Nuggets Mon March 19-
Verses Gen 3
In 1667 John Milton wrote a classic called
Paradise Lost. It has been called the greatest piece of literature in the
English language. It is a 12 book series. Ultimately it is an epic poem
reflecting on the story of Adam and Eve. He introduced the subject of the civil
war in heaven and how it is played out on earth. It is the story of mankind who
had paradise and lost it due to sin. It is also the story of the conflict
between good and evil and how paradise is reclaimed through the sacrifice of
our Savior.
This civil war is carried out within the
hearts of each one of us. It is a spiritual battle that has not ended in
Genesis. It did not even end at the resurrection. I thought when I became a
believer in Jesus Christ and received the Holy Spirit this battle against sin
was over. Not so. The penalty of sin was paid. I am free from that. But the
process of dealing with temptation, deceit, suffering, illness, jealousy,
pride, and lust plagues us in our world which lost paradise.
I had gotten an e-mail from Carroll and
Bernice VanAnda who took a trip from Japan to the Philippines, where they
served before. They brought their friends gifts and left clothing for so many
are in poverty. They gave the workers at the guesthouse a $12 tip. They acted
like was a million dollars. They gave another friend some clothes for his wife
and children, and it was his 4 year old daughter's birthday. He took a dress
and tooth brush for her to use as a birthday gift and was thrilled to death.
The gardener at the guest house brought home some soap and shampoo. His wife
was so happy she cried Bernice asks, “Do we Americans take a lot for granted?”
As we concluded Chapter 2 of Genesis
we see that Adam and Eve had everything they needed. That is what it was
paradise. But as we read the 3rd chapter we see that even though they had all
they needed they didn’t have it all. They wanted the one thing they couldn’t
I’m afraid American advertisers play into
the plan of the devil to convince us that we need it all, the latest gadget,
shampoo, car, appliance, the house, etc The sad part about all this is that
when we are kept from having it all we concentrate on what is denied. We stop
enjoying what we have. We ponder what we are forbidden. What is forbidden or
denied becomes the focus or our lives.
After God created the perfect world and
provided the protective garden, sin is introduced. In this chapter Satan is
introduced. Death is witnessed. Relationships spiritually and emotionally are
broken. Evil has not only entered into our world, but into our hearts.
This is a sad chapter, but it is not
without hope.
Pastor Dale
Nuggets Tues March 20-
Verses- Gen
3:1-6 1 Now
the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made.
He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in
the garden’?”
2 The
woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but
God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the
garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
4 “You
will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For
God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be
like God, knowing good and evil.”
6 When
the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the
eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also
gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then
the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so
they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
Sin begins
with Temptation
many people decide they are going to willfully do something wrong. Mostly, we
are lead into it by temptation. The temptation that came in Eden was through
the serpent described as the most crafty. Apparently he had intelligence. There
must have been some communication ability, like Dr. Doolittle, with the
animals, at this point. But there was no question the serpent was the incarnate
Devil, Satan himself who is identified in other portions of the Bible. Rev 20:2
identifies that ancient serpent the devil, or Satan. This is the introduction
of Satan into man’s history.
Satan does not come with horns and hoofs and
pitchforks, he comes as a good friend. He comes like one who has our best
interests in mind. Satan wanted Eve to question whether God was holding out on
them by not giving what was rightfully theirs. He wanted them to believe that
the serpent had their best interests at heart. That is never true. When you are
tempted it always comes from Satan and it is not for our best interests, never.
It is only for our fall and our hurt and our destruction. He has no love, only
hate. His hatred toward God is so intense he will take as many people to hell
with him as he can. If it is deception, or ignorance, or confusion, or lying,
or hurt, or pain, or pleasure, or apathy Satan will do what he can to hide the
truth, distort the truth, confront the truth,
or ignore the truth. He is the Father of lies.
he calls to question God’s authority by asking if this really what God said. He
causes doubt to the word of God. Eve’s answer shows she clearly understood
God’s commandment. Then she quoted what God said. That is the best way to
withstand temptation.
Satan does not give up. His statement then contradicts the word. He bluntly
tells them that God is not telling them the truth. He knows our desires, and so
he pushes Eve by telling her words that appeals to her desires. “You will not
die. In fact the reason God his keeping you from that tree is that you will be
like gods.” His statement was also partial truth, for Adam and Eve did discover
good and evil. But they were not more like God, they became more like Satan.
is still using the same "bag of tricks. He takes different approaches but
it is always the same goal: trust yourself rather than the promise. He may try
to keep us from reading and studying the Word or He may seek to distort the
Word. But the goal is the same: trust ourselves or something other than God's
Word. Here's some examples you might have heard, “I know God says we should not
commit adultery, but how can it be wrong when it feels so good?” “I know God
wants me to forgive but you don't know what they did!” “I know God says sex is
for one man and one woman in marriage but He gave us these homosexual desires!”
