Friday, September 24, 2010

Christian Attitude Phil 2:1-11

Sermon Nuggets, Mon Sept 20- Christian Attitudes

Verses: Phil 2:1-11


I found the expression interesting when one lady said of another, “She has an attitude”. The first seemed snippy and almost like she was carrying a grudge. The second lady observed this attitude and defined the problem.

When we say someone has an attitude it usually means not a very good disposition. But we all have an attitude. Some days seem good and others not so good. Our attitudes towards our circumstances can affect others.

One day a man decided to conduct an experiment. He put a dog and a cat in a cage together. Initially there was a great struggle. Then they began to live peacefully together. Then he put in the cage a monkey, a tiger, and a bear. After an initial conflict they began to live peacefully together.

Then he put three Baptists in the cage. In a short time nothing was left living in the cage. We laugh, but unfortunately Christians often cannot seem to get along. It was true of Corinth, where Paul proclaimed, "I hear that there be divisions among you." In James’ letter he addressed a church saying, "from whence come wars and fighting among you?" And in our text today, Paul addresses an apparent problem of disunity in Phillippi.

There is a difference between the command to love one another, but when it comes down to individuals that is not so easy. Paul loved the church at Philippi. He wasn’t trying to show them important lessons- That circumstances should affect our happiness? None. For joy comes from the inside, not on the outside. He has imprisoned, he experienced rejection and suffering, but his main purpose of living for Christ and seeing people brought to faith and growing in the faith. So with the right purpose and the right power he was joyful even in prison for those goals were being met.

Paul is practical. He is aware that not everyone is getting along in the church. In chapter four he will talk about a couple ladies who are sparring. He knows it is not good. So he is setting now some principles for Christians in personal relationships that is good for us all to know. There is no greater blessing than people next to God and no greater pain that people.

Let me tell the more you will get involved in Stanchfield, or any church, I can pretty much guarantee two things will happen. You will be blessed as you know and work with some of the greatest people in the world. And secondly you will also get hurt sooner or later. Someone will say something, do something or no do something for which you can take offense if you wish.

Paul wanted the Philippians to look beyond the temporary and look to Jesus whose attitude and actions not only become our example, but our power.

I think Phil 2 shares some of the best words of the Scriptures and gives us focus to our daily lives.

Pastor Dale

Sermon nuggets Tues Sept 21 –

Phil 2:1-5 If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.
3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
4 Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
5 Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus

Recognize the PROBLEM.

The problem Paul will be addressing is an attitude that brings disunity in the church and among people. The problem is pride. It is that lack of humility. People’s pride gets hurt. People don’t think they are treated they way they deserve. People think others take advantage of them.

In a Peanuts cartoon Lucy demanded that Linus change TV channels, threatening him with her fist if he didn't. "What makes you think you can walk right in here and take over?" asks Linus. "These five fingers," says Lucy. "Individually they're nothing but when I curl them together like this into a single unit, they form a weapon that is terrible to behold." "Which channel do you want?" asks Linus. Turning away, he looks at his fingers and says, "Why can't you guys get organized like that?"

I don't want to let Lucy be our example of getting our way, but the unity of the fingers working together might be an illustration. God wants us to be organized to be a team. We think the same. We feel the same.

v3. "Do nothing out of selfish ambition." That's the problem with most relationships. Our egos so easily get hurt. When there is a difference of opinion people want their way done. I had a gym teacher that used to say, "There are three ways to do things- the right way, the wrong way and my way. In my class will do it the third way."

Some serve in the church in the name of Christ, but their motives are not directed to His glory but for themselves. Paul says such service produces "vain glory" or empty glory. In chapter one Paul even spoke of those who preached the gospel, not for Christ’s sake but to increase his suffering while he was in prison. When motives are selfish the chances of causing disunity increase tremendously. We must ask God to search our hearts and ask ourselves why we are doing what we are doing, why we are saying what we are saying. One day those hidden things will be revealed.

