Sermon Nuggets Mon Dec 27 Like a Tree Planted
Ps 1:1-6
1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.
3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
4 Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
Like a Tree Planted
What brings happiness? One wealthy woman had a nanny for her young child. She heard her youngster crying for something and kept it up. Finally wanting silence the woman shouted to the Nanny. “Give that child whatever she wants.” The Nanny protested. “You heard me, give the child whatever it is that she is crying for.” After a moment the child was really wailing, for she had been given the bumble bee she wanted to pet.
So often people think things they want will bring happiness. Some will participate in sinful behavior thinking this will bring happiness. Later they find a bitter sting. Many seek pleasure in homes, jobs, recreation, hobbies, drugs, sex, and money. So often though there is a gnawing feeling that something is missing.
In the Movie, Bruce Almighty, who is given divine powers for a week is so fed up with all the requests that people pray for that he decides to answer yes to every one of them. All the people got what they prayed for. He discovers why it’s impractical and unhealthy for God to grant every request. The selfish lusts of people lead to being out of control. For instance 1,000s of people are praying to win the lottery but are very unhappy when they only get $17.00 a piece. People who get what they want don’t necessarily get what they need and what they think brings happiness produces the opposite.
As we begin a new year this coming weekend, it is good to go back to the basics as to what will make your new year happier. It focuses on the truth for the Word of God. We will look at some of the details of Psalm 1 as a recipe from the Bible for happiness.
Make is a resolution that you will have some type of daily and personal devotions that includes Bible reading. Some may be challenged to read the Bible through during the year. You can do that by commitment 15 minutes a day. I took the challenge, but preferred to spend more time in thought and notes and read it through actually in two years as I decided to read it through chronologically instead of starting through since some of books are not in chronological order. Pick a method that is right for you so you can listen and read what God has inspired.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 28 Happiness
Ps 1:1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
Happiness Excludes some things.
In the Hebrew language happiness and blessing are used interchangeably in translation. The Psalmist David tells us we exclude 3 things that hinder happiness.
First keep from walking in the counsel of the ungodly. I prefer the KJV translation ungodly which broadens the definition of only a wicked or evil person. Wicked people are certainly to be shunned. However the ungodly are not just evil people but rather people without God. Most people are ungodly. Most folks live without including God at all.
Now we are not talking about going to a mechanic who doesn’t know the Lord. He might give great advice on how to fix my car. An unsaved doctor might know a lot about fixing a broken leg. When the Bible talks about walking in ungodly counsel it refers to going by a different worldview or way of looking at life.
Friends, there are two different worlds that surround us. There are two different kingdoms. To walk in one is to turn your back on the other. To attempt to walk in both leads to destruction from within! How many decisions you make without seeking Gods’ will? How many personal goals to do you have for which you have not even thought of God’s direction? People will not be happy when counsel and life exists without the one who brings real happiness.
Our society exists without any concern or even awareness of God. The Park Service of the Grand Canyon made plans to return 3 bronze plagues of Psalms to the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, who donated them over 40 years ago to recognize the awesomeness of God. These plaques have inspired many of the awe-struck beholders to admire and acknowledge the Creator of this majestic landscape spread before their eyes. It is another example of a state trying to deny the existence of God. In order not to offend ungodly people increasingly functions as if God has no place outside of church.
The more we look to man made solutions alone to face the problems of the world unhappiness results. People have trusted man centered politics to give them a better world. Scientists can claim insight in how the world was created without any appreciation of a creator. Education has not liberated us from crime, pollution, poverty, racism and war. Relativism is the philosophy that says you do what you want and I’ll do what I want and we’ll respect each other’s truth. That is ungodly counsel.
It is wisdom from the world controlled by Satan and our society buys it hook line and sinker, but friends the Bible says it will lead to unhappiness.
Godly counsel seeks to be founded on the Word of God. Let that be your guide in the coming New Year.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Dec 29 way of the sinners
Verse- Ps 1:1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
Stand in the way of Sinners
To be happy or blessed from the Psalmist’s point of view excludes some things. W are also to exclude being one who stands in the way of sinners. Do not take your stand with sinners. It will not bring happiness. The company we keep affects how we live. It is not saying we cannot live in this world, but taking our stand with those who sin puts us in their camp. Do not act like the crowd.
If “walking in the counsel of the ungodly” demonstrates buying into the philosophies and the mindset and worldview of the kingdoms of this world, to stand in the way of sinners is speaking of the practical ways in which we live. Sin will always destroy us no matter how much fun it may seem at the time. Ignoring God’s laws may not have any immediate consequences, but we pay for it later and wonder how we could be so foolish. We can prevent so many mistakes by saying no to sin.
