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Sermon Nuggets Week of Jan 26 Ecc.1:12-18 & 2:12-16
Sermon Nuggets Mon Jan 26
Verses- Eccl 1:13 I devoted myself to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven. What a heavy burden God has laid on men!
The Formulation of Wisdom
Solomon was given the gift of wisdom. He wanted to explain its importance. During his mid years when many of the Proverbs were compiled he wanted to pass on many significant lessons. He began his writings this way-
Prov 1:1-7 “The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young- let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance- for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."
One begins to learn from the King there is a difference between getting knowledge and applying knowledge. All societies see the importance of an education. The higher the literacy the rate the stronger the society as it is better able to communicate and evaluate things that are important in life. Wise people love to learn. The more study and searching and reading and learning one has they more than can apply wisdom. But wisdom and education are not the same thing.
How do you look at education? For many it is being under lock and chain - some kids can't wait to get out from school. For some in high school or college there is the excitement to advance their education or vocational aspirations. For others it is a chance to get into the real world and get a job and earn money, so they can live independently. For many education is an avenue to achieve a goal, for others it is the processes of developing understanding of life. For some it is the road to a higher standard of living and having more options later in life from which to choose. Many illiterate and uneducated populations are barely etching out an existence while cultured society with high literacy and technology, experience a higher standard of living.
If we believe that God is the God of truth, all truth is from God. We then can be excited about find our more of his creation and how it works. It is to his glory we understand and discover truth.
One of the saddest periods of time in our history was what is called the Dark Ages when for centuries the Roman catholic church stopped the masses from individual learning. The church began to dictate truth and eliminate the pursuit of discovery. Like many dictatorships they believed in they controlled what people learned they would maintain power. When the some scientist discovered the earth was round and the planets, including the earth, rotated around the sun, some priests could not comprehend that God would do that, so the church made Galileo recant his findings. Copernicus’ writings were burned as heretical.
Scientists and clergymen may conflict a lot, but Scripture has not been proven wrong, only interpretations of it. The more we discover our grandeur of all that is in this universe and the more we grow in our faith in God the greater do we worship and glorify the wisdom of God who created all of this. If only the secularists would get over their willful biases to explain our creator away!
As we discussed last week Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes later in life when he was living out of fellowship and under the judgment of God. From that time on, life took on a heaviness that was not apparent when he was walking with the Lord. As he looks at life he finds earthly pursuits without the Lord is vain and empty soap bubbles. Here and gone.
We gain wisdom from the time we are babies and pick up what we watch and hear from our parents. Many things in our society add to our learning for good or for ill. Television, music, siblings, friends, schools, churches, books, and probably more than anything, the experiences of life add to that wisdom. That is perhaps why Solomon in pursuit of wisdom wants to experience all that life has to offer and evaluates that search in different ways.
What are lessons that you have learned that are not taught in any school? What does God want to teach you or remind you today?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Jan 27
Verses Eccl 1:12-13 I, the Teacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem. I devoted myself to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven. What a heavy burden God has laid on men!
Follow Wisdom.
Solomon wanted wisdom more than anything else. But when one is divinely gifted that begins the search, not ends the matter. One begins to learn and follows where interests, need, and study leads. He prayed that God would give him wisdom to do what is right. Having been granted wisdom to know right from wrong it was an ongoing daily task to choose right. After knowing the path to follow courage was needed to follow that path.
He diligently applied his heart to wisdom; he observed all things. At the beginning of his studies he came up with keen scientific discoveries, organizational principles, psychology, philosophy, politics, as well as sociology. Others came to learn under the teaching of this master. I Kings 4:33 "He spoke 3,000 proverbs and his songs numbered 1,005 He described plant life, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of walls. He also taught about animals and birds, reptiles and fish. Men of all nations came to listen to Solomon's wisdom, sent by all the kings of the world, who had heard of his wisdom."
I used to have a sign up in my study read, "If you think education is expensive then you ought to try ignorance." More than anything Solomon asked for wisdom. It still has its value. James tells us if you lack wisdom ask of God who gives it liberally. People anywhere and everywhere should never fear truth. There have been Christians who have been afraid of too much education for fear that they or others will lose their faith. Some fear that some discoveries will prove the Bible wrong and therefore don't want to ask the important questions truth.
The history of Bethel Seminary started with a great deal of controversy. Many of the early Swedish Baptists felt the problem with many pastors was they had too much education and not enough faith. There was more reliance on the books of study than the Holy Spirit. There was suspicion of educated men on the part of many parishioners because now they don't speak the same language and weren't on the same communication level. Some with education looked down on those who didn't have it. There were also many people who did go on to school for further education. Many who went on to college had become skeptics. Because students are taught to question many doubted what they were taught when it came to matters of faith.
Light is better than darkness, to know is much better than not.
Solomon not only learned through the books but more importantly with the observation and the experience of life and the things that are around them. The word in Hebrew means to investigate the roots of a matter- sort of like a doctoral candidate does when he works on a thesis or dissertation. They go to library and now the internet and research what has been done and what hasn’t been written on the topics yet.
Socrates has been called the father of ancient philosophy. Philosophy means the love of wisdom. He began the searching for wisdom He had an inquiring mind and went to the oracle of Delphia and asked who was the wisest of all Greeks from whom he would learn. The answer dumb founded him, :"You are" He thought, "Now surely I do not know anything I must learn from others. Socrates went to search the wise teachers, and asked question. What he discovered was they didn't really know anything. They thought they did, but there was nothing to their wisdom. Finally it hit him. "I know one thing. That is this. I know I don't know anything. That is one thing more than all these other people know. Therefore I am the wisest. I at least know that.”
The father of ancient philosophy dialogued with students encouraging and questioning. Modeling that principle learners do not want to just take answers from other people but pursue and seek wisdom for themselves.
When it comes to discovering God it isn’t the faith of our parents, or pastors or Sunday school teachers which holds us strong. It is the personal discovery of a living and loving Lord. We need to believe because we have discovered Jesus to be Lord of all. Moses told the people to meditate on God’s word day and night. Paul tells Timothy “study to show thyself approved unto God.” Paul was used mightily of God as one of the best educated of all the apostles. Knowledge gives us mastery of certain facts; wisdom gives us the ability to use those facts with skill. Wisdom gives us understanding and good judgment. There is advice to get all the education you can. Never stop learning, when we stop learning we stop growing. When one stops learning, one stops growing. The first rule of education according to the wisest man was to follow wisdom.
What are you doing presently to stretch your mind and gain understanding? Solomon learned a lot, but discovered the true source of all wisdom.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Jan 28
Verses- Eccl 1:14-18 I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.
15 What is twisted cannot be straightened; what is lacking cannot be counted.
16 I thought to myself, "Look, I have grown and increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me; I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge."
17 Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.
