Sermon Nuggets Mon Jan 31 Facing Falsehood
Verses- 2 Pet 2:1-9
Facing Falsehood
A very popular and family friendly movie "Pollyanna" portrayed a preacher who is harsh and judgmental. Sunday after Sunday, he preached "hell fire and brimstone" messages, virtually scorching his audience with the wrath of God. Pollyanna finally came to his rescue by telling the preacher about her father who was also a preacher. Her father avoided the negative texts and instead preached the "happy texts," those texts with words which seem to offer encouragement and comfort and leave one feeling good after hearing them.
"Happy texts" can only be happy for those to whom they apply. Likewise, "unhappy texts" are those which desperately need to be heard and heeded by those who are in danger. The good news is that the "unhappy texts" warn men about destruction so that they will receive God's salvation, which alone makes men truly "happy".
The Bible speaks of the joy of the fellowship of Christ, who saves us and forgives sin. But it also clearly gives a loud warning bell against evil, unbelief, immorality and false teaching. That warning includes a divine judgment. Hell is being forever separated from the grace of God.
In the second letter Peter is telling Christian all the benefits that are ours in knowing Jesus. We then talked about the Christian's responsibilities of adding certain qualities to our faith, which become part of our growth and maturity. Last time we concluded chapter one and showed how God demonstrated authority and truth through his servants-the apostles and especially the truth shared by Peter. He also pointed to the authority of Jesus Christ, Gods Son; and lastly reminded them of God's authoritative word that is substantiated through the prophecies of Scriptures. The prophets of old were led of the Holy Spirit to write God's word.
Peter wants us to enjoy the certainty of our salvation. He wants us to be so firmly established in God that we cannot be shaken by any temptation or false teaching.
Now Peter is setting the stage for his deep concern which is the influx of false teachers and untrue prophets who are tampering with the revealed word of the apostles, Christ and the Bible. He wants them to be certain of their faith in Jesus Christ showing in contrast that the false teachers even deny the sovereignty of the Lord. So he under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit gives us further instruction.
As you read and listen to various religious leaders be on the alert for those who will cause you to follow false teaching.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Feb 1 False Teachers
Verses- 2 Pet 2: 1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them-- bringing swift destruction on themselves.
2 Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.
3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.
Detection of False Teachers
There have been false prophets throughout the history of man. They claim to know the mind of God but are lying. If all religions are true, then why are there so many different ones that conflict with each other? Let's face it- someone is lying, deceived, ignorant or crazy. I am not talking about some of the minor interpretations which you see among some of the denominations, but the basic clear and repeated gospel and person of Jesus Christ. God wants His people to be protected from lies.
How can we detect falsehood? Notice first, they will secretly introduce destructive heresies. They are cunning. They are secret. Beware of groups that want you to keep secrets about what they have to share, or not to tell others about their meetings.
There is no bill board around their necks saying, "I am a cult, I am a heretic, I am against Jesus Christ, I want to change the Bible" Some of those weird cults are more easily identifiable. But many who deny the divinity of Christ are very sly and crafty. You will read their material and the first thing you might see is lots of quotes from the Bible. There are all kinds of verses, with very good and interesting articles in their magazines and literature or books or tracts.
Two such popular cults in our area are the Mormons and the Jehovah Witnesses. They want to start interesting you in Bible studies when after a bit will share with you some of their commentaries and further interpretations and extra books and literature. The Watchtower magazine begins to give a different slant on what you have been taught and read in the Bible. The book of Mormon is used as authoritative. The missionaries are attractive, many live clean and respectable lives personable personalities. But their teaching doctrine is not in keeping with the revealed word of God.
Peter warns, “They will deny the Sovereign Lord who bought them.” If anyone denies the sovereignty and divine nature of Christ, beware. The Bible says, "You are not your own, you were bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your bodies." Paul says in Acts 20:28-30 "Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God which he bought with his own blood. I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them: And that is exactly what is happening.
