christ. We are not the ones who can produce food. Jesus is. We have nothing that can meet others needs, but Jesus has it and chooses to use human instruments to spread it out to hungry and dying people. We are not the source of blessing, only the vehicles God chooses to us. We can’t give until we receive and can only receive from the Lord. Even the good news, the gospel story, is passed on by others who have received it and if we stop passing it there will be hungry and dying people. It multiplies, it grows. God’s power is seen.
Some liberals will teach this was not a miracle, but what really happened was people started to share what they had and everyone had a big picnic. If that were the case, why were they so excited and want to make Him king? No, it was a miracle. They responded to His power and His love.
Pastor Dale
Theme – Feeding of the 5,000
Verses- John 6:10-11 Jesus said, "Have the people sit down." There was plenty of grass in that place, and the men sat down, about five thousand of them.
Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. (NIV)
Jesus continued to reveal His power and His identity as well as His heart that day. There were 5,000 men and Matthew’s gospel adds, “besides the women and children.” Some estimate it to be 20,000 people in all.
Jesus had his disciples sit the people down. That phrase caught my attention and I wondered why. Certainly we see organization and administration that is needed with an event like this. Groups of various sizes are manageable if you divide them up, but Tim Richard had another interesting observation as he worked with world relief.
He explained that while in China the crowds receiving food were unmanaged and they were shoving each other. People pushed ahead and there was bedlam and people could be hurt. Then he thought about this account on what Jesus did when feeding so many. He made them sit down. That was the solution to his perplexity. Sitting people do not shove or push, and it can be managed. Jesus is an administrator and organizer who accomplished much too.
Those who were seated quieted down as Jesus offered thanks. I am reminded that Jesus is the bread of life. I thought of the people of Israel during the wilderness wanderings. They did not have any place to buy bread or get the ingredients to do so. God provided Manna. He was the bread. And now Jesus is providing that bread from what they had as another miracle to show the truth that he is from God.
The Manna in the wilderness was harvested by each family. The bread and fish here was passed out by His disciples given to them by Christ. We are not the ones who can produce food. Jesus is. We have nothing that can meet others needs, but Jesus has it and chooses to use human instruments to spread it out to hungry and dying people. We are not the source of blessing, only the vehicles God chooses to us. We can’t give until we receive and can only receive from the Lord. Even the good news, the gospel story, is passed on by others who have received it and if we stop passing it there will be hungry and dying people. It multiplies, it grows. God’s power is seen.
Some liberals will teach this was not a miracle, but what really happened was people started to share what they had and everyone had a big picnic. If that were the case, why were they so excited and want to make Him king? No, it was a miracle. They responded to His power and His love.
Pastor Dale
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Availablity John 6:5-14
Sermon nugget Weds April 9
Theme- Feeding of the 5,000
Verses- John 6:5-14 When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?"
6 He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do.
7 Philip answered him, "Eight months' wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!"
8 Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up,
9 "Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?"
10 Jesus said, "Have the people sit down." There was plenty of grass in that place, and the men sat down, about five thousand of them.
11 Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.12 When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted."
13 So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.
There is a Chinese proverb: “Tell me and I hear, Show me and I see, Involve me and I understand.” Can you imagine the difference of the impact of sitting at the feet of Jesus and then taking bread and fish and passing it out to people, when you know you started with only 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread? The work of God was being made manifested among them. The impact on the disciples would have been greater than those who just received the food.
I read the story of Teofilo (means friend of god) and he is talking to Christobel (Christ bearer) the new convert in the little mission chapel in Cuba; “Christobel, if you had 100 sheep, would you give 50 of them for the Lord’s work?” “Yes, I would.” “Would you do the same if you had 100 cows?” “Yes, Teofilo, I would.” “Would you do the same if you had 100 horses?” “Yes, of course.” “If you had two pigs, would you give one of them to Him?” “No, I wouldn’t and you have no right to ask me, Teofilo, for you know I have two pigs.”
Learning to obey Jesus and put your faith in Jesus is more than reading a book. It takes steps to apply that faith in practical ways. They may be times when we feel as if we fail. That is part of growth.
