Friday, December 28, 2012

Handling Sin - Genesis 44

Sermon Nuggets Mon Dec 24 Handling Sin

Gen 44


Some of you know that during my Junior and Senior year of college I worked as a summer missionary with Youth Development Inc. out of East Harlem New York. The ministry started and run by an ex-gangster, Jim Vaus. Jim Vaus had a movie made of his story how he was a wire tapper working for West Coast gangster Mickey Cohen. It was during the Los Angeles Crusade with Billy Graham that Vaus gave his heart over to the Lord and although it would probably cost him his life he left Cohen’s gang and moved to New York to start a ministry to youth gangs.

Some time afterwards, Vaus also witnessed to Cohen. Billy Graham met with the two of them privately and after one long night session, he was urged to open the door and let Christ in. Cohen responded. But as the months passed, people saw no change in his life of crime. When confronted, he responded that no one had told him he would have to give up his work or his friends. After all, there were Christian football players, Christian cowboys, Christian politicians; why not a Christian gangster?

It was at this time that Cohen was told about repentance. And at that point Cohen announced that he wanted nothing to do with Christianity.

It is possible to find the gospel of Jesus Christ attractive for a number of reasons, because of the promise of forgiveness from sin, because it holds out the hope of life after death because it talks about blessings and peace in this life, because it will help you fit in with the group of people.

But the person who "comes to Christ" for any of these reasons is not really a child of God. They have not come to believe in Christ that allows for Him to change them. They have never come to grips with the nature of their need to change their thinking, their lives, and their priorities,  

What is hard for some people to understand is that we cannot clean up our act before coming to faith in Christ for if we could that would be salvation by works. But to submit ourselves to His control and be willing to give ourselves to Him and trust Him for our salvation results in letting Him do the work in our lives. There will be a change or there is apparently no repentance. Paul preached in “First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and to the Gentiles also, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds.” Acts 26:20 People don’t like to see their actions as sinful.

Secular psychology can tell us that things are only right or wrong in each person’s eyes, and guilt feelings can be changed when we learn to accept ourselves that way we are. Guilt has been taken out of sin out of life and penance is a symbolic ritual to be done only when you feel a need to talk to someone.

Very little is said anymore on the place of repentance as an essential ingredient in our spiritual relationship with God. Our Lord’s last words to His disciples speak of the necessity of repentance: and He said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and rise again from the dead the third day; and that repentance for forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His name to all the nations—beginning from Jerusalem” (Luke 24:46-47).

When Peter began the first Gospel sermon filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost he preached Acts 2:38-39 "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off-- for all whom the Lord our God will call."

Simply put repentance is more than just agreeing with God about your spiritual need but repentance as believing Christ resulting in following Him.
Have you been wondering why Joseph waited so long to reveal his identity? It seems Joseph is trying to find out if his brothers had changed and desiring to be reconciled to his family again. His love was greater than any hurts or resentments he could have had. Were they ready to receive him as their brother again?

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 25- 

Gen 44: 16 “What can we say to my lord?” Judah replied. “What can we say? How can we prove our innocence? God has uncovered your servants’ guilt. We are now my lord’s slaves—we ourselves and the one who was found to have the cup.”

Awareness of Sin

            This Christmas Day let us remind ourselves of what our Lord said, “for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” That is why the people can rejoice. Joy is restored to the lost. The redeemer has come. The one who will deliver us from bondage has arrived to begin his work.

Like Zacchaeus facing Jesus made him aware that he had stolen money in his job as a tax collector. Now his heart was changed and saw life from a godly perspective having been with Jesus. He left his greed and entered generosity for the sake of the Lord.

That is repentance. It is changing how we lived to self and now living for the Lord by the power of his grace and spirit. How is it Joseph was used to help the brothers face their guilt? The love they had for their father and the realization how much Jacob loved Joseph and now Benjamin was more than they could take when the silver was found in Benjamin’s sack. Let’s face it; sin is not a popular subject anymore. Many will use words like mistakes, poor choices, inappropriate thinking.

            Now the problem wasn't the offense the brothers were being accused of. When the steward found the silver cup in Benjamin’s bag that wasn't his sin or anyone else’s sin. Instead they were feeling that God was judging them for their real sin and the way they tried to kill and then sell Joseph some 22 years earlier. Judah and Reuben each had illustrations pointed out on their sexual sins in other chapters.
I also don’t believe Joseph used the silver cup for divination especially since he had the revelations by God in dreams, but this was one of the ways the Egyptians used occult practices and I believe Joseph used that cup as part of the masquerade to led them to believe he had magical powers to know the truth. Whereas he knew the truth because he was their brother who they sold into slavery. So in a sense he is giving them a symbol that says, “Don’t lie to me because I have other ways of finding out the truth.”

Some people never come open with the truth unless they are caught straight out in a lie. None of the brothers were lying, nor had they to Joseph, but neither had they been honest with their father or others about what really happened to Joseph. This was on their hearts and minds all these years.
All of the brothers tore their clothes as a sign of grief and mourning, and all of them returned to Joseph’s house. Had they acted only in self-interest, they would have renounced Benjamin as a thief, deserted him, and fled from Egypt as quickly as possible. But something different was taking place. These were not the same men that had determined to do away with Joseph at Dothan, and yet it was as though they were reliving the event in the person of Benjamin.
Now they were faced with a similar situation. Benjamin was most loved by their father Jacob just as Joseph was. He was far from home. Benjamin was accused of a terrible crime. Just like they left Joseph they could have left Benjamin. This was a test.  More than twenty years later, the same temptation faces these men. Will they evidence a change of heart, or will they act in self-interest? That is what Joseph must know. The moment of truth has arrived.

Maybe this Christmas is a time to get rid of burdens of the past that plague you. It is to see Jesus as one who came to save the lost and free us from the bondage of oppression, even the oppression of sin. Be free. Be joyful. Celebrate our savior and His love for you.

Pastor Dale

 Acknowledgment of Guilt  v. 16
Gen 44: 16 “What can we say to my lord?” Judah replied. “What can we say? How can we prove our innocence? God has uncovered your servants’ guilt. We are now my lord’s slaves—we ourselves and the one who was found to have the cup.”

            When Judah talks about guilt here, what is he talking about since there is no need to confess something they didn’t do? We know that the brothers did not take the cup. I don't think Judah is confessing to stealing the cup, it seems Judah is confessing on behalf of the brothers to the guilt in regard to Joseph. Notice that Judah says "God has uncovered your servant's guilt". Judah sees this event as God's way of judging them for their sin against Joseph. So, it seems, Judah is confessing their past sin! No more excuses. No rationalizations. He doesn't try to get out of it. He comes clean: they are guilty.
And that is the first step to a person coming to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. There must be an admission of guilt. No rationalizations. No excuses. It's just us and our sin standing before the Lord.

Proverbs 28:13 People who cover over their sins will not prosper. But if they confess and forsake them, they will receive mercy.