18 For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.
Folly of Wisdom
How can Solomon sound so positive in the book of Proverbs and negative in this writing? Solomon realizes that everything cannot be put into nice little pat answers and there are warnings that he must give.
What did Solomon do with all his wisdom? He became in his later years a wise fool. Do you know what that is, a sophomore. “Soph” mean wise, or wisdom. "More", is from moran, a fool or a buffoon. Sophomore is a wise fool. It used to be of sophomores that just because you have some wisdom, don't think you know it all. We need the understanding of Socrates. The most important thing to know is how little we really do know. Yes, Solomon was King, but he had to learn that God was sovereign. When one breaks God's laws God breaks him and all his wisdom was dust and chasing after the wind when he was living out of fellowship with the Lord.
The Bible talks about wise fools. Romans 1:21,22 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened, Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools."
The subtle thinking by many in the secular world portrayed as experts affect their students conscious and unconsciously by people who ignore God. Many young people are faced strongly with a model of humanistic teaching. That has man as the center of wisdom.
If higher education as an end of itself brings fulfillment, what do we find on campuses around the country? Satisfied happy people? No, Suicide rate are highest among students because of the pressure to achieve and succeed the realization of competition is overwhelming. They are boiling pots of controversy, political activism, all kinds of subjective ideas and philosophies prove to be empty. The answer of life isn't just studying more. Secular educators and intellectuals rarely are happy and satisfied people.
As people are taught to question and doubt it is natural many will reevaluate their own faith and teachings of their parents. You need your own personal faith. The faith of your church, your pastors, your leaders, and your parents can help a little, but each person must have an individual relationship with Jesus Christ.
Where is truth in a relativistic and pluralistic society? The scientific principles that were facts when I was in school are not longer facts today. They are shown to be false in many conclusions. Medical science makes new discoveries only to say “Whoops” a bit later that the things that were suppose to be bad for you are now good and vice versa.
I watched an episode on public TV awhile ago called Ancient Secrets of the Bible. Scholars were presenting how certain events in the Bible are pure fable, impossible, and folk religion not based on any solid evidence. The program continued to show how indeed archeology, new discoveries and recent finds confirm scientifically the validity of some of these stories which were challenged.
When I was younger I also heard similar arguments and had my doubts about the Bible when important authorities show contradictions. I decided to go beyond those sources and look up some data myself. To my surprise I realize like Solomon, there is nothing new under the sun. People for years have debunked some historical events in the Bible to be surprised that archeology uncovered some evidence of the very things they said could not happen. Sometime it was a person or ruler by the same name in a different time period. Instead of showing inconsistencies they raise up “yes, but” arguments. They move from what they found to be false conclusions and start attacking the next thing on their list. It doesn’t end when the goal of secularists are to replace God.
Like Billy Graham I came to a place in my life where by faith I accepted the Bible as being the Word of God and realized the writings of 1000s of years last. The last new discoveries come and go. I am not saying they don’t have a place, or help us better understand time and culture, but the validity of truth brings us to a God who is above all and over all.
The folly of wisdom is to place mankind on the throne of authority and discover our insights and pride have taken over the arena where God has resided and continues to dwell.
Although there are many skeptics, still the Bible holds true. Who do you believe -the professor who says one thing, or the book that has been vindicated in ancient records throughout the centuries? When education leads you in a path different from the truths of the Bible it is folly.
Education has made great strides in space technology, nuclear research, the archeology and geologists have discovered truth. Much of the advancement with computers will affect the lives of us all. Yet no peace, only weapon of distrust and economic tools of manipulation to control other nations. Billions of dollars are spent on researching the problems of human behavior but violent crimes continue to increase and; mental disorders more prevalent than before. Education is failing, it is not the ultimate answer.
As one man said, "Get some education, so people won't look down on you, and then get some more, so you won't look down on others." Some set themselves up as authorities treading upon students and other people treating them with little respect or appreciation. They know the answers to some questions. But unlike Socrates, instead of the humble spirit of realizing how much there is to know and be known, we are fools to replace the source of all wisdom. The more we learn the more we are open to truth of God and more aware we're not so smart after all.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Jan 29
Verses- Eccl 2:12-16 Then I turned my thoughts to consider wisdom, and also madness and folly. What more can the king's successor do than what has already been done?
13 I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness.
14 The wise man has eyes in his head, while the fool walks in the darkness; but I came to realize that the same fate overtakes them both.
15 Then I thought in my heart, "The fate of the fool will overtake me also. What then do I gain by being wise?" I said in my heart, "This too is meaningless."
16 For the wise man, like the fool, will not be long remembered; in days to come both will be forgotten. Like the fool, the wise man too must die!
Futility in Wisdom
I hope I never stop learning. Many of my friends and classmates have received their doctorate degree. Those who are not teaching thought it would be an advancement to larger and higher paying churches. Many of those friends are no longer in the pastorate. That is a complication now for some for whom their doctorate is almost a hindrance to a job. Some stopped learning after they reached their goal. Others find study rewarding when it has a personal purpose. I look at my stack of books with the amazing awareness that few people want them or care when I’m gone. Most of what I read and studied has not been worth passing on. It seemed like a waste of time. There is no lack of making of books but for what reason?
The futility of wisdom is after you have pursued it, learned, and feasted on knowledge that's all you have. It doesn't really give you a sense of satisfaction for you never have arrived. There is always more you don't know. There are further things you don't understand and you live your whole life gaining education but what good is it if your heart is not right?
I am troubled when we in our church or Sunday school try to influence the teaching of the word of God and compare that with the daily instruction in and outside of school. If people were very faithful to Sunday School that is 40 minutes a week after attendance, songs, and acknowledging birthdays. If you consider children church or a sermon that would be 30 minutes or 56 hours of Bible teaching or preaching a year. That works out to 2 1/2 weeks of the equivalent of school and that it for the year. What if our educational system close up the books and sent kids home after 2 ½ weeks? Any teacher in the public school would protest and say there is no way we can begin to teach our children the fundamentals of math in that time, or English, or science, or social studies. They would refuse to teach. Yet that is what we have with volunteer teachers. Then folks expect the church to provide all the religious education that many will ever receive in their lives. Then recognize that the place of Sunday school and church has also changed in influence of our society. Everything in our society comes before and ahead of Bible teaching. IF there is an activity in school or community those get priority over any religious instruction. The fact that we are able to accomplish Biblical teach at all isn't to our credit but only to the Holy Spirit.
As we look at 2:12-16 Solomon's argument is that the pursuit of secular wisdom is futile when you this is all you have, for all your degrees and accomplishments will be buried with you in the grave, then what? All the wisdom in the world is not going to prepare you to die. You need the wisdom of the next world.
