Sermon Nuggets Mon Sept 6
Theme Responses to Tragedy
Verses: Phil 1:12-19
15 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill.
16 The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel.
17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains.
18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice,
19 for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.
Responses to Tragedy
This week nine years ago we remember one of the worst American tragedies. Our hearts were gripped as we watched in horror the destruction of the World Trade Center and sections of the Pentagon where 3,000s of lives were lost. Our nation will no longer be the same. At that time President Bush declared a new type of war already on the United States and we cannot ignore terrorists anymore, for they are no longer in other lands they are among us in our own country. Each year there seems to be tighter security and for our protection surveillance cameras are everywhere.
Contrast the evil lashed against the US, with the many acts of love and outpouring of heroism. My heart was moved more to hear in a TV interview the CEO of financial company housed in the WTC. Of the 1,000 employees he has 700 have been lost. His passion toward the families and their commitment to help one another reminds us that love is stronger than hate and will overcome.
This month there has been controversy over the proposed building of a huge mosque near the site of the Twin Towers. It serves for some as a symbol of victory and for others as a symbol of insult. This week there also opened a new church by Bill Keller designed for evangelism. He plans to bring some of the noted evangelical preachers in to speak on the love of Christ and the importance of being ready for eternity.
What about personal tragedies or set backs? How we face difficulties as a nation or in our families or in our lives serves as reminders that the word of God is current even though it was written 2,000 years ago.
The Apostle Paul is in prison He is chained. I am sure he thought about how fellow servant Peter was in prison and people prayed and the angel of the Lord came and got him out of chains through supernatural means. Isn’t it common our prayer would sound like, “Lord save me like you saved Peter.”? Isn’t that how God is supposed to work? Does God love Peter more than Paul? One is released the other still imprisoned under false pretense.
Warren Wiersbe in his book :Be joyful” reminds us that when things go our way we feel a lot happier and easier to live with. But we have little control over most of the circumstances in our lives. The person whose happiness depends on ideal circumstances is going to be miserable much of the time? The apostle Paul is not living to enjoy his circumstance, he is living to serve Jesus Christ. Paul rejoiced in his chains because they helped to strengthen his fellowship with other Christians, gave him opportunity to lead others to Christ and enabled him to defend the Gospel before the courts of Rome.
As Steward Briscoe said, “He had discovered that things happened to him, in order that things should happen in him, and the things happened in him so that things could happened through him This week we will look at the things that happened because of his circumstances that gave him joy.
As we took at various tragedies in our lives and nation I want to use some responses from this letter to help us in our circumstances.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Sept 7
Verses- 2 Cor 4:7-12 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;
9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body.
12 So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.
Some are Crushed
I am not talking about normal grief and heartache which we all feel when something bad happens to us. I am not talking about normal responses to tragedies which are anger, and shock, disbelief, sadness, depression. I heard of psychologist who deals with phobias that when people have experienced an accident they don’t like to go down that road, or maybe even drive for awhile. For someone who has experienced a severe burn have an emotional reaction to fires or fire engine sirens. That may be a reaction that might last for a temporary time, or maybe keep some from normal activity in certain areas.
As we look at the various Psalms of David people find comfort to know he identifies as a man of God with variety of emotions and expressions of feelings as he sings and talks and prays to God, His intimate friend.
Devastation of a home that has lost a loved one or many loved ones understands how tragedies turn your world upside down. The CEO of that financial company lost his brother and whole company and 100s of friends and employees. It is normal to grieve and be in hysteria. But he chose to do something. He chose to cry, and wail, and tell his stories, He chose to give out facts to his employee’s families and provide counseling and a place to go and share in grief together. He chose to make commitments to do everything in his power to help those in need and from an aching and broken heart he is making choices not to be crushed with nothing more to live for.
People who are crushed give up on life, give up on God, give up on hope, give up on love, They have experienced tragedy and hurts to the point they do not see good only evil. They do not feel they should every enjoy life again. Everything about them is seen with negative eyes, pain, sorrow and sadness. There is to brightness is a child’s smile or laughter, for only self pity and pain that cannot and will not accept a world that must face each day with courage.
