Sermon Nuggets Mon Jan 24 Remember
Verses- 2 Peter 1:12 So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have.
Remember the Truth
As we continue to understand Peter’s message he is very intent on establishing truth in the life of his readers. He had been given the charge by Jesus Christ to pass along what he had learned, seen and be taught by our savior. In a quick time false teachers and doctrines started appearing. People were denying the resurrection. People we questioning the authority of the teachings of the apostles. People were listening to some very popular and persuasive speakers. There were theological challenges by the Jews and influx of pagan worship with Christian teaching.
Peter realized his life was soon going to end and it was important for the churches to remember what he had taught them as truth upon which the foundation of their faith is placed.
What thing that is basic is remember, remember, remember what you have been taught and pass on what I have received to others. Keep truth on the forefront of your minds.
God had established important ways for the people of Israel to remember the works of God in their lives. They were called holidays. Not only were they to pass on to the next generation the stories of God, but more than that they were to participate in feasts and festivals and holidays as special times for worship and remembering.
Last week our nation officially set aside Martin Luther King Holiday as a reminder of his challenges to our nation regarding civil rights and the important Biblical truth that all men are created equal in the eyes of God. We all have value and are not to discriminate on the basis of skin, race, and national origin.
We remember to express love to those we care about on Valentine’s Day. We have a Holiday called Easter to celebrate and remember the greats of the all events, the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Our nation wants us to remember the importance of Mothers in our lies, the freedoms of our country on the 4th of July. Thanksgiving reminds us of the grace of God in the midst of our forefathers coming to a land and experiencing the death and poverty of he journey for freedom. All of these holidays are designed to make us stop and remember important people, events or blessings. And Jesus instituted the celebration of Communion, the Lord’s Supper to remember the cost for our salvation, the death of Jesus Christ for our sins.
All through the old and new testament certain things were done and certain steps were taken to insure that god’s people would remember god’s promises, god’s miracles or certain events from their past. God knew that by remembering their past, they would be better equipped for their future. That’s why Peter wrote that the message and truths that have been bedrock of your faith that Peter passed on to them must be a constant reminder. We meet each Sunday to remind ourselves of truths many of which we already know, but celebrate and affirm the foundation by the teaching of the Word of God.
The qualities and characteristics that are to mark a Christian, as we discussed last week, are to also be continually remembered because circumstances of life cause us to forget to easily. False teaching and doctrines cause us to doubt the truth. People will influence us in ways that cause us to depart from the ways of the Lord.
Daily devotions and prayer and reading of the Word of God become today important ways to remember truth since so much of the world bombards us with messages that teach the opposite.
What are you doing to keep remembering? Hymns, songs, memory verses and fellowship of the believers are also important ways to keep on keeping on.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Jan 25
Verses- 2 Peter 1:13-15
13 I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me.
15 And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things.
Truth According to Jesus
Throughout the Old Testament God made his authority and His word known through specially chosen prophets. A true spokesman of God speaks the words of God- no more and no less. Peter had a personal knowledge of Christ and was eyewitness to the truth. Jesus told Peter to pass it on feed his sheep and tend his lambs, meaning give the truth to my followers. From the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended on Peter and the disciples he went in the power and the authority of the Almighty willing and ready to die at anytime. He was excited that God would use him to speak truth.
What is Peter’s tactic for spreading the message to the people? Tell it well and tell it often. Those that know it need to be firmly established in the truth.
Peter had a responsibility before God to take the words and teachings of Jesus and pass them on in the world so people can be saved and those who are might live in following Christ, not traditions, not experiences, not opinions, but truth as it had been revealed by the son of God.
It is good to remember the truth but which truth? Everyone says they teach truth. Since Peter realized his time on earth was short, he was more zealous that Jesus be lifted up. He was more committed to passing on that which he received from Christ himself. Don't forget the benefit of being a believer. Don't forget your responsibility. But into practice with God's power those 7 qualities that bring joy and growth in your spiritual life. He wants them to learn to stand strong against false teaches and wait with hope for the Lord's coming.
