Sermon nuggets Fri Aug 22
Theme Showing Love
John 13:12-17 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. "Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them.
13 "You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet.
15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.
16 I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.
17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. (NIV)
A Sharing Love
Jesus tells his disciples to follow His example. The example that we need is not only to serve others in humility and love, but share with them the truth and story of God's love.
Some people think Jesus was instituting the ordinance of foot washing for the church, and there are some groups that practice foot washing. That is fine, but when Jesus said that he does this as an example he was saying, "behave in a manner as I have behaved." The example is humility. The result of that kind of humility is loving service doing the menial and humiliating tasks for the glory of Jesus Christ.
When we realize how we have received God's love only then can we give of it. The greatest enemy of service is pride. The person preoccupied with impressing others and receiving their approval and adulation is unable to love because the flow of attention is moving in the wrong direction. Everything is directed inward. Godly love, instead flows outward. If I am preoccupied with what you think and feel about me then it is not focused on the other.
Love is also giving. We are told even to give to those who can't give back. We must do good to one another. Jesus was been our example. We will be blessed in these activities.
No service is insignificant for the Kingdom and as it is done unto the Lord. We do it because He wants us to do it. Our motivation is out of obedience and love for the Lord. If Jesus is our teacher, then we learn from Him. If he is our Master then we obey Him.
Church splits, and fights, and squabbles most often come not from honest doctrinal differences but rather from personality clashes and power struggles. I think many groups and individuals feel their power or prestige is being challenged and they fight for control or recognition. The Lord desires to clean those whose feet are unwashed, whose hearts are proud, competitive and filled with strife and hatred toward one another. ,
Rev. Bob Brunco says, "As far as Jesus was concerned their problem was not so much their dirty feet, it was their spirit of competitive pride and that's why he asked, do you really understand what I have done to you? If you do you will reveal it by your willingness and readiness to wash each other feet?
When we are tempted to think of our dignity, our prestige, our place, our rights, then we need to see again the picture of the Son of God, gird with a towel, and kneeling at His disciples' feet. If Jesus can step down from a position of deity to become a man, and then further humble Himself to be a servant and wash the feet of twelve undeserving sinners, we ought to be willing to suffer any indignity to serve Him. That is true love and true humility.
Do you know what I have done to you? If you know then, happy are you if you do them" Jesus said it. Share His love.
Pastor Dale
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A Selfless Love John 13:6-11
Sermon nuggets Thus Aug 21
Theme- Showing Love
Verse-John 13:6-11 He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, "Lord, are you going to wash my feet?"
7 Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand."
8 "No," said Peter, "you shall never wash my feet." Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me."
9 "Then, Lord," Simon Peter replied, "not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!"
10 Jesus answered, "A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you."
11 For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean. (NIV)
A Selfless Love
Christian love is unconditional and unwavering. Christ knew that in less than twenty-four hours He would be hanging on a cross, experiencing the wrath of God. The reason for this dreaded experience? Our sinfulness. He was about to experience the fury of God for our daily rebelliousness. Knowing this, He could have just withdrew all further actions of love from us and braced Himself for the worst experience known to mankind.
Instead, Jesus took a different approach. He chose to love us despite the circumstances. The verse tells us that He did just the opposite of what most of us would have done. When sinned against, He decided to show just how much He really loves men. He served them selflessly.
Only Peter objects. He ought to be washing Jesus feet, not having Jesus wash his feet. Jesus tells him that if he doesn't allow his feet to be washed then he can have no part of Him. Peter must receive before he learns to give. In characteristic style Peter then goes to the other extreme and thinks, if letting Him wash my feet is a sign of love then, "Jesus I want you to wash all of me not just my feet."
A selfless act is doing something for the other that is helpful or healing or kind without regard or recognized benefit to self. Some people are too proud to receive. Some people are too humble to receive. We are undeserving people for the grace of God, but we are blessed when we receive with thanksgiving. We are also humbled when we receive from people we think cannot afford to give us anything, or if we feel unworthy to receive it. But, people who would serve others must first of all learn the humility of knowing how to gratefully and gracefully receive it. The givers must first learn how to be takers.
Peter had a difficult time accepting Christ's ministry to Him because Peter was not yet ready to minister to the other disciples. It takes humility, love and grace to serve others, but it also takes humility, love and grace to allow others to serve us. A person has to be washed and cleansed by Jesus before he can become a part of Jesus before he can serve Jesus.