Three conclusions are raised. 1. Death does not recognize the excellence of wisdom- both the educated, and the unlearned go to the grave and there is the equalizer of us all. The grave is something we all face. 2. Death does not recognize the desire of wisdom. All the motivation whether noble or not makes not difference at the time of death. When your motivation on this earth is to learn and even spread that learning when you die it's over. You are personally no better off than the guy that learns nothing after your dead. 3. Death does not remember the work of wisdom. People forget. Personal recognition will name and honor people very few like Socrates, Aristotle, Einstein, Universities will name halls sometimes after founders of educational institutions and presidents, but what good is that after you're dead. This in and of itself seems futile.
Solomon devoted his whole life to wisdom and learning. But something was missing. All the certificates on his wall didn’t seem to give him fulfillment.
Pastor Dale
Sermon nuggets Fri Jan 30
Verses- Eccl 2: 13 I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness.
Prov 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Fulfillment in Wisdom
Wisdom is important. The pursue of truth is far superior to wallowing around in ignorance, superstition and prejudice. But real truth and wisdom only stems from God. Solomon knew that at the beginning when he said, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Follow that all your life, but he didn't follow his own advice.
Judi and I were listening to a tape of a pastor who was preaching the truth of God in a most powerful way. Yet he himself was blinded to the temptations of sin and is out of the minister today for moral reasons. Why? Because even though people walk with the Lord for awhile and commit their hearts to him, it is a continual reminder that we need to daily and regularly trust in Him. We needed to be reminded the only way wisdom has fulfillment of enjoyment is when God is in it.
Friends, we can't be so smart and eternally lost. Matt 12:42. “The queen of South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom and now one greater than Solomon is here."
Jesus said, John 14:16 "I will ask the Father and he will give you another counselor to be with you forever the spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him, but you know him for he lives with you and will be in you. ..But the counselor, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."
When we remove Jesus Christ from the center of an intellectual pursuit we're headed for ultimate disaster. Solomon discovers the only way to find satisfaction and relief from boredom is through relationship with the living God. Apart from Him we have school time blues.
Jesus came to show us the Father. After we accepted Christ there is implanted in our hearts a new wisdom from God. It is spiritual wisdom not of this world. He is wise who knows the source of knowledge that source is God. (see I Cor 1:18-25)
I am amazed that even when I went to school the principles taught were considered truth are now obsolete. The way churches function when I went to seminary are not the way churches function today. Cultures change considerable in time. But that which is lasting over 2,000 years and still changed people will never be obsolete. Even Paul with all his degrees and zeal and knowledge under the best religious teacher was blinded on the road by a supernatural vision of Jesus who asked, "Saul , Saul, why do you persecute me?" A couple days later when Ananias told him of the cross, and his need for repentance it was the humble, child-like faith in Jesus that opened his life to real wisdom. "Jesus said, except you come as these little children you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Salvation is not complicated. We do not have to spend years studying. A little child old enough to understand right from wrong can accept Jesus. I will trust Him with what I know and what I do not know.
We may have had an excellent education, a sparkling success, and have a world of pleasure without really being happy or satisfied, because God has built into us a vacuum which only He can fill. Our deepest ongoing cannot be met by earthly things that pass away. We need God and the only way to come to Him is through faith.
Ruth Graham tells the story of a small bootblack polishing shoes enthusiastically. One fellow that came to him once a week had three earned PhDs. One day, feeling unhappy, the scholar looked at the bootblack working so cheerfully and enthusiastically on his shoes and thought of his own misery. “Why are you so happy?”
He looked and said simply, "Jesus. He loves me. He died so God could forgive all my badness. He makes me happy." Quickly the doctor snapped up the newspaper over his face but the brilliant professor could not escape those simple works and that was what eventually brought the professor faith in Christ. The man was Alexander Grigolia, Professor of anthropology, who was Dr. Billy Graham's beloved and influential professor in college. I wasn't education that mattered; it was Jesus Christ that made the difference. Jesus gave his education a new meaning and renewed love in his learning.
That is the fulfillment of wisdom.
Pastor Dale
Original poem by my father, Harold M. Cope
Often Wondered
Often wondered why us kids just have to go to school
And read and write and spell a spell, and learn the golden rule.
Often wondered too just why some kids are teachers pets
And why she picks on me the most, just every chance she gets.
Wondered too, just why my card has all the Fs and D's
While little homer always gets those higher A's and B's
Just ain't no future anyhow so far as I can see.
A sittin and a learning, while elders go scott free.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Sermon Nuggets Week of Jan 26 Ecc.1:12-18 & 2:12-16
Sermon Nuggets Mon Jan 26
Verses- Eccl 1:13 I devoted myself to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven. What a heavy burden God has laid on men!
The Formulation of Wisdom
Solomon was given the gift of wisdom. He wanted to explain its importance. During his mid years when many of the Proverbs were compiled he wanted to pass on many significant lessons. He began his writings this way-
Prov 1:1-7 “The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young- let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance- for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."
One begins to learn from the King there is a difference between getting knowledge and applying knowledge. All societies see the importance of an education. The higher the literacy the rate the stronger the society as it is better able to communicate and evaluate things that are important in life. Wise people love to learn. The more study and searching and reading and learning one has they more than can apply wisdom. But wisdom and education are not the same thing.
How do you look at education? For many it is being under lock and chain - some kids can't wait to get out from school. For some in high school or college there is the excitement to advance their education or vocational aspirations. For others it is a chance to get into the real world and get a job and earn money, so they can live independently. For many education is an avenue to achieve a goal, for others it is the processes of developing understanding of life. For some it is the road to a higher standard of living and having more options later in life from which to choose. Many illiterate and uneducated populations are barely etching out an existence while cultured society with high literacy and technology, experience a higher standard of living.
If we believe that God is the God of truth, all truth is from God. We then can be excited about find our more of his creation and how it works. It is to his glory we understand and discover truth.
One of the saddest periods of time in our history was what is called the Dark Ages when for centuries the Roman catholic church stopped the masses from individual learning. The church began to dictate truth and eliminate the pursuit of discovery. Like many dictatorships they believed in they controlled what people learned they would maintain power. When the some scientist discovered the earth was round and the planets, including the earth, rotated around the sun, some priests could not comprehend that God would do that, so the church made Galileo recant his findings. Copernicus’ writings were burned as heretical.
Scientists and clergymen may conflict a lot, but Scripture has not been proven wrong, only interpretations of it. The more we discover our grandeur of all that is in this universe and the more we grow in our faith in God the greater do we worship and glorify the wisdom of God who created all of this. If only the secularists would get over their willful biases to explain our creator away!
As we discussed last week Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes later in life when he was living out of fellowship and under the judgment of God. From that time on, life took on a heaviness that was not apparent when he was walking with the Lord. As he looks at life he finds earthly pursuits without the Lord is vain and empty soap bubbles. Here and gone.
We gain wisdom from the time we are babies and pick up what we watch and hear from our parents. Many things in our society add to our learning for good or for ill. Television, music, siblings, friends, schools, churches, books, and probably more than anything, the experiences of life add to that wisdom. That is perhaps why Solomon in pursuit of wisdom wants to experience all that life has to offer and evaluates that search in different ways.
