Friday, February 17, 2012

Complaints against God Malachi 3:13-18

Sermon Nuggets Mon Feb 13 Complaining Against God

Verses - Mal. 3:13-18 “You have said harsh things against me,” says the LORD.
   “Yet you ask, ‘What have we said against you?’
 14 “You have said, ‘It is futile to serve God. What did we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before the LORD Almighty? 
15 But now we call the arrogant blessed. Certainly the evildoers prosper, and even those who challenge God escape.’”

 16 Then those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored his name.
 17 “They will be mine,” says the LORD Almighty, “in the day when I make up my treasured possession.[a] I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him. 18 And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.

   The story is told of a monk from a Christian order who explained the distinctive quality of his group in this way: When it comes to good works, we don't match the Benedictines; as to preaching, we are not in the same class with the Dominicans; the Jesuits are way ahead of us in learning; but when in comes to humility, we are tops."
   As we have been meeting Malachi we see the dialogue between God and the people. So far there have been improper aspects of the religious life of Israel: improper attitude, improper worship, improper religious leadership in their sacrifice and commitment, improper marriage relationship, improper truth and improper stewardship. If there is one accusation today it would be pride.
    Some deal with accusations against God as if they are His judge. Some are facing sincere questions and doubts in their faith. With the various trials, temptations, and doubts in our Christian walk the passage is one that calls us to face God squarely and honestly. Who is going to be in control of your life, regardless of all the problems, all the joys, all the doubts and all the fears, regardless if you know the answers or still have doubts, What are you going to do with the Lord? 
   You remember that 2:17 the accusation is given to those who put themselves as judges of God even though their own lives do not reflect godliness.  They are only look for blessing and fulfillment of promises of God without regard to their own spiritual relationship with an Almighty and Holy God. The accusation is God you are not acting the way you are suppose to act. Do you really care?
   The response of God is he is getting ready to set things straight by sending a messenger, and then the purifier. We saw how that prophecy was fulfilled in John the Baptist and Jesus Christ our redeemer. God is setting up the plan to bring justice and then you will see how he will judge with complete justice, and not just to satisfy our own wants and wills.
    Now then, after talking about worship, marriage, leadership, sacrifice and priorities, there is another matter that you aren't even being right with your offerings and tithes. Repent.
    Now he comes back to the criticism by the people. We will look at the accusations and God’s responses to criticism.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues Feb 14 Critical of God 

Verses Mal 3:13-15

Critical of God
      As Malachi addresses the Israelites he reveals two sources of critical complaints toward God. There are rebellious sinners on the one hand and believers who have become critical of the Lord on the other.  There is the pattern of skeptical murmuring that dates back to the Exodus and before. They were gossiping among themselves. They were thinking it was vain to serve God.
    This is the language of selfishness and arrogance, of self-pity and pessimism. What makes people complain against God and His work among us? What makes believers complain?
      Underneath lies the pride of the soul that needs correction. It creeps up in us all in various forms.  It is from pride criticism comes that we know better how things ought to be. Frustrated selfish believers often magnify what they do not have while closing their eyes to their rich heritage from the Lord. They reason that they have been faithful to God and his church. Their tithes and offering have been brought and they have sought to live above reproach in the world.
    Part of Spiritual pride is the feeling there is nothing wrong with us. We are very good in our own religious eyes. We don't worship idols, we keep the Sabbath, we give offerings, we pray we go to church. The problem is that God isn't keep his promises.
    I remember the conversation with a man in Wisconsin who lost a good friend in death to cancer. He was convinced the friend would be healed from his disease and instead God took him home. This man quoted the verse from the Psalms that said.  "a man's years is 3 score and 10 and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years...."  He concluded that Christian saints will not have natural disease until 70 years of age.  We are promised that by God.  Any other death would be because of lack of faith and obedience to God.
    When his friend died, he went through spiritual doubt. He complained, he wondered where God was and why He went back on his word. After all this man and his church and family prayed with faith believing, they sought supernatural forgiveness, supernatural healing, and a witness that would bring glory to the name of Jesus Christ. They were faithful in their giving in their church attendance. They reviewed and confessed any sin in their lives, and still the person died of cancer in the 50s.
   Now some made accusations that his man or his family was being judged of God for secret sin or doubt, otherwise there would have been healing.  That accusation hurt them deeply for they were as honest before God as they knew how. What hurt was the sense of superior spiritually for God answers their prayers and didn't answer his.
   Since many would never openly criticize God it must then be the fault of the victim or died or a family member.
   When we grieve it is normal to question and questioning can come in a form of criticism. Was David critical when his questionings came in real and heartfelt prayers to God or was he confused in trying to understand things that happened around him?
     I think there is a difference in the purpose of our expression of emotions. One is to attack and judge. The other is to question and wonder but persist in faith and love and obedience.
     The source of criticism mentioned here belongs in the first category and the prophet wants to point that out to us all.