I remember one person in a former church we attended who was teaching a Sunday School class, but he did not have the gift of teaching. There were complaint and hoping someone else might take over the class or lose people from coming. How do you get someone out of a job they are willing and wanting to do? That can be touchy. You don't want to hurt the person's feelings. Maybe they'll take offense and never serve again. But you also want to encourage the Sunday School class and people aren't coming because they aren't really getting anything out of the class Sunday after Sunday.

Finally the leader approached and asked if he wouldn't consider a different responsibility in the church. He could have responded in conceit or vain glory, but he wasn't going to remain idle. He loved the Lord and wanted to serve God. So for him that meant there must be a job that no one else wanted, he would be willing to take. After praying about it, he sensed God leading him to personal visitation. He introduced himself to visitors in the church. He went to their home and shared Jesus Christ. He discovered his gift of evangelism! Wow.

Every week he called on people and many had come to a personal acceptance of the Lord. Many continued to come to the church because of his interest in calling on them and befriending them. He was far more effective visiting newcomers than teaching Sunday School. In his mind there was no place for hurt feelings or prima donna attitude.

Some people never take the consideration of others in mind. They are very selfish.

So we too often know the problem of people not getting along as Christians. More times than not it is the cause of selfishness, pride, and vainglory. That's a problem. That’s an attitude that sadly affects too many churches.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds Sept 22 -

Verses- Phil 2:1-5 If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.
3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
4 Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
5 Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus

Recognize the PRICE for Peace

How do we solve the problem of pride? Well there is a price to pay if you are going to seek unity. It will cost something. In order to have harmony and peace among the fellowship you must consider others people before yourself. This doesn’t mean that we are to think that people are better than we are. It means we are to place their needs above our needs. When it comes down to a conflict between their needs and ours, we are to yield to God and seek to be the first to be used by God to promote peace and unity in our church and our homes.

Let's see how Paul presents this. Ask yourself if your encouragement comes from Christ or from something else. Why do you serve? To get compliments and glory from others? To meet a need in your life? To make you feel good? Or is it an encouragement that comes from Jesus and Him alone?

One person asked me why I have stayed at Stanchfield so long. I could have said because they are such wonderful people. I could have said because they pay me so well. I could have said because they gave me a lovely parsonage to live in. I could have said because I get some very nice letters and notes of encouragement and prayer. But although that helps with a wonderful relationship none of those reasons are why I am here so long. It is simply this: I believe it is God's will that I came here and I believe it is God's will that I am still here. And when it is God's will and purpose to move me, I will move. Period. Now if God leads the congregation to convince me it is time to leave I will listen and obey that as also part of God's leading. Now why did the Lord want me to stay now almost 26 years? I haven't a clue. But apparently my job isn't done yet, or he hasn't finished his preparation work on me yet. But the price for a peaceful relationship is often giving up some personal time for the sake of others. It involves study instead of pleasurable activities. It involves boundaries or there would be burnout, but I have chosen to not demand rights and privileges but agree with leadership even if our decisions do not agree at times. It is to give up my wants to the fellowship of believers under the authority of Jesus Christ.

Now it is easy to work when people are supportive and encouraging and it is hard to work when you are criticized and there seems to be disunity. Yes there has been criticism and times I wanted to quit. There have been times I wanted to respond in revenge to an unkind word. Christ who when reviled, reviled not again. I definitely need his help in this area.

Secondly I need to find comfort from His love. You see, we are not called just to be tolerant of other believers. The world can be tolerant. We are called to love other believers in spite of their sin, in spite of their flaws. The only way we can try to do this is to recognize we have received unconditional love. I know what it means to be loved by God when I have not acted like I should. Can't I try to treat others the way I have been treated by the Lord? I don’t always do that, but it is a goal for Christian unity and peace. It is a price to be paid for greater glory to God.

Then there is a third consideration- Fellowship of the Spirit. Fellowship means sharing or having in Common. What Paul is asking is, "do you have a kinship with other believers that comes from being indwelt by the same Spirit?" The bond of the Holy Spirit goes beyond all other ties.