There are people who make the choice to be crushed and those who do not. The crushed people expect life to always be pleasant and rosy, to be happy and prosperous and when it is not, bitterness resentment, despair are new words that define their very personhood. Not just in a temporary period of time until heals occurs, but makes a point to see that healing will not happen because hatred is not housed into a soul that refuses to turn to God, to others, or even to oneself for solace.
Some are crushed by the circumstances around them. I know a man who lost his wife to cancer. He chose to leave his church, no longer work, have contact with neighbors and was made to believe that his was the worse pain and hers was the worse situation that every happened on the face of the earth. He was a crushed man. He chose to let that cancer be the victory in happiness in life, and died a very broken spirit.
I remember repeated conversations with a woman who cried and cried about the loss of her husband. While providing a sympathetic ear for her I was somewhat surprised to learn it was 25 years earlier that he died. It was a natural death with a heart attack. I asked if it was an anniversary or Birthday that often brings out those memories and grief experiences, but it was not the case. She chose to not leave her home. Because of her loss she refused to participate in normal living and others waited on her. She chose to never enjoy a holiday or make acquaintances with others. She had chosen never to love again.
Have you known people who when difficulty, hardships and tragedies occur they have taken the route of no help, no hope, no way out of the realm of darkness.
Let me tell you that is not the way you have to go, hether it is a victim of abuse, murdered a loved one, or financial loss, painful divorce, or sickness. There is a way for the healing for the soul and facing life again.
Although we are centered on Paul and responses to being imprisoned for the gospel, I turned to the Corinthian passage where he tells himself the truth. The truth is in life he was hard pressed with life and stress and problems of every kind, but refused to be crushed or defeated by them. He acknowledged he was hated for his Christian commitment and was persecuted but he chose to center not on those who rejected him but God and the family of God who understood and loved him. He had dreams dashed, and defeated with plans and purposes, but chose not to be destroyed by those obstacles. Even if he was going to be killed, he chose to look upon the life offered by Christ. But more than that, for the present life he know God was still on the throne of his life and in time will show himself faithful to him. It’s hard, but not without the strength and presence of the Lord. When he cried out to God he found an inner strength and spiritual power to face tragedies of life. Some have no place to turn. He did and so to we.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Sept 8
Verses- Phil 1: 12 Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.
13 As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ.
Some are Converted
Paul, at 62 years of age, having just spent the last two years in prison in Caesarea for a crime he didn’t commit, Paul appeals to Caesar, as was his right as a Roman citizen. Roman law then required that the person under arrest be delivered to Rome where he would stand trial before the emperor.
The Apostle Paul acknowledge that his chains help accomplish the conversion of people, which is his very purpose for ministry. He wants the gospel of Jesus Christ preached to as many people as possible. He is no longer out in the streets, or in synagogues like he was before, but now he was put into contact with people who would never had heard the message otherwise. They were people of influence the palace guard, the Preatorian Guard which were the Imperial Guard of Rome. It was instituted a number of years earlier by Augustus Caesar, as a special 10,000 guard unit.
These guards also had some political influence in Rome. They were used after a number of years as the body guards of the powerful political leaders and prison guards within the palace for special prisoners. It seems that when an emperor had died another was to be elected. Every one that was elected was the one nominated by the Praetorium Guard. Does that give you an understanding of their political power as well?
Paul’s guard had to be relieved of duty because they were all becoming Christians. He would be in their presence at least 3-4 shifts a day and speak to each one about the Lord Jesus and why he was in trial and there were several Christian visitors came to talk and encourage Paul. Even there now as Paul was dictating this letter to Epaphrodities, there were guards listening to what he is saying. They were getting saved.
The way you endure suffering can stimulate interest in Christ. Paul’s life and witness brought about the conversion of many in Rome. I think that the way you remain true authenticates your witness. Our world is hungry for authenticity. Isn’t it amazing how God uses the sorrows and the successes of our lives and even our nation to communicate the Gospel?
