Sermon Nuggets Mon Dec 21
Theme- Children and Parents
Verses Col 3:20-21 Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. 21 Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.
Children and Parents
The verses this week speak on children and fathers. However, we can include mothers as well. The relationship and responsibilities we have as parents are the next most important after God and our spouse. Children are a gift from the Lord.
Maybe someday I will discuss with one or both of my sons to dialogue with me on child rearing. I would include all the wonderful ways I fulfilled my fatherly responsibilities and they would write down all my mistakes and short comings that I would love to ignore. Parenting and growing up in most homes are filled with failures and successes. We all wish we could have done it better. We all fall short of what God intended.
I am very proud of my sons and how they are developing. Certainly I want to control their lives and have them do everything I want them to do, but that is not my role nor would it be a good idea. God has made them far differently than me and has given gifts and abilities and will continue to work in their lives in the years’ ahead if He so allows.
In the 70s I read most of the books written by Charlie Shedd, who was the James Dobson of his day. I quoted from his book, “Promises to Peter.” Let me summarize his quote.
He started as a single man doing a seminar entitled, "How to Raise Your Children." Then he got married and changed the title of his seminar to "Suggestions for Parents." Not very long after that, his first child came along, and he changed the title to "Feeble Hints for Fellow Strugglers." Then he had his third child, and he completely gave up doing the lecture.
Many of us can identify with that. Perhaps you're like that lady who got on the bus with five children. The bus driver said, "Are these all your kids, or are you just going to a picnic?" She said, "Sir, these are all my kids, and this ain't no picnic."
Recently I listened to a single adult tell me how she would raise her children if she had any. I bit my lip and kept quiet. I confess I said the same things when I was single. It was stupid stuff. Not that it didn’t sound good, but let’s face it, the complexities of kids and parents and the situations in which we find ourselves are so unique that simple and pat answers fall short of reality. But neither can we use that as an excuse to ignore God’s Word to guide us.
Ps 127:3-5 “Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.”
Having children is not God’s will for all couples. But if this is the calling and circumstance the Lord allows it is a blessing. We tease a great deal on the challenges of child rearing, but being a child raised by parents who are not perfect is no picnic either. As much as I thank God for my parents and their Christian commitment, I could easily point out their foibles. I needed to learn to forgive as well as ask forgiveness. I set them up as a young child knowing all the answers to life and when they didn’t, I was quite disillusioned. Yet they were God’s choice for me. It was no accident that I was in their home. The sovereignty of God is wonderful. No one lives in a perfect environment with perfect people. But Jesus was also raised by sinners in a fallen world. It is in those relationships that we see the grace of God and learn how to live after picking ourselves up (or having God pick you up) and go on from there. Forgiving and being forgiven are important steps in all family relationships.
My life is fuller and richer because I was a parent. God used my sons and foster daughters to mature my faith, humble me, and make me pray lots more that I might otherwise. Anyone, single or married, with or without children, can develop relationships with children that are healthy to enhance your life and be used to bless their lives as God works in and through you.
Pastor Dale
Sermon nuggets Tues Dec 22
Importance of Order
God is not the God of chaos but of order. Every organization must operate with some order and responsibility. Rules may be formal or informal. If you have a group of children playing together it isn't long before they chose up sides. Someone is appointed leader or captain of a team and a game develop. Or as a couple of kids play they may learn to compromise playing a game one child wants for awhile and then a game the other child wants. Without some type of order you have no game; you have no rules; and you have no fun.
God began creation by taking chaos and creating order. Satan has always sought to disrupt that order and bring chaos. God's plan was that He has ultimate authority and order in our lives. Satan's plan was to disrupt that authority and order and make people think they have complete control over their decisions, desires, and actions. Hence we have not only a authority conflict we have a spiritual conflict, as well as personal conflict and family conflicts.
In any society God had planned that there be order. Government has the responsibility to benefit of its citizen by preventing chaos and establish order, by protecting and establishing the welfare for its citizens. That can be done through monarchy, dictatorship, democracy, republic, socialism- all of which is superior to anarchy and disorder.
God's plan for family is to bring children into the world with the parents having the authority to train and bring up their offspring in the honor and admonition of the Lord. Parents have the authority and responsibility to provide for and protect their children. Even though our society has changed, even though there are many parents who have given up their authority, even though there are some who have abused and misused their God given responsibility, this was and still is the plan that God had given for nurture and protection of children. If they cannot do it, then government steps in and does it. But that isn't the first plan of God.
In Biblical days children weren't granted any rights. They were seen as property. In the Greek world they could be sold by their parents as slaves. Or if a father acquired debts he could not pay his whole family could be sold as slaves to pay off the debts. In fact, in Rome a slave had more rights than a child did.
As followers of Jesus Christ there is a relationship of responsibility as well as authority. It begins with making a strong marriage in which to raise children. There are important roles designed for both the father and mother to play in child rearing. In cases of father's death or abandonment God has proclaimed a special category where he gives grace and blessing to those women who bear that responsibility. He gave the church also responsibility to help single parents, which we need to take seriously and more so in the days ahead.
The best thing you can do to raise strong children is to have a strong marriage. Are their perfect parents? Of course not. Sin, selfishness, pride creeps in and mistakes and offenses are clearly made, but there is a plan that gives guidance.
Do kids tell parents what to do? No; Do parents tell God what to do? No. Do kids tell each other what to do? No. Do parents tell kids what to do? Yes. Does God tell parents what to do? Yes. And it is the parent’s responsibility to help teach their children God’s ways. To learn to mature is not just independence from parents, but dependence on the Lord. That is the order that leads to blessings in the long run.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Wed Dec 23
Importance of Obedience
I believe the importance of order and responsibility are also a spiritual issue. Attitudes of authority can be the basis of children’s early relationship with the Lord. How they obey the parents will influence how they are to obey the Lord some day.
Obedience is related to respect. It means one is ready to receive instruction, but is submissive to correction and direction. The more someone sees himself as dependent the easier it is to obey, the less one sees himself as dependent the harder it is to obey.
Obedient children please the Lord. It is right. And even if parents are not perfect God has place them in that responsibility to provide order and training. That is God's design.
There are rare occasions when the state or police or social services needs to intervene because that authority is neglected or abusive, but rather than seek to be the exception to the rule, children need to learn obedience at home for life lessons in the future toward others who are in authority in their lives.
Luke 2:41 They went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them But his mother treasured all these things in her heart, and Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men."
Jesus was 12 years old at this point often considered an adult in their society, but as long as he was with his family it was the will of the Father in heaven for Jesus to be obedient to the parents on earth, even though they were not sinless and they were not perfect. Jesus who is to be our example was an obedient son. A child who does not learn to obey his parents often has problems throughout his or her life with authority. He will defy his teachers, employers, police, and others.
When parents are able to receive exhibit authority in love children are more secure and trusting.
My friend who was a nursery school director informed me her children play happily when they know what they can and cannot do, and where their boundaries are. They will check from time to time to see that those boundaries are secure. If they fine simple rules are not kept increased anxiety results. If the teachers are consistent with keeping the rules and giving correction to the children who try to go beyond those boundaries there is increased disorder.
It is true of any leadership. If our country believes in the strength and trust of its leaders they are more apt to be followed. The more the leadership ignores laws and sets up rules unto themselves the result is lack of trust, order, and security.
Dr. Laura Schlessinger was a popular radio talk host on family values and personal concerns. Unfortunately she was taken off the air from secular radio when her view conflicted with homosexual political correctness. Here is an except from her conversation with a teen girl from her program. "your mother's concern is your welfare and she is totally responsible. If you go out and do anything, the police come back and make her pay for it. She is completely, morally, socially, psychologically, emotionally, physically, and financially responsible for you. When someone has all that responsibility you better believe they have the power. You will have the power, my dear young lady, when you take over all those responsibilities for yourself. The person with the responsibility has the power. You have absolutely no responsibility therefore, you have virtually no power.
"You are not controlled. You are incredibly well taken care of. That's correct that you can't have your own way because at 15 you don't have enough wisdom and experience in life to know what the right way is. You only know what you want and what your other friends have. You mother has a broader picture and it frighten me that you don't respect that.
"You have a right to ask. You have a right to negotiate and discuss. You have no right to argue with your mother None. Zero. But you can negotiate and ask. It is disrespectful and arrogant to argue, but it reasonable to say, "Here is the plan. Here are the ideas. Does this meet everything?" When then your parents make a decision and you honor it. You know what respecting your mother means? You ask her, She thinks it though she makes a decision and you say, "Yes, ma'am. " and when you're totally responsible for all your bills and all your welfare, you can frustrate yourself with your own decision. But right now you honor the person who is totally taking care of you and gave you life.”
As parents and grandparents if God has given you responsibility to teach them to obey as unto the Lord even if it makes you less popular. We are not talking about needless rules, or conflict of power for the sake of power, but an understanding and caring heart that is secure in doing what is best for any child will go well and be in keeping with God’s design in the child parent relationship.
However, children will also watch to see if you are respectful and obedient to those who are in authority over you. Show them the values of order and obedience and how to respectfully handle disagreements. Leave the long term results and consequences to the Lord. Pray for wisdom. Don’t be afraid to apologize when you make a bad decision. Integrity with good intent goes a long way.
Pastor Dale
Sermon nuggets Thurs Dec 24
Verses- Eph 6:1-4 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother"-- which is the first commandment with a promise--"that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Issue of Offense
The passage in Ephesians helps us understand what it means to exasperate the children. Parents must bear responsibility to be parents. It is not always a fun job any more than being a kid is always fun. It means stepping up to the plate and taking the responsibility to provide correction and training and love, and rebuke and discipline.
Exasperation isn't the same as making them upset, but it keeping them from proper goals. The opposite of exasperation is bringing them instead in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Exasperation is when the child has no understanding where he is at, what he should do. It comes with lack of training, lack of love, lack of understanding. It happens when there is unfairness, and abuse, anger, and manipulation. Exasperation results when children are confused.
Exasperation is when parents are cheating and drunk, and not providing for their family, or not spending time with children, or giving very little interest in their activities. It makes them feel unimportant.
Exasperation is not the same as a child who is upset with house rules or discipline. Hebrews 12 makes it clear that no one likes discipline, but it produces good fruit in the long run. Even God our Father disciplines us because he loves us. A loving parent will discipline their children. An uncaring parent will only discipline them if they get in their way, or keep them from their own selfish pursuits, otherwise they ignore them.
It is a grave responsibility of parents toward raising children who bear the image of God on them. To steer them into adulthood, to recognize they're on loan from God.
Some will say a child need to ventilate his or her anger and say anything and throw things to get it out and not stuff it? Is that true in the adult world? If an adult is upset with a policeman and call him names and throw things at him, does that produce good? Respect is learning proper way of expressing feelings-the need to be heard and need to listen. Parents that is true for children.
I remember a story of a young child and mother going into restaurant to order. She wanted a hamburger, No children. With ketchup, no vegetable with chicken. fries, no chicken. coke. Milk.
"Mom, she thinks I'm a person.”
I quote a poem by Henry Matthew Ward called By Example
When I got mad and hit my child, "For his own good," I reconciled And then, I realized my plight. Today, I taught my child to fight.
When interrupted by the phone I said, "Tell them I'm not at home." And then I thought, and had to sigh- Today I taught my child to lie.
I told the tax man what I made, Forgetting cash that I was paid And then I blushed at this sad feat, Today, I taught my child to cheat.
I smugly copied a cassette, To keep me free of one more debt. But now the bells of shame must peal, Today I taught my child to steal.
Today, I cursed another race. Oh God, protect what I debase, For now, I fear it is too late. Today, I taught my child to hate.
By my example, children learn, That I must lead in life's sojourn In such a way that they are led, By what is done, not what is said.
Today, I gave my child his due, By Praises for him instead of rue. And now I have begun my guide: Today, I gave my child his pride.
I now have reconciled and paid To IRS on all I made. And now I know that this dear youth, Today has learned from me of Truth.
The alms I give are not for show. And yet, this child must surely know That charity is worth the price; Today, he saw my sacrifice.
I clasp within a warm embrace My neighbor of another race- The great commandment from above. Today, I taught my child to love.
Someday, my child must face alone, This world of fearsome undertone, But I have blazed a sure pathway; Today, I taught my child to pray."
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Sat Dec 26
Importance of Fathers
As we conclude this passage for the week we noticed the instructions of verse 21 apply to both parents, but it is directed to fathers. There are many studies that speak of the importance of the father and his role in the family. The father has tremendous impact has on the child for good and for ill.
There has been a dramatic rise in absent fathers from the home. Psychologist, Christopher Bacorn reported in the past in Newsweek magazine that he sees clients in their teens abusing alcohol, falling into gangs, failing school and committing violent crimes. One consistent pattern among many of these males is no father figure in the home.
Further research shows greater negative impact on children when a father leaves the home than if he dies.
Where are the Dads? Bacorn says where they are not. “They are not a PTA meetings or piano recitals. They're not teaching SS, taking their children to the doctors when they are sick. They can't be seen at juvenile court when Junior is facing sentencing. Where you find many of them are at taverns drinking, conversing playing pool. At casinos gambling, or on golf courses, tennis courts, and bowling allows. They are working at their jobs from early morning to late at night. They are watching TV or tuning up the car. They are every where but in the presence of their children.”
Bacorn reveals that not only do many boys lack a sense of how a man should behave without proper models, many girls don't know either, having little exposure to healthy male female relationships.
In another article John Heiman was US comptroller of the currency in the Carter administration, Charged with the supervision of the national banking system. He took his son and daughter with him to business meetings so they could see what their dad did. Such business meetings were meant for men and women. Sometimes at formal dinners it was not the most stimulating for children, but he tried to include them in conversations, which also helped him keep some of the concepts simple to explain and kept his antagonists polite in their presence.
When his son was in college he surprised his dad coming into one of the banking meetings dressed like a Hippie. Dad was embarrassed. When the meeting ending the chairman stopped Heiman and asked. "How did you get him to come with you? My son refuses to join me in anything I do. What have you done to encourage him? What a son!”
Today Joshua is an officer of a bank. Time paid off.
It is time for the modern father to step up to the plate of responsibility of parenting and not leaving it up to the mothers alone. The family was designed for the male to take his role as God designed. He is to take the initiative to give spiritual training, love and discipline. He is to train and reproof, to play and to work. He is part of the balance with the mother that each child needs to grow in our society and mature as we model Kingdom living before our kids.
Pastor Dale
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Marriage Col 3:17-19
Sermon Nuggets Mon Dec 14
Theme Marriage relationships
Col 3:17-19
17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
18 Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
19 Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.
Marriage – A personal Dialogue
As most know sermon nuggets are adapted from past sermons. My wife, Judi and I dialogued about these verses in 1998 as a public presentation replacing the traditional sermon. Because of the controversy within evangelical circles over the role of husbands and wives and how we play that out today, I believe there have been abuses on both extremes of liberal and conservative interpretations. For those who are into labels we fall into the or Complementarian interpretation as opposed to the Egalitarian views. We follow more of a conservative view of marriage taking the verses to emphasize the differences in seeking to complement one another.
As is the case with most differences of opinions it is my observations that each side pushes the opposing position into views that do not fairly represent them. Each couple must start with the honest desire to make verse 17 their guideline. Do whatever you do in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ultimate even our marriages are not personal, they are to be a reflection of Gods’ will for the couple and whatever roles they chose to agree on is to reflect the character of Jesus to one another and to those around them.
This week is a presentation of personal dialogue that Judi and I had before the congregation.
DALE: The writings of Paul move from theological to practical. We reviewed that all we have is God's and whatever we do in word or deed should be to the glory of God. The most important relationship we can have is with God, our creator. But the second command is love your neighbor as yourself.
We carry our Christian commitment into our families, first with our spouse, then our children. It affects our work, life, and church. Those are subjects of our upcoming thoughts from this book of Colossians.
Marriage and family relationships are of central importance in living out our Christian commitment. This passage is straight and to the point. It is in the living out of these principles that we need help. God gave us a great plan when it comes to marriage. But in a testimonial way I thought of inviting Judi to join with me as we reflect on marriage together. Now perhaps a better setting to share something like this is a Sunday evening service or Sunday school, but many of you do not attend those events and some things we feel strongly about sharing.
Now we all know that a pastor's family must be perfect. A pastor is the ideal husband. His wife is dutiful supporter. They are an example to their flock. Judi, tell us what it's like to live in a perfect marriage.
JUDI - Yes, it is great to be part of a perfect marriage with a perfect man and perfect woman. To have your marriage arranged by God in heaven and have no doubts who you should marry or how you should get along. That's right. Let me read what it is like. (read Gen 1:26-31)
That's the perfect marriage in the perfect environment where God the perfect match maker make the perfect woman for the perfect man and created the perfect marriage for the perfect family. But when sin came as we read about in chapter two that ended this perfect marriage thing. From then on the relationships between men and women have not been according to God's first and perfect plan.
DALE- Except pastor's families.
JUDI- Including pastor's families. For since all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We are two people who struggle with our old natures; We do not act the way we want to or should. We face all the challenges of any other couple. In fact there may be a few added pressures on our marriage that some marriages do not face. But every marriage has its pressures.
DALE- We are not marriage experts. We are open to whatever help we can get to work on making our relationship stronger. Judi has some things to learn, and so do I. Marriage is too complex for anyone who thinks he/she has mastered the art.
One fellow who owned two parrots thought he needed an expert. He wanted to know which the female was and which the male was. A person standing near said, "I'm a bird expert and I can tell you. If you'll notice every time the birds eat worms, the male bird always eats the male worms and the female bird always eats the female worms."
"Well how do you know which is the male and which is the female worm?" "Oh said, the fellow, ‘I don't know that. You see, I'm just a bird expert." Perhaps that's what it is like with marriage experts.
Preachers and spouses do not have a handle on everything there is to know about being marriage, but it is also important to say we have problems, struggles, tensions. We are very human. It is not just the laity that are going through divorces. Many clergy face this today.
Judi and I have seen ministry friends split up and go through divorce.
JUDI - A few years ago I spent time with one of my closest friends while Dale talked often with her husband, who had an affair. They tried to reconcile for awhile, but the clergyman returned to his girl friend, not only gave up the family, but his ministry, job, and turned his back on faith. This hurt deeply. We should not take lightly the Scriptures that say, "What God has joined together, let not man break up" It has serious consequences and hurts for years to come with all family members.
Like all relationships it takes work. It is not always easy. It carries lots of pain that might be avoided if both people took very seriously their relationship to the Lord.
DALE I see verse 17 a key to not only direct our individual lives but our marriages together as the two become one. So the journey is a spiritual one with committed Christian husbands and wives. When we covet before God and our friends to remain faithful to one another, we are not naïve. It takes three-a husband, a wife and the Lord.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 15 09
Why Marriage
DALE - Let me tell you how I saw marriage before I was married. When I was single I was afraid to get married. I think for three reasons.
