Sermon Nuggets Fri Jan 9
Theme- The Living Lord
Verses- Luke 5:9-11 For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon's partners. Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men."
So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.
The Living Lord Enlivens us.
It was earlier in their lives when these fishermen came to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. Luke records a similar fishing instance but with some differences. Jesus was sitting in Simon Peter’s boat teaching the people who were on the shore. They had been fishing all night without catching anything. Jesus tells them to go out again. He was in the boat with them. He tells them this time to cast out in deeper water. As they throw their nets deeper in obedience so many fish are caught they call out for their fishing companions to come out and help gather in the fish.
They were following Jesus as the Messiah, promised of God to come to establish the Kingdom in Israel. After they caught a large number of fish Jesus told them to follow him as He would make them fishers of men. Now, after the resurrection the person of Jesus and the call on their lives was far greater than they understood 3 years earlier. Now it was a kingdom that would begin now and last forever in the hearts of men and women. It would involve earthly and heavenly reign.
He connected fishing with evangelism. Perhaps the lesson He was not in the boat with them this time, but on the shore. His presence and power with them did not require His physical body but spiritual power. Also we cannot evangelize with our own methods and energy it must be done with power and the spirit of God.
God begins his work with those who admit their own inability, their own lack of power, and turn instead to the one true source of power. "I pray...," Paul writes in Ephesians 1:18-19, "that your eyes may be enlightened in order that you may know...his incomparably great power...the working of his mighty strength...."
There are indeed men who testify that in their situations the living Lord encountered their experiences in very definite and sometimes unusual ways.
John Westley was a brilliant student of the languages and of religion. He and his brother and the great American Preacher, George Whitfield were members of the Holy Club in England. But his own soul was heavy. He met Moravian missionaries on a ship who had great confidence that if the boat were to sink they would go to heaven. Wesley did not have this confidence, but admired their faith. This encounter led to his conversion at a small meeting house in Aldersgate on May 24, 1738 when he was reading Luther’s Preface to the Roamsn and 8:45 pm. He was describing his encounter with the living Lord. As he read of the importance of faith in Christ he wrote in his journal. “I felt my heart strangely warmed.” I felt I did trust in Christ. Christ alone for my salvation, an assurance was given me that he had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.”
Before that time he was always asking what he could do for God and after that time he asked what God could do for him. He was no longer straining to win God’s favor, God’s favor was bestowed on him and he knew it.
Robin Wainwright, a former Bethel professor, tells of his encounter experience. It was when he was 22 and in personal turmoil. He was in a coffee waiting for his wife to get out of a class when an older bearded gentleman walked into the shop and began talking. He asked some insightful questions about God. Robin talked and he seemed to draw out of him, things that others he never told. The man said, “I see evidences of God working in your life.” He mentioned three or four things and said, “Well I have to go”. Robin sat there in thought, eventually enrolled in Christian school to find out more and accepted Christ in Church History class.
Do you realize that the living Lord encounters people through the Holy Spirit within life circumstances? Sometimes it is through other believers in the most interesting ways where people hear the voice, or read something in a book, or hear a word on the radio or TV that begins to make sense or begin the search. The living Lord is not confined in church buildings. Have you been open to let Jesus encounter you, or resisting any prompting of the Holy Spirit. Prov 8:17 “I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.” Have you had a Christ Enrichment? Then you qualify for being a fisherman or fisherwoman. Spread the word of the living savior and wait and watch what He chooses to do. He is alive.
Pastor Dale.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Living Lord Enriches John 21:12-14
Sermon nuggets Thurs Dec 8
Theme- The Living Lord
Verses John 21:12-14
12 Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." None of the disciples dared ask him, "Who are you?" They knew it was the Lord.
13 Jesus came, took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish.
14 This was now the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from the dead.
The Living Christ Enriches Us
You might think that 153 fish was enrichment enough. But Jesus wasn’t interested in the fish. He was interested in the fellowship with the men. They got more than what they bargained for. They hoped for a few fish, but by the power of God their nets were overflowing. But it wasn’t until they could take their eyes off the fish that they realized they had something more important. Fish aren’t as important as people. Our job isn’t as important as we are. Our money, our material goods, our job, our house, nor our hobbies are as important. God wants to enrich you this year with a renewed heart for Kingdom purposes.
