Friday, October 24, 2008

Praying for Purity John 17:17-19

Sermon nuggets Fri Oct 23

Theme Prayer for the Disciples

Verses John 17:17-19 Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.


Sanctification means to set apart. One can be set apart for a special task or purpose. One is to be set apart for holiness. One is to be separate from the ways of the world.

The prayers of Jesus to His Father ask that these men be sanctified. They are being prepared for Gods’ righteousness wisdom, power and character. Notice how they are sanctified--by the truth. Jesus prays, “Your word is truth.” As you study the Bible you are in the process of being purified by it. Someone said, “As the pages of this book become dirtier your life will become cleaner.”

Acts 13:2 “While we were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”

As Jesus was sent out to glorify the Father, so now the disciples are sent out to glorify the Son. They are to touch their world and communities with the power of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus prays for us the indirect result is that we be changed so the world may believe.

We see in our world today a vast departure from purity. We see state after state establishing marriage between homosexual couples. We see dramatic increases in pre marital and extra marital sexual relationships. The profanity on TV is not longer limited to late nights. In spite of the statistics of damage to our society alcohol, gambling, and drug abuses increase. We see greed, cheating, lying abounding in the economic world. We see huge fraudulent cases coming to the surface. We see politicking at its worse. We are experiencing such a change in the value systems of our nations that you cannot call it Christian values any longer.

The call to purity begins with the church. Christians do not show measurably a different life style than the world. I am afraid we are not just saints who sin, we are saints that show very little holiness. We need sanctification. We need real change that does not come from the government.

The disciples glorified their master by imitating Him in the world. They were changed from the inside out. A cured patient can bring glory to his doctor. A teacher is honored by his pupil when he obeys and follows through in his studies. An athlete honors his coach by putting into practice what he has learned. Disciples bring honor and glory to Christ in that same way. When we are cured, obedient, follow through on our studies, put into practice what we have learned we grow in sanctification. Jesus is glorified through His disciples by carrying out the character and the work to which they are set apart. They do so in telling and living the truth of the Word of God. With every fall there is forgiveness, renewed humility and empowerment to keep the main things before them, namely the glory of Christ and the sharing of the message to the lost world in word and in deed.

The task, we will discover, is far greater than any 12 men can do. Jesus prays for them as it begins with them and is spread to and through his church. That is the topic for next week’s thoughts on the prayer of Jesus.

Pastor Dale

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pleasure John 17:13-16

Sermon nuggets Thus Oct 23

Theme: Praying for the Disciples

Verses- John 17:13-16 "I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.
14 I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world.
15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.

In the middle of praying for the disciples and their protection by the power of the name of the Lord, Jesus prays for the full measure of His joy to be within them. He is praying for their benefit so they can not only record His prayer for us, but remember the promise when hard times and persecution come upon them. God has not forgotten. There will be a pleasure and joy that the world will not understand. It does not come from a religion, but from a relationship. Rather than fear what might happen to them by Satan, this message is passed on to give them the full measure of the joy of Jesus. It is for their pleasure.

They need joy, not sorrow. They need peace, not panic. They need pleasure of His relationship and power instead of unsettledness when persecution arises.

Recently I received the Voice of the Martyrs magazine. My faith is continually challenged by reading of the courage of these simple saints of God who faithfully commit themselves to Christ in hostile homelands filled with persecution and suffering. Yet they exhibit a joy for suffering for Christ. They remind me of the joy Stephen had in Acts 7, looking into the face of Jesus. That was something that stuck in the subconscious mind of young Saul (later to be named Paul) while observing the execution. Paul later experienced this unusual joy while imprisoned in Philippi. He and Silas were beaten and put in stocks and bonds but singing praises to the Lord at Midnight. An Earthquake gave them a miraculous opportunity to witness to the rest of the prisoners and the jailer who took them to his home and he and his household were saved and baptized.

Later Paul’s letter to the church of Phillipi was full of joy while he was in prison once again in Rome. What was the power of the protection? What it that they never experience hardships? That is obviously not true. It was they might be faithful and victorious in keeping a vital and growing relationship with Jesus and not have their faith shipwrecked. It was the power to protect their souls. It was protection to keep them from falling away. It is the confidence and joy that they not only need to hang on by their fingertips of faith but move boldly in the power fo the victory that is theirs in Christ.

Jesus provides spiritual resources needed to overcome the world. One of those resources is the pleasure of His strength and fullness of His joy. It is the joy in knowing the Father cares for us.

The world operates with threats. It is selfish, greedy, wanting fame and uses any means to achieve those. That is the problem behind our economic mess. When Christians are called to be different and they will be disliked. People who are living against God’s laws are uncomfortable around those who seek to live for God’s glory. They want to do away with those who represent a threat to sin and guilt of their heart.

