Sermon Nuggets Week of Nov 1 Peace of God
Sermon Nuggets Mon Nov 1 – Peace
Theme Peace
Verses- Phil 3:2,3 I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord. Yes, and I ask you, loyal yokefellow, help these women who have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.
Christ Brings PEACE with OTHERS
When Jesus died he did so to bring us into a relationship with himself and others. We are part of the family of God because of the death of Jesus Christ. We are made to be brothers and sisters in the spirit when the Holy Spirit lives within us. That means the call to the church is to be above some of the typically quarrelling of the flesh.
One of the most moving prayers in all the Bible is Jesus prayer in John 17 to His Father before he faces the cross. This is a prayer for his disciples and for all believers who are to follow. The amazing thing about the prayer is this. It pleads for unity of the believers. He prays that they may be one, even as we are one, Oh Lord.
Because of the death of the cross Christ's Spirit make us brand new creatures. Sin is forgiven and power is available to live our lives in obedience to the Lord. His spirit is now at work in us.
But daily we make decisions as to whether we, or the Spirit is in control.
In the Philippian Church they were experiencing what many churches experience. It is the difference between the ideal and the reality. The ideal is that Christians, even though they differ, for Christ's sake are to make the commitment to cooperate, pray and get along to accomplish together what God calls us to accomplish. The reality however is that Christians will fight and feud and hold grudges, and become hostile.
There is no problem in expressing our differences, when people are committed to a higher purpose and goal. We can differ about styles of music or times of worship, or whether to wears suits and ties or jeans and caps, but the call to be unified for Christ's sake and the witness of Christ's kingdom always needs to take priority. But it takes humility by giving up of personal tastes and rights for the sake of love for our other brothers and sisters.
The issue that Paul is addressing is two Christian women are worshipping in the same church and their disagreements are causing people to take sides. There are divisions and tensions and power struggles going on. Paul has heard about it and is so upset because he knows them to be great women in the faith. They have labored for Jesus giving of their times and talents and worked together so well. Paul reminded them of their previous work together. But now they are letting their differences of opinion slip over into personal issues. Resentments build. Maybe they aren't talking to each other.
Paul says, pleads with Eudocia and Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord. Paul is reminded that they did serve and names are in the book of life. What about those whose names are not in the book of life? Isn't that a greater concern? The church lost sight of its mission. They were interested in finding out which side people were on. Both were hurt. There is no question about that. We cannot work in a church without getting hurt once in awhile but we keep plugging along. Personal hurt is no reason for hurting the cause of Christ.
Remember who you are and whose you are. By invoking the Lord into the situation he was reminding them, "Hey, you’re a forgiven, reconciled child of God. You belong to Christ now. You are not your own. As a follower of Christ, you’re to follow his example of forgiveness."
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Nov 2
Verses - Phil 3:2,3 I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord. Yes, and I ask you, loyal yokefellow, help these women who have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.
Peace in the Church
Peace begins at the basic level as Paul notes when fellowship is disrupted by two women who are not getting along. What causes that? Satan loves to cause disruption among believers. But soon if allowed to fester, not only affects those in a broken relationship, but also the whole fellowship of local believers.
When Paul addresses matter of Eudoia and Syntyche this is in a letter directed to a local church in Philippi. This letter was to be read in public, in the church. I wonder how many of us would resolve quickly if we knew our grudges and grievances were going to become public addressed? Paul calls on these women to think back on how God used them together for His Kingdom..
Conflicts with others is a topic that could take weeks to discuss. A few years back I was the chairman of pastor church relationships committee for the Minnesota Baptist Conference. Our committee contacted churches that had problems where their pastor resigned. I wanted to find ways to prevent conflicts from happening before the issues became so bad there was no other way to resolve it than broken relationships. We recommended a pastor church relations committee within a local church that could talk about issues openly and lovingly before they became larger issues. If there was misunderstanding we recommended an objective party to listen and give reflection that might be helpful. That's what the Bible says here. Paul appoints a third party to intervene. He was a peacemaker. And Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called Sons of God."
Now remember this apostle has been with some disagreements himself. Remember how Paul and Barnabas split company over their feelings regarding if John Mark should join them on their second missionary journey. Paul didn't want to give him a second chance, since he left them in the middle of the first journey. Barnabas wanted to ask him to come along again. When I think of that conflict situation I am troubled about the fact that even giants in the faith don't agree, but they did do this- They agreed to disagree and instead of stopping ministry, they focused on the Lord and doubled the missionary teams going out. In other words, when many people are hurt they will back out of serve for the Lord and quit. Paul continued to rejoice for his focus was not on Barnabas but Jesus Christ. Barnabas and Mark could rejoice for their focus wasn't on Paul, but Jesus Christ. They agreed to disagree and go their separate ways.
So often pride is basis of disagreements. The solution is to turn it over to the Lord with humility. And pray, asking God's Spirit to be at work in resolving differences agreeably.
