Friday, May 16, 2008

Conclusions on Christ John 7:53

Sermon Nuggets Fri May 16, 2008

Theme- Calling for a Decision

Verses- John 7:53 Then each went to his own home.

Matt 16:15-16 "But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?"

Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."


Most people have made up their minds about what presidential, or political candidate they are going to vote for long before the election day. Some make that choice while in the voting booth. Some choose not to vote since they cannot make up their minds. It is a right of Americans to voice their opinions and make their conclusions that affect all of nation for four more years.

What are the conclusions regarding Jesus? The choice we make affects eternity and to ignore making a decision as to His rulership in your life is to reject Him.

Some followed Jesus as the Christ. Most did not. Some put Him in the category of being a good man, and a great prophet, even the best and greatest of prophets, but they are lost, because they have not put their saving faith in Jesus. Some completely rejected Him as not being from God at all. Their hearts were hardened. And some people acknowledge that He was from God and even Messiah, but out of fear for the leaders, people, family, and personal pride did not humble themselves to put their complete faith in Jesus.

People have to evaluate the claims now as they did then. They must look at the concerns and consider them. Then they must come to some conclusion based on their inquiry. Jesus says if they really want to know, they will if they obey. But notice it is the most important decision they make in all the world. Jesus gives us an invitation. Many of you have responded and accepted Jesus as your Savior and choose to make him Lord of your life.

Are you thirsty today? Maybe your thirst is for pleasure, Ps. 16:ll At thy right hand there are pleasures for ever more." no other pleasure can offer that. Maybe your thirst is wealth. Jesus isn't talking about the type of wealth the world talks about, but listen, Rom. 8:17 calls us heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. Mk. 8:36 asks what does it profit us if we gain the whole world, but lose our own soul? Perhaps you are thirsting for joy, peace, life, freedom these are all found in a much greater way in Jesus than what the world can imagine. Do you know what most of the cry is in our culture today? it is to be loved. The Bible tells us, "No greater love has any man that this, that one would lay down his life for another." That is the love Jesus has for you.

Today there will be the premiere showing of another one of C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia books, Prince Caspian. The tales of this fiction also runs close to many Scriptural and theological implications. In these books, Lewis has the creator and ruler of Narnia depicted as a lion "The Great Aslan, who is the son of the Emperor from beyond the sea."

In the book the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, Lewis tells of a girl who is very thirsty, but she sees the great lion and is terrified. Aslan is sitting beside a stream of cold water. She is shocked when the great lion speaks to her: "You may drink if you are thirsty." she wants to drink but fear makes her hold back. She asks the lion if he will promise not to do anything while she drinks, and the Lion answers her, "I make no promise." Indeed the dilemma is which is greater, her need for water or her fear of the Lion. She eventually trusts Aslan and takes of the cool clear water. That decision is based on trust in who He is, not how we want Him to be.

Pastor Dale.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Considerations John 7:40-52

Sermon nuggets Thur May 15, 2008

Theme Calling for a Decision

Further Considerations

As our political candidates express their claims and people comment on their concerns and evaluate their own opinions, we listen and see if these things are true or make sense to us. As we consider the campaign, some things we haven’t thought about before consider if this isn’t just another political ploy or taken out of context or if it is legitimate. Sometimes the news broadcasts will do “reality check” or factual evaluation on the claims and the counterclaims and political ads allowing us to re-evaluate our choices.

It is healthy to listen to the concerns and hear differing viewpoints. After hearing discussions about Jesus the people might ask for the reality check if the Messiah was to come from Galilee? The Pharisees and teachers of the law were implying that Jesus is to come from Judea. This concern is based upon a lack of information concerning Jesus' tie to Bethlehem. Had the Pharisees been desirous to know, they would have inquired and discovered indeed, Jesus was born in the City of David, and was from the lineage of David, just as the prophets predicted.

There was another consideration when the guards listened to Jesus and discovered He spoke like none other. He was quite a public speaker. But He spoke with authority and power. There was something that prevented that arrest. They heard him say concerning Himself, v.28,29 "Yes, you know me, and you know where I am from. I am not here on my own, but he who sent me is true. You do not know him, but I know him because I am from him and he sent me.". He is more than a prophet, and certainly the conclusion of the words bothered the guards. At this point they were not willing to arrest Jesus.

The leaders and Pharisees ignored his claims and more concerned with the political implications of their position if they went against party lines. There was prejudice in their evaluations, even against the kinds of people who were Jesus’ followers. They had no status. Their votes would not be based on facts and evaluations, but only what their leaders and the rich told them to think. When Nicodemus questioned this, they started attacking his loyalty.

Of course, there were followers of Jesus who were well learned in the law and in Scripture. From time to time even priests and Scribes were included in the lists of believers. So it was that Nicodemus was convinced they were not giving Jesus a fair hearing. It is apparent that Nicodemus took Jesus words seriously that night that they visited as recorded in John 3. Nicodemus was challenging them to consider the words and works of Jesus.