I was visiting with Pastor John Hoeldtke, who will be with us this coming Sunday. He was telling the story of another pastor who was being criticized for his 30 minute sermons. In our culture and day people are used to entertainment and attention spans are shorter due to the dependency on fast moving media. Increasingly the churches are thinking of ways to make the gospel relevant in our culture. I just watched a controversial preview of a Doritos ad for the Super bowl of a pastor exchanging the elements of communion from the bread and wine to Doritos and pepsi because it gets more people into church. It was a parody on the church today which says, “Have it your way.”
The basis of any message must be evaluated through the teachings of Christ as revealed now in the Bible which is what the apostles passed on. and having church that appeals to their individuals tastes. The critic was saying the church should have only 10 minute sermonettes with lots of music. Hoeldtke’s response was “sermonettes for Christianettes.” Shallow sermons for shallow Christians
There is nothing legalistically more pious for a two hour sermon, over a 30 minute sermon, over a 10 minutes sermon. What is being taught? Is it truth from Christ, or something that is people pleasing? Of course teachings for children or for older adults in a nursing home needs to be adapted to their attention spans. But truth from above is so limited in our world. One desires to take the opportunities as they are available to show them Jesus.
Peter's time was short and so is ours. Jesus told him in John 21 the type of death he was to die. It would be by crucifixion. Peter was told it would be soon. What would you do if you knew you only had just a few weeks or months to live? How would your life be different toward God. Peter was looking forward and acknowledging death as transition from one stage to another, an exit of this world is passage into the next. His only desire earthly was to keep before the people the truth of God, Gods authority is proclaimed by his servants.
"All that we have done will soon be past. Only what is done for Christ will last."
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Jan 26 Truth Revealed
Verses 2 Peter 1:16-18
16 We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
17 For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."
18 We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.
Truth Revealed
Peter has an unbelievable experience that for him affirmed everything that Jesus was teaching. Jesus is God's son. He is the revelation of the Divine power. He had an earthly glimpse of the remarkable evidence of the afterlife when he, with James and John, were up on the Mountain of Transfiguration. What Peter is telling them is not any clearly invented story or fable or fiction. It is a miracle from God. When he saw Elijah and Moses and Jesus on that Mountain he didn't want to leave and suggested they build a tabernacle there and stay there.
People will try to use cleverly invented stories about Jesus to explain away truth. False teachings abound. I read a book called the Passover Plot which was popular a number of years ago consisting of a theory by Hugh Schonfield, a liberal theologian. He concocted an idea how the death and resurrection of Jesus could have been a hoax by his disciples. He went into much detail explaining that Jesus read the Scriptures and sought to carry out events from of its prophecies since he was already born in Bethlehem.
Schonfield asserted Jesus was crazy believing he was God but also worked out an elaborate hoax knowing he was going to go to the cross. The disciples, according to his theory, mixed a concoction of drugs and placed it in the vinegar without the soldiers knowing it. When he was given a drink he would swoon causing the body functions to slow way down and seem dead like. But after a period of 24 hours he would revive to normalcy again.
Joseph and Nicodemus were part of the plot when they buried him in the sepulcher. The swoon theory then proposes that he didn't really die but only appeared to be dead so the disciples came to rescue Jesus while the soldiers were asleep.
As ridiculous as that sounds, there are people who 1,000s of years later say, O that must be the way it happened. Only because they couldn’t believe the real story they invented fables. In Peter’s day there were lots of fables invented by the Jews explaining away the facts of Christ.
Peter says "I didn't invent it, The truth I am sharing I received from the authority of Jesus Christ, God son, and there were three of us on the mountain during the holy Transfiguration when God's voice came from heaven and said, "This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased. Hear ye him."
I remember a deacon in my former church would say often "a man with an experience has it all over a man with an argument.”
I had the privilege of going back to Olivet Baptist for their 50th Anniversary. It was great encouragement to talk with men and women who were kids when I worked with them and see what God has been doing in their lives. One of the highlights was a man who was a junior in High school when I left. He told me he met the Lord in a real way 5 years ago. He fought God and gave me all the arguments why he shouldn't trust the Lord. He was into pornography and rebellious spirit as a high schooler. He thanked me for my faithfulness and indicated that with all the arguments and attitudes he through at me, the thing he couldn't deny was there was something there in the relationships.
