Friday, October 23, 2009

Jesus is Lord of All Col 1:15-20

Sermon Nuggets Mon Oct 19


Verses: Col 1:15-20 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.
For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

Jesus is Lord of All

A little boy was drawing on the floor one day as his mother was working. She said to him "What are you drawing? He said, "I'm drawing a picture of God. "But no one knows what God looks like." she said, "They will when I get through" the boy replied.

Lots of people like to draw pictures of God and tell us what to believe about Him. "It really doesn't make any difference what we believe as long as we are sincere.” Or “All the religions are different roads to the same place”, or “basically we are all worshiping the same God and if we are good enough we do not have anything to worry about.”

Isn't the aim of every religious system to lead people to a better life?" No. The aim is to seek truth. Islam teaches that Allah has no son. Christianity teaches that God does and Jesus, God's Son, is the only way to Him. Both cannot be right. When one religion teaches that man is good and in fact divine, the Bible teaches that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Both cannot be right. It is foolish to think sincerity makes it true.

While attending Michigan State University I minored in Philosophy. It was interesting to hear the continued debates about the various philosophies as a search for truth.

The area near Colossia a Gentile community was very enamored by new thoughts, philosophy and theology. When much was being said about Jesus various people speculated as to who this one probably was. It had an impact on society for news about him traveled all over. He amazed people, attracted crowds wherever he went. He spoke with authority. They were impressed with His knowledge of Scripture. Enemies say he was possessed by the devil and performed miracles by his power.

There were philosophers in the area of Colossae who believed that spiritual things were good and physical material things were evil.

Therefore when they heard about Jesus and his claims, like that little boy drawing pictures on the floor, they recreated him according to their own idea. Some determined that Jesus must be another angel. Some concluded if Jesus was divine he could not be also a man for a human body was evil. They taught that the spiritual manifestation came on him after baptism and left him before crucifixion. These Gnostics were influencing the Colossian church.

There was a young Jew who was caught up in much of the debate and philosophy of the day. Saul was zealous for God. He learned the Shema, "Hear, O Israel: the Lord is our God, the Lord is One" from Deut 6:4. When discussions about Jesus started surfacing he couldn't believe what he heard. The rumors that this man could do miracles and claimed to be God was upsetting to any learned Jew.

I have heard people talk about religious leaders today who can perform miracles and is divine. Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unificaton church was in the news again. At the age of 90 he was celebrating the 50th anniversary of the beginning of his church. He teaches he is the Messiah. He fooled many evangelicals in the 60s until his teachings became public. In honor of his accomplishments he preformed a mass wedding for over 20,000 people last week. The marriages were arranged within the church.

I can sympathize with Saul when I hear of people claiming to be the Messiah like Rev Moon. Only Saul saw Jesus as a rabble rouser who was causing all kinds of trouble in Israel. He was upset Jesus was committing blasphemy was worthy of death. He was upset that people were listening to this new religion.

But what makes the difference between someone like Rev Moon and Jesus? In one moment Saul’s life did 180 degree turn around. On the Damascus Road he surrounded by a blinding light and heard a voice saying "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" Then Saul asks this question, "Who are you Lord?" As He found out who Jesus was. He changed his own life as well as his name, and here states his discovery of who Jesus is.

The life and works of Jesus have never been duplicated. The fulfillment of the prophecies of the Scriptures written 1,000 years earlier are unprecedented. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit to those who commit their live to follow Jesus confirms the seal of God on our lives. Saul was changed to Paul and in this letter spells out why Jesus is Lord over all and there is no other.

Other religious leaders come and go. Other religious leaders have a place where their bones are buried. There is only one who is above all others and His name is Jesus.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues Oct 20

Verses- Col 1:15-20 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.


Paul tells them openly Jesus is the image of the invisible God the firstborn over all creation. The word "image" in Greek means representation, or reproduction with precise likeness, derived from a prototype. In other words, Christ is the exact likeness of God. Jesus not only shows what God is, but what man should be. Man was created in God's image. That doesn't mean eyes, nose, hands, and feet. That means the character. Man could love, man could think, man has a spirit and power. The question is how does he use that? Man has a free will, though limited to be sure. With sin, man marred that image, and now Christ came not only representing the image of God. Christ is holy as God is, man is not; Christ is all knowing as God is, man is not; Christ is perfect in all ways. He is all powerful. His human limitation kept him from being everywhere or all present of course, but the image. So is written. "You who have seen me have seen the Father. I and the Father are one."