People in looking at making a decision need to evaluate the concerns and give further considerations as to what is behind the opinions. But when it comes to Jesus we will be judged based on our own conclusion and commitment, not what others conclude.

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Expressing Concerns John 7:40-52

Sermon Nugget Weds May 14, 2008

Theme- Calling for a Decision

Verses-John 7:40-52 On hearing his words, some of the people said, "Surely this man is the Prophet." Others said, "He is the Christ." Still others asked, "How can the Christ come from Galilee? Does not the Scripture say that the Christ will come from David's family and from Bethlehem, the town where David lived?"

Thus the people were divided because of Jesus. Some wanted to seize him, but no one laid a hand on him. Finally the temple guards went back to the chief priests and Pharisees, who asked them, "Why didn't you bring him in?"

46 "No one ever spoke the way this man does," the guards declared.

47 "You mean he has deceived you also?" the Pharisees retorted.

48 "Has any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed in him? No! But this mob that knows nothing of the law-- there is a curse on them."

50 Nicodemus, who had gone to Jesus earlier and who was one of their own number, asked, "Does our law condemn anyone without first hearing him to find out what he is doing?"

52 They replied, "Are you from Galilee, too? Look into it, and you will find that a prophet does not come out of Galilee."

Expressing Concerns

It seems to me that the presidential race has developed into something it has never been before-an agonizing marathon. Each year as we get closer to elections I am already so tired of TV ads, commentaries on TV, talk shows on the radio, letters to the editor, lawn signs, telephone solicitations and the like. When asked about my choice for President almost a year ago I said that I don’t get involved until April because that is about all I can take of endless bantering of opinions and by April there will be a clearer choice of candidates since most have been eliminated in the last 12 months.

What do other people think? They are expressing their concerns, their opinions, and their biases. This is an important part of how we make decisions.

Jesus made claims that were words like a bombshell on the crowd. No wonder there was tremendous controversy as he was symbolically and verbally telling them the Messiah was here. "God, save us", was their prayer and that was what Jesus had come to do. People start arguing and choosing sides. "He is the prophet." "No he is the Christ" "No it is impossible for him to be the Christ. He wasn't from the right town."

Jesus often brought controversy. He even told us in Matt. 10:34-36:" Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in law- a man's enemies will be the members of his own household."

Those who thought Jesus was the prophet thought He was to prepare the people for the true Messiah. Since John the Baptist was dead they wondered if this was the one who was to come. Many reasoned He could not be the Messiah himself. He didn't fit the image.

"No" said some, "He is the Messiah". He is more than a good man, or a wise man, he is the one sent from God". But most of the world would not follow Him. Many believed, but still did not follow. That is true today too isn't it. Many will know the truth of Jesus believe Him to be the Son of God, died for sins, buried, resurrected, and coming again, but never committed their life to Him and are still lost in their sins.

There are many ideas as to who Jesus was. Indeed that is a natural and normal concern. People also want to know what are others saying.

Sometimes where there is a resolution on the floor of the Baptist General Conference I am interested in what others have to say because I have not studied the ramafications of each ammendment as some have. What appears to me to say one thing on the surface often has different interpretations that aren’t seen until they are pointed out by other people’s concerns. Many times the resolution is clarified, or voted down.

When it comes to who Jesus is and what does this mean in my life, many people desire to weigh the issues out and listen to others share their thoughts about their experience of accepting Jesus to be their savior, or what they think of the Christ.

If you were part of the crowd, what would you say? Your words about Jesus are listened to if you express them. You actions are watched about what you believe. You are a witness to the cause. Think and pray about that today.

Pastor Dale.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Evaluating Claims John7:37-39

Sermon Nuggets Tues. May 13, 2008

Theme- Calling for a Decision

Verses: John 7:37-39 On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."
39 By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified. (NIV)

Evaluate the Claims

Making decisions as to whom we support as President may begin with evaluating the claims, promises, and philosophy of each candidate who hopes to get your vote. Each candidate has a plan for Iraq, for the economy, for education, for crime, for health care, for immigration, and for preserving and enhancing our freedom. To make a decision it is wise to evaluate the claims they make and who they are as persons, not just what others say about them.

John 7 presents Jesus teaching at the temple during one of the Jews' high holy celebration in Jerusalem. This was the feast of the Tabernacles. This holiday reminded Jews of the provisions of God and care of the Lord during the wilderness wanderings. There are many orthodox Jews today that build booths, or small temporary huts with tree branches or leaves over the roof signifying the temporary provision in the wilderness where they stayed for a week celebrating this event. This is also referred to as the Feast of the Booths.

