Saturday, November 24, 2012

Resisting Temptation Genesis 39

Sermon Nuggets Mon Nov 19 

Genesis 39

   When You're Tempted, Think of Joseph                  

This morning in the news it is reported Paula Broadwell, whose extramarital affair with CIA chief David Petraeus led to his resignation, is telling friends she is devastated by the fallout.

She warned socialite Jill Kelley to stay away from Petraeus and Afghanistan war commander Gen. John Allen, with whom she was having some romantic involvement.
Allen's nomination to lead the U.S. European Command has been put on hold, pending results of the investigation, though officials now concede only a handful of the emails between Kelley and Allen are of flirtatious or questionable nature.

Contrast that story with Cleveland Stroud who had coached the Blue Collar Bulldogs for 18 years before his basketball team made it to the championship. Stroud recalls that it was a perfect night when they won. “A night you dream of.” He was carried around the gym on the shoulders of his triumphant players and their proud parents.

  But two months after the championship, during a routine grade check, Stroud discovered one player was academically ineligible. He only played 45 seconds in the regional qualifying tournament. He struggled with what to do next. Yet, his commitment to integrity led him to the right decision. “Winning is the most important thing for any coach but your principles have to be higher than your goals.” He reported the error to the league and the Bulldogs forfeited their trophy. Then the team took their loss hard, but he told them “You’ve go tot do what is honest, what is right, and what the rules say. People forget the scores of basketball games, but they don’t ever forget what you’re made of.”

How do you handle temptations? We all have them. It is not a sin to be tempted.

Then again, do we really want to stay away from certain temptations? They are appealing. One man trying to stop drinking said, "As I passed the tavern I will not stop in unless there is a parking spot in front of the tavern; that will be the only condition.”  Soon he is walking in the tavern door. He told his friend" I had to drive around the block 7 times before the spot finally opened up." The problem with resisting temptation is that we really want to do what we have decided or told we shouldn’t do. We all are tempted.

Last week we looked at how Judah lived his life and the consequences. This week we will look at how Joseph lived his life and it’s consequences. One lived according to the flesh the other with the spirit. Judah left for a foreign land and lived like his neighbors. Joseph went to a foreign land against his will but lived for the Lord. Perhaps the most well known part of Joseph’s story is recorded for us in the temptation of having a sexual affair with his boss’s wife.
After his brothers sold him into slavery the travelers brought him to Egypt and made a profit when Potipher, Pharoahs general, buys him to work in his house. The Bible says that God was with Joseph in a special way so everything he did prospered. So much so that even Potifer’s household under his care prospered. He was given such leadership abilities by the Lord that everyone noticed not only him, but his God.

I want to review ways to handle temptations as presented in this chapter.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nugget Tues Nov 20 

Gen 39: Now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt. Potiphar, an Egyptian who was one of Pharaoh’s officials, the captain of the guard, bought him from the Ishmaelites who had taken him there.

2 The Lord was with Joseph and he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master. 3 When his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did, 4 Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant. Potiphar put him in charge of his household, and he entrusted to his care everything he owned. 5 From the time he put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned, the Lord blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph. The blessing of the Lord was on everything Potiphar had, both in the house and in the field. 6 So he left in Joseph’s care everything he had; with Joseph in charge, he did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate.

Now Joseph was well-built and handsome, 7 and after a while his master’s wife took notice of Joseph and said, “Come to bed with me!”

8 But he refused. “With me in charge,” he told her, “my master does not concern himself with anything in the house; everything he owns he has entrusted to my care. 9 No one is greater in this house than I am. My master has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?”

Fearing Temptation

Many people who fall into sexual temptations are often very successful pastors. They experience the hand of God upon their work. They are praised for their abilities and admired for their leadership and sought after for advice. Although it may be hard to understand many will compartmentalize their lives as work, home, church, and pleasure. And live as if these different compartments are inter-related. They can preach very inspiring sermons while at the same time in their private and personal lives be living a lie. Many will think they are above the laws and rules that other people are under because their abilities or position gives them special privileges.

Some who find success in their pursuits quickly forget that it is because the Lord allowed for those successes. Pretty soon, they falsely think it is their doing, through education, capabilities, hard work and influence that allows them to achieve. I am all for learning techniques and gaining ideas, but don't forget all the blessing we receive are from above.

