Matt 6:1-4
1 "Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
2 "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.
3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
The Spirit of Giving
In one church the pastor knowing that many members of the congregation were out of work and broke, put a $1000 in $1 and #5 bills into a wicker basket, explaining that the money was from the church's benevolent fund. "I'm going to do something I have never done before in my ministry" With that, he passed the basket of money to the congregation, urging those in need to take form it, without shame or embarrassment. Many did, but when the basket was returned it contained $67 more than it had when it started out.
This week we will look at some teaching on giving based on the Sermon on the Mount. Giving according to Jesus is not so important as the reason behind the giving.
Why do you give? Many give because it is expected of them at chuch. Many give because they know that in giving they will receive in return. Others give because they want to and don't give two hoots if they get anything in return. Some give because it makes them feel good about themselves. There can be lots of reasons for giving.
Giving is part of most cultures and societies. Some Missionaries try to make contact with a new culture or tribe of people sometimes by leaving gifts to indicate they come as friends. They are coming in peace. However some warring tribe have used gifts as a means to capture the enemy. The Trojan horse was a gift of the Greeks from Troy to Athens and when the horse was taken inside the gates then the Trojan army came our of hiding from within the horse to attack. Not all gifts are good gifts.
Giving is part of most cultures and societies. Some Missionaries try to make contact with a new culture or tribe of people sometimes by leaving gifts to indicate they come as friends. They are coming in peace. However some warring tribe have used gifts as a means to capture the enemy. The Trojan horse was a gift of the Greeks from Troy to Athens and when the horse was taken inside the gates then the Trojan army came our of hiding from within the horse to attack. Not all gifts are good gifts.
Gifts in God's eyes are important by the attitude in which they are given. This is true with the money you place in the offering plate, or with gifts given to family or friend or acquaintances, or as the passage in Matthew is referring even to the poor and the needy.
One problem is that people like to be seen as kind and selfless when really there is a battle within of selfishness.
Salesmen give all kinds of gifts in hopes of eventually or continually getting customers to purchase their product or services. I remember one sales man giving out wristwatches, the recipient told him right from the beginning that he signed a contract with another company. The salesman took the watch back.
Salesmen give all kinds of gifts in hopes of eventually or continually getting customers to purchase their product or services. I remember one sales man giving out wristwatches, the recipient told him right from the beginning that he signed a contract with another company. The salesman took the watch back.
Many give to religious or benevolent causes because of the praise of others. They like to be well thought of. That attitude Jesus condemns. Do you ever watch TV telethons raising money for various charity causes? Often it is interesting to see how large companies compete for prime time to show others who benevolent they really are as a means of advertising. How many would give in secret? How many would give if nobody knew how kind and generous they were? Some will argue that the end justifies the means. So many charity organizations are geared not for serving the Lord by helping the poor and needy, but seeking to give to get- Lottery, charitable gambling, afghans, cars, prizes, or advertising so people will buy your products.
Of course most giving should be out of love. It maybe the cause of the need for those suffering devastation in others parts of the world or at home. It may be love for the Lord as part of worship. It may be love for a family member or friend that is special to you.
Think about the gifts and offerings you have given in the last couple of weeks? What was the spirit of your giving?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues June 7 The Principle of Giving
Principle of Giving
Maybe we don't do it right. We don't advertise givers unless it is a memorial gift in honor of the person who died. We keep giving secret, even from the pastor, so I am not tempted to cater to the best givers. We have very few people knowing what anyone gives. It is limited to the Financial Secretary, and once a month a different Trustee who helps count the money to make sure money isn't stolen and people aren't running off with the offering.
However, if we made it public the amount people gave would we get larger offerings? I used to look at how Stanchfield’s giving was compared to other churches of our size when the Minnesota conference listed how much each church gave. Then I would encourage our board to consider that in looking at our mission’s budget. Would that be an appropriate principle of giving?
There was a clear principle in the Old Testament that was 10%. We call it the tithe. It was practiced in the New Testament. It was a legalistic way of giving that some people would judge their faithfulness to God if they tithed and there were other offerings above that. There are churches that set up a annual fund drive where people make promises as to what they are going to give in the next year and calls or visits are given to help remind people what they pledge was if it wasn’t received. Some churches even send out suggestions of what each family should give as a minimum as a member of the church. The ways of man vary even when it comes to financing a church.
