Friday, January 15, 2010

Winsome Witness Col 4:2-6

Sermon Nuggets Mon Jan 11

Theme: Winsome Witness

Verses- Col 4:3-6 And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.
4 Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.
5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.
6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Winsome Witness

Perhaps it was yesterday's sermon on the plagues of Egypt. Perhaps it as the news about another earthquake Saturday in California. Perhaps it was the news of both Egypt and Malaysia seeing attacked and Christians killed while they were at worship this week. But warnings of being ready to meet the Lord is as important as ever when we talk about eternal things.

I thought of my Geology professor at Michigan State University who transferred from working for Shell Oil Company in California to return to his native state of Michigan. His main reason for his moved was the evidence of the coming major earthquake that will split California. I graduated in the 60s and assume my professor is dead never seeing his prediction come true. He did not give a date but looked at the data and said a major earthquake can and will cause the fault to split.

We keep predicting the return of Jesus. It hasn’t happened in 2,000 years. So it is easy to be apathetic and maybe skeptical of the reality of this event. Either people were misguided, or it is real and we should prepare people to be ready.

Frederick Ivor-Campbell is best known as a baseball historian. He is the author of many books and biographies on baseball and its greats. He died in a car accident this last summer. However he wrote a parable called “The Night After the Hurricane”. In his story the character, Bryerhoff Michaels, had seen the world was aware how reinforce concrete block made foundation of coastline houses secure in storms. For many years the people of Saltport, where he lived, had built their houses upon foundation of sandstone blocks, quarried by a local company.

Bryerhoff’s visit to another port town, Calm Harbor, revealed how all the homes were had reinforced concrete foundations and none were affected by the storms. So he was glad to tell his neighbors of this good news and the need to reinforce their homes.

Every year the nor’easter struck Saltport. The heavy winds and driving rains and high tides so weakened the sandstone that several families found it necessary to replace their foundations with the blocks. But it was expensive and time consuming. Still they trusted their friend Bryerhoff and saw the improvements for themselves.

He also rebuilt his home and talked with his friends of this superior foundation. But traditions are hard to break and the laughter and rejection of his enthusiasm soon caused him to keep quiet. He tried to persuade some of the others with the reinforced concrete foundations to join him in sharing this news but they were busy with other work and recreation activities. Nothing more was done.

Then a hurricane suddenly hit Saltport without warning at midnight. Bryerhoff’s house stood firm on its new foundation as did those of his followers, but the houses of those who laughed, ignored, refused, and those who had not heard were destroyed. Not one remained. Since the hurricane when everyone was asleep, their families were blown and washed away with their homes.

The remaining friends gathered and thought if they had known for sure the hurricane was coming they would certainly have been knocking on doors and shouting on street corners, but now there was no left to listen and be saved. It was hard to be happy.

I think this was Ivor-Campbell's way of retelling his freinds the parable of the wise mand and the foolish man from Matt 7:24ff.

The Apostle Paul was so concerned that people be ready to the meet the Lord that his passion could not be contained. However, in someone's enthusiasm of sharing the truth of God, a witness can get in the way of the message. We have seen people who have been so offensive in their approach about God that it has turned people away from truth. In order not to be offensive it is easy to remain silent. Or sometimes to be liked by others there is the temptation to water down the message of salvation. Or in our day, we are taught everyone has a right to believe what they want. We live and promote freedom of religion. Any forced faith is not real faith.

But our society also goes beyond that and teaches therefore what anybody believes is their own business and we should never try to persuade someone to change their religious views. Then we leave people lost forever. That approach is not what God's word teaches.

There are some important things needed to be a winsome witness. That is our topic from this chapter this week.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues Jan 12

Verses- Col 4:3 And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.

To be a Winsome Witness you need Consistent Prayer

Last week’s thoughts centered on the importance of prayer. Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ is not a human task, it is a spiritual one. We can do nothing on our own of significance.