The Apostles were about to embark on a greater mission- to fish for men and women in the renewed power of the Living Lord.
The resurrection means that we have an alive presence of Christ. Someone said, “Christianity is not something we believe, it is someone we receive.” By receiving Jesus into our lives we have a abiding relationship with Him. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He ever lives to make intercession for us at the right hand of the Father. Jesus is able to control circumstances. He changed in an instant what they had been unable to change in an entire night! Don't give up! Learn to trust the power of our Savior.
Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” He is talking about the worry of clothes and food and the necessities of lives. All the worry and unrest in the world isn’t going to change anything. The important thing for the Lord is for us to accept his invitation. We are enriched by His presence
In John 15:6, Jesus has this to say: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing." Jesus is patient. We struggle and strive, convinced that if we just do a little more, just work a little harder, we can accomplish whatever it is that we think needs to be accomplished. As a result, we often end up just like the disciples, returning empty handed. What we can learn from them is that it is the presence of Jesus, His guidance in our lives, which will make our efforts fruitful.
In promising the Holy Spirit, Jesus said in John 16:13-14: "he will guide you into all truth....He will tell you what is to come....He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you." That is why Paul can say in Romans 8:14: "those who are led by the Spirit are sons of God." God, in the person of the Holy Spirit, will be with you daily through every decision, through every situation. But you have to ask, and then follow the guidance you are given. Have you accepted the invitation of Jesus for fellowship?
Sir James Simpson was the discoverer of chloroform among other scientific discoveries. He was asked by one of his students. “What do you consider to be the most outstanding discovery you have ever made?” He said, “Young man the greatest discovery I have every made is that Jesus Christ is my Savior; that is by far the most important thing a person can ever come to know.”
The Living Lord continually changes lives today. For Jesus is active and powerful and there are encounters still with the living Lord by the power of his Holy Spirit, there are times of encouragement when we see the hand of God in little ways and powerful miraculous ways to help us remember his love. And He desires to enrich you.
Maybe this New Year you need to hear again the call of God to come and follow. Like the Apostles in the boat He has a plan for you. It brings meaning to the every day experiences. It is bringing the Kingdom of God into your world and going in the power of the resurrection. He comes to enrich you and your world.
Pastor Dale
Theme- The Living Lord
Verses John 21:12-14
12 Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." None of the disciples dared ask him, "Who are you?" They knew it was the Lord.
13 Jesus came, took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish.
14 This was now the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from the dead.
The Living Christ Enriches Us
You might think that 153 fish was enrichment enough. But Jesus wasn’t interested in the fish. He was interested in the fellowship with the men. They got more than what they bargained for. They hoped for a few fish, but by the power of God their nets were overflowing. But it wasn’t until they could take their eyes off the fish that they realized they had something more important. Fish aren’t as important as people. Our job isn’t as important as we are. Our money, our material goods, our job, our house, nor our hobbies are as important. God wants to enrich you this year with a renewed heart for Kingdom purposes.
The Apostles were about to embark on a greater mission- to fish for men and women in the renewed power of the Living Lord.
The resurrection means that we have an alive presence of Christ. Someone said, “Christianity is not something we believe, it is someone we receive.” By receiving Jesus into our lives we have a abiding relationship with Him. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He ever lives to make intercession for us at the right hand of the Father. Jesus is able to control circumstances. He changed in an instant what they had been unable to change in an entire night! Don't give up! Learn to trust the power of our Savior.
Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” He is talking about the worry of clothes and food and the necessities of lives. All the worry and unrest in the world isn’t going to change anything. The important thing for the Lord is for us to accept his invitation. We are enriched by His presence
In John 15:6, Jesus has this to say: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing." Jesus is patient. We struggle and strive, convinced that if we just do a little more, just work a little harder, we can accomplish whatever it is that we think needs to be accomplished. As a result, we often end up just like the disciples, returning empty handed. What we can learn from them is that it is the presence of Jesus, His guidance in our lives, which will make our efforts fruitful.