But none of that makes a different to Jesus. Jesus looks at the motives of the heart. That is why the widow’s two mites were more important than the large sums that the wealthy were giving in the temple. She gave all she had, while the rich man gave an great gift, but it was a very little percentage of his money.
In addition to the attitude there is also the understand that if you love God and others you will give.
We have a benevolent fund as part of our budget, but we have special funds as well be they food shelf, World Relief, or special offerings. But
verse 2 doesn't say “if” you give to the needy do not brag about it, but rather “when” you give. That implies two things: 1) give. 2) give as unto the Lord. Which is nobody's business but yours and the Lords -but it is His business. That follows his statement on love.
Giving shows care, concern and commitment. We give because we love. Love is intangible. Giving becomes a tangible expression of love. Giving helps us demonstrate what we say, when we say it isn't the gift it's the thought that counts. The gift is the visible expression of the thought. Without the gift the thought is just that--a thought.
We give because Jesus gave to us. God's gift at in Jesus didn't stop at the manger. His love toward us is expressed by his most generous giving nature. Romans 5:32 "He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all-how will he not also, along with him graciously give us all things?" He continues to give us what is necessary. What he asks of us is that we give ourselves to Him.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds June 8 Receiving
Notice that although the emphasis of Jesus instructions are on giving there is also comment on receiving. Those who give to be seen by men get their reward. Those who give in secret, those who give when your left hand doesn't know what your right hand is doing are those your Father sees what is done and will reward you.
Acts of kindness, even anonymous acts, and acts that do not draw attention to yourself are blessed and will be rewarded if you have already accepted God's gift of Jesus Christ.
What is the reward? Are rewards something received for various accomplishments? Many people are great givers, but lousy receiver. Do you know that when the Bible says it is more blessed to give than receive, it isn't saying it is wrong to receive?
First, if we are not receivers we are not Christians. Foremost God is the giver of life eternal and forgiveness of sin and we must receive that gift. The trouble with many people is that they believe in God, and out of fear or works want to give acts of good works and money so that they will be accepted. They try to appease God in this manner. Many pagan religions teach if the faithful give so much then the gods will look favorably upon them so they will be forgiven.
But that is true with man today. When asked, "Do you think you are going to heaven?" will answer by saying, "I hope so?" Friends, we can be sure. For there is only one way and that is to receive Jesus. John 2:23 For as many as received him, (Jesus) to them he gave the right to become the sons (or children) of God, even to them who believe in his name.” John also says in his letter, "He who has the son has life, and he who does not have the son of God does not have life."
God doesn't make us acceptable by our giving him anything, but we are made acceptable by receiving someone. Receiving Jesus means praying and committing our life to Him, asking him to take control over your will.
Secondly, we are receivers in other ways than just salvation. Mary and Joseph received gold, frankincense and myrrh and behalf of Jesus. For the wise men to be givers the holy family needed to be receivers. What would happen if they had refused the gift and said they just couldn't accept gifts from strangers? It would have not been in God's plan. Do you ever think that part of God's plan is to be a receiver and by doing so you may be helping someone else's faith? Do you realize that one of the ways God meets our needs is through the resources of others at the right time and for the right purpose?
One problem with receivers of course, is the problem of ethics. People who are desirous with a pure heart to serve God and give to Him are many times taken in by people who misuse and abuse the money they have received as a gift for need by spending it in ways that are improper or not with the intent provided.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs June 9 Need
Verses- Matt 6: 2 "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.
3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
The Principle of Need
One of the problems we have in our society is the conflict between independence and dependency. Americans used to value independence where they were responsible for facing all situations in life. That circle expands in families which takes the view that our family will take care of ourselves we don’t need help from anyone else. But as our culture moved from agriculture to technological and industry the corporate mentality also moved to being employees with larger organizations to work either our own particular job in conjunction with many others to accomplish someone else’s ultimate goal with which we may or may not agree.
Governments do exist with one of their purposes to function for the welfare of the citizens. That welfare maybe be to provide protection through armed forces, fire and safety management. It may be for the welfare of the people by providing roads and lights and protection from unsafe products. Welfare of the citizens is to develop and execute justice when crimes have been committed. Health and social services expand from that.
When the church was established those early members became the larger family to help one another in love. Where does that lead to today? Is it government, church, family, individuals who are responsible for needs, wants, and services?