We must realize that Jesus is teaching Peter a lesson more than just receiving service. Jesus tells them that the full impact and implications will not dawn on them until later. When they became Christians and converted, I believe they understood the lesson of spiritual cleaning. We have already been cleansed by faith in Jesus and his work for us on the cross. We have been forgiven of our sins. That is symbolized by our baptism, or bath, so to speak. That has only to occur once. In fact, it can only occur once. Paul speaks of this in the letter to Titus when he says, "We are saved by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord," Tit 3:5. That is the beginning of the Christian life. All but Judas, among the disciples, had already experienced it.
The Brazilian evangelist Luis Palau told several striking stories about hardened people who had lived their lives in sinful rebellion, and of his saying to them, "When you come to Jesus, in just a few minutes you can be an entirely new person." That is the glory of this good news, and that is what Jesus speaks of here. It is a bath to which we are all invited. That is regeneration, and it only occurs once.
But that does not mean that we still do not sin and have temptations and need to no longer be forgiven. We are clean, but we need some foot washing. There still needs to be confession of sin and commitment to righteousness. We still need to ask God to forgive our daily sins and attitudes that displease him. I John 1 says, If we say we are without sin we make God a liar, but if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." We do not lose our salvation, praise the Lord. But we offend people and God with our dirty smelly feet.
Let Christ do some foot washing in your life today.
Pastor Dale
Theme- Showing Love
Verse-John 13:6-11 He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, "Lord, are you going to wash my feet?"
7 Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand."
8 "No," said Peter, "you shall never wash my feet." Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me."
9 "Then, Lord," Simon Peter replied, "not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!"
10 Jesus answered, "A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you."
11 For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean. (NIV)
A Selfless Love
Christian love is unconditional and unwavering. Christ knew that in less than twenty-four hours He would be hanging on a cross, experiencing the wrath of God. The reason for this dreaded experience? Our sinfulness. He was about to experience the fury of God for our daily rebelliousness. Knowing this, He could have just withdrew all further actions of love from us and braced Himself for the worst experience known to mankind.
Instead, Jesus took a different approach. He chose to love us despite the circumstances. The verse tells us that He did just the opposite of what most of us would have done. When sinned against, He decided to show just how much He really loves men. He served them selflessly.
Only Peter objects. He ought to be washing Jesus feet, not having Jesus wash his feet. Jesus tells him that if he doesn't allow his feet to be washed then he can have no part of Him. Peter must receive before he learns to give. In characteristic style Peter then goes to the other extreme and thinks, if letting Him wash my feet is a sign of love then, "Jesus I want you to wash all of me not just my feet."
A selfless act is doing something for the other that is helpful or healing or kind without regard or recognized benefit to self. Some people are too proud to receive. Some people are too humble to receive. We are undeserving people for the grace of God, but we are blessed when we receive with thanksgiving. We are also humbled when we receive from people we think cannot afford to give us anything, or if we feel unworthy to receive it. But, people who would serve others must first of all learn the humility of knowing how to gratefully and gracefully receive it. The givers must first learn how to be takers.
Peter had a difficult time accepting Christ's ministry to Him because Peter was not yet ready to minister to the other disciples. It takes humility, love and grace to serve others, but it also takes humility, love and grace to allow others to serve us. A person has to be washed and cleansed by Jesus before he can become a part of Jesus before he can serve Jesus.
We must realize that Jesus is teaching Peter a lesson more than just receiving service. Jesus tells them that the full impact and implications will not dawn on them until later. When they became Christians and converted, I believe they understood the lesson of spiritual cleaning. We have already been cleansed by faith in Jesus and his work for us on the cross. We have been forgiven of our sins. That is symbolized by our baptism, or bath, so to speak. That has only to occur once. In fact, it can only occur once. Paul speaks of this in the letter to Titus when he says, "We are saved by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord," Tit 3:5. That is the beginning of the Christian life. All but Judas, among the disciples, had already experienced it.
The Brazilian evangelist Luis Palau told several striking stories about hardened people who had lived their lives in sinful rebellion, and of his saying to them, "When you come to Jesus, in just a few minutes you can be an entirely new person." That is the glory of this good news, and that is what Jesus speaks of here. It is a bath to which we are all invited. That is regeneration, and it only occurs once.