Jesus sees that which man does not see, and availability is what is important. Jesus used a lad, a small boy, one who from society’s point of view is insignificant. Jesus is often using kids for illustrations of the power of God. He has a heart for children, young David slew Goliath, little Samuel who heard the voice of God to instruct a priest, Moses sister watching in the bulrushes and convinces a princess to have his own mother care for him under the protection of the law of Pharaoh. Jesus loves children; this I know for the Bible tells me so.
It is not the size of the gift but the size of the surrender that determines what God can do. It is with that willing gift God can accomplish His power through us.
So often people are overwhelmed by the size of the task and think they can do so little they might as well not even try, instead of thinking we can’t do everything but we can do something. What good are two fish and five barley loaves of bread among so many? It is a start and in Jesus hands it is enough.
When the disciples starting handling the fish and bread and knew from which it came, they stepped into a new level of faith. They understood.
Pastor Dale.
Theme- Feeding of the 5,000
Verses- John 6:5-14 When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?"
6 He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do.
7 Philip answered him, "Eight months' wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!"
8 Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up,
9 "Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?"
10 Jesus said, "Have the people sit down." There was plenty of grass in that place, and the men sat down, about five thousand of them.
11 Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.12 When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted."
13 So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.
There is a Chinese proverb: “Tell me and I hear, Show me and I see, Involve me and I understand.” Can you imagine the difference of the impact of sitting at the feet of Jesus and then taking bread and fish and passing it out to people, when you know you started with only 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread? The work of God was being made manifested among them. The impact on the disciples would have been greater than those who just received the food.
I read the story of Teofilo (means friend of god) and he is talking to Christobel (Christ bearer) the new convert in the little mission chapel in Cuba; “Christobel, if you had 100 sheep, would you give 50 of them for the Lord’s work?” “Yes, I would.” “Would you do the same if you had 100 cows?” “Yes, Teofilo, I would.” “Would you do the same if you had 100 horses?” “Yes, of course.” “If you had two pigs, would you give one of them to Him?” “No, I wouldn’t and you have no right to ask me, Teofilo, for you know I have two pigs.”
Learning to obey Jesus and put your faith in Jesus is more than reading a book. It takes steps to apply that faith in practical ways. They may be times when we feel as if we fail. That is part of growth.
Jesus sees that which man does not see, and availability is what is important. Jesus used a lad, a small boy, one who from society’s point of view is insignificant. Jesus is often using kids for illustrations of the power of God. He has a heart for children, young David slew Goliath, little Samuel who heard the voice of God to instruct a priest, Moses sister watching in the bulrushes and convinces a princess to have his own mother care for him under the protection of the law of Pharaoh. Jesus loves children; this I know for the Bible tells me so.
It is not the size of the gift but the size of the surrender that determines what God can do. It is with that willing gift God can accomplish His power through us.
So often people are overwhelmed by the size of the task and think they can do so little they might as well not even try, instead of thinking we can’t do everything but we can do something. What good are two fish and five barley loaves of bread among so many? It is a start and in Jesus hands it is enough.
When the disciples starting handling the fish and bread and knew from which it came, they stepped into a new level of faith. They understood.
Pastor Dale.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Involvement John 6:5-10
Sermon nugget Tues April 8, 2008
Theme- Feeding of the 5,000
Verses- John 6:5-10 When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?"
He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do.
Philip answered him, "Eight months' wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!"
Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up, "Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?"
Jesus said, "Have the people sit down." There was plenty of grass in that place, and the men sat down, about five thousand of them. (NIV)
We find out more about the story of the feeding of the multitude by the other gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke that fill in the details. It’s the only miracle included by all four Gospels. Mark tells us after a full and active day they set aside to be by themselves. Jesus was teaching them and when the large group came. Jesus had compassion on them.
Because of the time limitations most of my teaching is from the pulpit, lectern or chair with a circle of people. I read, preach, lecture, discuss and tell stories. Jesus did that as well. I realize worship was done differently that discipling individuals or groups of people. But we are told the least effective way to teach something is to have people listen to what is said.
