Sermon Nuggets – Fri. Feb 15 2008
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Theme- Born Again
Verses John 3:19-21 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God." (NIV)
Our reflections on the meaning of being Born Again included having a new Start, a new Spirit, a new Savior and today we look at a new Standard.
The figure of light has many implications in the Bible. It is interesting Jesus also uses it here when Nicodemus came to him at night. Perhaps Jesus was also pointing out to Nicodemus that he was hiding something. He doesn’t want his fellow Jews to know that he is interested in Christ. Perhaps he had a reputation to uphold. He might fear what his friends would say. But most importantly the darkness of sin needed the light of forgiveness that displayed itself in a whole new purpose and way of living. Even Nicodemus' good life needed a new standard. He needed to come to the light.
The new standard is God’s standard. People who can live their own way are living apart from God. People that live God’s way do so with a changed heart. The light exposes our desires and not just our deeds. We are measured now by His holiness and righteous not by our manipulative ways of judging others and ourselves. According to the law it was wrong to kill; Jesus has a new standard telling us that when we hate, we sin. The old standard condemned adultery; the new standard tells us the problem is our inward lusts and thoughts. (See Matt 5-7)
Walking in the light is the same as walking according to the will of God. We have a new mind, a new understanding that sees things differently. Before Jesus comes into our lives we never saw spiritual reality before, but now we are new creatures; 2 Cor 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
One summer I worked for man named Jim Vaus. Before Jim became a believer at a Billy Graham crusade in Los Angeles. He was a underworld figure working with a notorious Mickey Cohen. But Vaus was born again in 1949. His life as a wire tapper ended. He spent many weeks looking up people whom he had offended, injured, and stolen from. He returned everything he possibly could and apologized. He sought restitution and lived his life seeking to help trouble youth. I worked at his camp for kids from Harlem and East Harlem in New York City as a summer missionary in 1968. He lives by a new standard than selfishness, money, and self fulfillment. He now lives for the Lord and for eternal purposes. This new standard affected his thinking, his motives, his meaning, and his actions. He was born again by the Spirit of God.
But most stories don’t have to be so dramatic. Most just live for their own pleasures, interests, and pride. Many might be very respected and honorable, like Nicodemus. But without Christ we all are in darkness.
The Gospel message doesn’t have to be fully understood by the seeking soul, it only need to be received in simple faith.
Pastor Dale
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentines Day
Sermon Nuggets – Thurs. Feb 14 2008
Happy Valentine’s Day
Theme- Born Again
Verses John 3:14-20 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.
16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
This week we have looked at the implications of being Born Again- it means having a New Start, having a New Spirit, and today we talk about having a New Savior.
Nicodemus knew a great deal about the Old Testament. He knew all about Moses and when the people were sinning in the wilderness in their complainting and wanting to replace Moses from leadership. God punished them with a plague of poisonous snakes. They cried out to God and to Moses to be saved. The dying people were desperate like people today who are dying of disease without a cure. Many are likely cry to God when faced suddenly with their own mortality. When we are faced with our eternal lostness we cry out to God. But crying out to God isn't enough.
God heard the prayers of the people in the wilderness instructing Moses to build a bronze snake and place it on a high pole. If anyone would look to the snake he or she would be saved from the death from the poison. It took an act of faith to do that.
That story explained our need for a new savior. It wasn’t the serpent that saved the people in the Old Testament it was God. That Old Testament experience was a prophecy of the saving power of Jesus Christ on the cross. We are now to look to Jesus as sinners so we can be healed and not die in our sin. It is also a message of faith. Just as the serpent was put on the pole so Jesus would be put on the cross.
God is just and must punish sin. But because God is also merciful He will pardon all who believe in Jesus. The cross represents the death Jesus took in our place as sentence for sin. We know the snake is a symbolic of Satan and sin. God is destroying sin and the sin is placed on the pole. The Bible tell us in 2 Cor 5:21 “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” The object of my belief is Jesus Christ. No one can come unto the father but by Jesus. There is no other way.