We cannot be right with God until we accept responsibility for our actions. Until we recognize that we are wrong we cannot know the restoration that comes from God's forgiveness. You can't seek forgiveness if you don't recognize that you need to be forgiven. Now they fall prostrate before him, no longer seeking justice as before (verses 7-9), but mercy. Joseph rebuked them for their wicked deed, again reminding them of his ability to learn the true facts of the matter. They could not deceive him; he knew all. That is the thrust of his words.

According to vs. 16 there is an awareness and acknowledgment that it is God against whom they have sinned. But Joseph responded as one might think he should if they subject was the cup. Why should all suffer for the sin of one? No, all would be sent home to their father except Benjamin, and he would remain as Joseph’s slave (vs 17).

Recently, I had offended someone. I found myself making excuses and trying to pretend I wasn’t really all that responsible. The Holy Spirit continued to convict me of my sin. At first I tried to ignore it. But then the guilt I felt was undeniably from the Lord. The only way to find inner peace was to ask forgiveness and seek restitution and reconciliation. Then the guilt I felt between me and God was removed. It changes the relationships with others as well.

When someone gets a glimpse of God’s holiness or love there is a response that is humbling. It is an awareness of the need for grace and the need for mercy.

Acknowledgment of guilt is related to the song, “It’s me, it’s me oh Lord standing in the need of prayer. Not my brother or my sister, but it’s me oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer.”

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs Dec 27- Sorrow

Gen 44: 13 At this, they tore their clothes. Then they all loaded their donkeys and returned to the city. 14 Joseph was still in the house when Judah and his brothers came in, and they threw themselves to the ground before him.

Authentic Sorrow

We read that they "tore their clothes." This was an act of mourning. It was something you did when you were in the throes of sorrow. Repentance often is prompted by sorrow for sin. It involves, sorrow that we have offended a Holy God- sorrow that by our actions we have shown such incredible ingratitude for what God has done for us; sorrow for the barrier that our act erects between us and God; sorrow that we have polluted the beauty of God's creation.

 I think there is a genuine humility in the brothers. They understand that they have not simply "broken the rules", they have severed their relationship with God. They take the posture of people who have no hope except to plea for mercy. They don't come presenting their credentials . . . they come for mercy.

The truly repentant person does not come trumpeting his goodness. He has come to a new understanding that any apparent goodness is façade. He understands that his only hope is through the grace of God. He know that he cannot even muster the requisite faith without a touch from God.

The brothers seemed sorry; they felt that they were getting their just rewards. Some people are only sorry they get caught. Many will confess to get out of trouble. It would be tempting to show remorse for the purpose of getting out of the consequences. This is not uncommon. The abusive spouse might say he is "sorry" after a violent outburst. But is he sorry enough to get help if this hasn’t stopped? Or is he sorry enough to convince his wife not to file charges or divorce him?

The drunk driver is "sorry" after someone is injured or killed in an accident. But it is for their behavior or is he sorry that he is facing adverse consequences?

The thief is sorry after he is arrested but may only be sorry for getting caught;
The promiscuous person is sorry that she "didn't take better precautions" but not for her sin.  The gossip is sorry that things got "out of control" but she sees the problem with others and not herself. It is even possible for a person to feel sorrow because he is afraid of hell and yet not be sorry for the wrong he has done. They are not sorry for the offense against God -they just don't want to be punished!

Many people live their spiritual lives this way. It is a ritual that may not have real meaning when they offer “confession”. Repentance involves change of heart, mind and action.

But once you realize your sin and the rightful penalty that should be yours—once you come to God, not to barter and bargain for blessings, but to cast yourself upon His mercy—then you will come to see the other side of God. He is a loving Father, who desires to pour out His blessings upon you. He wants to save you and to enable you to live a life that pleases Him and you.

            Judah reports what happened. And the loss of Benjamin would literally kill their father whom they loved and respected. He is suggesting that Joseph would consent to a substitution. He is willing to take the punishment himself for his brother’s proposed guilt.
Let him remain as Joseph’s prisoner, Judah pled (verse 33), for he could not bear to face his father without Benjamin. He would prefer to remain a slave in Egypt than to be free in Canaan and witness the pain and suffering he had helped to impose upon his father.

He is exhibiting godly conviction, sorrow and repentance.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri Dec 28 Change

Gen 44:18-34 & Gen 45:1-15

Actual Change

            The final result to repentance is to see actions change. This is the one thing most people ignore over. If the sin is gossip stop gossiping and start praising, If it is lying, don’t continue to lie. Tell the truth. If it is stealing, stop stealing and be like Nicodemus who wanted to give it back and even with very generous interest. It is retribution and makes things right to the victim.

.           There was a cartoon in a magazine that depicted young George Washington  standing with an axe in his hand. Before him lying on the ground is the famous cherry tree. He has already made his smug admission that he did it -- after all, he "cannot tell a lie." But his father is standing there exasperated saying, "All right, so you admit it! You always admit it! The question is, when are you going to stop doing it?"

I wonder how often God says the same thing of all those who confess their wrongs but do not change. The true evidence of repentance is a changed behavior. To repent is to go in a different direction. But what if we cannot stop and have tried and tried and tried. 

The key to the passage is Joseph received them into his grace and mercy. It was ultimately love that brought a change of heart. Is that any different with God? When we try by our own efforts we often will be discouraged. When we re-focus on rebuilding our relationship with the one we love, Jesus Christ, we find He gives power when we are powerless. Romans 7:26,27 Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25 Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! “

Do we see a genuine change in the brothers of Joseph? You bet we do. God has done his work. The brothers have acknowledged their guilt, have pled for mercy, and have shown that they are pursuing a new life. But ultimately the change came when Joseph brought them into his forgiveness and love. Look at the evidence,

            There is no longer fury of jealousy at the favoritism. Neither now when they stand up for him or earlier when they were eating and Benjamin received five times more than they are for dinner. Before they wanted money for Joseph in the wilderness, now they were offering themselves in exchange for their brother. Before they lied to their father regarding Joseph’s loss not they’re pleading for mercy on behalf of Benjamin.

Jesus told his disciples that they would be able to tell the true followers from the false followers by "their fruit."

Jack Eckard was the owner of a chain of drug stores called Eckard drugs. After he became a believer he pulled all the pornography off of the shelves of his stores even though it cost him 3 million dollars a year in profit. Why? Because he could no longer pander in sin if he was going to follow the Lord.

Please understand, most of us will have certain things that we struggle with all our lives. We will sin, have genuine sorrow intend on making real change and then we fall again. It happens. That does not mean someone has not repented.

The prodigal son sinned by demanding his inheritance and squandering it on loose living. He eventually came to suffer the consequences of his sin, feeding swine in a far country and having no food but that which he fed the hogs. His regrets eventually turned to repentance. He realized the foolishness of his sins and yearned for fellowship with his father, even as a hired servant. He came to his senses and returned home to his father, not seeking justice, but mercy, and his father warmly received him.  That was biblical repentance. Genuine sorrow for sin brought about a change in this son’s thinking and actions. He forsook his sins and returned to his father, who gladly received him back.

