Friday, July 3, 2009

Peter's Politics 1 Peter 2:12-17

Sermon Nuggets Week of June 29, 2009 1 Pet 2:12-17

Sermon Nuggets Mon June 29

Theme: Peter's Politics

Verses- 1 Pet 2:12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.

Live with God’s Glory in Mind

This week we celebrate our 233th birthday of our nation. We have the longest existing Declaration of Independence and Constitution than any other country in the history of mankind. Since July of 1776 France is on its 15th Constitution, Brazil has had 18 Constitutions since the 1800s, Poland has had six since the first World War. And Russia has had four since that time.

There had been historical groups studying documents as to what influenced the founders of our nation to produce the principles that inspired them. The answer should not surprise us. The Bible influenced our founders more than any other writings of that time. Over 1500 references were made from the Scriptures to shape the thoughts of freedom, separate responsibilities of government, the place of government and so forth. This isn’t referenced as much today when people try to rewrite history.

Only a small minority of men were not Christians in the Biblical sense, but all agreed the Christian principles are the basis that makes a democracy work. When we no longer follow those values then such a society cannot continue to exist.

Although I preached recently in Romans on the relationship between the church and state the passage of this week brings out similar truths from God in Peter’s letter.

Perhaps it helps to think of the context of this passage again.

The world thought the Christians were going to overthrow the government. They thought church meetings were political ones. It was therefore necessary that men's minds also be eased from the impression that any violence was being planned. If Christians could accept order and safety and privileges of life then they were to bear with the cost and yield to the government. Laws were set up to help us better live together. The job of the government is to protect its citizens and promote cooperative living. We have privileges, we have responsibilities. We must pay taxes, and honoring the government authorities, live quiet and peaceable life.

But underlying behind the motives of what we do as citizens is pointing us to a greater King. King Jesus is to be glorified and honored above all. Our lives are to reflect his glory.

Since we understand all authority is given by God then it is easy to pray for those in authority, to work for peace, and to rest in the hope that God is ultimately in charge. This is not to say do not get involved in politics but it does say our involvement must be different than the lust of power and influence. It should be with the long range view that God’s desire for order and peace prevails.

Peter recognizes that the beginning of being a good citizen is to live to the glory of God and in obedience to His commands. In other words, good Christians make good Christians and that should be a testimony to any and every government.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Mon June 29

Verses: 1 Peter 2:13,14 Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.

Live with the Attitude of Submission

Lessons on citizenship are clear in the Bible. As Christians we are to submit to every human institution or authority. The reason Peter can tell them to submit themselves to human authorities is for the Lord's sake. It is not in the best interests of Christians to be people who are at political odds with the government officials and people who are suppose to keep the law.

Should I submit to ill equip leaders? What if I know more than the person in authority?

But when the Master reminds us to submit for His sake; to do it because He wishes it, then the responsibility of handling leadership is God’s responsibility, not mine. Yes we do need to stand against injustice. As long as we have a right to speak our minds do so in keeping with the laws. Pray for those in authority over you and give them to the Lord.

Is there ever a time or place for rebellion? We read in Acts 4, 5 how Peter was ordered not to preach by the authorities. The orders from God conflicted with the orders of man and he had no problem whom he should obey. He didn’t have a haughty, defiant attitude however. He was willing to submit to God’s ultimate authority and take man’s consequences, knowing they will be judged by the judge of all.

Abortion is something that I oppose and encourage any believer to examine carefully the teachings of the Bible not to only come to a personal decisions regarding the immorality of abortion, but also the responsibility that we have to stand up for the victims who are dying and being killed.

We have seen the extreme example recently of a man who killed a doctor that performed abortions. I would stand in strong objection to anyone taking a life to save a life. That is inconsistent thinking.

I have good friends who were arrested for trespassing on property that performed abortions. They blocked entrances to prevent ladies from entering. I will not condemn my brothers who feel their protest in front of abortion clinics brings attention to the problem, but I choose to submit to the laws and work to get those laws changed. There are ways to submit to authority for the sake of peace, while speaking up against injustice.