Pastor Dale

 Sermon Nuggets Weds Feb 15

Verse Mal 3: 16
Committed to God
    When rebuked there are two responses. Reject the rebuke or accept it. When God confronts our sin some will judge God. Others will take a different route and fear the Lord.
    It appears that either this group which committed themselves to the Lord maintained their faith in God or through their doubting and questioning they developed a more mature faith in God. Regardless, believers came together, joined forces and sought to strengthen one another's faith and stop the spread of skepticism and criticism. Rather than accusing God they waited patiently for God's manifestation in his time. Malachi affirmed that God will remember those who are committed to him. God will work to provide restoration and renewal.
    Let the committed gather together and pray. Let us seek the face of God and say unashamedly, "Lord use me, Lord change me, Lord forgive me. Lord, may you send your revival and may it begin with me." The committed talked together about their situation and about their God. They wanted renewal. They wanted to be used. They gave themselves unto the Lord.  Then a remarkable thing occurs. The Lord listens.
     The committed are so regardless of the circumstances. Those faithful to God are not perfect but correct their shortcomings and continue to go for God. While all the others are living apathetic lives there are some who say they will be different. They will not worry about others. They will serve the Lord.
    "Though the fig trees do not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. God, the Lord, is my strength; He makes my feet like hind's feet, he makes me tread upon my high places (Hab. 3:17-19)
   However all religious persons should avoid the thought that simply in their going to a religious meeting all their spiritual needs are resolved. It simply does not happen. There is a need for the fellowship of other believers and the inspiration of corporate worship. But if we fail to seek an encounter with God in the sanctuary, and if we fail to seek a transformed way of life in the world, then our attitude is not
   The call to commitment isn't in new programs regardless of how popular they might be. I am not suggesting we don't consider new programs, but that isn't the heart of the matter. We can have a small group program,  Senior programs, contemporary programs, radio programs, visitation programs, tithing programs, men's programs, youth programs and women’s programs but that doesn't revive the church. In fact, all may be substitutes for revival of commitment. The Bible says it is in repentance and returning to God.
      The beginning of renewal is asking God to renew us with a right spirit, a right attitude, and a proper mode of living. We repent and return and we do that by asking God's forgiveness and restoration to his intention for us. We must do so on his strength. It isn't in trying harder as it is in yielding completely. Then the committed obey what God wants in our lives. That commitment is not based on feelings, but faith in the truth. And God listens.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs Feb 16 Consequences

