Friday, December 31, 2010

Like a Tree Psalm 1

Sermon Nuggets Mon Dec 27 Like a Tree Planted


Ps 1:1-6

1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.

2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.

3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.

4 Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away.

5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

Like a Tree Planted

What brings happiness? One wealthy woman had a nanny for her young child. She heard her youngster crying for something and kept it up. Finally wanting silence the woman shouted to the Nanny. “Give that child whatever she wants.” The Nanny protested. “You heard me, give the child whatever it is that she is crying for.” After a moment the child was really wailing, for she had been given the bumble bee she wanted to pet.

So often people think things they want will bring happiness. Some will participate in sinful behavior thinking this will bring happiness. Later they find a bitter sting. Many seek pleasure in homes, jobs, recreation, hobbies, drugs, sex, and money. So often though there is a gnawing feeling that something is missing.

In the Movie, Bruce Almighty, who is given divine powers for a week is so fed up with all the requests that people pray for that he decides to answer yes to every one of them. All the people got what they prayed for. He discovers why it’s impractical and unhealthy for God to grant every request. The selfish lusts of people lead to being out of control. For instance 1,000s of people are praying to win the lottery but are very unhappy when they only get $17.00 a piece. People who get what they want don’t necessarily get what they need and what they think brings happiness produces the opposite.

As we begin a new year this coming weekend, it is good to go back to the basics as to what will make your new year happier. It focuses on the truth for the Word of God. We will look at some of the details of Psalm 1 as a recipe from the Bible for happiness.

Make is a resolution that you will have some type of daily and personal devotions that includes Bible reading. Some may be challenged to read the Bible through during the year. You can do that by commitment 15 minutes a day. I took the challenge, but preferred to spend more time in thought and notes and read it through actually in two years as I decided to read it through chronologically instead of starting through since some of books are not in chronological order. Pick a method that is right for you so you can listen and read what God has inspired.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 28 Happiness

Ps 1:1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.

Happiness Excludes some things.

In the Hebrew language happiness and blessing are used interchangeably in translation. The Psalmist David tells us we exclude 3 things that hinder happiness.

First keep from walking in the counsel of the ungodly. I prefer the KJV translation ungodly which broadens the definition of only a wicked or evil person. Wicked people are certainly to be shunned. However the ungodly are not just evil people but rather people without God. Most people are ungodly. Most folks live without including God at all.

Now we are not talking about going to a mechanic who doesn’t know the Lord. He might give great advice on how to fix my car. An unsaved doctor might know a lot about fixing a broken leg. When the Bible talks about walking in ungodly counsel it refers to going by a different worldview or way of looking at life.

Friends, there are two different worlds that surround us. There are two different kingdoms. To walk in one is to turn your back on the other. To attempt to walk in both leads to destruction from within! How many decisions you make without seeking Gods’ will? How many personal goals to do you have for which you have not even thought of God’s direction? People will not be happy when counsel and life exists without the one who brings real happiness.

Our society exists without any concern or even awareness of God. The Park Service of the Grand Canyon made plans to return 3 bronze plagues of Psalms to the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, who donated them over 40 years ago to recognize the awesomeness of God. These plaques have inspired many of the awe-struck beholders to admire and acknowledge the Creator of this majestic landscape spread before their eyes. It is another example of a state trying to deny the existence of God. In order not to offend ungodly people increasingly functions as if God has no place outside of church.

The more we look to man made solutions alone to face the problems of the world unhappiness results. People have trusted man centered politics to give them a better world. Scientists can claim insight in how the world was created without any appreciation of a creator. Education has not liberated us from crime, pollution, poverty, racism and war. Relativism is the philosophy that says you do what you want and I’ll do what I want and we’ll respect each other’s truth. That is ungodly counsel.

It is wisdom from the world controlled by Satan and our society buys it hook line and sinker, but friends the Bible says it will lead to unhappiness.

Godly counsel seeks to be founded on the Word of God. Let that be your guide in the coming New Year.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds Dec 29 way of the sinners

Verse- Ps 1:1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.

Stand in the way of Sinners

To be happy or blessed from the Psalmist’s point of view excludes some things. W are also to exclude being one who stands in the way of sinners. Do not take your stand with sinners. It will not bring happiness. The company we keep affects how we live. It is not saying we cannot live in this world, but taking our stand with those who sin puts us in their camp. Do not act like the crowd.

If “walking in the counsel of the ungodly” demonstrates buying into the philosophies and the mindset and worldview of the kingdoms of this world, to stand in the way of sinners is speaking of the practical ways in which we live. Sin will always destroy us no matter how much fun it may seem at the time. Ignoring God’s laws may not have any immediate consequences, but we pay for it later and wonder how we could be so foolish. We can prevent so many mistakes by saying no to sin.

A recent study came out on happiness in relationships. Does it surprise you that according to research those who have been married to the same man or woman and not had any affairs or divorces were happier contented people than those who were never married but lived with boyfriends or girl friends and had sexual relationships with various people? God created us for love in a married relationship and people wonder why they feel so empty used and abused when they did what they felt like doing. There are people within the church that take their stand in sin and their walk with God suffers. Doing things our way instead of God’s way.

Then we also need to exclude sitting in the seat of the mockers. Notice the digression- the one who “sits” with the scornful, or the sinner has become acclimated to the world system on some level. He is “comfortable” and able to “hang out” with the ungodly, turning a deaf ear to those who scoff at the things of God.

The mockers are all people in rebellion against God. In our day mockers or scoffers seem to be becoming more and more plentiful. On many television sitcoms and other shows, Christianity is ridiculed. They are people who laugh at religion, who joke over the sacred, who scoff at morality and decency. People enjoy it and are entertained by it instead of becoming ashamed and convicted. The world finds this very clever and witty but it’s a symptom of those who have rejected the law of God as the guiding principle of life. Such a person has a negative, critical, gossiping, ridiculing, sarcastic, attitude tearing down others. If you want to be unhappy then sit with those people.

We need to realize how evil that is because those people are not just making fun of us, they are often making fun of God. Bruce Almighty represented most folks that see God as their personal gum-ball machine. They live self-filled lives and rebuke and mock God when they want the magic genie to make life just the way the want it to be. The roads are lead to money, sex, and power and folks are surprised when they come to the dead end.

Friends, rebellion against God will not bring happiness in this life and certainly will not bring it in the next. This is not the path that we want to take if we are looking for happiness, and we should not join people who are going in that direction.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs Dec 30- Bible

Verses- Psalm 1: 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.

Happiness Includes some Things.

Sometimes we may read the passage and think that is some type of monk or religious fanatic. Blessing comes to the one who has learned to delight in the law of the Lord. He is speaking of God’s inspired word. He is thinking about the ways of God and the revelation of the word of God and he is filled with joy that is different than enjoyment in outside things.

He takes his DELIGHT in the Law of the Lord..,it is a constant source of encouragement and peace, of wisdom and instruction. How can anyone take delight in the Law of the Lord? Aren’t laws about rules and regulations? Aren’t laws repressive and punitive?

The "Law of the Lord" in David’s day referred to the whole counsel of scripture which was had been delivered by God at that time, primarily the Pentateuch, the law of Moses.

The Psalmist tells us that in the scriptures, he receives a completely different view of life than in the world. He receives the very mind of God, the counsel of the holy. This view of life is diametrically opposed to the counsel of the ungodly, they way of sinners and the seat of the scornful!

