Friday, November 7, 2008

Observe Jesus Provision John 18:11

Sermon Nuggets Fri Nov 7

Theme- The Arrest

Verses- John 18: 11 Jesus commanded Peter, "Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?"

Observe Jesus Provision.
Jesus is willing to be obedient to the plan. He has already fought that inward battle in prayer and won by yielding to the Father’s will. He is ready to drink the cup the Father has given to him and thereby be our provision for salvation, to have eternal life. The cup is the symbol of suffering. The cup of wrath is the response of God against sin. Ish 51:7 “Awake, awake, rise up O Jerusalem you who have drunk from the hand of the cup of his wrath. You who have drained to its dregs the goblet that makes men stagger. Rev 14:10 tells us “He too will drink of the wine of Gods’ fury which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath..” Ps 75:8 “In the hand of the Lord is a cup, full of foaming wine mixed with spices; he pours it out, and all the wicked of the earth drink it down to its very dregs.” The cup of wrath for sin is the cup that is presented to Christ and his provision for us is that we might not experience God’s wrath because Jesus took it for us on the cross.

In going to the cross Jesus greatest concern is still for the disciples and not Himself. The steps to the cross out of obedience is God’s provision for our eternal life. He does not put His own concerns first. There was no other way to save the world. But it wasn’t because we deserve His sacrifice. It is because of His love.

The gods of the world are the focus of great fear. Their anger is to be appeased. God’s anger against sin was placed upon Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. It is for the world lost in sin that Jesus was willing to be arrested to suffer and to die that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus suffering was completely voluntary, but this free gift we have a savior who was far more willing to save us than we are wiling to be saved. He knew of these torments and the scourging and the cross and that was probably some of the temptation in the garden when h e prayed “If there be any way, let this cup pass from me, but nevertheless, not my will but Thine be done.”

The greatest suffering does not come from Satan and the evil forces, rather it comes from God against sin. Friends the greatest suffering is spiritual suffering to be forever separated from God for all eternity. He experienced the cup of wrath for all who will believe so we never have to face separation. That protection comes by the power and the plan and thepain of Jesus. This arrest reminds us of that.

We should not be surprised, then, that when we come to the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of our Lord, John makes it very clear that Jesus is the One who is in control—not the Roman soldiers, not the Jewish religious leaders, not the mob, not Judas, and certainly not the disciples. Jesus is in control. And so it is that He confronts those who seek to arrest Him. When we see incidents like this week’s bombing in Spain by the extreme Moslems there is a fear that even by force we must stop the spread of freedom.

Jesus wants to gives a freedom that militants cannot touch. It is an inward freedom from sin, from purposelessness. He frees our souls from the control of this world and lusts thereof to our Maker

It is an amazing thing to read the first verses of John 18 and to realize that Jesus made no effort to save Himself. Only Jesus can save anyone from their sins, and from divine condemnation. Have you trusted in Him for the forgiveness of your sins? He is the Good Shepherd, who laid down His life for His sheep. May God grant that you are one of His sheep, and that you will rejoice in His salvation, and in His sovereignty. What peace there is in knowing that the Good Shepherd is the Sovereign Son of God, whose promises and purposes always come to pass.

In a day when there is much chaos and danger around us, how good it is to know Him Who is in control.

Pastor Dale

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Observe Jesus' Protection John 18:8-11

Sermon nuggets Thurs, Nov 6

Theme- The Arrest

Verses- John 18: 8-11 "I told you that I am he," Jesus answered. "If you are looking for me, then let these men go."
9 This happened so that the words he had spoken would be fulfilled: "I have not lost one of those you gave me."
10 Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servant's name was Malchus.)
11 Jesus commanded Peter, "Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?"

Observe Jesus’ Protection.
Now we see Jesus not only concerned for the disciples and their protection, but in so asking the question twice confirmed for them they were not looking for the disciples so they should let the others go without harm. He is like the shepherd that meets the wolf long before the wolf gets to the sheep. Remember what Jesus tells us in John 10. The wolf comes only to steal and to kill and destroy. I came that you may have life and have it more abundantly. I am the good Shepherd and the shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. In love He is protecting them from arrest. The implication of v. 9 is not only prophetic fulfillment again, but the realization that the tiny band of disciples could have been wiped out. They were protected and Jesus wanted to see that nothing would happen to them at this time.