In promising the Holy Spirit, Jesus said in John 16:13-14: "he will guide you into all truth....He will tell you what is to come....He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you." That is why Paul can say in Romans 8:14: "those who are led by the Spirit are sons of God." God, in the person of the Holy Spirit, will be with you daily through every decision, through every situation. But you have to ask, and then follow the guidance you are given. Have you accepted the invitation of Jesus for fellowship?
Sir James Simpson was the discoverer of chloroform among other scientific discoveries. He was asked by one of his students. “What do you consider to be the most outstanding discovery you have ever made?” He said, “Young man the greatest discovery I have every made is that Jesus Christ is my Savior; that is by far the most important thing a person can ever come to know.”
The Living Lord continually changes lives today. For Jesus is active and powerful and there are encounters still with the living Lord by the power of his Holy Spirit, there are times of encouragement when we see the hand of God in little ways and powerful miraculous ways to help us remember his love. And He desires to enrich you.
Maybe this New Year you need to hear again the call of God to come and follow. Like the Apostles in the boat He has a plan for you. It brings meaning to the every day experiences. It is bringing the Kingdom of God into your world and going in the power of the resurrection. He comes to enrich you and your world.
Pastor Dale
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The Living Lord Encourages us John 21:7-11
Sermon Nuggets Weds Jan 7
Theme- The Living Lord
Verses- John 21:7-11 Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, "It is the Lord," he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water.
8 The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards.
9 When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.
10 Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish you have just caught."
11 Simon Peter climbed aboard and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn.
The Living Christ Encourages Us
What would give discouraged fishermen encouragement? Obviously, to catch fish. Jesus did what the unexpected. Not only did they catch fish, but more than they could imagine. They were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. It was too heavy for the 7 of them to lift without tipping the small fishing vessel. When they obeyed his instructions they were blessed. It was at the point that John recognized that it was Jesus. Peter was so excited, he couldn’t’ contain himself. He had to do what he did before he jumped into the water and swam to shore because of his love for the Lord. If you would see Christ in the world you must be like John, “Things are no longer coincidences. Gods’ hands are in them
When we need encouragement there is no better one than Jesus who knows your need. Many in great discouragement and disappointments come to place where they can no longer trust their own efforts and give up and let go, so God comes in power of the resurrected Jesus and gives them hope again. Jesus is alive, loves you, and wants what is best for you and for His own glory.
Philip Yancey tells about a friend of his who worked with homeless people in Chicago. One woman his friend was trying to help was a cocaine addict: "She was so desperate that she would rent out her two-year-old daughter to men so they could have sex with her. The woman would get $100 per man which would be just enough for another fix. She was homeless, she had bad health. She had no one to care for her. She poured out her story to my friend who is a Christian minister, and he was overwhelmed and amazed. At the end he said to her, 'As you went through all this, did you ever think about going to a church for help?' He said that he would never forget the look of absolute naive shock that crossed her face as she said, 'Church! Why would I ever go there? I was already feeling bad enough. They would just make me feel worse!'
Don’t confuse what some church people may or may not do, with the living Lord. Jesus challenges us in our inabilities and weaknesses to give up and come to Him, not for the purpose of Him achieving our goals and wants. Many misunderstand that. The call to follow Jesus is the call to change the direction of our lives from our desires and priorities to His. Then there is purpose and meaning to life and eternal blessing. It is more than leaving sin. It is also leaving our comfort zone. Although it may be notnbing more than doing the same things with new purpose and understanding.
Perhaps you are discouraged in your Christian life or Sunday school teacher or committee job, in your church life or prayer times. There is change ahead. If not change in responsibility then change of heart. There is one who wants to encourage you, not punish you. One who is alive and makes us aware that He wants us to trust and obey Him. There is blessing far than what we can imagine.
Interestingly, Jesus kept the disciples at the same ol’ spot. They were told to stay at the same place, in the same boat in the sea. Change of environment isn’t necessarily going to help. Some people think all I need to do is change husbands or wives and then it will go better. Change jobs and I would be free from problems. Perhaps they will. Perhaps they won’t. Why would you change? Does God want you to? Is it consistent with His word? You are who you are and most of the problems you will have will follow you wherever you go because you cannot run away form yourself. There needs to be an inward change.