This past week has bothered me in a number of ways. I am also bothered that the TV network producers had been announced this fall they will show more vulgarity and include characters in their shows that will blaspheme God. The article I read tells us the Christians are going to be more attacked at the core of their beliefs. In the news we have headlines of an off-beat preacher and his 50 member congregation planning the burning of Quran day on 9/11. The media is having a hay day and many Muslim can us that as an excuse to degrade and attack Christians. But with that comes others who will declare the truth of Jesus Christ and how we are instructed to act within our world where Jesus is rejected. To love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us we learn a different ethic. I am tired of how the liberal church recreates truth to adapt to our culture and yet how the culture keep molding the church that re assesses their views of the Bible.
During times of tragedy, even such as in Haiti, many re-evaluate the source of hope and meaning and do turn to the Lord.
The world is hungry for someone who will stand up for truth, even if it’s unpopular truth, and say, "I will not compromise what I believe because I stand for those things that are right." That’s authenticity. And when you are an authentic person then your witness is strengthened. Whether it is popular or not, politically correct or not, socially acceptable or not, these days are allows people to come to face the most significant life questions- do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Are you searching for spiritual meaning and purpose? Then there is only one answer for the world. Jesus Christ.
Converted means to turn from your own wisdom and your own way of living, confess your sin, and turn from it to Jesus Christ asking and praying that he will save you; It is a commitment of your will to follow him and to give him your lives. Today you can find that peace that so many already know. It will prepare you for heaven and allow you to know God in a personal and vital way. Will you accept Christ today?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Sept 9
Verse- Phil 1:14 Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.
Some are Challenged
Paul noticed not only were many of the guards and prisoners becoming Christians and Rome was paying his bill, he also realized because he was in chains this brought courage to others Christians. They were helped by his ministry, but they were challenged to get personally involved as a result of the tragedy of his arrest and imprisonment. They were brought into unity of spirit in their prayers. It is inspiring for them to preach Christ more boldly, and willing themselves to go to prison if necessary. When someone speaks up strongly with their conviction they become an encouragement to me.
When I went to Russia and visited in the homes of people willing to suffer for their faith I was challenged as a Christian. Now I read that Russia has passed a one year extension of its controversial deadline for religious organization to reregister with the government or face court liquidation. Why is the government so troubled? People are coming to Christ and some religious groups don’t like losing converts.
When I went to India and saw people going into the villages telling Hindus about Jesus Christ and some were preaching the first time in some village. There was a new found challenge that gave Christians courage prompted by the Holy Spirit. Then the country is getting farther away from goal and values then there comes a point of courage to speak out regardless of the consequences.
In times of tragedy many of secret believers have the circumstance to speak up. I know there are people praying together who never even knew there were other fellows Christians. When 9/11 attack occurred, as president of the Braham Ministerial association I asked the school Superintendent if they would like some clergy at the schools to pray and be at the school after news of the attack spread. They provided us a room during the lunch hour. Throughout the four lunch periods over 80 people showed up. I know some kids never knew other kids were willing to pray or come for prayer. I can imagine teachers and staff in the elementary school for the first time holding hands in and reciting the Lord’s prayer together. It challenged faith, and challenged Christians to be more active in sharing what you believe.
There is lots of publicity over the event this Saturday when a pastor is planning on publicly burning the Quaran. There are already great threats among Muslim nations of retaliation as if one person’s freedom of speech is representative of all Christians. Would it not also seem reasonable that one Muslims actions are not representative of all Muslims? We cannot control peoples reactions except our own. But even if there are attack or not there is never a better chance than right of pointing people to the truth of Jesus Christ as some will question purpose and meaning in life to testify of your faith and talk about how Jesus Christ died to save the world and there is peace that passes understanding that keeps our hearts and our minds anchored in Jesus. Not just a belief but a connectedness available with God.