But that does not mean that we still do not sin and have temptations and need to no longer be forgiven. We are clean, but we need some foot washing. There still needs to be confession of sin and commitment to righteousness. We still need to ask God to forgive our daily sins and attitudes that displease him. I John 1 says, If we say we are without sin we make God a liar, but if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." We do not lose our salvation, praise the Lord. But we offend people and God with our dirty smelly feet.
Let Christ do some foot washing in your life today.
Pastor Dale
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
A Serving Love John 13:4-5
Sermon nuggets Weds Aug 20
Theme- Showing Love
Verse- John 13:4-5…so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist.
5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
A Serving Love
When you love someone it is a pleasure to serve them. This is also maturity. There are those who serve for money, serve for prestige and pride, there are those who serve in order to get something in return. The love demonstrated by Jesus is taking even the most menial of tasks and getting on his hands and knees and washing the disciple’s feet.
In the custom of the day it was the job of a slave to wash feet. There was no slave there to do the task while the disciples and Jesus were celebrating the Passover.
You might remember that in Luke’s Gospel there was a discussion among the disciples as to who was the greatest. It would have been beneath their pride for any one of them to do the task of a servant. But it wasn't beneath their Master. He knew who He was, and the job of a slave had no change in his character..
For a fisherman to wash the feet of another fisherman is a relatively small sacrifice of dignity- but that Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior, the Son of God would stoop and wash the feet of lowly men that is the greatest kind of humiliation. That is the nature of genuine love, and humility.
Jesus begins serving. He takes the form of a servant by picking up water and towel. It makes no difference to him that he is the master. Masters are not suppose to serve. What would people think? But Jesus continues to serve us and our needs daily.
Do we really know what Jesus has done for us? If we know we will reveal our knowledge by our delight and desire to do it for others? We will want to love as we have been loved. We will accept as we have been accepted. We will treat others as we have been treated by Christ, and we
will humbly serve as we know and understand that we have been served.
Notice also Christ's love was not limited in reception to believers only. Judas, whom Jesus knows will betray him, has his feet washed also. Judas who is filled with the devil experiences a kind act of service by Christ. “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that
you may be sons of your Father in Heaven." He said.
Jesus gives by his example a love for everyone. He didn't care if Judas didn't deserve it. Love them anyway.
He commands the same of us. We are to love through serving. We can no longer view life as a give and take relationship. You give me what I want and I'll take it! Now with the love that comes of Christ we give, without expecting to receive. We serve without expecting to be served.
That might move me to rake the yard waste from our neighbor's yard since we're already out raking our own. Love might motivate one to volunteer to babysit a couple's children for an evening so that they can retain their sanity. Love for Christ moves some to serve meals to the homeless during a holiday, or build a home for a homeless family in Mexico. What is it God might lay on your heart toward another that needs service?
It was the Christians who serviced our needs in the most menial of tasks. The Salvation Army gave among the ghetto. The delinquent homes, jail ministry, YMCA , Urban missions, Union Gospel missions, orphanages, nursing homes, hospital, anti-slavery concerns were initiated by followers of Jesus because He was their Lord and Master. It is an offense to God to see how so much of the religion community is changed its emphasis to serve itself instead of others. May God give us the serving attitude.
It is inspiring to hear of the work by Kim Hansen giving he witness through service in Sudan, or Judd Johnsons working with Samaritan’s purse in Ecuador, or the teens serving in Urban Minneapolis, or the witness and attention to Native Americans on the Lake of the Woods. Service in love is our hope this weekend as we give away goods to our community.
May the love of Jesus shine through us.
Pastor Dale
Theme- Showing Love
Verse- John 13:4-5…so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist.
5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
A Serving Love
When you love someone it is a pleasure to serve them. This is also maturity. There are those who serve for money, serve for prestige and pride, there are those who serve in order to get something in return. The love demonstrated by Jesus is taking even the most menial of tasks and getting on his hands and knees and washing the disciple’s feet.
In the custom of the day it was the job of a slave to wash feet. There was no slave there to do the task while the disciples and Jesus were celebrating the Passover.
You might remember that in Luke’s Gospel there was a discussion among the disciples as to who was the greatest. It would have been beneath their pride for any one of them to do the task of a servant. But it wasn't beneath their Master. He knew who He was, and the job of a slave had no change in his character..