The fishermen were the same disciples. New blood isn’t going to make it work. These were not new methods of doing things. They used the same old net. They had the same old boat, same fishing knowledge and same old people that you were working with. Some think all I need to do to get things working is get new programs, new people new methods. Listen first to the voice of Jesus. Is He telling to you keep at it, fish on the other side?
That was for the immediate blessing so they might know Jesus to be Lord and Master over their lives. But indeed that was the step Jesus used to show them another change was ahead. That change did require new places, additional friends, and not staying in the boat or the same job. They were to be called fishers of man instead of fish. He brought them to a higher understanding of life that brought greater rewards.
Maybe you are struggling in your own wisdom and power and the Lord likes you where you are and with what you’ve got. He wants to encourage you again to remain where you are but with renewed encouragement in His wisdom. What is needed is the Holy Spirit and the power from God. What is ahead may surprise you when you obey.
Perhaps another verse that is applicable today is, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him. And he shall direct your paths.” Prov 3:5,6
Pastor Dale
Theme- The Living Lord
Verses- John 21:7-11 Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, "It is the Lord," he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water.
8 The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards.
9 When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.
10 Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish you have just caught."
11 Simon Peter climbed aboard and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn.
The Living Christ Encourages Us
What would give discouraged fishermen encouragement? Obviously, to catch fish. Jesus did what the unexpected. Not only did they catch fish, but more than they could imagine. They were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. It was too heavy for the 7 of them to lift without tipping the small fishing vessel. When they obeyed his instructions they were blessed. It was at the point that John recognized that it was Jesus. Peter was so excited, he couldn’t’ contain himself. He had to do what he did before he jumped into the water and swam to shore because of his love for the Lord. If you would see Christ in the world you must be like John, “Things are no longer coincidences. Gods’ hands are in them
When we need encouragement there is no better one than Jesus who knows your need. Many in great discouragement and disappointments come to place where they can no longer trust their own efforts and give up and let go, so God comes in power of the resurrected Jesus and gives them hope again. Jesus is alive, loves you, and wants what is best for you and for His own glory.
Philip Yancey tells about a friend of his who worked with homeless people in Chicago. One woman his friend was trying to help was a cocaine addict: "She was so desperate that she would rent out her two-year-old daughter to men so they could have sex with her. The woman would get $100 per man which would be just enough for another fix. She was homeless, she had bad health. She had no one to care for her. She poured out her story to my friend who is a Christian minister, and he was overwhelmed and amazed. At the end he said to her, 'As you went through all this, did you ever think about going to a church for help?' He said that he would never forget the look of absolute naive shock that crossed her face as she said, 'Church! Why would I ever go there? I was already feeling bad enough. They would just make me feel worse!'
Don’t confuse what some church people may or may not do, with the living Lord. Jesus challenges us in our inabilities and weaknesses to give up and come to Him, not for the purpose of Him achieving our goals and wants. Many misunderstand that. The call to follow Jesus is the call to change the direction of our lives from our desires and priorities to His. Then there is purpose and meaning to life and eternal blessing. It is more than leaving sin. It is also leaving our comfort zone. Although it may be notnbing more than doing the same things with new purpose and understanding.
Perhaps you are discouraged in your Christian life or Sunday school teacher or committee job, in your church life or prayer times. There is change ahead. If not change in responsibility then change of heart. There is one who wants to encourage you, not punish you. One who is alive and makes us aware that He wants us to trust and obey Him. There is blessing far than what we can imagine.
Interestingly, Jesus kept the disciples at the same ol’ spot. They were told to stay at the same place, in the same boat in the sea. Change of environment isn’t necessarily going to help. Some people think all I need to do is change husbands or wives and then it will go better. Change jobs and I would be free from problems. Perhaps they will. Perhaps they won’t. Why would you change? Does God want you to? Is it consistent with His word? You are who you are and most of the problems you will have will follow you wherever you go because you cannot run away form yourself. There needs to be an inward change.