What are lessons that you have learned that are not taught in any school? What does God want to teach you or remind you today?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Jan 27
Theme- School Time Blues
Verses Eccl 1:12-13 I, the Teacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem. I devoted myself to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven. What a heavy burden God has laid on men!
Follow Wisdom.
Solomon wanted wisdom more than anything else. But when one is divinely gifted that begins the search, not ends the matter. One begins to learn and follows where interests, need, and study leads. He prayed that God would give him wisdom to do what is right. Having been granted wisdom to know right from wrong it was an ongoing daily task to choose right. After knowing the path to follow courage was needed to follow that path.
He diligently applied his heart to wisdom; he observed all things. At the beginning of his studies he came up with keen scientific discoveries, organizational principles, psychology, philosophy, politics, as well as sociology. Others came to learn under the teaching of this master. I Kings 4:33 "He spoke 3,000 proverbs and his songs numbered 1,005 He described plant life, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of walls. He also taught about animals and birds, reptiles and fish. Men of all nations came to listen to Solomon's wisdom, sent by all the kings of the world, who had heard of his wisdom."
I used to have a sign up in my study read, "If you think education is expensive then you ought to try ignorance." More than anything Solomon asked for wisdom. It still has its value. James tells us if you lack wisdom ask of God who gives it liberally. People anywhere and everywhere should never fear truth. There have been Christians who have been afraid of too much education for fear that they or others will lose their faith. Some fear that some discoveries will prove the Bible wrong and therefore don't want to ask the important questions truth.
The history of Bethel Seminary started with a great deal of controversy. Many of the early Swedish Baptists felt the problem with many pastors was they had too much education and not enough faith. There was more reliance on the books of study than the Holy Spirit. There was suspicion of educated men on the part of many parishioners because now they don't speak the same language and weren't on the same communication level. Some with education looked down on those who didn't have it. There were also many people who did go on to school for further education. Many who went on to college had become skeptics. Because students are taught to question many doubted what they were taught when it came to matters of faith.
Light is better than darkness, to know is much better than not.
Solomon not only learned through the books but more importantly with the observation and the experience of life and the things that are around them. The word in Hebrew means to investigate the roots of a matter- sort of like a doctoral candidate does when he works on a thesis or dissertation. They go to library and now the internet and research what has been done and what hasn’t been written on the topics yet.
Socrates has been called the father of ancient philosophy. Philosophy means the love of wisdom. He began the searching for wisdom He had an inquiring mind and went to the oracle of Delphia and asked who was the wisest of all Greeks from whom he would learn. The answer dumb founded him, :"You are" He thought, "Now surely I do not know anything I must learn from others. Socrates went to search the wise teachers, and asked question. What he discovered was they didn't really know anything. They thought they did, but there was nothing to their wisdom. Finally it hit him. "I know one thing. That is this. I know I don't know anything. That is one thing more than all these other people know. Therefore I am the wisest. I at least know that.”
The father of ancient philosophy dialogued with students encouraging and questioning. Modeling that principle learners do not want to just take answers from other people but pursue and seek wisdom for themselves.
When it comes to discovering God it isn’t the faith of our parents, or pastors or Sunday school teachers which holds us strong. It is the personal discovery of a living and loving Lord. We need to believe because we have discovered Jesus to be Lord of all. Moses told the people to meditate on God’s word day and night. Paul tells Timothy “study to show thyself approved unto God.” Paul was used mightily of God as one of the best educated of all the apostles. Knowledge gives us mastery of certain facts; wisdom gives us the ability to use those facts with skill. Wisdom gives us understanding and good judgment. There is advice to get all the education you can. Never stop learning, when we stop learning we stop growing. When one stops learning, one stops growing. The first rule of education according to the wisest man was to follow wisdom.
What are you doing presently to stretch your mind and gain understanding? Solomon learned a lot, but discovered the true source of all wisdom.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Jan 28
Theme- School Time Blues
Verses- Eccl 1:14-18 I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.
15 What is twisted cannot be straightened; what is lacking cannot be counted.
16 I thought to myself, "Look, I have grown and increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me; I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge."
17 Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.
18 For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.
Folly of Wisdom
How can Solomon sound so positive in the book of Proverbs and negative in this writing? Solomon realizes that everything cannot be put into nice little pat answers and there are warnings that he must give.
What did Solomon do with all his wisdom? He became in his later years a wise fool. Do you know what that is, a sophomore. “Soph” mean wise, or wisdom. "More", is from moran, a fool or a buffoon. Sophomore is a wise fool. It used to be of sophomores that just because you have some wisdom, don't think you know it all. We need the understanding of Socrates. The most important thing to know is how little we really do know. Yes, Solomon was King, but he had to learn that God was sovereign. When one breaks God's laws God breaks him and all his wisdom was dust and chasing after the wind when he was living out of fellowship with the Lord.
The Bible talks about wise fools. Romans 1:21,22 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened, Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools."
The subtle thinking by many in the secular world portrayed as experts affect their students conscious and unconsciously by people who ignore God. Many young people are faced strongly with a model of humanistic teaching. That has man as the center of wisdom.
If higher education as an end of itself brings fulfillment, what do we find on campuses around the country? Satisfied happy people? No, Suicide rate are highest among students because of the pressure to achieve and succeed the realization of competition is overwhelming. They are boiling pots of controversy, political activism, all kinds of subjective ideas and philosophies prove to be empty. The answer of life isn't just studying more. Secular educators and intellectuals rarely are happy and satisfied people.
As people are taught to question and doubt it is natural many will reevaluate their own faith and teachings of their parents. You need your own personal faith. The faith of your church, your pastors, your leaders, and your parents can help a little, but each person must have an individual relationship with Jesus Christ.
Where is truth in a relativistic and pluralistic society? The scientific principles that were facts when I was in school are not longer facts today. They are shown to be false in many conclusions. Medical science makes new discoveries only to say “Whoops” a bit later that the things that were suppose to be bad for you are now good and vice versa.
I watched an episode on public TV awhile ago called Ancient Secrets of the Bible. Scholars were presenting how certain events in the Bible are pure fable, impossible, and folk religion not based on any solid evidence. The program continued to show how indeed archeology, new discoveries and recent finds confirm scientifically the validity of some of these stories which were challenged.
When I was younger I also heard similar arguments and had my doubts about the Bible when important authorities show contradictions. I decided to go beyond those sources and look up some data myself. To my surprise I realize like Solomon, there is nothing new under the sun. People for years have debunked some historical events in the Bible to be surprised that archeology uncovered some evidence of the very things they said could not happen. Sometime it was a person or ruler by the same name in a different time period. Instead of showing inconsistencies they raise up “yes, but” arguments. They move from what they found to be false conclusions and start attacking the next thing on their list. It doesn’t end when the goal of secularists are to replace God.
