Sermon Nuggets Monday May 2 Adultery
Verses Matt 5:27-30
27 "You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.'
28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
29 If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.
30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
Rorschach ink blot test was given to a young man who after seeing each card responded with the same answer. "Those are pictures of naked women.”
Finally the psychologist said, "It seems that you have a one track mind.”
He answered," Me? Listen, Doc, you're the one who’s showing all those dirty pictures."
We live in a sexual society. It seems that it is impossible to read a secular magazine, watch an evening of television, or walk into many stores without being reminded how much sex is used to sell. Conversations at school and work overflow with sexual subjects and off colored jokes.
We are bombarded by all sides on the pleasure seeking philosophy of self gratification. Our world says- If it feels good do it. Everyone is doing it. You are prudes, Victorian and archaic if you don't realize the changing times. Many tell themselves the lie that sexual relationship is alright if I really love the person. Love is the only thing that matters?
Some would say that sexual desires are as normal and healthy as breathing. If God gave you the drive and hunger for food then it is only normal and healthy to eat food. If God created our bodies to seek to satisfy that sexual hunger and desire we shouldn't restrict ourselves of what is a natural and normal hunger. Man in that manner is nothing more than full of animalistic instincts.
There is another unhealthy attitude teaching all sex is shameful and sinful. Nice people don't do it, and it is something you should never talk about in public. Many may be uncomfortable for having a week of devotions on the topic of adultery and sexual purity. However, Jesus addressed this as a sin problem in the Sermon on the Mount. Sexuality is a big part of our thinking and our lives and there are many Scriptures that speak to the issues.
As we continue looking at Sermon on the Mount Jesus speaks to issues of the heart. We must have a heart that is changed. Following strict laws is not enough and Jesus makes that point vivid by contrasting his righteousness with that of the Pharisees. He is addresses deeper purity.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues May 3 Physical purity
Verse- Matt 5: 27 "You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.'
Be Pure in Body.
“Thou shalt not commit adultery." This was a God given law to protect society, and the sanctity of marriage. Adultery can refer to sexual relationships of married person with people other than their mate, The word indicates an adulteration of God's plan of sex, meaning all sexual sins outside of marriage is sin; that would be true for fornication, homosexuality, bestiality, sodomy and so forth.
According to the Jewish law adultery was considered sin that could be punishable by death, (Lev. 20:10) That was why the Pharisees brought a woman to Jesus who was caught in the very act of adultery and wanted to stone her. Jesus responded, "Let him that is without sin cast the first stone." He wasn't saying, "aw, its' ok guys, girls will be girls and boys will be boys." He was pointing out their own sinful hearts as well. He looked at the woman when her accusers left, he said, "Go and sin no more."
Yes there is forgiveness for adultery, and fornication and every other kind of sin, but without forgiveness we are separated from God. Adultery creates chaos, and destroys community and civilization.
Historian J.D. Unwin observed 18 different civilizations that have been quite successful in the past, all of them fallen today. He compared the progress of such a society with their changing moral sexual relationships. He wrote, "Some point in every civilization in order to survive it must choose between sexual promiscuity or restriction." In each case adultery and free and perverted sex preceded the downfall of the society.
Sexual relationship is meant to be the pinnacle, the consummation of a total relationship that God intended with husband and wife, committing themselves to be one family together, seeking to raise children under the admonition and wisdom of God. It is in such relationship sanctioned by society and the church and the Lord. In that setting children are most secure, socially and spiritually. We suffer consequences when we disobey God's word.
In Paul's letter to Corinth he teaches that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore our bodies should be pure and dedicated to him. Would you think of uniting the God to a prostitute or in sexual relationships that are an abomination to him?
There is concentrated teaching by groups such as Planned Parenthood, supported by much of government funds, that teaches not just the contraceptive methods, but treats all sexual activity as an open decision for youth. Homosexuality is presented as an acceptable option. Having an abortion is a personal choice by a teen even without the knowledge of a parent. Waiting for marriage before sex is one of many choices a person is free to decide for him/herself. What is a young person suppose to think? Society says sex is ok if I can handle it. Everyone is doing it. Peer pressure is extremely strong. Most young people have shown by psychological studies to respond not on convictions that have been taught as much as on influence by option that their friends hold and practice.