The fishermen were the same disciples. New blood isn’t going to make it work. These were not new methods of doing things. They used the same old net. They had the same old boat, same fishing knowledge and same old people that you were working with. Some think all I need to do to get things working is get new programs, new people new methods. Listen first to the voice of Jesus. Is He telling to you keep at it, fish on the other side?
That was for the immediate blessing so they might know Jesus to be Lord and Master over their lives. But indeed that was the step Jesus used to show them another change was ahead. That change did require new places, additional friends, and not staying in the boat or the same job. They were to be called fishers of man instead of fish. He brought them to a higher understanding of life that brought greater rewards.
Maybe you are struggling in your own wisdom and power and the Lord likes you where you are and with what you’ve got. He wants to encourage you again to remain where you are but with renewed encouragement in His wisdom. What is needed is the Holy Spirit and the power from God. What is ahead may surprise you when you obey.
Perhaps another verse that is applicable today is, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him. And he shall direct your paths.” Prov 3:5,6
Pastor Dale
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Enountering the Lord John 21:3-6
Sermon Nuggets Tues Jan 6
Theme- The Living Lord
Verses- John 21:3-6 "I'm going out to fish," Simon Peter told them, and they said, "We'll go with you." So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.
Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.
He called out to them, "Friends, haven't you any fish?" "No," they answered.
He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.
The Living Christ Encounters Us
This account is of 7 of the disciples waiting for Jesus after He revealed himself to them on two previous occasions following his resurrection.
Alexander MacLaren writes “ Of all the proofs of the resurrection, I take it that there is none that is harder for an unbeliever to account for in harmony with his hypothesis than the simple fact that Christ’s disciples held together after he was dead and presented a united front to the world.”
Indeed, they were ready to scatter and did at Calvary, but after seeing the resurrected body they were all believers and obedient ones at that. We find in the others Gospel accounts he told them to wait for Him in Galilee. They do so. John’s gospel tells us while they were waiting, Peter convinced the others to go fishing.
The disciples were out fishing all night and caught nothing. I know what that was like. It is not a major loss if I do not catch fish, but if that is your livelihood then it is another thing if you don’t catch fish. They were tired, discouraged and quitting. But as they were coming back they were encountered by a figure of man on the shore yelling out, “Friend, haven’t you any fish? “ Or literally the Greek says, “Children, do you not have anything to eat?” It is a general greeting today for a couple of fishing boats passing, “Any Luck? “No”, they said. And he tells them to throw their nets on the right side of the boat and you will find some.
They are encountered by the Living Lord and don’t know it. They were not seeking Jesus. Yet He sought them. He knew them and knew what they were doing and indeed He even knew the fact they didn’t catch any fish. He asks them a question to reveal their own sense of fatigue and need. Jesus gives them a command. “Cast on the other side the point is not where the work is to be done, or how it is whether it is being done under Christ direction and in obedience to him or by our own wisdom and knowledge and efforts.
John’s record of the appearances of the resurrected body demonstrate that this was not just some vision that people have when they want to see something so badly they might imagine it to happen. Do you ever wonder sometime what happens when groups of people go to some farmers field to follow up some vision of the virgin Mary who is suppose to show at some times. A few people think they saw something but most do not. Psychologists will say there is a phenomenon that can occur called wish fulfillment. Some people see what they want to see if they anticipate it badly enough.
This was not the case with Jesus. They don’t expect him. When they saw him they didn’t know it was him. It wasn’t until the miracle occurred that John realized who it was at a distance. The living Lord encounters them unexpectedly.
I wonder how often Jesus encounters us and we don’t know Him, as He is watching us and realizes our failures, circumstances and discouragement.
Most certainly our Christ encounters come when we knock on His door. We are praying. WE are reading. We are worshiping. We are desirous to be with the Lord. But what about when He knocks on our door? He don’t always see Him as Jesus. He comes, like the old story of visitors to the cobbler’s shop-he comes as a poor person, a child, a lonely soul. "For as you do these things to the least of these you do them unto me." He says.
He can be the one who asks if you caught anything. Jesus is alive around us in our every day experiences, and His work and ways are available more often than we might think. His voice may come from the voice of someone from whom you might lest expect.