Not only does God’s Word give the man the truth about his life, it gives him the power to live in the counsel of God. It shows him that he is powerless, and that the power to live is available to him in the Holy Spirit! The "law of the Lord" is freedom! The Law of the Lord, the Counsel of the Holy is the path to life. (Heb 4:12-13)

He meditates on it day and night. I’ve never met anyone who reads the Bible constantly, twenty-four by seven! I’ve never met anyone who wears headphones all day long listening to scripture readings! But when the Word of God dwells in you, it means that you guide your life, your parenting, your work, your recreation by the principles of God’s truth. You live what you say you believe. You find out more how to turn all areas of your life over to God.

Jesus is referred to in John’s gospel as the Word. He is the Word incarnate. We have the blessing of not only the scriptures but the life and example of Jesus. Add to that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit since Pentecost. He guides, leads, illuminates the Bible for the believer.

Solomon reminds us “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.”

Next week during prayer week we are emphasizing the importance of experiencing a daily fellowship with God by prayer and reading of the Bible. Jeremiah said “I ate thy words, O God and they were unto me joy and the rejoicing of my heart.” So the ingredient after knowing God is to study his word. That is why we need to meditate on it day and night and think about it. Realize it teaches us about life and how we might apply God’s principles to our particular situations in life. It talks about finances, communication, relationships, it speaks of a proper understanding of government, of science, sociology, psychology. The Bible allows us to understand truth from lies, and by his Spirit’s protection from the evil one.

Disciples of Jesus have discovered that one who knows God and walks with him intimately can give the truth that comes not from within ourselves but from above.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri Dec 31 – Fruit

Verses – Psalm 1:3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.4 Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away.5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

Happiness Concludes some things

A person becomes a Christian by faith in Jesus, trusting in His atoning sacrifice on the Cross. Just as a tree can’t plant itself, so a person becomes a Christian, not by doing good or trying to improve oneself, but by God’s action of planting His Spirit in us as we come to Him in repentance and faith. He compares a tree by the river to chaff. Three results of the person who seeks to live by the book.

Ray Steadmen tells of a conversation he had with a young man as they were sitting under a tree talking about doubts. He asked him “What do you see in this tree?” “Strength and beauty” why? Because of the root system. He got the point. If you want strength and beauty in your life it comes from the roots, which you can’t see. It comes from what God is doing inside you, but that food comes from him. We conclude first then like a tree you will be strong as you feed on what God has provided for your spirit.

Your soul will be nourished. You will have purpose in your life you will be full and not empty.

Secondly, you will demonstrate character traits that are characterized by the fruit of the spirit. It will show. John 15 speaks of Jesus as the vine, we are the branches. All we must do is remain in Him. There we will be watered and cultivated. Christian, don’t give up! Take heart! The One who began that work in you, He is faithful to complete it! Keep your eyes on him, and far away from this present world of darkness!

We conclude that like a healthy tree bring forth fruit according to the type of tree it is and the season that it is in. A good tree has evidence of life. Many Christians are not producing because they are not nurturing themselves. Fruit is the fruit of the spirit (love joy peace patience goodness, kindness, etc.) We don’t have those qualities innate within us, but God does and He produces them by His spirit. It takes time, practice, and trust.

A third conclusion is a leaf does not wither, whatever he does shall prosper. Some trees die quickly. If you are planted by the waters and taking nourishment you will thrive even in times of draught. And you will not wither and dry up only for short season, but consistently. Prospering refers to happiness that extends beyond the material prosperity or the riches of those around us. Spiritual prosperity reminds us you still cannot take it with you. Prosperity is not the one with the most toys at death wins. It is inward peace.

Another main conclusion is that the ungoldy are NOT SO. Those two words make a very big difference. They do not have that root system they do not have fruit, they do wither, there is no inner prosperity. Indeed they are described like chaff. They don’t have security and substance. There is nothing to them, the wind blow them away. They don’t have that comfort and stability and peace that the godly have.

That person is not only "chaff" but also "like chaff that the wind blows away." One can visualize a pile of chaff but then a puff of wind comes and it’s blown away. The psalmist is telling us that sin has so distorted mankind that there’s no governing principle to life. Unlike a tree, a heap of chaff has no roots, it’s formless, it’s insecure. The Apostle Paul found the same thing when preaching to the sophisticated people at Athens. They "spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas" (Acts 17:21). Nothing has changed over the years - if it’s not Eastern Mysticism, then it’s New Age religion or experimenting with drugs.

There’s one more important contrast between a tree and chaff. There’s no life in chaff, it will never change, grow and produce fruit. Human beings have been on this planet for thousands of years. Yes, there’s progress in learning and amazing developments in technology but it’s done nothing to cure our sinful nature.

The Psalmist ends with the truth of reward and judgment. For after all is said and done the final word on the matter is God’s will prevails. People can protest all they want God’s will prevails. The Justice system can pass all kinds of verdicts, but God’s ways prevail. There can be popularity polls, and dictatorships, there can be riches obtained legally and riches obtained illegally, but in the end there is judgment and there is reward. But praise to God the end has not come yet and if you are outside of Jesus Christ, don’t be foolish. If you are not living for God, don’t be foolish. If you are living a defeated life don’t be foolish.

Friends, we need to stop allowing ungodly people to influence our thinking and actions. As a pastor, it disturbs me when I see good Christian people walking in the counsel of the ungodly. I know Christians whose opinions on various issues have been formed by watching Oprah, reading Time Magazine, listening to a college professor, or talking to a next-door neighbor. Am I saying that Christians should isolate themselves and not listen to any of these? Of course not. What I am saying is that because these are often not godly sources of counsel, we need to screen them very carefully before we allow them to shape the attitudes of our hearts and minds. As Christians, we need to make sure we have a biblical worldview. The way we look at reality, our opinions on all sorts of issues, should not simply reflect that we are part of 21st Century American culture, but should show that we are people to whom God speaks through His Word and who desire to honor Him in what we think, say, and do.

Happy New Year

Pastor Dale

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Through the Eyes of God- Gal 4:4-7

Sermon Nuggets Week of Dec 20th Christmas Through the Eyes of God

Sermon Nuggets Mon Dec 20- Christmas

Verses-Gal 4:4-7

4 But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law,5 to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.

6 Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father."

7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.

Christmas Through the Eyes of God

A couple of years ago on America’s Funniest Home Videos, a young boy was shown on Christmas morning. He came down to see a large present beside the tree and ran over to tear it open to see what was inside. The paper went flying and suddenly he broke into a dance and jumped around the room saying, “Wow Just what I wanted I really love it. Wow ” After awhile he went over to look at it again and said with a puzzled look on his face, “What is it?”

On that first Christmas the angels announced the birth of a new child. The heavens were opened and all broke into praise. Shepherds went racing to Bethlehem to see what it was all about. And for two thousand years we have been jumping up and down saying, “Just what I wanted exactly what I needed. I love it ” But in the next breath we look again inside the stable and ask, “What is it?” Maybe there is more than the world thinks.

“Do you see what I see?” Certainly, we know how much the world focuses its attention on spending money to stimulate our economy, music, TV specials, movies, glitter and glamour as well as enjoying time with friends and family. Many churches gather for special services. That’s what Christmas looks like through our eyes.

This morning I read an unsettling report from US Today how Christmas is an officially secular holiday. Most people do not care about Jesus. Most homes celebrate Christmas as coming home, sharing gifts, and partying. Even families from religious homes no longer come to church as the adult church have given up the faith and it isn’t worthy the family hassle to make them come to church.

Atheist are happy to celebrate Christmas without Christ. Many young adults resent the fact that some Christians are making a campaign that stores say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holiday. In fact that gives them a sour taste against Christianity because of no one should force their religious belief upon another.

Some Christians recognize the events of December 25th were rooted in paganism and refuse to celebrate at all.

