Friday, April 3, 2009

Ways of Wisdom- Ecclesiastes 7

Sermon Nuggets Mon March 30, 2009


Verses- Eccl 7:1-4
A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth.
2 It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of every man; the living should take this to heart.
3 Sorrow is better than laughter, because a sad face is good for the heart.
4 The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning, but the heart of fools is in the house of pleasure.

Be Prepared
Wisdom is the most important theme of King Solomon’s writing in Ecclesiastes. He is so full of proverbs that collections of his wise sayings were compiled into a separate book of Scripture. But a lot of secular advice we receive is hot air. It may be the wisdom from man, but not from God. However, God does allow us to look at every day life in practical ways to help make decisions.

Solomon writes, “Vanity of vanity, all is vanity.” There are good things, there are better things, but most things are just absolutely meaningless when it comes to the important things in this world.

The story is told of one lady during the time of the sinking of the Titanic left her spot on the life boat while many were going to drown. She asked to be given 3 minutes as she ran through the gambling room with all the money that had rolled on the floor ankle deep. She came to her stateroom and pushed aside her diamond rings and expensive bracelets and necklaces and grabbed 3 small oranges.

Thirty minutes earlier she would not have chosen a crate of oranges over the smallest diamond. But death had boarded the Titanic. Her view of valuables were transformed. Instantaneously priceless things had become worthless. Worthless things like oranges now had become priceless. And in that moment she preferred 3 small oranges to a crate of diamonds.

Solomon had seen the misplaced philosophies and the worthless energies people waste on thing that have no value. Now he shares insights of wisdom for this life that we all need to heed.

Be prepared is the slogan of the Boy Scouts. Solomon says, “a good name is better than fine perfume.” That makes sense. When I leave for the day I usually slap on some cologne. My wife puts on perfume. However it doesn't last long. It fades away.

Being prepared isn't what is on the outside, but what is on the inside. We can smell nice, but if we don't have a good reputation, we aren't prepared for what counts. Honesty, righteousness, and positive reputation reveals our inner character. Prepare your inward beauty, more than your outward beauty. For soon comes death.

But what does Solomon mean when he says the day of death is better than the day of birth? Are funerals better than birthdays? Who would agree with that?

Solomon is saying what might be better said in N.T. terms, "Better never to have been born at all, than never to have been born again." If one is not prepared to die, then one's birth is not worth celebrating. If all we seek in this world is worldly gain and pleasure and then die, shouldn't that cause us to focus on spiritual preparation for death?

We live in a culture that frankly ignores death. Church is one of the few institutions that keep calling people to look at mortality.

Hospitals are geared for recovery. Doctors, on the whole, seek to improve your health. Mortuaries dress people painted and dressed to make one look like they are sleeping.

Being prepared means one is ready to die. It is a celebration service when there is confidence that a saint is going home to the Lord. Do you know for sure you are going to heaven and not hell? The Bible teaches you can be prepared. We can trust Christ alone and confess and turn from our sin and ask God's forgiveness.

Solomon says wisdom is not pursuing primarily the fun times and laughter and entertainment, but be ready to meet God. Booze, money, drugs, pleasures, work might keep us from facing the reality of death for awhile, but sooner or later we must all die. Are you prepared for death today? If you are not and die outside of Jesus Christ then it would be better if you were not born. However if you are prepared and ready to leave this world it is a great to know you walk with God.

Pastor Dale

Sermon nuggets Tues March 31, 2009

Verses Eccl 7:5-6 It is better to heed a wise man's rebuke than to listen to the song of fools.
6 Like the crackling of thorns under the pot, so is the laughter of fools. This too is meaningless.

Be Discerning
Theodore Geisel (better known as Dr. Seuss) wrote these words:
“My uncle ordered popovers from the restaurant’s bill of fare.
And when they were served, he regarded them with a penetrating stare.
Then he spoke great Words of Wisdom as he sat there on his chair:
"To eat these things," said my uncle, "you must exercise great care.
You may swallow down what's solid, BUT must spit out the air!"
And as you partake of the world's bill of fare, that's darned good advice to follow.
Do a lot of spitting out the hot air. And be careful what you swallow."

There is lots of advice to be heard. Some of it is wise. Other advice is quite foolish. A discerning person will not accept what is being said without some evaluation of which is full of hot air.

The increase of bad information and misguided advice is only a click of a finger on the internet. Emails are full of forwards that are frankly hoaxes. Unscrupulous con artists learn they can sell their products by making unsubstantiated claims and have a false testimony circulate among emails that they could not do under government regulation for truth in selling. I have giving up counting how many millionaire widows want to transfer all their money into my bank account because their country is persecuting them or going to steal their money.