When Jesus was with the disciples they saw Him in life experiences throughout the week. It wasn’t just a class 35-40 minutes once a week. They lived with Him, followed Him, asked questions and watched what He did and how to talked with others as their days were spent with Christ. He would then get them aside and sit them down and talk, lecture, and explain the Scriptures. Small group Bible studies where people could ask questions was a common practice of Jesus. It works also today.
This day, however, was quiz day. Now they were “tested” to see how they would answer the essay problem. How would you feed a multitude? Phil came up with the first answer- "impossible." His solution was to dig into their pocket books and come up with the cash and go to the market and buy the food and bring it back. But they didn't have the money, time and resources to do all that, so it was impossible. Jesus wasn’t interested in finding where to buy food. He already what he was going to do.
Andrew came up with the second answer. Let’s see who and how many have food with them that might be shared. But what is this among so many people? Jesus is involved His disciples into action. They moved into getting involved. They looked for a solution to a problem, but even trying to find food was way too limited to the task.
God takes what we have and does the rest. We have two fish and 5 loaves of bread with compliments from a little boy. That is all God needs when it is given to Him.
Involvement in ministry is a far better way to learn faith than taking notes in class. Obedience followed. They instructed the people to sit and divided them up into groups, just as Jesus told them.
What is the test God presents to you today? Where does He want you to get involved? I doubt that you have enough for God’s task, but so did they. Then they watched God at work!
Pastor Dale
Theme- Feeding of the 5,000
Verses- John 6:5-10 When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?"
He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do.
Philip answered him, "Eight months' wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!"
Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up, "Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?"
Jesus said, "Have the people sit down." There was plenty of grass in that place, and the men sat down, about five thousand of them. (NIV)
We find out more about the story of the feeding of the multitude by the other gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke that fill in the details. It’s the only miracle included by all four Gospels. Mark tells us after a full and active day they set aside to be by themselves. Jesus was teaching them and when the large group came. Jesus had compassion on them.
Because of the time limitations most of my teaching is from the pulpit, lectern or chair with a circle of people. I read, preach, lecture, discuss and tell stories. Jesus did that as well. I realize worship was done differently that discipling individuals or groups of people. But we are told the least effective way to teach something is to have people listen to what is said.
When Jesus was with the disciples they saw Him in life experiences throughout the week. It wasn’t just a class 35-40 minutes once a week. They lived with Him, followed Him, asked questions and watched what He did and how to talked with others as their days were spent with Christ. He would then get them aside and sit them down and talk, lecture, and explain the Scriptures. Small group Bible studies where people could ask questions was a common practice of Jesus. It works also today.
This day, however, was quiz day. Now they were “tested” to see how they would answer the essay problem. How would you feed a multitude? Phil came up with the first answer- "impossible." His solution was to dig into their pocket books and come up with the cash and go to the market and buy the food and bring it back. But they didn't have the money, time and resources to do all that, so it was impossible. Jesus wasn’t interested in finding where to buy food. He already what he was going to do.
Andrew came up with the second answer. Let’s see who and how many have food with them that might be shared. But what is this among so many people? Jesus is involved His disciples into action. They moved into getting involved. They looked for a solution to a problem, but even trying to find food was way too limited to the task.
God takes what we have and does the rest. We have two fish and 5 loaves of bread with compliments from a little boy. That is all God needs when it is given to Him.
Involvement in ministry is a far better way to learn faith than taking notes in class. Obedience followed. They instructed the people to sit and divided them up into groups, just as Jesus told them.
What is the test God presents to you today? Where does He want you to get involved? I doubt that you have enough for God’s task, but so did they. Then they watched God at work!
Pastor Dale
Monday, April 7, 2008
Preparation John 6:1-7
Sermon Nuggets Mon April 7
Theme-Feeding of the 5,000
Verses John 6:1-7 Some time after this, Jesus crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee (that is, the Sea of Tiberias), and a great crowd of people followed him because they saw the miraculous signs he had performed on the sick. Then Jesus went up on a mountainside and sat down with his disciples.The Jewish Passover Feast was near. When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?"He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do. Philip answered him, "Eight months' wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!"(NIV)
Growing up my parents enjoyed entertaining. We would have folks over to our house often. It was the job of everyone to help fix things up to make the place presentable. Dusting, cleaning, vacuuming, taking out the trash and putting the papers in the garage was all part of preparing for company.