Like Billy Graham I came to a place in my life where by faith I accepted the Bible as being the Word of God and realized the writings of 1000s of years last. The last new discoveries come and go. I am not saying they don’t have a place, or help us better understand time and culture, but the validity of truth brings us to a God who is above all and over all.
The folly of wisdom is to place mankind on the throne of authority and discover our insights and pride have taken over the arena where God has resided and continues to dwell.
Although there are many skeptics, still the Bible holds true. Who do you believe -the professor who says one thing, or the book that has been vindicated in ancient records throughout the centuries? When education leads you in a path different from the truths of the Bible it is folly.
Education has made great strides in space technology, nuclear research, the archeology and geologists have discovered truth. Much of the advancement with computers will affect the lives of us all. Yet no peace, only weapon of distrust and economic tools of manipulation to control other nations. Billions of dollars are spent on researching the problems of human behavior but violent crimes continue to increase and; mental disorders more prevalent than before. Education is failing, it is not the ultimate answer.
As one man said, "Get some education, so people won't look down on you, and then get some more, so you won't look down on others." Some set themselves up as authorities treading upon students and other people treating them with little respect or appreciation. They know the answers to some questions. But unlike Socrates, instead of the humble spirit of realizing how much there is to know and be known, we are fools to replace the source of all wisdom. The more we learn the more we are open to truth of God and more aware we're not so smart after all.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Jan 29
Theme- School Time Blues
Verses- Eccl 2:12-16 Then I turned my thoughts to consider wisdom, and also madness and folly. What more can the king's successor do than what has already been done?
13 I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness.
14 The wise man has eyes in his head, while the fool walks in the darkness; but I came to realize that the same fate overtakes them both.
15 Then I thought in my heart, "The fate of the fool will overtake me also. What then do I gain by being wise?" I said in my heart, "This too is meaningless."
16 For the wise man, like the fool, will not be long remembered; in days to come both will be forgotten. Like the fool, the wise man too must die!
Futility in Wisdom
I hope I never stop learning. Many of my friends and classmates have received their doctorate degree. Those who are not teaching thought it would be an advancement to larger and higher paying churches. Many of those friends are no longer in the pastorate. That is a complication now for some for whom their doctorate is almost a hindrance to a job. Some stopped learning after they reached their goal. Others find study rewarding when it has a personal purpose. I look at my stack of books with the amazing awareness that few people want them or care when I’m gone. Most of what I read and studied has not been worth passing on. It seemed like a waste of time. There is no lack of making of books but for what reason?
The futility of wisdom is after you have pursued it, learned, and feasted on knowledge that's all you have. It doesn't really give you a sense of satisfaction for you never have arrived. There is always more you don't know. There are further things you don't understand and you live your whole life gaining education but what good is it if your heart is not right?
I am troubled when we in our church or Sunday school try to influence the teaching of the word of God and compare that with the daily instruction in and outside of school. If people were very faithful to Sunday School that is 40 minutes a week after attendance, songs, and acknowledging birthdays. If you consider children church or a sermon that would be 30 minutes or 56 hours of Bible teaching or preaching a year. That works out to 2 1/2 weeks of the equivalent of school and that it for the year. What if our educational system close up the books and sent kids home after 2 ½ weeks? Any teacher in the public school would protest and say there is no way we can begin to teach our children the fundamentals of math in that time, or English, or science, or social studies. They would refuse to teach. Yet that is what we have with volunteer teachers. Then folks expect the church to provide all the religious education that many will ever receive in their lives. Then recognize that the place of Sunday school and church has also changed in influence of our society. Everything in our society comes before and ahead of Bible teaching. IF there is an activity in school or community those get priority over any religious instruction. The fact that we are able to accomplish Biblical teach at all isn't to our credit but only to the Holy Spirit.
As we look at 2:12-16 Solomon's argument is that the pursuit of secular wisdom is futile when you this is all you have, for all your degrees and accomplishments will be buried with you in the grave, then what? All the wisdom in the world is not going to prepare you to die. You need the wisdom of the next world.
Three conclusions are raised. 1. Death does not recognize the excellence of wisdom- both the educated, and the unlearned go to the grave and there is the equalizer of us all. The grave is something we all face. 2. Death does not recognize the desire of wisdom. All the motivation whether noble or not makes not difference at the time of death. When your motivation on this earth is to learn and even spread that learning when you die it's over. You are personally no better off than the guy that learns nothing after your dead. 3. Death does not remember the work of wisdom. People forget. Personal recognition will name and honor people very few like Socrates, Aristotle, Einstein, Universities will name halls sometimes after founders of educational institutions and presidents, but what good is that after you're dead. This in and of itself seems futile.
Solomon devoted his whole life to wisdom and learning. But something was missing. All the certificates on his wall didn’t seem to give him fulfillment.
Pastor Dale
Sermon nuggets Fri Jan 30
Theme- School Time Blues
Verses- Eccl 2: 13 I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness.
Prov 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Fulfillment in Wisdom
Wisdom is important. The pursue of truth is far superior to wallowing around in ignorance, superstition and prejudice. But real truth and wisdom only stems from God. Solomon knew that at the beginning when he said, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Follow that all your life, but he didn't follow his own advice.
Judi and I were listening to a tape of a pastor who was preaching the truth of God in a most powerful way. Yet he himself was blinded to the temptations of sin and is out of the minister today for moral reasons. Why? Because even though people walk with the Lord for awhile and commit their hearts to him, it is a continual reminder that we need to daily and regularly trust in Him. We needed to be reminded the only way wisdom has fulfillment of enjoyment is when God is in it.
Friends, we can't be so smart and eternally lost. Matt 12:42. “The queen of South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom and now one greater than Solomon is here."
Jesus said, John 14:16 "I will ask the Father and he will give you another counselor to be with you forever the spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him, but you know him for he lives with you and will be in you. ..But the counselor, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."
When we remove Jesus Christ from the center of an intellectual pursuit we're headed for ultimate disaster. Solomon discovers the only way to find satisfaction and relief from boredom is through relationship with the living God. Apart from Him we have school time blues.
Jesus came to show us the Father. After we accepted Christ there is implanted in our hearts a new wisdom from God. It is spiritual wisdom not of this world. He is wise who knows the source of knowledge that source is God. (see I Cor 1:18-25)
I am amazed that even when I went to school the principles taught were considered truth are now obsolete. The way churches function when I went to seminary are not the way churches function today. Cultures change considerable in time. But that which is lasting over 2,000 years and still changed people will never be obsolete. Even Paul with all his degrees and zeal and knowledge under the best religious teacher was blinded on the road by a supernatural vision of Jesus who asked, "Saul , Saul, why do you persecute me?" A couple days later when Ananias told him of the cross, and his need for repentance it was the humble, child-like faith in Jesus that opened his life to real wisdom. "Jesus said, except you come as these little children you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Salvation is not complicated. We do not have to spend years studying. A little child old enough to understand right from wrong can accept Jesus. I will trust Him with what I know and what I do not know.