The rich young ruler, on the contrary, came to Jesus in order to gain salvation without changing his values, priorities, or lifestyle. He went away sorry, but not repentant or saved, for he could not part with his old way of life 

The wonderful news of the grace of God is that He has not only made provision for our salvation, but He also has made provision for our sanctification: Romans 7:24-8:4
Mickey Cohen saw Christianity as something that would be advantageous. He didn't want to go to hell- he liked the idea of being sure of Heaven. If all he had to do was say a certain prayer great! It was a small price to pay for a great benefit.

Many want the benefits of God and have no desire to turn from their sin or honor God with their living. For some of you, you need to take that initial step of coming to Christ with the broken pieces of your life. You need to admit your hopeless situation and humbly seek and gratefully receive the grace that He extends in Christ. It's really not about the words you say it's the attitude of the heart. Perhaps you need to "come clean" and to place your hope, trust and confidence in Jesus Christ. Maybe today, you need to trust God to do in you, what you are incapable of doing for yourself.

But maybe you have done that. Maybe you have genuinely come to a point of receiving God's grace. You are a child of God. But you lack power. You lack a sense of victory and joy. It's possible that this is because you are pandering with sin. By faith, give it over to him also by faith. God's Spirit has been convicting you. You know where change is necessary, but you are stubbornly refusing to let God have that area of your life. Replace the effort of man with the filling of the Holy Spirit and spend time with God in prayer, in Scripture reading and serving Him. You will notice change. Turn from habits that hinder and develop a resolve to replace those habit with that which is up building and good. Turn off the TV. Stop “chatting” with someone you are flirting with. Pay back what doesn't belong to you. Seek a friend with whom you can pray and be accountable.

Perhaps it is time to come clean and to trust Him to lead you in the best way to live. It's time for you to repent and discover the grace and goodness of God.

Pastor Dale

Friday, December 21, 2012

Handling Problems Genesis 43

Sermon Nuggets Monday Dec 17 Handling Problems          

Gen 43

Handling Problems.

            Since I recycle older sermons in my “Nuggets” I made 10 practical points illustrated by the lives Jacob, Judah and Joseph and the different ways they faced problems. Let them serve as examples to us.

I also apologize for two things. First had this devotional ready on Monday but just forgot to it the send button.  Secondly, I admit I have a problem with alliterations. I think there must be help for me, but maybe it is too late. All 10 points begin with the letter P. I promised I would give this up last New Years in my resolutions, but old habits don’t die very well.

            Remember, Joseph was a slave in Egypt, but by God’s work in his life Joseph now became the second ruler in Egypt. He used his God given leadership and organizational skills to save his country from starvation during a famine, as well as reuniting and saving his own family.  When the brothers came from Canaan seeking food Joseph recognized them and because of the accusation of being spies he said they should return with the youngest brother, Benjamin. While in jail they thought about their crime against Joseph many years earlier and wondered if God wasn't punishing them. Simeon was taken into prison.

            After they returned home and told their story to their father, Jacob, there was no way was he going to let Benjamin return with his brothers to Egypt. He was content to eat the food and leave Simeon in jail. But now there was a problem. They were running out of food again and had no place else to turn. Jacob did not want Benjamin to go and Judah could see no other alternative but to obey this Egyptian ruler and bring Benjamin out.
1. One way some people handle problems is PROCRASTINATION.

Some people don’t handle problems they just keep putting off facing them. Maybe they will hope it will go away. Jacob’s first response to the problem was to “put it off,” to delay in taking action until the matter had finally reached crisis proportions.                 
Joseph had made an agreement with his brothers that they would take the desperately needed grain home and then return with Benjamin. But Jacob hoped for a better crop. Nothing more is said about going to get Simeon. Judah put his finger on Jacob’s procrastination when he said, “For if we had not delayed, surely by now we could have returned twice” (Genesis 43:10).
I usually put off decisions and facing problems when my actions are uncomfortable. Confronting some people is not fun. Rather than face it squarely I have a tendency to procrastinate and not get around to doing what is uncomfortable to do.

            Many students know they have a paper or test due and keep putting it off until the last minute when they can no longer let it go. I talked to one person who was delaying telling his parents some news because it would cause angry feelings. He said, “Well maybe the Lord will come and solve all our problems.” If you wait long enough the Lord will come, but most of the problems will be solved after as well, but this isn’t the will of God. Procrastinator find not only the problem facing them they also find they have usually made matters worse by letting it go. Sometimes problems with personnel or kids, or neighbors, until things just keep getting worse and you have to face it.

             The brothers purposed to go back to Egypt with Benjamin, pick up Simeon and get for grain, but they were prohibited by Jacob, who refused to let Benjamin leave his side. Not until their grain had virtually run out did Jacob face up to the matter.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 18 Pretending

Gen 43:2b their father said to them. “Go back and buy us a little more food.
    “ But Judah said to him, The man warned us solemnly. “You will not see your face again unless your brother is with you.”
    6 Israel asked, “why did you bring this trouble on me by telling the man you had another brother”

2. Another way of handing problems is PRETENDING.
Pretending that the problem doesn't really exist or isn't as important as it really is. Some people like to ignore the problem thinking it would go away.

Jacob minimized this matter of the famine, Simeon’s captivity, and the inevitable fact that all his sons would have to return to Egypt. I find a clue to this in verse 2 where Jacob said, “Go back, buy us a little food.” Why would he possibly tell his sons to buy only a little food? Why would they not buy all the grain they could carry? Naturally, he did not know that the famine was to last another five years, but he was aware that the famine was severe. Rather than face the problem head on, Jacob wanted to dabble with it a piece at a time. More than anything, perhaps he hoped that if only a little grain were sought, perhaps the governor (Joseph) would not hold to his original demand that Benjamin accompany his brothers on their next trip.

Judah, however, was unwilling to accept the minimizing of his father. After all, it was not Jacob who would have to stand before that Egyptian governor and explain Benjamin’s absence. Joseph had insisted that he would not see these men again unless their youngest brother was with them. Judah had to face dear old Dad with reality. They would not return for more grain unless Benjamin accompanied them.

Pretending there isn't a problem is a common occurrence. Psychologists call this denial. Doctors see this a lot in patients who have had a persistent health symptom that they ignored and pretended it didn’t exit until they were finally confronted with it’s severity. It reminds us of the ostrich that sticks it’s head in the sand.
One of the tragedies of World War 2 was that many of the Christians in Germany found it easy to ignore the plight of the Jews and pretended they were just in a camp or relocation ghetto instead of facing the obvious problem that required intervention.

            Think about your problems. Have you been tempted just to pretend it isn't there? Sometimes waiting can solve situations. But pretending you don’t have a problem doesn't change the situation. To admit a problem is the first step to resolving a problem. To admit you need help is a solution. To keep pretending everything is okay can make matters worse. Facing situations as soon as possible will often allow us to deal with it while it is still small instead of growing.

            What problem are you ignoring when you can be doing something about it?

3. Some seek to face their problems by PERJURY.
 That is the fancy word for lying.

I know I have a problem and I am unable to control it. Every time I preach a sermon I try hard not to make my points start with the same letter. This outline really must be given to a therapist to show how bad I am. 10 points all starting with the letter P. Sorry about that.

