Friday, April 23, 2010

Dealing with Debt - 2 Kings 4:1-7

Sermon Nuggets Mon April 19, 2010

Verses 2 Kings 4:1-7

Dealing with Debt

I remember when Peter Larson, former missionary to Mexico told the story of the cost of one family paid for being a disciple of Jesus. He had a woman as a student who was a young mother of two. She was also a recent widow of a Baptist pastor. Her husband was killed by a machete because of his witness for Christ. Though a full-time student she was seeking to help plant a church near the Bible institute.

Doesn't it seem unfair that a pastor of a young wife and children should be martyred for his faith? Shouldn't God have provided protection? Why did something like that happen to one committed to serving the Lord?

The Bible story today speaks of another episode in the life of Elisha and has to do with a young widow. The context of the passage implies she was married to a son of a prophet, perhaps a seminary student in our culture. He loved God, but like most of the seminary students in our day too, many young families did not have very much money. The couple had two young sons. They were desirous of serving the Lord, but the tragedy came and the man died leaving behind his family in poverty.

Death brings out the best and the worse in us. The thing I like about the Bible is that we read of men and women, we learn from their faith and failings, from their temptations and victories. Men and women face real situations as they are not as we wish they would be. People have problems like we have. They have temptation and we see how the power of the Lord is used for victory. We have the same Spirit. We see how trials are endured with hope. That gives hope in our trials. They demonstrate faith and holiness in a society that is corrupt and perverse and that tells me we can also be faithful and holy.

We see God involved in people’s lives in their homes, businesses, marriage, laws, in their feasts and fasts in their births and in their deaths. Situations are not always glamorized, but God is involved in receiving glory through the circumstances.

Today many face more debt as ever before. Sometimes it is because of unwise decisions of buying more than what they can afford. Sometimes it is a results of poor money management. But what we also see is circumstances over which we have little control-the loss of job due to economic downsizing, the death in a family, an illness requiring unplanned expenses. Sometime tragedies hit with fire, or thievery, or car accident.

This was a day before life insurance and the young man who loved the Lord and provided for his family died unexpected. What is the mother to do?

There are some observations we see as she seeks to resolve her debt.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues April 20, 2010

Verses- 2 Kings 4: 1-2 The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, "Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the LORD. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves."

Elisha replied to her, "How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?" "Your servant has nothing there at all," she said, "except a little oil."

Seeking Advice-

Lots of people experience debt of various types. As mentioned sometimes it is not because of bad choices, but unfortunate circumstances as this widow whose source of income and protection was her husband. This was before the days of planning for life insurance policies and savings accounts. Folks lived day by day at what could be provided.

As we see the situation of this woman we see three burdens that face her. She was dealing with grief of the loss of her husband, she as dealing with debt with no help in sight, and thirdly, she was in distress with that fact that she could lose not one, but both of her sons into slavery.

The fact that the husband loved the Lord and sought to serve Him made no difference. Bad things happen to good people. But as we observe life we can also say from our perspective bad things also happen to bad people; good things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people. The Bible tells us it rains and the sun shines on the just and the unjust. Because someone has devoted their life to the Lord does not mean that they will have no trouble. Jesus promised that we will. The one thing we can say is that God will not let his hand leave me or you as we seek to follow in His paths.

What options are available to her? First she seeks advice from a godly man, Elisha. In this way it is also like prayer. She wants to do what is right and goes to the one who speaks the word from the Lord.

When circumstances come over which we have no control prayer is essential. Who understands better than the Lord? But also seek to know God’s Word. In the Old Testament it comes first from the prophets, but in the New Testament it comes from the Bible. There are principles and truths laid before us to follow. There are options and avenues that are not open which would be sinful. There are tests we go through that challenge faith.

But seeking advice is also important if not a first alternative to those who are wise. Seek to know how others might have insight and suggestions to each situation. Contact those who might know about how to resolve debt. Talk to others who can pray for you and help in ways that you may not be aware.

So many people feel shame, or embarrassment that they are in debt while others don’t seem to have those needs and think they might be judged or not understood. Our worse enemy is ourselves and our pride. We live in a society where we think we are not dependent upon anyone and can handle our own problems. We don’t think that when it comes to health issues, why would that be the case with financial issues? Our economy and job loss also is beyond our control. Seeking to learn more than we already know is a worthy goal. We go through life with lots of things others know better than we do. Seeking godly advice is also essential since the ways of the world are not the ways of the Lord. Our goals are providing for our needs not necessarily building bigger barns to become the minority of the wealthy.

The culture of that day did not allow women to own property. They didn't have many legal rights. It was not uncommon if that was not done for a woman to make herself a slave, beg or go into prostitution. Yet widows and orphans are to be encouraged to look at many verses in the Bible that tell us God is their special strength. (see Ex. 22:22,24).

One of the biggest problems with debt is creditors. They in part own you. There are strings attached to everyone you owe. They have interest in you and to a degree have a right to tell you what to do and how to do it in regards to your debt. But God also set up a system for people to be merciful to those in need, through generosity in emergency situations, and being generous as well as in loans.