A recent study came out on happiness in relationships. Does it surprise you that according to research those who have been married to the same man or woman and not had any affairs or divorces were happier contented people than those who were never married but lived with boyfriends or girl friends and had sexual relationships with various people? God created us for love in a married relationship and people wonder why they feel so empty used and abused when they did what they felt like doing. There are people within the church that take their stand in sin and their walk with God suffers. Doing things our way instead of God’s way.
Then we also need to exclude sitting in the seat of the mockers. Notice the digression- the one who “sits” with the scornful, or the sinner has become acclimated to the world system on some level. He is “comfortable” and able to “hang out” with the ungodly, turning a deaf ear to those who scoff at the things of God.
The mockers are all people in rebellion against God. In our day mockers or scoffers seem to be becoming more and more plentiful. On many television sitcoms and other shows, Christianity is ridiculed. They are people who laugh at religion, who joke over the sacred, who scoff at morality and decency. People enjoy it and are entertained by it instead of becoming ashamed and convicted. The world finds this very clever and witty but it’s a symptom of those who have rejected the law of God as the guiding principle of life. Such a person has a negative, critical, gossiping, ridiculing, sarcastic, attitude tearing down others. If you want to be unhappy then sit with those people.
We need to realize how evil that is because those people are not just making fun of us, they are often making fun of God. Bruce Almighty represented most folks that see God as their personal gum-ball machine. They live self-filled lives and rebuke and mock God when they want the magic genie to make life just the way the want it to be. The roads are lead to money, sex, and power and folks are surprised when they come to the dead end.
Friends, rebellion against God will not bring happiness in this life and certainly will not bring it in the next. This is not the path that we want to take if we are looking for happiness, and we should not join people who are going in that direction.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Dec 30- Bible
Verses- Psalm 1: 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.
Happiness Includes some Things.
Sometimes we may read the passage and think that is some type of monk or religious fanatic. Blessing comes to the one who has learned to delight in the law of the Lord. He is speaking of God’s inspired word. He is thinking about the ways of God and the revelation of the word of God and he is filled with joy that is different than enjoyment in outside things.
He takes his DELIGHT in the Law of the Lord..,it is a constant source of encouragement and peace, of wisdom and instruction. How can anyone take delight in the Law of the Lord? Aren’t laws about rules and regulations? Aren’t laws repressive and punitive?
The "Law of the Lord" in David’s day referred to the whole counsel of scripture which was had been delivered by God at that time, primarily the Pentateuch, the law of Moses.
The Psalmist tells us that in the scriptures, he receives a completely different view of life than in the world. He receives the very mind of God, the counsel of the holy. This view of life is diametrically opposed to the counsel of the ungodly, they way of sinners and the seat of the scornful!
Not only does God’s Word give the man the truth about his life, it gives him the power to live in the counsel of God. It shows him that he is powerless, and that the power to live is available to him in the Holy Spirit! The "law of the Lord" is freedom! The Law of the Lord, the Counsel of the Holy is the path to life. (Heb 4:12-13)
He meditates on it day and night. I’ve never met anyone who reads the Bible constantly, twenty-four by seven! I’ve never met anyone who wears headphones all day long listening to scripture readings! But when the Word of God dwells in you, it means that you guide your life, your parenting, your work, your recreation by the principles of God’s truth. You live what you say you believe. You find out more how to turn all areas of your life over to God.
Jesus is referred to in John’s gospel as the Word. He is the Word incarnate. We have the blessing of not only the scriptures but the life and example of Jesus. Add to that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit since Pentecost. He guides, leads, illuminates the Bible for the believer.
Solomon reminds us “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.”
Next week during prayer week we are emphasizing the importance of experiencing a daily fellowship with God by prayer and reading of the Bible. Jeremiah said “I ate thy words, O God and they were unto me joy and the rejoicing of my heart.” So the ingredient after knowing God is to study his word. That is why we need to meditate on it day and night and think about it. Realize it teaches us about life and how we might apply God’s principles to our particular situations in life. It talks about finances, communication, relationships, it speaks of a proper understanding of government, of science, sociology, psychology. The Bible allows us to understand truth from lies, and by his Spirit’s protection from the evil one.