God has a plan that is good and pure and calls us to purity in our bodies and give our bodies over to him.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds May 4 Mental purity
Verse Matt 5: 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Be Pure in Mind
Jesus said, even more importantly than not having sex outside of marriage is not to even think about it. If you look upon a woman to lust after her you have already committed adultery in your heart. Of course, as Jesus contrasts his commands to the Pharisee many think they are self righteous if they have not literally had sex with someone other than their spouse.
A good godly man in my church in Detroit surprised me by saying "if any man denies this he is a liar and has both lied and committed adultery." I was surprised for 2 reasons. I would never think this fellow would admit that he lusted. Secondly, I knew what he was speaking of. Lust is not wrong because it might lead to adultery. Lust is the cause of an adulteress heart. We must first confess our sin to God and recognize sanctification is His work in our lives to be pure in body and mind.
Jesus knows where sins of the mind lead to. He also knows Satan gains victory of more than the body but the mind. There is a difference in looking attractive and looking seductive. There is a difference in being friends with someone of the opposite sex and letting our mind play sinful fantasy we think we are harmless.
Studies and clinical case histories show that repeated exposure to pornography often results in compulsive and deviant behavior and many cases leads to sex crimes. After treating more than 240 sex offenders Dr. Victor Cline, a clinical psychologist and professor at the U of Utah, determined the exposure to pornography led to their deviant behavior. In 1985 the U of New Hampshire study found that the states with the highest rape rates also had the most porn readership.
I read in the news report early this morning of the arrest of John Craig Heuer, the man who abducted and kidnapped the 8 year old girl from a St. Paul laundry this week. He had been at a strip club next to the laundry and is now charged with sexual assault. The mind does affect us until we are slaves to lusts. His sin didn't begin when he took the little girl. It began long before when he let his mind get carried away with lewd pictures. It began in his mind.
Since 150 sex-oriented businesses have been eliminated in Oklahoma City, the rape rate decreased in the county by 26% whereas it rose 20% during the same time period throughout the rest of the state. Cincinnati police found an 83% decrease in major crime in a city area where sex shops were shut down.
Psychologist Shirley Glass says, "If you are emotionally intimate, if you share more of your feelings and your heart with a friend of the opposite sex than you do with your spouse-and if that person knows more about your marriage than your spouse knows about him or her-you've crossed the line into some kind of an affair."
Pornography degrades women as sex object, and presents unnatural sexual stimulation. What captures your mind? What triggers thoughts that you know you ought not be messing with? Ask yourself would Jesus watch this? Would Jesus rent this video or read this book?
When TV soap opera character commits suicide and the suicide rate increases all over America we are affected by what is watched. We need to call it for what it is, sin. And when our minds are dwelling on that which is against God's purity we need a cleansing of our minds like Jesus cleansed of the temple.
The good news is- there is help, forgiveness, and freedom from sexual and pornographic addictions. But like all sin it has to be faced and aided with the encouragement of others in real love.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets May 5 Pure in Spirit
Verses- Matt 5: 29-30 If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.
30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
Be Pure in Spirit
How do we face this problem of lust and impurity in body, mind and spirit? We must be born again. Jesus came to seek and to save that which is lost. We have no hope until we have salvation and are converted and repent of our sins. But the lusts are still plaguing Christians. Satan will seek to kill and steal and destroy.
Listen to Jesus' remedy for lust: Jesus says cut out your eye, cut off your hand if that is what is offending you, for better to be maimed than let that lead to you hell. Cut it out. Ouch!
Now some may misunderstand that passage. Why don't we have more crippled and blind people around if we take this passage literally? I believe Jesus is not talking about bodily mutilation here. There would be no end to it. First the right eye, then the left. First one would cut the right hand, then the left hand would eventually go and dissemble the body piece by piece.
There are many times Jesus uses the cultures understanding of hyperbole, an exaggeration to get across how important it is to take away things that lead us into temptations. The problem here is spiritual problem and the only way to spiritual purity is to have the cleansing by the Holy Spirit, then all of our body is dedicated, and our entire mind is devoted to the ways of the Lord.