Almost every couple of years there are people who have new revelations and private interpretations. Friends, the Bible is the completion of the revelation until Jesus returns this is all we need. We ought not to add to it. It was just as true in the days of the gladiators as in the time of the Mid-evil dark ages, the Renaissance, or the beginning of the Industrial revolution. It is true with horse and buggy days as well as space ships and computers. It doesn't change.
Many people, even within our churches and popular Christian denominations will hold a Bible in their hands and tell us they are teaching the Scriptures, but their teaching is false. Our knowledge of the Bible should prepare us to be on guard. Peter tells us to expect false teachers within the church as well as from without.
False teachers bring reproach upon true saints and the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of these impostors, "the way of truth will be maligned," Peter says. We suffer from the presence of false teachers because they seek to gain status and recognition by identifying themselves as true saints and associating with true believers.
I am most troubled by the statements I am hearing lately among some of our mainline denominations. They claim the Bible does not define the church, rather the church defines and interprets the Bible. In light of the homosexual acceptance of clergy we are told the church is constantly changing and it should because it is the authority of truth and defines the Bible in each age. Catchy, huh?
How we apply these truths in each culture may be challenging comparing the jungles of Africa with the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, but the principles laid down by God’s word always become the foundation we are to follow.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Feb 2 False Examples
Verses- 2 Pet 2: 1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them-- bringing swift destruction on themselves.
2 Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.
3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.
Description of False Examples
The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) at the request of Senator Grassley, will examine church-related tax issues in the wake of a mostly unsuccessful Grassley investigation into the financial records of six television ministries, most of whom have ties to what is known as the "health and wealth gospel." At least some of them have been accused of using donor money to live luxurious lifestyles.
Because they label themselves as churches, the ministries are tax-exempt and not required to submit detailed financial information to the Internal Revenue Service. Two of the ministries -- those of Joyce Meyer and Benny Hinn -- complied with Grassley's staff and "have undertaken significant internal governance reforms," Grassley said. Four ministries either didn't comply at all or supplied incomplete information: the ministries of Randy and Paula White, Eddie Long, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, and Creflo and Taffi Dollar.
Even though much of the Christian community views the health and wealth gospel as unbiblical, the ministries' alleged abuses could impact every church in the country. The health and wealth teaching asserts that the Bible promises physical and financial blessings to followers of Christ. Such teachings wrongly equate God's promises of blessing with temporal, materialistic success.
When the sin of false teachers is exposed, the unrighteous may almost delight in lumping all professing Christians together so that we are wrongly associated with the folly of fraudulent saints.
ON an extreme, even when bizarre cults encourage followers to do drastic activities as suicide or violence people will denounce all religion and followers of Jesus get labeled as fanatics
Jesus teaches that the "fruit" which distinguishes false teachers from the true is not just their mighty deeds. We must also take careful note of the fruit of their own character and that of their followers. False teachers can be identified by their morals and their motives. False teachers are driven by their own lusts rather than led by the Holy Spirit. Greed motivates their ministry-not grace. They do not seek to give sacrificially to others; they seek to gain from others. They do not seek to edify others but to exploit them (verse 3). Their life is one of sensuality, not true spirituality. More details will be given about the character and conduct of false teachers as Peter develops his argument in chapter 2. The false teachers of whom Peter writes are self-centered, self-serving, and self-indulgent. Worse yet, they are lost. Beware when lives do not match up with their morals they are preaching.
Also notice greed will exploit you with made up stories. So many people are after money, and promote a gospel that will work with a price tag. Yes ministries need to be funded, but salvation is free.
So many others, even on TV tie in physical blessings with spiritual blessings. God will make you healthy, wealthy and wise.
If this is true why is it Jesus did not have a place to lay his head? Why couldn't Peter and John give the poor beggar any money at the temple? They admitted they didn't have any. But they had the power of God for healing. Why could Paul say, "In plenty or in want I have learned the secret of contentment. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Greedy teachers will made up stories to exploit.