It is much better to say, "I am sorry, please forgive me", than to keep on fighting over little things. And add to that, "I forgive you and will pray for you." These are tremendous words of healing and may the Lord grant that they be more than words, but the desire of one's heart. The more one is hurt the harder it is to forgive. The more you focus on how much Christ has forgiven you and the hurt you have caused him, the more you can forgive others for their sins against you. The cross helps us to realize the extent of Christ's sacrifice for you and the call to unity, and willingness to forgive others and ask forgiveness of others.
Jesus made himself peace offering. Through Jesus we have access to the Father by the one Spirit. Communion means coming to union. And in the church that unity is in the Lord. The church is the best place to say we have sinned because of the cross we are forgiven.
Before personal matters get spilled over to taking sides within a fellowship God’s way is deal with them and if needs be get the church involved in the peace keeping process.
What are you doing to help others look beyond the surface to greater spiritual issues? How can that contribute to peace?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Nov 3
Verses- Phil 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
PEACE Through Prayer.
Do you think it is possible to rejoice all the time? The command is rejoice in the Lord always. One way to rejoice and have peace with others is to have peace within. When we are right with ourselves it is much easier to be at peace with others. To have peace within is to respond in gentleness instead of anger and bitterness.
How? What causes us to be upset? It generally comes from a heart that isn't what it should be. Now I am not talking about injustices, and abuses of rights, for Jesus got really upset about those things. I am talking bout the fact that we have an image we want to portray and when others expose or threaten us, even if it is with truth, we don't like it.
I read an interesting statement by Jesus when he said that people will hate him because they do not like having their sin exposed. Why is there such hatred in the world for Jesus Christ and Christians? When Christians are arrested and murdered for humanitarian deeds in Afghanistan why would they be attacked? Because Jesus reveals the falsehood of salvation by works. Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists and many who call themselves Christians teach salvation by works. They don't like to be confronted with their sin but want to take pride in their zeal for their God. For the most part people have a real problem with repentance. They don't want to admit they were wrong. The cross confronts sin and frees us from it, but we have to come humbly to get that inside freedom.
Jesus said it clearly when he said, In order to gain your life you must lose it. Saying no to self will give you peace. Now we have an avenue of taking with God in prayer, or petition our requests and being thankful that God is listening to our requests.
There is a proverb that says you can get more flies with honey than with vinegar. Politeness, fairness, friendliness can bring about peace when there is no compromise on major Christian doctrines.
We do face anxiety we face depression, we face discouragement, we face loneliness, and we face the blues. I have down moments I have periods of difficulties I have anxiety, I have depression. And I have the Lord. But do not make use of the avenue of prayer with the Lord that is available to me. I have an avenue with brothers and sisters in the Lord that can also pray for me and my situation. The way to peace is focusing on Jesus, His word and truth.
It is in prayer that we also praise and give our thanks. Thanksgiving is focusing on the blessings we receive regularly and also above and beyond our expectations. We realize from whom all blessings flow. We rejoice because we see with different eyes that are not just focused on the things of this world, but that promise and reward to come by the grace of Jesus. We believers, of all people, have reason to give thanks this season. In prayer we have supplications; we can give our petitions to the Lord. There are not selfish prayers, but giving them to God is important work and results in peace of heart, less anxiety and rejoicing.
That old hymn speaks old truth- “O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.”
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Nov 4
Verses- Verses- Phil 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
At the heart of anxiety is indeed feeling like a victim of circumstances, not knowing what is going to happen or things happening that are upsetting our plans, dreams, or safety. Sometimes extreme anxiety, if it doesn’t have mental or physical causes, can be the attack from Satan. Almost always the center of attention and focus is on self or others we care about.
It seems we are going in backward order. To have peace with others you need peace with yourself. To have peace with yourself you need peace with God. The cross is God's wa
y of initiating that peace. Real peace is a divinely giving thing. It is the recognition that you are in line with God’s will and that he is in control. It is the assurance that God walks with you and never leaves you. Peace is a prerequisite for joy, therefore we must pursue it.
Paul tells us in Verse 7, that “the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” The peace that comes from the Lord can banish all worry and distress from our hearts and minds. Not only can it banish anxiety and anguish and fear from our hearts and minds, it can keep it away.
Children don’t worry about where their food or clothing or shelter is going to come from. They just trust us. We need to trust God in the same way.
A parent may not know everything, but the child thinks he/she does. God in fact does know everything. The parents may not be physically able to protect their children, but the younger child knows his/her protection comes from someone stronger than they are. So it is with God. For at the bottom of this security is love. The child who knows love trusts. The greater we focus on who God is and His love for us the more we can trust and the result is peace. Just as God is greater than our situations and circumstances so is God’s peace greater than our inward worries and fears.
We can experience perfect inward peace and tranquility in the midst of the most trying circumstances and severe tribulations. This does not seem possible nor rational. But, that is why Paul says that “the peace of God… surpasses all comprehension.”
It is hard to comprehend or understand how our world can seem to be collapsing around us yet we can be perfectly calm and completely composed. The peace of God can provide that immense blessing. Jesus said, in John 14:27, "My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”
If God is for us who can be against us? That is the reminder in Romans 8.
