Friday, August 15, 2008

Results of Unbelief John 12:47-50

Sermon nuggets Fri Aug 15

Theme- Rejecting Jesus

Verses John 12:47-50
47 "As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it.
48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day.
49 For I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it.
50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say."

The RESULTS of Unbelief.

The opinions of mankind lasts only a few years, but the judgment of God matters for all eternity. The reward of the moment, they fling away the rewards of eternity.

In this Scripture we have Christ's last recorded words to the public before the arrest and cross. After this point everything that he will say will be directed to his disciples. Jesus words given to us by John, tell us that belief in Jesus is belief in God the Father who sent Him. The vision of Jesus is the vision of God.

In Jesus men are confronted with God. To listen to Jesus is to listen to God. In Jesus God meets man, man meets God. In Isaiah's quote mentioned early in the text, we see that he saw the glory of God. John implies that he saw the glory of Jesus. John makes no distinction between the two attesting the oneness of Jesus with God. He interprets that Isaiah foresaw the rejection of Jesus as Messiah. The cross both blinded hearts and eyes and brought healing and salvation.

Why did Jesus come to the earth? To seek and to save that which are lost. It was not God's desire to judge that caused Him to be sent into the world it was His love and desire to save. Without Jesus we are all lost and condemned to Hell. But there is no way that judgment can be avoided. Your reaction and response to Christ does indeed judge you. It declares your true nature and hearts' interest.

Jesus says, "I don't judge anyone, but there is a judge- the words that I have spoken will judge you". The light of the world has come to rescue men from darkness. Jesus did not come as judge but rather as Savior. Rejection leads to judgment. The word as the content of the preaching of Christ will be the judge.

I am reminded of the man who went into the video store and said to the clerk. I'd like to exchange this diet-and workout tape for one on self-acceptance." Instead of changing, accept yourself the way that you are. Unfortunately that is the way it is with many who are satisfied, or apathetic regarding their relationship with Christ. The man who needs to work out still faces the consequences of his inactivity even if he fully accepts himself. The man who walks in darkness still must face the consequences, unless he is converted.

Do not let fear keep you from faith. Rev. 21:8 ""But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

There is only One who has been punished for your sins; there is only One who rose from the dead as proof to it; there is only One who can make good His offer of Heaven; and there is only one way to get His help. The only way to be saved from your sins is to throw yourself on the mercy of Jesus by faith.

Pastor Dale

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Roots of Unbelief John 12:42-46

Sermon nuggets Thurs Aug 14

Theme Rejecting Jesus

Verses: John 12:42-46 Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved praise from men more than praise from God.
44 Then Jesus cried out, "When a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. 45 When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me.46 I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. (NIV)

Roots of Unbelief
Throughout the Bible there are examples of individuals within unbelieving nations or people groups who respond by faith and obedience. The Bible makes much more of the importance of groups that we do in the USA. Yet we see it all around us. Friends influence us tremendously.

Certainly we see how the Hebrews were God's chosen people, and in the Old Testament the Gentiles were rejected. However in the New Testament the Gentiles responded openly to the Gospel while the Israelites as a nation and group rejected him.

There are times we see revival happening in some countries and with some peoples and not others. As I read BRUCHO, the story of missionary Bruce Olson, it was remarkable not only how God sovereignty led in his life but after four years of no response to the Gospel suddenly the Indians responded and a whole group came to saving faith.

As a group the Jews and leaders rejected Jesus rationalizing their own righteousness and traditions. Satan blinded them. But lest we think that all were blinded it was not true. The light dawned for many of the leaders and they believed in him. God’s spirit was working in the hearts of individuals who are willing to go against the group. The Pharisees would not confess their faith out of fear. In addition to spiritual blindness the root of unbelief was fear.

Fear is a horrible thing. What are they afraid of? They were afraid of religious leaders. They were afraid they would be kicked out of the synagogue like some of the others. They did not want to be disliked. They wanted to be popular and the fear of man was greater than the fear of God.

Many people think more of men than God. People are afraid of being different. They want to conform. We fail to realize that what everyone else is doing isn't necessarily right, and when your major frame of reference is other people and not God you lose the capacity to define and live by your own values.

They knew Jesus was right. They knew all Jesus was seeking to do for God. But because they would have been ostracized from society they felt that was too high a price. But though the people group rejected Jesus some leaders did believe. This might be a reference to people like Nicodemus our Joseph of Arimathea, who later in the Gospel openly declared their commitment at Jesus time of burial.

There is also mentioned the praise of man. People are lost because other people are influencing them against God. No one likes to be laughed at, no one like to be ignored. And if you have friends and family that are really important to you do not want to be rejected by them.