“Everyone is doing it” ”If you want real
freedom do what you want.” Then you find yourself trapped. “If you want
pleasure you only are young once, enjoy yourself.” And it is pleasant for
awhile until the sweetness makes you sick and you are worse off than controlled
by your lustful desires.
devil did in his encounter with Jesus. The devil tries to get Jesus to give in
to His hunger, His vanity, His insecurity. He tries to cast doubt on God's
promise but Jesus does not fall for it. Each time . . .every time He stands on
the promise of God.
there was another inward temptation for Eve. The woman "saw that the tree
was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes." The proverbial
"forbidden fruit"! We want what we can't have. Eve was tempted; The
pattern of sin was simple Eve heard, She thought, she saw, took, ate, and gave.
is also reminiscent of the temptation in the book of I John For all that is in
the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the yes and the pride of life
is not of the Father but is of the world.”
She gazed on the fruit and saw it pleasing to the eye. She wanted to
taste of it, which was the temptation of the flesh and thought she would be
wise with leads to the pride of life.
be aware, the Lord does not tempt anyone (James 1:13) God may provide testing
which is different. God uses testing to
reveal or strength; Satan uses temptations to cause falling or destruction.
Be aware that to be tempted is not
sin. It is the attractive door that requires us to open it up that leads to
sin. It is a tool of Satan.
Pastor Dale
Nuggets Weds March 21
Verses- Gen
3: 6 When
the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the
eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also
gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then
the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so
they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
Sin is
displayed with Disobedience
sin begins with the temptation it is not the sin. It is yielding to the
temptation and disobeying God. That is the sin.
desired to gain wisdom, so she disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden fruit and
gave some to husband. Many sins occur with temptations from others. Many will
lead others astray.
With disobedience comes shame. This
is implied when they noticed they were naked. They were no longer comfortable
with each other. They felt compelled to hide from each other and hide from God.
The book of Genesis is not saying that
the nakedness of the man and woman was inherently bad; it's saying that up
until now, it's just been no big deal, because there's been no shame or guilt
in the human race. But now, after sin, after rebellion, there is bound to be
shame, guilt, awareness of being "fallen"--and the man and the woman
can no longer live in openness, before God or before one another. They have to
"cover up"; and that's just what they do. They sew together leaves to
make crude clothing.
They have been
"laid bare" before God in a very literal sense; we too are "laid
bare" before God in a more figurative sense when we sin. The knowledge of
what we have done, the awareness of our own guiltiness--we can't stand before
God, or before other people, for that matter, with that kind of burden! We have
to do something--and the easiest thing to do is to "cover it up."
word naked is also used in the Bible to express the ideas of poverty, desolation, or moral bankruptcy. So they
chose to disobey God. This act of rebellion marked the entrance of sin into the
Christian has no choice, therefore, but to engage in a kind of spiritual
warfare against his own natural tendency to disobey God. He should aim to be as
obedient to God's will as Christ was when He "became obedient to the point
of death" (Phil. 2:8).
they heard sound of Lord God “walking” in garden in cool of day they hid from
Lord among trees “Where are you?”
Adam replied, “I was afraid because I was naked, so I
“Have you eaten from the tree?”
Then comes more sin.
“The woman you put here, whom you gave me.” Adam does what most red
bloodied American men do-blame their wives. Then indirectly he blames God. It
is as if he is saying, “She made me; but remember God she was your idea to
begin with. You were the one who gave her too me. I’m a victim.
responsibility is very hard. We want to avoid the pain of wounded pride and
shattered ego. We insist that the primary reason for our sinful action lies
with others people or circumstances. It is very difficult to admit our sin and
confess that, “I am responsible. I was wrong.” All of us should say that. Few do.
Look at all the various lawsuits.
