Friday, May 29, 2009

Peter's Principles 1 Peter 1:1-5

Sermon Nuggets week of May 25 2009
1 Pet 1:1-5

Sermon Nuggets Mon May 25

Theme Peter’s Principles

Verses: 1 Peter 1:1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To God's elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia,

Peter's Introduction
We begin a new series today from the epistles of Peter. As Jesus’ chosen spokesman and leader of the 12 apostles we are inspired as this eyewitness to the 3 years of being with Jesus helps us understand things of how his heart and priorities were changed.

When I was visiting relatives I listened and watched my two young nephews. They are brothers. Each admired what the other one was like and wanted to be like his brother. One is social and the quiet. He wished he could have things to say in groups and feel comfortable in front of people. He wished he could be more like his sibling and make other feel good and laugh and joke around. The gregarious brother wished he was more like the first- studious, and solid, and stable. The first had abilities to accomplish his goals and dreams without being distracted. He was more organized, and disciplined. Each wished they could be more like the other. I admired their individual qualities that made them unique.

When God works with men and women he does not make us carbon copies. Isn't that great? There is only one of you. Maybe one is all we can take. But God uses us with the personalities and idiosyncrasies. We have different temperaments, abilities, likes and dislikes. Some of those we develop but much of that is the way God made us. Not all of us are extroverts, most are introverts. Not all are socially comfortable people; many prefer quiet activities and spend time by themselves. Some are more verbal than others. Some have higher energy than others. Some are more creative than others, or athletic, or musical. What seems odd to me is most seem unhappy with the way they are and want to be like someone else.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's the way it was between the brothers Andrew and Peter. They were so different, but special each in their own ways. We know a lot of Peter because he was clearly an extrovert. He was a leader. He was vocal. He was the one who demonstrated impulsive behavior. But Andrew was portrayed in the Gospels as quieter. He worked more behind the scenes. He was impressed with Jesus and went on got his brother, Peter and brought him to Christ.

Peter introduces himself and his letter by acknowledging his calling. “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ”. The calling did not come because Peter filled out an application form and submitted it with a deposit the school or apostleship. It did not come from degrees. It did not come from some blood line. It was given to him by Jesus’ will.

This letter is from the big fisherman. He was part of Jesus inner circle. Think back on this man. Peter was mending his nets and discussing the events of the day on the sea when his brother comes to him and tells him, "Simon, you should come and hear this guy. This is the one John the Baptist was talking about. I met him today with our friend John. He speaks like no one else I've ever heard. I want you to meet him. I am convinced he is the Messiah, from God. He is going to redeem our people."

Peter, who is called Simon grunts finishes his task and wonders what Andrew his brother is up to now. Because of the trust and love he has for his brother he follows him and meets Jesus. Do you know what Jesus tells him? "You are called Simon. I am going to call you Peter." Jesus has plans for the brothers. After meeting Jesus the next stop was to listen to the command of the Master to “follow me.”

The first days the invitation was simply to come and see. Then after they were convinced he was a great prophet they were challenged to “follow me.” In obedience they did. When they went where Jesus went and did what Jesus said the time came when they needed to “go”. They were sent out but never alone. Following Jesus time on earth He gave them the promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit.

I think the elements of true discipleship begin with hearing about Jesus; seeing who He is; recognizing the call He has on your life. Obey to follow Him and then go and do his will in the world by the power of the Holy Spirit and the unique calling on your life with the gifts, talents and personality God gave you by his grace.

Being with Jesus will affect your life and your relationship. It will affect your priorities and your purpose. Have you taken the time to be with Jesus?

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues May 26, 2009

Verses- Verses: 1 Peter 1:1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To God's elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia,

A Willing Worker

I had a Christian boss who was a doer. He was impulsive. When I was called to be a Chaplain in the nursing homes, I thought it might be wise to think and pray about it for a few days. If he could have found someone else he would have hired that person on the spot. The audacity of thinking and praying for a few days was beyond his way of operating. But by God’s grace I took on the ministry and it was of God for those next four years. After he got to know me he chided me by saying, If God can create the world in 6 days he can tell you in 6 minutes if you should take the job or not. What are you waiting for?

My boss had little time for waiting. He was a doer.

As I thought of Peter I realize he was a doer. His impulsiveness sometime got him into trouble. But God created him with the gifts and abilities that allowed him to be used in his unique and different way. He learned to be a willing worker after he chose to follow Jesus’ command on his life. Knowing Christ completely changed him. He still had the same personality, and natural abilities, but given to the Lord those were used in addition to His Spiritual gifts to allow God to change the world through him. Peter had the characteristic of being zealous in what he did.
He was involved with life in zealous ways. Peter had zeal unlike most of his fellow apostles. He was the first and only one out of the boat in the Lake of Galilee. He was the first and only one to draw a sword to protect Jesus. He was the first one to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, the Son of the Living God. He was the only one to swim to shore when he recognized it was Jesus speaking to them after His resurrection. He was beaten and jailed for his preaching the good news.

God used Peter in great ways. But let’s face it- most of us aren't like Peter. He was confronting, extroverted, impulsive, a guy whom God wanted to give great leadership to the church. He was a doer. He was a mover and shaker. He did not need lots of time to ponder his actions.