Peter does take out his sword and cuts off the ear of Malchus the servant of the High Priest. G. Cambel Morgan writes, “Peter had zeal without knowledge the other evangelists record the act of the supernatural and divine surgery wrought by Jesus which was rendered necessary by the blundering zeal of a disciple. I sometimes think that our Lord is still often healing wounds that zeal without knowledge people make on souls.”

Peter is about to blow it. Now that mob had reason to use their clubs and weapons; they had reason to arrest and even kill the disciples. But Jesus heals the ear of the slave and make things right. Jesus rebukes Peter and tells him to put away the sword into it’s sheath. This is not the time to fight.

One wonders if any of the Jewish authorities protested his release. Someone might have said, “Wait a minute. We can’t let these men go; just a moment ago, one of these Galileans assaulted one of us with his sword. He even cut off this man’s ear.” I can almost hear the Roman commander respond, “Which ear? So far as I can see this man has two ears.” The commander then goes over to Malchus and inspects both of his ears more closely. “I don’t see any missing ear, nor any blood; not even a scar. Let’s turn these men loose and take Jesus into custody. He’s the one we were told to arrest.” Don’t you just wonder how they responded to that incident? Can’t you just imagine what went through the mind of Malchus. Don’t you think he believed in Jesus then and there?

There are many, I’m afraid, who come with swords even to protect our Lord or think they are doing God a favor by fighting. That is never the way of the Lord. Violence is done to us, by done by us for Jesus’ name. We are the ones who need his defending. Jesus was never in the need for Peter to rescue him, only the other way around. He wants us to be obedient and trusting, recognizing that he is our protector. It is not by our strength or our activity or our wisdom that the Kingdom of God is advanced, but by the power of God and His might and our desires to follow Him.

I think the fact that John is able to give us the name of that slave Malchus is also an indication that he became known as a follower of the Lord. John points out that in securing the release of His disciples, Jesus was once again fulfilling the prophecy He Himself had spoken earlier. This “prophecy” appears to be the words our Lord had spoken only moments earlier:

“When I was with them I kept them safe and watched over them in your name that you have given me. Not one of them was lost except the one destined for destruction, so that the scripture could be fulfilled” (John 17:12).

The point of this remark is that Jesus is doing exactly what He promised He would do. Jesus is bringing about future events, just as He foretold them. At every step of the way, Jesus was fulfilling prophecy, some of which was His own words. If Jesus’ disciples were not doing very well at taking care of Him, Jesus was doing an excellent job of taking care of them.

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jesus Power John 18:5-7

Sermon nuggets Weds Nov 5

Theme- Jesus’ Arrest

Verses John 18: 5-7 "Jesus of Nazareth," they replied. "I am he," Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.)
6 When Jesus said, "I am he," they drew back and fell to the ground.
7 Again he asked them, "Who is it you want?" And they said, "Jesus of Nazareth."

Observe Jesus Power.

According to Robert Deffinbaugh, John leaves the kiss of Judas out because things do not go according to the prearranged plan of Judas and the Jews. Jesus would not attempt to elude them or to conceal His identity. Jesus would not attempt to avoid His arrest, illegal though it might be. Instead of our Lord’s identity being revealed deceitfully by the kiss of Judas, our Lord identified Himself. Judas had nothing to contribute other than to indicate the place where Jesus could be found. As Judas, the Jews, and the Roman soldiers arrived, it was Jesus who took change, bringing to pass the events that followed

This is the key to realize the truth of who is really in command. Jesus comes to them and asked who it is you want. Jesus of Nazareth was the reply. “The Greek words in this passage are literally “I AM” translated I am He.

I think that is significant. You remember at the burning bush incident Moses asked God his name. He said, “I AM” was his name. When people ask you who send you say, “I AM has sent you. The name represents power. It was the power of that name of Jesus that miracles would be performed. It is the power of that name of God that the gates of Hell are shattered. Those who believe in the name of Jesus shall be saved.

The next thing that happens is really remarkable. He mentions His name and they all fall down. How is that for power? Think of it, 100 to 200 people falling just as soon as Jesus tells them “I am he”. Who is arresting whom?

The song writer says that Jesus could have called 10,000 angels to defend Him but he died alone for you and me. Jesus didn’t have to call angels, just reveal His identity.