The desire of Christ is that Christian be law abiding citizens in every way they possibly can.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds July 1, 2009

Verses 1 Peter 2:15 For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.

Live with the Actions of Righteousness

Why does God give such a command that we should do good when it comes of government? Yesterday, I saw this played out at private homes in Minnesota. Both Norm Coleman and Al Franken stepped outside of their houses to acknowledge the law and allow the supreme court to decline the petition of Coleman to reconsider the election results for Senator. The nation, as well as Minnesota, was waiting for the news. I was proud of Norm Coleman who submitted to the rule of the judges. When he felt he was right he did was he was allowed as a citizen to appeal earlier court decisions. But the right thing to do was step aside and work for the unity of the government after the appeal was rejected by the top court in our state. A far cry from what is going on in Iran today with the difference of opinion regarding those elections.

Regardless of how one feels on the outcome of the decision the place of cooperation is the goal the Bible lays down in non religious matters. The place of authority in government is to encourage right living among the people and stop or prevent chaos and anarchy. Respect for the Constitution is the voluntary means to control evil and encourage good.

We have seen countries like Honduras, where a group of people are trying to take law in their own hands. There are individuals who assume to be judge and jury without due process of the law and it ends up in the long run more violence. Vengeance belongs to God and God has delegated it to government for encouragement to right living. When each becomes a law unto himself there is civil chaos and no one is protected. The reason police and soldiers can do their job is the respect that we have. When we lose that respect you have increase looting, loss of property and danger to life. God ordains order and with order must come submission for the greater good of the community.

For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. When we talk about how to live it is important that we live in relationship to other people. We need to live so fools cannot say anything about us that can be substantiated. We live uprightly and openly people will know that gossip is not true.

This is good advice when it comes to gossip. When you are a victim of malicious talk, live in such a way you can hold your head up. Make your life such that people will not believe it and you have nothing to hide.

Tertullian of ancient Rome remarked about the contrast between the Christians and the heathen. When pagans deserted their relatives in the plague, Christians ministered to the sick. When Gentiles left their dead unburied on the battle fields, Christians took care of the wounded and dying. The more people watched the good works of the Christian the more evidence was that their character was blameless.

I suppose Mother Teresa has done more to change attitudes about Christians in a Hindu land that most evangelists because of her good works in the name of Christ.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs July 2

Verse- 1 Peter 2:16 Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God.

Live with the Appreciation of Freedom

In two days we celebrate the 4th of July, commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It is for freedom that our nation was birthed. We have enjoyed its benefits for 233 years now. We can vote. We have privileges of caucuses and there are issues that you can address on a grass roots basis if you align yourself with a particular political party. We do have a voice if you choose to have one. I am not saying that your voice will be part of the majority, but all ideas and all people began as a minority some place and it took awhile to be known or change public opinion. I have written to senators and legislatures and have tried to meet the local state Representatives. (Most come to your door at election time.)

However Peter was living in a society with 60 million slaves. Many Christians were not free. But no freedom is as great as what is provided by Jesus Christ. A believer is free from condemnation of sin. We are no longer under the bondage of the law that points out our sin, but under grace. As instructed previously we are to be model citizens living in righteousness out of love and for the glory of God. Freedom is not bound by the lusts of the flesh.

Live in freedom but with the responsibility that comes in knowing Jesus. Never use freedom as an excuse for sin or cover-up for wrong motives. Do you have good conscience before God? Can you pray about what you doing and ask for his wisdom and leadership?

As servants of God we are called to live in community with other believers working together utilizing our gifts and talents. The Christian is not an isolated unit. Christian freedom according to the Bible also involves service to the Lord. Only in Jesus is a man freed from self and sin and passion to be as good as he ought to be. Only in Christ is a man freed from selfishness and self-seeking to be as great a servant as he ought to be. Freedom comes when a person receives Christ as king of his or her heart. Fulfillment comes when we are doing what He wants to do through our lives.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri July 3, 2009

Verses 1 Pet 2:17 Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.

Live with an Approach of Respect

Lack of respect can be a major problem in our society. It is common to see a lack of respect for people and for property, for truth and for our environment. Respect is a sense of appreciation for leadership, for things that do not belong to us, to God and His world.