First, I enjoyed my freedom and living the way I wanted without necessarily being responsible to another person. I could eat what I wanted, when I wanted, and my time was my own. I could spend or save money as I wished, and had control over the TV, Radio, and record player.
Secondly, I was in ministry as a youth pastor and it became very hard for me to realize how I could work in time with a wife or family with ministry demands. I was finishing up my studies at the same time.
Thirdly, I was afraid of divorce. I knew if I went into the ministry, which I believed God called me to, a divorce would ruin my future. With the rise of marriages breaking up, even among clergy, I was afraid to chance it. I believe I could stay true to my commitment with God’s help, but I had no control or guarantee that whom ever I married would want to stay with me. The right type of wife is especially important in ministry.
JUDI- I want to add that for some of you who are single. It is perfectly OK to be single. You're definitely not a second-class citizen in the Kingdom of God. Paul in 1 Cor 7 makes that clear. Dale spoke on that last Spring.
Because of what I had seen growing up in my family, being married was not number one on my list. I was preparing for the mission field which took priority.
DALE: There were a number of reasons why I wanted to get married, even before I met Judi. As a healthy male with sexual desires I knew that God would honor the marriage bed and that sexuality outside of marriage was disobedience to God's commands. I wanted to live my life for God not personal pleasures and lusts, so that would be a big reason to get married.
I didn't completely understand love at that time, but whatever it was, it would be an important factor in a relationship. I knew the love of parents, the love of friends, but not the love of a wife or of children, that was a curiosity for me.
I also knew that most churches would not hire a single pastor. Yet those singles who loved the Lord and called to ministry give far more time and effort to their calling than those who were married. Unfortunately, because of our sexually saturated society single professionals, especially men, are suspect of promiscuity or homosexuality which just is not true for most.
I would be dishonest if I didn’t also say I experienced loneliness. My life was very full with people in ministry, but also no one with whom I could share my personal intimate thoughts and dreams who would accept me, love me, and not judge me.
But when I went to a Bill Gothard Seminar in the 70s there was one statement that came home to me as I was considering marriage. "Can you serve God better as a single person or married couple?" What is God's will for you?
The reason I really like that is because of the passage. “Whatever you do, do it for God's glory.” Was it God's will for me?
JUDI- If someone seeks to put Christ first in their life, that place of priority does not change when a woman meets a man she starts to love. In fact, the prayers increase that God would be clear in his direction and if seemed to be His will that we marry then I was willing to look at our relationship beyond just being friends enjoying one another’s company.
I had seen some of my nursing friends quickly give up their career and goals when some man came into their life. I wondered if their feelings for a man clouded their commitment which seemed so right before. I didn’t want that to happen to me.
I respected Dale’s commitment and believed God called him into the ministry, but I needed to ask if I felt I could partner with him in the church and in the responsibilities that a pastor’s wife is expected to fulfill. I wasn’t sure I was. So one of my hesitancies was to deal with my heart and how a husband would change that direction for me. How could God use my education, training, and personality in a different direction that I intended? That was important for me.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Dec 16
Before Marriage
JUDI - The Bible says that you are not your own you have been bought with a price. (I Cor 6:20) I had given my life to Jesus Christ at 9 years old and planned to be a missionary nurse. I gave God the complete right and freedom to do whatever He wanted. I later reconfirmed that desire to have Him lead me in my life. As I got closer to graduation from High School I had a desire to go into nursing as well as become a missionary. I enrolled at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago for Bible background.
While listening to many speakers at Moody, as well as through personal reading and talking with others I came to think there might be other roads before me than just the mission field. I had a friend who applied to a Christian nursing school, Mounds Midway School of Nursing in St. Paul. I decided that would be the next step of the journey for me.
DALE- In 1971 Judi and I met at a wedding in Rochester, Minnesota. She had graduated and was working at Midway Hospital. I was a Seminary student while serving as a youth pastor at Olivet Baptist in Robbinsdale. I was glad we were a bit older, out of college, had other interests, working, and somewhat financially stable.
I want to caution young people against marrying too early in life. I believe the greatest changes in a person are between 18-24 years of age.
I think another very important factor in our dating was the truth of the Bible that says "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers." (2 Cor 6:14) I have had friends marry non Christians who told me later how they wished they would have obeyed the Bible. They thought love would conquer all. But the most important relationship you will have will be with Jesus. And young people, since every date is a potential mate, date Christians.
JUDI- In addition let prayer be part of your dating. There are some couples who still have never prayed together as husband and wife. I prayed regularly that God would send the right man to me if I was to marry. But frankly I thought God would be clearer than He was. I was sure my dream man would be tall dark and handsome like my brothers. Well, we don’t always get what we want, but God had a different idea.
DALE: One of my spiritual heroes is Billy Graham. When he first met Ruth he knew that was the woman for him. But he also had previous relationships that he felt were the right ones for him. Having complete confidence in the partner God sent wasn't true for us.
Our dating was filled with doubts. I knew I was to marry a Christian. I prayed about it. If God called me to the ministry, I would want that to be part of the criteria for a wife. If was important to me that she would be willing to join me in ministry and the added struggles of not living in a house that is our own, possible moving every four years, being expected to come to church and actively participate in the program.
I thought it would be important that she would be willing to entertain, have people stop by unexpectedly, and of course be able to put up with me. I wanted a woman who would be a good mother to my future children.
JUDI- Since many Mounds Midway nurses married someone from Bethel Seminary I did not want to marry a Bethel man, nor a minister. Through personal and spiritual self searching God was changing me.
If I was to marry I wanted a man who loved God, was sensitive but with a good sense of humor. It was very important that he held the same personal values I did.
Dale and I dated three years, before we married and of course, now live happily ever after.
DALE- The frustrating part of making the decision to marry for me was the lack of 100% confidence that she as the one for me. I envied others who had that confidence. In our relationship when I was ready to make a commitment she wasn’t. Then I would back off and she was ready to move forward. We decided to stop seeing or talking with each other for month and just pray about if we should continue our relationship.
During that time I just concluded that she exhibited the important qualities that would make a good wife and mother. (not to mention the fact that she was very good looking!) We talked a lot together and didn’t try to put the best foot forward. We both knew honesty would be essential for any future relationship, even expressing our frustrations and doubts.
JUDI- I continued to work at the ICU ward at Midway Hospital. I moved on with important things in my life like finding an apartment, signing a lease, purchasing a car and seeking to pay off my school loans. I attended a local church and decided not to go to the church Dale attended because of distance, as well as not to be pushed by expectations of others into a relationship that we enjoyed but were willing to change plans if indeed God had someone else for us.
DALE- I was coming up to graduation from Seminary and still didn’t think the timing was right. I interviewed with a couple of church committees churches but was declined further interviews since I was single. I also wondered if the Lord was opening the door for hospital chaplaincy. I decided to stay on at the church as part time youth pastor and study at Hennepin General Hospital with their Clinical pastoral education program. I would be in the area and we could keep talking and praying about our future together even if the pastorate was not for me.
I learned what it means to walk more by faith than sight. To keep doing the basics; being what God wanted me to be and trust He will lead when that time is right for change. I was learning that being in the will of God was more being that doing. He was working on me.
Pastor Dale
Sermon nuggets Thurs Dec 17
Adjustments to Marriage
DALE- My hardest year was the first year of marriage. It is during this time there is both excitement of romantic love and adjustments to the realities of daily living. After a few months I really became confused if I had made the right choice. I didn't like the adjustment period. I enjoyed the sexual relationships, but I am convinced if I was not married with the spiritual commitment to her and God I might have left like many singles do when they just choose to live together. I would not have understood love on the deeper level that only comes with such commitment. Some people like the change and flexibility and challenge of new things, but later discover feelings aren’t the same as commitment.
JUDI- Commitment involves the spiritual, physical, social, and psychological.
The conflict of wills was a big one. We didn't agree financially on how to spend our money and buy things, even though we discussed it before marriage. We didn't agree on what type of purchases, personal, home, or professional. The biggest difference was the priorities of purchases and savings. Finances are the common causes for conflict in a relationship. Our financial habits were different before marriage and to change quickly was not easy. It seemed to me I had to do most of the changing.
There are other circumstantial adjustments when a couple goes through changes. Right after we were married Dale had a job as a Chaplain in nursing homes. We purchased a new home four months after marriage. After 6 months my sister came to live with us, since my parents had died. She was almost 12 at the time. So now we had the privilege of raising a teen when we hardly were used to one another.
DALE- In adding to the adjustment of living with another person who was fun to date and dream about the future, now we needed to develop our own routine. Most counselors advise not having children the first year of marriage so the couple has a chance to really get to know one another. I suppose with having Marti come into our home it was like marrying someone who already had an adolescent.
I resented the positive conversations the Judi would have with Marti, while the times we talked were regulated to address necessities of living, parenting, and time management.
Judi also returned to college to get a BSN four year nursing degree. It was then I realized she was driven to be an all A student or felt like a failure. Being a new wife, a mother to her sister, continuing to work ¾ time and a student provided stress. I was feeling like my quality time with her was almost non existent. Instead of dates or walks we were delegated to the necessities of living, talking care of Marti, driving her to school activities, shopping, laundry and church. I felt I was being ignored. I didn't want to admit it, but I was jealous of her time. It was also awkward to define my role with a sister-in-law not really being a parent but having guardianship responsibilities.
JUDI- part of every relationship is learning how to fight fair. When emotions are hurt it is easy to be offensive or defensive. We want to either attack the other because we feel hurt, or we want to crawl into a shell and not communicate. It is an important lesson to learn that disagreements are part of a relationship, and they should be looked on tool to deepen the relationship. Each brings their personalities into making a stronger solution.
DALE- since the Bible says not to let the sun go down on your anger (Eph 4:26) I wanted to resolve arguments right away. She remained silent and didn’t want to talk about it. When I would force the issue to get it resolved it seemed to get worse. The unresolved tension became a threat to me.
One night she wisely said to me, “I promise we will discuss this in the next day or two. You are very verbal and can express yourself easily. I need to think about it and what I am feeling and how I want to say it. We are different. I can’t come up with all the solutions until I can think them through.”
That made sense to me. The fact the problem wasn’t being ignored, just delayed helped me feel better and come to realize she didn’t have to be like me, nor was I being ignored. The conversations later proved to be more productive and helpful than on the spot solutions which I thought we needed.
JUDI- After I got my degree Dale moved from being a chaplain with regular work hours to moving to a new community and taking on the responsibility of a pastorate. Now his schedule involved day and night responsibilities. When we were at home he seemed to be thinking about the next sermon, Sunday School lesson, or church problem to be addressed. I didn’t have school and work as before. Now I resented the time he spent at the church in many meetings. Most of the activities we did revolved around the church not leaving much personal time. I was feeling lonely missing my friends from Minnesota.
DALE- I believed I was in the will and direction of the Lord, but I had a lot to learn about being a pastor. Not only were there expectations from many people for my attention, but also for us as a “family”. Learning new roles in a new environment also took adjustment and needed communication that we didn’t always have. Even our rare vacation times were with Marti.
Fortunately Judi enjoyed calling with me at the hospitals and with shut-ins and driving in the country provided talk time. I enjoyed the fact that she was sharing in the ministry and the people also like it.
We did have devotions together and prayed about our marriage. We never questioned love or commitment to each other. But change was needed and it wasn’t going to happen without a plan to change and a process to evaluate progress.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri Dec 18
A Better Spouse
DALE- Part of growing in a relationship is to take time for one another. I decided at least monthly to date my wife.
My desire to be a better husband comes wanting to please the Lord as well as Judi. "Husbands love your wives and do not be harsh with them." If I take my faith seriously, then I must take my relationship with Judi seriously.
I have emotional feeling for her that I call love. But the Bible does not speak about love in that way. Love is a commitment. I must be committed to her in faithfulness. There are needs in my life that I choose that only she can fulfill. She has my promise on that.
But I also realize that I cannot meet all of Judi's needs nor can she meet all of mine. It would be idolatry to think she can or should.
JUDI- Some struggle with the thought “Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting to the Lord.” Part of submission to Dale is a public awareness that he is my husband and I am his- no other. That is fitting to the Lord. I choose not to flirt; I do not dress to please other men. I do not make decisions regarding my schedule that would involve home or family or church time without consulting him.
For me submission is harder to discuss, than practice. Perhaps it's a matter of pride. I resented it when he tried to control or manipulate me, but when he included me in choices I learned to trust him more.
DALE- If I was to take Judi's concerns seriously, as a Christian husband, I needed to make some changes in our relationship. Some interpret this passage to mean treat your husband as if he is the Lord. That would also be idolatry. When God’s word say submit to those in authority over you, it was the Apostles who fulfilled God’s will by obeying God rather than man when two commands conflicted.
I was convicted of sin against Judi by being harsh with her in some areas. I was strangling her freedom to use some of our money in ways that she thought would be best for the both of us. I wanted it my way which is not love. Love is not selfish. So one thing that helped was to agree Judi had some money she could call her own that I would have no say over. She could blow it however she wanted even if it was on things that I felt were unnecessary. Call it an allowance; call it a gift; it doesn't make a difference. It was hers to do as she wanted and emotionally I gave up the right to comment on her purchases as an act of love for her.
JUDI- It also became important for me to not create win and lose situations. Rather than put down Dale or hold anger against him I sought harder to clarify the issues of disagreement and work on solutions that were mutually acceptable. I learned there were times to compromise and times to raise up discussion and not to remain silent. We learned to evaluate what was really important to address and what wasn’t. It was a submission of power that eliminated lots of conflicts. We tried to keep the focus on the issue rather than whose idea or opinion ought to win over the other. As we thought more about the issue of our discussion and not our pride it was an important step to work on solutions and decisions.
DALE- I did not want Judi to be like a child where I was a parent over her doing what I told her and expecting her to comply with my wishes. She is not a child.
Nor did I want to be her sergeant and she a private in the army. You need that type of leadership if you are at war. But the Biblical model of leadership taught by Jesus is servant leadership. Jesus gave himself for his disciples. He loved them and first acted in ways he wanted them to follow. He told them "Don't be like the Gentiles that Lord it over one another" Rather the one who should be first must be last. (Matt 20:25-26)
Judi is a woman created by God to be a helper, friend, and partner. When I saw her as God's gift to me, I become a steward of one of God's children with responsibility to encourage her to grow as an individual hand made by God to serve Him. To respect her uniqueness and be aware that God gave her to me to teach me important lessons for my spiritual growth. He knew how we were to compliment each other. What I appreciate and love more was her respect and trust for me. I know that isn't always easy. Trusting and agreeing with my decisions was her way to make me feel worthwhile to her. I felt good about that which also had the opposite effect of not wanted to control but ask for her opinions.
By making me feel worthwhile built me up in ways that she probably doesn't imagine. If she does not agree with a decision we talk about it. I choose out of love for her not to want to decide something that is for my benefit, but our benefit.
It was okay to readily admit there are many areas that she is much more capable of handling than I. Another major change for me was the adjustment that I do not have to be right, or smart, or have my way of doing things. I do not have the have the last word on everything. She probably still doesn't think so, but I can admit and listen to her when she has an idea that is better than mine. It's not a male ego thing for me to have to get my way.
JUDI- Out of my love and commitment to God and Dale I try to be his loyal supporter, unconditional listening post, giving feedback when he asks. Growing and maintaining our marriage and home is my number one priority above pursuing further degrees or other job placements which would take me away from home or church.
DALE- What has God taught me in the years of marriage since 1974? That I could not have picked a better person suited for me than the one God picks. I was pleasantly surprised discovering after we were married how much we agreed on the important things of life, things we did not think of talking about before marriage. She is my best friend and counselor. I readily admit that I am dependent upon her. I would not want to hurt her in any way.
Also it is hard for me to imagine marriages that do not have open communication. I can't imagine being married and not talking about hopes, dreams, disappointments, frustrations, and even disagreements. Judi has saved me 1,000 of dollars in therapist fees! She has kept confidences, although if pastoral matters do not concern her about other people I do not share those with her.
I think the reason we can discuss our thoughts and concerns and weaknesses is because we work at not putting the other person down. I see the hurt in her eyes when she feels that way. There is no one who can hurt me more emotionally than Judi. She chooses not to. There is no one I can hurt more emotionally that Judi. I chose not to. What good does that do? We seek to hold our tongues when we are angry to refocus on the issue and not our irritation, but can admit when we have angry feelings.
We are different personalities. She puts up with more than I put up with and I know that. She prays for me and that means more to me than she ever knows. I can trust her completely.
I could go into different ways people feel loved- gifts, touch, talking, time spent with the other, doing little (or big) things for them. Telling your spouse frequently “I love you.” in different ways doesn’t hurt either.
JUDI- I found that I cannot change Dale I can only work on changing me. It is very important for me to share my thoughts, preferences and ideas with my husband. Husbands are not mind readers. Nor are they perfect; nor are they God.
God has a will for both of us together to serve Him and bring glory to His name through our lives and marriage. When God called Dale into the ministry I accepted that as my calling as well. Although I feel I come short, but my prayer is that the Lord is honored in my relationship to him as a wife.
DALE- God has given me instructions as a Husband. Verse 18 is someone else mail, not mine. Verse 19 is mail for husbands. I have nothing to say about how Judi is supposed to submit to me as fitting to the Lord. That is between her and God. Do you get what I am saying? I have an awful lot of responsibility to love her and not be harsh with her. That is God's letter to me.
1 Corinthians 13 give me more to think about love and how to act toward her than I wish was in the chapter. I realize only Christ is the perfect lover. I am glad He modeled that for me as an example to others and especially Judi. I am glad He has given to me the Holy Spirit to work on me and our relationship together.
(We closed the service praying for one another and for the couples in the church)
Pastor Dale
Theme Marriage relationships
Col 3:17-19
17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
18 Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
19 Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.
Marriage – A personal Dialogue
As most know sermon nuggets are adapted from past sermons. My wife, Judi and I dialogued about these verses in 1998 as a public presentation replacing the traditional sermon. Because of the controversy within evangelical circles over the role of husbands and wives and how we play that out today, I believe there have been abuses on both extremes of liberal and conservative interpretations. For those who are into labels we fall into the or Complementarian interpretation as opposed to the Egalitarian views. We follow more of a conservative view of marriage taking the verses to emphasize the differences in seeking to complement one another.
As is the case with most differences of opinions it is my observations that each side pushes the opposing position into views that do not fairly represent them. Each couple must start with the honest desire to make verse 17 their guideline. Do whatever you do in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ultimate even our marriages are not personal, they are to be a reflection of Gods’ will for the couple and whatever roles they chose to agree on is to reflect the character of Jesus to one another and to those around them.
This week is a presentation of personal dialogue that Judi and I had before the congregation.