If our neighbor, Francis, came over it didn’t make a difference how things looked. If our cousins and relatives came over we made things look more presentable, but if some church people or preacher came over lots of extra effort was given for things to look nice and for food to be just right, including our best dishes and silverware.
Can you imagine the situation when thousands of people came from the other side of town to hear and see Jesus and have him heal sick and perform miracles and then have Jesus look at you and say lets give them lunch? No wonder panic crept in with Philip, Andrew and the rest of the disciples. Give them something to eat? “Lord even if we had McDonalds, Hardees, and Burger King all next to each other we don’t have the money to feed them.”
According to Matthew's account the men numbered about 5,000. But Jesus was preparing more than a meal that day that fed 5,000 people. He was also preparing his disciples for the ministry to which they were called. Jesus knew one day He was to leave them. They would not be alone. They would not be called upon to feed 5,000 but they would be called upon to speak to thousands to give them bread from which they would not hunger again. They would have His Holy Spirit, but now was the time of their preparation.
The lesson they needed to learn was Jesus can do the impossible. He is not limited to the amount of people in the audience. The disciples had seen Jesus at a wedding turning water into wine. They had witnessed Jesus healing some sick people. It’s hard to keep something like that quiet.
Somehow to come up with food for a few would be a challenge, but absolutely impossible for 5,000 people. But these chosen 12 were now going to be part of that miracle. Preparing a heart to serve the Lord is preparing them to focus on the bigness of God rather than the size of the problem. This miracle was of large proportions. But that was only a small matter to the bigness of Jesus. We serve a big God.
Pastor Dale
Theme-Feeding of the 5,000
Verses John 6:1-7 Some time after this, Jesus crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee (that is, the Sea of Tiberias), and a great crowd of people followed him because they saw the miraculous signs he had performed on the sick. Then Jesus went up on a mountainside and sat down with his disciples.The Jewish Passover Feast was near. When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?"He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do. Philip answered him, "Eight months' wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!"(NIV)
Growing up my parents enjoyed entertaining. We would have folks over to our house often. It was the job of everyone to help fix things up to make the place presentable. Dusting, cleaning, vacuuming, taking out the trash and putting the papers in the garage was all part of preparing for company.
If our neighbor, Francis, came over it didn’t make a difference how things looked. If our cousins and relatives came over we made things look more presentable, but if some church people or preacher came over lots of extra effort was given for things to look nice and for food to be just right, including our best dishes and silverware.
Can you imagine the situation when thousands of people came from the other side of town to hear and see Jesus and have him heal sick and perform miracles and then have Jesus look at you and say lets give them lunch? No wonder panic crept in with Philip, Andrew and the rest of the disciples. Give them something to eat? “Lord even if we had McDonalds, Hardees, and Burger King all next to each other we don’t have the money to feed them.”
According to Matthew's account the men numbered about 5,000. But Jesus was preparing more than a meal that day that fed 5,000 people. He was also preparing his disciples for the ministry to which they were called. Jesus knew one day He was to leave them. They would not be alone. They would not be called upon to feed 5,000 but they would be called upon to speak to thousands to give them bread from which they would not hunger again. They would have His Holy Spirit, but now was the time of their preparation.
The lesson they needed to learn was Jesus can do the impossible. He is not limited to the amount of people in the audience. The disciples had seen Jesus at a wedding turning water into wine. They had witnessed Jesus healing some sick people. It’s hard to keep something like that quiet.
Somehow to come up with food for a few would be a challenge, but absolutely impossible for 5,000 people. But these chosen 12 were now going to be part of that miracle. Preparing a heart to serve the Lord is preparing them to focus on the bigness of God rather than the size of the problem. This miracle was of large proportions. But that was only a small matter to the bigness of Jesus. We serve a big God.
Pastor Dale
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