We may have had an excellent education, a sparkling success, and have a world of pleasure without really being happy or satisfied, because God has built into us a vacuum which only He can fill. Our deepest ongoing cannot be met by earthly things that pass away. We need God and the only way to come to Him is through faith.
Ruth Graham tells the story of a small bootblack polishing shoes enthusiastically. One fellow that came to him once a week had three earned PhDs. One day, feeling unhappy, the scholar looked at the bootblack working so cheerfully and enthusiastically on his shoes and thought of his own misery. “Why are you so happy?”
He looked and said simply, "Jesus. He loves me. He died so God could forgive all my badness. He makes me happy." Quickly the doctor snapped up the newspaper over his face but the brilliant professor could not escape those simple works and that was what eventually brought the professor faith in Christ. The man was Alexander Grigolia, Professor of anthropology, who was Dr. Billy Graham's beloved and influential professor in college. I wasn't education that mattered; it was Jesus Christ that made the difference. Jesus gave his education a new meaning and renewed love in his learning.
That is the fulfillment of wisdom.
Pastor Dale
Often Wondered
Often wondered why us kids Just have to go to school
And read and write and spell a spell, and learn the golden rule
Often wondered too just why some kids are teachers pets
An why she picks on me the most, just every chance she gets.
Wondered too, just hy my card Has all the Fs and D's
While little homer always gets those higher A's and B's
Just ain't no future anyhow so far as I ccan see.
A sittin and a learning, while elders go scott free.
I Kings 4:33 "He spoke 3,000 proverbs and his songs numbered 1,005 He described plant life, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of walls. He also taught about animals and birds, reptiles and fish. Men of all nations came to listen to Solomon's wisdom, sent by all the kings of the world, who had heard of his wisdom."
Romans 1:21,22 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened, Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools."
Matt 12:42. The queen of South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom and now one greater than Solomon is here."
John 14:16 "I will ask the Father and he will give you another counselor to be with you forever the spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him, but you know him for he lives with you and will be in you. ..But the counselor, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."
Sermon Nuggets Mon Jan 26
Verses- Eccl 1:13 I devoted myself to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven. What a heavy burden God has laid on men!
The Formulation of Wisdom
Solomon was given the gift of wisdom. He wanted to explain its importance. During his mid years when many of the Proverbs were compiled he wanted to pass on many significant lessons. He began his writings this way-
Prov 1:1-7 “The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young- let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance- for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."
One begins to learn from the King there is a difference between getting knowledge and applying knowledge. All societies see the importance of an education. The higher the literacy the rate the stronger the society as it is better able to communicate and evaluate things that are important in life. Wise people love to learn. The more study and searching and reading and learning one has they more than can apply wisdom. But wisdom and education are not the same thing.
How do you look at education? For many it is being under lock and chain - some kids can't wait to get out from school. For some in high school or college there is the excitement to advance their education or vocational aspirations. For others it is a chance to get into the real world and get a job and earn money, so they can live independently. For many education is an avenue to achieve a goal, for others it is the processes of developing understanding of life. For some it is the road to a higher standard of living and having more options later in life from which to choose. Many illiterate and uneducated populations are barely etching out an existence while cultured society with high literacy and technology, experience a higher standard of living.
If we believe that God is the God of truth, all truth is from God. We then can be excited about find our more of his creation and how it works. It is to his glory we understand and discover truth.
One of the saddest periods of time in our history was what is called the Dark Ages when for centuries the Roman catholic church stopped the masses from individual learning. The church began to dictate truth and eliminate the pursuit of discovery. Like many dictatorships they believed in they controlled what people learned they would maintain power. When the some scientist discovered the earth was round and the planets, including the earth, rotated around the sun, some priests could not comprehend that God would do that, so the church made Galileo recant his findings. Copernicus’ writings were burned as heretical.
Scientists and clergymen may conflict a lot, but Scripture has not been proven wrong, only interpretations of it. The more we discover our grandeur of all that is in this universe and the more we grow in our faith in God the greater do we worship and glorify the wisdom of God who created all of this. If only the secularists would get over their willful biases to explain our creator away!
As we discussed last week Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes later in life when he was living out of fellowship and under the judgment of God. From that time on, life took on a heaviness that was not apparent when he was walking with the Lord. As he looks at life he finds earthly pursuits without the Lord is vain and empty soap bubbles. Here and gone.
We gain wisdom from the time we are babies and pick up what we watch and hear from our parents. Many things in our society add to our learning for good or for ill. Television, music, siblings, friends, schools, churches, books, and probably more than anything, the experiences of life add to that wisdom. That is perhaps why Solomon in pursuit of wisdom wants to experience all that life has to offer and evaluates that search in different ways.
What are lessons that you have learned that are not taught in any school? What does God want to teach you or remind you today?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Jan 27
Theme- School Time Blues
Verses Eccl 1:12-13 I, the Teacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem. I devoted myself to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven. What a heavy burden God has laid on men!
Follow Wisdom.
Solomon wanted wisdom more than anything else. But when one is divinely gifted that begins the search, not ends the matter. One begins to learn and follows where interests, need, and study leads. He prayed that God would give him wisdom to do what is right. Having been granted wisdom to know right from wrong it was an ongoing daily task to choose right. After knowing the path to follow courage was needed to follow that path.
He diligently applied his heart to wisdom; he observed all things. At the beginning of his studies he came up with keen scientific discoveries, organizational principles, psychology, philosophy, politics, as well as sociology. Others came to learn under the teaching of this master. I Kings 4:33 "He spoke 3,000 proverbs and his songs numbered 1,005 He described plant life, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of walls. He also taught about animals and birds, reptiles and fish. Men of all nations came to listen to Solomon's wisdom, sent by all the kings of the world, who had heard of his wisdom."
I used to have a sign up in my study read, "If you think education is expensive then you ought to try ignorance." More than anything Solomon asked for wisdom. It still has its value. James tells us if you lack wisdom ask of God who gives it liberally. People anywhere and everywhere should never fear truth. There have been Christians who have been afraid of too much education for fear that they or others will lose their faith. Some fear that some discoveries will prove the Bible wrong and therefore don't want to ask the important questions truth.
The history of Bethel Seminary started with a great deal of controversy. Many of the early Swedish Baptists felt the problem with many pastors was they had too much education and not enough faith. There was more reliance on the books of study than the Holy Spirit. There was suspicion of educated men on the part of many parishioners because now they don't speak the same language and weren't on the same communication level. Some with education looked down on those who didn't have it. There were also many people who did go on to school for further education. Many who went on to college had become skeptics. Because students are taught to question many doubted what they were taught when it came to matters of faith.
Light is better than darkness, to know is much better than not.