DALE: The writings of Paul move from theological to practical. We reviewed that all we have is God's and whatever we do in word or deed should be to the glory of God. The most important relationship we can have is with God, our creator. But the second command is love your neighbor as yourself.
We carry our Christian commitment into our families, first with our spouse, then our children. It affects our work, life, and church. Those are subjects of our upcoming thoughts from this book of Colossians.
Marriage and family relationships are of central importance in living out our Christian commitment. This passage is straight and to the point. It is in the living out of these principles that we need help. God gave us a great plan when it comes to marriage. But in a testimonial way I thought of inviting Judi to join with me as we reflect on marriage together. Now perhaps a better setting to share something like this is a Sunday evening service or Sunday school, but many of you do not attend those events and some things we feel strongly about sharing.
Now we all know that a pastor's family must be perfect. A pastor is the ideal husband. His wife is dutiful supporter. They are an example to their flock. Judi, tell us what it's like to live in a perfect marriage.
JUDI - Yes, it is great to be part of a perfect marriage with a perfect man and perfect woman. To have your marriage arranged by God in heaven and have no doubts who you should marry or how you should get along. That's right. Let me read what it is like. (read Gen 1:26-31)
That's the perfect marriage in the perfect environment where God the perfect match maker make the perfect woman for the perfect man and created the perfect marriage for the perfect family. But when sin came as we read about in chapter two that ended this perfect marriage thing. From then on the relationships between men and women have not been according to God's first and perfect plan.
DALE- Except pastor's families.
JUDI- Including pastor's families. For since all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We are two people who struggle with our old natures; We do not act the way we want to or should. We face all the challenges of any other couple. In fact there may be a few added pressures on our marriage that some marriages do not face. But every marriage has its pressures.
DALE- We are not marriage experts. We are open to whatever help we can get to work on making our relationship stronger. Judi has some things to learn, and so do I. Marriage is too complex for anyone who thinks he/she has mastered the art.
One fellow who owned two parrots thought he needed an expert. He wanted to know which the female was and which the male was. A person standing near said, "I'm a bird expert and I can tell you. If you'll notice every time the birds eat worms, the male bird always eats the male worms and the female bird always eats the female worms."
"Well how do you know which is the male and which is the female worm?" "Oh said, the fellow, ‘I don't know that. You see, I'm just a bird expert." Perhaps that's what it is like with marriage experts.
Preachers and spouses do not have a handle on everything there is to know about being marriage, but it is also important to say we have problems, struggles, tensions. We are very human. It is not just the laity that are going through divorces. Many clergy face this today.
Judi and I have seen ministry friends split up and go through divorce.
JUDI - A few years ago I spent time with one of my closest friends while Dale talked often with her husband, who had an affair. They tried to reconcile for awhile, but the clergyman returned to his girl friend, not only gave up the family, but his ministry, job, and turned his back on faith. This hurt deeply. We should not take lightly the Scriptures that say, "What God has joined together, let not man break up" It has serious consequences and hurts for years to come with all family members.
Like all relationships it takes work. It is not always easy. It carries lots of pain that might be avoided if both people took very seriously their relationship to the Lord.
DALE I see verse 17 a key to not only direct our individual lives but our marriages together as the two become one. So the journey is a spiritual one with committed Christian husbands and wives. When we covet before God and our friends to remain faithful to one another, we are not naïve. It takes three-a husband, a wife and the Lord.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 15 09
Why Marriage
DALE - Let me tell you how I saw marriage before I was married. When I was single I was afraid to get married. I think for three reasons.
First, I enjoyed my freedom and living the way I wanted without necessarily being responsible to another person. I could eat what I wanted, when I wanted, and my time was my own. I could spend or save money as I wished, and had control over the TV, Radio, and record player.
Secondly, I was in ministry as a youth pastor and it became very hard for me to realize how I could work in time with a wife or family with ministry demands. I was finishing up my studies at the same time.
Thirdly, I was afraid of divorce. I knew if I went into the ministry, which I believed God called me to, a divorce would ruin my future. With the rise of marriages breaking up, even among clergy, I was afraid to chance it. I believe I could stay true to my commitment with God’s help, but I had no control or guarantee that whom ever I married would want to stay with me. The right type of wife is especially important in ministry.
JUDI- I want to add that for some of you who are single. It is perfectly OK to be single. You're definitely not a second-class citizen in the Kingdom of God. Paul in 1 Cor 7 makes that clear. Dale spoke on that last Spring.
Because of what I had seen growing up in my family, being married was not number one on my list. I was preparing for the mission field which took priority.
DALE: There were a number of reasons why I wanted to get married, even before I met Judi. As a healthy male with sexual desires I knew that God would honor the marriage bed and that sexuality outside of marriage was disobedience to God's commands. I wanted to live my life for God not personal pleasures and lusts, so that would be a big reason to get married.
I didn't completely understand love at that time, but whatever it was, it would be an important factor in a relationship. I knew the love of parents, the love of friends, but not the love of a wife or of children, that was a curiosity for me.
I also knew that most churches would not hire a single pastor. Yet those singles who loved the Lord and called to ministry give far more time and effort to their calling than those who were married. Unfortunately, because of our sexually saturated society single professionals, especially men, are suspect of promiscuity or homosexuality which just is not true for most.
I would be dishonest if I didn’t also say I experienced loneliness. My life was very full with people in ministry, but also no one with whom I could share my personal intimate thoughts and dreams who would accept me, love me, and not judge me.
But when I went to a Bill Gothard Seminar in the 70s there was one statement that came home to me as I was considering marriage. "Can you serve God better as a single person or married couple?" What is God's will for you?
The reason I really like that is because of the passage. “Whatever you do, do it for God's glory.” Was it God's will for me?
JUDI- If someone seeks to put Christ first in their life, that place of priority does not change when a woman meets a man she starts to love. In fact, the prayers increase that God would be clear in his direction and if seemed to be His will that we marry then I was willing to look at our relationship beyond just being friends enjoying one another’s company.
I had seen some of my nursing friends quickly give up their career and goals when some man came into their life. I wondered if their feelings for a man clouded their commitment which seemed so right before. I didn’t want that to happen to me.
I respected Dale’s commitment and believed God called him into the ministry, but I needed to ask if I felt I could partner with him in the church and in the responsibilities that a pastor’s wife is expected to fulfill. I wasn’t sure I was. So one of my hesitancies was to deal with my heart and how a husband would change that direction for me. How could God use my education, training, and personality in a different direction that I intended? That was important for me.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Dec 16
Before Marriage
JUDI - The Bible says that you are not your own you have been bought with a price. (I Cor 6:20) I had given my life to Jesus Christ at 9 years old and planned to be a missionary nurse. I gave God the complete right and freedom to do whatever He wanted. I later reconfirmed that desire to have Him lead me in my life. As I got closer to graduation from High School I had a desire to go into nursing as well as become a missionary. I enrolled at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago for Bible background.
While listening to many speakers at Moody, as well as through personal reading and talking with others I came to think there might be other roads before me than just the mission field. I had a friend who applied to a Christian nursing school, Mounds Midway School of Nursing in St. Paul. I decided that would be the next step of the journey for me.
DALE- In 1971 Judi and I met at a wedding in Rochester, Minnesota. She had graduated and was working at Midway Hospital. I was a Seminary student while serving as a youth pastor at Olivet Baptist in Robbinsdale. I was glad we were a bit older, out of college, had other interests, working, and somewhat financially stable.
I want to caution young people against marrying too early in life. I believe the greatest changes in a person are between 18-24 years of age.
I think another very important factor in our dating was the truth of the Bible that says "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers." (2 Cor 6:14) I have had friends marry non Christians who told me later how they wished they would have obeyed the Bible. They thought love would conquer all. But the most important relationship you will have will be with Jesus. And young people, since every date is a potential mate, date Christians.
JUDI- In addition let prayer be part of your dating. There are some couples who still have never prayed together as husband and wife. I prayed regularly that God would send the right man to me if I was to marry. But frankly I thought God would be clearer than He was. I was sure my dream man would be tall dark and handsome like my brothers. Well, we don’t always get what we want, but God had a different idea.
DALE: One of my spiritual heroes is Billy Graham. When he first met Ruth he knew that was the woman for him. But he also had previous relationships that he felt were the right ones for him. Having complete confidence in the partner God sent wasn't true for us.
Our dating was filled with doubts. I knew I was to marry a Christian. I prayed about it. If God called me to the ministry, I would want that to be part of the criteria for a wife. If was important to me that she would be willing to join me in ministry and the added struggles of not living in a house that is our own, possible moving every four years, being expected to come to church and actively participate in the program.
I thought it would be important that she would be willing to entertain, have people stop by unexpectedly, and of course be able to put up with me. I wanted a woman who would be a good mother to my future children.
JUDI- Since many Mounds Midway nurses married someone from Bethel Seminary I did not want to marry a Bethel man, nor a minister. Through personal and spiritual self searching God was changing me.
If I was to marry I wanted a man who loved God, was sensitive but with a good sense of humor. It was very important that he held the same personal values I did.
Dale and I dated three years, before we married and of course, now live happily ever after.
DALE- The frustrating part of making the decision to marry for me was the lack of 100% confidence that she as the one for me. I envied others who had that confidence. In our relationship when I was ready to make a commitment she wasn’t. Then I would back off and she was ready to move forward. We decided to stop seeing or talking with each other for month and just pray about if we should continue our relationship.
During that time I just concluded that she exhibited the important qualities that would make a good wife and mother. (not to mention the fact that she was very good looking!) We talked a lot together and didn’t try to put the best foot forward. We both knew honesty would be essential for any future relationship, even expressing our frustrations and doubts.
JUDI- I continued to work at the ICU ward at Midway Hospital. I moved on with important things in my life like finding an apartment, signing a lease, purchasing a car and seeking to pay off my school loans. I attended a local church and decided not to go to the church Dale attended because of distance, as well as not to be pushed by expectations of others into a relationship that we enjoyed but were willing to change plans if indeed God had someone else for us.
DALE- I was coming up to graduation from Seminary and still didn’t think the timing was right. I interviewed with a couple of church committees churches but was declined further interviews since I was single. I also wondered if the Lord was opening the door for hospital chaplaincy. I decided to stay on at the church as part time youth pastor and study at Hennepin General Hospital with their Clinical pastoral education program. I would be in the area and we could keep talking and praying about our future together even if the pastorate was not for me.
I learned what it means to walk more by faith than sight. To keep doing the basics; being what God wanted me to be and trust He will lead when that time is right for change. I was learning that being in the will of God was more being that doing. He was working on me.
Pastor Dale
Sermon nuggets Thurs Dec 17
Adjustments to Marriage
DALE- My hardest year was the first year of marriage. It is during this time there is both excitement of romantic love and adjustments to the realities of daily living. After a few months I really became confused if I had made the right choice. I didn't like the adjustment period. I enjoyed the sexual relationships, but I am convinced if I was not married with the spiritual commitment to her and God I might have left like many singles do when they just choose to live together. I would not have understood love on the deeper level that only comes with such commitment. Some people like the change and flexibility and challenge of new things, but later discover feelings aren’t the same as commitment.
JUDI- Commitment involves the spiritual, physical, social, and psychological.
The conflict of wills was a big one. We didn't agree financially on how to spend our money and buy things, even though we discussed it before marriage. We didn't agree on what type of purchases, personal, home, or professional. The biggest difference was the priorities of purchases and savings. Finances are the common causes for conflict in a relationship. Our financial habits were different before marriage and to change quickly was not easy. It seemed to me I had to do most of the changing.
There are other circumstantial adjustments when a couple goes through changes. Right after we were married Dale had a job as a Chaplain in nursing homes. We purchased a new home four months after marriage. After 6 months my sister came to live with us, since my parents had died. She was almost 12 at the time. So now we had the privilege of raising a teen when we hardly were used to one another.
DALE- In adding to the adjustment of living with another person who was fun to date and dream about the future, now we needed to develop our own routine. Most counselors advise not having children the first year of marriage so the couple has a chance to really get to know one another. I suppose with having Marti come into our home it was like marrying someone who already had an adolescent.
I resented the positive conversations the Judi would have with Marti, while the times we talked were regulated to address necessities of living, parenting, and time management.
Judi also returned to college to get a BSN four year nursing degree. It was then I realized she was driven to be an all A student or felt like a failure. Being a new wife, a mother to her sister, continuing to work ¾ time and a student provided stress. I was feeling like my quality time with her was almost non existent. Instead of dates or walks we were delegated to the necessities of living, talking care of Marti, driving her to school activities, shopping, laundry and church. I felt I was being ignored. I didn't want to admit it, but I was jealous of her time. It was also awkward to define my role with a sister-in-law not really being a parent but having guardianship responsibilities.
JUDI- part of every relationship is learning how to fight fair. When emotions are hurt it is easy to be offensive or defensive. We want to either attack the other because we feel hurt, or we want to crawl into a shell and not communicate. It is an important lesson to learn that disagreements are part of a relationship, and they should be looked on tool to deepen the relationship. Each brings their personalities into making a stronger solution.
DALE- since the Bible says not to let the sun go down on your anger (Eph 4:26) I wanted to resolve arguments right away. She remained silent and didn’t want to talk about it. When I would force the issue to get it resolved it seemed to get worse. The unresolved tension became a threat to me.
One night she wisely said to me, “I promise we will discuss this in the next day or two. You are very verbal and can express yourself easily. I need to think about it and what I am feeling and how I want to say it. We are different. I can’t come up with all the solutions until I can think them through.”
That made sense to me. The fact the problem wasn’t being ignored, just delayed helped me feel better and come to realize she didn’t have to be like me, nor was I being ignored. The conversations later proved to be more productive and helpful than on the spot solutions which I thought we needed.
JUDI- After I got my degree Dale moved from being a chaplain with regular work hours to moving to a new community and taking on the responsibility of a pastorate. Now his schedule involved day and night responsibilities. When we were at home he seemed to be thinking about the next sermon, Sunday School lesson, or church problem to be addressed. I didn’t have school and work as before. Now I resented the time he spent at the church in many meetings. Most of the activities we did revolved around the church not leaving much personal time. I was feeling lonely missing my friends from Minnesota.
DALE- I believed I was in the will and direction of the Lord, but I had a lot to learn about being a pastor. Not only were there expectations from many people for my attention, but also for us as a “family”. Learning new roles in a new environment also took adjustment and needed communication that we didn’t always have. Even our rare vacation times were with Marti.
Fortunately Judi enjoyed calling with me at the hospitals and with shut-ins and driving in the country provided talk time. I enjoyed the fact that she was sharing in the ministry and the people also like it.
We did have devotions together and prayed about our marriage. We never questioned love or commitment to each other. But change was needed and it wasn’t going to happen without a plan to change and a process to evaluate progress.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri Dec 18
A Better Spouse
DALE- Part of growing in a relationship is to take time for one another. I decided at least monthly to date my wife.
My desire to be a better husband comes wanting to please the Lord as well as Judi. "Husbands love your wives and do not be harsh with them." If I take my faith seriously, then I must take my relationship with Judi seriously.
I have emotional feeling for her that I call love. But the Bible does not speak about love in that way. Love is a commitment. I must be committed to her in faithfulness. There are needs in my life that I choose that only she can fulfill. She has my promise on that.
But I also realize that I cannot meet all of Judi's needs nor can she meet all of mine. It would be idolatry to think she can or should.
JUDI- Some struggle with the thought “Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting to the Lord.” Part of submission to Dale is a public awareness that he is my husband and I am his- no other. That is fitting to the Lord. I choose not to flirt; I do not dress to please other men. I do not make decisions regarding my schedule that would involve home or family or church time without consulting him.
For me submission is harder to discuss, than practice. Perhaps it's a matter of pride. I resented it when he tried to control or manipulate me, but when he included me in choices I learned to trust him more.
DALE- If I was to take Judi's concerns seriously, as a Christian husband, I needed to make some changes in our relationship. Some interpret this passage to mean treat your husband as if he is the Lord. That would also be idolatry. When God’s word say submit to those in authority over you, it was the Apostles who fulfilled God’s will by obeying God rather than man when two commands conflicted.
I was convicted of sin against Judi by being harsh with her in some areas. I was strangling her freedom to use some of our money in ways that she thought would be best for the both of us. I wanted it my way which is not love. Love is not selfish. So one thing that helped was to agree Judi had some money she could call her own that I would have no say over. She could blow it however she wanted even if it was on things that I felt were unnecessary. Call it an allowance; call it a gift; it doesn't make a difference. It was hers to do as she wanted and emotionally I gave up the right to comment on her purchases as an act of love for her.
JUDI- It also became important for me to not create win and lose situations. Rather than put down Dale or hold anger against him I sought harder to clarify the issues of disagreement and work on solutions that were mutually acceptable. I learned there were times to compromise and times to raise up discussion and not to remain silent. We learned to evaluate what was really important to address and what wasn’t. It was a submission of power that eliminated lots of conflicts. We tried to keep the focus on the issue rather than whose idea or opinion ought to win over the other. As we thought more about the issue of our discussion and not our pride it was an important step to work on solutions and decisions.
DALE- I did not want Judi to be like a child where I was a parent over her doing what I told her and expecting her to comply with my wishes. She is not a child.
Nor did I want to be her sergeant and she a private in the army. You need that type of leadership if you are at war. But the Biblical model of leadership taught by Jesus is servant leadership. Jesus gave himself for his disciples. He loved them and first acted in ways he wanted them to follow. He told them "Don't be like the Gentiles that Lord it over one another" Rather the one who should be first must be last. (Matt 20:25-26)
Judi is a woman created by God to be a helper, friend, and partner. When I saw her as God's gift to me, I become a steward of one of God's children with responsibility to encourage her to grow as an individual hand made by God to serve Him. To respect her uniqueness and be aware that God gave her to me to teach me important lessons for my spiritual growth. He knew how we were to compliment each other. What I appreciate and love more was her respect and trust for me. I know that isn't always easy. Trusting and agreeing with my decisions was her way to make me feel worthwhile to her. I felt good about that which also had the opposite effect of not wanted to control but ask for her opinions.
By making me feel worthwhile built me up in ways that she probably doesn't imagine. If she does not agree with a decision we talk about it. I choose out of love for her not to want to decide something that is for my benefit, but our benefit.
It was okay to readily admit there are many areas that she is much more capable of handling than I. Another major change for me was the adjustment that I do not have to be right, or smart, or have my way of doing things. I do not have the have the last word on everything. She probably still doesn't think so, but I can admit and listen to her when she has an idea that is better than mine. It's not a male ego thing for me to have to get my way.
JUDI- Out of my love and commitment to God and Dale I try to be his loyal supporter, unconditional listening post, giving feedback when he asks. Growing and maintaining our marriage and home is my number one priority above pursuing further degrees or other job placements which would take me away from home or church.