Think about this. You claim to have the Holy Spirit in your heart. The person you are frustrated with is also God’s child and has the Holy Spirit in his or her heart; for that reason you need to work harder in establishing peace because you have the ingredients that it takes if you really are willing. All believers possess these things. Unfortunately all do not walk in them. Where do you lack? Ask the Lord to reveal it to you and help you in that area.

Paul mentions a fourth thing. “For my sake, as your pastor and leader make me happy by getting along under the leadership of Christ.” Paul had the respect and admiration of the people and could ask them to seek peace as a favor to him and his joy.
The price for peace is submitting our spirits under the authority of Christ and for the good of the whole church. That is giving up your rights you might say.

Leonard Bernstein, the late conductor of the New York Philharmonic orchestra, was once asked to name the most difficult instrument to play. Without hesitation, he replied, "The second fiddle. I can get plenty of first violinists, but to find someone who can play the second fiddle with enthusiasm - that's a problem. And if we have no second fiddle, we have no harmony."

John 13:35 says, “They will know that you are my disciples by our love. There is bitterness and resentments that need to be turned over to the Lord and give and receive forgiveness as you have received forgiveness from our Lord.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thur Sept 23 Pattern

Phil 2:6-8 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-- even death on a cross!

Recognize the PATTERN for humility

These next verses are some of my favorite. Commentators suggest that this was an early hymn that was sung by the church. It certainly follows a poetic pattern, but the meaning is rich and full. Christ is our pattern for humility. Not the low self-esteem, everyone walks all over you, but rather the spirit of referring all things to the Father who is in heaven.

Jesus who being the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped. We are talking about the difference between roles and responsibilities versus nature. He was God. But he was willing to take a different role and different responsibility. There are two words for formed, “Morphe” and schema” Morphe or form refers not to the outward appearance but the essence of being. This never changes.

A rose for instance might have the form. The flower begins as a seed, and when it is put into the ground it takes difference shapes. It soon becomes a sprout, a bud and blooming flower, or wilting one. But through those various changes it remains the same essence. It may not look the same but it is still a rose.

A person may have lots of outward changes going on. He begins as a fertilized egg and cells begin to form and divide. The essence is human but soon the fetus takes shape, a baby is born. The outward form changes from infant to toddler. The body grows more in proportion to head. Then puberty changes from child to young adult and adult. Unfortunately my body is still changing. I am getting older and it shows. But even in senior years when no teeth, no hair, no hearing, no eyesight there is still the essence of human.

Jesus was the form or essence of god. Deity never changes. But He didn’t consider equality with God something to be grasped. He is God he didn’t have to grasp it in nature. This also relates to the attitude in Christ that was contrasted with the attitude that was in Adam. In Genesis 3 what was the very sin that he and Eve committed? It wasn't just taking the forbidden fruit, though that would have been enough, it was also the desire to be equal with God. Jesus, when called upon, even though it was rightfully his, still gave his rights to God and submitted himself under the authority of the Father God. His divinity did not change but he humbly took a new role. He gave up the exalted position by emptying himself or pouring himself out to come to us and take the role of a servant.

Ish 14 helps us also contrast his attitude with that of Satan. This passage talks about Lucifer and the different spirit he had. For Satan, you see, it was not thy will, but my will be done. Jesus said it the other way around. Satan was a creature and wanted to be the creator. Jesus was the creator and willing to become as one of the creatures.

The word for human form or likeness was the other word used v. 7”shema”. This talks about the outward changes. In other words the servants form is giving and helping and obeying. That is the role or task that Jesus was willing to take out of love for the Father. He was willing to give up his rights and his position of honor to bring to us an example of how to live, and then purchases our salvation by going to the cross and dying a horrible death. This form however changes. Humanness, though very real, was also very temporary thing for Jesus. As a man he was limited. He could no longer be every where at once, He was limited for now in his body he got tired and needed rest. He was limited for he could only do the work as one man. He was limited for he was tempted like never before. He was limited for now he was afflicted with bodily pain and experienced suffering. He now was rejected and beaten and bruised and bloodied. The Bible says that for our sakes became poor, He humbled himself and took the role and form of a servant.

