Thursday, August 14, 2008

Roots of Unbelief John 12:42-46

Sermon nuggets Thurs Aug 14

Theme Rejecting Jesus

Verses: John 12:42-46 Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved praise from men more than praise from God.
44 Then Jesus cried out, "When a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. 45 When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me.46 I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. (NIV)

Roots of Unbelief
Throughout the Bible there are examples of individuals within unbelieving nations or people groups who respond by faith and obedience. The Bible makes much more of the importance of groups that we do in the USA. Yet we see it all around us. Friends influence us tremendously.

Certainly we see how the Hebrews were God's chosen people, and in the Old Testament the Gentiles were rejected. However in the New Testament the Gentiles responded openly to the Gospel while the Israelites as a nation and group rejected him.

There are times we see revival happening in some countries and with some peoples and not others. As I read BRUCHO, the story of missionary Bruce Olson, it was remarkable not only how God sovereignty led in his life but after four years of no response to the Gospel suddenly the Indians responded and a whole group came to saving faith.

As a group the Jews and leaders rejected Jesus rationalizing their own righteousness and traditions. Satan blinded them. But lest we think that all were blinded it was not true. The light dawned for many of the leaders and they believed in him. God’s spirit was working in the hearts of individuals who are willing to go against the group. The Pharisees would not confess their faith out of fear. In addition to spiritual blindness the root of unbelief was fear.

Fear is a horrible thing. What are they afraid of? They were afraid of religious leaders. They were afraid they would be kicked out of the synagogue like some of the others. They did not want to be disliked. They wanted to be popular and the fear of man was greater than the fear of God.

Many people think more of men than God. People are afraid of being different. They want to conform. We fail to realize that what everyone else is doing isn't necessarily right, and when your major frame of reference is other people and not God you lose the capacity to define and live by your own values.

They knew Jesus was right. They knew all Jesus was seeking to do for God. But because they would have been ostracized from society they felt that was too high a price. But though the people group rejected Jesus some leaders did believe. This might be a reference to people like Nicodemus our Joseph of Arimathea, who later in the Gospel openly declared their commitment at Jesus time of burial.

There is also mentioned the praise of man. People are lost because other people are influencing them against God. No one likes to be laughed at, no one like to be ignored. And if you have friends and family that are really important to you do not want to be rejected by them.

The root of unbelief is revealed. It is pride and vanity which is threatened and that leads to fear. Jesus once said, "You cannot believe if you seek honor one from another." Either discipleship will kill the secrecy or secrecy will kill the discipleship.

Pastor Dale