As we approach Christmas this week it is good to reflect on Christmas through the eyes of God. The passage I am choosing to use is Galatians 2:4-7 It begins with 4,5 “But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.

This is a redemption mission. The more I see our society and nation rejecting things of the Lord, the more I see us walking in darkness. God wants us to share this message not just in the church but in the world. We are the ones who have been enlightened to shine.

Pray with me this week that God will give us opportunities to discuss Christmas and our personal beliefs that it is more than presents and family.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 21 – Sovereignty

Verses- Gal 4:4 But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law,5 to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.

6 Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father."

7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.

(Some of the thoughts I want to share this Christmas week came from a sermon I read from John MacArthur, Grace Church in California.)

Christmas is not About the Sensational, It’s about His Sovereignty

I remember when our German foreign exchange student was here at Christmas. He had seen all the houses decorated and lit up, he comment was, “Why do you do this?” It is rather gaudy, isn’t it?” He was looking at Christmas through different eyes.

The decorations in neighborhoods seems to grow every year. Many on a street will compete and give prizes to the one with the most impressive lighted decorations. It is the American way to wow people with the spectacular. I put up lights again this year. It is our way of making things look festive. But to compete as to who has the most sensational decorations is a goal to impress others.

But through God’s eyes it’s not about the sensationalism of the season, it’s simply about coming to gripes with who He is. It is recognizing His sovereignty. If we cannot understand that He rules over all things we don’t understand why Jesus came.

Christ’s coming to earth is well planned and timed, but it seems to lack in the publicity of getting the crowd out. The attendance was pathetic. But this was when it was suppose to start, “In the fullness of time.” The fulfillment of time is an important concept, because it shows God's sovereign control of time in order to bring His promises to pass. Only the Lord knows the times and seasons for fulfillment. Everything that needed to be completed was now ready

Why the world should have remained in darkness for four thousand years, why it should have taken that length of time for the church to attain her full age, we cannot tell; but this we are told, that Jesus was sent forth when the fullness of time was come. Our Lord did not come before his time nor behind his time: he was punctual to his hour, We see this timing of God throughout the Bible and especially in Jesus life on earth. Jesus continually stated that His hour, or time, had not yet come; it was to be fulfilled when He was crucified. In fact, when Jesus came into Jerusalem in His triumphal entry, He stated that Israel should have known the time of the visitation of the Messiah Jesus' death was prophesied in the Old Testament and the fulfillment of this was seen in His death at the appointed time

Solomon wrote an insightful passage Eccl 3:1-11, which declares, "There is...a time for every purpose under heaven." This passage goes on to note that there is a time for birth and death, mourning and dancing, keeping and throwing away, silence and speaking, and war and peace. Man’s times are in the Lord's hands (Ps 31:15).

Jesus told a parable of a man who was into the sensational of his houses and barns and buildings and making a fortune, and he was called a fool. Do you know why? Because tonight his soul was required of him before the sovereign God. His time ended.

It was the sovereignty of God that realized we cannot move toward him. So he moved toward us and sought to save us. Everything that Christ did was done by commission and authority of his Father.

John’s Gospel makes it very clear that Jesus existed from the beginning. He had a part in Creation. Jesus had to be pre-existent in order to be sent from heaven to earth. He was sent from his glorious and sovereign form to humble Himself into a vulnerable baby.

Christianity is not first about teachings or principles or religious rituals, though all of those things may have a place. Our faith stands or falls on who Jesus Christ is. He is the Son of God. He is divine. What he said mattered, because of who he was. John 1:14 said. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” 14, he announces, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”
Just like his birth, crucifixion, burial and resurrection were all at the appointed times so will be His coming again. That time is known only by the Sovereign Lord, who will once again send Jesus from Heaven with a host of others joining Him.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds Dec 22 Simplicity

Christmas is not about the Superstars, It's about Simplicity

I had seen a TV report of Christians in the market place selling music, books, movies and religion. Mel Gibson was turned down by all the Hollywood producers when they found he was doing the “The Passion of Christ movie’. You know he financed it by himself and it end up being among the top 10 best selling movies in history. Now what do you think the merchants of this world started doing? Sell religion. What do you think Hollywood started doing? Making religious movies. What do you think the stores did? Sold Christian merchandise. And like the blessed sheep in the temple the moneychangers galore will become religious and think of creative ways to market the gospel, fashions and music and we are in a dilemma. How do we sell Jesus?

We not only make things sensational, but develop superstars in all areas of Christianity. We love celebrity status. Christian athletes and musicians sell well. As I was channel surfing last night I came upon a Christian TV show where the “star” was in perfect lighting, gyrating to the Christmas song and dressed with most expensive clothing. My mind went to the ungodly stars who do religious songs this time of years because it makes them money and has nothing to do with their testimony or faith.

If someone becomes popular there are marketers and agents who want to make them superstars. The book industry knows that popular ministers sell books and they continue to publish even trite because it makes them money. The financial charges from Christian superstars are unbelievable. I have commented before on the importance of proper support of those for whom this is their life income, but once again our focus is on that first Christmas and the God of the universe world is contrasted with the god of this world- materialism and super status.

It isn’t about the hype, it is about the heart. And that is only what God looks at this Christmas. He does not give a rip about sales, or crowds, or what is popular or what isn’t. He is only desires of truth and the carrying out of his plan.

Steve Brown tells of a famous painting by Brueghel entitled “The Census.” It is a picture of Bethlehem on Christmas Eve two thousand years ago. The painting captures the scene of a busy village filled to overflowing with visitors called to town for the Roman Census. In the center of the painting is a government booth and flowing from it a long line of tired travelers waiting their turn to fill out the imperial papers commanded by Augustus Caesar. If you look close you can see all kinds of people, rich and poor, young and old, powerful leaders and minor servants. They have all returned to the City of David to be counted. But down in the lower right corner of the picture almost out of site and sure to be overlooked by the casual viewer, just barely visible is a man tugging on a donkey and on top of the donkey a very pregnant woman.

It was God’s design to display His sovereignty in a baby born of a woman. It was His plan to send an angelic choir to a few humble and anonymous sheepherders. That Christmas God came to the humble, and the simple. It was in quiet Bethlehem not popular Jerusalem; it was to the rural area in the outskirts, not to palaces and nobility.

Why a stable? Why was there no room in the inn? Why to a carpenter? Why to foreigners? It was the simplicity of the sovereign that makes this Christmas thing confusing. It’s not in the sensational, but in the simple that God chooses often to carry out his work and his ways.

God sent forth his Son born of a woman and in so doing it was the most defenseless of creatures a baby that requires everything at the hands of humans. Human babies take the longest to develop and care for in the animal kingdom. Yet here is how God came, not with superstar status which He deserved but unassuming carpenter’s home

The Spirit of Christmas is in humility, in simplicity, in meekness when the Master over all came for those who have been given eyes to see.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs Dec 23 Spirit

Gal 4:6 Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father."

Christmas is not about self its about the Spirit

A pastor had met a parishioner in a store following Christmas and asked her "Did you get everything you wanted for Christmas?"

She answered, "No, I did not. But then, it wasn't my birthday, now was it?"

Good response.

I recalled the time years ago when the church staff was going to put on a surprise birthday party for me. They had it all planned out. Unfortunately, I had gotten called away on a chaplaincy call from the hospital. Back at the church the staff wondered what they should do without my not being there. Ron Gullman got a video camera and began to film the party for me as if I was there. People came out of their hiding places and said surprise. They went through the food line and gave me cards via the video and afterward sang Happy Birthday and blew out the candles and read a poem.

While they were watching the video I came upon them and “surprised them”. We laughed and watched their creativity of putting on a party without my presence.