Just as God provided a means for salvation in that wilderness, so He provides a means of salvation for you and me. We need to look, believe, and live. God not only gave us a way out, he paid the price Himself that is why He is our Savior. That is a real love story on Valentine’s Day.
You need do nothing to be lost, you are already under condemnation. You can feel the lostness. You may feel the need for God. You may be under conviction for sin. You may try to be better and help others to be saved. But the only solution to our delimmea is to be born again, having a new savior. Believing Christ died is history; but believing Christ died for you, That is salvation, New Birth is having a New Savior, and that Savior is no other name than Jesus.
Pastor Dale
Happy Valentine’s Day
Theme- Born Again
Verses John 3:14-20 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.
16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
This week we have looked at the implications of being Born Again- it means having a New Start, having a New Spirit, and today we talk about having a New Savior.
Nicodemus knew a great deal about the Old Testament. He knew all about Moses and when the people were sinning in the wilderness in their complainting and wanting to replace Moses from leadership. God punished them with a plague of poisonous snakes. They cried out to God and to Moses to be saved. The dying people were desperate like people today who are dying of disease without a cure. Many are likely cry to God when faced suddenly with their own mortality. When we are faced with our eternal lostness we cry out to God. But crying out to God isn't enough.
God heard the prayers of the people in the wilderness instructing Moses to build a bronze snake and place it on a high pole. If anyone would look to the snake he or she would be saved from the death from the poison. It took an act of faith to do that.
That story explained our need for a new savior. It wasn’t the serpent that saved the people in the Old Testament it was God. That Old Testament experience was a prophecy of the saving power of Jesus Christ on the cross. We are now to look to Jesus as sinners so we can be healed and not die in our sin. It is also a message of faith. Just as the serpent was put on the pole so Jesus would be put on the cross.
God is just and must punish sin. But because God is also merciful He will pardon all who believe in Jesus. The cross represents the death Jesus took in our place as sentence for sin. We know the snake is a symbolic of Satan and sin. God is destroying sin and the sin is placed on the pole. The Bible tell us in 2 Cor 5:21 “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” The object of my belief is Jesus Christ. No one can come unto the father but by Jesus. There is no other way.
Just as God provided a means for salvation in that wilderness, so He provides a means of salvation for you and me. We need to look, believe, and live. God not only gave us a way out, he paid the price Himself that is why He is our Savior. That is a real love story on Valentine’s Day.
You need do nothing to be lost, you are already under condemnation. You can feel the lostness. You may feel the need for God. You may be under conviction for sin. You may try to be better and help others to be saved. But the only solution to our delimmea is to be born again, having a new savior. Believing Christ died is history; but believing Christ died for you, That is salvation, New Birth is having a New Savior, and that Savior is no other name than Jesus.
Pastor Dale
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Sermon nuggets- Born Again
Sermon Nuggets Week of Feb 11 2008
Theme- Born Again
Verses “But our sins have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.” (Is 59:2)
John 3 begins the story of Nicodemus. He is a Pharisee, a Jew, a member of the ruling Jewish council of the Sanhedrin. He is one who is respected as a political and religious leader. The stories of a miracle and of his temple cleansing experience motivated Nicodemus to desire a private conversation. He is like many inquirers. They see something supernatural want to know more. Some seek to discover more because of people talking about Jesus. Others might be motivated out of need in their lives to make sense of this thing called life.
Stan Guthrie who was born Aug 1, 1961. His umbilical cord was compressed cutting off his oxygen as a baby for a time, he was only 3 lbs 11 oz. He survived, but with cerebral palsy. He couldn’t walk or have normal movements. He was dependant upon crutches and throughout his life has received awkward glances by passer-bys. He was the brunt of jokes and made fun of in school. He concluded that there was no God.