We might compare this holiday to our Thanksgiving commemorating when the pilgrims came to a new land and finally had some of the harvest. They praised God for his provisions amidst their temporary hardship. The same idea is promoted in Lev.23 that details the celebration of the Feast of the Tabernacles. Likewise, this was the time of thanksgiving for the provisions to the Israelites while they were going to the promised land.

The last day of the feast of the Tabernacles would be the 7th day, a very special day on which the priests would march 7 times around the altar, chanting Ps.113 to 118. There is the prayer in the 25th verse: "O Lord, save us; O Lord, grant us success." According to the old Jewish custom, we are told that for each of these seven days of the feast, water is carried in a golden pitcher from the pool of Siloam to the temple, as a reminder of God's provision of water to his people in the wilderness. On this final day the people gathered by the temple. The Jews would be praying for the salvation from God by sending His Messiah. While all this was going on the priests would pour the water from the Pool of Siloam into the altar basin, Others would blast the trumpets; the Levites would sing the Psalms When the Messianic fervor was at the highest pitch, no doubt just as they were pouring out the water, symbolic of the water Moses drew from the rock, Jesus stood and shouted His great invitation to thirsty sinners, "If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture said, Out of him shall flow rivers of living water." Jesus is saying that He is the answer to their prayers. He is the one who is the fulfillment of what that ceremony celebrates. You can imagine the shock on many of the faces of the Jews as Jesus disrupted this important festival.

Jesus claim to satisfy thirsty soul was God’s provision for salvation and meaning to life. Those who may come are those who choose to come because they are thirsty. When they drink they are figuratively coming to Jesus Christ and receiving Him because of their spiritual needs. We have the need to be forgiven from our sins, we have the need to be saved from hell. We have the need for peace with God, we have the need for eternal life. Jesus is the way to all of those needs. Jesus gives an invitation, "Come, Drink." Come and receive Jesus Christ as your Savior, Come and partake of Him by following Him as the controlling force in your life. Yield yourself to His authority and live for Him. For many of his hearers this would be their final opportunity to respond.

Jesus told them, "Whoever believes in me streams of living water will flow from within." He identifies this water as the Holy Spirit which God gave at the time of Pentecost and since to all who truly believe. There is not just the cup of water or a gallon to enjoy but the illustration is that there are rivers of living water. Indeed the Holy Spirit gives, gives, and gives again and pours through us that others might experience the joys and blessings of God. They too may find the source of eternal life and satisfy their thirst. Just as water satisfies thirst and produces fruitfulness, so the Spirit satisfies the inner person and enables us to bear fruit.

Jesus is claiming Messiahship and claiming to be from God and claiming to satisfy the soul of man who is thirsty spiritually. Those are the claims made available to anyone who believes.

Just like there are many political commentators telling us what they think of the candidates for office, there are many people who will tell us what they think of Jesus, but we must start with the claims Jesus makes for Himself.

Pastor Dale

Monday, May 12, 2008

Making a Decision John7:37-38

Sermon Nuggets Mon. May 12, 2008

Theme- Calling for a Decision

Verses: John 7:37-38 On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.
38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."(NIV)

Calling for a Decision

For most Americans on November 4, 2008 we will exercise our right to vote for the President of the United States. On that date all debates, literature and discussions will be brought to an end when it comes to make a decision.

Earlier this morning I was reading the editorials of the campaign and evaluation of each candidate. The debates between Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obama have turned rough. Following a lengthy battle for votes both people serving on the same side team (Democrats) have done everything they could to call for votes to accept them as their candidate for their party to run against John McCain, the Republican challenger.

You will not hear me endorsing publically any candidate, party, or position that is part of civil government. Obviously Biblical and moral issues need and should be addressed regardless of political persuasion. But the things of the church and of Christ are to be above civil politics. No candidate is perfect. As soon as I publically back a certain candidate I will be embarrassed when things I do not support or agree with are revealed. I have often said beware of any candidate who will do what it takes to get elected. Promises and positions change too often and to tie your commitment to Christ to the state has proven dangerous over the history of Christianity in the world. The church should be the one place where greater concerns and issues are addressed and all people can unify under the allegiance of Jesus Christ.

The decision regarding Jesus Christ has far greater implications for your life than who the president will be for four to eight years. Eternal matters far greater deserve our attention and our allegiance. I believe you should get involved as a citizen in all matters that concern you, but put Christ above all earthly matters.

John 7 records Jesus speaking near the temple at the last day of the feast of the tabernacles. Jesus was not interested in the ways of the world, but only in obeying the will of His Father. Man's timing and the timing of the world is different from God's timing. We also have a different way of doing things than God does. We get so caught up in the excitement around us we forget the priority of our relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Jesus taught concerning Himself that He is from the Father. He is continually calling people to follow Him. Our passage helps us to look at the procedures of commitment and how we come to a decision of our choices. We will look this week at similarities of calling for a decision for making choices for whom to follow.

Pastor Dale