DALE- What has God taught me in the years of marriage since 1974? That I could not have picked a better person suited for me than the one God picks. I was pleasantly surprised discovering after we were married how much we agreed on the important things of life, things we did not think of talking about before marriage. She is my best friend and counselor. I readily admit that I am dependent upon her. I would not want to hurt her in any way.
Also it is hard for me to imagine marriages that do not have open communication. I can't imagine being married and not talking about hopes, dreams, disappointments, frustrations, and even disagreements. Judi has saved me 1,000 of dollars in therapist fees! She has kept confidences, although if pastoral matters do not concern her about other people I do not share those with her.
I think the reason we can discuss our thoughts and concerns and weaknesses is because we work at not putting the other person down. I see the hurt in her eyes when she feels that way. There is no one who can hurt me more emotionally than Judi. She chooses not to. There is no one I can hurt more emotionally that Judi. I chose not to. What good does that do? We seek to hold our tongues when we are angry to refocus on the issue and not our irritation, but can admit when we have angry feelings.
We are different personalities. She puts up with more than I put up with and I know that. She prays for me and that means more to me than she ever knows. I can trust her completely.
I could go into different ways people feel loved- gifts, touch, talking, time spent with the other, doing little (or big) things for them. Telling your spouse frequently “I love you.” in different ways doesn’t hurt either.
JUDI- I found that I cannot change Dale I can only work on changing me. It is very important for me to share my thoughts, preferences and ideas with my husband. Husbands are not mind readers. Nor are they perfect; nor are they God.
God has a will for both of us together to serve Him and bring glory to His name through our lives and marriage. When God called Dale into the ministry I accepted that as my calling as well. Although I feel I come short, but my prayer is that the Lord is honored in my relationship to him as a wife.
DALE- God has given me instructions as a Husband. Verse 18 is someone else mail, not mine. Verse 19 is mail for husbands. I have nothing to say about how Judi is supposed to submit to me as fitting to the Lord. That is between her and God. Do you get what I am saying? I have an awful lot of responsibility to love her and not be harsh with her. That is God's letter to me.
1 Corinthians 13 give me more to think about love and how to act toward her than I wish was in the chapter. I realize only Christ is the perfect lover. I am glad He modeled that for me as an example to others and especially Judi. I am glad He has given to me the Holy Spirit to work on me and our relationship together.
(We closed the service praying for one another and for the couples in the church)
Pastor Dale
Friday, December 11, 2009
Christian Clothes Col 3:12-17
Sermon Nuggets Mon Dec 7
Theme Christian Clothes
Verses Col 3:12,17
12 Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Christian Clothes
Previously we have been talking about our old nature and our new nature. In Christ we have been given a new nature that allows us to respond differently than being controlled by our old and sinful nature. We have options now we have not had before. Before we were sinners before Christ came into our lives. Now we are saints who struggle with sinful habits. Sinfulness is our old nature, but now we have the Spirit of Christ dwelling within and new things begin to take over.
The over riding theme of Paul’s message is his summary statement in verse 17. “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
There was an ad on TV that wants to convince us that clothes make that man (or woman). People see us from the outside. How we dress reflects who we are.
Jesus also says we should not judge others based on their outward appearance. The clothing industry seeks to combine comfortable clothes that are attractive for different aspects of our lives. This Christmas many will receive clothing for warmth, for fashion, and for comfort.
The figure of putting on new clothes captures Paul's thought when we have "put on Jesus Christ." It isn't something that we take off. It isn't something we use to impress others when we have had no inside heart change.
The fact that we are bearing the name of Jesus Christ as people who seek to follow Him by faith also means that we want to live in honor of the name we possess, “Christian”. What we believe affects what we do. We by grace have been given a new nature, now we are to wear new clothing in keeping with our position in Jesus. Notice three things mentioned that came from God. We are chosen, we are made holy and we are dearly loved.
First, we have been chosen by God. We are hand picked as one of his favorites. God didn't wait for us to take the first step toward him. He took the first step toward us.
We had no time for God he chose us. God took the initative. He is for us. He loves, cares, listens, and accepts us. But He cares more about us to wants us to stay that way we are. To develop a walk with the Lord may require some changes.
And secondly He not only chose us He made us holy. We are made whole by the blood of Jesus Christ, not because of our good works. We are different people because our sins are gone. God looks upon us as he looked upon his sinless son. We are made right because of his actions.
From the Old Testament God chose a people to demonstrate his glory. The Jewish nation became a special nation to show us God. Why did he choose them? Was it because of obedience? No we see that clearly in the Old Testament, they were often rebellious and hard headed. Did he chose them because they were better than there neighbors? Hardly! Sometimes the neighbors acted with more compassion.
God chose them because He loved them. Of all the nations of the people in the world He chose them and called them to be his own.
Those same words are used to describe the church. You and I were chosen by God. God's spirit spoke to your heart and convinced you of your sin your need for Himself. Most of you responded by repentance and inviting the Lord to come into your lives. He sent certain people your way, or by his grace allowed you to be born into a Christian family or church going family.
Did you ever wonder where you would be if you did not know the Lord today? Some of you haven't made that decision yet. God has been knocking on the door of your heart. Will you give it to Him?
Some of you have accepted Jesus at camp, or in Sunday school or VBS or kids club, or with a pastor, or Christian friend, or at an evangelistic rally, or TV program. Whatever your experience is the Lord is the one who directed you to that appointment with Himself.
None of us can say God picked me because I am so lovable. But we can say with humility God picked me even when I was not lovable, but because He is good.
So now he wants us to act differently when we bear the name of Jesus. The attitude that we are to demonstrate is described- compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
This is the nature of God. We see Him in Christ how he responds to us in compassion. We see Him live out his life on earth with kindness. Jesus humbled himself to be a servant of Father in Heaven and one another. He characterized gentleness and patience.
The world we live in needs to see Jesus in us. We need to wear the new clothes we have been given. We need today to let Jesus shine in the words we use and in the actions and activities before us.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 8
Verse Col 3:13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Put on the Fabric of Forgiveness
Let God's Forgiveness toward you affect your forgiveness toward others. The Lord forgave us all our sins. That is hard to understand. Having put on Christ is putting on forgiveness for our sin and the willingness to forgive others their sins against us.
It is common that families hurt one another, sometimes intentionally. It is common that while at work or school or community people will offend you and do something wrong toward you. But it is also true that some of the deepest hurts come from within the church body. People still lie, gossip, provide power plays to get their way in prideful and hurtful manners. It is hard to not hold resentments when those you expect to act different in fact do not. They should know better. We expect better.
Peter had a hard time grasping that. He asked the Lord, "How many times should I forgive someone- 7 times?" "No 7 X 70", was Jesus’ response. But that question was asked before the cross. Peter thought back to the time, when he denied the Lord. Three times he said he didn't know Jesus. But the joy of having another chance, the release of guilt, shame and pride, made him realize that he is always a debtor to God and therefore he should forgive others.
We are able to bear others up and put up with others who do us wrong even if they say thing about us that are unkind, even if they seek to do us harm because God forgave you and for the sake of the unity in the body of Christ forgiveness is the step of the spiritual one who realized his debt to God. I am so glad God's doesn't treat me the way I sometimes treat others.
It is hard understanding people that hold grudges toward others in the church, sometimes for years and years. Some family members hold bitterness against other family members that only affects them and hardens their own spirit. Some people may walk about with an invisible sign around their neck that says, "Fragile Feelings Handle with Care."
Matt 18:15-35 is our instruction that if you are or have been offended you who are spiritual go to the brother or sister and talk to them about it. It will never get resolved any other way. If it does not get resolved then bring a witness if not then, bring it to the church because unity is important in God's Kingdom. It is not unity when you talk to everyone else about the problem except the person you should be talking to. Many problems we face are the result of good old fashion misunderstandings. Feelings get in the way and some make mountains out of molehills.
We all make mistakes, mistakes cause divorce, heartache, wars, but it is more than mistakes when we wear the garment of grudges and resentment toward another. Forgiveness is the decision to take off that garment and put on the fabric of forgiveness given to us by our Lord.
Some psychologist will tell us that there is a direct proportion to being forgiven and forgiving. The biggest reason many people are unwilling to forgive is that they are harboring things in their lives that God has not forgiven them. They are unwilling to face Him with asking for forgiveness for their faults. We all need to ask that important question. "Is there something in me that needs the Lord's forgiveness? Are there others that I need to forgive that down deep is causing me to feel crummy this Christmas?
Humility is focusing on the works of God which puts us and others in proper perspective. All of us are created of God. We are not to have low esteem, but a servant like attitude. Romans 12:3 "For by the grace giving me I say to everyone of you, Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you." Your attitude toward others is to be with humility. That is a quality that is essential for forgiveness. We give ourselves to the Lord to do the healing He wants to do in our relationship to others.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Dec 9
Verse- Col 3:14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Put on the Clothes of Compassion
The qualities in verse 12 begin with compassion and expanded upon in verse 14. Compassion reminds me of helping the needy and the less fortunate. Love is expanded beyond to desire not just kindness, but unity. There is a greater commitment to unity than just helping another. Unity comes with a commitment to a relationship when we know that there is still disagreements and outlooks that are not always the same. It is identifying the more important things for which we agree and decided there are lesser things that we can overlook, or endure. We do so because of love.
Love is the essential ingredient that allows forgiveness. Does that describe your response to others? Tender and compassionate?
In that ancient time the people did not have kind hearts. There was abuse of the world toward Christian. People did not treat animals very well. They abused slaves and tortured women. They would willing, personally involve themselves in stoning, hangings and murder of people. They would do whatever it took for personal profit. They made no provision for aged or handicapped or the ill if they did not have family to take care of them.
In the Roman world life was cheep. Entertainment wasn't going to the movies or watching tv. They would gather at the coliseums and watch people kill each other. Not actors with laser guns that are playing make believe, they would cheer when a hungry lion viciously attacked men women and children. They would laugh when someone running from a spear was cut in two. The simple minded were considered inhuman.
Christianity has changed our world whether the critics like it or not. Kindness motivated by believers has started hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, food lines, treatment for the insane, and clothing for those without. Christians made prisons more humane, and stopped slavery. The attitude that God has for us needs to be passed on to others.
There are attitudes that we as Christian need to work on, why? Because God chose us, loved us and set us apart to be holy people in an unholy world. He gave us clothes of compassion to put on so people can see how attractive that is and want it for their lives as well. Most clothes that are attractive draw attention to the person wearing them, but that is not the case with these clothes. The attention is on God and others. They are recipients of godly love.
The Greek word is “agape,” one-way love. In other words, you love me, even if I don’t love you back. You love me, even though there is nothing good about me. It’s a strange kind of love, the kind of love that God has shown to the world. Even though the world didn’t love God, God loved the world, and sent his son. We celebrate that on Christmas. Even though you didn’t ask for it, Jesus loved you and died for your sins on the cross. God loves us, even though there isn’t anything good about us to love.
Love and Unity go “hand-in-hand” without Love there will be no Unity. Unity points to more extending love than just one person. Let’s face it. We need others to show us love too. We need to have others forgive us also. That inter-relational experience makes each one stronger. But that love also comes from God not ourselves. It is focusing on Him and not on our desires and wants. It is not so inclusive as to give up truth, but inclusive to take in those who do not have their act together. It is not accepting sin, but the sinner, as Jesus did.
I John 3:18-19 “My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action. This, then, is how we will know that we belong to the truth; this is how we will be confident in God’s presence.”
Frequently in the wedding service we have the ceremony of lighting the unity candle by the bride and groom. Symbolically the two candles represent them as individuals, until they take their candle together and light the center one, symbolizing unity. Most often they take their own candles after that and blow out the flame. On some occasions the couple leaves their candles lit. They want to say that while unified they each have their individuality that is not lost in marriage.
At a recent wedding, the bride and groom put the individual candles back into their holders with the flames burning. Then the bride, with an impish gleam in her eye, bent over and blew out her husband’s candle. The congregation burst into laughter. Later, one fellow commented: “During the marriage ceremony two become one --- on the honeymoon they discover which one.”
I wonder how many seek unity by blowing out the candle of the other and protecting their own?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Dec 10
Verse- Col 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Put on the Apparel of Peace
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. Peace doesn't really happen unless love is displayed. George Marshall the military genius said, "If man does find the solution for world peace it will be the most revolutionary reversal of this record we have ever known."
Billy Graham illustrates it by the storm raging sea beating against the rocks in high, dashing waves. Lightening flashing, and thunder roaring, the wind blowing but the little bird was sound asleep in the crevice of the rock. It's head tucked serenely under its wing. That is peace- to be able to sleep in the storm.
In Christ we can be relaxed and at peace even in the midst of the confusion around us. The storm rages, but our hearts are rested. We have found peace at last."
The word "rule" is like an umpire. He rules and makes the final decisions in a game. When we are tempted to say things which create turmoil in our inner being, the peace of Christ allows us to focus on His power and His wisdom with the realization we are in His hands. We are secure. Nothing can befall us outside of His will. His desire is to make peace with one another in Christ. Because he was willing to submit his will to the Father so we are to submit our wills to Him.
The problem is that many have not experienced the peace of God by realizing that He is in full control.
Someone described the church as a bunch of porcupines in winter. They get close enough to each other to keep warm, but when they get too close there’s a problem. We need to keep getting close to one another to experience the body of Christ but then there are quills that each of us have that soon begin to prick and poke and make it uncomfortable.
Lloyd Ogilvie asks us some important question to achieve this kind of peace. 1) What does the Lord want us to do? 2) If we did it, would it be in keeping with His life message and guidance? 3) Would the anticipated actions or program glorify Christ? Would he do it if he were in charge, for we often forget he really is? 4) Is it in keeping with Scripture and doctrine? 5) Will it bring us closer to one another?
Part of this peace is shown in thankfulness to God and to one another. When you realize your need for each other there is no longer competition and comparison and seeking to out do each other or compete. But a working together for His glory with a thankful and loving attitude, so often the worldly nature makes us unthankful for what we have. We became envious of the good fortunes of others or their gifts and talents and we are depressed with ourselves and jealous of others and lose the joy of the peace of Christ. Our churches would be more effective without the individual desires for recognition, reputation, or popularity. Putting on the apparel of peace is putting on Christ’s attitude of glorifying the Father.
What a difference in attitude and joy with those who were thankful for things and those who were ungrateful. To those who are complaining continually. Ingratitude too often leads to selfishness. People start to think they are deserving of special treatment above everyone else. Yet they are never inwardly satisfied. The thankful people see everything coming out of God's goodness. They are aware of the work of God even in difficult circumstances.
I remember one lady in the nursing home with such a spirit of peace. "How my heart would be blessed as I experience people who know God is so good. I'm so lucky and thankful to him. Why they change my room every 3 months so I get to look out different windows and see the change of seasons. The food is warm and light is good. People bathe me and take care of me. Isn't that good?"
She knows the peace of God instead of grumbling, "Why did this happen to me? I will curse God because I am in here instead of my own home."
When some unsettled things happen in your day, remember who is in charge and draw upon that comfort and peace He makes available. Extend that attitude toward others.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri Dec 11
Verses Col 3:16-17 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Put on the Wardrobe of the Word
Christ's Word makes us want to teach and admonish with spirit wisdom and sing praises together to God. Not only do we have the Bible as the word of God, but Jesus is the logos, the Word. He is the word incarnate. And as we understand Scriptures and follow Jesus, His spirit brings truth to our hearts, to our responsibilities, and is seen by others.
Paul is addressing a worship service that flows from knowing and having an intimate relationship with Him and with each other. We praise and sing teach and give. That is what we do in worship. When the Word of God dwells in us, it changes our character. We together want to praise and honor the Lord with fellow believers.
I went to the Guthrie Theater a number of years ago to see a one an show called entitled "the Gospel according to St. Mark." Erick Booth was the actor. The only script was the gospel of Mark. I read an article about his changed life. He was raised in a Dutch Reformed church. As he was memorizing this drama, he became aware of the fact that he was integrating the word of God into his personal belief system and it took on a new power for him. He was feeling personally inadequate and on the wrong track. He felt his personality and ego were inappropriate to the word he was to speak. He wrote, "I began a process of trying to eliminate my own ego." His wife noticed a change in him. She found him kinder and more understanding. "Much as I would like to I can escape what the text says. There are hard facts and truths that are inescapably direct and confronting me. Repeating it 3 times a week was sifting down into my bones."
God wants us to get together to worship him. He wants us to learn the word together, to encourage one another in good works and truth. He calls us into a fellowship called the church and wants the local congregation to lift its voice and heart in joyful response to the grace of our Almighty God.
The two weeks have been a challenge to put off our old nature and put on our new. IT reminds me of a story from Youth Specialties illustrations called the Beggars rags-
A beggar lived near the king’s palace. One day he saw a proclamation posted outside the palace gate. The king was giving a great dinner. Anyone dressed in royal garments was invited to the party. He looked at the rags he was wearing and sighed. Surely only kings and their families wore royal robes, he thought.
Slowly an idea crept into his mind. The audacity of it made him tremble. Would he dare? He approached the guard at the gate of the palace. “Please, sire, I would like to speak to the king.”
“Wait here,” the guard replied. In a few minutes he returned. “His majesty will see you,” he said, and led the beggar in.
“You wished to see me?” asked the king.
“Yes, your majesty. I want so much to attend the banquet, but I have no royal robes to wear. Please, sir, if I may be so bold, may I have one of your old garments so that I, too, may come to the banquet?”
The beggar shook so hard that he could not see the faint smile that was on the king’s face. “You have been wise in coming to me,” the king said. He called to his son, the young prince. “Take this man to your room and array him in some of your clothes.”
The prince did as he was told and soon the beggar was standing before a mirror, clothed in garments that he had never dared hope for.
“You are now eligible to attend the king’s banquet tomorrow night,” said the prince. “But even more important, you will never need any other clothes. These garments will last forever.”
The beggar dropped to his knees. “Oh, thank you,” he cried. But as he started to leave, he looked back at his pile of dirty rags on the floor. He hesitated. What if the prince was wrong? What if he would need his old clothes again? Quickly he gathered them up.
The banquet was far greater than he had ever imagined, but he could not enjoy himself as he should. He had made a small bundle of his old rags and it kept falling off his lap. The food was passed quickly and the beggar missed some of the greatest delicacies.
Time proved that the prince was right. The clothes lasted forever. Still the poor beggar grew fonder and fonder of his old rags. As time passed people seemed to forget the royal robes he was wearing. They saw only the little bundle of filthy rags that he clung to wherever he went. They even spoke of him as the old man with the rags.
One day as he lay dying, the king visited him. The beggar saw the sad look on the king’s face when he looked at the small bundle of rags by the bed. Suddenly the beggar remembered the prince’s words and he realized that his bundle of rags had cost him a lifetime of true royalty. He wept bitterly at his folly.