Jesus went from God to man, from creator to creature, from king and ruler of the universe to a carpenter in Nazareth. Jesus went from fellowship with the Father, The Holy Spirit, and the Heavenly hosts of angels to friendship with prostitutes, thieves, lepers, and outcasts, from all the glory of heavenly splendor to the poverty of this world, from creator of the universe to being despised by his own creation. Jesus went from a heavenly mansion to a filthy manger in Bethlehem, from the comforts of glory to the cruel cross of Calvary. Jesus went from the throne to the cross, where instead of hearing, "This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.", to saying "My God My God why hast thou forsaken me?". He went from the very embodiment of righteousness to sin itself, from the very giver and sustainer of life to death. This he did to meet our needs. He looked not on his own things but on our things. Let this illustration of meekness fill your mind and your heart. Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus. He is our illustration, our inspiration, and he must be our strength.

He was obedient to even death on a cross. There was no limit to the humility that Christ was willing to take for our salvation. Now that is quite some pattern to follow. None of us can do what Christ did, but we can have the servant attitude. We can be children of the most high God, who humbly and obediently offer ourselves as servants unto the Lord and if he asks us to do more than our part for peace, just do it and leave the rest of the record keeping to Him. He does a better job of eventually making things right.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri Sept 24 – Prize

Verses- Phil 2:9-11 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Recognize the PRIZE

God does make things right. Now we see the rulership of Christ which He deserves. It is grand and glorious. There is the exaltation of Jesus as Lord over all. Therefore God exalted him and gave Him a name that is above every name. He gave him the highest position. It is all worth it now, for you see, the prize far outweighs the price.

Jesus is exalted and given a name. What is that name? The name Lord. Master, worshipped and praised and glorified by every creature, in and on and under and above the earth. Ultimately there will be a time when all knees will bow in humble submission and all of creatures in heaven and earth will confess the truth that Jesus is Lord. Those who humiliated him and bruised him and killed him and those who rebuked him and spat upon him. They will see that Jesus is Lord. But also those in the 21st century Jesus will be seen in that holy way. There is no other prophet that gives any others message. There is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved. All people will come to realize that.

Does that mean all will come to Christ? No. What it means is on that day there will be two groups kneeling before Christ. One group kneeling in worship and praise for Jesus has overcome. There will be those of us who have said in our hearts, “Jesus I make you my Lord and my savior. I have followed you and served you." And those of us in that group will also be exalted and lifted up. That invitation is open to you, but it involves giving up control and the personal rights that we want to hold so disparately. It means that we too must take on the form the essence of a servant willing to give ourselves to first him and then to others just as he did. He will look up to us and say, “Well done though good and faithful servant!” Oh how I hope that is the group you will be in.

There is another group. They fall on their knees not willingly, but out of compulsion for they have been defeated. A victorious king would have those captured bow before him. That is the picture Paul uses. Satan and all his demonic forces and the majority of the world who have rejected Jesus will now see that he has won the battle and conquered it though the cross. Jesus is alive and reigning as king. They will be forced to admit they were wrong and Jesus is the champion. They will realize based on whatever revelation they had received they rejected the grace of God. They will see it is just. Oh I hope you are not in that group.

Christ received the prize. But Paul wants us to know that it will be worth it for us who follow the Lord, even when we feel we give up too much for the sake of the Lord, even if it means peace with those we don't get along with. For us the price though hard is also worth the prize that God has prepared for each one of us. Certainly we can think of salvation illustrated by the parable of the pearl of great price. A man sees this valuable jewel worth far more than he possesses, but he gives all he has in order to buy it and receives so much more than he possible could give.

So what God offers us is far greater than anything we can give to him. The prize is worth it. But likewise the price for unity makes the prize of unity now and forever worth it as well. The forgiveness granted, the humility experienced, the giving of our rights to God will provide for us reward and blessing now and eventually that we could not experience any other way. It is worth it.