He is "the firstborn over all creation." That doesn't mean as the Jehovah Witnesses assume that Christ was the first created being. That is a title that the people knew in that day meant preeminence or power or authority over all creation. The firstborn of all Jewish family became its head. So Christ is the head of creation with greater authority. He began it, governs it, judges it, and obedience is not an option, but eternal mandate. Psalm 89:27 (or 26) uses that idea saying of Solomon, "I will make him my first born, higher than the kings of the earth." How could David say that of Solomon if in fact he was not the first born? He had older sons, it was term of prominence, meaning he will be over all my kingdom and greater of all kings and speaking of Solomon also becomes a prophecy of Christ. Or again in Exodus 4:22 Lord calls Israel the firstborn of God meaning they were his chosen, honored, favored of God.

To the Gnostics false teachers, Paul is saying God loves the physical creation. The physical is not evil. In fact God himself came to earth in the physical body as the baby Jesus, this one who was also the creator of the universe. Jesus is above all, He created all even these things you think are spiritual manifestations.

The creator is mentioned also in John 1:1-4. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God the same was in the beginning...He was more than what their mind was making him. He created all things. No wonder the winds and waves obeyed Jesus. No wonder he could heal. No wonder he could walk on water. No wonder he could curse a fig tree and it whither and die. He created all things.

For all things were created by him and for him. I made a pot at camp. New attempt brought alive that passage in Bible of pot and clay, and vessels that aren't right and clumping all together and try again. I did that so many times. Until finally one worked. Getting the technique on the potters wheel. I was making a bowl. something to use to put stuff in. It was made by me and for me. The way I wanted it to be that I might either sit back and admire it, no one else would, or put food in it, or give it away if I want.

Jesus created all things and all things made by him and for him. We are like those pots for Christ's use, are we being used for his glory, or for ours. If it is cracked and unusable it must be discarded. Are you a vessel of use for Christ for we are part of his creation. The Greeks taught all things needed a prime cause, instrumental cause, and final cause. Or a plan and a separate power and separate purpose. Paul saying Jesus is all three here. He planned it and created it for he was before it. He produced it, and did it for His pleasure which was His purpose.

So creation is good and is used for God's glory and enjoyed by God's people. We understand as we compare other verses that the Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit were involved in Creation. It is not evil as the Gnostics were trying to say. He holds all things together. He is the reason all this exists and consists. All the laws that hold the world together came from Him to express the mind of Christ. The law of gravity the scientific laws of consequence, that we have a reliable and dependable universe We have Christ to thank.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds Oct 21

Verses- Col 1:15-20 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.

Jesus is Lord of Powers

My devotional today can be troubling. It is meant to show the victory of our Lord over the events of the world. The world is in tremendous conflict as we approach the end times. The conflict is not with flesh and blood, but with powers and principalities of the dark forces.

According to a lecture on Oct 14th at Bethel University, Englishman Lord Christopher Monckton spoke on a proposed turn over of nations’ sovereignty in a treaty to be signed in Copenhagen, Denmark this December. President Obama promised to sign the treaty with many other countries that promotes a world government. In part it will be created to transfer monies from Western countries to third world countries for penalty of abusing C02 emissions. If what he says is true it takes precedent over our constitution. It cannot be reversed without the other member countries agreement. We will have lost more freedom. You can judge for yourself as it is recorded on

There is a lot to be troubled over in this world. We have inflation. We have recession, unemployment, war, loss of savings, loss of jobs, as well as the larges debt that would be impossible to pay off for years and years if ever. The definition of marriage is changing. Restrictions on freedoms are increasing.

There is much over which people can feel despair. But the Word of God has something to stay to us loud and clear. Jesus Christ is Lord over all powers and authorities. The United States, nor armies of the world, nor powers of hell can change that fact. In a breath God does what God chooses to do when God chooses to do it.

As I am reviewing the stories of Exodus in the sermon series Sunday so we see illustrated God’s plan to redeem his people. In spite of the greatest forces of the world at that time, who could have predicted the waters parting and returning to free and destroy those whom God chose?

