Friday, July 29, 2011

Judging others Matthew 7:1-6

Sermon Nuggets Mon July 25 Judging


Matt 7:1-6

1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

4 How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

6 "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.

Judging One Another

I should learn that when the title of the Reader' Digest article is That's Outrageous! I should not read it, for I get angry. I get angry when I see gross injustice. Such as the cases of Charles Hollom, a cab driver in San Francisco who saw a man take a purse from a Japanese tourist. The cabbie decided to chase the mugger for several blocks and pinned him against a building, breaking the leg of Ocie McClure the robber in the process. McClure negotiated a plea of guilty to second-degree robbery. However he has filed a $5 million suit against the cabdriver for injuries. Apparently crime does pay.

I suppose my opinion of such legalities does not improve any when I read of the Iowa Men's Reformatory protesting that there was no pornography in the prison library. Tough you might think? Federal District Chief Judge Harold Vietor ruled that the prisoners should be entitled to the same magazines available to other Iowans. So at public expense the government buys pornographic material so prisoners many of who are sexual offenders can arouse their passions.

Our society has developed a number of rules and laws under which we judge others. Sometimes it is hard to determine who is the victim and who is the criminal. What is right and what is wrong. On what basis do we make judgments in our society against others?

Jesus speaks to that issue also as a spiritual issue. The emphasis is far difference than what we might expect. "Judge not, lest you be judged." Some commentators believe that Jesus is saying that Christian should never participate in judging others, even in a court of law. Some think that a Christian nation has one judge and that is God and He will bring about justice and restitutions his own way. That is a rather extreme position. Jesus judges sin and Pauline epistles instruct us to make judgments continually against false teachers, sin, and those who pervert the gospel. When someone is caught in an incestuous relationship in the Corinth Church he rebukes the church for not confronting the man and disciplining him.

I am told of a church where the chairman was having an affair with the S.S. superintendent and nothing was being done because they didn't want to be judgmental. What does it mean when Jesus says judge not, lest you be judged? As we look at this passage this week I would like to point out prevalent attitudes implied when we think of judgment.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues July 26

Verses Matt 7:1-2 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Jesus speaks of a Critical Attitude.

The critical attitude is more than being discerning over what is right and wrong, good or bad, better or best. The attitude Jesus addresses is the attitude of criticism against another with the intent to tear down the person and their behavior. Many succeed very well in fault finding. In fact, some are so good at criticizing others in church it keeps some people from coming to worship.

Jesus is talking about how the Pharisees were so quick to judge and condemn other people for even the littlest infraction of the law set up by traditions of men. This attitude is looking for things that are wrong in the lives and actions of others.

Have you met people with very negative attitudes? Nothing is ever right. Whatever you do they find something wrong with it. Some parents are that way toward their children. They are sure quick to criticize and find what is wrong, but never tell them what they have done well and good and it can be discouraging.

I've been in some churches that I couldn't wait to get out because the whole meeting was centering on what they didn't like about other church groups and other people. I am not talking about those things in the Bible that we need to warn people about, but judgments against other Christians over lifestyle issues. I've met people I don't care to talk to, because I know their going to raise up something negative and are proud and happy to do so. It is the critical attitude that tears down others.

Jesus warns that we shall be judged in that same way. Jesus told the story of a man who owed a king lot of money. The man pleaded for forgiveness because he could not pay. The king took care of the bill. But when he went out he found nothing man who owed him a little amount and throw him into jail because he wasn't paid. When the king heard that, he used the same punishment on the fellow that he applied to his debtor. The man was harsh and critical even though mercy was shown unto him.

Many seek to be vocal in criticism but absent from working on the problem or helping others. Some think if I can knock someone else down, I am building myself up in comparison. When our hearts are on competition and pride, we can become critical of form, dress, and style. When our hearts are on the relationship we are concerned with faith in God and love toward others.

One poet put it this way-

A little seed lay in the ground, And soon began to sprout.

“Now which of all the flowers around”, It mused, “Shall I come out?"

The lily's face is fair, and proud, But just a trifle cold;

The rose, I think is rather loud, and then, its fashion's old.

The violet is all very well, But not a flower I'd choose,

Nor yet the Canterbury bell, I ne’er cared for blues."