            .  Perjury means lying. If you can’t procrastinate, and can’t pretend it isn’t there, then perjure yourself by making up a story. That’s the way some people handle problems.

Jacob rebukes his sons for telling the truth. In other words, why didn't they lie about having anymore family at home?  It was not just a matter of telling family secrets out of school—it was an issue of being truthful. The information they gave to Joseph was in response to very direct questioning. Of course, Joseph would know they were lying if they didn’t admit to another brother at home. He knew the answers, but was testing them. Good thing they didn’t lie.

Sometimes we are tested as well if we are going to tell the truth or lie. The old ways of deception were still there, and in times of adversity Jacob did not hesitate to employ them. Jacob is saying why did you tell him you had another brother? Why not lie about it for protection?
Kids are very good at that? Something it broken, what happened? I don’t know what happened.  Or, “I found it that way when I came into the room.” (That is perjury- that’s an outright lie). Folks tell some very interesting stories to try to get out of trouble only to find they have to keep telling bigger lies to cover up the previous lies. It’s easy to remember the truth, it’s much harder to keep straight stories that aren't true. 

            The Bible says be sure your sins will find you out and lying about something doesn't do any good. It is letting you solve the problem your own way vs. God’s way.
            Is there something you are covering up or lying about so that you will not have to face a problem?

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds Dec 19 Passing Blame and Priorities

Gen 43: Israel asked, “Why did you bring this trouble on me by telling the man you had another brother?”
They replied, “The man questioned us closely about ourselves and our family. ‘Is your father still living?’ he asked us. ‘Do you have another brother?’ We simply answered his questions. How were we to know he would say, ‘Bring your brother down here’?”

4. PASSING Blame is another way many will seek to solve problems.
Hoping to alter the course of history, Jacob sought to change the minds of his sons by placing the responsibility for their circumstances solely on them. In effect, Jacob said to his sons, “It’s your entire fault. None of this would have happened if you hadn't told the Egyptian about your youngest brother.” If it were their entire fault, then why should they be belligerent about trying to solve the matter on their own without jeopardizing the life of Benjamin and the happiness of their father?

They will come up with all kinds of excuses as to why it isn’t their fault and really someone else’s fault.
I really get upset in our society when all the problems are someone else’s fault no one will admit they were wrong. No one will take ownership of the problem. I like the fact that Waddle commander of the ship is taking some responsibility for the sinking of the sub, but even there he was blaming some inexperienced personnel and one of the admirals said, “But that is your ship. If he didn't want an inexperienced person running it then get someone else.”

            We are a society that is especially skilled at rationalizing and blaming. When someone is caught in wrong you might hear, “I come from a dysfunctional home (I'm not responsible . . .blame my upbringing); This is just the way I am (I'm not responsible . . . blame my genes . . . or God!); They started it (I'm not responsible . . they are)
I didn't know that was against the law (I'm not responsible . . . you didn't tell me);
I have been oppressed (I'm not responsible . . . society is) ;

There is an old story about the time Emperor Frederick the Great visited Potsdam Prison. He spoke with the prisoners, and each man claimed to be innocent, a victim of the system. One man, however, sat silently in the corner.

The ruler asked him, "And you, sir, who do you blame for your sentence?"
His response was, "Your majesty, I am guilty and richly deserve my punishment." Surprised, the emperor shouted for the prison warden: "Come and get this man out of here before he corrupts all these innocent people.”
We are experts at passing the blame and not facing problems that need to be faced 

5. A good way to solve problems is to Sort out the PRIORITIES.

            Judah looks at the options open to them. One you can ignore the problem and die, or you can pretend it isn't serious and die; You can pass the blame but that isn’t going to solve the problem. Lying isn’t going to do any good.
When you have a problem a very important place to begin is to think about the priorities and ask yourselves the probably consequences of each option you can think of. What is the worse thing that can happen and what is the best thing that can happen. Is it really a priority matter or not?

            Judah presents the problem with the priority in the right place. If the boy doesn't go back with us all our children will die, including Benjamin, so let’s take emotions out of this and look at the facts. The most important thing is getting food and the way to get food is to obey the ruler. So as far as he was concerned the matter had to be broken down to the simplest solution. Life or death. He’s going to die this way, but he won’t die with that option, so now we eliminate plan A.
Now let’s look at alternatives as to what might happen and make a proposal. I will guarantee his safety. I will personally see to it that nothing happens to him. Reuben made a similar claim in 42:37 put both my sons to death if I don’t bring Ben back. Now it seems Reuben isn't in the picture as the leader of the brothers, but Judah is.

            When you are trying to decide on problems to the best of your abilities based on the information that you have write down all the possibilities and make priorities as to which is the best plan second best and back up plans and evaluate them  That helps you prioritize your plan.

As they discuss the priorities of the plan Jacob finally is confronted with the situation and must do something. He suggests the option of giving gifts. That worked for him when he met his brother Esau a number of years earlier when he feared for his life. He made retribution and gave him many fine presents to show his desire for peace and for reconciliation. Jacob instructs his sons to bring a few of the choicest products of the land of Canaan. Certainly these delicacies would not offend the governor of Egypt and might even win his favor.

If the family had faulted Joseph in any way he know it would be wise to give the ruler gifts and double portion of the silver so he knows they didn‘t try stealing anything.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs Dec 20 Plan Proceed and Perspective

Gen 23: 11 Then their father Israel said to them, “If it must be, then do this: Put some of the best products of the land in your bags and take them down to the man as a gift—a little balm and a little honey, some spices and myrrh, some pistachio nuts and almonds.12 Take double the amount of silver with you, for you must return the silver that was put back into the mouths of your sacks. Perhaps it was a mistake. 13 Take your brother also and go back to the man at once. 14 And may God Almighty grant you mercy before the man so that he will let your other brother and Benjamin come back with you. As for me, if I am bereaved, I am bereaved.”
15 So the men took the gifts and double the amount of silver, and Benjamin also. They hurried down to Egypt and presented themselves to Joseph. 16 When Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the steward of his house, “Take these men to my house, slaughter an animal and prepare dinner; they are to eat with me at noon.”
17 The man did as Joseph told him and took the men to Joseph’s house. 18 Now the men were frightened when they were taken to his house. They thought, “We were brought here because of the silver that was put back into our sacks the first time. He wants to attack us and overpower us and seize us as slaves and take our donkeys.”
19 So they went up to Joseph’s steward and spoke to him at the entrance to the house. 20 “Please, sir,” they said, “we came down here the first time to buy food. 21 But at the place where we stopped for the night we opened our sacks and each of us found his silver—the exact weight—in the mouth of his sack. So we have brought it back with us. 22 We have also brought additional silver with us to buy food. We don’t know who put our silver in our sacks.”
23 “It’s all right,” he said. “Don’t be afraid. Your God, the God of your father, has given you treasure in your sacks; I received your silver.” Then he brought Simeon out to them.

6. Pray about the PLAN. V. 14
Now you might call the blessing, but it is a reminder that God is in charge. Turn your plans over to the Lord. We do that by a commitment of prayer, or dedication of humility. Lord this is what we have planned. Change it. Demonstrate your glory or mercy or love, or discipline. What is it that God has in mind?  How does the Lord want to use it?