The purpose of wealth, according to early rabbis, was to provide the opportunity to alleviate the suffering of those in need. Most readily the poor did not have the capabilities of providing enough food, or clothing and if that was the case it was compassion that helped them for basic needs. But besides direct financial help by individuals, a variety of other aids to the needy developed. In the Old Testament it was the practice to let those without glean grain left in the fields and those who let them and indeed even left some for them were commended by the Lord. Often the Bible instructs Jews and Christians to receive the traveler, foreigner, widow, fatherless- the needy became those who did not have the resources to immediately provide for their care. That also included sickness, and protection from the elements, or injustice when they were falsely accused or being taken advantage of because they did not understand the situation.
Jesus commended those who also visited the sick and the prisoner. Women and children get a priority of attention as the more vulnerable in society.
Unfortunately, some people who are used to receiving can have a spirit of greediness which is sinful. Many are thoughtless and ungrateful for what they do receive! Some will refuse to work or help others to help themselves and there were instructions to discern if the need was real.
The ones that live to be rewarded by men's recognition will only receive human recognition and that is all they will get, but the ones giving for the sake of love and honor and worship to God will get their reward by the Father and that we may wait for..that takes patience. Jesus wasn't talking in terms of material reward, but the highest reward never comes to him who is seeking reward.
Receiving is more than money. Part of our receiving reminds us of our humility and the importance of others. We need to develop a thankful heart. Friend, don't forget all we are and ever will be is because of others who have given to us in some way. We need to be grateful receivers as well as givers. We've received from parents, teachers, Sunday school teachers. We have received most from God. And to grow in our Christian faith we need to continue to receive from the Lord and sometimes from others for that is a way we continue to recognize that we are needy people.
We need love and we need rebuke, and we need the support of fellow Christians and need friendship, we need prayers of one another, and need helpers. It is the one that gives and receives that can be a blessing to others. We need not independence, nor dependence, but rather interdependence with another in the Lord.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri June 10 Sharing
Teofilo said to Christobel the new convert in the little mission chapel in Cuba: Christobel, if you had a hundred sheep, would you give 50 of them for the Lord's work? Yes I would."
"Would you do the same if you had 100 cows" Yes, Teofilo, I would"
"Would you do the same if you had a 100 horses" Yes, of course,"
If you had 2 pigs, would you give one of them to the Lord?"
No I wouldn't and you have no right to ask me, Teofilo, for you know I have two pigs."
Sharing is the give and take, giving and receiving. Christian community sees a need and seeks to meet it. Christian community is made aware of your need and seeks to meet it with the resources of the body. Our first obligation is to our Lord, our family, then God's family and then to all, for you never know when you help an angel without knowing it according to Heb 13:2 “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.”
It is not healthy to always be receivers. Since we are all receivers seek to share with those in need without expecting anything in return. But realize that when you give you do receive something in return You have already received and are promised more in the future, if not now, later.
Our Savior made this clear when He told what would happen to the person who leaves all ("houses or brothers or sister or father or mother or children or fields") for Jesus' sake: he "will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life." (Mt. 19:29)
God taught the principle of sharing. He reminds us of what we have received. Then He tells us to give to others just as freely as we have received from Him. He promised to reward us for investing our lives, our talents, and our money in His service. He shared with us and we give ourselves to Him. He gives to use and we share to others, who take whatever gifts they may have, not always material, and share with others.
This type of giving is so far different than the attitude that says, "Well if this couple had us over then we must have them over to pay them back. If I received a gift from this person, I better get them a gift in return."
One woman, after hearing of the need of a fellow believer, made out a check for the amount of the need. Having thanked the lady for her gift she said, “It is not a gift from me for it isn’t mine. God has lend to me material resources that I may in His name use it and give to those in His name what is His.”
A sharer understands that we are stewards of the things God gives us. If another needs it, it isn't really ours we own, it is God's and so with a light heart and joy of being a servant of Jesus we can help those who come to our attention.
Whether people know or don't know isn't what is important it is that God knows and His knowing is enough.
That is a sharer.
Pastor Dale
Principle of Giving
Maybe we don't do it right. We don't advertise givers unless it is a memorial gift in honor of the person who died. We keep giving secret, even from the pastor, so I am not tempted to cater to the best givers. We have very few people knowing what anyone gives. It is limited to the Financial Secretary, and once a month a different Trustee who helps count the money to make sure money isn't stolen and people aren't running off with the offering.
However, if we made it public the amount people gave would we get larger offerings? I used to look at how Stanchfield’s giving was compared to other churches of our size when the Minnesota conference listed how much each church gave. Then I would encourage our board to consider that in looking at our mission’s budget. Would that be an appropriate principle of giving?