The hatred of athiest, Richard Dawkins, against Christains is prompting him to raising thousands of dollars in order to put placards on public buses in London which state, “There is probably no God, so stop worrying and enjoy your life.” Ironically, the message of pleasure is said to come from ignoring God. That is the lie of the world. The message from the world is that God is a killjoy. The message of Jesus is just the opposite. To have a vital relationship with God the Father fulfills our longings, our wants, our needs, and our loneliness. It is joy in Jesus that motivates the believers to withstand temporary set backs caused by the hatred of the world.

Our joy isn’t in illicit sex or gambling our money, or winning the lottery, or getting advancements in our business. It is knowing our sins are forgiven. It is the promise of life eternal and a relationship with God now and forever.

Jesus knows what it means to be under attack. He prays for us that we may see and experience the joy He has in His Father.

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Praying for Protection John 17:11,12

Sermon nuggets Weds Oct 22

Theme- Prayer for the Disciples

Verses- John 17: 11,12 I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name-- the name you gave me-- so that they may be one as we are one.
12 While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.

It began in the garden. While enjoying all the fruits of Eden and the marvelous relationship that Adam and Eve had with God, there was one lurking out, looking for the right time to do his dirty work. Satan hates God. He hates His creation. Jealousy moves him to destroy what God has created and especially God’s favorite part of His creation, mankind. We anger Satan first because all of us were created in the image of God. But secondly, as believers in Jesus Christ we have been reborn with a new nature that smacks in the face with the evil and judgment that fall on Lucifer.

All that is good on this earth is under attack and Jesus knew what His disciples did not know. They were under attack and would be continually in their life on earth. Although they had the power to storm the gates of hell it was still evident they needed the power of the name of Jesus Christ for protection. His name is not a magical formula or mantra, it refers to the person who has offense against the kingdom of this world as well as defense.

I suppose because it is football season my mind goes to the weak illustration of the quarterback who is on the offensive. While seeking to gain the goal with his team, there are opponents that want to bring him down. Football is a game. The advance of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ is not. As these 12 go forth Satan will meet with each one and bring them down with suffering, discouragement, in fighting and ultimately death. But getting up again and keep advancing the cause cannot happen because of their determination or strategy plan, it needs spiritual power. Protection comes only by the power of the Lord.

Jesus is aware of the protection that He had given them. They were not always aware of it. But He prays for them to the Father asking for ongoing protection. He prays in their hearing so when they are under attack they are aware of the spiritual resources instead of their own resources and wisdom. They will learn it is by the power of Jesus name they defeat the foe and receive protection in their work.

In the custom of the Jews the name of God was so sacred they would not mention it aloud. They used another formula, Jehovah, to refer to Him. When the scribes wrote the name of God in the Holy Scriptures they bathed and changed clothes. They understood far better than we not to use the name of the Lord in vain.

Now instead of being remote and aloof, God came to man as a friend and savior in Jesus Christ. Instead of the priest going once a year into the Holy of Holies we have access to the Father immediately and regularly by the authority of name of Jesus Christ who died our sin.

I think of the story of Elisha with his servant on the mountain top. Armies representing evil would come against one man. But while the servant shook in fear Elisha prayed that God would open his eyes to see what mankind does not normally see. He saw the heavens filled with the hosts of angels for their protection. He need not fear any longer, but neither could he be mistaken as to his own protection as if he could us it for his own purposes. It came from the Lord to accomplish His plan.

In Matthew 6 Jesus teaches them to pray, “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil (or the evil one).” It is humbling to leave our homes and know we have a power of protection against the evil one. Let’s not get out from under it by yielding to sin that is intent in knocking us down.

Pastor Dale

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Perception John 17:9,10

Sermon nuggets Tues Oct 21

Theme- Praying for the Disciples

Verses- John 17:9-10 I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours. All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them.

How do you see yourself? We often act out on our self perceptions. If we feel we are good at something we gain confidence. If we see ourselves weak in some areas we can be reluctant to do that. If we see ourselves as smart, pretty, ugly or dumb, that may make a difference how we act with others. Certainly we can change our perceptions based on our experiences and other’s perceptions of us.

Last Sunday we looked at one verse among others, Rom 12:3 “For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.”

Some people have a different perspective of themselves than God has. We need to confront our pride and our sin. Sometimes our perception is not accurate, so we need to be examined by the Holy Spirit in prayer, Scripture and relationships with fellow believers. But we also need to examine our calling and giftedness in light of God’s mercy and grace. He has called you to be His representative today in your world. He has given you the Holy Spirit to handle whatever is His will for you in ways that might be different than yesterday. He has given you gifts and talents to be used for Him. Having that perception that your a gift can affect how you act.

