Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sermon nuggets Sat Dec 27

Theme Resurrection

Verses – John 20: 17 Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"
18 Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: "I have seen the Lord!" And she told them that he had said these things to her.

From Weakness to Witness

Jesus saw Mary Magdalene weeping. He knew her broken and confused heart. He saw her futility of not knowing what to do but to express her sorrow. I wondered what she thought she could have done when she started off to the tomb in the first place. Her willingness, her heart, her passion, her desires were all in the right place, but she didn’t think how she was going to open the tomb with the rock there, or the guards there. She just went without thinking it through. But since the tomb was opened there was a worse problem. He was not there.

Jesus gives an unusual response in v 17 “Don’t touch me, or hold on to me” C.I. Scofield recognized there are 3 interpretations of this. First some think this is a type of Jesus taking the role of a high priest, who is to take the blood sacrifice to the Holy of Holies on behalf of the people. He can’t be touched until he comes in holiness before His Father. Between the time Jesus reveals himself to Mary and before he appears to the disciples, he must go to finish his priestly duties before his Father and ascend to heaven.

A second interpretation is that she is holding on Him. The Greek implies a hanging on to Jesus, more than actually touching Him.

There is a third interpretation that she was holding Him not wanting Him to leave, so things could be just the way they were before. But it is not like it was before. He is not in the same earthly body nor does He have the same mission. He reminds Mary that now she must not seek to hold Him to the earth, but rather become His messenger to a new joy. He is back, but in a much greater way.

I favor the first interpretation, but regardless Jesus gave her the first and most important message in the bible. Jesus is risen! He is alive and she is the first to see Him and tell of it. Jesus looked not on her weakness but her willingness, not on the problems that she was a woman, not a chosen apostle. He looked not on her past, instead He saw her as useable for His service. Women, of course, were thought less of in that day and didn’t have any spiritual duties toward others beyond children. Jesus didn’t think that. He gave her the greatest message of all. She was willing to obey and go and tell.

Our Christmas hymn says, “Go tell it on the mountains, over the hills and everywhere. God tell it on the mountains that Jesus Christ is born.” The Shepherds went away rejoicing telling of their experience. Now the command is to go and tell people of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This message is given to us all. The shepherd who had the priviledge of experiencing the birth of the Son of God went and told. Those of us who have the priviledge of experiencing the resurrected Son of God are to go and tell. Go and tell that Christ is risen. He is alive. He is our hope. He is our salvation. Don’t make excuses thinking you are not a profession and can’t be used of the Lord in this coming year. If you know the resurrected Christ you are important. You are loved. You are gifted by his Spirit. It doesn’t’ make a difference whether you are a child, youth, women, man, married, single, gone to school or not.

One artist was painting picture. He took out the huge canvas and starting daubing on the blue and the grey for the background. He added and little here and there and then got further excited. He didn’t notice a lady stepped into his studio. Backing up to admire his work he bumped into her. He said, “What do you think? I am so excited. I think this will be my best ever.” She looked at him with a quizzical look and said. “I’m sorry. I only see dabs of blue and grey. Am I missing something?”

“O, I forgot. You can only see what is there, while I see the picture as it’s going to be.” Through out Christ’s ministry he could look back upon events in the Old Testament and say, “Isn’t that the greatest.” People stand with quizzical look and say I don’t get it. It looks like blues and grays to me. In the New Testament Jesus walks and talks with His Father and seeing how the plan is unfolding remarks it’s coming. Everything is ready. Mary, Peter, James, John and the whole rest are in grief and weakness and lost for words. And He remarks “O yes, You only see what is. I see what is yet to be and it’s marvelous.”

Pastor Dale

Friday, December 26, 2008

From Doubts to Discover John 20:10-16

Sermon nuggets Fri Dec 26

Theme Resurrection

Verses- John 20:10-16 Then the disciples went back to their homes, but Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus' body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot.
13 They asked her, "Woman, why are you crying?" "They have taken my Lord away," she said, "and I don't know where they have put him."
14 At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. "Woman," he said, "why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?" Thinking he was the gardener, she said, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him."
16 Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, "Rabboni!" (which means Teacher).

From Doubts to Discovery
There are some who delight in Christmas and other for whom this season is nothing more than a secular time to celebrate with loved ones. For some they delight in God and marvel at His wonder and works. For others it is an opportunity for parties, play, presents, and traditions. What makes the difference?

Mary didn’t come Easter morning to see if the tomb was opened. She didn’t come to see if Jesus’ word about his resurrection was true. She had no understanding and expectations of seeing Him alive. She doubted just like all the disciples doubted. This was something far beyond their experience. Yes he talked about resurrection, but no one really believed it.