When the Bible tells us that the Lord called Peter, he immediately forsook everything and followed Jesus. He was confident. You knew what he thought and why. At one point he promised faithfulness and next he denied know Jesus. He had zeal but was weak. He could go to Jesus and say it straight. "Depart form me; for I am a sinful man." He could admit his sin instead of trying to cover it up like most folks do.

Think of Peter's life. He was called by Jesus, picked to be a spokesman. He was told that he would be a witness, and be empowered with the Holy Spirit. Was it any wonder that Peter did not spend his time talking about himself but God who chose him? Now he reminds those who were suffering for their faith, to stop thinking of themselves and remember what God did. That's Peter's principle.

When word came to him about 65 AD while he was in Rome that many of the believers were suffering for their faith he wrote them this letter. They were rejected by their families, and leaving their homes. Peter knew what that was like. What do you say to someone who is going through hard times? How do you encourage them? Some people were hiding literally for their lives since they were being sought by people wanting to kill them because they are Christians.
In his letter Peter starts to teach them about Election, Separation, Foreknowledge of God ,Sanctification, Salvation, the work of the Trinity, Mercy of God, Assurance of Heaven, Security of the believers, the Second Coming of Jesus, Faith, and Divine Protection.
It is good theology that becomes the foundation of our faith. And good doctrine allows us to live out a faithful life. One of the best encouragers when we are going through tough times is someone who's been through it all and tells us how. Peter’s life becomes the badge of authority by calling and experience that his helpful to Christians who are living under pressure. He has the right to speak to the persecuted church. We want to learn from him and the words given to him by the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds May 27

Verses: 1 Peter 1:1,2 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To God's elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance.

God Knows All About what You are Going Through.

Why is it when we go through tough times we immediately think God must be shirking his responsibilities to bless us and give us a good life? Many preachers repeatedly leave us understanding that God's job is to make life easy for you. Having God at the center of your life may lead to difficult days.

I think of many Christians today who suffer hardship, beatings, tortures at the hands of Communist governments, Muslim extremists, Hindu fundamentalists, as well as subtle ways of discrimination by secular and post-Christian societies. Even in America now we see church services and Christian gatherings disrupted for political reasons and agendas.

What people need to remember is that God began the work in you and he will see it through. He has a plan. Think of your salvation and what a great God we have.

I could have been born a Hottintot in the heart of Africa. Why was I not born an Australian aborigine? I could have been born in the heart of communism of that last decade without the gospel preached and brought up to believe in nothing- No God, no supreme power, only man is the highest being. How is it that I was born in a Christian home, or surrounded by the good news of God's love? How is it that I heard the gospel of Christ and that I was saved? I praised His name because he has shown mercy to me. It is not my doing it is God's plan and purpose carried out.

Doctrine of election and foreknowledge of God are important principles to understand especially when people are thinking God is not caring that they are suffering and going through hard times. Before the world began God chose us in Christ (Eph 1:4) All whom the Father gave to Christ come unto Him. (John 6:37) How is it that two people hear about Jesus one is interested and the other could care less? One is eager to know more about God and Christ, His Son the other can't wait to get away from discussing Spiritual things?

To the unbelieving world the gospel is a proclamation to repent and exercise faith in Christ and it is to “whosoever will may come.” To the believer in Christ the truth is then made known that he was elected by sovereign grace according to God's foreknowledge. We are elected to obedience not merely that we should escape the penalty due to sin. We are elected to obey which sometimes means we suffer at the hands of evil people who are threatened by the truth. It was suffering of Christians that provided the spread of the gospel and Peter experienced beatings tortures and death and is writing to the persecuted church to look beyond to see something greater than cannot be taken away.

While it is a great honor to be among God's favorite, we must remember that Gods' purpose in election is to set apart a people to fulfill His purposes, not ours. This always involves responsibility and accountability. We are saved to serve His purposes not our pleasures in this world. Many Christians still haven't caught that.

It is exciting to realize that long before you were born God had you in His mind. He is not going to forget you now. He made you the way He wanted that you might obey Him and honor Him in your life, in the good times and in the bad times.

That's the way God is. He is not against man. He is for him. He knew all about Peter. He knows all about me and he knows all about you. He knows all about the people who were suffering for Christ’s sake. And Peter reminds them they are special. Do not think for a moment that just because you are going through hard times you are forgotten. You are special. Peter's knew.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs May 28, 2009

Verses 1 Peter 1:2 who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance.

The Work of the Triune God

If God's work is to draw us to Himself because He as a plan for you and me then how does He do that?

Peter presents the work of the Father by also mentioning the work of the Son and the Holy Spirit. We are familiar with the Trinity. The people in Peter's days were just getting used to God working in three ways. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all engaged in the work of Salvation. God chose us; the Spirit sanctifies us; and Jesus Christ bought us.