I thought of how often we are surrounded at Christmas time with things that concern us and forget the party is for HIM. Many Christmas celebrations exclude Christ. Even those who sing and participate in religious activities are filming without His presence. There is something missing.

We see in the life of Jesus that the Son glorifies the Father, the Spirit glorifies the Son, the Father sends the Spirit into us to glorify Himself with a personal relationship that is so intimate we can call Him “Da-da” “Abba”, the first sounds a young child makes trying to say Daddy. As a child we recognize our father and delight in him. When the Spirit comes into our lives it is for the purpose of changing everything from God’s perspective.

Earlier in this letter Paul writes, ”I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Gal 2:20

Certainly Christmas is the time to think of others. Salvation Army receives millions of dollars in donations to help those in need. Toys for Tots has a successful campaign of collections for kids who might not otherwise receive gifts at Christmas. There are mittens made for the homeless, Christmas meals passed out, and cards and money distributed to folks we seldom connect with the rest of the year.

But statistics show increasingly people without any faith celebrate Christmas and in order to do so without any guilty conscience the courts now have officially declared Christmas to be a secular holiday. Our neighbors do not need Jesus to celebrate, have parties, and even concern themselves with those less fortunately in charitable ways.

But the guest of honor is left outside. The Spirit is given for a personal relationship whereby we not sing about the babe of Bethlehem, but cry Abba Father made possible by His coming into our world. The heart of God is to love us into his kingdom but can be done no other way that break that barrier of sin and pride and we receive the Spirit by grace through faith. We become Christ followers for the long haul. Then something is suppose to happen. Our outlook begins to change. To love God and love others isn’t from us, it is through us by the Spirit. Will we trust and obey?

Our culture is bombarded with adult toys so we can have everything our own way. I-pads and i-phones want to so personalize all our wants in music, friends on Facebook, news stories, sports teams, hobbies and interests. The multitude of choices is overwhelming as our tastes and interest not only change but are changed by those who influence us, including the Christmas marketers.

Let’s face it, we like people with whom we are compatible because we like people who are like us. We may think we love others when we are simply feeling good about them loving us. For the sake of a real relationship Christ came to live among us into our sinful and selfish world to give us His Spirit. It is to see the larger pictures of the kingdom of God. He infinite became finite, the sinless among sinners; the lover among the resentful. He became a servant and wants to serve others through us. That is the spirit at work.

To do so requires us to become more interested in what interests Jesus. That might include contacts with people who love Jesus but not love our style of music. Folks who do not love Jesus but need to- the immoral, idolaters, rebels, and so forth. It means making friends with people who don't seem very useful to him: the severely disabled, those wasting away in as shut ins or in nursing homes. It means joining with others who are not just like ourselves who together under the spirit’s leading become the hands and feet and truth of the reason we celebrate. That is the church Christ loves. We are the people to whom the Spirit is given for His glory and honor.

What interests Jesus? After all, its His party.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri Dec 24 – Salvation

Verses- Gal 4: 7 Gal 4:4-7 But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.

Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father."

So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.

Christmas is not about the Stuff, It’s about Salvation.

The context of the book of Galatians is that we need saving from sin and we need saving from slavery and bondage. When the law came through Moses it was set up not only to keep us form sin, but to show our hearts are in need of change. The law was unable to save us. It became a symbol of the immature children who come to a time of growing up in their lives when they no longer need the law, because the love of God is in their hearts. That is only possible because the Son of God. He was the only one righteous enough to live a life without sin and acceptable to take our punishment to satisfy the law. Justice required sin to be paid by death. Mercy motivated God to make that sacrifice on the cross for our salvation. This Christmas thing through the eyes of God is bringing us salvation so anyone can come to know God in a personal way.

He created mankind as an object of his love, but from the very start that love has been spurned. From the beginning of his attempt to have fellowship with his creation he has met with rejection.
Pastor Rodney Buchanan in one of his sermon reminds us it was not easy for God to give us Christmas. It was not easy to keep loving and coming after a creation that had continually rejected him and his love. It was not easy when he realized what his Son would have to go through, especially the cross. The Christmas story is not as cute as it is profound. A child born to die. A child destined for suffering, abuse and misunderstanding. A child whose life was in danger shortly after his birth. It is a story of a God who gave until it hurt. Christ gave up his position and place in glory that we might have Christmas. It began in a dirty manger and ended on a dirty wooden cross. He was born in a borrowed stable and was buried in a borrowed tomb.

God had one thing in mind from the beginning of the world: to rescue and save his creation; to redeem the human race; to save us and bring us into his eternal kingdom; to put an end to evil and rule the universe. And by so doing he would establish his rightful place on the throne over all creation. God sends a baby who seems to be so vulnerable, but turns out to be the King of the universe.

The Son of God has come under the law. He was the Law-maker and the Law-giver, and he is both the Judge of the law and the Executioner of the law, and yet he himself came under the law. No sooner was he born of a woman than he came under the law: this voluntarily and yet necessarily. He willed to be a man, and being a man he accepted the position, and stood in the place of man as subject to the law of the race. When they took him and circumcised him according to the law, it was publicly declared that he was under the law. During the rest of his life you will observe how reverently he observed the commands of God. Even to the ceremonial law as it was given by Moses he had scrupulous regard. He despises the traditions and superstitions of men, but for the rule of the dispensation he had a high respect.

Now the law is no more. We are blessed to experience grace. He met the requirements. Now instead of the stuff we need Him. Instead of the stuff of what we buy and what we provide we come to understand that Christian isn’t about what we have to offer, it is what he has to offer. Even now, as believers he wants to give us more of himself. In so receiving Jesus to follow Him and accept Him as the complete authority in our lives we are given not only His Spirit and Salvation but the right to become His children, his sons and daughters. We are family.

At the right time Jesus came to reveal His Glory to you and all who will believe. It's not about what we have to give, but what we need to receive.

Merry Christmas

Pastor Dale

Friday, December 17, 2010

Jonah Pouts - Jonah 4

Sermon Nuggets Mon Dec 13 Jonah Pouts

Verses Jonah 4

Jonah Pouts

We are grieved to see the peace plan of Israel and Palestine go up in smoke when two nations and faiths hate each other and do all matter of injustices upon one another. The headlines this past week have Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton upset that the two parties are not taking the suggestions that can be steps to peace. Religions prejudice doesn’t stop with different religions but groups without each faith traditions can have grave fights over their interpretations of the Torah, the Koran, or the Bible.

Prejudice and hatred run deep in the hearts of mankind that can only be changed by the personal faith in Jesus Christ. God’s love for the world almost seems impossible when people groups within and without are filled with hatred.

The movie The End of the Spear shows the sacrificial love of missionaries going to an unreached tribe of Waodoni that is keen on killing another Indian tribe in Ecuador. In seeking to tell the good news of God’s love the missionaries are martyred. Anthropologists still condemn what the missionaries did 50 years ago trying to change the beliefs of another people group. But don’t people see how those belief systems keep people in fear and bondage? Why does a young Muslim blow himself and others up in an act of violence as witnesses in Sweden last week? Mohammed taught that he would immediately go to Nirvana and get 72 virgins in an afterlife of pleasures and lusts.

In India there is a sect of Hindus that take a widow of a man who died and bury her alive with him or burn her along with his body because that religion says he will have her as his companion in the reincarnation experience.

In Australia there are aborigines who used to believe a witch doctor every so often needed a victim to appease the gods’ anger and would arbitrarily picks an newborn infant amidst the protests of the crying mother. He takes this baby and fills the mouth with sand until it chokes to death. Why? Because his pagan religion tells him he must do this. There are mothers in another group in Africa who have twin babies and but must put them to death because their religion teaches them that twins are demon possessed.