The prize is ours forever. In your relationship Paul points us to the attitude of Jesus Christ. Lets recognize the problem is pride, the Price for unity is humility for peace among Christian brothers and sisters. Let's recognize the pattern we are to follow is none other than Jesus Christ who knows all we are to go through. And the prize is the reward that God has for us as we will reign with him I glory. It will be worth it all.

So have this mind and attitude that is Christ like which is not possible unless we give him over the rights of our lives and set those rights also before the cross.

Pastor Dale

Monday, September 20, 2010

Living with Purpose Phil 1:20-30

Sermon Nuggets Mon Sept 13

Theme -Living With Purpose

Verses Phil 1:20-30

Living with Purpose

We have been called upon as a nation to contemplate the fundamental principles for which our nation exists. Our preamble of the constitution states: “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, and insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the united States of America.”

Why do we exist? It is for freedom. The important elements of liberty include the need for justice, welfare, and defense, and peace in our land. If we can bring our purpose down to specifics guidelines it helps our president and our congress make decisions. Our purpose is to defend freedom and peace in our land and we will do what it takes.

As a congregation we have been asking ourselves this simple question, “Why does Stanchfield Baptist Church exist?” Last Sunday I wanted to remind us of our main purpose and also a call to individual lives for the next step God wants for us and for you your own spiritual journey. Ultimately we exist for God’s glory. We exist for God’s glory upward in worship, Inward in the fellowship and teaching of our members and attenders, and Outward to our world in need for salvation and for physical and social needs.

Look at the purpose helps us remember our strategy. It helps us ask questions every year. Are we really worshiping God or just going through motions or wanting to do what other churches are doing? We are asking ‘how we are meeting the needs of our congregation- not only when there are hurting and need of help and support, but teaching the word of God and being discipled for the purpose of serving Christ and one another as the body of believers. It helps us not to be so focused on ourselves but remember the call to the many who have not responded by faith in Jesus Christ and those who are hurting in our world, the needy, the lonely, in New York and in all the parts of the world.

It was suggested that we advertise our purpose more because we tend to forget and get involved in things that just are not according to our purpose.

This is what the apostle Paul did in his letter to Philippians. He wanted to identify that which made him tick and have it serve as an example to us all.

The last couple of weeks as we began devotions from the book of Philippians we are reminded that in spite of his imprisonment he is encouraged with a joy that comes within. You can have joy inside even though your circumstances might stink. When there is trouble at work, at home in church, in the world, in the nation you can have an inward joy. His focus helps us understand that joy. His imprisonment has not hindered the spread of the gospel in anyway. On the contrary, it has opened doors that otherwise would have remained closed to him. The Emperor’s own troops are hearing the gospel, the Christians in Rome are getting more involved in spreading the word and, even though motives are suspect with some preachers, the Gospel is getting preached.

Paul now moves into how he as a person is faring under the pressure of captivity and his upcoming trial. It is a very personal passage - we see him refer to himself 20 times within 8 verses. He talks about everything - how he feels, what he wants to live for, who he cares about, his mental condition as he awaits his trial. It serves to help us.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues Sept 14

Verses- Phil 1:20-21 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Remember your Purpose

Paul informs us that his personal purpose in life is to live for Jesus Christ and the advancement of his good news to the world. He lives knowing that when he dies he will gain an eternal reward and blessing that makes all the difficulties of this life worth it.

Why did the terrorists give their lives in a suicide mission killing 1,000s of people? They had a purpose for which they lived. It was to establish an extreme Moslem world and to destroy any system of government that gets in the way of their goal. Most Moslems will tell you the Mohammed, their prophet, strictly forbids the killing of innocent people, especially women and children, but your fundamentalist Moslem believe that freedom and democracy is of Satan, an evil to be destroyed in order to establish submission to the laws of Koran all people. Their deaths as martyrs are believed to be rewarding by each on having in the afterlife 72 virgins, wine and song. Many are willing to die in a holy war against evil for this brings them straight to this pleasure filled society.

The purpose for which you live will determine how you live. Jesus tells us in a surprising way, how you live will reveal why you live for. He puts it this way, “Where your treasure is, there is your heart also.”