Then the eureka moment comes. “It is the Lord”.
He shows Himself. We have been encountered.
Pastor Dale.
Theme- The Living Lord
Verses- John 21:3-6 "I'm going out to fish," Simon Peter told them, and they said, "We'll go with you." So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.
Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.
He called out to them, "Friends, haven't you any fish?" "No," they answered.
He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.
The Living Christ Encounters Us
This account is of 7 of the disciples waiting for Jesus after He revealed himself to them on two previous occasions following his resurrection.
Alexander MacLaren writes “ Of all the proofs of the resurrection, I take it that there is none that is harder for an unbeliever to account for in harmony with his hypothesis than the simple fact that Christ’s disciples held together after he was dead and presented a united front to the world.”
Indeed, they were ready to scatter and did at Calvary, but after seeing the resurrected body they were all believers and obedient ones at that. We find in the others Gospel accounts he told them to wait for Him in Galilee. They do so. John’s gospel tells us while they were waiting, Peter convinced the others to go fishing.
The disciples were out fishing all night and caught nothing. I know what that was like. It is not a major loss if I do not catch fish, but if that is your livelihood then it is another thing if you don’t catch fish. They were tired, discouraged and quitting. But as they were coming back they were encountered by a figure of man on the shore yelling out, “Friend, haven’t you any fish? “ Or literally the Greek says, “Children, do you not have anything to eat?” It is a general greeting today for a couple of fishing boats passing, “Any Luck? “No”, they said. And he tells them to throw their nets on the right side of the boat and you will find some.
They are encountered by the Living Lord and don’t know it. They were not seeking Jesus. Yet He sought them. He knew them and knew what they were doing and indeed He even knew the fact they didn’t catch any fish. He asks them a question to reveal their own sense of fatigue and need. Jesus gives them a command. “Cast on the other side the point is not where the work is to be done, or how it is whether it is being done under Christ direction and in obedience to him or by our own wisdom and knowledge and efforts.
John’s record of the appearances of the resurrected body demonstrate that this was not just some vision that people have when they want to see something so badly they might imagine it to happen. Do you ever wonder sometime what happens when groups of people go to some farmers field to follow up some vision of the virgin Mary who is suppose to show at some times. A few people think they saw something but most do not. Psychologists will say there is a phenomenon that can occur called wish fulfillment. Some people see what they want to see if they anticipate it badly enough.
This was not the case with Jesus. They don’t expect him. When they saw him they didn’t know it was him. It wasn’t until the miracle occurred that John realized who it was at a distance. The living Lord encounters them unexpectedly.
I wonder how often Jesus encounters us and we don’t know Him, as He is watching us and realizes our failures, circumstances and discouragement.
Most certainly our Christ encounters come when we knock on His door. We are praying. WE are reading. We are worshiping. We are desirous to be with the Lord. But what about when He knocks on our door? He don’t always see Him as Jesus. He comes, like the old story of visitors to the cobbler’s shop-he comes as a poor person, a child, a lonely soul. "For as you do these things to the least of these you do them unto me." He says.
He can be the one who asks if you caught anything. Jesus is alive around us in our every day experiences, and His work and ways are available more often than we might think. His voice may come from the voice of someone from whom you might lest expect.
Then the eureka moment comes. “It is the Lord”.
He shows Himself. We have been encountered.
Pastor Dale.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Affects of the Resurrection- John 21:1-2
See previous blogs for devotions from the book of John-
Sermon Nuggets Mon Jan 5
Theme- The Living Lord
Verses- John 21:1-2 - Afterward Jesus appeared again to his disciples, by the Sea of Tiberias. It happened this way: Simon Peter, Thomas (called Didymus), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples were together.
The Living Christ Affects Us
What happens to a group of people who have seen the living Lord? The appearances of Jesus to the disciples changed their lives forever. Now everything that Jesus taught them was true. When he said they would not die, death lost its horrible threat. When He said he would return again to them, they were able to go out in confidence as well as obedience.