While in high school Stan heard about the world coming to an end very soon, predicted in prophecy. His interest in future things allowed him to read the Bible again and found for the first time that God became a person who maybe, just maybe, took a personal interest in him. He read of a loving God reaching out to people who had turned their backs on Him. Then he saw what his problem was. “For the first time it hit him-the problem wasn’t God, it was himself. God demonstrated his own love toward Stan even while he had a hateful bitter, sinful heart. He came to understand Christ died for him. He reached out in faith to receive Jesus and was born again. His life took on new meaning. His worth was not based on what he looked like or what he could do, but now accepted by God.
What does it mean to be born again? This is the subject of the conversation with Nicodemus and has been a new start for each individual who moves from wanting to know more about Jesus to knowing Him.
Do you remember what motivated you to inquire more about who Jesus is?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets – Tues. Feb 12 2008
Theme- Born Again
Verses John 3:1-3 Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him."
3 In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."(NIV)
Jesus talked to Nicodemus of the need to be born again. There are different implications of that term. One thing implied is he needs a new start. N
Nicodemus was born a Jew. He believed that he was a member of God’s family because Jews were God’s chosen people. He knew the law, he obeyed the 10 commandments, he worked hard on all the teaching of Scripture, he was a moral man, an ethical man, one who worshiped and sacrificed and paid tithes. He was honest, hardworking, educated. Nicodemus was a shining example to the community as a leader. Yet Jesus told him “you must be born again” or you will never see God.
Part of the good news is God looks at us in a new way; we have a new beginning, to start over- not in the physical world, but start over spiritually being a new person in God.
The phrase has been taken to mean so many other things that were not intended. Some of have used the word to imply some significant change or growth psychologically. I read a magazine biography of the rebirth of Robin Williams, the actor. It is not referring to any spiritual rediscovery, but rather a change in him psychologically- one who in his insecurities went to drugs and alcohol and using his humor as a cover up or a mask to hide his inadequate feelings. He was longing to have his father’s acceptance. It was emotionally a starting again.
Psychologically some have a trauma of childhood or experience a tragedy that has so affected them. Through the work of competent counselors and psychiatrist some have been able to address their past and face the present resolving the problem and make significant progress. Are they born again?
We hear of experiences of people who have almost died who reevaluate their lives and change they way they live thinking they have now been given another chance of life. Some do turn to God, others to more meaningful activities. They now have a purpose for living, seeking to be kinder, living more devoted to their families and taking life as a special gift from God. They say they have been born again. That is not what Jesus is talking about here.
When old things are as if there was a death and one is now a member of God’s family through birth, just like a baby is family member through birth.
Nicodemus would have understood those words if Jesus said that to a prostitute, or a murderer, to a tax collector, or a thief. He would have understood if it were said to a Gentile, but not to a member of the religious body of the Sanhedrin. Who must be born again? Even you Nicodemus.
When you’re working on the wrong things it doesn’t help to work harder. When you are on the wrong road, it doesn’t help to go faster or farther. A new start with God is taking all our past-that which we are proud of and that which we are not; that which we think is good and that which is not so good, and recognize that God wants us to start over as a member of a different family. Many people think that being so good and religious is all they need. Jesus said no. You need to be born again.
If you had to do it over again, what would you do differently? Even in your Christian walk how might your life be changed if you had it over to do? We can’t change the past, but each day is a new gift from God. In Christ we have this newness of being born again into His Kingdom.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets – Weds. Feb 13 2008
Theme- Born Again
Verses John 3:4-13
The implications of being born again not only mean having a new start, it also means having a new spirit. Nicodemus could only think of starting over by entering a mother’s womb a second time. The phrase born again can also be translated born from above. Jesus tells him this is something that happens of the spirit. It is a new spirit. There is the spirit of man, his will, his desires and hopes and dream, but there is the spirit of God that makes him entirely new.
“Unless a man is born of water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but spirit gives birth to spirit.”
