Elizabeth’s Song
Singing and carols are an important part of Christmas. Yesterday afternoon we had a traditional Christmas Hymn sing. Those who cam enjoyed singing the favorites interspersed with special numbers. Even as Pastor Isaac spoke in his sermon- one of the Christmas traditions is music. I am glad God gave within our hearts and emotions the means of expressing to Him and others joy and love and witness of what He has done.
Literally a carol is a joyous song or lyric. It is from the French. It has become known to relate to the stories surrounding the Nativity.
According to one article I read St. Francis of Assisi tried to change the Church’s Latin formalism with the human warmth of worship. He was acknowledge as the first to set up the crib, ox and donkey, manger and infant Jesus and sung in 1223.
Interestingly, carols were banned in England in 1647, since many of our customs and traditions were adapted form pagan worship of the sun god. Christians decide not to celebrate the winter solstice bur the son of God bringing light to the world so they took that Holiday and used it to recognize the coming of Jesus into the world. The Puritans wanted to throw all of that out because there were also celebrations that involved carousing and feasting. So Parliament outlawed celebrations and even churches were stripped of ornamentation, organs were carted away and religious singing was restricted to only the Psalms. That law lasted about 20 years.
Now it seems ACLU is the Grinch that want to outlaw Christmas singing except in churches. Not only have there been various law suits throughout the country on what songs schools can an cannot include, and whether the nativity scenes can be place on public property, but even I the Salvation Army can solicit funds on pubic grounds to help the poor.
However, real joy isn’t’ in singing and telling the Christmas story as certain time and place, it is in knowing Jesus Christ in a personal way and receiving his free gift of salvation by repenting of sin an by faith following Him. If you haven’t made Christ Lord of your life, my prayer is you will this year.
G. Campbell Morgan writes, “Luke, the artists, has gathered and collected, under the guidance of the Holy Ghost, the stories which reveal the fact that when Jesus came into the world poetry expressed itself and music was reborn.”
Can you imagine the joy as well as the fear ad bewilderment that came to Mary when the angel Gabriel approached her and announce she was to deliver that long expected Messiah? Who can she go to and share the news? Who would understand that she, a virgin, his pregnant? Gabriel tells her about another miracle that happened to her cousin, Elizabeth in her old age. She would understand.
This is something women share with women. Elizabeth could be someone with whom she could share the secret. Instead of being received with suspicion she was received with acceptance, love and excitement. Elizabeth assured Mary of her single blessedness by being selected of God to be the Mother of the Messiah. She indeed was an encouragement. When Elizabeth saw her cousin arrive and realized the joy of her own child within her womb, she responded in praise and song unto the Lord.
This is a time or singing of our salvation, and God’s goodness.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Dec 13 Prelude
Verses Luke 1:5-7
5 In the time of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah, who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah; his wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron.
6 Both of them were upright in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commandments and regulations blamelessly.
7 But they had no children, because Elizabeth was barren; and they were both well along in years.
Before most of our services we have a prelude of music. Since we have been talking about music at Christmas this week the prelude is usually musical introduction to what is about to happen. It is used to set a mood for worship. Sometimes the organist plays familiar songs and people might think of some of the words that are about God and His works. Sometimes there are musical numbers which are used specifically to quiet our hearts and allow people to pray, think, mediate before a service begins where the Spirit might guide one’s thinking.
We know the prelude to Jesus ministry was found in the person of John the Baptist who was appointed to prepare the way of the Lord spiritually. But the prelude to Jesus birth was also indirectly found in the person of John the Baptist who even in the womb is the first to recognize the son of God who is to come into the world.
You might say the surroundings of Jesus birth was sober and dreary. It was not a happy tune under the strict dominance of the Romans. There was a feeling of despair and a barrenness where God was taking much too long, in the minds of the Jews, to bring the Messiah to redeem the people from oppression once again.
Part of this, I think, is symbolized by Elizabeth’s barrenness and without the joy of a child. Just as Zechariah was a priest Elizabeth was a descendent of the line of Aaron, the first appointed priest. The Bible says they pleased God. They were upright and observing all the Lord’s commands and regulations.
Many women in their barrenness wonder if God is somehow punishing them. Having a baby is key to being a woman in that culture. They would please their husbands and find purpose in raising a family.
We understand more of what Elizabeth must have felt when we read of the barrenness of Sarah with Abraham, or Rachel before she had a child with Jacob. We see Hannah crying out to the Lord in the temple and felt the shame and ridicule for not having a baby. God provided for all these women and their offspring had a significant part to play in redemptive history.
Some people give up on God when their prayers are not answered. But in spite of the circumstances Elizabeth and her husband served the Lord faithfully. They honored God publicly and privately.