After she had told the disciples of her discovery, they went to the tomb, saw the empty grave except the clothes and returned to their place. Mary also returned in her doubts. She thought someone stole the body. She was there. There was no question about His being buried there. In confusion and grief she cried and sat there by herself.

When she peered into the tomb she saw two figures in white sitting at the place where the body used to be. They asked, “Why are your crying”? Her disbelief was made plain in what she thought happened. “They have taken away my Lord and I don‘t know where they have put him.”

Mary Magdalene saw what Peter and John didn’t. These angels never appeared to the disciples but they did to Mary. It seems these heavenly beings can be seen and not seen by their will. He didn’t expect to see anything and didn’t recognize them as angels at the time. She didn’t believe, she doubted, but that lack of understanding wasn’t important. God saw her heart.

I am not saying that it doesn’t make any difference what we believe. It has been said that as long as you are sincere God will honor that, even if you are wrong. You might sincerely believe you are on think ice and it will hold you, but sincerity has nothing to do with the actual thickness of the ice. People put their faith in many things, but if it isn’t in the works of Jesus Christ they are lost and without hope. There is no other name given among men whereby you must be saved.

Do you have doubts? I do sometimes. Some times it is easy to trust human understanding instead of what is revealed in the Word of God. But even in my doubts I am in the hands of Jesus, since I have trusted Christ to save me. He holds on to me.

It is like the incident of Peter, who had the right desire, but doubted when he was walking on the water. His doubts caused him to look at the winds and the waves instead of keeping his eyes on Christ. When he was falling he cried out to Christ. Jesus wasn’t going to let Peter drown. He had everything under control He know Peter’s desires and called him to follow. All the doubts of the other apostles kept them in the boat, but that little faith was accepted.

A gentile came to Jesus asking healing for his son. He said, “Lord, if you can, heal my boy from convulsions? Jesus said, “If I can? Everything is possible for him who believes. I liked the father’s response, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief.” Jesus healed his son. The man had the desire and came to the right person. He had little faith but he had the right faith in the right person. It isn’t important how much faith you have, but where that faith is placed. If we have put faith the size of a mustard seed that is enough for your desires. Mary didn’t believe he could rise, but had the desire to see Jesus and He gave her much more than what she even hoped or dreamed.

Tears so blinded her eyes with grief and thinking about her loss that she failed to see the answer that sorrow would turn into joy.

He was standing there. She did not realize it was him. Woman he said, “Why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?” Thinking he was the gardener she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him” Jesus said to her, “Mary”

She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic “Rabboni” which means Teacher. I wonder how many times Jesus speaks to us but we fail to recognize him because we are centered on our own pain? We don’t expect God surprises.

With a deep feeling of faith and loyalty and love she places him to be the object of her worship. It is the desire of her heart to honor her Lord. The resurrection changes doubts to desire to worship and serve Him. It provides for us hope of our resurrection as well.

This is the confidence of one who knew the Savior. Is it your confidence? Yet the resurrected Lord didn’t look at her doubts, but her faith and she was blessed with new discovery. It is faith that moves our doubts to discovery- at Christmas, at Easter and throughout the experiences in the New Year.

Pastor Dale

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Resurrection John 20:3-10

Sermon Nuggets Wed Dec 24

Theme- Resurrection

Verses- John 20:3-10 So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first.
He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in. Then Simon Peter, who was behind him, arrived and went into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there, as well as the burial cloth that had been around Jesus' head. The cloth was folded up by itself, separate from the linen.
Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed.
(They still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.)

Ever wonder why clothing is given so much attention in the Bible? Certainly with all the symbolism the clothing of the priests were important. Most clothing was practical for the area. We understand that clothing was a matter of modesty when in the garden the sins of Adam and Eve were exposed and they made clothing of fig leafs. God killed an animal and gave them skins to wear symbolizing the first sacrifice based on man’s disobedience. They were naked and felt ashamed.

We know about clothing for special occasions. If someone died the family and loved ones grieved wearing dark colored sackcloth of coarse goat’s hair. Sometimes people would wear these garment of lament when they were repenting of sin.

We know about Joseph’s robe of many colors that brought jealousy to the family. Special robes were worn by people of high political positions in the ancient world. Such a robe was given to Joseph by the Pharaoh of Egypt.

Just like today there are special garments worn by brides at their wedding. The wedding dress was usually white silk, perhaps embroidered. The bride also wore a veil and considerable jewelry. The bridegroom's attire resembled that of a king. He might also wear a garland. Festive robes were also given to the guests at a wedding, as in Jesus' parable where a man was turned away for wearing inappropriate clothes.