Observe all the people who are victims many
learn not to take responsibility for their own actions or neglect. I am
glad that tobacco companies are being called to task for their lies, for their
abuse on mankind through promotion of cigarettes, pipes and cigars not to
mention chewing tobacco. They need to be held accountable to entice young
people into smoking as well as adding addictive ingredients to make smoking
harder to stop. But one must be mystified that the smoker must take
responsibility also. As long as I remember there were warnings clear and loud
that tobacco was bad for your health. Some of the earliest sermons I remember
as a young person were the evils of smoking and drinking .“Your body is the
temple of the Holy Spirit, don’t defile it with such unhealthy and addictive
Somewhere down the line someone has
to say “It’s me, It’s me, oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer. I am the one
who was disobedient. I have sinned. I have disobeyed you.”
Pastor Dale
Nuggets Thurs March 22
Verses- Gen
3: 10 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was
afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”
11 And
he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I
commanded you not to eat from?”
12 The
man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree,
and I ate it.”
13 Then
the LORD God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?”
woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”
14 So
the LORD God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this,
are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on
your belly
and you will eat dust all the days of your life. 15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”
and you will eat dust all the days of your life. 15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”
16 To
the woman he said, “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with
painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for
your husband, and he will rule over you.”
17 To
Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree
about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’ “Cursed is the
ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all
the days of your life.
18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field.
19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”
18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field.
19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”
Sin results
in Consequences
The consequences of sin are real! Some might think God
is not serious about his judgments. The promises of God are kept whether they
be blessings or curses. Satan wants us to think, God made the law, but he
really isn’t going to enforce it. Lots of people get away with breaking God’s
commands. To teach a child to avoid a certain behavior, you have to teach the
child that the consequences are real--punishment will be given! It is the
knowledge of a reasonable spanking, or lost privileges that prompts obedience,
or correction of behavior.
every sin there will be payback time. The result was quite different than Adam
and Eve expected. Instead of gaining superior knowledge that made them equal
with God, they gained awareness or knowledge of their guilt, shame, and
condemnation. There are consequences for sin and especially this experience of
disobedience caused all of creation to be affected. Life was never the same as
God intended because this world is out of step with God’s perfect plan.
The immediate consequence of the fall
was death, symbolized by their loss of fellowship with God. For the first time,
Adam and Eve experienced fear in the presence of the Lord God; and they hid
when He approached.
initiated temptation that led to human sin and his judgment is the most severe.
Dust, the symbol of death, would be his food and he would crawl on his belly in
abject misery as long as he lived. Snakes are generally unpleasant and frequent
enemies of humans; but notice that with every curse there is an element of
grace. God allowed him to live.
But there would be enmity between
you and woman and offspring and hers. Many are not fond of snakes. Most women
fall in the category of staying away from them as far as possible. My mother
would not even go into a reptile house at the zoo. If there were snakes on the
television she would turn the station. Whenever the rational voice would seek
to persuade her that she was in no danger, her theology pointed to this passage
which ended discussions at our home. The Bible says it. I believe it. No more
discussion about snakes.
woman’s curse also included an increase of pain in childbearing; Many have said
if men had to give birth instead of women each family would stop with one
child. Perhaps that is true. But the very means of joy also becomes the most
difficult time of pain in a woman’s life.
added to Eve, the desire will be for the husband; he will rule over you. The
very point at which she receives her greatest sense of fulfillment in life
according to OT conventions will also be a point of suffering. But there is
grace noted as well, for since it will be through her pain and childbirth that
God will provide salvation for the world.
Eve’s relationship with her husband
has been marred as well because of sin. To love and to cherish has degenerated
into desire and domination. The passage is not prescriptive, but descriptive.
It explains not how it should be, but why it is. It should not be man works by
the sweat of his brow. It should not be that women have pain, but that does
explain how it happened.
Adam faced his consequence. He listened to Eve instead of God. Not only would
their relationship with each other be affected, so would his work be affected.
Now the ground was cursed and growing and sowing, planting and harvesting would
not be easy jobs. Farming is hard work today and it was hard work after Eden
was closed. All of work, though a blessing has with it tough times. There is
not such thing as a perfect job.
All of creation was in disarray.
There were no beasts of prey, no blight of insect. Now there would be. No
thorns on roses; no drought, floods, and shriveling heat to threaten man’s
efforts to grow food. There were no computers to cause grief and tv shows to
make our brains mush. There was a blessing to work, but there are elements of
difficulty and hardship to make life work and often just subsist.
of their unbelief and rebellion, they were driven from the garden that God had
provided as their home. Physical death, with the decay of the body was not the
original design. We do not know how long they were in Eden before the fall. There
had never been a tired wrinkle in his face or gray hair, or decayed tooth, never
a pain or headache.
and Eve did not sin simply as private persons, but as the representatives of
all members of the human race. Their sin is the sin of all; and all persons
receive from them a corrupt nature. It is this nature that stands behind all
personal violations of the Lord's commandments. For this reason, the fall of
Adam is the fall of the human race.