This prelude was a preparation for Elizabeth, but it was really Elizabeth spent her whole lifetime being prepared by God to be the mother of John the Baptist. Only she didn’t know it. Her son would be the greatest of prophets according to Jesus. Her name is honored for her humble and faithful service.
Every person used of God had a mother whom God used in different ways to prepare their children. Certainly the Biblical mandate is the train the children up in the ways of God and in the teachings of the Bible. A parent who is doing his and her job walks close to the Lord and wants to pass on the most important truths any child can know. Elizabeth joins her husband in the years ago to have their son follow the Nazarite laws of diet and dress.
But the prelude is the first song to prepare for worship. And she becomes the first spokesperson to declare the wonders of Jesus coming in the flesh. Her song is the first human expression of praise for the Christ child.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Dec. 14 Joy of John
Verses : Luke 1:39-41 At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea,
40 where she entered Zechariah's home and greeted Elizabeth.
41 When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
44 As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.
The Joy of John
John the Baptist, still in the womb, recognizes Jesus, the Son of God ,in the womb of Mary. Baby talk! Elizabeth’s own baby becomes for her the messenger of confirmation of Jesus before either are ever born. When the babies were in proximity the Holy Spirit filled Elizabeth. These expressions are not just her own thoughts -this comes from God.
Luke is a doctor. Most doctors today will recognize emotional experiences of the mother can cause movement in the fetus she is carrying. Some will use that as an explanation for her baby jumping or kicking which Elizabeth understands is a sign from God. Skeptics can explain this away recognizing fetal movement, but not agreeing with conclusion that Elizabeth gives.
I believe this is the inspire Words of God. The Bible is the foundation of our faith and practice. She knew by God when the baby leaped inside of her as Mary greeted her even from some distance, this was the Messiah. The baby was not only filled with the Holy Spirit but had excitement in the presence of the Lord.
People today are continuing to understand more about babies in the womb and their reactions and responses. There are articles about encouraging mothers to have music, sing, rub, and even read to their unborn babies. I am not in a position to know what is or is not advisable. Because of ultrasounds many know the sex of the child before birth, something unheard of a few years ago. I will speak of my experience of being a new Grandfather.
Bryan and Kate wanted to know as soon as possible what their baby was going to be. When they got the first ultra sound pictures confirming she was a girl they began to plan accordingly. I was a bit surprised when they announced to us her name- Madelyn. What surprised me more was how they would no longer speak of her as the baby or certainly not a fetus, but as Maddie. They talked about what she did in the womb, and what they think she would like in her room for decorations. For me I was content to have our babies have a crib and a mobile (not a cell phone). But she became more of a person once she was named in my mind as well. I know she was a person at conception, but it was interesting to me how one’s thoughts and emotions toward her changed when she was named. Both Mary and Elizabeth not only knew the sexes of their boys, but their names as well. Add to that the purpose for which they were to be brought up.
I know the Supreme Court of Minnesota can legally declare an 8 ½ month old fetus as being a non person and allowing legal partial birth abortions. The Bible does not describe babies in this way. It acknowledges the personality of the fetus and recognizes the fetus is a baby and a special creation of God, and a person. I am to believe God rather than man.
If John were nothing more than a complex tissue- indeed if mankind is treated as nothing more than evolutionary accident without any spirit- then one animal is no different in value than a human except in our own eyes. Some animal rights advocates teach that. Why should one animal live over another? That is where evolution leads.
God confirms the sanctity of unborn life and declares in these verses for individuals to be unique creation and the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit blesses their mothers. The joy of Christmas was realized before the babies were born. It spreads with the joy of John
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Dec 15 –
Verses Luke 1: 42 In a loud voice she exclaimed: "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!
43 But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
44 As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.
45 Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!"
Elizabeth’s Humility
Elizabeth recognizes that not only did God bless her with the privilege of having a special baby in her old age, but sees herself as favored for allowed her to be in the presence of the long awaited Messiah, even if the baby is not born yet. He thoughts were “Why should I be so favored?” Already she knew he was her Lord. That is faith.
The expression of joy and thankfulness is similar to Hannah and Deborah of the Old Testament and their expressions of praise.
The Holy Spirit opened the yes of Elizabeth so she could see Jesus as Lord. A common participation in the divine favor drew the two women together. Mary loved Elizabeth and realized she would understand her feelings. Elizabeth was not the least bit concerned that she was the older deserving respect. The thing that impresses me about Elizabeth is the evidence of her sweet and humble spirit, and the joy she experienced in another’s good fortune.
Some are so quick to give God glory for the blessing of their lives while others seem to be so quick to think they are so special. They act as if others should somehow treat them differently. Pride is so devastating because we don’t want to admit others are better than we are. Pride tries to make us pretend that we are superior in some way to others. If someone does something better in one area we think of something we do better in another to regain that feeling of pride. It is easy to put down others so as to raise ourselves up.