Where is your money going? How is it audited? I am glad that there is a organization called Evangelical Counsel for Financial Accountability -where to join the organization has to meet financial accountability guidelines. Most worthy Christian non Church groups are members. I don't give to any Christian charity or ministry unless they are members.
What are the detections of false teachers? Those who are interested in popularity, who will preach to please people instead of the truth.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Feb 3 Destruction
Verses 2 Peter 2: 4-9 For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment;
5 if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others; if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless men (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)-- if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment.
The Destruction of False Teachers
It is common that popular preachers do not like to talk about sin. Joel Osteen admitted that on the Larry King show. He wants to show people the goodness of Christ and allow that to draw people to God. There are also many ministers who have never discovered grace. They only preach about laws and rules and judgment. You'd think God is mad at everybody all the time.
2 Peter 2 is aimed at keeping me from being a heartless pastor. It aims to keep me from playing games in the pulpit. It aims to keep my sermons from dissolving into pep-talks about the power of positive thinking. It aims to make me earnest about my calling and angry about false teaching and grieved over the destruction of the ungodly. This chapter is no accident in Holy Scripture. It is the Word of God and is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness that all of us might become very zealous to confirm our call and election.
Notice the three examples of destruction. God did not spare angels when they sinned but sent them to hell. The Greek word is tartarus, meaning the lowest pit, putting them into gloomy dungeons, or chains of darkness, to be held for judgment. God gave fallen angels destruction and further promise of the lowest hell.
The late preacher, Charles Spurgeon, reminds us of some warnings that we as believers are to take to heart. Angels were supernatural beings. We understand that Lucifer was the highest angelic created being next to the God. He was very beautiful, and yet with rebellion in his heart fought against God's authority. There was cosmic conflict but apparently angels were allowed to pick sides. Some chose Lucifer who was thrown from heaven along with the fallen angels. Now the point is this- If God created angels supernaturally and they fell into sin and then judgment, what about us? They dwelt with God lived to witness his glory and righteousness and purity and still sinned.
We certainly cannot take pride in our positions, family background or anything else--rather only in the saving strength of our savior. "Let him that thinks he stands take heeds unless he falls." All of us can be subjected to be led astray if angels can be.
Peter uses two other illustrations of judgment. God brought destruction to the world of Noah and much like today with sin and debauchery filled with pornography, incest, child abuse, murder, gambling drunkenness, injustice, drugs, abortions, pleasure seeking indecency, money hungry, stealing and selfishness. It grieved the Lord that he created man and so there was a vast destruction but only after years of warning and preaching by Noah about the coming destruction. Matthew tells us that the way it will be before Jesus comes again. People will ignore the warnings and continue to live in sin and ignorance of God.
The last illustration of destruction is the story of Sodom and Gommorrah. Lot was in the cities filled with sin. He was removed before the main destruction came upon those towns. How are we any different than Sodom and Gommorah? Billy Graham said that unless God brings judgment upon American he will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah, for there is not a thing that we are not sanctioning or allowing and even promoting in our country now that they weren't judged for with fire.
If the angels were judged and Noah’s world was judged and Sodom was judged for their sin, what makes you think God will not judge us today for our sin? No angel refused grace, no angel turned down the loving offer of Jesus; no angel ever refused the mercy of God. Even in the day so Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah people did not know what we know today.
How much more will judgment fall if we do not repent and turn to Christ the only one who can save you? Some of you have been living lives contrary to God's ways. Some of you have been saying no to Jesus Christ long enough and we warned you like he does anyone will follow false teachers. That includes those who will tell us some other way to be saved than faith in Christ and what he did for us on the cross.