Some need the challenge to follow Christ in baptism, join the church and find your ministry and do it. Paul delights in his tragedy of others are challenged in their service and witness.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri Sept 10
Verses- Phil 1:15-18 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill.
16 The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel.
17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains.
18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice,
Some are Competitive
As Paul is inprison there are some Christians who were glad. Some werejealousy of him. But it got some working for the Lord even though their motives were not entirely correct. How did Paul respond? He was delighted because people were coming to faith in the Lord. That delighted him more than who got the credit. In some incidents there was unity brought about by his supporters. But Paul was a controversial figure. Anyone with strong conviction is going to alienate some people. It was common for any Christian leader to have enemies. Paul certainly did. Perhaps there was a spirit of competition Competition can be both good and evil. The reason for motivation wasn’t as much a concern for Paul as the outcome.
As we enter into another season of political campaigning there is a great deal of criticism among the candidates toward one another. Sometimes it is brutal. I seldom am informed by the ads on TV. Mud slinging has never stopped from election to election. Whatever leadership does there will be people who will criticize, second guess and react so they can be in the limelight. Paul looked at his criticism and realized ultimately the goal wasn't what people felt about him, but people were growting in their understanding of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, there were people who were glad for his arrest because now they could be in the limelight. They could take over some leadership. But what was important for Paul was people being helped.
I have talked to chaplains who have worked disasters before. Do you know where some of the stronger competition comes from as to who gets the greatest news coverage. I was surprised.. There is strong competition between the Red Cross ant he Salvation Army as to who can be there first, who can help the most people, who is given the greater news coverage, who will be in charge of directing assistance programs.
Helping and religious organizations are plagued by the human pride problem. Which church gives the most, which hosts the prayer meetings, what pastors are picked for national and local television, who will get the glory?
I know one church that was dead and lifeless spiritually, they were content in a maintenance program. They didn’t really invite neighbors, that weren’t friendly to visitors, they didn’t say much for the Lord, Whenever the preacher tried to get new program or encouraged them to look into the future are develop new programs to reach new folks, they were not interested after all it has worked this way for number of years it will continue to do so many years to come. Do you know what happened? Another church came into town and developed new programs and people started coming to Christ.
This new church reached out to the unchurched. And talked to others about the Lord and set up special meetings. And the older group didn’t want this other church to out do them so they started reviewing their program and started to do some things on their own. It started changing because they were being critical of this new group, but the result was they started doing what they should have been doing all along.
Some peach Christ out of good will and love, for Paul there are critics and enemies in competition with him. Some are out for selfish ambition or selfish gain. Some are preaching to build name for them and get personal attention, for others it doesn’t matter they are seeking to serve God. Paul is saying so long a Christ is being preached and if my chains are being used by my enemies to get them doing something they should be doing, then praise the Lord.
Maybe you have been hurt by another believer and haven’t quite resolved the issue with them. Maybe you need to forgive them or need to ask God forgiveness for having judged them. That’s for you to decide. What about those people, perhaps at work or in your family, who’ve been motivated by jealousy, and have been critical of you… How have you responded toward them? Here, we have a lot to learn from Paul. Has criticism kept you from serving and growing in Christ and in your love for others, then Satan will have gained his advantage in our disagreements, if however, you continue to grow and serve God then what difference do disagreements make. So what if others have different styles of worship, or different priorities of ministry, or don’t understand what God has laid upon your heart, so what? Keep doing what you believe God wants you to do and pray for your enemies and those who have despitefully used you. And keep on.
Remember who you’re working or” That was what kept Paul going. He never worried bout critics he only remembered who he worked for and Christ was using his circumstances.
Funny, isn’t it that very things that Satan tied to use to bind Paul became the very things that the Lord used to make Paul victorious.
How are you facing difficulties? Crushed, Converted, Challenged or Competitive? I believe there are chose that you can make that will help you and others during this time.
The poet puts it this way: "One ship drives east, another drives west with the self same winds that blow. ’Tis the set of the sails & not the gales which determines the way we go,"
Pastor Dale