There was a clear principle in the Old Testament that was 10%. We call it the tithe. It was practiced in the New Testament. It was a legalistic way of giving that some people would judge their faithfulness to God if they tithed and there were other offerings above that. There are churches that set up a annual fund drive where people make promises as to what they are going to give in the next year and calls or visits are given to help remind people what they pledge was if it wasn’t received. Some churches even send out suggestions of what each family should give as a minimum as a member of the church. The ways of man vary even when it comes to financing a church.
But none of that makes a different to Jesus. Jesus looks at the motives of the heart. That is why the widow’s two mites were more important than the large sums that the wealthy were giving in the temple. She gave all she had, while the rich man gave an great gift, but it was a very little percentage of his money.
In addition to the attitude there is also the understand that if you love God and others you will give.
We have a benevolent fund as part of our budget, but we have special funds as well be they food shelf, World Relief, or special offerings. But
verse 2 doesn't say “if” you give to the needy do not brag about it, but rather “when” you give. That implies two things: 1) give. 2) give as unto the Lord. Which is nobody's business but yours and the Lords -but it is His business. That follows his statement on love.
Giving shows care, concern and commitment. We give because we love. Love is intangible. Giving becomes a tangible expression of love. Giving helps us demonstrate what we say, when we say it isn't the gift it's the thought that counts. The gift is the visible expression of the thought. Without the gift the thought is just that--a thought.
We give because Jesus gave to us. God's gift at in Jesus didn't stop at the manger. His love toward us is expressed by his most generous giving nature. Romans 5:32 "He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all-how will he not also, along with him graciously give us all things?" He continues to give us what is necessary. What he asks of us is that we give ourselves to Him.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds June 8 Receiving
Notice that although the emphasis of Jesus instructions are on giving there is also comment on receiving. Those who give to be seen by men get their reward. Those who give in secret, those who give when your left hand doesn't know what your right hand is doing are those your Father sees what is done and will reward you.
Acts of kindness, even anonymous acts, and acts that do not draw attention to yourself are blessed and will be rewarded if you have already accepted God's gift of Jesus Christ.
What is the reward? Are rewards something received for various accomplishments? Many people are great givers, but lousy receiver. Do you know that when the Bible says it is more blessed to give than receive, it isn't saying it is wrong to receive?
First, if we are not receivers we are not Christians. Foremost God is the giver of life eternal and forgiveness of sin and we must receive that gift. The trouble with many people is that they believe in God, and out of fear or works want to give acts of good works and money so that they will be accepted. They try to appease God in this manner. Many pagan religions teach if the faithful give so much then the gods will look favorably upon them so they will be forgiven.
But that is true with man today. When asked, "Do you think you are going to heaven?" will answer by saying, "I hope so?" Friends, we can be sure. For there is only one way and that is to receive Jesus. John 2:23 For as many as received him, (Jesus) to them he gave the right to become the sons (or children) of God, even to them who believe in his name.” John also says in his letter, "He who has the son has life, and he who does not have the son of God does not have life."
God doesn't make us acceptable by our giving him anything, but we are made acceptable by receiving someone. Receiving Jesus means praying and committing our life to Him, asking him to take control over your will.
Secondly, we are receivers in other ways than just salvation. Mary and Joseph received gold, frankincense and myrrh and behalf of Jesus. For the wise men to be givers the holy family needed to be receivers. What would happen if they had refused the gift and said they just couldn't accept gifts from strangers? It would have not been in God's plan. Do you ever think that part of God's plan is to be a receiver and by doing so you may be helping someone else's faith? Do you realize that one of the ways God meets our needs is through the resources of others at the right time and for the right purpose?
One problem with receivers of course, is the problem of ethics. People who are desirous with a pure heart to serve God and give to Him are many times taken in by people who misuse and abuse the money they have received as a gift for need by spending it in ways that are improper or not with the intent provided.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs June 9 Need
Verses- Matt 6: 2 "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.
3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
The Principle of Need
One of the problems we have in our society is the conflict between independence and dependency. Americans used to value independence where they were responsible for facing all situations in life. That circle expands in families which takes the view that our family will take care of ourselves we don’t need help from anyone else. But as our culture moved from agriculture to technological and industry the corporate mentality also moved to being employees with larger organizations to work either our own particular job in conjunction with many others to accomplish someone else’s ultimate goal with which we may or may not agree.