False teachers will believe and ruin people and bring them to destruction and it will not be just the leaders and preacher and writers and teachers who accepted falsehood, but all who follow them as well. Joseph Stalin was going to be a clergy man and a seminarian in the Greek Orthodox church, until he was blinded by the atheistic communistic doctrine and killed more people in his years than Hitler. Hazael the servant of Israel's King was approached by the prophet and warned that he would take the throne from his master-Hazeal responded "Is thy servant a dog that he should do such a thing?" He was told he would, His reaction was "Never, not me." Yet history shows he was worse than a dog, he suffocated his master with a wet cloth, carrying out with eagerness all the deeds of barbarity which the prophet foretold.
Judas was counted as one with the 12 knowing Jesus eating with this master, listening to his teaching, participating in the miracles, but Satan entered into him and he betrayed the Lord and committed suicide in his remorse, apparently unforgiven. Destruction comes to those who dwell in sin.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri Feb 4 Deliverance
Verses- 2 Peter 2: 4-9 For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment;
5 if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others; if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless men (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)-- if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment.
Deliverance of Faithful Followers
Notice judgment falls on all who reject him, who fail to respond to his offer of forgiveness. But to those who are made righteous there will be deliverance. Noah was protected along with 7 converts from his own family. Lot was rescued from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, because though he lived among the sin, he hated it and was vexed by it and rejected it. He sought God. God was his heart and desirous of righteousness, not sin. The Lord knew how to rescue holy men from judgment- He knows who to save- those who have received the precious faith and laid their lives at the foot of the cross, to seek forgiveness and to be granted eternal life.
Friends, we have trials and people may make fun of us, and we may be persecuted, We may lose jobs, and never be wealthy, and we may be looked down upon, and all those things that may make this life uncomfortable but God knows his own. He remembers those who are his own. He will know those who are pretending and those who are not. He knows those who are playing Christian games and those who have a spirit.
God so seeks our salvation that he redeemed us with the blood of His dear Son Jesus Christ. He never gave angels a savior, but he did you and me. He never gave the angels a second chance as far as we know, but he did for you and me. He never gave angles the gospel story, but we have the gospel story. He never allows angels to repent of their sin, but praise God he allows you and me to repent of our sins and turn to Him and invite him into our lives.
Noah was in the midst of disobedience and sinning people but he remained faithful and obedient to the Lord. He was a preacher of righteousness among a people that did not like to hear what he preached, but he was a herald of truth and announced and proclaimed truth whether people liked it or not. He was concerned that others would know the true God.
God warns against falling away by following false teachers and lying prophets. Peter wanted to prepare the people to know how they would detect them and realize their destruction, and yet have hope that God's promises of deliverance to those who are His own. Are you his own? If you sense the need to open you heart to Christ do so today.
In his early days as a disciple, Peter believed in Messiah, but he wanted nothing to do with a suffering Savior. The Jewish religious leaders, along with the nation Israel, also looked for the coming "Messiah." But it was not the Messiah the prophets described. So they rejected the true Jesus, because He was not their kind of Messiah.
In the parable of the soils, two of the soils initially received "Jesus," but when they learned what kind of "Jesus" He really was, they fell away. The crowds congregated around Jesus when they thought He came to give them a free meal (John 6:22-27). But when He began to speak of His death, the crowds vaporized (see John 6:60-65). The false teachers speak of "Jesus," but it is a "Jesus" of their own making, a "Jesus" with whom sinful men feel comfortable and affirmed. They wish to follow and imitate such a person, but they deny the real Jesus, substituting a more palatable Jesus. So it is that false teachers gain a following by tickling the ears of those who will not have the real "Jesus."
The good news for sinners: there is time to repent and be saved from the wrath of God. God delayed His judgment on these corrupt societies. God had His witnesses in those wicked places. People were given an opportunity to repent, and they did not. The God who did not spare the people of Noah's time and who did not spare the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, is also the God who did not spare His own Son, sending Him to die in the sinner's place so that we might be declared righteous in Him and thus be delivered from sin and judgment.
Pastor Dale