Charles Spurgeon said in a devotional, "Take no thought for the morrow." Matt. 6:34 he began by announcing that "I insured my own life last week, and have thus been able to carry out the injunction of the text, and not to be over-anxious for the morrow, for much undue care and anxiety that I had is now laid aside, secure in the knowledge that my forethought has provided for my loved ones."

Many know Judi and I raised her sister from the time she was 12. When she was married her young husband took out a term life insurance policy. He had a horrible accident before their first child was born and died. Marti was able to pay debts, buy a mobile home in which she still lives now 30 years later. Her immediate needs were met. They listened to some advice. It proved important for her at that time.

If you are burdened with issues that seem overwhelming not only talk to the Lord, read the Word, but seek to share with others who can lighten the burden and give advice that may help.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds April 21, 2010

Verses 2 Kings 4:3,4 Elisha said, "Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don't ask for just a few.

Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side."

Seeking Help

Believers deal with debt in different ways. When someone is in desperate need, like this young widow she listens to the advice of Elisha, the man of God. She seeks help from those around her who know her.

He begins by getting the facts. What are her resources? They are few. He asks what she has at home. All she has is oil. Olive oil was used as butter with flour or meal. It had many other uses as well in that society.

The place to begin when you have need is to see what you actually have in resources. It is important to go through your property and look at the assets as well as liabilities. Sometimes we find we have more than we thought we had. Maybe it isn't readily available, but could be with some time.

God answers prayers in a number of different ways. I know of Christians after praying for specific financial need to their surprise and amazement someone delivers an envelope with the exact amount of money that is needed. I know of others for whom God opens up an opportunity for a job. Or others where there is no quick answer.

The widow was to use an act of her faith. Do what you can and let God do the rest

The next assignment that the widow is given is to go to her neighbors and ask for as many jars as possible. Making request is to let your need be known and see how others might be of help. It is okay to ask for help. It is ok to borrow when you need to feed your family. It is ok to see how God may lead others to help.

She did not have the money to buy jars, but there were jars that apparently others no longer needed. Asking for those jars were an important means for her to take her to the next step of meeting her debt. Some people had things they no longer wanted and could give them to someone who could use them. There is nothing wrong in making such requests and helping people in ways that might be different than money.

People helping people is part of God’s plan. Giving to the poor is a way to receive blessings. Seeking help by those who can provide, although not easy, may be one of the ways God gets us back on our feet.

We are not entities unto ourselves. Going to others for some help is humbling and embarrassing isn't it? It is interesting to see the different attitudes of some of the people that had used our shelf program. Some are very embarrassed. Some refuse to come at all even though the need is very great. They consider it humiliating to ever ask anyone for food and do not want to be known. There are some for whom feeding their children is more important than pride; we can see the tension on their faces.

There are some, however, for whom the attitude is almost demanding as if it is a right. Some even complained about what we gave. Some feel they deserve it and it is their right to the food more often than what the rules allowed. Some lied about their needs. But I would rather help someone who doesn't really need it than deny someone who really does. They have to answer to the Lord if they give false information. But for some who really are in need, God uses others to help. Is it any less from God because he uses his servants? It is a very common means of supplying. We need other people. God often uses others to help answer our prayers, as he did with the neighbors of this woman.

Remember the story of a man was caught in a flood. Someone came with a boat to rescue him, but he replied, “No, God will take care of me.”

A little later another came in a raft with a rope. He declined, "The Lord will take care of me".

Finally a helicopter came and he refused the help. When the water was about to go over his head he prayed out to God, "God, where were you?”

The Lord answered, "I came three times , in a boat, a raft and a helicopter and you refused me now what do you expect?"

The apostle Paul needed Aquilla and Priscilla, he needed Timothy and Titus and Luke and Lydia. Jesus used the hospitality of Mary and Martha and Lazarus as well as James and John and Peter.

Who are the people God leads in your life who are a help in different ways? Who are the people God has laid upon your heart to help?

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs April 22, 2010

Verses- 2 Kings 4:5,6 She left him and afterward shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring.

When all the jars were full, she said to her son, "Bring me another one." But he replied, "There is not a jar left." Then the oil stopped flowing.

Hand of God

The miracle in this story is just as real and from God as the fire from heaven on Mt. Carmel, or the parting of the red sea or the feeding of the 5,000. It is true that God is concerned for his own. I do not know exactly the reason why she was instructed to go to her house and close the door, and keep this in secret. It was understandable that this was also the practice with Elijah and the widow at Zaraphath. There was a famine in the land, Others would have come to her house and discovered Elijah who was hiding from Ahab.