Verses- Mal 3: 16-18

Consequences from God
    The Lord listens.  The lord is not silent.  God does know what is going on. There will be distinction in the consequences between the righteous and the wicked. There will be a difference of judgment between those who serve God and those who do not.
     This passage is for the prideful sinner, the doubtful believer, and those who listen and obey the Lord. As a word of warning, stop judging God's acts by this temporary and limited world. His plan is far beyond our limited understanding. Can we confess that we do not know the mind of God, can we begin to humble ourselves enough to admit that we are his servants and not his master?
    Let’s beware of the ease by which criticism creeps into our minds and mouths. Criticism against God and God's people is a serious matter. The matter is that we set ourselves up as judge and jury, instead of leaving it up to Him. Ah there is the rub. Who is in the position of determining the mind of God, and the ways of his people?
    There are wicked who instead of looking at their own lives will even judge God’s acts and call the unfair. He is entirely fair in his judgments for he not only knows the actions, but the thoughts of each person. That is why the plan of salvation and forgiveness available through the cross is so important. But it involves accepting and dedicating ourselves to His grace and mercy.
    One person said, "Don't call the world dirty just because you have forgotten to clean your own glasses." There is another avenue God has.
     But be encouraged. The remembrances of God are also for what the righteous have done. He knows his faithful and the committed regardless of the circumstances.  The Lord said they shall be mine. He knows and will reward.  We are Gods' chosen possession.  He remembers his promises and his covenant.
   It is with a deep sense of awe, gratitude, and humility that we realized God's initial message to us is a call to repentance, not a weighty pronouncement of final judgment. Just as he did to Israel, God lovingly invites us to return to his way and walk with him. He says: “Return to me in love and obedience and I will return to you in loving kindness and mercy” (Mal 3:7b, Joel 2:12-14; Hos 14:1.)
       The prophet was not saying that God withholds judgment forever, but at the present time he still extends his mercy. There is the opportunity to us to confess our sins and repent. The day of God's judgment is certain, though the day has not been dated for us. Now is the time of repentance and renewal.
    I am glad for the love expressed in II Peter. “God is not willing that any should perish but that all may come to repentance.” He wants revival not judgment, but without renewal and repentance then there will be judgment. He keeps his promises for blessing and curse.
   The advantages of being a child of God will be manifested. There will be a distinction made between the righteous and the wicked when the wheat the tares are separated. The word, ‘returned’ may be translated ‘repent’. The prophet is saying that the time is coming when the people will repent of their conclusions and declaration about the advantages of the godless and the disadvantages of the righteous then you will see God is faithful and he will restore the faithful. There will be consequences according to the Word of God.