When Joseph is confronted by Potipher’s wife he is lusting after his handsome body and is blunt to say, “Come to bed with me”. I want you.  What a way to show that you are the head of all the household when even the most powerful person next to Potifer can be your lover. That would be a great ego boast to a young slave, maybe even a sense of revenge for being a slave.

But Joseph immediately feared the situation. Having sex with his boss’s wife could mean death if not beatings and imprisonment.

We have heard in the news of some women teachers, as well as men who are infatuated by some of their high school students and are involved in love affairs with them. When they get caught they are not only ridiculed, lose their jobs, but also their freedoms. But for Joseph it was more than fear against his master it was a sin against God. That is what he feared the most. It would be against God.

Joseph saw such sexual relationships for what it was- wickedness, even though he was not responsible. I think we don't begin to have a grip on resisting temptation unless we can fear the temptation and realize instead of rationalize that we are being faced with sin and its consequences. We disobey God who is holy and righteous. There are things I wouldn't do not because I was more honorable, I afraid of God. There are many temptations that seem harmless enough and others are doing it, but I fear God; I fear the consequences knowing one is going against His will. Because I feel miserable until confession and forgiveness is faced. 

When David's was confronted with his adultery with Bathsheba he said "I have sinned against thee oh Lord and Ps. 51 we read, "For I know my transgression, and my sin is always before me. Against you and you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight.” Sin has consequence.

When someone isn't having the right relationship with God and something is blocking it, we need to pray as David did "Search me o God and see if there be any wicked way against thee.”

  It is also hurtful to others. Joseph knew that his master would be would be hurt by Joseph yielding to Potiphers wife's sexual advances. Since he had been so kind to Joseph, He didn't want to hurt his master with evil.  Although sin is primarily against God it is affects other people and often people we love. Certainly this is obvious with adultery.  It is a sin not only against God but against the married partner, youngsters and the other person and other families.  Sins of lying are hurtful to the one lied to, sin of stealing and cheating and gossip and anger, and hatred, and prejudice unfair treatment, poor wages, abuse.  It is not true that people have their own lives to lead and can do anything they want.  By their actions they sin against others.  Friends even in making business deals you must be honest and not yield to dishonest temptation for financial profit. I have gotten to know unchurched people who have been ripped off by members of our church and believe me it hurts the testimony of Jesus Christ. Don't be fooled by it.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds Nov 21 

Gen 39: 10 And though she spoke to Joseph day after day, he refused to go to bed with her or even be with her.
11 One day he went into the house to attend to his duties, and none of the household servants was inside. 12 She caught him by his cloak and said, “Come to bed with me!” But he left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house.

Facing Temptation

I am not sure that Joseph is the best example of facing what to do when there is the potential of being trapped. Perhaps we can learn the lesson that Joseph tried to ignore and hoped the problem would go away by saying no the first couple of times. The problem did not go away. It got worse.  The problem was with the person who was trying to seduce him. I do not want to preach an argument out of silence. There may be things Joseph tried to do to stop the advances, the story does not tell us he did. But once you are alerted to a problem it needs to be faced quickly for the likelihood of it getting worse usually does.  Perhaps Joseph couldn't do anything as a slave.

 There was a secret going on and Joseph needed advise, help, or confrontation with Mrs. Potipher. Perhaps a witness or trusted associate of his master since accusations by a slave to his master concerning his wife may have been cause for punishment since she would have clearly denied it.

When I was in Russia our translator received a love letter from one of the Deacons in the church. Although she was a new Christian she told him he was married and it wasn’t right. He wanted it to be a secret and be allowed to continue to write her. She asked me what she should do since it was flattering getting these notes. I told her as long as it is a secret it will grow. As soon as you share it with someone who can talk to the man, the secret it out.

There is something almost erotic about having secrets with the opposite sex that is not your spouse. You share something in common with no one else and there is a bond. The guise of confidentiality is sometimes a means of manipulation used to bring about worse results. I told her that she should share the concern with a mature sister or pastor and the two of them confront the man that if there are any more letters they will bring them to him with his wife present. It was a means of facing squarely the situation before it got out of hand and further sin involved.

We need to realize we are automatically drawn into temptation to sin by our inward desires. Facing it recognizes that there is potential problem. Admit it ourselves that something needs to be done.