I am not particularly an outdoors man. But I like to get outdoors for camping, fishing, hiking, and picnics. I enjoyed going up to the Boundary Waters. It would be upsetting to see any trash left behind. The wilderness wood makes it attractive. Going to Wisconsin Dells and seeing the pristine natural beauty marred by painting inscriptions that John loves Mary, or Fred is from the class of 1995 it disheartening. St. Croix Falls and Taylors Falls are marvelous expression of God's handiwork and it is dishonoring to the Lord too to see obscenities written over his creation with spray paint.

The commands of this passage are respect, love, fear and honor. Those are interesting verbs. All of them require an object. We cannot do that without relationships. God tells us not only does He deserve the highest respect, but as Christians we need to respect one another. Humans are the most favored of God’s creation. To understand that by itself should result in an attitude of respect. I have done burial services where I and the mortician were the only ones there. I told him if I was available I would do a burial service for free out of respect for the person God created in his own image. We are not on the same level with all created things and don't let anyone tell you differently it is a lie. Humans have an eternal soul, animals do not. You listen to some of extreme talk of animal rights activities and you question that. Since each is a unique and special creation of God then I feel we turn to God to express worship to Him and recognize and honor the life that lived.

Disrespect comes from judging another. Such persons might feel they are better than someone else, or smarter, or more talented. Often disrespect comes from disapproval of race, age, or actions of others.

When I was in preschool Sunday School I was talk that Jesus loves the children of the world. Red and yellow black and white, they are precious in his sight. I thought we had turned a corner in the 60s with civil right laws and racial discrimination. Yet it keeps rising its ugly head of judging people based on their skin color and not character. To think that some people even go as low as to couple the name of Jesus to justify hate acts is beyond me.Respect all men.

Love the brothers in Christ. We are together on the same team if one preaches and teaches the sole salvation based on faith in the works of Christ by grace.

Fear God. Fear Him to not want to hurt the Lord who loved us so that we would not continue in ways that displease him. We fear Him so as not to offend Him. Realize we will be held in judgment. There are things that people do regularly that I would be afraid to do. I know it is wrong and I do not want to be responsible to stand before my Lord and be held accountable for acting in such a way as a Christian.

I find it interesting that Peter tells them to honor the king. Do you know what Peter is asking of them? Remember that Peter was not writing in a democracy but rather to people living under the monarchy or the jurisdiction of oppressive military state of Rome and the dictatorship of the emperor Caesar.

We have said a few things of Nero who poisoned his family, and step-mother, and divorced his wife and killed his advisers and was an adulterer, and homosexual. He was not a friend to the Christians. He would have them burned and use them as living torches until they died at garden parties. People for entertainment would watch them burn. He was an arson and tradition had it that he fiddled while Rome burned and then blamed it on the Christians. How do you honor someone like that?

Compare how easy it is to respect the governments of Canada and the United States. Authority is from the Lord and God works out of order. Peter Cartwright, a 19th century circuit-riding Methodist preacher, was an uncompromising man. One Sunday morning when he was to preach, he was told that President Andrew Jackson was in congregation and warned not to say anything out of line.

When Cartwright stood to preach, he said, "I understand that Andrew Jackson is here this evening. I have been requested to be guarded in my remarks. Andrew Jackson will go to hell if he doesn't repent." The congregation was shocked and wondered how the President would respond. After the service, President Jackson shook hand with Peter Cartwright and said, "Sir if I had a regiment of men like you, I could whip the world."

As Christians we must exercise discernment in our relationship to human government. There are times when the right thing to do is set aside our own privileges and there are other times when using our citizenship is the right thing. Paul was willing to suffer personally in Philippi but he was unwilling to sneak out of town like a criminal.When he was arrested on false charges, Paul used his citizenship to protect himself and to insist on a fair trial before Caesar.

When I reflect on Peter’s Politics it included living for God’s glory; living with an attitude of submission, with actions of righteousness, with appreciation of freedom, and with an approach to respect.

Pastor Dale