I believe one of the draw backs on many good intended people is they come up with their own methods of evangelism that is based on human persuasion. They might brag about how many they have led to the Lord, but heaven holds different statistics. True salvation comes by the conviction of the Holy Spirit on their heart of their sin and the need of Jesus to save them.

We however must be people of constant prayer that God will use our words and our actions for His work. When nothing seems to be happening, it is easy to want to quit praying. Satan wants to convince us it doesn't seem to make any difference. There might be people you have been praying for years. Don't stop praying.

Some might stop praying because they are so busy. There is so much to do we often don't take the time for personal conversations with God. Many turn to prayer when we are in trouble or realize there is a problem beyond their capabilities. Is that the way you would want your children to relate to you? Come to you only when there is a need or problem?

Teachers, do you prepare your Sunday School lessons without prayer? Committee members, do you try to do your responsibilities without prayer? As the praise team meets it is easy to want to use the time practicing, but I'm glad they pray. We desire to praise and that is a spiritual activity not a human one.

Prayer is not a magical ritual that elicits some mystical button that causes divine blessing. It is a means of bringing our hearts to God and admitting that we are needy- without him we can do nothing. Prayer is to get our hearts changed. It is the desires to see God more fully and be used to glorify him all that we do, in teaching, in preaching, in singing, in sharing the good news that God be honored and people might know the truth and be free. Someone said, "God's delays are not always God's denials.” Don't quit praying.

In Colossae, Paul saw spiritual conflict going on that they didn't see. There were problems with people who were distorting the truth. The people needed to pray discerning God will. They needed the Holy Spirit's wisdom. God did not want them abusing their authorities in their relationships. Problems persisted because they didn't want to obey the Lord. Husband and wives, children and parent and workers and management they needed to be alert to problems of authority and give both their rights and their authority over to God so He could do His work of making them witnesses in their community.

This new year is a wonderful time to ask God to lay on your heart people to pray that they come to faith in Christ. Pray that the Lord would speak to them and to you as to a way to share your testimony or invitation to come church, or read a book to discuss, or a special event. Show them you care, but begin by prayer they their eyes may be opened of their need for Christ.

Paul asked for specific prayer of the church that God would give him open doors, that the message can be proclaimed. Remember Paul is in prison. But he didn't ask to be released from prison, or for a new camel, or a bigger better house, or better food, but rather people might get saved in his work.

I need to learn as Paul did the longing heart that thirsts for God, and the burning desire that others know God.

Pray that God will open up conversations at work, at school, in your neighborhood that you can share the message of hope in Jesus.

Pastor Dale

Sermon nuggets Wed Jan 13

Verse- Col 4:4 Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.

A Winsome witness needs a Clear Presentation

In addition to prayer Paul reminds us in his request that the message needs to be clear. As you look at the context Paul is first asking for prayer for himself that the message be clear, but later reminds them what is important also in their conversations that they be good witnesses for Christ.

I am so happy for many of you who pray for me and Isaac and Paul.
I am happy for the people who come out at 8:30 to the prayer room before our Sunday begins. Pray that the whole story is clear.

Paul is not only looking for open opportunities, but also clarity.

What is this mystery he wants to preach? The message that is conveyed too often in our society sounds a little like this: "Here is Jesus standing outside your hearts door and wants so much to come in. Won't you pity him and please, please let him in? Then you will have all kinds of good things happen to you, and you'll live happily ever after."

Yes, it is absolutely true that God loves you and does have a wonderful plan for your life. It is also true that if you don't humble yourself before God of the universe and repent of your pride and sin and pled for mercy for forgiveness by trusting only in the death of Jesus to save you, there is a horrible plan for your life. Ignoring God's gift separates you forever in Hell.

Salvation is not for those who are only looking for something to add to their life, like another high, or kick. Salvation is being saved from God's wrath against your sin. We are like drowning people who without salvation go into a lost eternity.

Notice he began his message making people realize that they are alienated form God and enemies due to their evil and sinful behavior. Because of our lying, anger, hatred, selfishnesses, lack of concern for others, unwillingness to help the poor; our prejudiced against other races, our stingy in giving to God, our lust, immorality, lustful hearts our sexual sins, pornography, our gluttony our jealous, gossip, we killed Jesus and deserve to have Gods punishment upon us.