God met him in a dramatic way 5 years ago. What life change even noticed in his face. That authority doesn't come by convincing arguments; it comes by turning ones heart over to the authority of Jesus Christ.
Nobody was going to convince Peter of anything because the truth of Jesus was confirmed by, His life, his miracles, his death his resurrection and even the announcement with the heavenly voice on the mountain. The joy of the heavenly visitation surpassed all the worldly pleasures and atoned for all the earth appeal in as far as Peter was concerned.
There are some who have a dramatic experience at their salvation, or sometime later in their life. It is often a life changing moment. But there are others who like the whisper of wind on the Mountain with Elijah that realize the revelation of God is there in a less dramatic manner, but truth none the less. Jesus is revealed as the way the truth and the life. Listening to their stories is an encouragement of God’s work of grace.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Jan 27 Truth revealed in Scriptures
Verse 1 Peter 1:19 And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
Truth as Founded on Scriptures
One foggy night at sea the captain of a ship saw lights of another ship heading toward him. He had his signalman send the message. "Change your course 10 degrees to the South."
The reply came- "Change your course 10 degrees to the North”.
Upset the captain returned a message, "I am a captain! You change your course 10 to the South.”
He was surprised when the message came back, “I am a seaman first class -change your course 10 t the North.”
Upset the captain sent this response, “I am a battle ship, change your course 10 to the South.”
The last message was, “.. and I am a lighthouse, change your course North".
There are certain situations regardless of your rank nor importance you don't argue. There are standards by which everything else is judged. For the ships it is the lighthouse; for travelers in the woods it is the compass. Searching for absolute truth in a society that says there is no absolute truth, one can only find it in the revelation of God. God is truth and one day truth will be totally revealed. That day will be the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Peter didn't need anyone to argue about what was true. He had been with the Lord and witnessed first hand not only his power, but also authority. He came to realize that all God said was wrapped up in the authority of His Son Jesus Christ, who is the lighthouse of our faith. He wants his reader to be established in this truth.
Peter began to reminding us of the privileges that are ours as followers of Jesus. We talked a couple of weeks ago about practices that are important to mature in our faith and get to know Christ better. Now he affirms what is said is true.
When I read this I am surprised that even through people talk about experiences and revelations from God, even though Peter had a marvelous vision on the mountain top, even though he had been with the Christ, there is something that Peter pointed out as more certain than a supernatural experience. What can be more certain than experience? Note this: Scripture. This became the bottom line for Peter.
What I am telling you is true because first it is revealed to me as an eyewitness, secondly God sent his Son Jesus who authenticated the revelation and rose on the third day. If you don't believe that then look at the Bible and see from the prophets of Old who they were pointing to. The more you study the Bible the more you have data that was written up to 2,000 years early revealed in Jesus Christ. Now therefore because you can go to the Bible and see what has happened, you can also go to the Bible and see what is going to happen.
I never cease to be amazed at the tabloid headlines each time I pass the check out stands at the grocery store. They are unbelievable. Recent headlines reported that Abraham Lincoln had been resuscitated for nearly a minute. Headlines claiming that Elvis Presley is still alive or a woman had a baby with a monkeys head rival other sensational headlines. The stories are so ludicrous no one believes them. We know better than to suppose such journalism should be taken seriously.
Biblical revelation may seem similar in that it too may be hard to believe. We read of God's miraculous intervention in the lives of men, of promises of forgiveness of sins and eternal life in the presence of God all which seem too good to be true. Yet Biblical truth is radically different from tabloid truth because it is always true in the past, in the present, and in the future. Biblical truth is the basis for life and godliness; it is meant to be believed and acted upon by faith.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri Jan 28 Truth revealed by the Holy Spirit
Verses- 1 Peter 1: 20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation.