The Christian that concerns me is the one that thinks it cannot happen to me. “Pride cometh before a fall.” I was surprised when an 80 year old explained he was still being tempted to commit mental adultery with women. Temptation is lifelong. When I hear of  a treasurer taking church money by embezzlement, it can happen to me. When I hear of someone who commits adultery I know it can happen to me. When I see pride destroy a ministry. I know it can happen to me. When I see jealousy wreak the ministry of other churches and pastors I know it can happen to me.  There is nothing that I also not capable of doing if giving the right circumstances, so facing it early can prevent what we don’t want to happen.

Now Joseph could have made up all kinds of excuses. ‘We’re alone and no one will know.’ That is true; ‘She made me do it.’ Right again. ‘Everyone else is fooling around, God will understand and forgive me, after all I am a slave and must be obedient to my master.’ Excuses, rationalization, and compromising your commitments are ways to further the problem. One man said it right “Tell the people they need to make up their mind before hand how they will handle temptations. If they wait until they are tempted it will be too late.”

Kids need to plan ahead what they will say when friends offer them smokes, or drugs, or alcohol, for it will happen. Plan on it. Plan how you will handle it when you’re on a date and the date wants to go further in sexual play than you should. Don’t come up with a plan when it happens for you won’t be thinking clearly. Plan on what you will do now when money is at your disposal.

Do you think we are put to tests by the Lord?  How is your IQ, your Integrity Quotient? What tempts you? Money that isn’t ours, pleasures that are wrong, cheating on taxes, or stealing a piece of equipment or materials at work, or school or in a store? Cheating on tests at school, plagiarism, lying? If there is something that you are being tempted with there is no sin in the temptation but in the yielding of it. Temptation must be the red flag that alerts our senses that something is wrong no matter how enticing it is. You need spiritual support from God and others.

Do you have people of the same sex who you pray for and can pray for you, and can be honest with and support and encourage for things of the Lord? We need small groups and godly friends to help us in the Lord.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri Nov 23 

Gen 39: 12 She caught him by his cloak and said, “Come to bed with me!” But he left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house.

13 When she saw that he had left his cloak in her hand and had run out of the house, 14 she called her household servants. “Look,” she said to them, “this Hebrew has been brought to us to make sport of us! He came in here to sleep with me, but I screamed. 15 When he heard me scream for help, he left his cloak beside me and ran out of the house.”

16 She kept his cloak beside her until his master came home. 17 Then she told him this story: “That Hebrew slave you brought us came to me to make sport of me. 18 But as soon as I screamed for help, he left his cloak beside me and ran out of the house.”

Fleeing Temptation

Now facing it and fleeing it sound like opposite instructions doesn't it? Joseph did right. There will be times when all we can do in a giving situation is to get out of that situation. Joseph literally ran rather than be seduced by the wife of Potipher.  That is not easy for young sexually interested and healthy 17-18 years old young man, when he had every opportunity available to him.  Joseph did right thing before God in fleeing the temptation even to the point of leaving his coat and being lied against.

I have a book by a former teaching in my office.  I studied with him in an independent study course in marriage counseling. I appreciated his insights and abilities. He wrote a book on protecting your marriage. Yet within just a few years after he published this book he was being sued by a client for sexual involvement. He knew what to do, aware of the problem, wrote about the problem but at the wrong time was unable to do what he needed to do which was to flee.

Satan is so shrewd, each exposure increased the chance that we will sin and each time Mrs. Potipher saw Joseph the desire increased.

In Joseph's case even in fleeing he was in trouble. Potipher's wife took his cloak and screamed accusing Joseph of trying to rape her.  There is nothing Joseph can do at this point as a slave, but be true to himself knowing where the truth lies, and trusting Christ

Did you ever wonder what went through the mind of Mrs. Potipher those years Joseph was in prison? Did you ever wonder what happened to Mrs. Potipher when Joseph later held a position of authority over even Potipher himself? But even if Joseph never rose to such place or power still she would have to face God as do we all. Vengeance is mine says the Lord, I will repay.

Crystal Michelle as high schooler understood that being in love wasn’t reason enough to become sexually active. One of her favorite quotes to spread her message of abstinence comes from Ann Landers, it goes¨”I met him; I liked him. I liked him I loved him. I loved him, I let him. I let him; I lost him.”

She has some answers for boys who pressure her if a boy says to her “Real men are sexually active. She will say “So is my REAL dog.” If he says, “If you loved me, You’d let me” She’ll say “If you loved me, you wouldn’t ask.” He says , “Everyone is doing it.” Not true I’m someone and I’m not doing it.” IF he says, “If you won’t let me I’ll find someone who will. “It was nice knowing you.”