For a fisherman to wash the feet of another fisherman is a relatively small sacrifice of dignity- but that Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior, the Son of God would stoop and wash the feet of lowly men that is the greatest kind of humiliation. That is the nature of genuine love, and humility.
Jesus begins serving. He takes the form of a servant by picking up water and towel. It makes no difference to him that he is the master. Masters are not suppose to serve. What would people think? But Jesus continues to serve us and our needs daily.
Do we really know what Jesus has done for us? If we know we will reveal our knowledge by our delight and desire to do it for others? We will want to love as we have been loved. We will accept as we have been accepted. We will treat others as we have been treated by Christ, and we
will humbly serve as we know and understand that we have been served.
Notice also Christ's love was not limited in reception to believers only. Judas, whom Jesus knows will betray him, has his feet washed also. Judas who is filled with the devil experiences a kind act of service by Christ. “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that
you may be sons of your Father in Heaven." He said.
Jesus gives by his example a love for everyone. He didn't care if Judas didn't deserve it. Love them anyway.
He commands the same of us. We are to love through serving. We can no longer view life as a give and take relationship. You give me what I want and I'll take it! Now with the love that comes of Christ we give, without expecting to receive. We serve without expecting to be served.
That might move me to rake the yard waste from our neighbor's yard since we're already out raking our own. Love might motivate one to volunteer to babysit a couple's children for an evening so that they can retain their sanity. Love for Christ moves some to serve meals to the homeless during a holiday, or build a home for a homeless family in Mexico. What is it God might lay on your heart toward another that needs service?
It was the Christians who serviced our needs in the most menial of tasks. The Salvation Army gave among the ghetto. The delinquent homes, jail ministry, YMCA , Urban missions, Union Gospel missions, orphanages, nursing homes, hospital, anti-slavery concerns were initiated by followers of Jesus because He was their Lord and Master. It is an offense to God to see how so much of the religion community is changed its emphasis to serve itself instead of others. May God give us the serving attitude.
It is inspiring to hear of the work by Kim Hansen giving he witness through service in Sudan, or Judd Johnsons working with Samaritan’s purse in Ecuador, or the teens serving in Urban Minneapolis, or the witness and attention to Native Americans on the Lake of the Woods. Service in love is our hope this weekend as we give away goods to our community.
May the love of Jesus shine through us.
Pastor Dale
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
An Open Love John 13:1-4
Sermon nuggets Tues Aug 19
Theme- Showing Love
Verses- Verses: John 13:1-4 It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love.
2 The evening meal was being served, and the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, to betray Jesus.
3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. (NIV)
An Open Love
Jesus knew that He was to leave this world and go to the Father. He knew His hour had come. He was to die and His time was short. Whatever He hoped to teach His disciples had to be taught now, for there would soon be no more time on this earth. He was fully conscious of divine origin and divine destiny. Even though He was facing the unpleasant experience of the cross, it also was a step closer of returning to glory. He would be in the environment of perfect love with His Father. He could face the cross confidently because he was secure in knowing that was not the end, but the beginning of what He longed for. He knew He came from heaven and was returning to heaven. He knew the plan of the Father was to save mankind by Jesus' death. He knew there would be resurrection and ascension. He knew all that was happening which made him face his situation with security and therefore demonstration and confident spiritual love to others.
Jesus also knew the full extend of His powers, Being secure in yourself lets you be secure in your love. Because Jesus knew who He was, where He came from, what He had, and where He was going, He was completely confident of the situation. He could love openly in ways that shared his heart and pass that on to his disciples. You do not have to hide anything, you do not have to play games wondering how your love will be received. You can love in the purest sense and express it without worry of being accepted or rejected. Jesus loved those the Father had given him, namely his disciples and could tell them He loved them and show them the full extent of his love. Or another reading is that he loved them to the last.
The relationship which Jesus had with his disciples is the relationship He has with us. He loves us as well. Nothing we do, or fail to do, in foolish ignorance, will stop him from loving us unto the end. He may have to discipline us. That is an act of his love. He may bring remarkable experiences into our lives, but we may be sure that underneath all is his loving concern for us.
You can be open and honest and not hide. Did you ever notice people that are often insecure either hid in silence, or in playing games of not wanting to commit themselves too much lest they be rejected? Young love is sometimes that way. A couple is going on a date. The boy asks the girl, "honey where would you like to go?"