And the king wept with him.”
That’s the picture here, these things are what we used to be, but now we have so much more, don’t settle for rags when the wealth of God’s kingdom is in your hands. Put on your Christian clothes and leave the rags for Him to dispose.
Pastor Dale
Theme Christian Clothes
Verses Col 3:12,17
12 Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Christian Clothes
Previously we have been talking about our old nature and our new nature. In Christ we have been given a new nature that allows us to respond differently than being controlled by our old and sinful nature. We have options now we have not had before. Before we were sinners before Christ came into our lives. Now we are saints who struggle with sinful habits. Sinfulness is our old nature, but now we have the Spirit of Christ dwelling within and new things begin to take over.
The over riding theme of Paul’s message is his summary statement in verse 17. “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
There was an ad on TV that wants to convince us that clothes make that man (or woman). People see us from the outside. How we dress reflects who we are.
Jesus also says we should not judge others based on their outward appearance. The clothing industry seeks to combine comfortable clothes that are attractive for different aspects of our lives. This Christmas many will receive clothing for warmth, for fashion, and for comfort.
The figure of putting on new clothes captures Paul's thought when we have "put on Jesus Christ." It isn't something that we take off. It isn't something we use to impress others when we have had no inside heart change.
The fact that we are bearing the name of Jesus Christ as people who seek to follow Him by faith also means that we want to live in honor of the name we possess, “Christian”. What we believe affects what we do. We by grace have been given a new nature, now we are to wear new clothing in keeping with our position in Jesus. Notice three things mentioned that came from God. We are chosen, we are made holy and we are dearly loved.
First, we have been chosen by God. We are hand picked as one of his favorites. God didn't wait for us to take the first step toward him. He took the first step toward us.
We had no time for God he chose us. God took the initative. He is for us. He loves, cares, listens, and accepts us. But He cares more about us to wants us to stay that way we are. To develop a walk with the Lord may require some changes.
And secondly He not only chose us He made us holy. We are made whole by the blood of Jesus Christ, not because of our good works. We are different people because our sins are gone. God looks upon us as he looked upon his sinless son. We are made right because of his actions.
From the Old Testament God chose a people to demonstrate his glory. The Jewish nation became a special nation to show us God. Why did he choose them? Was it because of obedience? No we see that clearly in the Old Testament, they were often rebellious and hard headed. Did he chose them because they were better than there neighbors? Hardly! Sometimes the neighbors acted with more compassion.
God chose them because He loved them. Of all the nations of the people in the world He chose them and called them to be his own.
Those same words are used to describe the church. You and I were chosen by God. God's spirit spoke to your heart and convinced you of your sin your need for Himself. Most of you responded by repentance and inviting the Lord to come into your lives. He sent certain people your way, or by his grace allowed you to be born into a Christian family or church going family.
Did you ever wonder where you would be if you did not know the Lord today? Some of you haven't made that decision yet. God has been knocking on the door of your heart. Will you give it to Him?
Some of you have accepted Jesus at camp, or in Sunday school or VBS or kids club, or with a pastor, or Christian friend, or at an evangelistic rally, or TV program. Whatever your experience is the Lord is the one who directed you to that appointment with Himself.
None of us can say God picked me because I am so lovable. But we can say with humility God picked me even when I was not lovable, but because He is good.
So now he wants us to act differently when we bear the name of Jesus. The attitude that we are to demonstrate is described- compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
This is the nature of God. We see Him in Christ how he responds to us in compassion. We see Him live out his life on earth with kindness. Jesus humbled himself to be a servant of Father in Heaven and one another. He characterized gentleness and patience.
The world we live in needs to see Jesus in us. We need to wear the new clothes we have been given. We need today to let Jesus shine in the words we use and in the actions and activities before us.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 8
Verse Col 3:13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Put on the Fabric of Forgiveness
Let God's Forgiveness toward you affect your forgiveness toward others. The Lord forgave us all our sins. That is hard to understand. Having put on Christ is putting on forgiveness for our sin and the willingness to forgive others their sins against us.
It is common that families hurt one another, sometimes intentionally. It is common that while at work or school or community people will offend you and do something wrong toward you. But it is also true that some of the deepest hurts come from within the church body. People still lie, gossip, provide power plays to get their way in prideful and hurtful manners. It is hard to not hold resentments when those you expect to act different in fact do not. They should know better. We expect better.
Peter had a hard time grasping that. He asked the Lord, "How many times should I forgive someone- 7 times?" "No 7 X 70", was Jesus’ response. But that question was asked before the cross. Peter thought back to the time, when he denied the Lord. Three times he said he didn't know Jesus. But the joy of having another chance, the release of guilt, shame and pride, made him realize that he is always a debtor to God and therefore he should forgive others.
We are able to bear others up and put up with others who do us wrong even if they say thing about us that are unkind, even if they seek to do us harm because God forgave you and for the sake of the unity in the body of Christ forgiveness is the step of the spiritual one who realized his debt to God. I am so glad God's doesn't treat me the way I sometimes treat others.
It is hard understanding people that hold grudges toward others in the church, sometimes for years and years. Some family members hold bitterness against other family members that only affects them and hardens their own spirit. Some people may walk about with an invisible sign around their neck that says, "Fragile Feelings Handle with Care."
Matt 18:15-35 is our instruction that if you are or have been offended you who are spiritual go to the brother or sister and talk to them about it. It will never get resolved any other way. If it does not get resolved then bring a witness if not then, bring it to the church because unity is important in God's Kingdom. It is not unity when you talk to everyone else about the problem except the person you should be talking to. Many problems we face are the result of good old fashion misunderstandings. Feelings get in the way and some make mountains out of molehills.
We all make mistakes, mistakes cause divorce, heartache, wars, but it is more than mistakes when we wear the garment of grudges and resentment toward another. Forgiveness is the decision to take off that garment and put on the fabric of forgiveness given to us by our Lord.
Some psychologist will tell us that there is a direct proportion to being forgiven and forgiving. The biggest reason many people are unwilling to forgive is that they are harboring things in their lives that God has not forgiven them. They are unwilling to face Him with asking for forgiveness for their faults. We all need to ask that important question. "Is there something in me that needs the Lord's forgiveness? Are there others that I need to forgive that down deep is causing me to feel crummy this Christmas?
Humility is focusing on the works of God which puts us and others in proper perspective. All of us are created of God. We are not to have low esteem, but a servant like attitude. Romans 12:3 "For by the grace giving me I say to everyone of you, Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you." Your attitude toward others is to be with humility. That is a quality that is essential for forgiveness. We give ourselves to the Lord to do the healing He wants to do in our relationship to others.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Dec 9
Verse- Col 3:14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Put on the Clothes of Compassion
The qualities in verse 12 begin with compassion and expanded upon in verse 14. Compassion reminds me of helping the needy and the less fortunate. Love is expanded beyond to desire not just kindness, but unity. There is a greater commitment to unity than just helping another. Unity comes with a commitment to a relationship when we know that there is still disagreements and outlooks that are not always the same. It is identifying the more important things for which we agree and decided there are lesser things that we can overlook, or endure. We do so because of love.
Love is the essential ingredient that allows forgiveness. Does that describe your response to others? Tender and compassionate?
In that ancient time the people did not have kind hearts. There was abuse of the world toward Christian. People did not treat animals very well. They abused slaves and tortured women. They would willing, personally involve themselves in stoning, hangings and murder of people. They would do whatever it took for personal profit. They made no provision for aged or handicapped or the ill if they did not have family to take care of them.
In the Roman world life was cheep. Entertainment wasn't going to the movies or watching tv. They would gather at the coliseums and watch people kill each other. Not actors with laser guns that are playing make believe, they would cheer when a hungry lion viciously attacked men women and children. They would laugh when someone running from a spear was cut in two. The simple minded were considered inhuman.
Christianity has changed our world whether the critics like it or not. Kindness motivated by believers has started hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, food lines, treatment for the insane, and clothing for those without. Christians made prisons more humane, and stopped slavery. The attitude that God has for us needs to be passed on to others.
There are attitudes that we as Christian need to work on, why? Because God chose us, loved us and set us apart to be holy people in an unholy world. He gave us clothes of compassion to put on so people can see how attractive that is and want it for their lives as well. Most clothes that are attractive draw attention to the person wearing them, but that is not the case with these clothes. The attention is on God and others. They are recipients of godly love.
The Greek word is “agape,” one-way love. In other words, you love me, even if I don’t love you back. You love me, even though there is nothing good about me. It’s a strange kind of love, the kind of love that God has shown to the world. Even though the world didn’t love God, God loved the world, and sent his son. We celebrate that on Christmas. Even though you didn’t ask for it, Jesus loved you and died for your sins on the cross. God loves us, even though there isn’t anything good about us to love.
Love and Unity go “hand-in-hand” without Love there will be no Unity. Unity points to more extending love than just one person. Let’s face it. We need others to show us love too. We need to have others forgive us also. That inter-relational experience makes each one stronger. But that love also comes from God not ourselves. It is focusing on Him and not on our desires and wants. It is not so inclusive as to give up truth, but inclusive to take in those who do not have their act together. It is not accepting sin, but the sinner, as Jesus did.
I John 3:18-19 “My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action. This, then, is how we will know that we belong to the truth; this is how we will be confident in God’s presence.”
Frequently in the wedding service we have the ceremony of lighting the unity candle by the bride and groom. Symbolically the two candles represent them as individuals, until they take their candle together and light the center one, symbolizing unity. Most often they take their own candles after that and blow out the flame. On some occasions the couple leaves their candles lit. They want to say that while unified they each have their individuality that is not lost in marriage.
At a recent wedding, the bride and groom put the individual candles back into their holders with the flames burning. Then the bride, with an impish gleam in her eye, bent over and blew out her husband’s candle. The congregation burst into laughter. Later, one fellow commented: “During the marriage ceremony two become one --- on the honeymoon they discover which one.”
I wonder how many seek unity by blowing out the candle of the other and protecting their own?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Dec 10
Verse- Col 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Put on the Apparel of Peace
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. Peace doesn't really happen unless love is displayed. George Marshall the military genius said, "If man does find the solution for world peace it will be the most revolutionary reversal of this record we have ever known."
Billy Graham illustrates it by the storm raging sea beating against the rocks in high, dashing waves. Lightening flashing, and thunder roaring, the wind blowing but the little bird was sound asleep in the crevice of the rock. It's head tucked serenely under its wing. That is peace- to be able to sleep in the storm.
In Christ we can be relaxed and at peace even in the midst of the confusion around us. The storm rages, but our hearts are rested. We have found peace at last."
The word "rule" is like an umpire. He rules and makes the final decisions in a game. When we are tempted to say things which create turmoil in our inner being, the peace of Christ allows us to focus on His power and His wisdom with the realization we are in His hands. We are secure. Nothing can befall us outside of His will. His desire is to make peace with one another in Christ. Because he was willing to submit his will to the Father so we are to submit our wills to Him.
The problem is that many have not experienced the peace of God by realizing that He is in full control.
Someone described the church as a bunch of porcupines in winter. They get close enough to each other to keep warm, but when they get too close there’s a problem. We need to keep getting close to one another to experience the body of Christ but then there are quills that each of us have that soon begin to prick and poke and make it uncomfortable.
Lloyd Ogilvie asks us some important question to achieve this kind of peace. 1) What does the Lord want us to do? 2) If we did it, would it be in keeping with His life message and guidance? 3) Would the anticipated actions or program glorify Christ? Would he do it if he were in charge, for we often forget he really is? 4) Is it in keeping with Scripture and doctrine? 5) Will it bring us closer to one another?
Part of this peace is shown in thankfulness to God and to one another. When you realize your need for each other there is no longer competition and comparison and seeking to out do each other or compete. But a working together for His glory with a thankful and loving attitude, so often the worldly nature makes us unthankful for what we have. We became envious of the good fortunes of others or their gifts and talents and we are depressed with ourselves and jealous of others and lose the joy of the peace of Christ. Our churches would be more effective without the individual desires for recognition, reputation, or popularity. Putting on the apparel of peace is putting on Christ’s attitude of glorifying the Father.
What a difference in attitude and joy with those who were thankful for things and those who were ungrateful. To those who are complaining continually. Ingratitude too often leads to selfishness. People start to think they are deserving of special treatment above everyone else. Yet they are never inwardly satisfied. The thankful people see everything coming out of God's goodness. They are aware of the work of God even in difficult circumstances.
I remember one lady in the nursing home with such a spirit of peace. "How my heart would be blessed as I experience people who know God is so good. I'm so lucky and thankful to him. Why they change my room every 3 months so I get to look out different windows and see the change of seasons. The food is warm and light is good. People bathe me and take care of me. Isn't that good?"
She knows the peace of God instead of grumbling, "Why did this happen to me? I will curse God because I am in here instead of my own home."
When some unsettled things happen in your day, remember who is in charge and draw upon that comfort and peace He makes available. Extend that attitude toward others.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri Dec 11
Verses Col 3:16-17 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Put on the Wardrobe of the Word
Christ's Word makes us want to teach and admonish with spirit wisdom and sing praises together to God. Not only do we have the Bible as the word of God, but Jesus is the logos, the Word. He is the word incarnate. And as we understand Scriptures and follow Jesus, His spirit brings truth to our hearts, to our responsibilities, and is seen by others.
Paul is addressing a worship service that flows from knowing and having an intimate relationship with Him and with each other. We praise and sing teach and give. That is what we do in worship. When the Word of God dwells in us, it changes our character. We together want to praise and honor the Lord with fellow believers.
I went to the Guthrie Theater a number of years ago to see a one an show called entitled "the Gospel according to St. Mark." Erick Booth was the actor. The only script was the gospel of Mark. I read an article about his changed life. He was raised in a Dutch Reformed church. As he was memorizing this drama, he became aware of the fact that he was integrating the word of God into his personal belief system and it took on a new power for him. He was feeling personally inadequate and on the wrong track. He felt his personality and ego were inappropriate to the word he was to speak. He wrote, "I began a process of trying to eliminate my own ego." His wife noticed a change in him. She found him kinder and more understanding. "Much as I would like to I can escape what the text says. There are hard facts and truths that are inescapably direct and confronting me. Repeating it 3 times a week was sifting down into my bones."
God wants us to get together to worship him. He wants us to learn the word together, to encourage one another in good works and truth. He calls us into a fellowship called the church and wants the local congregation to lift its voice and heart in joyful response to the grace of our Almighty God.
The two weeks have been a challenge to put off our old nature and put on our new. IT reminds me of a story from Youth Specialties illustrations called the Beggars rags-
A beggar lived near the king’s palace. One day he saw a proclamation posted outside the palace gate. The king was giving a great dinner. Anyone dressed in royal garments was invited to the party. He looked at the rags he was wearing and sighed. Surely only kings and their families wore royal robes, he thought.
Slowly an idea crept into his mind. The audacity of it made him tremble. Would he dare? He approached the guard at the gate of the palace. “Please, sire, I would like to speak to the king.”
“Wait here,” the guard replied. In a few minutes he returned. “His majesty will see you,” he said, and led the beggar in.
“You wished to see me?” asked the king.
“Yes, your majesty. I want so much to attend the banquet, but I have no royal robes to wear. Please, sir, if I may be so bold, may I have one of your old garments so that I, too, may come to the banquet?”
The beggar shook so hard that he could not see the faint smile that was on the king’s face. “You have been wise in coming to me,” the king said. He called to his son, the young prince. “Take this man to your room and array him in some of your clothes.”
The prince did as he was told and soon the beggar was standing before a mirror, clothed in garments that he had never dared hope for.
“You are now eligible to attend the king’s banquet tomorrow night,” said the prince. “But even more important, you will never need any other clothes. These garments will last forever.”
The beggar dropped to his knees. “Oh, thank you,” he cried. But as he started to leave, he looked back at his pile of dirty rags on the floor. He hesitated. What if the prince was wrong? What if he would need his old clothes again? Quickly he gathered them up.
The banquet was far greater than he had ever imagined, but he could not enjoy himself as he should. He had made a small bundle of his old rags and it kept falling off his lap. The food was passed quickly and the beggar missed some of the greatest delicacies.
Time proved that the prince was right. The clothes lasted forever. Still the poor beggar grew fonder and fonder of his old rags. As time passed people seemed to forget the royal robes he was wearing. They saw only the little bundle of filthy rags that he clung to wherever he went. They even spoke of him as the old man with the rags.
One day as he lay dying, the king visited him. The beggar saw the sad look on the king’s face when he looked at the small bundle of rags by the bed. Suddenly the beggar remembered the prince’s words and he realized that his bundle of rags had cost him a lifetime of true royalty. He wept bitterly at his folly.
And the king wept with him.”
That’s the picture here, these things are what we used to be, but now we have so much more, don’t settle for rags when the wealth of God’s kingdom is in your hands. Put on your Christian clothes and leave the rags for Him to dispose.
Pastor Dale
Friday, December 4, 2009
Nurturing your Nature Col 3:1-11
Sermon Nuggets Mon Nov 30
Theme- Nurturing Your Nature
Verses- Col 3:1-11
Col 3:10 Put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.
Nurturing Your Nature
There was an old story of an Indian converted to Christ. He explained there was a battle going on inside. He compared it to two dogs fighting. One represented the good, the other bad temptations.
He was asked, "Which one wins?"
He replied, "Whichever one I feed the most."
Last week we wrote about "Games Christian's play". Paul saw the Gnostics trying to force the new Colossian believers to play religious games of legalism. People love to judge one another by rules. They like to judge themselves by rules to see who is better. There were legalistic rules from the Old Testament that have nothing to do with righteousness. There were spiritual revelations that people had which Paul said were not from God. He warned them against the falsehood of emotional experiences that kept Jesus from being the center of our focus. There were also religious restrictions that folks liked to have to judge their performance. "Don't eat this", "don't do this on this day", and so forth."
God looks at the heart. But it is hard for us to look at the heart so we look at outward actions. But does that mean our actions do not matter?
Paul introduced the idea of two natures. There is confusion and a struggle that goes on in lives of believers. We are dead to sin in Christ, but we still sin. We know that Christ calls us to live a different life as a believer than we lived before. God does not judge us according to our deeds, but our faith. So what difference does it make how to live?
I was talking to someone who felt he had to give up all his sins before he could accept Jesus as his savior. Christ came for sinners to save them. If we did not sin we would not need a savior. All have sinned and all come short of the glory of God and the price of sin is death and separation from God. The Bible tells us that all our righteous acts are as filthy rags before God, but to “all who come unto me,” Jesus said, “I will in no wise cast out.”
It is grace that saves us through faith when our heart cry is, "Here I am, now you take over". We repent of our sins and desire for him to make us a new person. If we do not have that desire then God is not allowed to work in our lives.