That is the root of gossip. Do you realize that? People who have to prove themselves and their worth struggle with self esteem issues.
An old godly writer name Flavel said “When God intends to fell a soul he first makes it empty; when he intends to enrich a soul he first makes it poor; when he intends to exalt a soul he first makes it sensible to its own needs, wants, and nothingness. Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts. It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all.”
Samuel Brengel adds an important lesson on humility- “If I appear great in their eyes the Lord is most graciously helping me to see how absolutely nothing I am without Him and helping me to keep little in my own eyes. He does use me, but I am so concerned that he uses me and that it is not of me the work Is done. The axe cannot boast of the trees it has cut down. It could do nothing but for the woodsman. He made it, he sharpened it, and he used it. The moment he throws it aside , it becomes only old iron. Oh that I may never lose this sight.”
Elizabeth understood this concept that it is God that has blessed her. Gave her a baby, gave her a prophet, blessed her cousin. But joy in the presence of the Lord yet unborn and why God should do this is beyond her understanding. It is totally an act of grace and she gives God the praise.
Think about our life and all that God has given to you recently that is so unwarranted and give Him praise and be filled with joy.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri. Dec 16 Elizabeth’s Joy
Verse- Luke 1: 44 As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.
45 Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!"
Elizabeth’s Joy
Why do you think the angel instructed Mary to go see her cousin Elizabeth? I think there might be several reasons. First, as mentioned, who could possibility understand the miracle of birth of God intervening to produce a child to a virgin? Not only is that hard to believe, but this miraculous birth is something Elizabeth has experienced in God providing a child in her old age.
Secondly, I think to get Mary out of the situation of more ridicule and shame was wise. People in her small village would definitely be judgmental and perhaps encouraging Joseph to have her pay the penalty for infidelity which could be death. The family would need adjustment to that type of story and that is also why an angel came to Joseph in his dream so he could stand as her protector and helper later but not right now.
Thirdly, I think Elizabeth could also use the help of a young girl/relative. Zechariah was silent and could not speak. Elizabeth couldn’t carry on a conversation, or have much to talk about in this important time in their lives because of that hindrance. Elizabeth also had someone to talk to and someone to help her with some of the chores as I am guessing her energy level was not what it used to be.
How long did Mary stay? The Bible says Elizabeth was in her sixth month when the angel came to Mary. And then Luke 1:56 “Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.” That would have made it the 9th month after she probably delivered the baby. During those last months of pregnancy and at her older age, I also think Mary ministered in a practical was to Elizabeth.
Fourthly, and I think most importantly, she could share openly and ask all the questions freely to someone who could be her mentor, friend, relative, and spiritual encouragement. We need people in our lives with whom we can share.
As I look back on my ministry there is one gapping need that I would do differently if I were to start all over again. I would do what I could to training older people to mentor younger people. We speak of that from time to time, but many people who started growing in the Lord lose the importance of having a friend and mentor who will be with them , teach, guide, and talk. We have had newer believers come and go through some classes and things go well, but then they seem to be left on their own and without ongoing friendship and guidance, their faith seems to grow colder and in time many become inactive if they do not get involved in ministry and mentorship.
2 Cor 1:3-6 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer.”
The apostle Paul seeks to instruct and encourage the Corinthian believers. Certainly newer Gentile Christians needed to understand truth through the Bible teaching and instructions of Jesus Christ. They needed to learn a new way to love and live in the Spirit. But an important principle is God is our comfort. And the way God has ministered to us needs to be shared with others. In our good times and in our bad times, in our lonely times and glad times. We need others who can encourage us in the Lord. When we go through pain, suffering, or hardships who best to encourage us in the Lord than those who have gone through the same things? They not only know some of the answers and options we should consider when making decisions but understand the emotions and feelings of facing what we are facing.
When girls get pregnant they find comfort in talking with others who have been pregnant. When someone is a young mother they find help talking with others who have been mothers as to what to do and how to do it. When one goes through facing life with God’s comfort there are people who have been there and done that and find God’s presence and purposes sustaining. It is those type of people God uses to help others grow in their faith.
Younger people in the Lord, seek out someone older who can pray with you, help you, and encourage you in truth. Older people in the Lord, seek out to be available to teach, listen, guide and pray for someone younger in Christ and need counsel and friendship.
Small groups, one on one Bible studies, discipleship is all part of developing a relationship with another who can be a comfort to pass on to others who need comfort.
Elizabeth was one whose true joy praised God and in that acceptance we see Mary following by giving Him praise as well. Someone understood her feelings and they shared them together.
Pastor Dale