Disciples of Jesus have discovered that one who knows God and walks with him intimately can give the truth that comes not from within ourselves but from above.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri Dec 31 – Fruit
Verses – Psalm 1:3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.4 Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away.5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
Happiness Concludes some things
A person becomes a Christian by faith in Jesus, trusting in His atoning sacrifice on the Cross. Just as a tree can’t plant itself, so a person becomes a Christian, not by doing good or trying to improve oneself, but by God’s action of planting His Spirit in us as we come to Him in repentance and faith. He compares a tree by the river to chaff. Three results of the person who seeks to live by the book.
Ray Steadmen tells of a conversation he had with a young man as they were sitting under a tree talking about doubts. He asked him “What do you see in this tree?” “Strength and beauty” why? Because of the root system. He got the point. If you want strength and beauty in your life it comes from the roots, which you can’t see. It comes from what God is doing inside you, but that food comes from him. We conclude first then like a tree you will be strong as you feed on what God has provided for your spirit.
Your soul will be nourished. You will have purpose in your life you will be full and not empty.
Secondly, you will demonstrate character traits that are characterized by the fruit of the spirit. It will show. John 15 speaks of Jesus as the vine, we are the branches. All we must do is remain in Him. There we will be watered and cultivated. Christian, don’t give up! Take heart! The One who began that work in you, He is faithful to complete it! Keep your eyes on him, and far away from this present world of darkness!
We conclude that like a healthy tree bring forth fruit according to the type of tree it is and the season that it is in. A good tree has evidence of life. Many Christians are not producing because they are not nurturing themselves. Fruit is the fruit of the spirit (love joy peace patience goodness, kindness, etc.) We don’t have those qualities innate within us, but God does and He produces them by His spirit. It takes time, practice, and trust.
A third conclusion is a leaf does not wither, whatever he does shall prosper. Some trees die quickly. If you are planted by the waters and taking nourishment you will thrive even in times of draught. And you will not wither and dry up only for short season, but consistently. Prospering refers to happiness that extends beyond the material prosperity or the riches of those around us. Spiritual prosperity reminds us you still cannot take it with you. Prosperity is not the one with the most toys at death wins. It is inward peace.
Another main conclusion is that the ungoldy are NOT SO. Those two words make a very big difference. They do not have that root system they do not have fruit, they do wither, there is no inner prosperity. Indeed they are described like chaff. They don’t have security and substance. There is nothing to them, the wind blow them away. They don’t have that comfort and stability and peace that the godly have.
That person is not only "chaff" but also "like chaff that the wind blows away." One can visualize a pile of chaff but then a puff of wind comes and it’s blown away. The psalmist is telling us that sin has so distorted mankind that there’s no governing principle to life. Unlike a tree, a heap of chaff has no roots, it’s formless, it’s insecure. The Apostle Paul found the same thing when preaching to the sophisticated people at Athens. They "spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas" (Acts 17:21). Nothing has changed over the years - if it’s not Eastern Mysticism, then it’s New Age religion or experimenting with drugs.
There’s one more important contrast between a tree and chaff. There’s no life in chaff, it will never change, grow and produce fruit. Human beings have been on this planet for thousands of years. Yes, there’s progress in learning and amazing developments in technology but it’s done nothing to cure our sinful nature.
The Psalmist ends with the truth of reward and judgment. For after all is said and done the final word on the matter is God’s will prevails. People can protest all they want God’s will prevails. The Justice system can pass all kinds of verdicts, but God’s ways prevail. There can be popularity polls, and dictatorships, there can be riches obtained legally and riches obtained illegally, but in the end there is judgment and there is reward. But praise to God the end has not come yet and if you are outside of Jesus Christ, don’t be foolish. If you are not living for God, don’t be foolish. If you are living a defeated life don’t be foolish.
Friends, we need to stop allowing ungodly people to influence our thinking and actions. As a pastor, it disturbs me when I see good Christian people walking in the counsel of the ungodly. I know Christians whose opinions on various issues have been formed by watching Oprah, reading Time Magazine, listening to a college professor, or talking to a next-door neighbor. Am I saying that Christians should isolate themselves and not listen to any of these? Of course not. What I am saying is that because these are often not godly sources of counsel, we need to screen them very carefully before we allow them to shape the attitudes of our hearts and minds. As Christians, we need to make sure we have a biblical worldview. The way we look at reality, our opinions on all sorts of issues, should not simply reflect that we are part of 21st Century American culture, but should show that we are people to whom God speaks through His Word and who desire to honor Him in what we think, say, and do.
Happy New Year
Pastor Dale