The plan of salvation includes more than the Father's electing love; it also includes the work of the Spirit in convicting the sinner and bringing him to faith in Christ. Sanctification is setting apart. The root idea of the word is just separation from common uses to the service of God. God's Spirit is actively engaged in setting people apart to a totally different kind of life. He awakens our hearts to respond to God and his goodness. He makes us aware how really how damaging sin is in our lives and in our relations. We find that we are not fulfilled and at peace by living any old way we want. We become well aware that there is little purpose in living making money and looking for fun. What's it all for and where does it all lead to? God made us for Himself and has plans for us now and forever. It is God's spirit makes us holy before God.

It was the work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who had to die on the cross for our sin, or there could be no salvation. That is were the sprinkling of the blood comes in. In the Old Testament the Jews used to sacrifice animals and kill them. It was a horrible way to approach God. Because they were unholy God said in order to have a relationship me some animal has to die because that is how much I hate sin. That blood is a reminder to you that do not take sin lightly. When Aaron was sprinkled with blood as one set apart for God's service in the Old Testament it was put on the right ear on their thumbs and one the big toes of their right feet. What did that symbolize? That the servant was to hear, do, and go according to the command of God. When the blood was applied to the doorposts in the Old Testament it was so the judgment of death would not be applied to that household. In Jesus Christ we are saved for the judgment of death for our sins fell on Jesus Christ Himself and now the blood has been applied and we are to listen to God, to do what he wants and go where he wants us to go. We are obedient.

God the Father chose me in Christ before the foundations of the world. God the Son paid the price at Calvary. God the Holy Spirit convicted me of my sin one night in 1956 when I saw the need for Jesus to save me from sin. Then it all came together God in his Triune person carried out His work.

Because of that, God calls us strangers in this world. When Sarah died in the land Abraham confessed he was a sojourner among the people. We are just passing through. We have a citizenship elsewhere. A sojourner has no intention of settling down away from home. This pictures the believer with his true citizenship in heaven while temporarily away from home on earth.

Now remember the people to whom he is addressed were Jewish brethren who had embraced Christianity. There were strangers for they were not really gentiles and they were being rejected by their Jewish friends and family. They were like without a home literally and figuratively, only Peter was telling them they do have a home. They do have friends. We are a new Kingdom together.

When we are in Christ we are enemies with the world. We are not at home. We are looked upon differently and we look on it differently.

Peter wanted the suffering brothers and sisters to look beyond our temporary journey and exercise faith in the one who loved them.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri May 29, 2009

Verses 1 Peter 1:3-5 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade-- kept in heaven for you, 5 who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. (NIV)

Peter wants us to know God's Wonder

We have a wonderful God. Centering our attention on the problems of this life, on other people, of what we can do and what we can’t will bring us down. Peter's principle is to be filled with the wonder of God, by recognizing his work for our salvation, how he carried out his plan by the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ and then think of the wonder of the benefits we have received.

Part of the greeting of Peter addressed his readers with both Greek and Hebrew salutations. The Greek word is charis- grace. The word Shalom is Hebrew word for peace. Grace is getting what we do not desire, Peace is obtaining God's gift and having things right with our creator.
Mercy is demonstrated by not getting punished, but instead giving a gift of hope because Jesus not only died on the cross he got up again. Peter is doing more than that. It isn't only that Jesus arose and the good guys win, but we receive an inheritance. How do we describe it? Peter tells us what it isn't. It isn't going to decay and pass away. All around them the Christians lost homes, and money and property. They were living in a very changing world, but that's not going to be the way it is with God. The inheritance will never perish.

Your inheritance will also never be impure. So much of what we get has something wrong with it. It breaks, doesn't work, and is quickly gone, it is obsolete. The inheritance God has for you will never fade away. In fact it is reserved in heaven for you, protected by the power of God through faith ready to be revealed when Jesus Christ comes again.

The inheritance of the New Testament Christian is infinitely more than Mid-eastern real estate. It is full and final deliverance from the curse of sin and all its debilitating effect. It is the state of perfect holiness which follows the final removal of sin and Satan. It is the perfect inheritance beyond the reach of change and decay.

It is not only kept in heaven but faithful believers are living out their lives here on earth, shielded by God's power. God has not left the church without protection in the midst of hostile world. He continuously guards his own. We can be absolutely confident that God will see us through until the day we receive our inheritance. Yet is through faith that we are kept. When Jesus returns the church will experience the great deliverance.

The greatest part of the inheritance is God Himself- not the golden harps, not the sea of glass mingled with light, not rest from pain and immunity from sorrow. But far greater than all these is God himself and these other things are added as well. Which would you rather have you Father or the things that your Father gives you?

How do you know you are saved? Do you have to just hope that some day you've done more good than bad? Do you have any confidence that it might be? Suppose we don't make it?

Peter reminds them all believers are being kept by the power of God. We means guarded and shielded. We are constantly being guarded by God assured that we shall safely arrive in heaven. We are not kept by our strength but by His faithfulness, and he will do that until Jesus returns.
One of the ways to inspire us is to personalize the pronouns to recognize the great work of God. Try reading it with your name-

“To Dale, stranger to the world, I have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God for obedience to Jesus. In his great mercy God has given to Dale Cope new birth and an inheritance than can never perish kept in heaven for me. Through faith I am shielded by God's power until Jesus comes.”

That’s good news.

Pastor Dale