"Any where you'd like to go?" "She is trying to think of where he wants to go, he is trying to think of where she wants to go and they end up going to some place neither want.
A secure person can love without trying to prove anything. A secure person can let you know it, and not cover it up, dependent on how the others will respond.
When we are insecure and desperately crave and depend on others approval, when we see other people as potential threats and enemies then our responses to them are guarded, tentative and defensive. Not only does insecurity affect love, but love also affects our security. Love also can have a way of making us feel accepted and accepting of others and brings out confidence. Love has a way of moving us to service. When someone falls ill, the person who loves him will perform the most menial services and will delight to do them, because love is like that. When someone love another very much he can risk for the other in an act of self sacrifice. It supersedes self centeredness.
There are some things that I know. There are many things that I do not know. Faith is trusting in the one who is knowledgeable. What I know helps, but believing in someone I can trust gives me confidence and peace of mind as well. Jesus is trying to show the disciples that they will not know everything there is to know, but they can trust Him. That trust should be enough for confidence. It should be enough for obedience, it is enough for faith; it is enough to love back openly without fear of embarrassment or self consciousness.
Pastor Dale
Theme- Showing Love
Verses- Verses: John 13:1-4 It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love.
2 The evening meal was being served, and the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, to betray Jesus.
3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. (NIV)
An Open Love
Jesus knew that He was to leave this world and go to the Father. He knew His hour had come. He was to die and His time was short. Whatever He hoped to teach His disciples had to be taught now, for there would soon be no more time on this earth. He was fully conscious of divine origin and divine destiny. Even though He was facing the unpleasant experience of the cross, it also was a step closer of returning to glory. He would be in the environment of perfect love with His Father. He could face the cross confidently because he was secure in knowing that was not the end, but the beginning of what He longed for. He knew He came from heaven and was returning to heaven. He knew the plan of the Father was to save mankind by Jesus' death. He knew there would be resurrection and ascension. He knew all that was happening which made him face his situation with security and therefore demonstration and confident spiritual love to others.
Jesus also knew the full extend of His powers, Being secure in yourself lets you be secure in your love. Because Jesus knew who He was, where He came from, what He had, and where He was going, He was completely confident of the situation. He could love openly in ways that shared his heart and pass that on to his disciples. You do not have to hide anything, you do not have to play games wondering how your love will be received. You can love in the purest sense and express it without worry of being accepted or rejected. Jesus loved those the Father had given him, namely his disciples and could tell them He loved them and show them the full extent of his love. Or another reading is that he loved them to the last.
The relationship which Jesus had with his disciples is the relationship He has with us. He loves us as well. Nothing we do, or fail to do, in foolish ignorance, will stop him from loving us unto the end. He may have to discipline us. That is an act of his love. He may bring remarkable experiences into our lives, but we may be sure that underneath all is his loving concern for us.
You can be open and honest and not hide. Did you ever notice people that are often insecure either hid in silence, or in playing games of not wanting to commit themselves too much lest they be rejected? Young love is sometimes that way. A couple is going on a date. The boy asks the girl, "honey where would you like to go?"
"Any where you'd like to go?" "She is trying to think of where he wants to go, he is trying to think of where she wants to go and they end up going to some place neither want.
A secure person can love without trying to prove anything. A secure person can let you know it, and not cover it up, dependent on how the others will respond.
When we are insecure and desperately crave and depend on others approval, when we see other people as potential threats and enemies then our responses to them are guarded, tentative and defensive. Not only does insecurity affect love, but love also affects our security. Love also can have a way of making us feel accepted and accepting of others and brings out confidence. Love has a way of moving us to service. When someone falls ill, the person who loves him will perform the most menial services and will delight to do them, because love is like that. When someone love another very much he can risk for the other in an act of self sacrifice. It supersedes self centeredness.
There are some things that I know. There are many things that I do not know. Faith is trusting in the one who is knowledgeable. What I know helps, but believing in someone I can trust gives me confidence and peace of mind as well. Jesus is trying to show the disciples that they will not know everything there is to know, but they can trust Him. That trust should be enough for confidence. It should be enough for obedience, it is enough for faith; it is enough to love back openly without fear of embarrassment or self consciousness.
Pastor Dale
Monday, August 18, 2008
Love Demonstrated John 13:1-4
Sermon nuggets Mon Aug 18
Theme: Love Demonstrated- John 13:1-17
Verses: John 13:1-4 It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love.