            Proverb 3:5,6 says it clearly and plainly. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.”

            After Jacob had a chance to think through all his options and confrontation by his sons and the matter before his was to turn his family over to the Lord. The daughters-in-law and the children stayed behind with Jacob, but now the desire was the God go with them to the land that everything goes well.

            Jacob had been in this place before in his own life. He wrestled with an angel before he met Esau again. He had a dream with angels up and down ladders before he went into a foreign land. He had meetings with God and God had given to him a promise of offspring greater than sand and stars in the heavens. So this idea of all being killed was not going to happen if he had faith in the prophecies of God to Abraham, Isaac and to himself. They generation wasn’t going to end there. They would continue in ways that only God knows.

            When you are faced with a problem put your confidence in God and let him lead you. Pray about all the matters and if he directs you clearly and directly, praise God, obey him. If however you do not get any direct leading by the Holy Spirit  through the word or prayer objective or subjective then go to the next point, Proceed with the plan.

7. PROCEED with the plan.
Plan the work, and work the plan. They proceeded to do what they planned to do and put feet and action to their plans.

            Joseph’s brothers came with a plan of action previously outlined by their father. Now it was important to do what they planned to do. Some people have great plans, but never do anything about it. I usually set up goals and then steps to achieve those goals and find that some I work at and a lot I don’t. When I was at study break I came up with some priorities and set for a vision and a plan and then wrote down some steps to accomplish some of those plans. I dare say some of those things are working and some of them aren't  Some had to be changed because of circumstances that one didn't know at the time, so you change them.

Whenever you proceed with a plan let me add that you are making decisions based on the information that you have at the present. Only God knows the future. We are going to talk about Gods’ will in a minute, but after you pray and think and plan, then don’t second guess yourself. Proceed. Move on. If it is a mistake then corrected, but do something. There are some plans that are sitting there. I read them on my goals for the year and say, “Well that is not my number one priority at this time so I’ll have to let that one go for now.” Some are a priority and need the discipline to address it, not ignore it..

As I read on in the chapter I think Joseph also had a plan. His plan was to reunite his family and allow the brothers to repent of their sin. He had a plan and worked out steps of mercy as well as allow for conviction of their own spirits. Joseph instructed his servant to take these men into his house and to prepare a meal for them in a way that parallels the reception of the prodigal son in the New Testament (Luke 15:11-32).

8. Another way to handle problems is to gain PERSPECTIVE from others.

The brothers were afraid for their lives when they were taken to Joseph’s house. The dungeons were also part of the house of the rulers and this is no doubt where Simeon was being kept, and now they feared that was what would happen to them.

They talked to Joseph’s steward and got another perspective. They plead their case to the servant who told them they were not in trouble. He saw things they didn't see. He saw what was going on to some extent and was able to calm their fears.
In our lives it is good to get the perspective of others in advice, counsel or prayer.
The steward sought to calm their fears by assuring them that he had received the money for their grain. Indeed he had, but he did not mention to them that it was he, under Joseph’s orders, who also returned it. The steward informed these men that it was their God and the God of their father who had provided this money. To further assure them, he brought out Simeon and returned him to them.

            It is good to talk with other people and get different perspectives for best solutions

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri Dec 21 Perseverance and Providence.

Gen 43 26 When Joseph came home, they presented to him the gifts they had brought into the house, and they bowed down before him to the ground. 27 He asked them how they were, and then he said, “How is your aged father you told me about? Is he still living?”
28 They replied, “Your servant our father is still alive and well.” And they bowed low to pay him honor.
29 As he looked about and saw his brother Benjamin, his own mother’s son, he asked, “Is this your youngest brother, the one you told me about?” And he said, “God be gracious to you, my son.” 30 Deeply moved at the sight of his brother, Joseph hurried out and looked for a place to weep. He went into his private room and wept there.
31 After he had washed his face, he came out and, controlling himself, said, “Serve the food.”
32 They served him by himself, the brothers by themselves, and the Egyptians who ate with him by themselves, because Egyptians could not eat with Hebrews, for that is detestable to Egyptians. 33 The men had been seated before him in the order of their ages, from the firstborn to the youngest; and they looked at each other in astonishment. 34 When portions were served to them from Joseph’s table, Benjamin’s portion was five times as much as anyone else’s. So they feasted and drank freely with him.


            Someone sent me an email. On the bottom it read, “If at first you don’t succeed, don’t try sky diving.”
I look at the extent of Joseph’s plan as it is played out. He made a deal out of sitting a different table so as to keep his disguise to bring them to repentance, to found out as much as he can about his family. He demonstrated love to his brother.

            Joseph’s whole life in looking at problems is characterized by perseverance. One poem Cork and the Whale

A little brown cork
Fell in the path of a whale
Who lashed it down
With his angry tail.
But, in spite of the blows,
It quickly arose,
And floated serenely
Before his nose.
Said the cork to the whale,
"You may flap and sputter and frown,
But you never, never can keep me down:
For I'm made of the stuff
That is buoyant enough
To float instead of to drown."

            Joseph was made of the stuff that would continue and not drown. 

10. PROVIDENCE -God’s good grace.

I don’t know how many have seen Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor coat with Donnie Osman. Weber and Rice took Joseph’s story and turned into a musical but missed the whole point of the story. Through entertaining and upbeat music they present the story line that if you dream dreams and pursue them they will come true.

Joseph had nothing to do with his dreams, God did. Joseph had nothing to do with becoming the leader of Egypt God did. Joseph was the tool God used to bring about Gods’ will and for God’s glory. God is taken completely out of the picture of Broadway And unfortunately God is taken out of the picture for many who seek to solve their problems man’s way.

Interestingly the providence of God is reminded by an Egyptian servant. Has he been around Joseph so long that he now too believes in God. He reminds these Hebrews that it is their God who has provided. They are under the care of the Lord.
The predominant theme exemplified by Josephs brothers were “fear” and “works.” The brothers’ fears, like their father’s, are completely unfounded. They sought by the works of their hands to win Joseph’s acceptance and favor. When Joseph brought them to his house for a feast, they feared that it was designed to be an opportunity to take them as slaves. Joseph, however, wished only to shower them with blessings.

Joseph brought them into his home and gave them a magnificent meal. If Jacob and his sons were filled with fears, Joseph’s eyes were filled with tears, tears of love and compassion. His only desire was to see a change of heart in his brothers and to once again see his father.

To Joseph’s brothers nothing was more important than those pistachio nuts and almonds. These nuts, along with the other products of the land of Canaan, were expected to win Joseph’s favor. He never gave them a glance. He did not ask how they were grown or what year they were produced. He didn’t care. Joseph was only concerned with people, not pistachio nuts; he cared about his brother Benjamin, his father Jacob, and the rest of his brethren. His first utterance sought information on the health of his aged father. Next he turned his attention to Benjamin, who he had not seen for over twenty years. Joseph pronounced upon Benjamin a blessing which should have sounded strange coming from an Egyptian. Seeing his full brother, the only other son of his mother was too much for Joseph to contain. Quickly he left the presence of his brothers to weep and to regain control of his emotions. He saw the providence of God demonstrated in that his family was before him bowing just like God said would happen. He was not filled with revenge, but mercy and grace.