Jesus said unless you repent you will all likewise perish. The key to rebellion is selfishness.

But reconciliation with God is possible for Jews and Gentiles for Swedes and Americans, but blacks and white and rich and poor. It is because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross. He suffered in his physical body, shed his blood so we can be forgiven of everything we ever did or thought. But it isn't just a prayer that we speak like magic formula, it is the heart commitment to want to follow Jesus.

Notice v. 23. if you continue in your faith not moved. Hope is yours. Not a wish, but confidence based on the works of Jesus Christ. Jesus said to his disciples if anyone would come after me he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. Whoever wants to save his life will lose and whoever loses his life will find it. "

The clear message is us knocking on God's door saying be merciful to me a sinner. God by his grace and mercy, not our works and worth, comes into our lives. He becomes the new owner of your body, soul, and spirit. Pray that the message and presentation will be clear.

Have you come to place in your life when you have had enough of controlling your life your way? It is time to give your heart to Christ and let him rule. It is time to turn from selfishness to rulership. That opportunity is available to you today.

As a Christian you might be reluctant to share you testimony with anyone because you are not sure how to do that. Let me give you a suggestion. A testimony involves three things. Your life before Jesus; Don't make it dramatic, but make it real. There was something very important lacking in your life. Then explain how you came to know about Jesus. What is it that is important to know? I was a sinner, I cannot save myself, Jesus died for my sin and I turned my life over to God. Now I am seeking to follow him by his power and word. Then life after you became a Christian, maybe it included struggles, maybe failed, but now there is the power of God available to be with you and me and to change us. We are not along. It is your story. Maybe you should write down. Ask someone to read it in the church. Then ask a friend to read it outside the church. Ask them if it is clear and understandable. Then ask someone if you can tell your story and let God take it from there.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nugget Thur Jan 14

Verse-Col 4:5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.

A winsome Witness needs a Careful Procedure

Be wise in how you act among those who do not know the Lord yet. Do you know that God wants you to be his witness wherever you go, at school, at work, on vacation, at home, in the neighborhood? It makes a difference how you live. That is a witness. Our plan is to bring outsiders to know Jesus Christ. Proverbs 11:30 says, "He who is wise wins souls" We need to be careful not to say or do anything that would make it difficult to share the gospel. Let us therefore not give opportunity to cheapening the gospel by the way we act toward them or toward one another.

It is pretty hard to witness at work if you gossip, lie, or cheat. It is hard to show the love of Christ if you are putting others down. Earning the right to be heard comes with consistent Christian living.

Even when we go to do short term missions it would be foolish to ignore the advice of those who work with folks from a different culture and sub-culture. A wise procedure is learning how they interact. What is the dress code? What are things that are offensive? What makes a good witness within that culture? We need to understand the way people live and act so they are not an offense to them and the Gospel may be presented. That is part of being wise as serpents and gentle as doves.

To know God and his wisdom takes us back to 3:16 "Let he word of Christ richly dwell within you with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another." Wisdom comes from letting the word of Christ dwell richly in you. This comes with meditation and obedience to the word of God, in addition to how you might live among your neighbors and friends.

I Cor 9:20-22 “I become all things to all men that I might by all means save some." says Paul. His careful procedure is to meet people where they are at, learn to be interested in some of the things they are interested in, yet not participating in sin

A careful procedure might be to make friendship with folks and do things with them that demonstrate a sincere and genuine love. People see and understand that. Many in the unchurched world are open to knowing God especially if someone they know and appreciate has a real faith. Do you ever pray how you might be a witness to people God brings along your path? Such a plan might be to visit them when there is illness, or when they are undergoing problems.

Jesus had a procedure when he healed the sick and gave food to the hungry. It was they might hear truth. Some responded and others did not.