Pastor Dale 

Sermon Nuggets Fri Feb 17 courage

Verse- Mal 3:17-18

Courage for God
     When living among evil it take courage and faith to trust the promises of God. As we watched the movie, Courageous, I am reminded of this story that appeared in the Standard years ago. Our faith will be tried and we will have to decide if we will follow Christ regardless of the consequences.
     Rod Clark married Sandy who had diabetes. Their second son suffered a fatal heart attack from a congenital heart disorder. Doubts of faith emerged while they asked why God let this happen. Rod was considering the ministry. Is this the way God treats people who want to serve Him? Where was the promise of blessing?
  When Sandy was pregnant again she had to have her appendix out. She was also in labor for 3 1/2 weeks. Jeaneen was born weighing only 2 lbs 15 ounces. She had heart surgery at 2 weeks old and brain surgery at 2 months old. All her food was going into her lungs, and she had surgery to attach her esophagus to her stomach. Her parents fed her though a tube in her stomach for 2 1/2 years and born with only one ear. Before Jeaneen was one year old she had 13 surgeries.
    The Clarks were living in Eau Claire while their baby was at Children’s hospital in the Twin Cities. They could only see her every few days. They couldn't hold her because she was too sick, but they loved her.
   Because of a technicality in the insurance contract the insurance company they refused to pay her medical bills, totally $300,000 then.
  The parents discovered their little girl couldn't hear or understand them when they spoke to her. Further tests were done and experiments with the hearing aid which allowed her to tell when someone was talking but only 1 or 2 phonetic sounds.
    Rod sensing uneasiness at his job interviewed with the Dallas Police Department during his 2 week vacation. He was accepted into the program. While on the force he witnessed numerous civil rights violations and beatings of folks from minority races from the police officers. He saw the police brutality covered up, and record altered. After one incident Rod filed a report detailing what he saw but he training officer amended the report before it was placed into the official police record.  Then mysteriously the original report disappeared for his locker.
    Sometime after that this officer shot and killed a black man was also shot and killed. Another black man was accused of killing but many pieces of the evidence did not add up. Mysteriously Rod report resurfaced before the trial and he was called to testify.
    Days leading up to the meeting Rod was getting phone calls warning that if the defendant was freed, it would no longer be safe in the city of Dallas for him, if he knew what was good for him he has to change his testimony against discrimination by some police officers.
    He wrote, "I was confronted with a moral dilemma; should I allow an innocent man to get a minimum of life sentence and maximum of death row? I couldn't do that and look Christ in the face. As desperately as I wanted to be part of the police family, I couldn't, I wouldn't give into intimidation and threats even in my life. I couldn't deny my Lord that way.
    As soon as I had that interview with the attorneys, that evening I was told not to report to work; the official excuse was the due to the pressures of the trial I might make a mistake and get hurt. Later I learned there was a meeting held among the other officers and a vote was taken whether they would give Rod backup if he was in trouble. The fellow officers decided Rod would be on his own. They would not protect him.
    Yet he did testify and the defendant was set free. Rod was forced to pack his family and flee Dallas under cover of darkness. He had to run from those who were sworn to uphold the law. Fleeing because of telling the truth. He broke the code of silence, but according to Rod Clark he never took an oath of silence. He took an oath to uphold the law and to dispense justice where he could. He never thought it would have to be against his own police officers that justice would be dispensed.
    Sandy's health deteriorated. She had been comatose several times. The stress forced imbalance in her diabetic blood sugars. He worked for his family small business in Michigan and faced financial disaster.  He lost his house, income and almost his sanity.
    When they decided to go to Bethel seminary and live in Duluth and work in a church there. Shortly after Sandy awoke with a hemorrhage in her eye and couldn't see to get a part-time job. She couldn't drive, or shop for groceries or pay bills. She wanted to help but with blindness was only a liability. The retina detached and her sight was gone. the other eye followed the same pattern of deterioration.
   Where is God in this? Does He only let those who are evil find blessing and those who commit themselves to righteousness find cursing?  How can a blind mother communicate with her deaf daughter when she cannot see the sign language? There oldest son Nathan become the interpreter.
    They said in the article, "We've been married 18 years and gone through so many things we will need to deal with in a ministry setting. There isn't a whole lot we haven't experienced, poverty, blindness, deafness, death, persecution. We didn't have any great compassion for the poor until we didn't know where our next meal was coming from. We didn't have a sensitivity to people who walk into a store and can't find what they need or can't hear someone approaching them until it happens to me and to my daughter. You can't relate to someone until you've been there. And we've been there.”
    Rod said, “Although there have been times I've questioned past decisions. I'm constantly reminded that I couldn't have made any other choice. The application of Christian values and the principles into the setting in which the person lives transcend the dramatics of my Dallas situation. Those principles apply to life in an office where there's a time to speak up and time to be flexible.  That's the most significant part of my Dallas lesson. When life's circumstances present choices where you have to make fundamental decisions between your Lord and the authority over you, you have to approach them with prayer and working of those things out the Lord."
    What causes one to be among the committed? It is courage and faith to follow Jesus. Jesus Christ keeps his promises and our faith is based on the reality of Malachi 3:  17 “They will be mine,” says the LORD Almighty, “in the day when I make up my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him. 18 And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.”
     It may be for a time that evil may reign, but it will not be forever. God has something else planned forever. That makes our choices lots easier. Will you be one ready to be renewed and awaiting God's work in your life regardless of the temporary cost, for the eternal consequence?

Pastor Dale