What a beautiful picture this chapter provides us of the discipline which God exercises in the lives of His children. Only Joseph fully recognized all of these things as coming from the hand of a loving and caring God which he speaks of later.

When some did realize that their trials were from God, it would appear that they perceived an angry God who was only seeking vengeance. This is just the way they viewed Joseph, as a harsh and angry man  But whatever discipline which comes from God is from a heart filled with grief and injured love. Its desired end is not revenge, but restoration. It seeks to bring us to the place where His blessings may once again flow freely into our lives.

Joseph’s brothers provide us with an excellent illustration of salvation. In their current spiritual state they faced Joseph with the greatest fear. They perceived their only “salvation” to be in their “works” of returning the money they found in their sacks and in the pistachio nuts and other presents they brought from Canaan. The first was refused by the steward, and the second was ignored by Joseph. It was not their works that endeared these brothers to Joseph; it was their relationship to him. That is what they did not yet realize.

In the same way today sinful men dread the thought of standing before a righteous and holy God. The future must be faced with great fear. Frantically men and women seek to gain God’s favor and acceptance by their “pistachio nuts” of good works. Such things as trying to live by the Golden Rule or the Sermon on the Mount, joining the church, and being baptized, are unacceptable to God as a basis for salvation. What saves a man or a woman is a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. When we stand before the throne of God, the only thing God will be interested in is our relationship to His Son, Jesus Christ. If you stand today as one who does not have the assurance of going to heaven you have a big problem. It is provided for by the grace of God giving given to us Jesus to be your savior. Will you deal first with that problem?

What can we learn about problems.
1. Procrastination- Face them soon so they don’t turn into bigger Problems.
2. Pretending-  Be realistic and objective.
3. Perjury- Be honest with yourself and others.
4. Passing blame- Be responsible for your issues (not others)
5. Priorities- What needs to be done first what is most important how do you get there?
6. Pray- Lay it out before God for wisdom and direction.
7. Proceed- Work the Plan to the best of your ability.
8. Perspective- Get advice from others who know, or have wisdom.
9. Preserve- Don’t quit
10. Providence- Realize that in all things God is ultimately in charge and can change your plans for his purposes.

Matthew 6:33 puts everything else in a nice package. “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be given to you as well.”

Pastor Dale

Friday, December 14, 2012

Handling Guilt Genesis 42

 Sermon Nuggets Mon Dec 10 Handling Guilt

Gen 42:1-5  When Jacob learned that there was grain in Egypt, he said to his sons, “Why do you just keep looking at each other?” He continued, “I have heard that there is grain in Egypt. Go down there and buy some for us, so that we may live and not die.”
Then ten of Joseph’s brothers went down to buy grain from Egypt. But Jacob did not send Benjamin, Joseph’s brother, with the others, because he was afraid that harm might come to him. So Israel’s sons were among those who went to buy grain, for the famine was in the land of Canaan also.

Handling Guilt

            Have you ever gone to a twenty year reunion in school or a twenty five year? There are some people who you don’t recognize, or whose names you don’t remember. Joseph is about to have a surprise 20 year reunion with his family.

The problem that caused the separation for this length of time was that fact that his brothers took him and put him in a well only to be sold to slave traders. They had committed sin against Joseph, against Jacob and against God. As we had looked before the plan was to tear up his multicolored coat and take blood from an animal and lie to dad that they found it this way and believe a lion must have attacked and killed him and eaten him.

This action was prompted by jealousy. He and Benjamin were their half brothers. Rachel had died and so they were all more loved by their father, Jacob. Favoritism does cause jealous when each of us desires either preferred or at least equal treatment. Yet most kids will look at other siblings and often feel as if they are in competition for love or special treatment.

Now they also got some money for the sale of Joseph. That was probably quickly gone divided 10 days.

But what remained for those 20 days was the cover up of sin, lying, and pretense.

I heard recently of an owner of the company telling his staff that it was always better to tell the trust, even if you think you are going to get in more trouble, because sooner or later truth will come out. It is always better to be honest for sooner or later dishonesty will be revealed.

It is easier to remember the truth than it is to remember lies and the details that surround them. After awhile you forget what you say to other people.

20 years of covering up their sin allowed for them to often think about it and continue the cover up and lies as Jacob continued to mourn the loss of his beloved son. Every time the name of Joseph was raise their conscious would prick them of their sin. 

You will remember from last week that just as God had told Joseph there was 7 years of bounty and now they face 7 years of famine. As I looked at the 42nd chapter of Genesis and the story of Joseph’s brothers coming to Egypt to seek food, I noticed some interesting parallels with the truths God has for us as believers in typological form; Joseph is serving as the savior of the Jewish nation, represented in his family. The story of redemption and salvation finds itself woven throughout many of the Old Testament stories.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 11 

Gen 42:6-13 Now Joseph was the governor of the land, the one who sold grain to all its people. So when Joseph’s brothers arrived, they bowed down to him with their faces to the ground. As soon as Joseph saw his brothers, he recognized them, but he pretended to be a stranger and spoke harshly to them. “Where do you come from?” he asked.
“From the land of Canaan,” they replied, “to buy food.”
Although Joseph recognized his brothers, they did not recognize him. Then he remembered his dreams about them and said to them, “You are spies! You have come to see where our land is unprotected.”
10 “No, my lord,” they answered. “Your servants have come to buy food. 11 We are all the sons of one man. Your servants are honest men, not spies.”
12 “No!” he said to them. “You have come to see where our land is unprotected.”
13 But they replied, “Your servants were twelve brothers, the sons of one man, who lives in the land of Canaan. The youngest is now with our father, and one is no more.”

Recognizing Need.

The word began to spread among some of the other nations and people that food and grain was available in Egypt for a price. Jacob with his 11 sons and their families thought it best, rather than sit back and do nothing, go there and buy some grain so they could live. He did not allow Benjamin, the youngest, to leave because of what had happened to Joseph. They had a need. They couldn’t be self reliant.

There are circumstances and situations in our lives that often bring us to recognize our needs. It is easy to avoid God when we feel self-sufficient. It is easy to feel that you have no need of God's touch when everything is running smoothly. These men were comfortable in their denial and their deceptions. As long as the status quo remained they would never change. So God provokes a crisis. This crisis would either harden them further or wake them up.

When they got to Egypt they needed to present their request to none other than Joseph. Who would have thought he was now the second in command in the nation? Who would have thought these men who sold him into slavery would now be bowing down before their brother in honor and respect. Yet just like God revealed over 20 years ago this is exactly what happened. They saw him dressed before in a multi colored robe, now he was finely dressed in robes of rulership, speaking a different language, not letting on he recognized them nor understood their vocabulary did everything he could to find out all about his father and Benjamin his full brother.
Their need was to bring them to their knees in realization they could do nothing about it. When Jesus came to the world he taught it is the sick that need a doctor, not those who are well. This was an important lesson that when you think you don’t have any need for a doctor there is no reason to go and get help. When you realize you are sick and need help you go and seek the help you need. There are lots of needs in our lives and many people will never admit it. It isn’t until we face our needs that we learn lessons of  humbleness. We are needy people, mostly in need of God.