Governments do exist with one of their purposes to function for the welfare of the citizens. That welfare maybe be to provide protection through armed forces, fire and safety management. It may be for the welfare of the people by providing roads and lights and protection from unsafe products. Welfare of the citizens is to develop and execute justice when crimes have been committed. Health and social services expand from that.
When the church was established those early members became the larger family to help one another in love. Where does that lead to today? Is it government, church, family, individuals who are responsible for needs, wants, and services?
The purpose of wealth, according to early rabbis, was to provide the opportunity to alleviate the suffering of those in need. Most readily the poor did not have the capabilities of providing enough food, or clothing and if that was the case it was compassion that helped them for basic needs. But besides direct financial help by individuals, a variety of other aids to the needy developed. In the Old Testament it was the practice to let those without glean grain left in the fields and those who let them and indeed even left some for them were commended by the Lord. Often the Bible instructs Jews and Christians to receive the traveler, foreigner, widow, fatherless- the needy became those who did not have the resources to immediately provide for their care. That also included sickness, and protection from the elements, or injustice when they were falsely accused or being taken advantage of because they did not understand the situation.
Jesus commended those who also visited the sick and the prisoner. Women and children get a priority of attention as the more vulnerable in society.
Unfortunately, some people who are used to receiving can have a spirit of greediness which is sinful. Many are thoughtless and ungrateful for what they do receive! Some will refuse to work or help others to help themselves and there were instructions to discern if the need was real.
The ones that live to be rewarded by men's recognition will only receive human recognition and that is all they will get, but the ones giving for the sake of love and honor and worship to God will get their reward by the Father and that we may wait for..that takes patience. Jesus wasn't talking in terms of material reward, but the highest reward never comes to him who is seeking reward.
Receiving is more than money. Part of our receiving reminds us of our humility and the importance of others. We need to develop a thankful heart. Friend, don't forget all we are and ever will be is because of others who have given to us in some way. We need to be grateful receivers as well as givers. We've received from parents, teachers, Sunday school teachers. We have received most from God. And to grow in our Christian faith we need to continue to receive from the Lord and sometimes from others for that is a way we continue to recognize that we are needy people.
We need love and we need rebuke, and we need the support of fellow Christians and need friendship, we need prayers of one another, and need helpers. It is the one that gives and receives that can be a blessing to others. We need not independence, nor dependence, but rather interdependence with another in the Lord.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri June 10 Sharing
Teofilo said to Christobel the new convert in the little mission chapel in Cuba: Christobel, if you had a hundred sheep, would you give 50 of them for the Lord's work? Yes I would."
"Would you do the same if you had 100 cows" Yes, Teofilo, I would"
"Would you do the same if you had a 100 horses" Yes, of course,"
If you had 2 pigs, would you give one of them to the Lord?"
No I wouldn't and you have no right to ask me, Teofilo, for you know I have two pigs."
Sharing is the give and take, giving and receiving. Christian community sees a need and seeks to meet it. Christian community is made aware of your need and seeks to meet it with the resources of the body. Our first obligation is to our Lord, our family, then God's family and then to all, for you never know when you help an angel without knowing it according to Heb 13:2 “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.”
It is not healthy to always be receivers. Since we are all receivers seek to share with those in need without expecting anything in return. But realize that when you give you do receive something in return You have already received and are promised more in the future, if not now, later.
Our Savior made this clear when He told what would happen to the person who leaves all ("houses or brothers or sister or father or mother or children or fields") for Jesus' sake: he "will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life." (Mt. 19:29)
God taught the principle of sharing. He reminds us of what we have received. Then He tells us to give to others just as freely as we have received from Him. He promised to reward us for investing our lives, our talents, and our money in His service. He shared with us and we give ourselves to Him. He gives to use and we share to others, who take whatever gifts they may have, not always material, and share with others.
This type of giving is so far different than the attitude that says, "Well if this couple had us over then we must have them over to pay them back. If I received a gift from this person, I better get them a gift in return."
One woman, after hearing of the need of a fellow believer, made out a check for the amount of the need. Having thanked the lady for her gift she said, “It is not a gift from me for it isn’t mine. God has lend to me material resources that I may in His name use it and give to those in His name what is His.”
A sharer understands that we are stewards of the things God gives us. If another needs it, it isn't really ours we own, it is God's and so with a light heart and joy of being a servant of Jesus we can help those who come to our attention.
Whether people know or don't know isn't what is important it is that God knows and His knowing is enough.
That is a sharer.
Pastor Dale