Unbelievers have had experiences that could be explained by no other way than miracles of the power of God, but have remained set in their unbelief. The soldiers got up again and Jesus repeats the question. They repeat the answer. This is the completion of the prophecy in Ps 27:2 When evil men advance against me to devour my flesh, when my enemies and my foes attack me, they will stumble and fall.”

Look at the plans of the arresting party. They also carried torches along so they could hunt Jesus down if He sought to escape them and avoid arrest. They had a pre-arranged signal, so that Judas could indicate who Jesus was, and to make sure there would be no mistake when they seized Him. But instead of the scenario they had pictured in their minds, it was completely different. Jesus did not flee from them; He boldly walked right up to them. They were disarmed (so to speak) by our Lord’s boldness. If the Jewish officials and the temple police were trying to maintain an aura of authority, it was no longer possible.

There is power in the name of Jesus. Again, it is in the person and the authority that dwells in you that we can go in confidence today as we carry the name and honor of our Lord.

Pastor Dale

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Jesus' Plan John 18:3,4

Sermon nuggets Tues Nov 4

Theme John 18: 3 So Judas came to the grove, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons.
4 Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, "Who is it you want?"

Observe Jesus’ Plan v 3,4
The pieces are all in their places and now the beginning of the end as started. Jesus has prepared himself spiritually by spending and wrestling with his temptations in prayer. Judas enters with soldiers. Since messianic hopes ran very high at this time, Rome was very much on alert during this religious holiday. Pilate, who normally lived in Caesarea, would remain in Jerusalem, along with a sizeable army, lest a riot break out. To attempt to arrest Jesus during the feast would be foolish, and the religious leaders were determined not to make fools of themselves one more time.

But Jesus was in control, forcing His adversaries to act in a way that was contrary to their plan. v. 4 reminds us how much Jesus is really in charge. “Knowing all that was going to happen to him went out and asked them “Who is it you want?” He went to meet them. He didn’t run, hide, or even balk. He is like someone waiting for a ride to come in order to pick Him up.

The detachments of the temple guard come along with some officials from the chief priest and the Pharisees. John does tell us something the others do not mention. Among those present in this arresting “mob” were a significant number of Roman soldiers. There is some discussion as to how many soldiers John is referring. As the study notes in the NET Bible inform us, a “cohort” was normally a force of 600 men. But that name could apply to a group of around 200 men as well. So if that is true to the term used here in John we are not talking about 10 to 15 guys here, but well over 100. This crowd to arrest Jesus was carrying weapons, and lanterns and torches.

When I volunteered as a police chaplain for the city of St. Paul, I was allowed to go on a ride-along program. That night there was a "chase call". One of the squads was chasing a car that would not stop. It is perhaps the most dangerous time for public and police. It was exciting to listen to the chase on the police radio, but all were discouraged when they lost the car. My squad contined to the area and looked for general cars that fit the description. They spotted one with a couple of teens, but it was the wrong, make year and the wrong color. But I was surprised when it turned out ot be the right car and immediately there were three police cars on the scene for the arrest with 6 officers against 2 who were in the automobile. They didn’t have a chance to get away from them. Humanly speak the odds of the group seeking to arrest Jesus would have been quite a compliment. But if Judas was really aware of the power of Christ no amount of men could do anything against the will of the Lord. When large groups of soldiers came to arrest Elisha on the mountaintop three times they were annihilated by the unseen power of angels. How many angels do you think would have been ready to kill any attackers of the Lord? Yet, it was the will of God. It was according to His divine plan.

And why the mob action? What had He done? Had this man killed someone? Had He sold secrets to the enemy? Had He corrupted his high office? Was He a drug dealer? No. What had he done? He had showed compassion to the hurting. He had taught people about God in ways that was bringing a true revival of heart.

Mother Theresa was a wonderful and compassionate woman helping the sick, but when Jesus ministered to the sick they got better! When He touched the leper - the leprosy was gone. When He touched the coffin of a dead person - the person sat up and lived on! But Satan was behind the plan to kill Jesus. God was behind the largter plan to redeem mankind for all eternity and thereby defeat Satan.