When Jesus prays for his disciples He has called them to carry on the work of the Father. The perception He has is what counts. They are redeemed. They are dependent. But most of all, they are loved and owned and chosen by the Father. They need to see themselves with the correct understanding that they will go out as children of the Most High God.

I read a story of a lad in Scotland who was taken to the infirmary for an operation. “Will one of you gents put up a wee prayer for a wee boy, just a wee prayer to Jesus for me in my distress?”

The medical attendants looked embarrassed, silent. Then the child himself asked that Jesus would be near.

The next day making rounds after a successful operation one of the surgeons said, “The good Jesus heard your prayer.”

“I knew He would. I was praying to Jesus mostly for you.” The lad said.

Jesus was talking with His Father. But mainly the disciples needed to hear that so they could have a different perception of themselves. They knew that Jesus was from God. They knew His words were from the Father. They knew the Father had a plan that was unfolding for the redemption of the world. They knew and experienced life first hand being with Christ. But now they needed to know in His absence God would continue with them in similar ways. Not with any one of them, but with all of them doing what they were called to do working together. His power, truth, and wisdom would be on them. They were children of God. They were to go, not on their own authority, but by the authority of Jesus Christ. These men were love gifts to Jesus by the Father. He knew them and had chosen them for what they were about to do. Jesus gives these men back to the Father.

The perception we need this morning is we belong to God. We are loved by Him. We are gifted and empowered by Him. Nothing today will happen that He doesn’t already know about. He wants us to go in His strength. Jesus called his disciples to different tasks than you and me, but it is the same Lord and together we serve Him. We are his children, His friends, His flock, His bride, His body, His treasure. That is the perception He wanted them to know. It makes a difference how they live and the choices they make. I need that perception as well.

Pastor Dale.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Praying for the Disciples John 17:6-8

Sermon Nuggets Mon Oct 20

Theme- Praying for the Disciples

Verses- John 17:6-8
6 "I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word.
7 Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you.
8 For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me.

There is a story about a man newly hired to recruit for the Auburn athletic department. The head football coach wanted to prepare him for the type of men to find.

“Do you know the kind of man who gets knocked down and stays down?”
“Yes,” said the new recruiter.
“That’s not who we want for this football team. Do you know the kind of guy who gets knocked down and gets up, knocked down again and gets up, gets knocked down again and always gets up?”
“Yes, that’s the one we want for Auburn.” Said the recruiter.
“No”, said the coach. “That’s not who we want. We want the man who keeps knocking down the others.”

As Jesus continues in His prayer to His Father, He moves from personal prayer to prayer for His disciples. Certainly, they will be knocked down, only to get up again. But to be entering into Satan’s turf He prays they will be the men who keep advancing the gospel and knocking down the barriers by the power of the Lord. Satan will be the one defeated.

Jesus is well aware that He is about to go to the cross. The work which the Father gave Him to do was now to be handed over to the disciples. They needed prayer. They needed to be over-comers, not knocked down but carrying forth what Jesus came to do.

In His prayer He makes is clear that they were chosen by the Father. They were to be servants even as Jesus was a servant. They were to magnify the Father as Jesus magnified the Father. They were to present to others the truth as the Father gave truth to Jesus.

He was praying for them acknowledging they have been prepared by giving to them what they needed to know. They have gone out two by two. They have put their faith in the Son of God. They knew God Almighty was doing the work through Jesus and would do the work through them by the authority granted to them by Christ.

The most significant part of their preparation for the work to which they have now been given is prayer. Prayer is the preparation that puts things in the right perspective. It is the awareness that this is God’s work through us. We need the preparation of being in the presence of the Lord and those who are about to do Spiritual battle are prepared by the prayers of one another.

Jesus knew more than the others how important it was to pray for them. Not just to teach them and watch them at work, but to bring them before the Father that they would be prepared to speak the truth, declare the wonders of Christ and take what belongs to Satan and free them from bondage by the power of the Holy Spirit

As you start your days the best preparation you can have is begin with prayer. Like Christ you can also pray for one another. Realize that Jesus is praying also for you today. Realize that you have been given truth, and go empowered in the Holy Spirit. Go humbly realizing that God wants to do something today in your life, even if it is nothing more than trusting Him to do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, even if you don’t know it. There will be times when you are called on and know God is using you. But more importantly than what you do, is knowing whose you are. That is part of the preparation and joy of being a disciple.

Pastor Dale.