How often do you hear about someone rising from the dead? I heard about an incident about every so often. I remember one news report of a man working on his vehicle when it accidentally fell off the ramp onto him. His wife frantically called 911 while he was having increased difficulty breathing. When the EMT’s arrived they could not get a pulse beat or other signs of life but continued to work on him for several minutes. To their surprise he started breathing again. He was rushed to the hospital and brought back to recovery. The man described his death experience as seeing a bright light and feeling a state of peace. He does not have fear dying again.
In my work as a hospital chaplain and a pastor, I have talked to people who had similar experiences. But also there have been others for whom such a death or near death experience was filled with fear and terror, as if they were at the gates of hell.
I visited with one man who asked how he can be saved because he was more afraid to die that before. We talked about acknowledging and repentance of sins, of trusting in Christ for salvation, and turning his life over to the Lord’s authority by inviting Christ into your life. He accepted Christ that day, and has since passed away with the knowledge of a personal relationship with Jesus.
What do you make of the testimonies of those who claim to have died and come back to life again? There may be minutes when clinically someone might be declared dead and we marvel when they recover. Some relate how a relative has come to greet them, or they see Jesus.
However, the death of Jesus Christ was far different than our modern day examples. There was no question of his death. It was affirmed by the Roman Government. He was bound and put in a tomb for 3 days. When he came back to life he did not require the life support systems in modern hospitals like others do. In fact with his resurrected body he could come and go at will, in and out of locked rooms. His body was real, but still different than what we experience. His resurrection began a whole new church movement
The presence of the living Christ following the Easter experience, affects us today as it did with the early disciples. It changed not just their future hope, but also their present lives.
All of Jesus teaching was not just for our understanding, but for an affect on our lives in some way. Because he lives it does make a difference how we look at marriage and family, work and money, entertainment and recreation.
Because Jesus lives now should make a difference how you and I live in 2009.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Mon Jan 5
Theme- The Living Lord
Verses- John 21:1-2 - Afterward Jesus appeared again to his disciples, by the Sea of Tiberias. It happened this way: Simon Peter, Thomas (called Didymus), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples were together.
The Living Christ Affects Us
What happens to a group of people who have seen the living Lord? The appearances of Jesus to the disciples changed their lives forever. Now everything that Jesus taught them was true. When he said they would not die, death lost its horrible threat. When He said he would return again to them, they were able to go out in confidence as well as obedience.
How often do you hear about someone rising from the dead? I heard about an incident about every so often. I remember one news report of a man working on his vehicle when it accidentally fell off the ramp onto him. His wife frantically called 911 while he was having increased difficulty breathing. When the EMT’s arrived they could not get a pulse beat or other signs of life but continued to work on him for several minutes. To their surprise he started breathing again. He was rushed to the hospital and brought back to recovery. The man described his death experience as seeing a bright light and feeling a state of peace. He does not have fear dying again.
In my work as a hospital chaplain and a pastor, I have talked to people who had similar experiences. But also there have been others for whom such a death or near death experience was filled with fear and terror, as if they were at the gates of hell.
I visited with one man who asked how he can be saved because he was more afraid to die that before. We talked about acknowledging and repentance of sins, of trusting in Christ for salvation, and turning his life over to the Lord’s authority by inviting Christ into your life. He accepted Christ that day, and has since passed away with the knowledge of a personal relationship with Jesus.
What do you make of the testimonies of those who claim to have died and come back to life again? There may be minutes when clinically someone might be declared dead and we marvel when they recover. Some relate how a relative has come to greet them, or they see Jesus.
However, the death of Jesus Christ was far different than our modern day examples. There was no question of his death. It was affirmed by the Roman Government. He was bound and put in a tomb for 3 days. When he came back to life he did not require the life support systems in modern hospitals like others do. In fact with his resurrected body he could come and go at will, in and out of locked rooms. His body was real, but still different than what we experience. His resurrection began a whole new church movement
The presence of the living Christ following the Easter experience, affects us today as it did with the early disciples. It changed not just their future hope, but also their present lives.
All of Jesus teaching was not just for our understanding, but for an affect on our lives in some way. Because he lives it does make a difference how we look at marriage and family, work and money, entertainment and recreation.
Because Jesus lives now should make a difference how you and I live in 2009.
Pastor Dale
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