I was reading in Rick Warren’s book, the Purpose Driven Church, where he identifies how board members can disagree based on their understanding of the purpose of the church. Some believe the purpose is to defend traditions because they have such personal meaning and comfort in knowing what to expect. Others seek to look to the pastor or to individuals in the church and make plans around a personality; others determine decisions purely around money with the concept the cheaper the better. Others to church growth. All we do and gear for is to get bigger and more people into the church. Others center their thoughts around the building, or around the unsaved, and so forth.

When a survey was taken among evangelical churches in the country there was a surprising statistic. 85% lay people believed the church’s purpose was to take care of the membership. The pastor’s job was primarily to serve as a shepherd to take care of the needs of the sheep. Surprisingly in their same churches approximately 85% of the pastors states the purpose of the church was to reach out to the unsaved and evangelism.

At the Saddleback church, which Warren pastors, they have developed two guiding principles to be the foundation for their purpose of existence- the great commandment which is carried out in the great commission. The command to love God more than anything else in all the world, and secondly love others is what motivates the commission to go into all the world making disciples of every nation, baptizing them in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey all that Jesus commands.

Have you ever thought about personal purpose? What makes you tick? If I were to ask someone close to you what you live for what types of answers would I get?

For Paul it was easy. It is to live for Jesus Christ. My body belongs to Christ. I have given it to him, my soul belongs to Jesus I have given it to him, My mind belongs to Jesus I have given it to him. I want to live for the glory and work of God period.

Now Paul could do that making tents. He could do that in his traveling. He could even do that while a prisoner. He has simplified the alternatives of his life down to two. He explains, I will either live or die. You don’t have to complicate things do you. If I live, then that will be great, for then I have an eternal purpose. I will live for Jesus and seek to establish and strengthen the church. Paul loved to tell people about Christ love, his death and resurrection and how they might be children of God’s kingdom. He took that message to the unreached parts of the world. He found joy in seeing people get saved and turn their hearts over to Jesus Christ. He delighted to see them mature in their faith. So even when he was in prison, he had the delight of seeing these soldiers come to Christ, to see people in Caesars family come to Christ. He was serving Christ and so fulfilling his purpose.

However, there is another alternative to living and that is dying. What happens if Caesar condemns me to death? Well that’s even better, for then I am with Christ whom I love so dearly. To die Is gain, For you see in this life I have Jesus and if I die I’ll be with Jesus and that will even be better. I hope they kill me. O, wait a minute that’s being selfish, for if they kill me then what about all of you and the things I want you to know the people I haven’t seen come to Christ yet? Oh well, then I’m pretty sure Jesus wants me around, but I really can’t decide which is best, but either way I can’t lose.”

What a fantastic purpose. You can’t lose. I you want me to live, I’ll serve Jesus and if you want me to die, I’ll be with Jesus. You lose either way. I win either way.

What makes you tick? For many it is pleasure and they are miserable when good times are threatened and they are not having fun anymore. For others they live for the children but what happens when the kids are gone? They have nothing to live for. Some live for money and this week is horrible- there is no security in our economy. And one day we will live it all behind. Some live for power. I thought of all the power of these past presidents sitting in the front pews of the national cathedral and thought of their counterparts in other countries, and how quickly that fades away.

There is one thing that lasts for all eternity, and it is life in Jesus Christ now and forever. It is good to remember your purpose.

Pastor Dale

Sermon nuggets Weds Sept 15

Verses Phil 1:22 If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know!
23 I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; 24 but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.

Re-evaluate your Circumstances.

Now with your purpose in mind you need to look at your circumstances differently. Most we have no control over our circumstances. If my purpose is living for Jesus Christ, and my end is being with Jesus Christ then I will commit all the circumstances to the sovereign control of Jesus Christ to carry out whatever he wants in my life. He can take all the good and the bad circumstances and use them for His glory.