Perhaps there would be misunderstanding if others saw her taking the borrowed or gifted jars and having a very large supply of oil. She didn’t have that oil to begin with. It was multiplied by the Lord in a miraculous manner, but then people who might have helped her wouldn’t have understood and thought she was lying. Frankly we don't know the details other than sometimes God provides private miracles for personal reasons and we know it is by His hand when others do not. Jesus often told people not to tell of his private miracles because his time had not yet come. Perhaps to demonstrate this for others may confuse people since this is not normally the way the Lord works.

Sometimes God fails to get the credit and glory for supplying in his normal manner and people think that it is only by supernatural means that he is to be glorified. I stepped on some glass awhile ago and cut my foot. I took the time to thank the Lord for all the things that I took for granted. I became truly thankful for being able to walk- there are some who can't. I thanked the Lord for indoor plumbing I used the water to wash and clean the wound. Many in the world do not have that. I am thankful for soap and the understanding of bacteria to help keep it from being infected. I was aware of clothes I could but on, and comfortable shoes to wear, and things came to my mind that are provisions from God that I never thank the Lord, but they are gifts from him.

Can you imagine the response when the family witnesses the power of God miraculously increasing the supply of the oil? People want Jesus to do the miraculous all the time. People in Palestine followed our Lord for food and wine and healing of personal disease.

The oil stopped as soon as she ran out of jars. Grace was given to the amount of her faith. She could have gotten more jars if she had only known, but she was given blessings according to her work of faith.

Our blessing may often be limited by our capacity to receive. There is no limit to God's love but often we lack faith, we lack prayer, we lack obedience, or are not making the right use of those things that we have been give stewardship over. This is an encouragement to trust big. He has much to give us but we limit God for we are not ready to receive. Trust, obedience, faith is part of being prepared.

Faith shows itself, not in idleness or laziness, but in action and obedience. We are not given the whole story or we might act differently. But one who trusts God responds without knowing the outcome but believing God will work it out. God doesn't bless those that aren't using what he has given to them already to use. If you don't use it you lose it. Are you using what God has given to you?

A miracle is such because it is not the normal and natural way God chooses to work. But God can and does provide is ways to the those in need which can be pointed to as miraculous. We walk in obedience and watch how God puts the pieces together in His way and at His time.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri April 23

Verses- 2 Kings 4:7 She went and told the man of God, and he said, "Go, sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left."

Using your Resources

As we have been reflecting on this miracle we see the different ways the Lord helped provide for this widow and her sons. God used Elisha as the spokesman of the Lord to give her practical encouragement. Now God provided the oil under she filled all the jars borrowed and given to her.

Just like the Manna from heaven the people gathered, obeyed and worked in different ways to put it on their table. Responsibility accompanies God’s provision. God created us for work. His provisions at times are miraculous. But we take what God gives and use it.

Addressing debt does involve an evaluation of assets and maybe downsizing by selling things to meet our immediate needs. Too often we want to hang on to things we really do not need. But God also gives abilities and talents that can be used to work in areas maybe we didn’t think of before. As difficult as it is to be out of work there are some valuable lessons learned during times of waiting, praying and trusting. We see the kindness of others. We learn priorities in our lives. It is used as a tool for humility as well as yielding to the Lord and his plan. There are times when answers to questions come and times we are left without clear answers or understanding other than there is a God who loves us and is with us in all circumstances.

The widow and her son where instructed not only to work in finding the jars and filling the jars, but going out and selling the product. They needed to work with the resources provided. Oil was given to her in a miraculous manner, but not without faith and obedience, responsibility and work.

With the economy being so unsettled and unemployment high naturally many would rather find work to help pay their debts than borrowing, or asking for gifts. Sometimes the answers available are not one or the others if someone is able bodied, but both. There was a widow at my previous church who had children and took on a lot of responsibility seeking to make things meet financially. I was blessed to hear how when resources were low she and her daughters would make baked goods and have a bake sale to provide enough to make the purchases she needed. Another family in the area decided to sell what they could through Ebay and discovered some resources they didn’t think they had. They continued to go to garage sales and estate sales and purchase items at low costs and took the time to resell them online, until a job came about.

Some people are not good entrepreneurs. Others by prayer and creativity find ways to create self employment. While in Detroit a neighbor was out of work and decided to go door to door asking to wash windows. Every day he would go to different streets and soon developed some businesses that saw his industry and set up regular times for him to come and clean. Another needed extra money and opened his basement to give people in the neighborhood haircuts. My mother took in sewing, washing and ironing when we needed money to buy a car.

What interests, gifts, and talents has the Lord given to you? What things have you acquired that might be used to help during those times when debts or needs face you? Are your ready to humble yourself, turn to God and seek his will about all things? Are you willing to see the resources God uses in other people and giving Him what we have letting him multiply it and use it as He wills? Are you willing to trust and obey? Are you willing to show kindnesses to others and be merciful unto them?

There are many times when our faith is tested. I am not saying we should test the Lord, but the Lord does test us. The desire is to develop character and something that no one can take away from us nor steal or lose. That is a deeper and personal relationship with the Lord.

The Apostle Paul said it well, Phil 4:12-13 “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”

Pastor Dale