The root of unbelief is revealed. It is pride and vanity which is threatened and that leads to fear. Jesus once said, "You cannot believe if you seek honor one from another." Either discipleship will kill the secrecy or secrecy will kill the discipleship.

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Reasons for Unbelief John 12:39-41

Sermon nuggets Weds Aug 13

Theme- Rejecting Jesus

Verses- John 12:39-41 For this reason they could not believe, because, as Isaiah says elsewhere:
40 "He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn-- and I would heal them."
41 Isaiah said this because he saw Jesus' glory and spoke about him.

The Reasons for Unbelief.
Here we have a most interesting quote from Isaiah. It is from the 6th chapter when Isaiah is called into the ministry. He is to begin as a prophet to declare the words of God. He had just seen God's glory. He was full of conviction of sin for himself and for his people. He offered himself to God "here am I send me". God warned him in advance that the people to whom he was sent would pay no attention to him – that indeed all his words would be counter-productive and make them close their ears more decisively. Did God send him in order that his hearers would not listen, or did He sent Him in order that they turn and be healed and predicted they would not?

John puzzled not only over the reality of unbelief he also pondered the reasons. The problem of the unbelief of the Jewish leaders and their rejection of the Christ was a cause of perplexity to the faithful. He came to the conclusion that the people were numb, and dumb and blind.

Are we to understand and assume that God deliberately selects some to render incapable of responding to His Son? Does He deliberately cripple and incapacitate some so they will never be able to choose? Indeed this point of theology has divided religious teachers years past and will years to come. What part does predestination have in the relationship of man's response? How are we to understand this? This too is a mystery.

Isaiah words not only speak to the reality of unbelief but prophecies the reason. One reason is spiritual blindness. Hearts are dead to God and cannot respond. There comes a time in our life when the Spirit of God makes alive the good news and any other time it is just words, and human concepts trying to explain our universe, but there is a spiritual experience that is only of God where this message grips us and we know God is speaking to us. Before that time we are dead to spiritual things. Now we are confronted with the power of God sensing the deep conviction of sin and the awareness that indeed Jesus is true.

I think of Bud Holidays statement that says, "The person who agrees with everything you say either isn't paying attention or else plans to sell you something." This issue of predestination and free will has been debated for years and will continue to be so. But still we cannot ignore it. For those who take seriously the Word of God neither can we quickly explain it away.

It was Spurgeon that said when asked to reconcile the two doctrines,"You don't reconcile friends, you accept them both."

We have many churches and pastors who divide over the theological positions of what is also known as Calvinism and Arminianism. After seeking to deal with the passages of mystery I found myself to be too Arminian to appease the Calvinists and too Calvinistic to appease the Arminians.

One way that has helped me to put together the mystery of free will and sovereignty of God is the relationship to the story of Pharaoh in the Old Testament. When Moses came to Pharaoh’s court and demanded the release of the captives Pharaoh refused. Moses worked the miracles and plagues resulted. Each time a plague struck Pharaoh relented and gave in. Each time it was removed he went back to the old ways. The Scriptures make two interesting statements: ‘Pharaoh hardened his heart." and then again, "God hardened pharaoh heart." Now which is it? I believe it is both. God hardened Pharaoh's heart by confronting him and forcing the necessity of a choice. Pharaoh hardened his own heart by continually rejecting the glory of God and making the wrong choice or unmaking the right one. Every time we resist and hold out and say no the easier it is next time. You come to the place you are unable to say, "yes". We are seldom the same after being confronted with Christ; we are either perceptively softer or harder.

As a pastor it is my responsibility to present Christ and encourage one another in faith and good works. Those who make watches will discuss the finer points of how a watch works. I enjoy the discussions of theology and comparing verses to verses, but found most people are further confused when godly pastors and teachers divide over such things. The majority of the people don’t care. They want to know how to tell time.

Understanding why people accept and reject Jesus is explained in the New Testament as the prompting of the Holy Spirit and a hardening of the heart resulting in spiritual blindness.

As a pastor, I am instructed to pray for those who are lost and present the good news of the saving message of Jesus Christ. How that works is significant, but to center on the how and ignore the who can become a barrier to those who need to know what time it is. 2 Cor 6:2 For he says, "In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you." I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation.”

The response to the call to follow Jesus is received differently by different people.

I’ll comment more tomorrow.

Pastor Dale

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Reality of Unbelief John 12:37,38

Sermon nuggets Tues Aug 12

Theme Rejecting Jesus

Verses- John 12:37-38 Even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him.
38 This was to fulfill the word of Isaiah the prophet: "Lord, who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?"

The Reality of Unbelief.
There people who know all the spiritual answers- they can quote verses, they can write books and even preach sermons, but have never placed their faith in Jesus Christ. People reject Jesus. It was true in the day of Jesus, it is true throughout all of history. Jesus Christ has often been divisive for people. I believe some people must have to work at not being a Christian. We see lots of rebellion among children of many devout families.