What captured my attention was the clothing of Jesus and why it was reported at the time of his birth. Luke 2:12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." I could definitely understand the sign of the uniqueness of this child who would be in a manger. Babies are not kept in mangers. But don’t most of them have cloths they are wrapped in?

In Jewish custom, swaddling clothes consisted of fabric cut into long thin bands (the term swaddling comes from swath – the width covered by the single cut of a scythe). The bands would be wrapped around a newborn in order to comfort them and give them proper posture. Sometimes the band would first be worn as a girdle around the belly of the pregnant woman, then used to swaddle the child, then saved for the eventual purpose of wrapping the body for burial.

Paintings of Christ as a swaddled infant tend to foreshadow his death by showing him sleeping in a kind of haunting stillness. We are meant to see the relationship between the child “wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger" with the body of Jesus "wrapped in linen, laid in a sepulcher that was hewn in stone."

It seems the reason the angel points out these cloths that are wrapped tightly around the baby have both a practical and prophetic implications. Naked one comes into the world. As a baby is wrapped tightly around clothing it sleeps better and is protected from cold and outside elements.

When a body is buried it would not need clothes. But as mentioned in the previous chapter Nicodemus brought about a hundred pounds of myrrh and aloes to spice Jesus body, and that He was bound in linen wrappings. We find out that His body and His head were wrapped separately.

Of course the mother wrapped the baby in secure, warm cloths, but why does the Holy Spirit call our attention to this? This event apparently points also to the passion of Christ, when there is no room for Jesus in the Temple and Synagogues. He is cast off and following his death he is wrapped in cloths and laid in a tomb.

When Jesus was raised from the dead, He apparently passed through these wrappings, leaving them behind as they were. Only John tells us of these things. Also, only John tells us that the soldiers divided Jesus’ garments into four parts, but did not divide His seamless tunic. All of this information is in keeping with Jesus as the Great High Priest. Aaron wore garments of glory and beauty when he carried out his work, and among these were a tunic of checkered work of fine linen. On the Day of Atonement, however, Aaron set aside these glorious garments and wore only "holy garments," consisting of linen tunics, undergarments, sash, and turban. When the work of atonement was concluded, Aaron put back on his garments of glory and beauty.

The linen garments in which Jesus was wrapped speak of His work as Great High Priest on the Great Day of Atonement. They were left behind "in a holy place" when His work was finished, and He assumed his glorified body.

Thus, the seamless tunic removed from Jesus at the crucifixion corresponds to Aaron’s garments of glory and beauty. The "tunic" of Aaron’s garments is the same word as the "garments" of skin God made for Adam and Eve to cover their nakedness. Jesus’ nakedness was exposed on the cross, signifying His humiliation and His taking the punishment for our sins.

Now there are new cloths for Jesus Matt 28:3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow.

His body in birth or death didn’t need these binding cloths anymore. He is free, glorious, prepared as we will be in the heavenly marriage.

Pastor Dale.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Two Marys John 20:1-2

Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 23

Theme- Resurrection

Verses- John 20:1-2 Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they have put him!"

Two Marys

This week we celebrate Christmas. We hear much about the choosing of Mary to be the woman to deliver birth to Jesus Christ. We see appropriately God chose a young virgin who was upstanding and virtuous. Unlike the teaching of the Roman Catholic church, Mary was not sinless. She prayed also in need of a savior. Someone without sin does not need a savior.

But at the beginning of Jesus life on earth and at the end of Jesus life on earth Mary was there for her son. But beside her was another Mary who could be contrasted with Jesus’ mother. One might represent the celebration God coming into the world. The other how God saves the world from sin.

Mary Magdalene was from the area of Magdala. John records Mary’s story when she came to the tomb that Easter morning. Mary Magdalene was plagued with 7 demons. Although the Bible does not say so, some think this Mary was the same woman who was caught in adultery and later washed Jesus feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.

There certainly was a dramatic change in her character once she was free of her demons. Along with some other women Mary was part of a group who ministered to Jesus with offerings, meals and whatever help they could give in their travels. They were faithful in their following of the Christ. It made no difference what type of woman she was any longer now that she had been forgiven. She was free from demonic oppression and she was free from scorn of sin. She was one also heard Christ’s teaching. She believed Him to be the Messiah.