And so it criticized each flower This supercilious seed,

Until it work one summer hour, And found itself a weed.!

Watch your words and what you say about others. Ask the Lord to reveal your attitude and see it is isn’t a critical spirit.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds July 27

Verses- Matt 7:2-4 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

4 How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

Jesus Speaks of Self Examination

Jesus tells his hearers do not be critical of other people while you have so many faults that need to be dealt with yourself. We need to look at the first area of responsibility, and ask ourselves, are we living to please the Lord? Surely we can say as Jesus said, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." We are we so quick pick up the stones of rebuke that we fail to realize that stone should be thrown on us for our sinful ways.

Pastor George Truett told about some hyper-critical individuals who accused a sister believer of a minor infraction of the Church covenant. With an air of self righteousness, they suggested that his name be removed from the membership rolls. The poor woman admitted she had made a mistake and asked forgiven, and promised to do better, but they showed her no mercy. Disturbed by their attitude, Truett decided to show them that they too had faults. He got the treasurer’s record which revealed what they had given, and the report of their meager contributions and left them shamefaced. He said, “On the same harsh basis of judgment you applied to your fellow member, I suppose we should also vote to crop everyone here who has violated God's law against covetousness." The self examining attitude says before I can look at the speck in my bother's eye, I need to get things straightened out with God in my own life.

In marriage counseling often one spouse cites the cruel and unfair treatment the mate has done. Seldom does someone come and tell how they have failed in the marriage. How some people can carry grudges and bitterness for years makes me think they better be faultless, which the Bible says they are not, for all of us have sinned and all of us need to be forgiven and forgive. There is nothing within the power of any individual that we ourselves are not incapable of doing.

Is there a sin that we are not capable of? There but for the grace of God go I.

There is hardly anyone who has not been guilty of some grave misjudgment; there is hardly anyone who has not suffered from someone else's misjudgment, Whenever we evaluate others we should only do it with one eye on ourselves and if we see all our problems as someone else’s fault we sin, but when we see our own fault we can be merciful toward another. By dealing with our own motives and behavior we can become better able to evaluate others with righteousness and truth tempered by mercy.

The priority is to take the log out of our own eyes and then with the clarity of vision we will be able to take the speck out of another’s. Jesus is condemning the attitude that seeks to criticize others before we examine on our own sins and shortcomings.

Kenneth Roundhill tells of a missionary to India who wrote, "If there is one thing more than anything else that I believe retards the spiritual progress of the church in this country it is the almost total lack of capacity for self-criticism." How we need to learn to see ourselves as God sees us and allow him to tell us through whom he will. Instead of praying for the problems of others, our first prayer should be Psalm 139:23 "Search me, O God and know my heat; try me, and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way of everlasting."

He who stand thinking he is justified by his own works condemns himself. One church member stood before a church that was struggling with critical attitude and said, "Last night I had a dream in which we all got together to plan the best way to clean up our dirty meeting house, Many suggestions were made, but no conclusion was reached, Finally one person stood to his feet and said, Friends, I think if we'd each take a broom and begin sweeping around our own seat, the place would be cleaned up very quickly."

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs July 28

Verses- Matt 7:5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

Jesus speaks of a Helping Attitude

After we have met with God and sought to live for him and confess sin, then we have a job of helping others in their growth in Jesus. Gal. 6:1 "Brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye who are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." That spirit of meekness is the humble awareness that I am no better than my brothers, but my God has done work in my life and he can help you in yours. He's not done with me yet, but He is not done working with you either.

When we can clearly see spiritually, where are in a better position to help others. It is with an attitude of humility not self righteousness. It isn't loving to allow the speck to infect and cause permanent damage to his eye.

Matt. 18:15 teaches if you have something against someone or if they have something against you, you go in private and seek to make it right with them. If he listens you've gained a brother. If he hasn't, bring another witness or two then perhaps they will help with the communication process. Don't go broadcasting the problem all over. But if the problem isn't resolved the church becomes the body of reconciliation to help each see his obligations one to another. If the offender has no repentance of heart then the church action is to expel him until he or she seeks forgiveness, always with the hope of reconciliation.