            The need of hunger brought these brothers to the feet of Joseph. I think again the type is the forerunner of the father of the savior of the people just like Joseph was the savior of the people in a physical way and preserving the nation. For a time the people went Egypt and there was the prophecy of Jesus needing to go to Egypt when Herod’s forces went around killing the babies. God provided a way of escape.
What needs do you come with this morning? For some it may be physical, for others emotional. For some the need might be in relationships, or some spiritual need, a beguiling sin or out of fellowship with the Lord, or need for salvation. We humble ourselves before God and surrender our wills to him. We must recognize our need for God’s help and lay ourselves before him and ask for his filling.

Are you going through tough times? Is life a struggle right now? Could it be that God is trying to get your attention? Is it possible that God is trying to move you from a profession of faith to a possession of faith? We come each week as needy people.
Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds Dec 12 

Gen 42: 14 Joseph said to them, “It is just as I told you: You are spies! 15 And this is how you will be tested: As surely as Pharaoh lives,you will not leave this place unless your youngest brother comes here. 16 Send one of your number to get your brother; the rest of you will be kept in prison, so that your words may be tested to see if you are telling the truth. If you are not, then as surely as Pharaoh lives, you are spies!” 17 And he put them all in custody for three days.
18 On the third day, Joseph said to them, “Do this and you will live, for I fear God: 19 If you are honest men, let one of your brothers stay here in prison, while the rest of you go and take grain back for your starving households. 20 But you must bring your youngest brother to me, so that your words may be verified and that you may not die.” This they proceeded to do.
21 They said to one another, “Surely we are being punished because of our brother. We saw how distressed he was when he pleaded with us for his life, but we would not listen; that’s why this distress has come upon us.”
22 Reuben replied, “Didn’t I tell you not to sin against the boy? But you wouldn’t listen! Now we must give an accounting for his blood.” 23 They did not realize that Joseph could understand them, since he was using an interpreter.
24 He turned away from them and began to weep, but then turned back and spoke to them again. He had Simeon taken from them and bound before their eyes.

 Recognizing Sin

            Joseph’s brothers had more of a need than just for food. Joseph put them into a place where they could do some thinking and confronting with their own consciences. Joseph proposes a test. They were accused of being spies and brought into prison for 3 days. One of the men is to be selected to go home and return with Benjamin before the others will be set free! So, Joseph throws them all in prison for three days. What is going on?

I found Alistair Begg writings on Joseph is helpful. “Do you recall what three things had annoyed the brothers about Joseph? There were his special coat and his dream, but he had also brought a bad report about the men to their father. In other words, the brothers had seen Joseph as Jacob's spy, sent to get information and then run back to Daddy with it. . .

            So Joseph decided to accuse his brothers of the very thing they had held against him. Now the brothers were protesting their innocence, and Joseph responded with harsh words and imprisonment and enslaved in Egypt. He kept them in prison as long as he was in the pit for 3 days. Jesus was kept in the tomb for three days and Jonah in the belly of a whale for 3 days. This all relates to the way God designs stories to ultimately point to the greatest story of salvation of them all.

I wonder if the main reason for doing this is in the hope that his brothers will wake up to their actions. He is hoping this treatment will make them "come clean."
We do not understand the affect our sin has on God and destroys others unless we experience some consequences ourselves. You can't treat a disease until you know what disease you are dealing with. A person can't be saved until he realizes he is lost. The brothers needed to see, to feel, to understand their own wickedness

Joseph gave his testimony as one who also feared God. He said he would let them go if one would stay as hostage and they come back with their youngest brother. Joseph wanted to see his family and his full brother whom he loved and hadn’t seen.

But this also triggered the sin in their lives that they tried to forget and cover up. God used this to bring to their minds the consequences of what they did which was wrong because of their jealousy and hard feelings.

God will bring us into situations where our thoughts also ask, what have I done to deserve this? Most tragedies bring us to that point because we want to somehow make sense out of tragedies. We want to have purpose of suffering and if we can find out why we can correct the situation or set up to judge God who we might think is unfair.

Well, you know that there may not have been anything we have done to deserve this. Job did nothing wrong to deserve his treatment, Jesus did nothing wrong to deserve his crucifixion and mocking. The man born blind was not caused by a sin of he or his parents and Jesus told his disciples so, it is that the glory of God might be seen.

But as a chaplain I have also discovered that this is an opportunity to look at our lives and do some re evaluation. A time set apart sometimes forced and some times planned is a way to do some spiritual housecleaning. It is a time to be confronted with sin and giving an opportunity to confess it and ask God for forgives and seek his pardon and our freedom from the bondage Satan lays upon us. If we say we do not sin we are a liar and Gods’ truth is not in us. He is saying this in John to Christians not to none Christians. Yes, we have been forgiven when we have accepted Jesus as our savior, but we need to turn from sinful ways and make things right which is one of the tasks of spiritually coming at communion.

Joseph wanted to see if the brothers were willing to desert one of their own again. Will they abandon Simeon as they did Joseph? The brothers had an interesting conversation in front of Joseph not realizing he could understand them. They thought it was a private conversation they didn't know that the Egyptian leader who sat before them knew Hebrew and knew very well the situation they were talking about.

They had sinned. The Bible says "...all of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Some are in a state of denial, in which we think that our sins will never be exposed. We think we can get away with it.

I was reminded this is the 10th anniversary of when Jacob Wetterling was kidnapped and never heard from again. How unbelievably frustrating that must be for the family and for friends and law enforcement agencies that can’t solve that case. But whoever it was cannot think time will erase this sin from the mind of God. Even if he is never caught he will have to give an account to God. Time does not erase sin.

We can even pretend among good Christian folks when God knows our heart may be lying to family and friends all around us. I went to a seminar this past Friday of a Christian counselor and seminary graduate who lived 11 years as a sex addict having both prostitutes as well as affairs with at least 10 women he counseled before he was caught. Here was an member of the CIA who was a master at cover up when he sold state secrets to Russia. And if he never got caught he could  never run from the Lord.

We should recognize from this account that people will frequently say they are sorry for what they have done, but only when they are faced with the consequences of their sin. The consequences, not the sin, cause the tears to flow. Joseph's brothers were facing, they believed, a tough Egyptian taskmaster who didn't believe their story. To convince them of his seriousness he threw them in prison for three days--a softening process­ and then demanded that they bring their youngest brother before him to prove their words. Was this the reason they suddenly began to express their remorse for how they had treated Joseph 20 years earlier? Had the consequences finally caught up with them? If so, then theirs was not true repentance.