When you open up your life to His Holy Spirit He does the changing. You then have been given a new nature. As II Cor 5:17 says, "Old things have passed away, behold all things become as new. Your old nature is dead. But we still feel the affects of sin and temptations and the draw upon our lives to go our own way instead of Christ way.
Jesus said that you must take up your cross daily and follow him. Like in the Indian parable this is a matter of which nature you are going to nourish. In Christ we have been made free. But in the flesh we think we are still in prison and not taking advantage of what is ours. In Christ we are given a new Nature, Which one are you nurturing?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 1
Verses Col 3:1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
Raise to Life your New Nature by Refocusing your Heart
Do not live according to the dictates of others people and do not be bound by the temptations of earthly sin. When the world saw Christians living a different standard in a godless society they took notice.
Recent reports of the birth of a 15 pound 6 ounce baby reminded me of another special birth. A few years ago Bobbi and Kenny McCaughey became parents to 7 babies. Their church provided an excellent witness of their faith in Christ. They were advised by various medical personnel to have an abortion, but fully convinced God was sovereign they refused. The threat even on the life of Bobbi was not a deterrent to their convictions. Even Time magazine article stated their faith was rewarded. "Repeated references to God and miracles by Doctors as well as relative may seem old fashioned, even corny but in the face of such passion and tenderness, it was hard for even the most cynical onlooker to remain unmoved."
As devout Baptists, Bobbi and Kenny feel that a relationship with God is central to ensuring that their eight offspring become caring adults. Now several years later they are active and healthy but some children experience neurological problems. Kenny states, "Right now our children attend church and believe in the Bible because we do….When all of that is actually theirs, it will hopefully have a positive effect on them during their teen years."
The real testimony of their love for God made a difference in their decisions, even when experts of the community gave different advice. They were and still are willing to leave the consequences up to the Lord, for ultimate we all belong to Him and it is all about Him.
Making Jesus Christ Lord of our lives makes a difference how we are to live, not according to man’s laws, but according to God's laws.
To live our new nature is to have a new love commitment. Where is your heart?
Interestingly Jesus taught, “Where your treasure is there is your heart also.” Although this is not a devotional on giving it is a good barometer on the love of our lives. Beyond the basics of food and housing needs what captures our heart? Entertainment? Glamour? Latest style of cars? Hobbies? Or does the Lord have our hearts first? How is your giving? Is it a act of faith or of guilt? What does it reveal about yourself?
How we live is really a love question. The greatest struggle for most is the love of self. The throne belongs to us and our wants and our decisions, and our priorities. Paul saw life differently when God captured his heart and passion. “For me to live is Christ. To die is gain.” He said. Phil 3:13-14 “.. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
His new nature was enlivened as he now had a new purpose and new love.
Jesus spoke often about the heart. In Matthew 15 he tells how the heart affects our speech. Good and evil come from the heart. IT not only affects our words but our actions, “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.” Evil actions reveal the heart of a person.
He told his disciples that many are religious, but they cannot see the truth because of their “hardness of heart”. The heart is close to the will. It is the commitment that we control instead of giving that will over to the Lord. IT is only then He has our hearts.
Jesus honored the prayer of the man with doubts when he prayed, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.” He is asking for a new heart.
The greatest of the commands is to love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.”
When He is the focus of our heart our lives will change. When Christ is only a portion of our life not much different will happen. We can try to change by our own efforts, but the heart of the matter is the heart of our attention.
We work for wages. He must attend to the needs of family, health, and protection. But how would your life be different if you took seriously the instruction of our Lord who said, “And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.”
Faith is first a refocusing of our heart. It enlivens our new nature.
Pastor Dale.
Sermon nuggets Tues Dec 2
Verses- Col 3:2-4
2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
4 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Raise to Life your New Nature by Renewing your Mind
In addition to refocusing one’s heart, Paul says “set your minds on things above..” Renew your minds on godly things not on earthly things.
Many people think that it is impossible to change our past. Not so with God, all things are possible.
I had an independent class in Seminary with a psychiatrist. I was able to visit his patients in the psych ward. One of the common problems with Christian was unresolved guilt. They would ask forgiveness but never felt forgiven. Or they feared they committed the unforgivable sin.
The good news is if you gave the Lord your life He had taken away all the sins you've every committed and treats you as if they never occurred. We no longer have any evil past which convicts us. It is one thing the resurrection does. You stand before God confessing all those horrible things that your memory won't let you forget. He opens the books and looks and says, "There isn't any record of that here. Oh there used to be such a person, but he is dead. You were born on that day you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior. My record of your life begins then. God gives you a new identity and new name that we need not be ashamed of the past because he has taken care of it.” Renewing our minds on the truth gives us freedom and forgiveness.
In baptism we symbolize what has already happened in our hearts. We are dead to sin and buried and now become alive in Jesus Christ. We identify with the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord. We have died to our old nature, and are raised to a new life in the Holy Spirit. Now let God dwell in your richly.
Our life is hidden with Christ in God. Because we have been raised with a new nature- Christ is in us living out His will through you and me.
Handly Page was a pioneer in aviation. Before take off one day, unknown to him a huge rat was attracted by the smell of food and managed to get instead his plane. After a while in the air Page heard the sickening sound of gnawing. He visualized the serious damage that could be done to a fragile mechanism that controlled the craft. He couldn't land. He realized this could be a dangerous situation.
Then the thought struck him, a rat cannot survive at high altitudes. So he pulled back on the stick, the airplane climbed higher and higher until Page found it difficult to breathe. He listened intently, and then sighed with relief. The gnawing had stopped. When he arrived at his destination he found the rat laying dead behind the cockpit.
Many of us are plagued by gnawing lusts of the flesh simply because we are living on a low spiritual level. As we keep our attention on Christ above, the allurement and danger of this world and its temptations lose their power. Like the hymn says, “the things of this world grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.”
I am excited when I see how Christ changes lives. But Satan keeps so many bound because their minds our on themselves, sin, and circumstances instead of concentrating on the truths from the Lord. We need to reset our thinking based on the Word of God not on our feelings.
Paul exhorts us to set our minds on things above because our life will be fully revealed when he comes again. There is ultimate victory at His return. This motivation is based upon what is promised for the future. I can sit with older folks at their death bed with a certain sense of peace and security because they know their future is not ending but beginning. There is hope.
Rom 12:2 “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-- his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
When we think differently we live differently. The closer we get to the Lord the more we change and enlivene our new nature.
Pastor Dale
Sermon nuggets Thurs Dec 3
Verses- Col 3: 5-7 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.
6 Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.
7 You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived.
Put to Death your Old Nature by Identifying your Passions
Have you heard people excuse their behavior by saying, "After all its just human nature"? This excuse doesn't work any longer for the Christian. Christ is your new nature. The choice we have is whether or not to let Him reign in your life. The Bible says put to death this nature.
In addition to enliven your new nature in Christ there is also the command to identify your passions and temptations so they call be killed.
When the immigrants came to Minnesota they had the hard job of cutting down the trees and clearing the land of rocks in order to get some of the crops. A far more difficult job was clearing out the roots. If roots were not removed the grain would be quickly covered with a second growth of weeds.
There are roots of passion that once the tree has been removed, keep growing underneath that also needs to be identified. Paul knows the problem of our passions. God ordained sexuality as part of the plan for husband and wife to live together in the love and freedom to nurture children. We know the importance of commitment over emotional and sexual attractions for temptations abound around us.
The relationship between sexes is something so precious that indiscriminate use of it eventually destroys relationships. Our world follows a different morality. We see all around us, “If it feels good do it. If there is someone else who excites me then follow your lusts or new love.” What is seen on TV and movies and books and internet makes sexual passion an idol.
Advertisers know full well sex sells. People too often have their lusts control actions instead of commitment controlling lusts.
Impurity is another temptation. The word stands for uncleanness. It refers to that we would call perverted forms of lusts, homosexuality, child abuse, prostitution, pornography erotic passions are aroused and people feed their minds on illusions that like a vice gripe us into wanting more
Evil desires are closely associated with lust. It is mental impurity. It wants what is not yours. But it does not have to sexual. Evil desires can be inappropriate ways to get rich by cheating others, or exploiting, or underhanded business dealings. It can be manipulative ways to gain power or advancement through deceit. Greed is a good way to describe this. Greed wants more. Pretty soon our passions control us and we are led like a fish whose bit the bait. Satan has us hooks and we are the worse for it, suffering consequences that destroy character and witness.
Last night I heard testimony of the jury which convicted Tom Peters and his Ponzi schemes. It seemed like he started in an innocent manner and with good intensions and after a while got increasingly caught up in the lusts, deceit, lies and couldn’t get out of it.
Look at vs. 6 Because of these things the wrath of God is coming.
Is God's Word directed to non Christians or to Christians? It is directed to Christians. God will judge evil. It is the way a Holy God reacts to a civilization or individual who turns his back on God's moral laws. You may think that nothing happens when you allow yourself to fall into immoral practices, but something is happening. God has not lost his power. He will allow it to have its day, but not without consequences. I think the horrible break up of our society begins by uncontrolled passions. Christ has a better idea.
Before you fall back into old habits identify your passions and lusts and give them to the Lord to weed out immediately. Follow a different path with the strength of others to help.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri Dec 4
Verses- Col 3: 8 But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.
9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.
11 Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
Put to Death your Old Nature by Examining your Patterns
Old habits die hard. We have programmed ourselves to follow habits, some good and some bad. If a habit is eating a certain way with certain foods it is hard to break that pattern without more careful examination. If it is smoking, folks automatically reach for a cigarette without thinking about it. More time and attention needs to be given to changing our patterns of how we used to live and what we used to practice.
Now that someone has become a Christian he is no longer what he once was. Romans 6:14 "Sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law but under grace." You have a new resource, a new power, a new life. You can say No to old habits and patterns of living.
Pastor De Drew told of a man who said, "I have such an awful tempter, but I got it from my father. He had a very short fuse too, and I'm just like him." His pastor asked, "Have you been born again?
“Were you born of God?"
"Is God your Father?"
"Of Course"
"Well what kind of temper did you get when you were born again?"
He who is born of God would grow to be more like his Father and that is the nature potential in all of us who are born again. Anger and rage are uncontrolled emotions that are not from the Spirit.
As we continue to look at other habits, malice is an attitude of ill will toward another. We are sad when that person succeeds. Malice delights when something unfortunate happen to that individual. Malice is a seeking of revenge instead of seeking reconciliation. It is the desire to get back at someone instead of seeking peace.
Slander is like blasphemy. It tears others down others by the sins of one's tongue. Gossip can be part of this. If you have a deep seated ill will toward a person, you will use every opportunity to say something bad about her.
Filthy communication includes foul speech, coarse humor, obscene language and should not be part of a Christian's vocabulary. One fellow was sharing how he was converted. He used to have a foul mouth. Now he was convicted without ever being told that something wasn't right about the words he used.
I was working with street kids in New York while in College. I heard swearing all the time. Low and behold at the end of the summer I heard some of those words coming out of my mouth. When one nature was being nourished it affected me. When I concentrated on feeding the other nature, Christ was given the victory. Which nature are you nurturing?
He also mentions lying. Satan is the father of lies while the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. Any lie misrepresents the truth. Even if the words are accurate the tone of voice the look on the face, the gesture of the hand can alter the meaning of a sentence as is the motive of the heart. Lying involve the intent to deceive for the purpose of personal gain. Perhaps you secretly agree with the little boy who was asked what a lie was and replied, "A lie is an abomination to the Lord, but a very present help in time of trouble."
But we pay a worse price when lies come from our mouths. You lose trust and respect, and integrity.
Lastly our old patterns can include prejudice. But as we look at verse 11 " If you detached that form its context is sounds like a great statement of One of the body of Christ which of course is true. But in this context he is dealing with putting off the expressions of the old life and saying we can also no longer excuse wrong behavior based on class, race, or ethnic distinctions.
Prejudice is part of the old nature. We judge others based on education, race, wealth, degrees all of which is wrong in God's eyes. Maybe some people say, I am a Stubborn German, or Swede as if that is an excuse for misbehavior. Not to God. Maybe some will direct their prejudices toward others, saying such things as “what do you expect from Indians, blacks, Jews…”
As believers there are no national barriers, no cultural barriers, no social barriers, or racial barriers. We are of a new nature.
How do we change? There are two ways; First, starve them. Don't feed them with trash. Secondly crowd sin out with positive graces. Pour into your mind the Word of God and things good and right. Verse 10 is the key. The new nature is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its creator. That is how we nurture the nature. By knowing more and more of Jesus Christ so we can be like him. Looking, praying and gaining our strength from Christ. If we want, sincerely want Him to have control that whole question of living for Him opens us to new habits.
Pastor Dale
Theme- Nurturing Your Nature
Verses- Col 3:1-11
Col 3:10 Put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.
Nurturing Your Nature
There was an old story of an Indian converted to Christ. He explained there was a battle going on inside. He compared it to two dogs fighting. One represented the good, the other bad temptations.
He was asked, "Which one wins?"
He replied, "Whichever one I feed the most."
Last week we wrote about "Games Christian's play". Paul saw the Gnostics trying to force the new Colossian believers to play religious games of legalism. People love to judge one another by rules. They like to judge themselves by rules to see who is better. There were legalistic rules from the Old Testament that have nothing to do with righteousness. There were spiritual revelations that people had which Paul said were not from God. He warned them against the falsehood of emotional experiences that kept Jesus from being the center of our focus. There were also religious restrictions that folks liked to have to judge their performance. "Don't eat this", "don't do this on this day", and so forth."
God looks at the heart. But it is hard for us to look at the heart so we look at outward actions. But does that mean our actions do not matter?
Paul introduced the idea of two natures. There is confusion and a struggle that goes on in lives of believers. We are dead to sin in Christ, but we still sin. We know that Christ calls us to live a different life as a believer than we lived before. God does not judge us according to our deeds, but our faith. So what difference does it make how to live?
I was talking to someone who felt he had to give up all his sins before he could accept Jesus as his savior. Christ came for sinners to save them. If we did not sin we would not need a savior. All have sinned and all come short of the glory of God and the price of sin is death and separation from God. The Bible tells us that all our righteous acts are as filthy rags before God, but to “all who come unto me,” Jesus said, “I will in no wise cast out.”
It is grace that saves us through faith when our heart cry is, "Here I am, now you take over". We repent of our sins and desire for him to make us a new person. If we do not have that desire then God is not allowed to work in our lives.
When you open up your life to His Holy Spirit He does the changing. You then have been given a new nature. As II Cor 5:17 says, "Old things have passed away, behold all things become as new. Your old nature is dead. But we still feel the affects of sin and temptations and the draw upon our lives to go our own way instead of Christ way.
Jesus said that you must take up your cross daily and follow him. Like in the Indian parable this is a matter of which nature you are going to nourish. In Christ we have been made free. But in the flesh we think we are still in prison and not taking advantage of what is ours. In Christ we are given a new Nature, Which one are you nurturing?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 1
Verses Col 3:1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
Raise to Life your New Nature by Refocusing your Heart
Do not live according to the dictates of others people and do not be bound by the temptations of earthly sin. When the world saw Christians living a different standard in a godless society they took notice.
Recent reports of the birth of a 15 pound 6 ounce baby reminded me of another special birth. A few years ago Bobbi and Kenny McCaughey became parents to 7 babies. Their church provided an excellent witness of their faith in Christ. They were advised by various medical personnel to have an abortion, but fully convinced God was sovereign they refused. The threat even on the life of Bobbi was not a deterrent to their convictions. Even Time magazine article stated their faith was rewarded. "Repeated references to God and miracles by Doctors as well as relative may seem old fashioned, even corny but in the face of such passion and tenderness, it was hard for even the most cynical onlooker to remain unmoved."
As devout Baptists, Bobbi and Kenny feel that a relationship with God is central to ensuring that their eight offspring become caring adults. Now several years later they are active and healthy but some children experience neurological problems. Kenny states, "Right now our children attend church and believe in the Bible because we do….When all of that is actually theirs, it will hopefully have a positive effect on them during their teen years."
The real testimony of their love for God made a difference in their decisions, even when experts of the community gave different advice. They were and still are willing to leave the consequences up to the Lord, for ultimate we all belong to Him and it is all about Him.
Making Jesus Christ Lord of our lives makes a difference how we are to live, not according to man’s laws, but according to God's laws.
To live our new nature is to have a new love commitment. Where is your heart?
Interestingly Jesus taught, “Where your treasure is there is your heart also.” Although this is not a devotional on giving it is a good barometer on the love of our lives. Beyond the basics of food and housing needs what captures our heart? Entertainment? Glamour? Latest style of cars? Hobbies? Or does the Lord have our hearts first? How is your giving? Is it a act of faith or of guilt? What does it reveal about yourself?
How we live is really a love question. The greatest struggle for most is the love of self. The throne belongs to us and our wants and our decisions, and our priorities. Paul saw life differently when God captured his heart and passion. “For me to live is Christ. To die is gain.” He said. Phil 3:13-14 “.. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
His new nature was enlivened as he now had a new purpose and new love.
Jesus spoke often about the heart. In Matthew 15 he tells how the heart affects our speech. Good and evil come from the heart. IT not only affects our words but our actions, “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.” Evil actions reveal the heart of a person.
He told his disciples that many are religious, but they cannot see the truth because of their “hardness of heart”. The heart is close to the will. It is the commitment that we control instead of giving that will over to the Lord. IT is only then He has our hearts.
Jesus honored the prayer of the man with doubts when he prayed, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.” He is asking for a new heart.
The greatest of the commands is to love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.”
When He is the focus of our heart our lives will change. When Christ is only a portion of our life not much different will happen. We can try to change by our own efforts, but the heart of the matter is the heart of our attention.
We work for wages. He must attend to the needs of family, health, and protection. But how would your life be different if you took seriously the instruction of our Lord who said, “And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.”
Faith is first a refocusing of our heart. It enlivens our new nature.
Pastor Dale.
Sermon nuggets Tues Dec 2
Verses- Col 3:2-4
2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
4 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Raise to Life your New Nature by Renewing your Mind
In addition to refocusing one’s heart, Paul says “set your minds on things above..” Renew your minds on godly things not on earthly things.
Many people think that it is impossible to change our past. Not so with God, all things are possible.
I had an independent class in Seminary with a psychiatrist. I was able to visit his patients in the psych ward. One of the common problems with Christian was unresolved guilt. They would ask forgiveness but never felt forgiven. Or they feared they committed the unforgivable sin.
The good news is if you gave the Lord your life He had taken away all the sins you've every committed and treats you as if they never occurred. We no longer have any evil past which convicts us. It is one thing the resurrection does. You stand before God confessing all those horrible things that your memory won't let you forget. He opens the books and looks and says, "There isn't any record of that here. Oh there used to be such a person, but he is dead. You were born on that day you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior. My record of your life begins then. God gives you a new identity and new name that we need not be ashamed of the past because he has taken care of it.” Renewing our minds on the truth gives us freedom and forgiveness.