What right do Christians have to go to these places and preach how God came to earth in Jesus Christ to show them love and die for our sins? We can accepted and believe in the death burial and resurrection of Christ and personally receive God’s spirit into our lives and be saved when we repent. The Ninevites needed to know of this God in the Old Testament time to save them from destruction for their wickedness and instructed Jonah to go and warn them. But Jonah was like the rest of the world filled with his own hatred and prejudice and ran the other way. God had to change his mind in the stomach of the fish and bring some repentance in his own life until he obeyed and proclaimed the word of God to them.

Surprisingly the nation did convert and cried out to God for forgiveness. God is not just concern for the Jews, but for the world and wants us to express and declare that love and warning that outside of faith in Jesus Christ outside of Gods’ mercy we are lost people and people for the world are lost. That is the call of worldwide missions as well as local outreach. The book of Jonah is a book of missions. Jonah was still prideful. He was thinking that being a Jews was better than being a Palestinian, or Ninevite or Gentile or whatever people group you want to identify.

Jonah is found pouting under a broom tree and God uses this time to ask him revealing questions.

Where do your prejudices arise? How does God feel about the people you shun? What message do they need to hear? What message do you need to hear?

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 14- The Questions of Jonah

Verses – 1 But Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry.

2 He prayed to the LORD, "O LORD, is this not what I said when I was still at home? That is why I was so quick to flee to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.

8 When the sun rose, God provided a scorching east wind, and the sun blazed on Jonah's head so that he grew faint. He wanted to die, and said, "It would be better for me to die than to live."

Jonah Questions God

Before we look at the questions from God, I want to look today at the attitude an questions stated and implied by Jonah to God.

We often do not understand the mind of the Lord. We are filled with many question why God does something or does not do something. In the movie, “Bruce Almighty” the character is often complaining and asking God why He is picking on him when unfortunate inconveniences happen. Like the rest of us “Bruce” wants life to always be pleasurable and happy and somehow when it isn’t it reflects on the nature of God.

We follow this principle “God rewards the good and punishes the evil.” That is fair in our minds, except when we fail to see the evil within us and the good within our enemies. From God’s perspective all of our righteousness is as filthy rags. All deserve judgment for our sins. We justify ourselves and condemn those with whom we disagree and feel like God should treat good Christian people better.

Ultimately this is at the heart of Jonah’s complaint. As mentioned before Ninevah was a power and evil nation and enemy of Israel. Can you imagine a Jewish prophet preaching to Iran about turning to God and feeling happy when God blesses them? Or why should God bless the Palestinians if the Israelis are the chosen people? These types of prejudices are behind the complaints of Jonah.

His question is really a statement of his own opinion. “Isn’t this what I said when I was at home? I knew you were a compassionate God who forgives and frankly these people don’t deserve forgiveness they deserve judgment! The question is why?

Would God provide salvation to Adolph Hitler if he repented of his sins and reached out to Jesus Christ to save him? Yes. But we ask, is that fair? There is no way we want forgiveness to child molesters, to violent murderers or oppressors who have done wrong to us or our loved ones or to our nation. That is not fair they deserve judgment.

Likewise, how in the world could God be a good God and send someone who hell who is a good person but did not respond by faith in Jesus Christ? These are not light questions but run into the depths of what we think is fairness.

No wonder Jonah is anger with God. He does not do things the way mankind does them. He is being judged by us as if we know best how things ought to be.

If you look at the prayer of Jonah it can easily be analyzed as to where his mind was, 10 times “I , Me, My in three verses, as translated in the KJV. He is self-centered.

As I think about Jonah’s question and statements in light of the grace of God I am aware how Jonahy failed to learn the lessons with both the fish and the plant. He goes to wait for the destruction of the city but it does not happen. Twice God saved Jonah so to speak, once with the great fish and secondly by providing a plant in the wilderness for protection from the sun. Yet the grace demonstrated toward him was not understood based on his questions and statements. He as distressed. He was glad when he received grace but not forgiving toward others.

According to Professor Bob Deffinbaugh, Jonah tupified the stubborn rebellion of Gods’ people Israel. Just as Jonah disobeyed God’s order, Israel disobeyed God’s law. Just as Jonah refused to carry out his task of preaching to the Gentiles, so did the nation Israel. Just as Jonah called on God for deliverance, yet without genuine repentance, so did Israel. Just as Jonah had the outward trappings of righteousness, the right forms and the right terms, but lacked genuine righteousness, so did Israel.

He writes, “ The scribes and Pharisees of Jesus’ day typify this same willfulness and rebellion. When He came, our Lord, as it were, swept away the three-fourth inch covering of snow from the accumulated garbage of Judaism. Jesus uncovered and condemned the smug self-righteousness and hypocrisy of the Israelite leaders, just as the Book of Jonah has done with the prodigal prophet.”

It was with righteous indignation that those who thought they were righteous criticized Jesus for spending time with the sinners, tax collectors and even Gentiles. Aren’t you glad He did?

When we tend to question God humble yourself and realize God has some questions to ask of you and me. Who are we to question the Almighty? And then listen.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds Dec 15 Anger

Verses- Jonah 4:1 But Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry.

2 He prayed to the LORD, "O LORD, is this not what I said when I was still at home? That is why I was so quick to flee to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.

3 Now, O LORD, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live."

4 But the LORD replied, "Have you any right to be angry?"

God questions Jonah’s ANGER

We had seen Jonah is greatly displeased. He tells the Lord why he is angry. The first reason is that he didn’t get his own way. The first question the Lord asks “Have you any right to be angry?” Of course it is a rhetorical question not really meant to be answered, but reflective. Can a man who has been the recipient of divine mercy, grace, love and patience withhold these blessings from others?

Jonah is upset because he wanted the Lord to destroy them and he didn’t. Jonah has no room to talk or feel what way whatsoever for he was dealt with in mercy. God forgave him. He obeyed because he had to, not because he wanted to.

We talked about the importance of being obedient to the Lord. It is also true that some people have a wonderful relationship with God but don’t want to get involved with other people. But faith is to be shared not kept. We are to encourage one another in good works. We need to beware of sin and help a brother or sister who falls or in need.

Many are obedient but not happy, which of course, is better than being happy but disobedient! When parents instruct their children to be obedient they may comply but not be happy about cleaning their room or taking out the garbage or doing their chores. When a boss might want us to do a job, we may not like it, but if we want to keep the job we obey. The route to obedience with Christ does not always bring immediate happiness. When all the disciples were killed being witnesses there was a joy to be counted as a martyr for Christ in love, but not sure scourging or even going to the cross was happy time. Glorification comes later. And it does for us as well.

It has been said: “Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.” It seems Jonah was trying to justify his earlier disobedience before God. He tries to show God how smart and right he was. “See Lord, I told you I know all along that this was going to happen. I knew that you are that kind of God who is forgiving and merciful and loving. I hate God’s enemies with a perfect hatred why can’t God do as much?”

He did get his theology is right. It is taken from the same description in Ex 34:6 “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.” God is gracious. Grace is a word commonly used. The people have received mercy by not getting what they deserved. But reflect on your own life and realize you and I have been the recipients of mercy. The greatest present of all was God himself. That is matchless to any other present.

The Bible says God is slow to anger. That is how we are to be. Eph 4 tells us to be slow to anger. Be angry but sin not. “In other words there is something wrong with a quick temper, but if you have been patient and moral or seeking to do right you will find injustice and blasphemy and there is a place for righteous anger. We do need to correct our children in love. We do need to confront sin and not sweep it under the rug.

God becomes our example desirous to give people an opportunity to repent. He is patient in delaying the second coming not wiling that any should perish.