Isaiah prophesize as quoted in 53rd chapter, when the Messiah was to come, people would reject him. Indeed this is just what happened. People have heard with their own ears, and seen with their own eyes. They have been confronted with truth, but still reject Jesus.

I remember on occasions when the Spirit of God seemed to move me to share with someone the simple Gospel. I had a burden for a young woman who had lots of questions. I answered them to the best of my ability and opened to her the Bible. She understood. I asked her to say yes to Jesus. She struggled then concluded that she was not interested. I asked her why? She understood everything but just didn't want to. I left saddened for I believe she was close to the Kingdom, but I've never heard nor seen her since and I believe she struggled with God that day. She is an unbeliever.

I usually don't try to plant where the Holy Spirit hasn't yet plowed, as one of my friends used to say. But when the Spirit seems to open the door I believe He is involved.

I had a burden for one man that I knew was dying. I presented the Gospel to him on his death bed. He looked at me and said in a matter of fact voice. “I guess all my friends are in hell and I expect to join them.”

I told him there is nothing in the Bible that teaches you will even see or recognize others in hell to have conversations. He said he'd just have to take his chances. With in a month the man died.

Purposed unbelief happens week, after week. I have no problem understanding why someone may not like or respond to the preachers, or missionaries, or friends. I can understand someone rejecting and not wanting religion or a particular church. Sometimes religion and churches can be cold and uninviting, or filled with petty bickering or strife. But it is hard to understand why someone would not want to know and love Jesus. Who would not want to know Him, to have Him as a friend, a comfort and guide? Paul said he would gladly part with anything and everything for the privilege of knowing Him.

Ken Roberts was a fifth grade teacher in Denver who was ordered to remove 2 books from his classroom- the Bible in pictures, and the story of Jesus. He did not read from them, but had collected a number of books for his students to read during a specified time. They were there if the students were interested. Roberts noted that without knowledge of the Bible some of the most important achievements of the Western culture passages from the works of Longfellow, Twain and Whittier as well as the paintings of Michelangelo, Rembrandt, DaVinci, Rubens and the music of Bach and Beethoven would have little significance. The school officials felt having them was enough to influence students that reading the Bible was something inappropriate for them to do.

Many are the unfortunately illustrations of direct opposition to anything Christian. The recent movie, “Expelled, no intelligence Allowed” is a perfect example on the Univeristy level where serious scholarship is questioned if anything points to an intelligent design and questions the theory of Darwin.

Not only is unbelief a reality, but our society promotes it. Why? When you consider Jesus and who He is and what He did, unbelief becomes the ugly, unexplainable thing that it is. Yet the fact remains regardless of how clear it is to people still they refuse to trust in Christ as their savior.

Pastor Dale

Monday, August 11, 2008

Rejecting Jesus John 12:37

Sermon Nuggets Mon Aug 11


Verses- John 12:37 Even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him. (NIV)

The Ignorance of Unbelief
I read a story of a Japanese seashore village which experienced an earthquake over a hundred years ago. Being accustomed to small earthquakes the villagers soon went back to their activities. Above the village on a high plain, an old farmer was watching from his house. He noticed the signs of tidal waves. He called for his grandson to bring a torch, and though he had great crop of rice piled high for market, he set them ablaze. The big bell pealed from the temple alerting folks of fire. The people came running up the side of the cliff to assist, or watch the fire. When they saw him torching his crop they thought the man was crazy until they looked behind them. They watched the thundering waves several times strike the shore with weight that tore their homes to matchsticks.

They watched with stunned silence until the old man said, "That is why I set fire to the rice." He stood among them almost as poor as the poorest, for his wealth of crops was gone but he saved 400 lives by the sacrifice.

People were blinded by ignorance to the effects of earthquake, they didn't seek safety. The man thought of a way to bring them up from pending destruction at personal sacrifice and loss.

People are dying in sin and do not know it. At great personal love and sacrifice God sent His Son to the world in order to save them from sin's damage. What happened to the people who did not come up the cliff? They all perished. But as Jesus calls people to spiritual safety against the damaging effects of sin, it is more confusing as to why people reject God and fail to listen to the warning.

As we discussed last week, Greeks were being challenged to commit themselves to Jesus. This message was for the Jews as well. There have been many people who saw miraculous signs, who heard Jesus words, who have seen the light and knew they should become believers in him but did not. Many are ignorant of the truth, but many have had ample warnings.

The subject of unbelief is an awful truth revealed in Scriptures. Without faith in Jesus Christ there is no salvation.

Even though people knew the signs of the earthquake they were ignorant as to how bad it would be. Is that any different today?

Pastor Dale