In baptism we symbolize what has already happened in our hearts. We are dead to sin and buried and now become alive in Jesus Christ. We identify with the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord. We have died to our old nature, and are raised to a new life in the Holy Spirit. Now let God dwell in your richly.
Our life is hidden with Christ in God. Because we have been raised with a new nature- Christ is in us living out His will through you and me.
Handly Page was a pioneer in aviation. Before take off one day, unknown to him a huge rat was attracted by the smell of food and managed to get instead his plane. After a while in the air Page heard the sickening sound of gnawing. He visualized the serious damage that could be done to a fragile mechanism that controlled the craft. He couldn't land. He realized this could be a dangerous situation.
Then the thought struck him, a rat cannot survive at high altitudes. So he pulled back on the stick, the airplane climbed higher and higher until Page found it difficult to breathe. He listened intently, and then sighed with relief. The gnawing had stopped. When he arrived at his destination he found the rat laying dead behind the cockpit.
Many of us are plagued by gnawing lusts of the flesh simply because we are living on a low spiritual level. As we keep our attention on Christ above, the allurement and danger of this world and its temptations lose their power. Like the hymn says, “the things of this world grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.”
I am excited when I see how Christ changes lives. But Satan keeps so many bound because their minds our on themselves, sin, and circumstances instead of concentrating on the truths from the Lord. We need to reset our thinking based on the Word of God not on our feelings.
Paul exhorts us to set our minds on things above because our life will be fully revealed when he comes again. There is ultimate victory at His return. This motivation is based upon what is promised for the future. I can sit with older folks at their death bed with a certain sense of peace and security because they know their future is not ending but beginning. There is hope.
Rom 12:2 “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-- his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
When we think differently we live differently. The closer we get to the Lord the more we change and enlivene our new nature.
Pastor Dale
Sermon nuggets Thurs Dec 3
Verses- Col 3: 5-7 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.
6 Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.
7 You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived.
Put to Death your Old Nature by Identifying your Passions
Have you heard people excuse their behavior by saying, "After all its just human nature"? This excuse doesn't work any longer for the Christian. Christ is your new nature. The choice we have is whether or not to let Him reign in your life. The Bible says put to death this nature.
In addition to enliven your new nature in Christ there is also the command to identify your passions and temptations so they call be killed.
When the immigrants came to Minnesota they had the hard job of cutting down the trees and clearing the land of rocks in order to get some of the crops. A far more difficult job was clearing out the roots. If roots were not removed the grain would be quickly covered with a second growth of weeds.
There are roots of passion that once the tree has been removed, keep growing underneath that also needs to be identified. Paul knows the problem of our passions. God ordained sexuality as part of the plan for husband and wife to live together in the love and freedom to nurture children. We know the importance of commitment over emotional and sexual attractions for temptations abound around us.
The relationship between sexes is something so precious that indiscriminate use of it eventually destroys relationships. Our world follows a different morality. We see all around us, “If it feels good do it. If there is someone else who excites me then follow your lusts or new love.” What is seen on TV and movies and books and internet makes sexual passion an idol.
Advertisers know full well sex sells. People too often have their lusts control actions instead of commitment controlling lusts.
Impurity is another temptation. The word stands for uncleanness. It refers to that we would call perverted forms of lusts, homosexuality, child abuse, prostitution, pornography erotic passions are aroused and people feed their minds on illusions that like a vice gripe us into wanting more
Evil desires are closely associated with lust. It is mental impurity. It wants what is not yours. But it does not have to sexual. Evil desires can be inappropriate ways to get rich by cheating others, or exploiting, or underhanded business dealings. It can be manipulative ways to gain power or advancement through deceit. Greed is a good way to describe this. Greed wants more. Pretty soon our passions control us and we are led like a fish whose bit the bait. Satan has us hooks and we are the worse for it, suffering consequences that destroy character and witness.
Last night I heard testimony of the jury which convicted Tom Peters and his Ponzi schemes. It seemed like he started in an innocent manner and with good intensions and after a while got increasingly caught up in the lusts, deceit, lies and couldn’t get out of it.
Look at vs. 6 Because of these things the wrath of God is coming.
Is God's Word directed to non Christians or to Christians? It is directed to Christians. God will judge evil. It is the way a Holy God reacts to a civilization or individual who turns his back on God's moral laws. You may think that nothing happens when you allow yourself to fall into immoral practices, but something is happening. God has not lost his power. He will allow it to have its day, but not without consequences. I think the horrible break up of our society begins by uncontrolled passions. Christ has a better idea.
Before you fall back into old habits identify your passions and lusts and give them to the Lord to weed out immediately. Follow a different path with the strength of others to help.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri Dec 4
Verses- Col 3: 8 But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.
9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.
11 Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
Put to Death your Old Nature by Examining your Patterns
Old habits die hard. We have programmed ourselves to follow habits, some good and some bad. If a habit is eating a certain way with certain foods it is hard to break that pattern without more careful examination. If it is smoking, folks automatically reach for a cigarette without thinking about it. More time and attention needs to be given to changing our patterns of how we used to live and what we used to practice.
Now that someone has become a Christian he is no longer what he once was. Romans 6:14 "Sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law but under grace." You have a new resource, a new power, a new life. You can say No to old habits and patterns of living.
Pastor De Drew told of a man who said, "I have such an awful tempter, but I got it from my father. He had a very short fuse too, and I'm just like him." His pastor asked, "Have you been born again?
“Were you born of God?"
"Is God your Father?"
"Of Course"
"Well what kind of temper did you get when you were born again?"
He who is born of God would grow to be more like his Father and that is the nature potential in all of us who are born again. Anger and rage are uncontrolled emotions that are not from the Spirit.
As we continue to look at other habits, malice is an attitude of ill will toward another. We are sad when that person succeeds. Malice delights when something unfortunate happen to that individual. Malice is a seeking of revenge instead of seeking reconciliation. It is the desire to get back at someone instead of seeking peace.
Slander is like blasphemy. It tears others down others by the sins of one's tongue. Gossip can be part of this. If you have a deep seated ill will toward a person, you will use every opportunity to say something bad about her.
Filthy communication includes foul speech, coarse humor, obscene language and should not be part of a Christian's vocabulary. One fellow was sharing how he was converted. He used to have a foul mouth. Now he was convicted without ever being told that something wasn't right about the words he used.
I was working with street kids in New York while in College. I heard swearing all the time. Low and behold at the end of the summer I heard some of those words coming out of my mouth. When one nature was being nourished it affected me. When I concentrated on feeding the other nature, Christ was given the victory. Which nature are you nurturing?
He also mentions lying. Satan is the father of lies while the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. Any lie misrepresents the truth. Even if the words are accurate the tone of voice the look on the face, the gesture of the hand can alter the meaning of a sentence as is the motive of the heart. Lying involve the intent to deceive for the purpose of personal gain. Perhaps you secretly agree with the little boy who was asked what a lie was and replied, "A lie is an abomination to the Lord, but a very present help in time of trouble."
But we pay a worse price when lies come from our mouths. You lose trust and respect, and integrity.
Lastly our old patterns can include prejudice. But as we look at verse 11 " If you detached that form its context is sounds like a great statement of One of the body of Christ which of course is true. But in this context he is dealing with putting off the expressions of the old life and saying we can also no longer excuse wrong behavior based on class, race, or ethnic distinctions.
Prejudice is part of the old nature. We judge others based on education, race, wealth, degrees all of which is wrong in God's eyes. Maybe some people say, I am a Stubborn German, or Swede as if that is an excuse for misbehavior. Not to God. Maybe some will direct their prejudices toward others, saying such things as “what do you expect from Indians, blacks, Jews…”
As believers there are no national barriers, no cultural barriers, no social barriers, or racial barriers. We are of a new nature.
How do we change? There are two ways; First, starve them. Don't feed them with trash. Secondly crowd sin out with positive graces. Pour into your mind the Word of God and things good and right. Verse 10 is the key. The new nature is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its creator. That is how we nurture the nature. By knowing more and more of Jesus Christ so we can be like him. Looking, praying and gaining our strength from Christ. If we want, sincerely want Him to have control that whole question of living for Him opens us to new habits.
Pastor Dale
Friday, November 27, 2009
Lethal Laws Col 2:16-23
Sermon Nuggets week of Nov 23 2009
Sermon Nuggets Mon Nov 23
Theme Lethal Laws
Col 2:16-23
16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
18 Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions.
19 He has lost connection with the Head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.
20 Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules:
21 "Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!"?
22 These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings.
23 Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.
Lethal Laws
One of the books required to read in my college psychology class was written by Eric Berne entitled, "Games People Play". He describes ways many people mask or seek to cover up their feelings. It is quite threatening being open and honest so people often substitute psychological games in place of living in intimacy and vulnerability. A typical example of one game he identifies is "Why don't you?...Yes, But"
In order to play this game you must have a problem with a friend, teacher, employers, or spouse. Several other people will try to give you suggestions how to solve your problem. That's the "Why don't you.." part. But each time they suggest something you say, "Yes, but.." then you shoot down that suggestion with as many reasons you can think of why it won't work for you. Of course the person really doesn't want help. She just wants to play the game for attention or sympathy. Finally the person feels the winner because nobody else can think of any more solutions for her vexing and most complicated problem. Therefore she doesn't have to work on a solution.
I bought a similar book called, "Games Christians Play" written by Judi Culbertson and Patti Bard. In a humorous and satirical way they show how some Christians play religious games which keep them from a vital real relationship with Christ or other Christians. Again the goal is seeking attention, finding excuses, or wanting sympathy. Let me give you an example.
Mary Verily wanted to be spiritual and she would too except for her husband. He was an atheist and flatly forbade her to darken the sanctuary door. Sunday morning while he listened to some rock tune, he set out mow the lawn. She would sit on her chair and sulk. "If it weren't for you.. I could be a real Christian. "If it weren't for him" she would tell her sympathetic Christian friends, "I'd bake cakes for the church socials. I'd teach Sunday school, or sing in the choir", and so forth.
One day it happened. Mary Verily's husband had been converted and worse yet he wanted to work in the church with her. But she really didn't want to at all. The prospect of standing up before anyone to teach or sing made her break out in hives. Other work in the church she felt was just a waste of time.
Another illustration is “My Bible is more underlined than yours.” One only needs colored pencils or a pen and underline more passages in his Bible and conveniently show his neighbor how holy he is by the outward impression of study. It didn’t make any difference how much he learned, but that he looked the part of a Bible student and compared himself to others so he can be in his mind, “the winner”.
Now the Paul used to be very good at those religious games. Before his own conversion he out did most people to show he was more holy. Maybe that was why he recognized it so quickly when the Gnostics were trying to get the church plant of Colossae to play some of these religious games along with false doctrine. Paul warned them against it. I dare say we need to look at ourselves closely lest we become Christian game players when it comes to our relationship with the Lord and others.
There are lots of games religious people can play to make them appear as if they are winning in spiritual pride. That is the subject of this week’s devotionals from the above passage.
Do you recognize religious games in others? Can you recognize it in yourself when you are trying to excuse or impress others with your piety?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Nov 24
Verses- 16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
Judging based on Religious Rituals
In almost every letter Paul condemns legalism which threatens to cut the heart out of The Christian gospel. It seems that the Gnostics had as one of their games “I can follow more Jewish laws as a Christian than you can.” There were rituals that were ingrained in their religious culture. They were instructed by God to observe Holy days as well as the Sabbath. They had rituals as to how to dress, how to eat, who to eat with, how to worship and more. They heard about faith in Jesus Christ, but since you can’t judge one another based on what was going on inside, it was much easier to see piety based on the religious rituals if they were followed or not.
The rituals practiced on certain days and how you observed certain feasts could be observed if you are a really spiritual Christian. In fact legalistic rules are the means to judge yourself and others. Without those rituals we cannot compete very well in this game.
Part of these rituals came from their misguided belief that anything related to your body or material world was evil. Whatever is righteous is derived from good works.
Are rituals bad? I have a ritual every morning of having devotions and sharing devotions on the internet. I have a ritual of going to church every Sunday. Something is missing inside if I don’t practice worship. (of course it helps to be paid to come to church as the pastor.)
I was visiting a church where the pastor was guilting his people in coming to prayer meeting on Christmas day which happened to fall on a Wednesday night. The ritual was to have prayer as a church on Wednesdays. Rather than offer a different day or time he went on for a number of minutes telling them how coming to that meeting divided the good Christians from the carnal Christians. What better way to judge your spiritual life than come to a prayer meeting according to the rituals of Wednesday night prayer? People would cancel plans to be with family from out of town in order to please their pastor.
There was a couple visiting us from out of town. Their home church practiced door to door witnessing every Thursday night for one hour. When 7 pm came they asked to be excused and went in our area door to door witnessing. Is there anything wrong with that activity? No. But the ritual was to be reported when they returned home. This becomes a man made religious ritual.
But what about my practice of going to worship wherever I am on a Sunday morning? Is that different? There are some who are upset that the times of worship have been changed because it doesn’t follow their ritual? To whom do I have to report or show my piety if I am in church or not on a particular Sunday? God? Family? Other Christians? When does a ritual encourage my walk with the Lord and when does it take on pride that I have accomplished some rule?
Who are the self appointed judges? How do we determine what is of God and what isn't?
Someone might ask, "Aren't some of these observances given to us by God to remind us of truth? Isn't there some value to mental or physical health to be gained by following them?"
Paul gives us answer in v. 17 These rituals he declares are a mere shadow of the things that were to come, the reality however is found din Christ. Once the reality has been realized shadows are of no value whatsoever. Shadows are like pictures, given in advance, designed to prepare us for something. But if you have found Christ, you do not need the shadow any more.
According to the Old Testament, God had established festivals and laws in order that people might realize their need for a redeemer who can save them from their own unholy and sinful hearts. The law was given to prepare the way for Christ and his grace. Much of what happened years previous were types. The Gnostics looked at the shadows of performance. Jesus looks at the heart.
Many honest seekers do not go to church today because they could not keep up with the rituals expected of them.
Next week from chapter 3 we are going to talk about sinful natures and ways we yield to temptations that destroy us and keep us bound. I do not believe Paul is saying break the laws of God, but do not think that man made rituals are going to save you or give you are better standing with God. The grace of the Lord has nothing to do with the works of man.
It is easy to time how long your prayers are in public and if you use the right words, but have no way to judge if your heart is really talking to God. So it is easy to see if you are practicing the festivals, saying grace before meals and how much money you give, than if you love the Lord with all your heart. The motive behind legalism is judging one another. God wants your heart not your performance.
God told Peter “What I have made clean is clean.” Don't play the game of judging one another by our religious rituals. That is God’s job. Only He knows the heart.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Nov 25
Verses: Col 2:18,19 Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions.
19 He has lost connection with the Head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.
Judging based on Religious Revelations
A couple of weeks ago we talked about how Paul warned the Colossians against emotional experiences. Part of the problem was special revelations and messages they claimed came from angelic visitors. With the popularity of New Age influences many in our society are very interested in spirit guides and angels. The paranormal has often been the focus of mystery, intrigue and attraction. There are many books on angels from various perspectives.
The Gnostics were all excited about angels. They believed since the physical and material was evil we had to go through emanations or spiritual visions like angels to get to God. That is why they felt Christ couldn't be God. He was probably one of the higher angels.
Because they couldn't believe He could be holy and in a human body at the same time, they did not possibly believe he could be God in human form. But as Paul observes this view is also false humility. Here is the reasoning "I am not good enough to come directly to God, so I will start with one of the angels." That is idolatry too.
Idolatry is when anything at all takes the place of God or the worship of God. God wants us to come to him alone. You cannot go through a minister, your parents, your church, a saint who has died, Mary, angels, or another other living or dead being.
The Bible says 1 Tim 2:5-6 "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, Who gave himself as a ransom for all... "
Many people claim to have special spiritual revelations making them seem as if they have inside information on what God is saying. The result is a new set of laws and rules that must be obeyed, followed, or adhered to. Such revelations are the very thing that grows cults. Some claim to have received a special message by an angel.
Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormons, claimed the angel Moroni visited him with a special message and gave him this book and told him he could interpret it with two seer stones as eye glasses, the Urim and Thummim. Assuming a new divine authority people follow his teachings. They have a new set of laws.
The game of Spiritual revelations is "I know something you don't" therefore I am more spiritual than you. It gives the feeling that those who don't have theses special messages from God are inferior in the faith. Therefore we should follow the leader who has special divine revelations.
Once again we read a clear directive from the New Testament. Heb 1:1-2 In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, But in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe." or Gal 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!"
We need to be warned about spiritual revelations. Are they of God? Are they Biblical? Is someone trying to gain a following by setting himself up as an authority?
I was reading a news article how 1,000s were leaving Jehovah Witnesses because of over 30 different predictions were given as to when Christ was to return to earth. Of course, they have all proved false. The leaders spoke from special revelations.
Many will credit the Holy Spirit to be their guide and come up with bizarre and unusual visions that are not of God. John 16:13-14 says, "When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it unto you." The job of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Son, Jesus Christ, not himself. However if one is talking about Jesus and the Scriptures, be assured it is of God. If not, then beware for even revelations can be given for the wrong reason.
2 Cor 11:13-15 says; "For such men are false apostles, deceitful workman, masquerading as apostles of Christ and no wonder for Satan himself masquerade as an angel of light. It is not surprising then if his servant masquerade as servants of righteousness. There end will be what their actions deserve."
People will always seek more revelations and mystical experiences. They are never at rest. The more one seeks to find some supernatural experience, the more they find empty disappointment.
Do you remember Oral Roberts vision of a 900 foot vision of Jesus who told him to build a hospital in Tulsa Oklahoma? Unless people send him four and half million dollars he was going to die. Now this vision of God is no longer in operation. It has lost more than 10 million a year before it closed. It turned many people away form Christian truth.
These things are fascinating but not satisfying. As exciting as visions and dramatic as revelations are stick with what you know, and who you know, in Jesus Christ.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Nov 25
Verses Col 2:20-23 Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules:
21 "Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!"?
22 These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings.
23 Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.
Judging on Religious Restrictions.
Since the Gnostics viewed the body and physical world as evil they also taught a form of asceticism. This is the view that you deny yourself many of the common desires that God has given to you. Do not eat, do not touch. Don't get married. People who followed this to an extreme were monks. Shakers lived like this too. They tried to live a life of denial.
I once visited a monastery which had formerly housed people who lived under strict religious rules to gain favor with God. They slept no more than four hours at a time. Their beds were planks of wood without pillows. They also had very thin blankets so as not to get comfortable. They had required two hour prayer times in the middle of their night. They would live on a vegetarian diet. They had long periods of fasting and remained silent on special days.