Make the most of opportunities. We can't plant where the spirit hasn't first plowed. But if we pray for open doors, the Lord will provide them. Are you praying that God give you opportunities to share the story with them? The reason God brings some people your way is that you are to be part of the team of believers he wants to use to influence them for Heaven. God will not ask you to do anything he doesn't prepare or provide for you to do.

We have a commission to go and be witness in our world. He has given to us the power to do that. We have the truth that the world needs. It is at our disposal. We fail to make use of the opportunity. How long will we continue to have the freedom of sharing the good news? Maybe in our life time these privileges will be closed to us, not to mention that we never know how long before we die. Are you prepared tonight to meet God? If you were to go to God and you are sure of that because of your faith in Christ, are you walking in his ways seeking to use your gifts and abilities to advance His Kingdom?

Look for opportunities to share. Be Christ like in your procedures.

Pastor Dale

Sermon nuggets Fri Jan 15

Verse- Col 4: 6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

A winsome witness is a Considerate Person.

There is one final reminder and that is you need to be a considerate
person. Many over zealous persons can seek to witness by stuffing faith down the throat of another or have a condemning attitude that keeps people from listening. People need to hear the message of the gospel of Christ, but if they won’t listen because we are inconsiderate we have failed.

Paul went from city to city preaching the mystery of Christ. Some were eager to hear and others who hostile. Was hostility due to his offensive personally? No. Christianity is not coercive. It does not use the sword, manipulation, or brainwashing. But it does proclaim and persuade and plead and pray. People who are confronted with sin in their lives do not like it. To say you need a savior means changing one’s ways and the thought that it demands a response will may some folks wish you would keep your opinions to yourself.

Now remember the message may be offensive, the methods we use need not be. We need to be considerate in our approach to others. Last week when Fox news commentator and former news anchor, Bret Hume, shared the importance for Tiger Woods to find faith in Christianity, secularist screamed foul. They felt that had no place on public airwaves from a person of his stature. Why? Was he being rude? Was he telling the truth? Was he being offensive in his demeanor or presentation? Not at all. Our secular society does not want God and any mention of him to some is offensive. Yet when the tragedy of Haiti is before us, news personnel on all channels talk about the need for coming together and praying for the people. They show Christian prayer services and announce where you can go to such events.

I am a firm believer that God has already plowed the field where He wants the seed of faith to grow. If someone is not open to the gospel then don't force it. We are representing the best thing this world has to offer. I believe that. I don't have to use misrepresentation for people to Christ. If they are not ready to receive Christ freely, there is no true conversion. You and I must seek to be considerate persons so God can use however He wants in the life of another. Never argue or debate with another, because that is a sure sign their heart isn't ready yet. Paul and Peter would argue in a group setting however. When some would listen and others antagonize them it prevented the seekers from responding. They answered the objections and arguments so others would listen. But even in that there is to be consideration as Christ had. He confronted evil. But for seekers his speech showed sin, the need for faith, and demanded a response. Whether a person believed or not was left to them.

Satan's plan is to keep people confused, apathetic or blind to truth. Therefore use any open opportunity that may come up to share God's truth. Go as far as they are interested and if they close the conversation it will be better in the long run to let the Spirit of God use what was said until they are ready for the next step.

Jesus shared, “Let your light so shine among men that they may see your good work and give God the glory.”

Having a conversations seasoned with salt means that it adds flavor, it produces a thirst for more. Jesus was the master at this making the message clear and plain in a way that His hearer understood. He gave farming illustrations, talked to a lady about living water when she came to a well. He discussed philosophy and theology with Nicodemus. He used illustrations about sheep and fish and building and sweeping a house among the workers of the town.

Luke 4:22 And all wondered at his gracious word which proceeds out of His mouth. He knew how to season his conversations with salt. He wants us all to know how to answer all. We Know the Word by studying it. If someone asks you a question you do not know, admit it and agree to find out the answer and get back to them.

How can you be a winsome witness? You need consistent prayer;
A clear presentation, careful procedure, and be a considerate person; then watch what God will do.

Pastor Dale