Maybe some of you are reminded of how you had hurt others, taken advantage of family members, lied to bosses, or spouses. Slowly sin eats away at our joy and our heart. Looking squarely at our sin is painful, embarrassing, and at times, makes us sick. But without recognition of sin there can be no forgiveness. Without seeing our need, we will never need a Savior.
Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs Dec 13 Mercy

Gen 42:24 He turned away from them and began to weep, but then turned back and spoke to them again. He had Simeon taken from them and bound before their eyes.
25 Joseph gave orders to fill their bags with grain, to put each man’s silver back in his sack, and to give them provisions for their journey. After this was done for them, 26 they loaded their grain on their donkeys and left.
27 At the place where they stopped for the night one of them opened his sack to get feed for his donkey, and he saw his silver in the mouth of his sack. 28 “My silver has been returned,” he said to his brothers. “Here it is in my sack.”
Their hearts sank and they turned to each other trembling and said, “What is this that God has done to us?”

Recognizing Mercy

Joseph has no interest in taking revenge on his brothers for their past misdeeds. He longs instead, for evidence of change in their lives. He was hoping for repentance and restoration, not revenge. As he overheard their recriminations about their treatment of him, he realizes that some of them, at least, are sorry for what they did to him. This brings a gush of tears to his eyes.
We see in this story the mercy that also points to the story of salvation and the mercy of the savior toward sinners all. There was no reason why Joseph needed to release his brothers from jail. They had made it clear they didn’t want anything to do with him and no longer wanted to be his family.

At this point it seems there is no need for further examination of the brothers' reason for coming to Egypt. Joseph has overheard their conversation. We could well ask, therefore, why not skip ahead to Genesis 45 and read about their joyful reunion, when Joseph at last reveals his true identity to his brothers? Why does Joseph insist on a further examination of their motives?

 There is a very good reason for it, as we will see. Repentance is more than mere words. It is changing our thinking, our way of life. It shows in results in keeping with change.  Joseph determines to test his brothers: to see if they had indeed had a change of heart for their past actions.

Joseph sends his brothers away from his presence except Simon who is held hostage. How would they respond when they opened their grain sacks and found their money inside? What story would they tell their father this time? That is what Joseph intended to discover when he posed this dilemma for his brothers. Had they changed their minds?

While on their journey one opened his sack of grain and found the money. Joseph hid it there on purpose He doesn’t need it and doesn’t want it. It is a gift of grace to give them food and more. When they got home to Jacob their father they told him the whole story and as they opened up their bags of grain to their surprise found all their money returned. They couldn’t buy the grain since it was a gift. They didn’t know it was a gift at this point. They thought they would just get into more trouble and be accused for stealing the grain.

Do you think that when you accept the gift from God that you will be more in a prison than you are now?  Many see Jesus as their enemy instead of their friend.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri Dec 14 Faith

Gen 42: 27 At the place where they stopped for the night one of them opened his sack to get feed for his donkey, and he saw his silver in the mouth of his sack. 28 “My silver has been returned,” he said to his brothers. “Here it is in my sack.”

Their hearts sank and they turned to each other trembling and said, “What is this that God has done to us?”

29 When they came to their father Jacob in the land of Canaan, they told him all that had happened to them. They said, 30 “The man who is lord over the land spoke harshly to us and treated us as though we were spying on the land. 31 But we said to him, ‘We are honest men; we are not spies. 32 We were twelve brothers, sons of one father. One is no more, and the youngest is now with our father in Canaan.’

33 “Then the man who is lord over the land said to us, ‘This is how I will know whether you are honest men: Leave one of your brothers here with me, and take food for your starving households and go. 34 But bring your youngest brother to me so I will know that you are not spies but honest men. Then I will give your brother back to you, and you can trade in the land.’”

35 As they were emptying their sacks, there in each man’s sack was his pouch of silver! When they and their father saw the money pouches, they were frightened. 36 Their father Jacob said to them, “You have deprived me of my children. Joseph is no more and Simeon is no more, and now you want to take Benjamin. Everything is against me!”

37 Then Reuben said to his father, “You may put both of my sons to death if I do not bring him back to you. Entrust him to my care, and I will bring him back.”

38 But Jacob said, “My son will not go down there with you; his brother is dead and he is the only one left. If harm comes to him on the journey you are taking, you will bring my gray head down to the grave in sorrow.”

The need for Faith

It is a curious thing to live by faith. The fact of the matter is faith is trusting God when the future is uncertain, or even a risk. It is not doing so much what we want as it is putting ourselves at his disposal and regardless of the outcome believe that God will be in charge and work things out for good or glory.

Challenges most certainly come into our lives. There are things we think we can control and other things over which we know we have very little control. Trust is not easy. It is sometimes believing when we are expected to receive the worst. I think of the Hebrews who refused to bow down to the idol of Nebuchadnezzar. They were willing to die. But trust God whether he was going to deliver them or not.  I think of Daniel who continued is commitment to prayer even if it meant the Lion’s den.

But where does faith come in for those who are not standing strong on the Lord. There is no indication that these brothers were trusting God as much as they were hoping against hope that Joseph’s demands of having Benjamin come would result in good things. They needed to trust Joseph. They felt they had no alternative. Jacob was unwilling to let his younger and now favorite son go.

The sons of Jacob have still covered up their sin from their father. They haven’t completely confessed, but mercy is granted to them anyway out of love.  God himself is acting sovereignty in their lives to accomplish His will. That is what set Joseph free. It wasn't his brothers acting upon him--they were only the secondary cause. It was God who was working in his life to accomplish constructive, redemptive, purifying things, to prepare for his own people, and to do something in his own life. That principle is found throughout the Scriptures.
Joseph could have held on to his bitterness, but chose to make it an act of mercy. Robert Moeller says that letting go of past hurts can be difficult: "After the Civil War, a woman entertained the distinguished Robert E. Lee in her home. She pointed out a once-beautiful oak tree that had been burned and disfigured by invading armies. "`What should I do?' she asked with bitterness in her voice. "`Cut it down and forget it,' the general replied. "That same advice applies to letting go of past pain. Don't allow yourself to live in the past. Surrender your painful memories and experiences, and with a decisive act of your will, get on with your life."
            Because Joseph understood this principle, he was able to act in love toward those who had wronged him.

As a pastor I have learned not believe everything people tell me. When I first entered the ministry I believed when people said to me, "I've quit drinking," or, "I've really changed," I believed them. But I have learned through the years to wait and see have they indeed changed; to see if they are truly expressing the desires of their hearts when they say they want to change. I have seen too many families suffer misery because of sinful behavior, and listened to their tearful promises that things would change in the future, only to see the cycle repeated again and again. Joseph likewise remained to be convinced of his brothers' true repentance. That is why he acted as he did toward them. Time would tell the tale.

We know how this ends, the family is together as they go to Egypt. They had to put their faith that Joseph would do what is right. They were tested.  God was teaching them a lesson to trust even when it might not turn out well for them. That step of faith became for them the results of seeing the grace and goodness of God.

Where might your struggle of faith be this day? How hard is it to make a decision to trust when you are given that opportunity? Do you believe God will work it out for your good ultimately and for his glory always? It may not be the way we want it, but it results in seeing Him do the work which in the end is better.

Pastor Dale