The fact of the matter is that tribulation is predicted in the Bible. There will be mass starvation, plagues, persecution, world government, inflation, and war. If nothing else the events upon us are pointers to the realities written 1,000s of years ago in the Word of God. Where is our comfort? It is in the sovereignty of God and putting our faith in Him and His truth alone. He is Lord.

His Lordship includes more than stars, galaxies planets and trees, grass and seas. It includes both visible and invisible. It would include all forces.

Electricity and nuclear power was invented by Jesus as the eternal Son of God before the creation of the world. It would include radiation, magnetism, and movement of electrons from one level of energy to another. He is Lord over all powers. He is one whose ability by far is superior and faster than the greatest computer

Jesus is Lord of the Universe whether we like it or not, or whether we recognize it or not. Let's remember who we worship.

The truth that we tend to forget is this world is passing away. God is preparing an eternal kingdom that by faith and commitment to His Lordship wins for us salvation and blessing that far outweighs anything w have experienced. The players on the world scene are but pawns in the plan of God. There are no surprises to Him. We do what we do to serve Him with our best understanding by doing works of love and ever responsibilities as citizens. But be of good cheer. Jesus says, “I have over come the world”.

When you life gets upside down. Remember who wins. Remember who you serve. Remember Jesus is Lord

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs Oct 22

Theme- Jesus is Lord of All

Verse- Col 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.

Jesus is Lord of the Church

It stands to reason that if He is Lord of all He is Lord of the church. But this is a point that Paul wants to make very clear. Jesus is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead so that in everything he might have supremacy. That is the key verse to this passage. In everything He might be preeminent. God has actually given us a model to carry around with us, our own body, so that we may understand how the church is to function. The church is a body, and we all have bodies. The church has a head, and we too have heads. To understand the church and how it should function, think about your own body and how it functions. If you stand in front of a mirror you will see this knob up on top, with more or less hair, we call the head. It is the control center of the body. The rest of the body with things sticking out is all part of the trunk. If you had your head removed, nothing would work. You'd be dead.

When I was part of Trade Lake Baptist Church people were willing to give away some of their vegetables at the end of gardening season. We decided to set up a World Relief table when anyone who wanted to give something could and if anyone wanted to pick something up they could. If they wanted to make a donation all the money went to world relief. It was mostly on the honor system with a table outdoors by the road so people could stop whether or not they were part of the church family.

While was sitting at the table for a short time someone stopped by and asked if they could drop off anything even if it wasn't fruit or veggies. I said, “sure”. She returned with four live chickens in two cages. Someone stopped and took two. When the afternoon was done there were two chickens still there. So I put some money in the pot and brought them home.

I contacted the people who donated them and asked, “Now what do I do with these things?”

They said come on over and we'll show you how to kill prepare them. My mother was visited us and came out to the farm and took a picture of me with my first attempt as a city slicker chopping the head off a chicken. Now I've always heard of people running around with their heads cut off but that was the first time I had seen it. We tied the bodies on the fence to bleed while the body was still shaking without heads.

Some churches have lost their head and running around with activity but without the head.

Jesus isn't a dead leader whose body is in the grave like Mohammad, Buddha, Joseph Smith, or Jim Jones. Jesus is alive today. He is the source and origin of the body of believers. The church is not organized by men, or denominations. God may use people but if it is the body of Christ it is Jesus who heads it up. He is Lord of all for he is victorious over even death itself and will reign eternally. It is essential that the church have its Head in place and functioning, giving direction, maintaining order, solving difficulties. Jesus is the one who does that and the Word and Spirit gives us His will and direction.

You are the church. Each individual is directly related to the Head. He wants to direct each of us in our activities. That is where the church truly functions, not only in a building on Sunday morning. We function in our homes, schools, work places and neighborhoods.

I read an article by Juan Carlos Oritz from Argentina talking about the Argentinean church. He wrote in his book, Disciple,"One of the things we did right away was to change the focus of our message. Instead of urging people to come to Christ for all the blessings they would receive. We began to preach that people should come to Christ for Christ alone, not for a miracle, a blessing. We simply went back to preaching the person of Christ. One of the difficulties with our former worship was that people come to be blessed rather than bless. They come for self-service rather than His service. They come to take from the Lord instead of presenting themselves to the Lord as Paul talks about in Romans 12. Anything that takes the place of the Lord is wrong. For lots of people the structure takes the place of Jesus. They become meeting-centered instead of Christ-centered."