In other words you can live for Jesus Christ regardless of your circumstances. You cannot have any joy or peace if you live for your children and circumstances change, you can’t have any joy or peace if you live for money and circumstances change. You can’t have joy if you live for power and your circumstances change. You can’t have any joy if you live for pleasure and circumstances change, but you can have joy and peace if your circumstance change if your purpose for living is the glory of Jesus Christ. For then you can be amazed as you watch him work within you and around you to accomplish his purposes.

The circumstances surrounding a severe illness with all the medical problems would make one almost give up on life, but when place in the hands of God and his glory and purpose to witness and help others there is joy. All things work together for good to those who love God and are called to his purpose. There will be unknown number of people helped physically, emotionally and spiritually as a servant of God gave his life and is in the presence of God almighty.

Many of the Apollo astronauts were depressed after their mission. Once they attain to their reason for living they are left disappointed or strangely empty. One of them said his whole life revolved around the mission to land on the moon. Once the mission was completed, he experienced a severe depression. He concluded that the only lasting reason for living had to be found in God, and so he became a Christian. Two other astronauts who went on the moon also became believers.

In light of your purpose re-evaluate your circumstances. I read of Mehdi Dibaj, for example, was imprisoned by the government of Iran in the late 80 ago on charges of "apostasy," since he had converted from Islam to Christianity. The penalty for this crime according to Islamic law was death. Mehdi languished in prison for ten years before his case came to trial. When it did, his written statement of defense was a simple and straightforward affirmation of commitment to Jesus Christ. The last few lines of that defense contain this remarkable paragraph: “[Jesus Christ] is our Savior and he is the Son of God. To know him means to know eternal life. I, a useless sinner, have believed in him and all his words and miracles recorded in the gospel. I have committed my life into his hands. Life for me is an opportunity to serve him, and death is a better opportunity to be with Christ.
Therefore I am not only satisfied to be in prison for the honor of his holy name, but am ready to give my life for the sake of Jesus my Lord...

On December 12, 1993, the court before whom this defense was made sentenced Mehdi to death. He re-evaluated his circumstances in relationship to his purpose. He won. In Christ even his circumstances were given over to the Lord to use for his glory and witness.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thur Sept 16

Verses: Phil 1: 25 Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith,
26 so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me.

Renew your Commitment.

Paul’s example also helps us to be challenged to renew your commitment. He wanted the Philippian believers to live to Christ. How do you do that? What does that mean in an every day world?

It means set up your priorities and strategies of life to accomplish your purpose. Be sure that what you do is consistent with what you say. It means to conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. The KJV translates it conversation but in the Greek the word means more than conversations, but certainly does include our conversations- it means whole life.

What you do speaks more loudly that what you say. Someone can say they love their wife, but beat and abuse them is not living like a Christian. One who says they love the Lord and cheat others is not living up to what they say they believe. People who say they follow Christ and steal and lie are dishonoring the name of Jesus.

Paul says renew your commitment to let the Holy Spirit work out his way in your life for that you will live a consistent life with what Jesus is teaching. No, we are not perfect but that doesn’t mean that you don’t try to be. I fail, but I hope that I don’t give up trying to do better. The Holy Spirit convicted me again this week of something that I need to change in my life. I have asked God to not only help me, but convict me and teach me how I can overcome this.

God’s response? “Do you really mean it?” – What do you mean do I really mean it? Then I thought—I hate some sins and some sins I really like. I don’t like the results of some of my sins, but at the time I like it. No, Lord, I guess I don’t really mean it. I just want to pray so I can act like I should, not really wanting to change, jut not wanted the consequences. I need to renew my commitment to want to live for Jesus

Paul is challenged them to stand up and be counted. Unashamed. When the kids make fun of you at school when people are work call you Holy Joe, when the others in the neighborhood get together and don’t want to include you because you make them feel guilty or remarks are said that make you feel uneasy.

It is consistent to stand firm. But Paul is also concerned about their unity. What a sad things when people are not striving together, not contenting as one for the faith.

The churches and people do not work together there is no advancement to their upward inward and outward purpose. It is frustrating to see some churches doing the very things that Satan uses to keep them from carrying out the work in the community.

The renewal of commitment as followers of Christ is for purity, unity, and courage.