Solomon not only learned through the books but more importantly with the observation and the experience of life and the things that are around them. The word in Hebrew means to investigate the roots of a matter- sort of like a doctoral candidate does when he works on a thesis or dissertation. They go to library and now the internet and research what has been done and what hasn’t been written on the topics yet.
Socrates has been called the father of ancient philosophy. Philosophy means the love of wisdom. He began the searching for wisdom He had an inquiring mind and went to the oracle of Delphia and asked who was the wisest of all Greeks from whom he would learn. The answer dumb founded him, :"You are" He thought, "Now surely I do not know anything I must learn from others. Socrates went to search the wise teachers, and asked question. What he discovered was they didn't really know anything. They thought they did, but there was nothing to their wisdom. Finally it hit him. "I know one thing. That is this. I know I don't know anything. That is one thing more than all these other people know. Therefore I am the wisest. I at least know that.”
The father of ancient philosophy dialogued with students encouraging and questioning. Modeling that principle learners do not want to just take answers from other people but pursue and seek wisdom for themselves.
When it comes to discovering God it isn’t the faith of our parents, or pastors or Sunday school teachers which holds us strong. It is the personal discovery of a living and loving Lord. We need to believe because we have discovered Jesus to be Lord of all. Moses told the people to meditate on God’s word day and night. Paul tells Timothy “study to show thyself approved unto God.” Paul was used mightily of God as one of the best educated of all the apostles. Knowledge gives us mastery of certain facts; wisdom gives us the ability to use those facts with skill. Wisdom gives us understanding and good judgment. There is advice to get all the education you can. Never stop learning, when we stop learning we stop growing. When one stops learning, one stops growing. The first rule of education according to the wisest man was to follow wisdom.
What are you doing presently to stretch your mind and gain understanding? Solomon learned a lot, but discovered the true source of all wisdom.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Jan 28
Theme- School Time Blues
Verses- Eccl 1:14-18 I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.
15 What is twisted cannot be straightened; what is lacking cannot be counted.
16 I thought to myself, "Look, I have grown and increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me; I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge."
17 Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.
18 For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.
Folly of Wisdom
How can Solomon sound so positive in the book of Proverbs and negative in this writing? Solomon realizes that everything cannot be put into nice little pat answers and there are warnings that he must give.
What did Solomon do with all his wisdom? He became in his later years a wise fool. Do you know what that is, a sophomore. “Soph” mean wise, or wisdom. "More", is from moran, a fool or a buffoon. Sophomore is a wise fool. It used to be of sophomores that just because you have some wisdom, don't think you know it all. We need the understanding of Socrates. The most important thing to know is how little we really do know. Yes, Solomon was King, but he had to learn that God was sovereign. When one breaks God's laws God breaks him and all his wisdom was dust and chasing after the wind when he was living out of fellowship with the Lord.
The Bible talks about wise fools. Romans 1:21,22 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened, Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools."
The subtle thinking by many in the secular world portrayed as experts affect their students conscious and unconsciously by people who ignore God. Many young people are faced strongly with a model of humanistic teaching. That has man as the center of wisdom.
If higher education as an end of itself brings fulfillment, what do we find on campuses around the country? Satisfied happy people? No, Suicide rate are highest among students because of the pressure to achieve and succeed the realization of competition is overwhelming. They are boiling pots of controversy, political activism, all kinds of subjective ideas and philosophies prove to be empty. The answer of life isn't just studying more. Secular educators and intellectuals rarely are happy and satisfied people.
As people are taught to question and doubt it is natural many will reevaluate their own faith and teachings of their parents. You need your own personal faith. The faith of your church, your pastors, your leaders, and your parents can help a little, but each person must have an individual relationship with Jesus Christ.
Where is truth in a relativistic and pluralistic society? The scientific principles that were facts when I was in school are not longer facts today. They are shown to be false in many conclusions. Medical science makes new discoveries only to say “Whoops” a bit later that the things that were suppose to be bad for you are now good and vice versa.
I watched an episode on public TV awhile ago called Ancient Secrets of the Bible. Scholars were presenting how certain events in the Bible are pure fable, impossible, and folk religion not based on any solid evidence. The program continued to show how indeed archeology, new discoveries and recent finds confirm scientifically the validity of some of these stories which were challenged.
When I was younger I also heard similar arguments and had my doubts about the Bible when important authorities show contradictions. I decided to go beyond those sources and look up some data myself. To my surprise I realize like Solomon, there is nothing new under the sun. People for years have debunked some historical events in the Bible to be surprised that archeology uncovered some evidence of the very things they said could not happen. Sometime it was a person or ruler by the same name in a different time period. Instead of showing inconsistencies they raise up “yes, but” arguments. They move from what they found to be false conclusions and start attacking the next thing on their list. It doesn’t end when the goal of secularists are to replace God.
Like Billy Graham I came to a place in my life where by faith I accepted the Bible as being the Word of God and realized the writings of 1000s of years last. The last new discoveries come and go. I am not saying they don’t have a place, or help us better understand time and culture, but the validity of truth brings us to a God who is above all and over all.
The folly of wisdom is to place mankind on the throne of authority and discover our insights and pride have taken over the arena where God has resided and continues to dwell.
Although there are many skeptics, still the Bible holds true. Who do you believe -the professor who says one thing, or the book that has been vindicated in ancient records throughout the centuries? When education leads you in a path different from the truths of the Bible it is folly.
Education has made great strides in space technology, nuclear research, the archeology and geologists have discovered truth. Much of the advancement with computers will affect the lives of us all. Yet no peace, only weapon of distrust and economic tools of manipulation to control other nations. Billions of dollars are spent on researching the problems of human behavior but violent crimes continue to increase and; mental disorders more prevalent than before. Education is failing, it is not the ultimate answer.
As one man said, "Get some education, so people won't look down on you, and then get some more, so you won't look down on others." Some set themselves up as authorities treading upon students and other people treating them with little respect or appreciation. They know the answers to some questions. But unlike Socrates, instead of the humble spirit of realizing how much there is to know and be known, we are fools to replace the source of all wisdom. The more we learn the more we are open to truth of God and more aware we're not so smart after all.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Jan 29
Theme- School Time Blues
Verses- Eccl 2:12-16 Then I turned my thoughts to consider wisdom, and also madness and folly. What more can the king's successor do than what has already been done?
13 I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness.
14 The wise man has eyes in his head, while the fool walks in the darkness; but I came to realize that the same fate overtakes them both.
15 Then I thought in my heart, "The fate of the fool will overtake me also. What then do I gain by being wise?" I said in my heart, "This too is meaningless."
16 For the wise man, like the fool, will not be long remembered; in days to come both will be forgotten. Like the fool, the wise man too must die!