Pastor Dale
Nuggets Fri March 23
Verses- Gen
3: 15 And I
will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
he will crush your head,
and you will strike his heel.”
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
he will crush your head,
and you will strike his heel.”
21 The
LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. 22 And the LORD God said, “The man has
now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to
reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live
forever.” 23 So the LORD God banished him from the
Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. 24 After he drove the man out, he placed
on the east side of the
Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard
the way to the tree of life.
about Sin.
Now God had to do something because
of sin. In addition to the consequences there is now added work of the Lord.
The Lord made garments of skins for Adam and wife and clothed them. I believe
this is an act of mercy and grace. Before this time no one killed animals.
Surely Adam and Eve were horrified when the animal was killed. The animals were
friends of the humans. This must have been like seeing the family pet killed
and then being asked to wear their skin. What God was teaching Adam and Eve was
the horrible consequence of sin. God stated that when they ate of the fruit
they would die. So the animal now dies as a temporary substitute. Even in His
mercy God must deal sin. Sin costs. In this case innocent animals were
sacrificed to "cover" the first couple for sin.
The grace of God also was
demonstrated in provisions for mankind. He does not leave him without Godly
presence. There was separation from the intimacy of God, but there is the
involvement of God’s work in the lives of mankind.
There is pain, but there is the
blessing of children. There is labor of work, but there is the blessing of the
fruit of one’s labor. There is enmity with the serpent but notice the 15th
verse. There is the prophecy of the plan of God to send Jesus Christ to conquer
that serpent once and for all. This
called the protevangelism, or the first gospel. Christ came to defeat the works
of Satan. Satan did strike Jesus heal at the cross and suffering and death, but
by the resurrection Christ presents a striking blow to his head and destroys
his power from the believers who trust in Christ.
Dear friends, in sin there are two
options. Continue in sin, consequences, and self which leads to a downward
spiral, or turn to Christ and but lifted from the power of Satan. You might be
asking, What can I do about sin?
First confess it. Own up to it.
Don’t cover up and hide, but come with your guilt before the God of the
Universe and say with honest and humbled heart what each of us have to say.
Lord, I have sinned. Do not keep the distance from our Lord, but that is the
first step to admit it. Don’t blame your parents, your circumstances, your
church, other Christians, or friends. Let the Lord know and come to understand
you have been disobedient to the Lord and are in need of forgiveness and
If you've been driven away from God, driven away from his church, driven away
from the joy of this fellowship, by something "deep and dark,"
something embarrassing, you believe--don't be afraid to come out into his
light! The light of the Lord Jesus Christ doesn't ridicule, or point fingers,
or draw attention to your weaknesses; the light of Christ heals and forgives.
This is called repentance. Turn from sin.
Christian psychiatrist was telling of a man who came with problems of feeling
apart form God and almost losing his faith and not having a desire to pray. The
psychiatrist interrupted him by saying” Truthfully, I‘m not very interested in
your symptoms” Lets get to the root of your spiritual fears- tell me about your
besetting sins” The man was silent and looked blankly at the doctor. “Do you
have any pictures of your family in your wallet?” Then he laid them on the desk
in front of him. Suddenly, the man covered his face and began to weep. He
blurted out the story of infidelity. Having indulged in sins that made him
ashamed to face his family and his church and lost fellowship with the Lord.
Later, as he confessed his wrongdoing to God and asked his wife to forgive him,
his soul was flooded with peace and his nagging fear was relieved.
Only God can forgive us our sins. He has
promised to do so. He desired to reinstate us to his fellowship that the rest
of the book tells us how he reveals his love and offers a way that sin can be
covered in the Old Testament and then cleansed completely in the new testament.
Only God can pick up your sins and cast them away. The bronze serpent raised up
by Moses in the wilderness serves as a symbol of the saving power of Christ on
the cross (John 3:14). By His crucifixion and resurrection, Christ has bruised
the head of the serpent (Gen. 3:15).
Seek the truth of God’s word above anything else that tells you otherwise.
Anything else is a lie. 2. Accept responsibility for your own actions. Stop
blaming and own up to your choices, your decisions and your sin. 3.Respond to
the One who offers you a way out. The message of the Gospel is simple:
"your life is a mess because of sin and there is only one who can fix it:
His name is Jesus."
Pastor Dale