To the nation that is officially open to various lifestyles you don’t hear a call to purity but values of freedom and the enjoyment individuals have within our nation to pursue their own dreams. The call to the Christian is to live worthy of the gospel in obedience to Jesus Christ. We are called to purity and integrity and to defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

There is no better time to call American believers in Christ to unity for the faith. When people are talking and asking more for prayer and people without purpose are questioning their own values, now is the time to point them to the true savior of the world, Jesus Christ. As we unite under the flag symbolizing freedom, so a greater call is to unite under the cross which purchased eternal freedom from the bondage of sin and hell.

But this spiritual war will also be a call to courage. Courage for the believer of Jesus knowing that there will be times when people are open to the gospel and times when people are opposed to Jesus and his followers.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri Sept 17

Verses- Phil 1: 27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel
28 without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved-- and that by God.
29 For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him,
30 since you are going through the same struggle you saw I had, and now hear that I still have.

Rejoicing in your Hope

In the speech to the nation there is a forward hope that is placed before us. It is the destruction of enemies and the freedoms of America to continue activity without fear and in prosperity once again. We hope for peace. The cost may be high, there maybe causalities and suffering, but the result we strive for will be worth it.

I am glad for the strength we have in so many ways as a nation. We have a strong military, we are still one of the richest countries, we have a strong resolve to freedom, we have people who came from various nations and backgrounds that become our teachers in suffering and are among the most courageous in contending for the future.

But in all this there is still a higher and greater calling we see demonstrated by Paul. I have hope. I am resting in the hope that is seen in your prayers. That gives me hope of physical deliverance, but even if I don’t I’m going to heaven praise God.

I have rejoicing It will turn out for my deliverance. I earlier expect and hope that I will not be ashamed and will have courage to exalt Christ in life and in death. I know I have a hope of going to heaven, which will make all the struggles the jailing, the beatings and the persecution worth it.

The way you face adversity both reveals who you are and strengthens your faith and character to be more like Christ. When precious metals are mined from the earth they’re not yet suitable for use. They must be refined. They’re put into a furnace and the proper amount of heat is applied. The metal melts and the impurities rise to the top where they’re removed. What’s left is a substance uncontaminated by impurities. God is up to the same thing with us. Every time we face difficulties in a godly manner we’re being refined to be brought forth like pure gold.

I am told the story of a young 8-year-old boy was sitting on a wooden pew during the Sunday morning service in a cathedral. He wasn’t particularly interested in the sermon or the topic the preacher was addressing, he was more enamored by the art, the statues and the beautiful stain glass windows. He noticed that the colors were bright, the faces etched in the glass were joyful, and the perfect morning sun illuminated the colors. After eyeing it for several minutes, he was very impressed and whispered to his mother, “Oh mother, who are those people in the colorful stained glass?” His mother replied in a correcting tone, “They are saints. Shhh.”

The next day, the young boy was off to school. At the outset of the history lesson, his teacher announced, “Today we are going to learn about the saints. Can anyone tell me what a saint is?” While others in the class seemed puzzled, the young boy excitedly raised his hand. He replied, “Yes ma’am. Saints have joyful faces. They are colorful and the sun shines through them.” What a call to be lights of the Son of God to shine in us.

Paul reminds the Philippians they need not be afraid. They are on the winning team. Like him they can rejoice in the hope that is theirs because of what Christ has done.

Through the centuries it was the blood of the martyrs that was the seed of the church. When people see the suicide mission of Islamic fundamentals who purposely kill others out of hate it is appalling, but when they see the working together of people seeing to save others from buildings and giving blood for strangers, and collecting gifts for those who help the message of love even to the point of passengers who give their lives to commandeer a plane to crash into the ground rather than into another building of citizen move the passage of self sacrifice to save others out of love.

Jesus is the example of love, of laying down his life for us while we were yet sinners. Paul is rejoicing because the main purpose of his life is being fulfilled. It is living for Christ and to see others come to salvation and that is happening so he is joyful in rough circumstances. He rejoices in is hope because they will share it with them.

Pastor Dale