If eyes are means of sin then don't look. Be blinded to those things which bring temptation. Don't go looking at magazines and websites which are geared for our sensual desires. Recently JC Penney’s put out an ad picturing pre teen and early teen girls in bikinis and mildly suggestive poses. Since complaints came the CEO apologized and gave a directive to marketing not to do that anymore. JC Penney’s want to be seen as a family store but most will gladly push whatever makes money and sexual suggestive clothing sells. Billion of dollars are made in making girls look seductive which are worn in school and office buildings. If you are committed to Jesus your clothes and attitude around the opposite sex needs to demonstrate that.
Whatever activity dress, or habit in life keep us from a pure heart, reserved for the Lord and for our mates, lest we pay eternal consequences. Sin so easily ensnares us and we are caught like a fly in the spider's web. No sacrifice is too great if it enables us to control a lust.
Clearly, too much of today's music focuses on sexual pleasures. Seldom is there a TV program which doesn’t depict unmarried people go to bed together. It is an avalanche of messages that immoral sexual behavior is now the norm.
How can we endure temptations? We cannot do away temptation, it will be around. It isn't the first look that is the sin it is the second, third and fourth. Members of the opposite sex being together a great deal need to always be alert to the problem of temptation. Be on guard. First, recognize that anyone can fall, we are not above temptation. 2) Don't rationalize if you are starting to make excuses to yourself. Admit it. 2) Stop feeding the thought, guard against sex on TV, movies, books, magazine videos. 3) If needs be take up other diversions or hobbies or think of those things which build up the faith and your personal spiritual life. 4) Keep busy in service of others and God. 5) Pray about it and let the spirit search your heart. 6) Have physical activity though sports, jogging, exercise, 7) Consider the price and consequences of illicit sex. 8) Remember, the Scriptures. Meditate on them.
There is No temptation that is given you that is not common to man but with ever temptation God is faith and will provide for you a way of escape that you may be able to endure it." I Cor. 10:13
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets May 6 Pure in Love-
Verse- Matt 22:39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
Be Pure in Love
Lust is using people for selfish means. Jesus saw the sin of that and knew it was a heart issue.
Sex trafficking was reported on the news last night of girls as young as 12 years old are lured and kidnapped into prostitution in Minnesota. One official said it clearly. "As long as there is demand, there will be supply." The growing demand of sex for hire and pornography is based on greed and selfish indulgence and grows to other sins and crimes are committed. Little girls are selfishly used and thrown away. Lust never is satisfied, it always grows for more.
Godly love is what brings glue to a meaningful relationship. Real love for God comes only when we have first received and responded to real from God. He laid down his life for us so we might know Him and find fulfillment.
Scripture teaches that sex, like most things in life, can be used as God intended for joy and pleasure and blessing and fulfillment. Or it can be misused that leads to sin, lust, and twisted perversion. When God created woman he said to that first couple to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. Sexual relationship was God's creative genius for sharing of love in a healthy marriage commitment whereby procreation of children can be properly cared for and nurtured.
The Bible speaks of the joy of sex as God intended. It is to be devoted to one’s spouse and committed to that person by working through difficulties in a relationship that is unselfish. It is to draw upon the pure love from God by serving another not being served. The principle of pure love is also seen in Jesus teaching that it is in giving that we receiving and in blessing we are blessed.
Those rewards do not come quickly. They are not material. They come when we find purpose and wholeness in God and used by Him to duplicate love to others.
When we are tempted to use people in lust I am reminded of a piece written by Portia Nelson entitled: "Autobiography in 5 short chapters."
Chapter 1. I walked down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost..I am helpless. It isn't my fault. I take forever to find a way out.
Chapter 2. I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don't see it. I fall in again. I can't believe I am in the same place. But it isn't my fault. It still takes a long time to get out.
Chapter 3. I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk, I see it is there. I still fall's a habit. My eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately.
Chapter 4. I walk down the same street. There is deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it.
Chapter 5. I walk down another street. "
Many are fighting the lust a battle alone and there is healing, forgiveness and power in Christ and in fellowship with godly friends. There is another road others are willing to walk it with you.
Pastor Dale