Now this verse has been the subject of debate for centuries. Some interpret that passage to refer to two births- the physical and the spiritual, meaning that physical is birth of the womb involves born of water. I like that explanation.
Others interpret it to be the word of God- the washing of the word and the cleansing of the word- that’s a possibility. I think that is trying to spiritualize it from a post resurrection experience.
The Roman Catholic Church teaches this means baptism. But we have argued with other passages that baptism is an outward expression of our inward commitment.
But the main point of the verse is the same. Being born once or being baptized is no guarantee of salvation; you must be born of the Spirit, you must experience a spiritual cleansing and re-creation.
Then verse 6 gives the reason for why a second spiritual birth is necessary: "That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." "Flesh" in John's gospel simply means human. "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us" (John 1:14). So Jesus is saying here, your human birth makes you merely human. But when you are born of the Spirit, then a new dimension of supernatural life enters in, spiritual life.
Jesus goes on to ask who can explain the wind, so who can explain God’s part of salvation? Who can understand the Lord’s work? Barry McGuire wrote a song called bullfrogs and butterflies explaining how tadpoles and caterpillars turn into something entirely different- they are changed, just like we are when we are born again from flesh into spiritual birth.
So what human can explain the work of the spirit other than to recognize it is of God? It is his doing and it works. We are born into God’s family by the Holy Spirit that comes into our life and gives us life that is eternal. God is not only with us, He is in us. Praise the Lord. We are enlivened to a new and eternal life.
Pastor Dale
Theme- Born Again
Verses “But our sins have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.” (Is 59:2)
John 3 begins the story of Nicodemus. He is a Pharisee, a Jew, a member of the ruling Jewish council of the Sanhedrin. He is one who is respected as a political and religious leader. The stories of a miracle and of his temple cleansing experience motivated Nicodemus to desire a private conversation. He is like many inquirers. They see something supernatural want to know more. Some seek to discover more because of people talking about Jesus. Others might be motivated out of need in their lives to make sense of this thing called life.
Stan Guthrie who was born Aug 1, 1961. His umbilical cord was compressed cutting off his oxygen as a baby for a time, he was only 3 lbs 11 oz. He survived, but with cerebral palsy. He couldn’t walk or have normal movements. He was dependant upon crutches and throughout his life has received awkward glances by passer-bys. He was the brunt of jokes and made fun of in school. He concluded that there was no God.
While in high school Stan heard about the world coming to an end very soon, predicted in prophecy. His interest in future things allowed him to read the Bible again and found for the first time that God became a person who maybe, just maybe, took a personal interest in him. He read of a loving God reaching out to people who had turned their backs on Him. Then he saw what his problem was. “For the first time it hit him-the problem wasn’t God, it was himself. God demonstrated his own love toward Stan even while he had a hateful bitter, sinful heart. He came to understand Christ died for him. He reached out in faith to receive Jesus and was born again. His life took on new meaning. His worth was not based on what he looked like or what he could do, but now accepted by God.
What does it mean to be born again? This is the subject of the conversation with Nicodemus and has been a new start for each individual who moves from wanting to know more about Jesus to knowing Him.
Do you remember what motivated you to inquire more about who Jesus is?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets – Tues. Feb 12 2008
Theme- Born Again
Verses John 3:1-3 Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him."
3 In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."(NIV)
Jesus talked to Nicodemus of the need to be born again. There are different implications of that term. One thing implied is he needs a new start. N
Nicodemus was born a Jew. He believed that he was a member of God’s family because Jews were God’s chosen people. He knew the law, he obeyed the 10 commandments, he worked hard on all the teaching of Scripture, he was a moral man, an ethical man, one who worshiped and sacrificed and paid tithes. He was honest, hardworking, educated. Nicodemus was a shining example to the community as a leader. Yet Jesus told him “you must be born again” or you will never see God.