Has God already given you warnings? Are there things in your life that don’t belong? Now is the time to turn to Him and from that sin today. God abounds in keeping His part of the covenant relationship.

“Lord, I might as well die. Woe is me.” Jonah knew all about God. He perfectly understood his character. He aptly presented the message just as God told him to do. But what change was there that was lasting for Jonah?

Jonah had the problem of living in the present and so quickly forgetting Gods’ own mercy to him. It is hard to imagine Jonah who had received grace and mercy from God fails to have that attitude toward the Ninevites. He wanted to see them pay for their sin, but did not want to pay for his own sin. Just because a person has been forgiven or received mercy from God does not make them more merciful.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs Dec 16 Priorities

Verses Jonah 4:5-9 5 Jonah went out and sat down at a place east of the city. There he made himself a shelter, sat in its shade and waited to see what would happen to the city.

6 Then the LORD God provided a vine and made it grow up over Jonah to give shade for his head to ease his discomfort, and Jonah was very happy about the vine.

7 But at dawn the next day God provided a worm, which chewed the vine so that it withered.

8 When the sun rose, God provided a scorching east wind, and the sun blazed on Jonah's head so that he grew faint. He wanted to die, and said, "It would be better for me to die than to live."

9 But God said to Jonah, "Do you have a right to be angry about the vine?" "I do," he said. "I am angry enough to die."

God questions Jonah's Priorities

Here we have the story of the plant providing shade for Jonah. God provided the shady plant, but then he also provided the worm that came and ate the plant at just the right places to cause it to whither and die. Jonah cries again, “Woe is me” “I’m better off dead” and then comes that question from the Lord. “Do you do well to be angry for the plant?” He adds a word for emphasis that changes the question. Not only what right do you, of all people have to be angry for my mercy toward people, but now how can you be so angry over something as petty as not having shade from the plant? What is as significant as a plant? You have more grief over the death of a plant that eternal lost of people’s souls. Sure the plant was used to bring comfort. You’ll notice that Jonah was exceedingly glad for the plant to save him from the heat and sun. It is true that little things can make a difference for us a little conveniences are sorely missed.

When I go camping I am so appreciative of running water, electric appliances. I so enjoy a warm shower and the convenience if it is cold to turn a dial to get heat. How much I enjoy turning a key and have my car start. When these things don’t work right I get upset over the inconvenience, cost and time wasted. Isn’t life horrible? I don’t think of the fact I have health or money to get them repaired, or I’m well fed. I just concentrate on the convenience I do not have and that puts me in a sour mood. How about you?

God is posing this type of question before Jonah. “You are suffering when something is taken from you which I gave you as a gift for your temporary comfort. But I your Lord, suffer for that which I have created.

Jonah is more concerned about a little plant than he is about the great city of Nineveh. He is more concerned about selfish needs than the needs that are basic to others.

I’m sorry to say that is the attitude expressed by many. In all our wealth and luxuries we are more concerned about our comforts while people dying of starvation or lost without the gospel. We have opportunities to give and serve the needy through special during the year. Paul does put it in perspective when he says I know what it means to be in plenty and in want. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

When disappointing things come we are tempted to say God is not fair, but if He was most of us would lose most of our material goods to be distributed to the bulk of the world without. You and I have been super blessed, so when you think of the fairness of God think of those in need and especially the good news. What are the petty issues that capture our time and money?

Of course, I think some psychologists might call this displaced anger. That means he is angry about one thing, but takes it out on something else. Sure it is petty and sure it is selfish, but it is real. It’s like the man who had a hard day at the office an comes home and yells at his wife, who is angry at her husband but yells at the kids, who are angry at Mom but kicks the dog. Anger grows and grows so that pretty soon we are angry people bitter and unhappy with chips on our shoulders ready to fight the world.

I think of a friend of mine who takes tragedies fairly well, but you should hear him when he breaks a shoelace or a button pops off his shirt. He swears like trooper. He gets all out of sorts when a car passes him or beats him at a light. Down deep he is upset about something else that he doesn’t want to face.

We experience things in life so that God might break our spirits and depend on him. Jonah spirit needed broken in the stomach of a great fish, and more work needs to be done in his life in the wilderness. It seems God is never done teaching us things huh? The fact that the plant died makes me so angry he wanted to die. Almost sounds funny doesn’t it? Little things capture our attention and God sometimes want to take them away from us to wake us up to reality.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri Dec 17 – Heart

Verses Jonah 4: 10 But the LORD said, "You have been concerned about this vine, though you did not tend it or make it grow. It sprang up overnight and died overnight.

11 But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?"

God questions Jonah’s Heart.

We might think this is a story about Jonah and the fish, or about Jonah’s rebellion, or about Nineveh’s repentance. I would suggest the story of Jonah is about the very heart of God. Each time the Lord gets more direct and pointed to the real problem of Jonah. At the end of the book Jonah builds a little shelter for himself. He is depressed and separating himself from the world. He wants to be with his own kind and with people to think and act like himself. He didn’t want to serve anymore. Things didn’t go his way.

I am sorry to say I’ve heard that among people in the church. Someone had served on a committee ladies program or an officer and things didn’t go their way and they won’t serve anymore. Some won’t even come to church anymore because they didn’t get their way. God isn’t done using Jonah, or you and me or anyone else, so there is something else that needs to be looked at than hurt feelings. There are tasks within our church that could be done if someone with the gifts and abilities are willing to do them.

I see a greater involvement with people wanting to have personal reading, worship and Christian media involvement but not with one another. I think part of that is the influence of internet social networks, cell phones, i-pads, and so forth. We become technologically advanced but socially cocooning. And on the other had hobbies and personal interests take priority over the things of the Lord. We have molded God into our lives instead of the other way around.

As we seek to look at people who commit to the Word of God we want to challenge one another to be biblically sound and not moved by all the fads of religious media. We need folks discipling others and training others in sound doctrine. We want to worship which his more than a personal experience or even a personal preference it involves corporate celebration of who God is and what He is doing. Committing to the witness of God is the challenge that the world is hurting without Jesus Christ and in needs that the love of Jesus shines in a darkness when people are helped. But that also means we need to commit to the work of Christ by using our gifts and talents together under the direction of God.

I received emails from some people all who have moved away from SBC and were so encouraged by the saints of years gone by. One thing that impressed them was a group of deacons who used pray and then before the message sit in the front two pews to lift up the speaker before God and intercede for the people.

One person’s comment was, “Often, when I have been asked why so many came out of Stanchfield who went into ministry in one way or another, I tell them it was because of the attitude that was fostered in us, all wrapped in a gift of prayer that started with those deacons.”

You see Jonah learned obedience, but needed his heart changed to be one who loves like God loves. He needed to love God more and love others in the fellowship and outside. He needed compassionate heart toward others and God questions his heart with the final question that nails it home. “Should not I pity Niveveh that great city in which there are more than 120,000 people?

That is the thing that the Lord wants to bring home to Jonah. He pities a plant that is an inanimate item. Well, Jonah if you are concerned about the plant, what about all the children of Nineveh that have not even knowledge of their right hand and left hands? They have no knowledge what their parents and grandparents are doing. What about those cows out in the fields chewing their cuds, they have nothing to do with the evil their masters have Could you not even understand that I would want to save them from destruction even for their sake? Sin affects animals and children.

Yet God’s question never really is answered by Jonah, did you notice that? It stands as a reminder that God is concerned not only with Christians, but non Christian and those who are backslidden and away from the Lord. Are you trying to escape Gods’ great commission? For Israel was appointed to enlighten the Gentiles to spiritual truth and failed. They didn’t tell anyone the good news. They wanted to keep it to themselves. Is that compassion? Is that heart? Do they really care for others if they have the truth and don’t share it? What others great cities as well as individuals need to know how to get saved? Whose job is it to tell?