2 The evening meal was being served, and the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, to betray Jesus.
3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. (NIV)
A Godly Love
My theater professor at Bethel, Dale Rott, authored a play called, "Adam Man". In a contemporary setting the character, Adam, is avidly pursuing the desires that most people have: fame, money, power and so forth. During the play, from time to time, a lowly humble figure comes to him poorly dressed. He wants to talk to Adam, but Adam is not impressed and shrugs him off. He is simply ignored in the important pursuits of life. One time this figure leaves a gift, but when Adam opens it he has a look of distain and leaves it there.
With each achievement Adam is given a laurel or a long banner of honor that he wears. In time he has achieved many long ribbons. It would resemble the gold, silver, an bronze metals of life has they would hang down to his feel. He begins the dance of success. While dancing Adam is literally all tied up and unable to move with the very things that were the rewards of his desires. Then he looks at the gift sitting there on the floor. With a broken spirit, he struggles to pick up the contents of the box. The audience then sees items are a bowl and a towel. When he picks them up the ribbons that bind him fall off. He is free.
The idea of this dramatic parable is one that is acted out by Jesus before his disciples. The time of Jesus crucifixion was soon upon him. Jesus spends his final hours with his disciples sharing important principles by example and instruction in love. During this last supper with the disciples this becomes Jesus opportunity to demonstrate love. It is a Godly love that would culminate in His pouring out his blood.
Jesus could face the cross knowing he was fully loved by the Father in Heaven. Knowing some important things he can only know because of this spiritual love relationships.
Five times in these 17 verses Jesus speaks about knowing, realizing, and understanding. Knowledge does tend to give us calmness within circumstances. The lack of knowledge often gives insecurity. Knowing we are loved by God and nothing can take us from that love allows us to also be people to freely show love to others.
When you can be confident your identity is ultimately found in God and His love you learn nothing can happen outside of His ultimate will, even if it is facing the cross. There is a sense of purpose. Jesus didn't have to hold back His love. He knew who He was. He had nothing more to hide. In taking the towel and bowel He began to show the full extent of His love. It was a Godly love. It is extended to you and me.
Pastor Dale.
Theme: Love Demonstrated- John 13:1-17
Verses: John 13:1-4 It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love.
2 The evening meal was being served, and the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, to betray Jesus.
3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. (NIV)
A Godly Love
My theater professor at Bethel, Dale Rott, authored a play called, "Adam Man". In a contemporary setting the character, Adam, is avidly pursuing the desires that most people have: fame, money, power and so forth. During the play, from time to time, a lowly humble figure comes to him poorly dressed. He wants to talk to Adam, but Adam is not impressed and shrugs him off. He is simply ignored in the important pursuits of life. One time this figure leaves a gift, but when Adam opens it he has a look of distain and leaves it there.
With each achievement Adam is given a laurel or a long banner of honor that he wears. In time he has achieved many long ribbons. It would resemble the gold, silver, an bronze metals of life has they would hang down to his feel. He begins the dance of success. While dancing Adam is literally all tied up and unable to move with the very things that were the rewards of his desires. Then he looks at the gift sitting there on the floor. With a broken spirit, he struggles to pick up the contents of the box. The audience then sees items are a bowl and a towel. When he picks them up the ribbons that bind him fall off. He is free.
The idea of this dramatic parable is one that is acted out by Jesus before his disciples. The time of Jesus crucifixion was soon upon him. Jesus spends his final hours with his disciples sharing important principles by example and instruction in love. During this last supper with the disciples this becomes Jesus opportunity to demonstrate love. It is a Godly love that would culminate in His pouring out his blood.
Jesus could face the cross knowing he was fully loved by the Father in Heaven. Knowing some important things he can only know because of this spiritual love relationships.
Five times in these 17 verses Jesus speaks about knowing, realizing, and understanding. Knowledge does tend to give us calmness within circumstances. The lack of knowledge often gives insecurity. Knowing we are loved by God and nothing can take us from that love allows us to also be people to freely show love to others.
When you can be confident your identity is ultimately found in God and His love you learn nothing can happen outside of His ultimate will, even if it is facing the cross. There is a sense of purpose. Jesus didn't have to hold back His love. He knew who He was. He had nothing more to hide. In taking the towel and bowel He began to show the full extent of His love. It was a Godly love. It is extended to you and me.
Pastor Dale.
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