When word came that Christ was arrested during all the events we discussed she, along with Mary, his Mother and the other Mary, were all there witnessing his false trial, beatings, walk to Golgotha and crucifixion. She would not leave regardless how horrible it was. She wept with the others as she witnessed his anguish and heard Jesus cries, “My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me?” She heard the cry, “Father into thy hands I commit my spirit", and drop his dead with “It is finished.”

Mary was there when Jesus was taken down from the cross and among the last one who was with Joseph and Armathea and Nicodemus when Jesus was placed in the tomb. She was among the last to leave and the first to be there early Sunday morning

Her passion and devotion were recognized by all the gospel writers. Was it any wonder that she was the first to whom Jesus revealed Himself that resurrection morning? He didn’t look at her past, or sin, or the things in her life for which she should be ashamed. All of the past remains in the past and what we witness is her new heart. That is the wonderful thing about being born again. That is the wonderful things about resurrections. We no longer need to worry about the past wrongs in our lives, they are made right when we confess and are forgiven. Mary was clean because of the touch of Jesus Christ on her life. Now there is revealed even a better relationship.

The resurrection allows all our past to be wiped clean for the asking if you trust in Jesus to be your Savior. Friends, when we see our past and all that is unholy and prideful, sinful and selfish, when we are lazy, and have improper lusts. When we lie and give over to anger or cheat and think evil, when we gossip and back bite or hate and harbor grudges, we can put all that in the past because of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Satan no longer has any power over us. The resurrection points to His power to forgive.

No one seemed to love him as much as Mary did. She owed so much to Christ. There is nothing better to see a young person grow up in the church accept Christ and live for him all their lives. But it also seems that the one saved from sinful background has a deeper appreciation and commitment to Christ knowing the length from which they came. One of the fun things to see in prison ministry is the zeal and passion of some of the believers. It is a hard place to live for Christ, but to be free from the past is also wonderful freeing experience. There is wonderful news. We don’t have to be carrying the past any more, but rather a renewed passion.

Pastor Dale

Monday, December 22, 2008

Resurrection John 20:1-18

Sermon Nuggets Mon Dec 22

Theme- Resurrection

Verses- John 20:1-18
Vs. 18 Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: "I have seen the Lord!" And she told them that he had said these things to her.

Wide Eyed.
That first Christmas Shepherds came to see the place where Jesus was born. They worshiped the child. 33 years later the disciples came to see the place where His body was laid. When Mary saw Him alive, she worshiped the savior.

One SS teacher told the 5th grade class that Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb. She wondered if they knew why? One student said, “Jesus only used it three days."

Well he did give it back. So perhaps that was the best answer. Some people have gone to the Holy Land and if they have the place correct, stood in the empty tomb. If that was the case then Joseph’s family decided not to use it for him after that, but kept it empty.

We celebrate the Birthday of Jesus Christ this week. It is when he received a human body. In our passage of study we celebrate the resurrection of this body. But it is not the same as Mary delivered. I am not speaking only of size and maturity. It is a new body that is not bound by death. It is a new body not hindered by walls or space. Jesus could do more amazing things that what his previous physical body allowed.

Although we celebrate many birthdays of people, there is only one celebration of a resurrection. Everyone else has graves or places where their ashes have been placed who have passed on, but there is no place for Jesus’ body.
Perhaps no fact in ancient history has so fully proven as the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

A couple of years ago we looked at the Case for Christmas written by Lee Strobel. As an atheist, Strobel, who was a journalist for the Chicago Tribune, made it his task to disprove the resurrection. Drawing on expert testimony first shared in his blockbuster book The Case for Christ, Strobel examines the medical evidence, the explanations for the missing body if in fact it was mission. He examined the evidences of post resurrection appearances of Jesus and the reaction of the disciples. Was it a superstitious myth or life-changing reality? According to the evidences and interview of a variety of people, the startling findings changed him from atheism to a follower of Jesus Christ. He evidentially quit his job and joined the staff at the Willowcreek Church near Chicago.

Jesus was no longer bound to this earth. He could no longer be betrayed, or killed or die again as like what happed to Lazarus. His body was not incorruptible. Lives were tremendously changed after seeing the resurrected Lord. Immediately the Christian church began and hundreds followed because His identity was no longer hidden from the people as it was when He was growing up in Nazareth. Jesus is God come to earth as a man and took our sin upon his body in his suffering and death and rose again to defeat the powers of Satan and death and says all who believe in me will never die.

The Shepherds were introduced to the message of the angels who proclaimed the birth of the Savior. They responded by saying, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."

Mary was introduced to the message of the angels who said, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen just as he said.”

What Christmas brought in hope, the resurrection bought in reality. God continues to bid men and women to come to and see, and then believe.

Pastor Dale