There is nothing more important, more potentially harmful, nor as easily neglected as helping and loving church discipline in the attitude of love. People do not like to be confronted and most people do not want to confront. Yet when good things results it is best for the individual and the church of Christ. It is done with an honest and sincere desire to help and not hurt? Is it done not with seeking power or personal desires, but to protect?

How does one convey that? That isn't easy. It must start like the Bible says, with one who is spiritual. That doesn't mean self-righteous, but aware that they are sinners saved by grace and know that God is work in them too.

How would you want to be treated if you were doing something that would be spiritually damaging to your life? How could you respect the actions of others? What person would you want to talk to? How can that best be done? Can you be that kind of person with that kind of attitude toward another?

The Labrador spar is a crystal that looks first dull and without luster, but if it is turned around and around it will come into a position when the light strikes it in a certain way and it will sparkle with beauty and elegance. Many who we might think dull and unloving and sinful, are turned in a way to shine God's glory if we only knew them as persons. Our desire to help is know people as persons and desire God's best with a helping loving attitude.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri July 29

Verse Matt 7:6 "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.

Jesus Speaks of a Condemning Attitude

Haddon Robinson said, “I have trouble keeping many commandments, but here is one that I could say with absolute confidence that I have never broken. I never have given pearls to swine. I have never given holy things to dogs.”

Well, Jesus isn't talking about family pets. Dogs in those days are not the lovely cuddly pets we have today but rather mongrels that are street garbage collectors. The dog is despised scavenger and ill thought of. I don't need to remind you of what Jews thought of pigs. The hog and the pig were unclean animals from a religious perspective, so when Jesus says not to give sacred things to dogs, and not give pearls to swine, he might literally be referring to meat used in sacrifice unto the Lord is never or be used to give to scavenger mongrel, dirty dogs. When we take that is prize worthy as a pearl and give it to unclean pigs would be foolish. They don't deserve it and would not know what to do with it. When they have it, it will only be our loss and you will be the fool.

When we seek to help people by taking the splinter out of their eye, even after we have done self examination and means good by helping it will often backfire on us. We too can be misguided in our motives and actions. Temptation is fun, stimulating, imagination is heightened. We like temptation but we don't like the consequences of sin. Behind the temptation is the tempter; behind the lie is the liar. Satan wants to draw us from God and when you give into temptation Satan is there to pounce on you and tear you to bits.

How does the world respond when preachers or congressmen are caught in sexual adultery? Wouldn't you think Playboy and Penthouse would come to their defense? Would you think the producers of the multitude of TV shows and movies would support that behavior since that is the core of entertainment the promote? What about Jay Leno and David Letterman with their off colored jokes and extra marital affairs? They laughed and made mockery of preachers and leaders. They took the gospel and trampled it to dirt and mocked and scorned the religious community. Sin turns its back on us and attacks us. How do you stay on guard, but keeping soul in God? Pray, ask seek, knock, which is what we talk about next week.

Spiritual sensitivity needs to be developed by growing in trust and fellowship with Christ to help us resist temptation lest we fall and further to seek discernment toward our own weaknesses and shortcoming and with and love speak to a brother or sister that we might prevent them from walking in the ways of sin.

It does no good to talk to some people. Others will take you and chew you up. The disciples were told by Jesus to go into town two by two and preach the gospel and where they are not received, they are to go outside of that town and wipe the dust off their feet as a sign of judgment upon them. Some people you cannot talk to. They are judgmental revengeful and the Spirit of God cannot work in their lives until they are ready and open and wanting him to work. Some people can never talk in spiritual depth. They will twist what you say, misunderstand your motive, turn things around so that only evil results. They are like dogs and pigs.

Prov. 9:8 "Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man and he will love you. " I Cor 5:9-11 "But now I am unto you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother, but is sexually immoral, or greedy, or an idolator, or a slander, or a drunkard, or a swindler, with such a man do not even eat."

We cannot please people, but we can only please God. We must be careful to judge only by Biblical principles and all else are personal matters before the Lord without criticizing others. We need to examine ourselves with prayer and then show love to others. AS you seek to help others grow in their love for the Lord and to forsake sinful ways some will accept that and others will not. In all you do in word or deed do unto the Lord.

Pastor Dale