Part of the good news is God looks at us in a new way; we have a new beginning, to start over- not in the physical world, but start over spiritually being a new person in God.
The phrase has been taken to mean so many other things that were not intended. Some of have used the word to imply some significant change or growth psychologically. I read a magazine biography of the rebirth of Robin Williams, the actor. It is not referring to any spiritual rediscovery, but rather a change in him psychologically- one who in his insecurities went to drugs and alcohol and using his humor as a cover up or a mask to hide his inadequate feelings. He was longing to have his father’s acceptance. It was emotionally a starting again.
Psychologically some have a trauma of childhood or experience a tragedy that has so affected them. Through the work of competent counselors and psychiatrist some have been able to address their past and face the present resolving the problem and make significant progress. Are they born again?
We hear of experiences of people who have almost died who reevaluate their lives and change they way they live thinking they have now been given another chance of life. Some do turn to God, others to more meaningful activities. They now have a purpose for living, seeking to be kinder, living more devoted to their families and taking life as a special gift from God. They say they have been born again. That is not what Jesus is talking about here.
When old things are as if there was a death and one is now a member of God’s family through birth, just like a baby is family member through birth.
Nicodemus would have understood those words if Jesus said that to a prostitute, or a murderer, to a tax collector, or a thief. He would have understood if it were said to a Gentile, but not to a member of the religious body of the Sanhedrin. Who must be born again? Even you Nicodemus.
When you’re working on the wrong things it doesn’t help to work harder. When you are on the wrong road, it doesn’t help to go faster or farther. A new start with God is taking all our past-that which we are proud of and that which we are not; that which we think is good and that which is not so good, and recognize that God wants us to start over as a member of a different family. Many people think that being so good and religious is all they need. Jesus said no. You need to be born again.
If you had to do it over again, what would you do differently? Even in your Christian walk how might your life be changed if you had it over to do? We can’t change the past, but each day is a new gift from God. In Christ we have this newness of being born again into His Kingdom.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets – Weds. Feb 13 2008
Theme- Born Again
Verses John 3:4-13
The implications of being born again not only mean having a new start, it also means having a new spirit. Nicodemus could only think of starting over by entering a mother’s womb a second time. The phrase born again can also be translated born from above. Jesus tells him this is something that happens of the spirit. It is a new spirit. There is the spirit of man, his will, his desires and hopes and dream, but there is the spirit of God that makes him entirely new.
“Unless a man is born of water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but spirit gives birth to spirit.”
Now this verse has been the subject of debate for centuries. Some interpret that passage to refer to two births- the physical and the spiritual, meaning that physical is birth of the womb involves born of water. I like that explanation.
Others interpret it to be the word of God- the washing of the word and the cleansing of the word- that’s a possibility. I think that is trying to spiritualize it from a post resurrection experience.
The Roman Catholic Church teaches this means baptism. But we have argued with other passages that baptism is an outward expression of our inward commitment.
But the main point of the verse is the same. Being born once or being baptized is no guarantee of salvation; you must be born of the Spirit, you must experience a spiritual cleansing and re-creation.
Then verse 6 gives the reason for why a second spiritual birth is necessary: "That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." "Flesh" in John's gospel simply means human. "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us" (John 1:14). So Jesus is saying here, your human birth makes you merely human. But when you are born of the Spirit, then a new dimension of supernatural life enters in, spiritual life.
Jesus goes on to ask who can explain the wind, so who can explain God’s part of salvation? Who can understand the Lord’s work? Barry McGuire wrote a song called bullfrogs and butterflies explaining how tadpoles and caterpillars turn into something entirely different- they are changed, just like we are when we are born again from flesh into spiritual birth.
So what human can explain the work of the spirit other than to recognize it is of God? It is his doing and it works. We are born into God’s family by the Holy Spirit that comes into our life and gives us life that is eternal. God is not only with us, He is in us. Praise the Lord. We are enlivened to a new and eternal life.
Pastor Dale
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