Why do such con artists use Christians language and plead for help from brothers and sister in the Lord? Because it works. They get 1,000s every day from people gullible enough to want to help and soon the scam spreads. Be discerning. If it is too good to be true is almost always is. Don’t just come to conclusions because there is an ad or email in your box. Most jobs at home are false. Most sure-bet investments are only benefiting the receiver of your money. Scam artists abound.

But on the other side there are people who are wise and need to be listened to. I have gained much from people helping people sharing their stories on the internet. Some people who have gone through various circumstance become excellent teachers. Caring Bridge is a comforting website to support families whose loved ones are in critical condition in a hospital. It is a means of keeping the larger family of friends informed as to what is going on with the patient. Facing health issues allows for information to be shared at no or low cost to people who want to help one another.

If we are open to God's teaching it come in many ways and through many experiences. The greatest way sometime to grow in our faith is through the difficult times. We can learn from praise, but you know as much as I hate to admit this, I learn more from criticism. I learn more by facing things in my life that I don't particularly want to face. What I need to do however is to distinguish the source of criticism whether it be from someone wise or foolish. Criticism from any source hurts. But for one who is open learns from wise words of someone who tells us something for our own good. Ask yourself if there is some truth to what is being said. Instead of being defensive, or insisting on building up your ego, or condemning others who might criticize you another more helpful alternative is to look at yourself as less than perfect.

I think most of you already know that when you hear the criticism consider the source. If comments are from a fool, forget it. If it is from one who is always complaining about something, don't take it too seriously. If it is someone who has a grudge on their shoulder consider that.

Those who truly love you are well meaning in advice they give. Some of the advice still needs to be judged an often checked out by those who have greater knowledge in some area. It is easy to become defensive instead of carefully listening to what is said and evaluate it. Be discerning and figure what is solid and what is air that should be spit out.

Unpleasant words will come. If we choose the paths of wisdom we can find growth in those situations. Reprimands are not pleasant, but sometimes needed. Learn from them. Be open to learn from them. Judge if what is said might be applicable. Pray about it, and then change where you can, and where you can't then turn that area over to God. If it is untrue or said in a spirit that is not helpful then turn that over to God as well. Be discerning through prayer and the reading of the Word of God. That is always the best advice.

Pastor Dale.

Sermon nuggets Weds, April 1

Verses- Eccl 7:7-12
7 Extortion turns a wise man into a fool, and a bribe corrupts the heart.
8 The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride.
9 Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.
10 Do not say, "Why were the old days better than these?" For it is not wise to ask such questions.
11 Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing and benefits those who see the sun.
12 Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor.

Be Self-controlled
Have you ever noticed how much wisdom is tied into self control? Foolishness is too often tied into our words and actions that get us into trouble. Self control is mentioned with the fruit of the Spirit.

Solomon mentioned 5 areas where self control is exhibiting wisdom. First is to control your desire for money. Money and greed tempt us as we talked about last time when thinking about materialism. The preacher warns us against lust for money that can even lead to bribes and extortion. Look at all the perks politicians get from companies that expect favors. Look at the debacle in the Chicago mayor this year and bidding off the Senate seat. Many countries are confused that we make a deal of bribery when that is just the way business and government is run. Resist the temptations of money and unfair dealings, even if it means getting less money. Be warned also when deals seem to be so sweet.

Secondly, we need self-control in patience. Everybody wishes there was a patient pill that could be taken. When you need to model Christ to those around you, do they see someone who is so impatient, impulsive, and wanting their own way? Aren't you glad that God is loving, merciful, gracious, kind, long-suffering, but also holy, righteous, just and patient? Learn to leave results to God even in your waiting and in your praying as you learn patience.

Thirdly, be self controlled when it comes to pride. I heard a story about a frog who wanted to go south with the geese for the winter. The birds kept talking about how lovely it was and how nice it would be for the frog to go there, but they couldn't think of a way to make that happen. He was too heavy for any goose to carry him for any distance. Then the frog came up with a suggestion. "Two of you could hold sticks between your legs, and then I'll hang on with my mouth. You can stop periodically for rests."

Things were going along fine. The frog was looking at all the scenery when other geese flew by.
"My, my isn't that a cleaver idea? I wonder who thought of it." The problem with the frog was pride, for he told them and fell to his death.