  Here is her best quote “When we date, we start giving gifts, like flowers or candy. When a couple becomes engaged, they give special things- a diamond and very personal things. The most personal gift that I can ever give is myself. I have nothing more precious to give. When I marry, I want to give my husband the best that I have- my whole self as complete as I can. “ That is a gift best for your husband and wife for you wedding.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Sat Nov 24 

Gen 39: 19 When his master heard the story his wife told him, saying, “This is how your slave treated me,” he burned with anger. 20 Joseph’s master took him and put him in prison, the place where the king’s prisoners were confined.

But while Joseph was there in the prison, 21 the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden. 22 So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there. 23 The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.

Fighting Temptation

Temptation for Joseph I am sure did not end once Joseph was sent to prison. He had a different type of temptation. It was to be bitter, despondent, and depressed. Joseph could have become bitter and angry at God for yielded to temptation but then another sin would have occurred.

Fighting temptation includes the armor of God. I wish I could tell you that went well, but look at what happened to righteousness and integrity of Joseph. First he was falsely accused, and secondly he was falsely put in prison. He could have falsely been killed also. Other have. Jesus was. Jesus said if we are going to be like him, things like that may happen to us as well. It happened to most of the disciples. They were in Gods’ will doing what was right when persecution and suffering came to them.

How do we fight temptation? Jesus said, "Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation.” He knew that in this world there would be a constant battle that needed to be fought with prayer, and with alertness to the spiritual dangers around us.

In the Lord’s prayer we are taught, “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” I think the reason prayer is proposed to be a perpetual part of the solution is that it allows us to have the attitude of humility. It is the realization that we need to be in the protection of God and it allows our thoughts to be upward.

Most sexual sins are yielded first with our minds. If Joseph’s thought were on this woman he would have failed. If they were on himself he wouldn’t have stood much of a chance, but his thoughts were on God. 

Another excellent strategy is to work on your own home situation. Keep a good communication with your wife and with your husband. Allow the love to grow and be satisfied in your union sexually as well. Don’t use it as a threat or means of manipulation.

What was it that Satan could not stand against when he was tempting Jesus in the wilderness? It was quote from the word of truth. Even when Satan tried to quote Scripture to Jesus out of context and to accomplish sinful ends, Jesus could throw it back at him.

Psalm 119:15 "Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee." Fighting sin and Satan with the truth against his lies keeps us from hurt and pain.

I John 4:4 further reminds us "Greater is He that is in you that He that is in the world." We need to be on guard. We need to be alert for Satan sneaks around seeking whom he can devour.

There is story of wild ducks in S. Africa were boys put pumpkins in the river and allowed the current to carry them down to where the ducks were swimming. They were nervous about it and flew away, but watched from a distance these pumpkins were harmless. When they saw there was no danger, they flew back into the river as more pumpkins floated by. Then the boys had large pumpkins hallowed out that they put over their heads and they moved slowly and quietly into the water until their bodies were in the water and their heads were out inside the pumpkin. As they walked toward ducks they were able to catch them by the leg under the water and kill them.  How many are led into sin by saying, there is no harm in it? The devil likes to deceive us just as the ducks were.

I Cor 10:13 There is no temptation that is taken you that is not common to man but God is faithful with every temptation there is a way of escape that we may be able to endure it"

While the manager of a large estate was a young man was conducting his daily business, a wicked woman enter the room. But this young man wasn't surprised; she came to see him every day. He knew what she wanted-what she always wanted. She would attempt to lure him with her eyes, her words and her smile to entice him into an affair.

Assuming he could never fall into that sin, this man remained indifferent to her presence. He apparently thought this latest incident would end like all the rest; He would reject her advance and she would leave. So he went on about his business, a decision that produced severe consequences. Later he was charge with attempted rape and sent to prison for more than two years. This man did nothing wrong, but no one would believe his story. It didn't matter. His testimony was marred by not avoiding this woman. There are some lessons we can learn form this man. His name was Joseph.

There three important words to use in all similar situations; Just say No. Fear it, Face it, Flee it and Fight it.  The consequences are too severe to do otherwise. But given the choices I'd rather be a Joseph and sense the presence of God in prison, than a David and to have lost it with Bathsheba and he paid with great sorrow.

But even with a David who loved God but failed, there was the way back to God and that way for us is also through confession, repentance, and reliance on God our Savior and our Lord.  For the best is use his power to resist the second best is use his power to forgive and walk in the ways he prepares for us.

Pastor Dale