Do people come for videos movies, special singing groups, musicians, famous speakers, Christian celebrities or is Jesus the Lord of the church and the reason why we come? We can use all those things to attract people, but to seek church growth on what interests most people is like building on fluff. We need to have a relationship with Christ as Lord and if He is, those things don't matter. There is a big difference between being a believer in Jesus and a follower of Him. As Lord we submit to His authority and serve Him.

Pastor Dale

Sermon nuggets Fri Oct 23

Verses- Col 1:16-20 For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.
For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

Jesus is LORD of Your Life

Conversion is the procress of not only accepting Christ to save you from sin, but to change you from sin and into a relationship with God. Conversion involves turning away from evil deeds and false worship and turning toward serving and worshiping the Lord. Conversion marks a person's entrance into a new relationship with God, forgiveness of sins, and his new life as a part of the fellowship of the people of God. Conversion is more than the exchange of one set of beliefs for another; it is a wholehearted turning to God.

The experience of conversion may differ with various individuals. The apostle Paul's conversion was sudden and radical, while the conversion of Lydia Acts 16:14-15 was apparently gradual and gentle. But the results of conversion are always a clear change of attitude and a new direction for life.

Conversion refers to the change of one's mind about God. But there was something that needed to be done before conversion was possible. It was the price for reconciliation. For salvation is of God and the Lord was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Christ. He was pleased because it was through Jesus that we can be reconciled to God. Whether things on earth or things in heaven, reconciliation is being brought into a right relationship. We need forgiveness so we can be friends again. This was done through the peace through His blood, shed on the cross.

There is only one who claims that he is both God and man. Because Jesus is both God and man he is able to bridge the gap to reconcile to Himself all things. There is a day coming when the hostility of evil against righteousness will be brought to a sudden halt. Satan and his demons will cease their activity.

Realizing that Jesus is Lord of all creation and Lord of the church brings us to this question personally. Is He Lord of your career, your home, are you living for Him, or for self, for Jesus or materialism, for Christ or for friends, for children, or marriage or for our Savior. Is He Lord of our attitudes including the church, our parents, our children, our attitudes about mothers-in-law, our neighbors, other races, other people in need materially, emotionally.

Pastor Jan Hettenga in his book. 'Follow Me' was relating the story of a conversation he had with a man he calls Jerry. Jerry had prayed the prayer to receive Jesus as his savior when he was 12. He messed up his life the booze, two divorces, gambling debts But she said to Jan "I've always been a Christian in my heart." Jan replied, Frankly Jerry, From what you've been telling me, it doesn't look like Christ has figured in any of your decision making at all. I don't doubt that you love Jesus and your ex-wives and your kids whom you can't see because of restraining order, but your story reveals to me that you love yourself a whole lot more than any of them."

"Well preacher, you sound just like my exes and my current live-in too for that matter. You don't know how I feel toward God and that's what matters."

"Sure you have a sentimental soft spot in your emotions for Jesus but it had to be on the same level you have felt for your favorite teddy bear when you were a child. You act as if you are in the driver’s seat of your life. God just evokes a warm feeling but you have no allegiance to God. Jesus make no difference in your decision making process. He hasn't been allowed to change your behavior. God wants to be God. He wants Jesus to be your Leader. He designed you to function best under His direction. That is what the kingdom is all about. What if you were to give Jesus complete control of your life? What if you totally surrendered to Him? What if you began to follow Him as your leader what do you sense would happen?”

"I suppose I'd have to make my child-support payment and wouldn't be able to make the card game at the poker club tonight and I've have to dump the bottle I've got stashed in the car, and I'd have to move out of Carol's place today."

They sat in silence as counted the cost of real conversion and repentance. Coming to Jesus Christ is coming to Him on his terms not ours. When Jesus calls you to His Kingdom he is calling us to making him Lord.

Where do I change? Pastor Jan lead him in the Lord's prayer, "Thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Three years later Jerry has followed through on his surrender of control of his life to Christ. His life has changed dramatically. How about you?

Pastor Dale