I think the reason that the story doesn’t tell us what Jonahs response was is that wasn’t important. The question isn’t how did Jonah react but rather how does the reader react to God’s question? Do you have a heart? The message is for us.

Pastor Thomas wrote, “And Jonah stayed in his shaded seat and waiting for God to come around to his way of thinking- And God is still waiting for a host of Jonah’s in their comfortable house to come around to His way of loving.”

The book of Jonah has a message that is loud and clear about God, namely, His mercy is not confined to Israel but extends to any people who will trust him and repent of their sin. What saves is not nationality but faith. That's a great gospel message coming out of the Old Testament. The main point is, "You be merciful as your heavenly Father is merciful."

May the heart of our Lord be reflected in us in the coming year.

Pastor Dale

Friday, December 10, 2010

Jonah Preaches Jonah 3

Sermon Nuggets Mon Dec 6 – Jonah Preaches

Verses- Jonah 3

Jonah Preaches

I’m not sure who wrote this little poem about preaching, but it goes this way.

“I’ve never seen my pastor’s eyes, although with light they may shine. For when he prays, he closes his, and when he preaches…mine.”

One good thing about email devotions is that you either have your eyes open or you don’t open up the email and read it.

In the first chapter we looked at Jonah personally rebelling and running from God. He didn’t go off like the prodigal son in sinful living, but he was not in obedience to the Lord. He did not want to witness to the lost people of Nineveh even though God told him to go. He did not love the lost. He was prejudiced against people of a different race and color and country. He did not like the idea of the enemy power staying in power when they have been such a cruel and evil people.

The second chapter dealt with personal renewal in his own heart while God mercifully saved him from drowning in order to do something in his heart to make him usable again. God loved Jonah. But he needed an attitude adjustment. Before the attitude adjustment he needed to be saved from the raging sea. He cried out to God for salvation and God heard his cry and created a miracle fish to swallow him, and enough air to provide him life for 3 days. Here is where his prayer started with desperation. Moved to discover his deliverance from the Lord, and concluded in dedicate of himself for the Lord’s service.

What would happen if you relooked at the needs of your hearts for God’s mercy in your life? What would happen if you looked at the ways God has delivered you? What type of dedication is He looking for in your life? What does God have for you? It may be call to witness to a co-worker, family member, loved one. It may be writing a letter of apology, or thanks to someone. It may be giving to a cause of evangelism or missions. It may be teaching or working in an area of need. Is God knocking on your heart’s door?

As I am looking at the book of Jonah as a prelude to revival it is important to note that it begins with the changed servant in order to bring a light to people in darkness or in need, and now this week we hear the message that God tells Jonah to preach. What is the message people need to hear in and around us?

Revival comes in part when people face the truth of their spiritual condition. We will see that Jonah was now obedient to God but his heart was still prejudiced against the Ninevite people. He was happy to preach judgment on the people, but not the mercy of God.

I know of one lady whose husband was not a Christian. She would come to church and find her friends to support her in her concern for her husband. She would tell of how he acted and ignored her and how he didn’t like her coming to church. She was the spiritual leader for her children.

By God’s grace, one day he had a talk with their pastor and turned his life over to the Lord. Things changed dramatically for him. Surprisingly his wife was confused. She know how to act as the “victim” of an unspiritual husband, but now he was getting the attention and people encouraged him in the Lord instead of her. She saw him taking more of the spiritual leadership in the home and frankly resented it. It was almost like she was used to the life of feeling spiritually better but now that wasn’t the case.

Our attitudes need adjustments continually. People who are lost need to hear the good news….even our enemies. And maybe God is preparing you to be the one to tell them.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 7 Forgiveness

Verses – Jonah 3: 1 Then the word of the LORD came to Jonah a second time:

2 "Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you."

3 Jonah obeyed the word of the LORD and went to Nineveh. Now Nineveh was a very important city-- a visit required three days.

4 On the first day, Jonah started into the city. He proclaimed: "Forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned."

Jonah receives a Second Chance

The word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time. Saying arise and go… The same command we read in the first chapter. Jonah made a mistake at first. Some might pray if they were Jonah, “Lord, why would you want to use me anymore. Don’t you understand that I failed you? How can you possible use me? You better pick someone who is more worthy?”

Now if that isn’t your prayer, how about that in someone else’s life who failed? Are you willing to give them a second chance?

Many football fans know the classic story of Roy Riegel who played football in the Rose Bowl game in 1929 when Georgia Tech played the University of California. Every so often the video clip is re-shown how he picked up a fumble and excitedly ran for the goal. The only problem was he was running to the wrong goal. It was just before he crossed the goal line that one of his own teammates Benny Lom downed him after 65 yards. Roy was humiliated, crushed, and made fun of. He cried.

Nibbs Price was the coach and the story is when half time came he remained silent in the locker room. When the signal came it was time to go back out, Price simply said, “the same team that played in the first half will start in the second.” And all ran out except Roy Riegels. The coach went up to him and repeated himself. “I said the same team” Roy was crying and exclaimed, “I can’t go out there. I’ve ruined you, University of California and myself. I cannot face the crowd again.” The coach reportedly put his hand on the shoulder of his player and said, “The game is only half over. I want you to go out and show them that.”

The rest of the story which any of the players on the team will tell you is that they never had seen anyone play as hard the second half as Roy Riegels. How wise that coach was for giving him a second chance. It would have been a great story if they had won the game, but they didn’t.

Everyone here has been given a second chance from God. That is the kind of God we have. I hope you don t miss this message because it is the greatest chapter in Jonah. God’s love gives us another chance. Jonah preached with a different heart than before.

Remember Peter who denied his Lord? Our of his pride he promised that if all the others left and ran away he would remain faith and die with Christ if needs be. Yet he was the first to say “I don’t know him.” When asked if he was a disciple.

If you are like me you have gone back on some promises you have made to the Lord. If you are like me you probably felt like quitting and giving up. Maybe you are one who judges someone else harshly for their failure like Paul did for young Mark and didn’t want to chance it again to have him join them on the missionary team. But I’m so glad for the spirit of Barnabas who put his arm around John Mark and said to Paul we will go by ourselves on another mission and Paul took Silas, Barnabas took Mark and they went their separate ways. We don’t hear anymore about Barnabas. They apparently didn’t have anyone else like Luke on their team who would write up their missionary journey, but Mark played the second half with obedience and devotion for Paul writes later in life, “send Mark to me, for he has been such an encouragement.”

Peter played the second half not perfectly mind you, but with much more humility and gratefulness for a kind Lord who called him back out on the playing field of service.

Jonah was given a second chance. So are you. Maybe a third, fourth, fifth. That is the good thing about God is that as we are willing to repent and follow him He picks us up and we continue on our journey.

The Lord’s prayer includes an important part-“Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” As you have received forgiveness so give it to another.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds Dec 8 Obedience

Verses- Jonah 3:1 Then the word of the LORD came to Jonah a second time:

2 "Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you."

3 Jonah obeyed the word of the LORD and went to Nineveh. Now Nineveh was a very important city-- a visit required three days.

4 On the first day, Jonah started into the city. He proclaimed: "Forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned."

Response in Obedience.

Experience of sin and failure can make us defeated persons or dedicated persons. One person said failures or frustrations can make us bitter or better. God had to do something in Jonah’s heart before Jonah was read to obey. Jonah had to make important decisions, of course.