Bessie McDonald was in the nursing home When she was 6 months old she contacted polio and over 80 years in her attempts to walk recieved 16 fractures as a result of her falls. Now she had broken her hip and had to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. As a Christian she was aware that God had a plan for her life, even in her infirmity. She did not want to be in a wheelchair and asked for healing. In her discouragement “God,” she prayed, “What can I do among so many people who somehow seem older than I?” Although it was hard she saw no future, yet she was determined to be true to the Lord and as cheerful as possible.

One day the Lord spoke to her and said in her heart. “Bessie, I want you to be my witness in this place.”

Now she was busy for the Lord wheeling herself up and down the corridors speaking as tactfully as possible to other patients and visitors, telling them of God’s love. God has a plan for her life and she found that plan being fulfilled even in her suffering. But that plan is not completed yet. The plan of God in Gethsemane was only a small part of the whole picture. Will you trust His plan for your life today? For our nation today? For the world today?

And don’t forget, suffering is sometimes part of the plan, but His work is not completed yet. There is more to come. Praise God.

Pastor Dale

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Arrest- John 18:1,2

Sermon Nuggets Mon Nov 3

Theme- The Arrest

Verses-John 18:1-11 When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the other side there was an olive grove, and he and his disciples went into it.
2 Now Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples.

The Place

After Jesus high priestly prayer other accounts share that they sung a hymn and departed.

Jesus went to the cross out of design and His own will. He never was entrapped, never tricked, never surprised. He was not overcome by the power of the law, or Jews or Romans. As the prayer of Christ stated he knew full well he was about to die and in so doing he would be the savior of the world to all who will accept Him and follow him. This was the reason for his coming to earth. He never was the victim of circumstances.

John’s purpose is to present Jesus Christ as God, to reveal to the world his Deity. John majored on his divinity more than his humanity.

Jesus had finished being with his disciples in the upper room preparing them for this night and praying for them. He completed all the work that the Father had given to him except this final task of going to the cross. Jesus is the High priest and representing us before the Father. Jesus prays for the disciples and his church in the upper room. He prayed for His glory to be revealed and glory to the Father. Now was the hour to be turned over to his enemies.

There was a place that was also prepared for Jesus arrest. As all plans are in order by the sovereign God this too has some prophetic implications. By the Kidron valley, the brook was said to be tainted with blood shed from the many animals by the priests in the temple at the time of the Passover. Jesus would have passed over that brook, as a reminder that His blood was to be shed as the Passover lamb for the sins of the world.

The timing was perfect. Jesus finished His high priestly prayer to the Father. His “hour” truly had come. John very briefly refers to the Garden of Gethsemane and does not mention our Lord’s agonizing prayer in the garden as we read in some of the other Gospel accounts.

This garden was known to Judas since it was a place where they often went to pray and to rest, away form the crowds. It was a quiet resting-place, for retirement, prayer, perhaps sleep, and a trysting-place also where not only the Twelve, but others also, may have been wont to meet the Master. This was the safest place for an arrest, since many in Jerusalem were enamored with Jesus and the crowds made it impossible to safely arrest Jesus before when they wanted to. The officers of the temple were afraid of the people because of Jesus’ popularity. Do you think Jesus did not know that? Or do we come to a realization that it was in a Garden when sin won the victory from the first Adam, and it was in another garden when God was addressing this sin matter to overcome it. Jesus is the second Adam.

In the Greek, Gethsemane means an oil orchard. The Hebrew expression means olive press. It is still rich today in olive trees hundreds of years old and it is possible that these may be shoots of the same trees that witnessed Jesus' last night before his arrest.

Gethsemane is at the foot of Mount Of Olives where Jesus ascended into heaven. From the depths to the heights, one person did a study showing how the Mount of Olives is always associated with division. Jesus separated himself from the other people - going to the Mount of Olives.

Oil is a symbol both of the spirit and of understanding. In order to bring forth the liquid (oil) from the olive, an oil press causes great pressure on it. Jesus is the olive root according to Romans 11:16, supporting every olive branch and therefore every olive in the tree. We know in his prayer that great pressure was upon Him that night.

Judas was also hand picked by God to do the job of betrayal. It wasn’t his insight that brought the soldiers to Gethsemane, it was planned by God. The place, the time, and the people were all in God’s hands.

There are no surprises with Him.

We never know how the incidental events are really significant expressions of the glory and preparation of our Lord.

Pastor Dale.