1 Tim 6:17 "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
We have Christians today who would not practice extreme separatism as the monastery, but greatly restrict any activity or social contact outside their religious group. To be separate from the world is interpreted to have as little contact and possible with anyone who does not believe like they do.
The Bible tells us God created everything and made it good. Man misuses it. You can make a piece of steel and construct in such a way to be a sharp knife that exercises cancerous tumors under the guidance of a skillful surgeon. You can take the same steel knife and in the hands of a murderer to slit someone's throat.
You can have a relationship between a husband and a wife and God gave the expression of intimate and loving physical relationship from which a child can be conceived. The miracle of birth gives glory to God according to his plan. But you can take that act of sex and turn it into a lustful dirty and sinful act of shame and impurity.
Jesus often broke the traditions of man, yet without sin. Jesus was often confronted by the Pharisees regarding the laws and prayers, and ceremonies and traditions.
Do you ever feel like you can never measure up?
Beware of all false religious practices that have nothing to do with real faith or commitment to Jesus Christ. Beware of any church, pastor, or spiritual leader than imposes man made rules, ritual restrictions and revelations and makes you follow them to have greater grace of God than what is already given to us in his Christ.
When Paul met Christ he found the inner peace he was looking for. He found freedom. He found faith. He found salvation based on grace. As we will see next week, he sought to live to honor the Lord, not impress others.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Nov 27
Verses- Col 2:17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
Col 3:1-4
1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
4 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Judging on a Real Relationship
It was in the real living relationship, not with religion, that Paul found freedom from guilt, joy, life more abundant. He no longer had to worry about how many steps he walked on Saturday lest he offend God. That was no longer important. He didn't worry about if hair covered his ears, or how many inches from the knee the women’s dresses were.
He didn't have to concerning himself about eating a pork chop in Colossae, or if he would eat with a Gentile, for Paul was free in his love relationship enjoying the person presence of Jesus Christ. His actions came from a heart of love not a fear of doing something wrong.
That caused him to reject those rules, regulations, revelations and restrictions. He didn't worry about what others said he needed to do to be acceptable before God once he knew Jesus Christ. True religion begins with a personal relationship. He found he didn't need to add more rules to his life, he needed a heart change and nothing he could do could accomplish that. But when he let Jesus in to take over his life, Christ did the rest making him free from the consequence of all sin. Christ can do that for you today.
When I was growing up in Detroit the neighborhood kids would often gather in the street or parkway of our block. It wasn't long before some game was invented, or passed down by older brothers or sisters. It might be war, or kick the can, or hide and seek, or freeze tag, or goose and fox, or blind man's bluff. When the code is complete and the sides are chosen woe to the child who breaks the rules of the new game. There are cries. "You can't do that. It is against the rules." If something happened that most of us didn't like we'd create a new rule and say from now on that is against the rule. Rules of those games allowed us to compete fairly and have fun in a needed organized manner.
We govern our land by rules. We buy and sell products according to rules. We drive cars according to rules. We succeed in business by applying various rules of success. Although it is increasingly unpopular churches need to have business meetings according to the rules of the constitution to function properly and orderly. Is it any wonder then to think we must come up with rules to better serve God? We must look at God's rules and stop imposing stuff on ourselves and one another than are man made.
For you see when we are in a loving relationship with Jesus we want to obey not perform. Performance is for ourselves and for others, Obedience is for God. One is based on relationship the other on religion. How can you know the difference?
Susan Maycinik gives some ideas: Obedience is seeking God with your whole heart. Performance is having devotions because you'll feel guilty if you don't. Obedience is finding ways to let the Word of God dwell in your richly. Performance is quickly scanning a passage for you can check it off your Daily Bible reading plan. Obedience is inviting guest to your home for dinner. Performance is feeling anxious about if every detail of the meal will be perfect. Obedience is doing your best. Performance wants to be the best. Obedience is saying yes to whatever God asks of you. Performance is saying yes to whatever other people ask of you.
Living in religion is performance. It will wear you down until you want to quit. Living in a relationship is rewarding and enriching. It will spur you one to love God more and others.
With a renewal to God this season recommit yourself to the one who loves you the most and will sustain you when others will judge wrongly. He alone knows your heart and by the Word of God and power of the Holy Spirit will help you grow in love and less in performance.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Mon Nov 23
Theme Lethal Laws
Col 2:16-23
16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
18 Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions.
19 He has lost connection with the Head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.
20 Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules:
21 "Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!"?
22 These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings.
23 Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.
Lethal Laws
One of the books required to read in my college psychology class was written by Eric Berne entitled, "Games People Play". He describes ways many people mask or seek to cover up their feelings. It is quite threatening being open and honest so people often substitute psychological games in place of living in intimacy and vulnerability. A typical example of one game he identifies is "Why don't you?...Yes, But"
In order to play this game you must have a problem with a friend, teacher, employers, or spouse. Several other people will try to give you suggestions how to solve your problem. That's the "Why don't you.." part. But each time they suggest something you say, "Yes, but.." then you shoot down that suggestion with as many reasons you can think of why it won't work for you. Of course the person really doesn't want help. She just wants to play the game for attention or sympathy. Finally the person feels the winner because nobody else can think of any more solutions for her vexing and most complicated problem. Therefore she doesn't have to work on a solution.
I bought a similar book called, "Games Christians Play" written by Judi Culbertson and Patti Bard. In a humorous and satirical way they show how some Christians play religious games which keep them from a vital real relationship with Christ or other Christians. Again the goal is seeking attention, finding excuses, or wanting sympathy. Let me give you an example.
Mary Verily wanted to be spiritual and she would too except for her husband. He was an atheist and flatly forbade her to darken the sanctuary door. Sunday morning while he listened to some rock tune, he set out mow the lawn. She would sit on her chair and sulk. "If it weren't for you.. I could be a real Christian. "If it weren't for him" she would tell her sympathetic Christian friends, "I'd bake cakes for the church socials. I'd teach Sunday school, or sing in the choir", and so forth.
One day it happened. Mary Verily's husband had been converted and worse yet he wanted to work in the church with her. But she really didn't want to at all. The prospect of standing up before anyone to teach or sing made her break out in hives. Other work in the church she felt was just a waste of time.
Another illustration is “My Bible is more underlined than yours.” One only needs colored pencils or a pen and underline more passages in his Bible and conveniently show his neighbor how holy he is by the outward impression of study. It didn’t make any difference how much he learned, but that he looked the part of a Bible student and compared himself to others so he can be in his mind, “the winner”.
Now the Paul used to be very good at those religious games. Before his own conversion he out did most people to show he was more holy. Maybe that was why he recognized it so quickly when the Gnostics were trying to get the church plant of Colossae to play some of these religious games along with false doctrine. Paul warned them against it. I dare say we need to look at ourselves closely lest we become Christian game players when it comes to our relationship with the Lord and others.
There are lots of games religious people can play to make them appear as if they are winning in spiritual pride. That is the subject of this week’s devotionals from the above passage.
Do you recognize religious games in others? Can you recognize it in yourself when you are trying to excuse or impress others with your piety?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Nov 24
Verses- 16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
Judging based on Religious Rituals
In almost every letter Paul condemns legalism which threatens to cut the heart out of The Christian gospel. It seems that the Gnostics had as one of their games “I can follow more Jewish laws as a Christian than you can.” There were rituals that were ingrained in their religious culture. They were instructed by God to observe Holy days as well as the Sabbath. They had rituals as to how to dress, how to eat, who to eat with, how to worship and more. They heard about faith in Jesus Christ, but since you can’t judge one another based on what was going on inside, it was much easier to see piety based on the religious rituals if they were followed or not.
The rituals practiced on certain days and how you observed certain feasts could be observed if you are a really spiritual Christian. In fact legalistic rules are the means to judge yourself and others. Without those rituals we cannot compete very well in this game.
Part of these rituals came from their misguided belief that anything related to your body or material world was evil. Whatever is righteous is derived from good works.
Are rituals bad? I have a ritual every morning of having devotions and sharing devotions on the internet. I have a ritual of going to church every Sunday. Something is missing inside if I don’t practice worship. (of course it helps to be paid to come to church as the pastor.)
I was visiting a church where the pastor was guilting his people in coming to prayer meeting on Christmas day which happened to fall on a Wednesday night. The ritual was to have prayer as a church on Wednesdays. Rather than offer a different day or time he went on for a number of minutes telling them how coming to that meeting divided the good Christians from the carnal Christians. What better way to judge your spiritual life than come to a prayer meeting according to the rituals of Wednesday night prayer? People would cancel plans to be with family from out of town in order to please their pastor.
There was a couple visiting us from out of town. Their home church practiced door to door witnessing every Thursday night for one hour. When 7 pm came they asked to be excused and went in our area door to door witnessing. Is there anything wrong with that activity? No. But the ritual was to be reported when they returned home. This becomes a man made religious ritual.
But what about my practice of going to worship wherever I am on a Sunday morning? Is that different? There are some who are upset that the times of worship have been changed because it doesn’t follow their ritual? To whom do I have to report or show my piety if I am in church or not on a particular Sunday? God? Family? Other Christians? When does a ritual encourage my walk with the Lord and when does it take on pride that I have accomplished some rule?
Who are the self appointed judges? How do we determine what is of God and what isn't?
Someone might ask, "Aren't some of these observances given to us by God to remind us of truth? Isn't there some value to mental or physical health to be gained by following them?"
Paul gives us answer in v. 17 These rituals he declares are a mere shadow of the things that were to come, the reality however is found din Christ. Once the reality has been realized shadows are of no value whatsoever. Shadows are like pictures, given in advance, designed to prepare us for something. But if you have found Christ, you do not need the shadow any more.
According to the Old Testament, God had established festivals and laws in order that people might realize their need for a redeemer who can save them from their own unholy and sinful hearts. The law was given to prepare the way for Christ and his grace. Much of what happened years previous were types. The Gnostics looked at the shadows of performance. Jesus looks at the heart.
Many honest seekers do not go to church today because they could not keep up with the rituals expected of them.
Next week from chapter 3 we are going to talk about sinful natures and ways we yield to temptations that destroy us and keep us bound. I do not believe Paul is saying break the laws of God, but do not think that man made rituals are going to save you or give you are better standing with God. The grace of the Lord has nothing to do with the works of man.
It is easy to time how long your prayers are in public and if you use the right words, but have no way to judge if your heart is really talking to God. So it is easy to see if you are practicing the festivals, saying grace before meals and how much money you give, than if you love the Lord with all your heart. The motive behind legalism is judging one another. God wants your heart not your performance.
God told Peter “What I have made clean is clean.” Don't play the game of judging one another by our religious rituals. That is God’s job. Only He knows the heart.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Nov 25
Verses: Col 2:18,19 Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions.
19 He has lost connection with the Head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.
Judging based on Religious Revelations
A couple of weeks ago we talked about how Paul warned the Colossians against emotional experiences. Part of the problem was special revelations and messages they claimed came from angelic visitors. With the popularity of New Age influences many in our society are very interested in spirit guides and angels. The paranormal has often been the focus of mystery, intrigue and attraction. There are many books on angels from various perspectives.
The Gnostics were all excited about angels. They believed since the physical and material was evil we had to go through emanations or spiritual visions like angels to get to God. That is why they felt Christ couldn't be God. He was probably one of the higher angels.
Because they couldn't believe He could be holy and in a human body at the same time, they did not possibly believe he could be God in human form. But as Paul observes this view is also false humility. Here is the reasoning "I am not good enough to come directly to God, so I will start with one of the angels." That is idolatry too.
Idolatry is when anything at all takes the place of God or the worship of God. God wants us to come to him alone. You cannot go through a minister, your parents, your church, a saint who has died, Mary, angels, or another other living or dead being.
The Bible says 1 Tim 2:5-6 "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, Who gave himself as a ransom for all... "
Many people claim to have special spiritual revelations making them seem as if they have inside information on what God is saying. The result is a new set of laws and rules that must be obeyed, followed, or adhered to. Such revelations are the very thing that grows cults. Some claim to have received a special message by an angel.
Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormons, claimed the angel Moroni visited him with a special message and gave him this book and told him he could interpret it with two seer stones as eye glasses, the Urim and Thummim. Assuming a new divine authority people follow his teachings. They have a new set of laws.
The game of Spiritual revelations is "I know something you don't" therefore I am more spiritual than you. It gives the feeling that those who don't have theses special messages from God are inferior in the faith. Therefore we should follow the leader who has special divine revelations.
Once again we read a clear directive from the New Testament. Heb 1:1-2 In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, But in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe." or Gal 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!"
We need to be warned about spiritual revelations. Are they of God? Are they Biblical? Is someone trying to gain a following by setting himself up as an authority?
I was reading a news article how 1,000s were leaving Jehovah Witnesses because of over 30 different predictions were given as to when Christ was to return to earth. Of course, they have all proved false. The leaders spoke from special revelations.
Many will credit the Holy Spirit to be their guide and come up with bizarre and unusual visions that are not of God. John 16:13-14 says, "When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it unto you." The job of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Son, Jesus Christ, not himself. However if one is talking about Jesus and the Scriptures, be assured it is of God. If not, then beware for even revelations can be given for the wrong reason.
2 Cor 11:13-15 says; "For such men are false apostles, deceitful workman, masquerading as apostles of Christ and no wonder for Satan himself masquerade as an angel of light. It is not surprising then if his servant masquerade as servants of righteousness. There end will be what their actions deserve."
People will always seek more revelations and mystical experiences. They are never at rest. The more one seeks to find some supernatural experience, the more they find empty disappointment.
Do you remember Oral Roberts vision of a 900 foot vision of Jesus who told him to build a hospital in Tulsa Oklahoma? Unless people send him four and half million dollars he was going to die. Now this vision of God is no longer in operation. It has lost more than 10 million a year before it closed. It turned many people away form Christian truth.
These things are fascinating but not satisfying. As exciting as visions and dramatic as revelations are stick with what you know, and who you know, in Jesus Christ.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Nov 25
Verses Col 2:20-23 Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules:
21 "Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!"?
22 These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings.
23 Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.
Judging on Religious Restrictions.
Since the Gnostics viewed the body and physical world as evil they also taught a form of asceticism. This is the view that you deny yourself many of the common desires that God has given to you. Do not eat, do not touch. Don't get married. People who followed this to an extreme were monks. Shakers lived like this too. They tried to live a life of denial.
I once visited a monastery which had formerly housed people who lived under strict religious rules to gain favor with God. They slept no more than four hours at a time. Their beds were planks of wood without pillows. They also had very thin blankets so as not to get comfortable. They had required two hour prayer times in the middle of their night. They would live on a vegetarian diet. They had long periods of fasting and remained silent on special days.
1 Tim 6:17 "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
We have Christians today who would not practice extreme separatism as the monastery, but greatly restrict any activity or social contact outside their religious group. To be separate from the world is interpreted to have as little contact and possible with anyone who does not believe like they do.
The Bible tells us God created everything and made it good. Man misuses it. You can make a piece of steel and construct in such a way to be a sharp knife that exercises cancerous tumors under the guidance of a skillful surgeon. You can take the same steel knife and in the hands of a murderer to slit someone's throat.
You can have a relationship between a husband and a wife and God gave the expression of intimate and loving physical relationship from which a child can be conceived. The miracle of birth gives glory to God according to his plan. But you can take that act of sex and turn it into a lustful dirty and sinful act of shame and impurity.
Jesus often broke the traditions of man, yet without sin. Jesus was often confronted by the Pharisees regarding the laws and prayers, and ceremonies and traditions.
Do you ever feel like you can never measure up?
Beware of all false religious practices that have nothing to do with real faith or commitment to Jesus Christ. Beware of any church, pastor, or spiritual leader than imposes man made rules, ritual restrictions and revelations and makes you follow them to have greater grace of God than what is already given to us in his Christ.
When Paul met Christ he found the inner peace he was looking for. He found freedom. He found faith. He found salvation based on grace. As we will see next week, he sought to live to honor the Lord, not impress others.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Nov 27
Verses- Col 2:17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
Col 3:1-4
1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
4 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Judging on a Real Relationship
It was in the real living relationship, not with religion, that Paul found freedom from guilt, joy, life more abundant. He no longer had to worry about how many steps he walked on Saturday lest he offend God. That was no longer important. He didn't worry about if hair covered his ears, or how many inches from the knee the women’s dresses were.
He didn't have to concerning himself about eating a pork chop in Colossae, or if he would eat with a Gentile, for Paul was free in his love relationship enjoying the person presence of Jesus Christ. His actions came from a heart of love not a fear of doing something wrong.
That caused him to reject those rules, regulations, revelations and restrictions. He didn't worry about what others said he needed to do to be acceptable before God once he knew Jesus Christ. True religion begins with a personal relationship. He found he didn't need to add more rules to his life, he needed a heart change and nothing he could do could accomplish that. But when he let Jesus in to take over his life, Christ did the rest making him free from the consequence of all sin. Christ can do that for you today.
When I was growing up in Detroit the neighborhood kids would often gather in the street or parkway of our block. It wasn't long before some game was invented, or passed down by older brothers or sisters. It might be war, or kick the can, or hide and seek, or freeze tag, or goose and fox, or blind man's bluff. When the code is complete and the sides are chosen woe to the child who breaks the rules of the new game. There are cries. "You can't do that. It is against the rules." If something happened that most of us didn't like we'd create a new rule and say from now on that is against the rule. Rules of those games allowed us to compete fairly and have fun in a needed organized manner.
We govern our land by rules. We buy and sell products according to rules. We drive cars according to rules. We succeed in business by applying various rules of success. Although it is increasingly unpopular churches need to have business meetings according to the rules of the constitution to function properly and orderly. Is it any wonder then to think we must come up with rules to better serve God? We must look at God's rules and stop imposing stuff on ourselves and one another than are man made.
For you see when we are in a loving relationship with Jesus we want to obey not perform. Performance is for ourselves and for others, Obedience is for God. One is based on relationship the other on religion. How can you know the difference?
Susan Maycinik gives some ideas: Obedience is seeking God with your whole heart. Performance is having devotions because you'll feel guilty if you don't. Obedience is finding ways to let the Word of God dwell in your richly. Performance is quickly scanning a passage for you can check it off your Daily Bible reading plan. Obedience is inviting guest to your home for dinner. Performance is feeling anxious about if every detail of the meal will be perfect. Obedience is doing your best. Performance wants to be the best. Obedience is saying yes to whatever God asks of you. Performance is saying yes to whatever other people ask of you.
Living in religion is performance. It will wear you down until you want to quit. Living in a relationship is rewarding and enriching. It will spur you one to love God more and others.
With a renewal to God this season recommit yourself to the one who loves you the most and will sustain you when others will judge wrongly. He alone knows your heart and by the Word of God and power of the Holy Spirit will help you grow in love and less in performance.
Pastor Dale
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