Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Faith is receiving John 4:47-50

Sermon nuggets Weds March 19, 2008

Theme- Faith

Verses- John 4:47-50 When this man heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea, he went to him and begged him to come and heal his son, who was close to death.
48 "Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders," Jesus told him, "you will never believe."
49 The royal official said, "Sir, come down before my child dies."
50 Jesus replied, "You may go. Your son will live." The man took Jesus at his word and departed. (NIV)


We pointed out earlier the beginning belief of faith causes one to seek the Lord. Having heard Jesus, the Samaritans believed in Him. The nobleman discovered faith is also relying of the person of Jesus. Perhaps the word ‘receiving’ fits.

The nobleman walked some 20 miles to visit this carpenter. His situation was hopeless, so he wanted to believe. Many would never come to faith if it were not for sickness or tragedy, I’m sorry to say. They realize that life is beyond their control and turn to him for help. That’s what the man did. His son was more important than his doubts. None of us like to see children sick. And I would take mine to the doctor far quicker than I would go myself. I would much rather be sick than see them sick. Love is that way.

I find that many young couples, not particularly interested in church or faith, will seriously think of their spiritual responsibility when they have a child. Rightly so, each parent is responsible for religious training. Children receive their parent’s word by faith and trust them. It is that reliance that points out the growing faith we need to Christ.

The nobleman was looking for a miracle. After hearing about the water turned into wine he sought Jesus. But Jesus rebuked him. “This generation of people only wants signs and wonders.” That did not stop the father’s prayer and pleading, “sir come down before my child dies.” He is persistent, he is urgent; He believes Christ’s power can heal his son. Although he hoped Jesus would come to Capernaum by personally being there, Christ gives him the word and he is to believe the word.

Sometimes there are people that have faith in an experience instead of a person. The apostle Paul sees a light and then hears a voice. There are many who then think that salvation is real if there is this blinding light and voice speaking to them.

There are others who will witness the experience of the infilling of the Holy Spirit through supernatural physical phenomenon such as the speaking of tongues. Some teach unless you also manifest that gift you are not saved, or at least a second class citizen of heaven. Jesus is not as concerned about the “sign” as He is with faith that trusts Him for whatever.

In this incident He spoke and the boy was healed many miles away. In another situation He went into a room and raised up Jarius’ daughter. He need not heal them at all in order to be the Son of God and give eternal life. For all the sons and daughters and people who were healed became sick and died eventually. But so they might believe in Him and receive Him to be their savior, He showed His power. Receiving is making it personal by taking Christ at his word.

When Jesus told him to go his son will live the man took Jesus at his word and parted. Sickness and death may serve as a means to saving people from selfish pursuit of pleasure and indifference to spiritual and eternal realities. But the believing and receiving must have a person or thing as its object if it is to have meaning. We may believe Jesus is the way to the Father, but we must get on board and receive him. Take him at his word. Trust in the person of Christ for salvation and for your growth.

Pastor Dale