Matthew 6 reminds us God values us even more than the rest of his creation. Birds, who don’t labor at all to provide for themselves, have adequate food to eat. Even flowers, which only live for a short time, have beautiful "clothing." If God provides for them, doesn’t it stand to reason that He will care for us, since we are "much more" valuable?
We worry too much we focus on the wrong things.
Certainly we worry about bills, food, and clothes if we do not have them. I didn’t worry about them as a child because I trusted my parents who loved me. They worried about those things. But as a parent worry can still focus on the lack of trust because it is more on how I will handle situations, or what will happen to me and my loved ones over which I have not control. That can be health, driving a car, financial crises, or loss of job or fire, and the list of possibilities to worry about is longer than hours in a day.
The things we should be most concerned about are the things which matter most. Putting first things first gives us a right perspective and give us strength to face life without worry. What are they?" . . . his kingdom and his righteousness . . . " Our primary concern in this life should not be pleasing and serving ourselves. It should be knowing and serving God. His "kingdom" is His rule over the earth, His authority over us as His creation. We shouldn’t live as if we were independent entities, having no responsibility to God, having no concern about what He may desire of us. Our first concern should be understanding who God is and how we can be right with him.
When we have that relationship with God then we can trust His strength, wisdom, and love, even today.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri Nov 5
Verses- Phil 4: 8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-- think about such things.
9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me-- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Peace into Practice
You want joy and peace? Then put good things into your mind. What goes in determines what comes out. What are the things that you read, and heard and watch? Who are the people that you associate with, and consider your friends? That determines how you will react to many situations. The music you listen to, the entertainment you give attention to, the books magazines, movies are all part of what feeds your mind and soul. It affects you and your peace with God.
When I was in college we read about the effect that TV violence had on children. 72 children were volunteered for the experiment. They were divided into in 4 groups of 24.
The first group saw adults take toys and punching bags and without saying anything the children watched their aggressive behavior. The next group saw the same action, only it was on TV. The third group viewed aggressive cartoon behavior. The 4th group had no exposure to aggressive behavior, although the same toys were left in the room for the children to play with. The results were surprising.
First group demonstrated 83% aggressiveness. Those who watched the TV set had 92% aggressiveness. The ones who watched the cartoon characters be aggressive with toys were almost 100% aggressive themselves. What do you think the results of the control group had in acting aggressively with the toys? 54%. The obvious conclusion was children are affected by what they see and concentrate on.
The Bible gives a check list on what you should be centering your attention on: First. Is it true? Jesus alone says, "I am the way the truth and the life"
Dr. Walter Covert showed that only 8% of people's worries and anxieties were actually legitimate concerns. 92% of the things that cause people concern are imaginary or things that never happened.
In addition to telling yourself the truth, Satan is the master liar. He does anything to keep our minds on gossip, lies, and half truths. How is your speech?
Secondly, you might translate the word honest, honorable or noble. One translator used the words, "worthy of respect. That might be even closer to the Greek word." Christians should be above board in their conduct, not doing things that would be embarrassing to the cause of Christ. When one is encouraged to think of noble things it is good, not underhanded or hurtful to others.
The evil people met behind closed doors to discuss plans in secret to deceive with Judas the betrayal of Jesus, all the while pretending to love Jesus. The Pharisees and Sanhedrin worked to bring in bribes to people who would give false testimony. Not only the lies wrong, but the attitude of manipulation to get your way is wrong. God hates that.
Thirdly, is it just? Is it fair and right to do? People who do the right things are not always called upon to do the easy thing. Justice isn't something you get for paying for a good lawyer, necessarily. Someone said I don't want justice which is why I pay a good lawyer.
Fourthly, is it pure? Impurity is demonstrated nightly on TV, movies, computer CD recordings and in various magazines and books. We dwell on the base side of our character and morality we soon think such sins as homosexuality, and premarital sex, as adultery and cheating on income tax, or abortion as being completely acceptable because they are common in our viewers eyes. We get used to things like that. Purity is using God's word as a guardian and thinking of holy and good things.
Fifth is it lovely. Is it attractive, full of kindness? Does what we think about inspire pure love or is it selfish, egocentric, Does it uplift, or tear down?
Lastly, Does it lean for giving a good report. Is it something worth talking about to our Lord? Is it something that we would want to tell Jesus when asked to reveal what we are thinking about? Is it admirable?
If we focus on the blessing and riches that we have on true, honorable, just pure, lovely and good report, we will be filled with thanksgiving and joyful spirit and closer relationship with God that can be happy even in prisons and being ready to be judged by the Great Judge.
Finally the passage for peace reminds us to put it into practice. V. 9; If learn a lot in school, but if I don't use it, then I forget. I read a lot but if I don't apply it, it is lost. You might read a lot from the Bible and think on Sundays what it means to live like a Christian, but if you don't put it into practice it isn't going to mean much.
The result is that the God of peace will be with you. This refers to the right relationship possible between you and God. It is a peaceful relationship. You know that there is no guilt or sin for that is taken care of by the cross. You don't have to cover up anything or hid form God.
Someone said "Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.” It all starts with the things we think about. Make them Christ honoring in your life, you'll find that peace and presence of our Savior and Lord.
Pastor Dale