Fourthly, be self controlled with your anger. It is not a pleasant home where kids have to walk around on eggs because dad or mom had a bad day. Nor is it good when kids cannot control their temper. As believers in Jesus we need to learn to control anger and passions. If it is a problem in your life, then it is a spiritual problem. I'm not saying there isn't a time and place to be angry, but there is also an acceptable manner to handle anger in effective ways and not destructive ways. If you are a victim of physical or emotional abuse or an abuser when anger overtakes you or a loved one, intervention is necessary. Jesus needs to do some healing in your life. Find help while you can.

Lastly, be self controlled in your attitude. I like the way Solomon puts it. “Don't keep complaining about the present and rising up how things used to be in the good old days. The reciting of history that is used to criticize and show displeasure with the present just as well not be said. "Ah let me tell you how it was when I was a kid.. Let me tell you about the church in the good old days.”

I had never ceased to be amazed working at nursing homes when people would talk with fondness of how great life was 50-70-90 years ago, but are the first to complain when the air conditioner isn't working right or there is a burned out light bulb, or they're the last to get served their food.

Frankly we quickly forget the reality and instead lean on sentimentality with the untrue picture of how it was. God made the present as well as the past. When we complain we are miserable and so are others. Be what God wants you to be today. Make the most of today. If something needs changing, help bring change for the better of all. If you can't help build things up, then don't tear things down. Learn that wisdom leads to satisfaction. Satisfaction is learned through self-control of our temptations, emotions, tongues, attitude and action.

Pastor Dale

Sermon nuggets Thurs April 2, 2009

Verses- Eccl 7:13-19
13 Consider what God has done: Who can straighten what he has made crooked?
14 When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, a man cannot discover anything about his future.
15 In this meaningless life of mine I have seen both of these: a righteous man perishing in his righteousness, and a wicked man living long in his wickedness.
16 Do not be over righteous, neither be over wise-- why destroy yourself?
17 Do not be over wicked, and do not be a fool-- why die before your time?
18 It is good to grasp the one and not let go of the other. The man who fears God will avoid all.
19 Wisdom makes one wise man more powerful than ten rulers in a city.

Be Dependable
Do you know what it means to be a dependable person? Such people are believable. They can be trusted. They are solid. They are persons of integrity. They have common sense. They are reliable. They usually are not extremists. They are consistent people not following fads. They are not wishy-washy. They are not full of pretense. They know their faults and can admit them. They know their sins and desires to change. They know they are not holy and they know they do not want to be defeated sinners. They don't live with real highs and lows. This seems to be what Solomon saw is acting with wisdom.

Among the various proverbs of wisdom Solomon continues with ways of wisdom telling us that when times are good be happy; when times are bad, consider that God has made the one a well as the other.

Man cannot be secure in human future events, only in the security and sovereignty of God. We recall lessons God teaches us in both good and the bad situations. We become perfected through the experiences of life and death, joy and sorrow, prosperity and adversity.

He gives a few illustrations of the dependable life. We discussed injustice in the past devotions from Ecclesiastes, but the writer reminds us of the facts. Life is not fair. Sometimes the good suffer and the wicked live long and prosperous lives. That is not justice from our point of view. But fairness will never be completed on this earth, not until we get to heaven. Being dependable is not throwing away your faith because bad things happen. It is the confidence that in time God’s word works out according to His promises. Many are fooled by worldly success and find it empty. The consistent follower find being in the will of God there is success not known to the world. God gives contentment if we focus on Him and not stuff.

The illustration mentioned in Verses 16,17 seems to go contrary to the other plain scriptural passages, particularly in Rev 3:15-16 when Jesus said, “if you are lukewarm I will spew you out of my mouth.” Some follow this advice by thinking it is better not be too good or too bad. You have heard some say, “He is so heavenly minded that he is no earthly good”. But they fail to quote the rest that says, “he is so earthly minded he is no heavenly good."

What is Solomon saying? That the reaction of some people is to act so religious but that is not real righteousness. The Pharisees were overly righteous, meaning they were trusting their good works to save them. They compared their good acts with one another and judged who was better and best. They thought the ones who memorized the most Scripture were the more righteous. They thought those who were cloistered in a religious community were being better than the tradesmen. Those with superior knowledge of the Scriptures would win them favor with God.