Futility in Wisdom
I hope I never stop learning. Many of my friends and classmates have received their doctorate degree. Those who are not teaching thought it would be an advancement to larger and higher paying churches. Many of those friends are no longer in the pastorate. That is a complication now for some for whom their doctorate is almost a hindrance to a job. Some stopped learning after they reached their goal. Others find study rewarding when it has a personal purpose. I look at my stack of books with the amazing awareness that few people want them or care when I’m gone. Most of what I read and studied has not been worth passing on. It seemed like a waste of time. There is no lack of making of books but for what reason?
The futility of wisdom is after you have pursued it, learned, and feasted on knowledge that's all you have. It doesn't really give you a sense of satisfaction for you never have arrived. There is always more you don't know. There are further things you don't understand and you live your whole life gaining education but what good is it if your heart is not right?
I am troubled when we in our church or Sunday school try to influence the teaching of the word of God and compare that with the daily instruction in and outside of school. If people were very faithful to Sunday School that is 40 minutes a week after attendance, songs, and acknowledging birthdays. If you consider children church or a sermon that would be 30 minutes or 56 hours of Bible teaching or preaching a year. That works out to 2 1/2 weeks of the equivalent of school and that it for the year. What if our educational system close up the books and sent kids home after 2 ½ weeks? Any teacher in the public school would protest and say there is no way we can begin to teach our children the fundamentals of math in that time, or English, or science, or social studies. They would refuse to teach. Yet that is what we have with volunteer teachers. Then folks expect the church to provide all the religious education that many will ever receive in their lives. Then recognize that the place of Sunday school and church has also changed in influence of our society. Everything in our society comes before and ahead of Bible teaching. IF there is an activity in school or community those get priority over any religious instruction. The fact that we are able to accomplish Biblical teach at all isn't to our credit but only to the Holy Spirit.
As we look at 2:12-16 Solomon's argument is that the pursuit of secular wisdom is futile when you this is all you have, for all your degrees and accomplishments will be buried with you in the grave, then what? All the wisdom in the world is not going to prepare you to die. You need the wisdom of the next world.
Three conclusions are raised. 1. Death does not recognize the excellence of wisdom- both the educated, and the unlearned go to the grave and there is the equalizer of us all. The grave is something we all face. 2. Death does not recognize the desire of wisdom. All the motivation whether noble or not makes not difference at the time of death. When your motivation on this earth is to learn and even spread that learning when you die it's over. You are personally no better off than the guy that learns nothing after your dead. 3. Death does not remember the work of wisdom. People forget. Personal recognition will name and honor people very few like Socrates, Aristotle, Einstein, Universities will name halls sometimes after founders of educational institutions and presidents, but what good is that after you're dead. This in and of itself seems futile.
Solomon devoted his whole life to wisdom and learning. But something was missing. All the certificates on his wall didn’t seem to give him fulfillment.
Pastor Dale
Sermon nuggets Fri Jan 30
Theme- School Time Blues
Verses- Eccl 2: 13 I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness.
Prov 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Fulfillment in Wisdom
Wisdom is important. The pursue of truth is far superior to wallowing around in ignorance, superstition and prejudice. But real truth and wisdom only stems from God. Solomon knew that at the beginning when he said, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Follow that all your life, but he didn't follow his own advice.
Judi and I were listening to a tape of a pastor who was preaching the truth of God in a most powerful way. Yet he himself was blinded to the temptations of sin and is out of the minister today for moral reasons. Why? Because even though people walk with the Lord for awhile and commit their hearts to him, it is a continual reminder that we need to daily and regularly trust in Him. We needed to be reminded the only way wisdom has fulfillment of enjoyment is when God is in it.
Friends, we can't be so smart and eternally lost. Matt 12:42. “The queen of South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom and now one greater than Solomon is here."
Jesus said, John 14:16 "I will ask the Father and he will give you another counselor to be with you forever the spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him, but you know him for he lives with you and will be in you. ..But the counselor, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."
When we remove Jesus Christ from the center of an intellectual pursuit we're headed for ultimate disaster. Solomon discovers the only way to find satisfaction and relief from boredom is through relationship with the living God. Apart from Him we have school time blues.
Jesus came to show us the Father. After we accepted Christ there is implanted in our hearts a new wisdom from God. It is spiritual wisdom not of this world. He is wise who knows the source of knowledge that source is God. (see I Cor 1:18-25)
I am amazed that even when I went to school the principles taught were considered truth are now obsolete. The way churches function when I went to seminary are not the way churches function today. Cultures change considerable in time. But that which is lasting over 2,000 years and still changed people will never be obsolete. Even Paul with all his degrees and zeal and knowledge under the best religious teacher was blinded on the road by a supernatural vision of Jesus who asked, "Saul , Saul, why do you persecute me?" A couple days later when Ananias told him of the cross, and his need for repentance it was the humble, child-like faith in Jesus that opened his life to real wisdom. "Jesus said, except you come as these little children you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Salvation is not complicated. We do not have to spend years studying. A little child old enough to understand right from wrong can accept Jesus. I will trust Him with what I know and what I do not know.
We may have had an excellent education, a sparkling success, and have a world of pleasure without really being happy or satisfied, because God has built into us a vacuum which only He can fill. Our deepest ongoing cannot be met by earthly things that pass away. We need God and the only way to come to Him is through faith.
Ruth Graham tells the story of a small bootblack polishing shoes enthusiastically. One fellow that came to him once a week had three earned PhDs. One day, feeling unhappy, the scholar looked at the bootblack working so cheerfully and enthusiastically on his shoes and thought of his own misery. “Why are you so happy?”
He looked and said simply, "Jesus. He loves me. He died so God could forgive all my badness. He makes me happy." Quickly the doctor snapped up the newspaper over his face but the brilliant professor could not escape those simple works and that was what eventually brought the professor faith in Christ. The man was Alexander Grigolia, Professor of anthropology, who was Dr. Billy Graham's beloved and influential professor in college. I wasn't education that mattered; it was Jesus Christ that made the difference. Jesus gave his education a new meaning and renewed love in his learning.
That is the fulfillment of wisdom.
Pastor Dale
Often Wondered
Often wondered why us kids Just have to go to school
And read and write and spell a spell, and learn the golden rule
Often wondered too just why some kids are teachers pets
An why she picks on me the most, just every chance she gets.
Wondered too, just hy my card Has all the Fs and D's
While little homer always gets those higher A's and B's
Just ain't no future anyhow so far as I ccan see.
A sittin and a learning, while elders go scott free.
I Kings 4:33 "He spoke 3,000 proverbs and his songs numbered 1,005 He described plant life, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of walls. He also taught about animals and birds, reptiles and fish. Men of all nations came to listen to Solomon's wisdom, sent by all the kings of the world, who had heard of his wisdom."
Romans 1:21,22 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened, Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools."
Matt 12:42. The queen of South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom and now one greater than Solomon is here."
John 14:16 "I will ask the Father and he will give you another counselor to be with you forever the spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him, but you know him for he lives with you and will be in you. ..But the counselor, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."
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