21 For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
Truth revealed by the Holy Spirit
The apostles were convinced of the adequacy and authority of the Scriptures, including the Scriptures which came through their hands under the inspiration and control of the Holy Spirit. As our Lord approached the end of His earthly ministry, He began to emphasize the crucial role of the Scriptures. As Peter and Paul approached the day of their departure, they too began to emphasize the importance of the Scriptures to those whom they would leave behind.
"Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee." We need to remind ourselves of the word and memorized it review it reread it often for then it becomes part of our lives. Then sin will take a back seat. Someone said, “The dirtier these pages become, the cleaner your life will become.” The reverse is also true. People who love sin are not very interested in the Bible because they are confronted with the fact all is not right with God. They want to ignore him and his authority, but you cannot. People who do not want truth but chose to live in their own wisdom and sin will not be interested in studying the Bible.
When we see the Old Testament prophecies unveiled we see how the Holy Spirit put on the hearts of men words they didn’t quite understand for their day and age. It was revealed much later how these verses pointed to the coming of the Messiah. Likewise, we have a path that points to the return of Jesus Christ. We may not understand the details and to try to persuade others to our view of the details can be counter productive to the main truth repeated often, be prepared. Have your heart ready and your hands working, for the Holy Spirit confirms this in how we should live our lives when He works in and through us, and the importance of sharing the gospel and truth to our society. Take your Bible and chart your course for life.
Jesus explained to the disciples the Scriptures with the new understanding after his revelation of who He was and how the Scriptures fit together in the larger picture of redemption. Peter is pointing them also to the word to confirm what he is saying.
Does the Bible say it? Then believe it. Have you heard a new teaching? Then check it out by the Word. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and direction and use this as the final authority all of its revelation. Don't take a verse here and verse there and twist it into making say what you want it to say. Read it in the context, as much as possible the culture to which it was originally read, but most importantly with the preparation of the Spirit seeking to pray that he will open your eyes to what is there before us, in the teaching that is clear and plain and repeated. Don't get bogged down with what is isolated, unclear and confusing passages. Believe strongly what is clearly and plainly revealed and if someone gives you another doctrine do not believe it. David says, "The word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." This is a wonder book 40 writers, 1500 years, 1 authority.
The Constitution of the United States of America has been radically "rewritten," not by the writing of a new constitution per se but by a radical interpretation of the old. The same thing happens to the Scriptures when men with twisted minds try to grapple with the "straight and narrow" of God's Word. At times, the distortion of divine truth may be unwitting since the unbelieving cannot and will not receive divine truth. But some actually distort the Scriptures deliberately. Peter warns his readers against such things. If the Scriptures are to be interpreted correctly, they must be interpreted consistent with their origin and nature. Two essential elements of biblical interpretation are addressed in these verses.
(1) Biblical interpretation is not a "private" matter. That which attracts some people to certain interpretations is the very uniqueness of the interpretation. Peter warns us that uniqueness should serve as a red flag rather than an attraction. Think of it. How was biblical prophecy revealed? It has been revealed through a diverse group of men over a number of centuries. Peter has already indicated that these prophets did not even fully understand their own writings. If God's prophetic Word was revealed to a number of men, then how can its interpretation be "private property," the exclusive possession of one man? Biblical prophecy is hard to understand.
There are many things over which Bible students disagree. We should be most confident about those matters with which a large number of saints agree, not just the saints of our age but those who have grappled with the Scriptures over the centuries of the history of the church. I would much rather embrace the interpretation for which godly men suffered and died than the new and novel interpretations which give men prominence and prosperity.
(2) Biblical interpretation can only be achieved through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Prophets did not originate prophecy; they were instruments of the Holy Spirit who used them to speak from God. Prophecy does not begin with man's will but with God's will. Thus, the interpretation of prophecy must not be subject to man's will. Conversely, man's will must be subject to the Scriptures, as the Spirit of God makes their meaning clear.
Remember, God is speaking and He tells us all we need to know. It's up to us to listen. Someone said, "In Gods works we see his hand; in the Word we see His face." That is one of the jobs of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Dale