As we are reminding studying Romans on Sunday mornings, righteousness comes only through the grace given by God. It is not of ourselves, it is a gift from God. God looks upon the heart. The legalist and the libertine both concentrate on their performances. What does it mean to please the Lord? Getting our heart right with Him lead us to desire to honor Him. As we allow the Spirit of God to work through us, we desire to do that which is well pleasing unto Him.

vs 18 reminds us that the man who fears God will avoid all extremes by his own effort. That means we ought to be dependable people of faith. We're sinners saved by grace and it is by grace that we live in the freedom and joy of the Lord. It is the consistent, and dependable Christian trusting daily in God and loving Him that finds meaning and blessing in life from the long perspective.

Do others say of you, “She is dependable? He is trustworthy? They are consistent in what they say and what they do?” That is wise.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri April 3, 2009

Verses- Eccl 7:20-29
There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins.
Do not pay attention to every word people say, or you may hear your servant cursing you-- for you know in your heart that many times you yourself have cursed others.
All this I tested by wisdom and I said, "I am determined to be wise"-- but this was beyond me. Whatever wisdom may be, it is far off and most profound-- who can discover it?
So I turned my mind to understand, to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things and to understand the stupidity of wickedness and the madness of folly.
I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare.
"Look," says the Teacher, "this is what I have discovered: "Adding one thing to another to discover the scheme of things- while I was still searching but not finding-- I found one man among a thousand, but not one woman among them all.
This only have I found: God made mankind upright, but men have gone in search of many schemes."

Be Warned
Today we look at some of the warnings of Solomon. What to avoid also are the ways of wisdom. We are all sinners and there is no one that is righteous. “There is none that does good, no not one.” Until we come to that understanding there is no salvation. But knowing allows us the power to face it, admit it, and confess it. We are wise when we stop comparing ourselves with anyone else than Jesus Christ. When we compare ourselves with others we can justify our behavior and actions. But when compared with Jesus we are unholy and full of selfishness and sin and disobedience, which requires confession.

Many have the worldview that mankind is basically good. The Scriptures teach a different view of mankind. We live in a sin filled world. In the conclusion of this week’s thoughts Solomon warns us against our tongues and our lusts.

People will be tearing others down through gossip and malice and slander. Be warned of the damage that our words can do. Christians particularly need to watch what we say. We get caught up in cursing others by tearing them down and seeking to build ourselves up in our minds and in the minds of our listeners. Be warned to not repeat gossip.

One young man said to his mother, “Mom your already telling more of the story than you heard." Recently I was in a conversation with someone who wanted to find out more details of a situation that I knew and kept coming up with alternatives as to what might have surrounded a circumstance. They wanted me to agree with them. We can make up all types of things, or admit that we don’t know.

As Solomon looked all around and investigated people he wanted to also warn folks against lusts. Look at the extreme damage pornography plays in our lives and on the internet. We warned of sexual urges and also the temptations there are widely available today. Even children’s magazines have pictures of ladies whose breasts were half showing. Many young people see nothing wrong with wearing some of the clothing that is highly sexual in nature in school, and in church. Many do not recognize how it affects young men around them. And many boys and men feed on pornography so readily available that their lusts and desires become obsessions.

If God is the Lord of your body dress as to please the Lord, not lewdly to attract those who are easily sexually tempted. Be warned that sex before marriage is common but goes against God’s laws. It is damaging in many ways to our psyche when we are in sin. People claiming to want to follow Jesus Christ are convincing themselves it is ok to live together with boy friends and girl friends. Solomon paid the consequences and his sexual desires became his spiritual downfall. Be warned of sexual immorality and be warned of lusts.
Many celebrities and people of power or influence find themselves targets of others who are attracted to them and tempt them in many ways. That is why our guard needs to be up since there will be opportunities for people wanted to lure us into sexual sins of all kind. Being a king he could have any woman he wanted and found many women wanting to lure him into his unleashed passions. That was his downfall.

Determine in your heart that you will not let the world mold you into its thinking even as Solomon was molded by his lusts and hence left the Lord. Most of Solomon's wives were foreign wives and not devoted to God lest we forget the context, he is out to prove that all people are sinners and that is true men and women alike.

This weekend try to be alert how often the temptation presents itself to talk negatively about others, and how sexual temptations try to capture your attention and thoughts.

There are many wise proverbs of Solomon. He learned wisdom the hard way, through mistakes of sin. It hurt. He wanted to warn others to stay away from sin. We can learn through the inspired word of Scripture. God has a path of righteousness and protection for us. But like Adam and Eve in the Garden that which attracts us is our downfall when we take our eyes off of Christ. Take what is real and chew on it, and spit out the air. Be wise in the Lord and in his word and in your life and in your witness. Learn the ways of wisdom through those who needed to learn the hard way.

Pastor Dale