One of the greatest obstacles to conversion is often not found in sin, hardness of hearts or illustrations of wickedness, but in the pious, prejudiced hearts. That was Jonah. It is not always sin in the hearts of sinners that keep men from God. It is sometimes the sin in the hearts of the saints. The world disparately needs the gospel. We need to pray for workers to go into the harvest. And pray and your hearts would be willing to be God’s representatives where you work, go to school, or socialize. God needs to change the hearts of believers before the gospel has an impact on the hearts of the unsaved.

“Proclaim the message that I have given you” was Jonahs’ instructions from the Lord. I am sure he did keep his vow by going back to Jerusalem and offering sacrifices and seeking forgiveness, but he didn’t stay there when the Lord wanted him to go someplace else.

Many clergy preach what the people want them to preach. Many ministers will preach what is popular. Many will say what is politically correct. Most want to be concerned about job security. But obedience is taking God’s Word and proclaiming it as clearly as one can.

But I don’t think this passage is just for me. I think there might be something for you in here too. Teach what the Lord wants you to teach at home, in your Sunday school classes, in clubs, in small groups. It is the Word of God that convicts and changes and gives lives and reveals sin. The Bible becomes a lamp to our feet and a light to our path even if you don’t like it. It alone is truth.

All the judges in the world can ban it from classrooms. Society can find it offensive to teach, but even in countries where it is not only illegal to teach but in private homes, illegal to read find it all the more popular. Some will secretly pass on passages and books of the Bible to others. It is said that one Bible in China is read by 10 people. You cannot put the lid down on God’s word. Never have, never will.

Obeying the Lord is to live out the Word and pass it on. It was the call of Jonah to leave his comfort zone and go to the enemy and proclaim pending judgment on the people unless they repent.

Sharing the faith is part of the call of Christians. To whom does God want you to share? What area do you have problems with obedience to the Lord?

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs Dec 9- Repentance

Verses- Jonah 3: 5 The Ninevites believed God. They declared a fast, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth.

6 When the news reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust.

7 Then he issued a proclamation in Nineveh: "By the decree of the king and his nobles: Do not let any man or beast, herd or flock, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink.

8 But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence.

9 Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish."

Response in Repentance

Jonah preached “yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown.” I personally don’t believe that is the whole message. That is the core of what he had to say. They knew they needed to get right with God so Jonah had to introduce them to the Lord. This message wasn’t a popular message. It was message of condemnation for sin. Jonah would in our day be called a hell, fire and brimstone preacher. But it is a message that needs to be heard today. If you do not turn from your sins you will be judged by God and sent to hell. That is true for each person. But God also judges nations and leaders.

Sometimes the discipline God chooses to use is to have more ungodly nations oppress more godly nations who should know better. America should know better. We should know that life is precious. Truth is paramount. We should know what the Bible teaches on marriage and sexuality, and adultery and fornication and greed, and gossip, and lying, and stealing, and doing evil.

Grace sells much better and it is also truth, but not the whole truth. There is something that precedes grace and that is the awareness of our desperate need for it because of sin. If you die in your sin you will go to hell. If you remain in your sin you will be judged. That is the word of the Lord. That is the warning now before it is too late.

Mind you, it might be easier to listen to a prophet of doom when he just spent the last three days in the belly of a fish. If he was like the illustration we used last week his skin and hair are bleached white from the digestive juices. He probably looked like a ghost, but that is just a guess. Now he knows of which he speaks. He too knew the consequences for his sin.

The great city had a surprising response- they repented. They believe the Word of the Lord. Revival broke out. The whole city turned and believed in God. They responded in not only repentance, but faith believing God was going to do what God said he was going to do. It began with trusting God.

The people in Nineveh from the King to the servants and including the animals were called upon to fast and pray asking God not to do what he said he would do. The King removed his robe, and covered self in dust. So did all the people.

Ashes signified dust, valuelessness, loathsomeness, misery and shame. It signified humility before God and contrition of heart. People in mourning in Eastern world sometimes still will cover themselves in dust or ashes.

However repentance is both inward and outward. There is more than just feeling badly it is a change of action In our “repentance” we can often times be concerned more with stopping feeling bad, rather than understanding the offence of our sins. Nicky Gumbel tells us of a man who sent a check to the government for back taxes with a note attached that said, “I felt so guilty for cheating on my taxes I had to send you this check. If I don’t feel any better, I’ll send you the rest.”

That wasn’t the attitude of the folks in this story. When one comes clean before God they want to all to be taken away and they cried for God to save them even though they realized they were guilty.

Pastor Dale

Sermon nuggets Fri Dec 10- Mercy

Jonah 3: 9-10 Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish."

When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction he had threatened.

Response in Mercy

Repentance is not a way of twisting God’s arm so that he must forgive us. As if when we say the right words, and do the right actions God must obey us and forgive us. No, we can rely on His promise that when we repent, he forgives, but true repentance does not demand it.

God saw a great city. It was vast. There were multitudes of people and in this area they were without hope because they were without God . There was no witness of truth. They were full of immorality, licentiousness, greed, pride, whose lifestyle was to eat drink and be merry. They were idol worshippers and did not know any better.

When I watched the movie “the end of the Spear”, depicting the slaying of the missionaries in Ecuador a number of years ago, I became aware again of the love of God that desired to see a lost people group come to repentance and salvation. Even if it cost someone their lives and it did. It cost Jesus his life to lay it down for our salvation. It cost those 5 missionaries their lives for the Waodoni people to be saved. It was an act of mercy instead of leaving them in darkness.

Because God is gracious and compassionate, we can belong to this marvelous thing called the body of Christ, the church. Because God is gracious and compassionate, we can repent of our evil ways and be determined by His power to live a life characterized by His holiness. He will relent of His judgment when we turn to Him.

The phrases “repented or relented” was a controversial one recently as proponents of open theism believe God changed His mind because He did not really know how the Ninevites would respond. Compare that with Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that He should lie, neither the son of man that He should repent. Hath He said and shall He not make it good?” There are other verses that similarly in Genesis show God “repented” that Saul was the king.”

I would agree with Dr. Millard Erickson who said this was man’s way of explaining God’s actions when God’s ways are above man’s ways. The Bible uses human figurative terms to help us understand only way that this can be interpreted in the context. God was planning to destroy Nineveh for their wickedness. That destruction is the result of their evil.

Nineveh was no longer the wicked nation that deserved judgment from God. The people were changed. So the phrase helps us understand that God gave warning and we too can know that we are under condemnation, but when we repent we experience the mercy of God who forgives our sins and cleanses us from all unrighteousness.

As one writer put it, it was the wicked, violent, unrighteous, proud and evil Nineveh which God promised to destroy. When they became humble, self abasing that was never threatened. For the wickedness was already done away with. God promises to destroy wickedness. Will you show our merciful God is and let him provide forgiveness to you and do our cultures?

Matthew 12:38-41 Jesus explained people were looking for signs. Jesus told them they would not have any sign but the sign of Jonah. People are always looking for signs. Oh, If Jesus would just do a little miracle, or if he would speak to me like he spoke to Paul from heaven.”

But remember they didn’t have the Scriptures like we do today. We have the witness of Jonah who in his readiness to obey God preached the word. We have the witness of Nineveh who repented of their sin and turned from their wickedness. We have the witness of God whose response was to forgive in mercy and show his love.

Interestingly, it is the person of Jonah that points us to Jesus. For Jonah becomes a sign of what occurs to Jesus. He is a demonstration of the power of resurrection. So, let us celebrate together that Jesus is Lord. Let us proclaim it faithfully. For with the faithful proclamation of the Word comes belief and repentance and salvation from a compassionate and gracious God. He responded in mercy included the worst of the sinners. It included all who need second chances. Is this your need today?

Pastor Dale