Friday, July 13, 2012

Gomorrah, The conclusion Gen 19

Monday July 2  Gomorrah. The Conclusion  

Verses Gen 19

Last week God through His angels warned Abraham that He was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. You might remember we talked about the importance of Intercessory prayer, as illustrated by Abraham when he heard about the pending destruction.  He had a concern for the people, and especially his family.
 He persisted in prayer, leaving his honest questions and requests in God’s hands who knows far more than he does. But in his prayers Abraham was also an example to us in his specific requests. We left with the thought that we don’t really know exactly how God answers our prayers of intercession. Sometimes in ways that we don’t recognize right away; Sometimes in ways different but better than we anticipated; Sometimes he answers them we just don’t know it. Others times, they are not answered and we must say humbly, “God’s ways are higher than our ways and we walk by faith not by sight. Someday we will understand.”
            Now briefly this week I want to center our thoughts on the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah and learn about judgement and what it is that keeps righteous people a witness until the end.  Sodom and Gomorrah were sister cities like Minneapolis and St. Paul. If there is a bomb that falls on one, it falls on the other. Gomorrah, the lesser known of the two is judged equally. No one is more at fault than the other. 
            There was warning back in the Old Testament days are there are warnings repeated today. Living in judgment is the result of ignoring those warnings. At Christ’s return it will be too late to do anything about it. Don’t be lulled into spiritual apathy. Do you have the assurance of salvation? If God’s judgment falls this week are you prepared to go to heaven. If you are not sure contact me.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues July 3 Uninhibited Pleasures

Verses Gen 19:1-11

The Lessons of Uninhibited Pleasures
The divine messengers arrived in the city and meet Lot. They were perfectly willing to stay in the city square overnight, which was a common practice in that day. Lot insisted they must stay with him, like Abraham showing hospitality to strangers. It was also likely that Lot knew of the danger and what would happen to them if they stayed in the city square. No one in the right mind would think of sleeping in Central Park in New York or in Loren Park in Minneapolis.
But what happened next turns our stomachs. Lot and his guests have dinner and then "all the men of the city from every part" came to Lot's home. This was not some gang of degenerate men. This was the general make-up of the entire community. These men wanted to engage in homosexual acts with these men. They wanted to rape them!
This one incident is enough. This was all the angels needed to convince them that the charges were true and Sodom was deserving of destruction. Things were so bad that the only way to bring healing was to remove these towns.
Rampant homosexuality was just one of the evidences of the perverse nature of the society. There were other charges, as you might read in EZEK 16:49-50“‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
The people of Sodom and Gomorrah lived their lives on the basis of their impulses, selfish lusts,  unconcerned about each others, pornographic lusts. Later Isaiah uses Sodom as an example of lack of shame in their willful sin.  There was an example of a society that not only sinned, but promoted it, and flaunted it and took pride in it. Sound familiar? There was no fear of God.
And in our society we have become anaesthetized against the very sins for which Sodom was destroyed. We laugh at things that used to make us blush. Instead of extolling the virtue of God's marriage ethic in the Bible, we now view that as only one option - and not necessarily the best option. Quick divorce, life partnerships, homosexuality - all of these are paraded as being natural and desirable. Yet they are condemned by God. Their appearance on our streets and on our televisions is symptomatic of the power and grip of sin that abounds in human life still.
How often do we build prisons to protect our society and rightly so? They are crowded and overflowing. But when you take some individuals away you find a dozen more taking their places.
            What do you do when the whole society is run amuck with uninhibited pleasures and evils? To try to do so is like stamping out a gasoline fire. The more you stamp, the more it spreads.
            Unrestrained pleasures escalate to a point when evil is called good. Take heed lest your lusts become your master.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds July 4- Unexplained Persecution

Verses – Gen 19:9-12

The Lessons of Unexplained Persecution  
Today is the Birthday of our Nation. We not only recognize the freedoms we have but the hardships our forefathers went through to see their offspring enjoys the benefits of their sacrifices. So far God has preserved our society. Live in righteousness even in a time when unrighteousness seems to rule.
What happens when Lot wants to protect the innocent, and the godly? He is threatened with persecution. He is threatened with violence. He is rejected by the very people he wants to help Lot is standing for right and justice as far as the protection of the visitors are concerned and says no I will not allow this sin to occur.
People do not like to have authority of God or God’s ways in their lives. Who are you to judge us? We will treat you worse than them. And they were responding in mob violence against someone bringing a different message than they want hear.
Each week we can read about Christians in other lands who are suffering and beaten and even put on fire for their faith. The last 3 Sundays were there reports on Yahoo News of churches that have been bombed or burdened with fatalities in Nigeria, Kenya, and Sudan. The Middle East has seen an uprising in terrorists who bomb churches and persecute believers.
When Lot conveyed the message of the angels to his family, urging them to escape God's wrath, many thought he must be joking'! Here he was with the most important and most urgent message of all, yet all they could was laugh. The moment we treat God’s message lightly, and reject the truth of the grace of God, one is brought under condemnation. God gave the people a change to hear and see a witness. He gave to them truth and even loved ones pleaded with some to be saved from the coming destruction, but the response was hardened hearts mockery and rejection.
If a person sees a house on fire, turns in the alarm and does everything he can to rescue the occupants, he is a hero. But when a Christian warns the alarm about people going to Hell and wants to rescue the people he is ridiculed, rejected. In some countries jailed, have their businesses burned and run out of town as seen in Pakistan.
What keeps us from telling our neighbors and friends? Is it the fear of not being liked, misunderstood, claimed to be narrow minded or judgmental. When all the while what constrains people to face persecution, unexplained is the love of Jesus Christ and the passion not to see people experience the wrath of God but find forgiveness and salvation from the judgment that is coming. 

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs July 5 Inevitable Punishment

Verses Gen 19:15-29

The Lessons of Inevitable Punishment
After the bombs were dropped on Japan people all over the world were stunned. 
They couldn’t image such total destruction. The God bombing of Sodom and Gomorrah was talked about thousands of years later because destruction was go quick, complete and in a since could have been avoided if people would have listened.
            There are three warnings we leave with. One is the constant vigilance we need to take when our society is influencing us all around with popular values instead of Godly truth. One man was going around warning people of sin and was confronted, “Why do you keep screaming and preaching like that when no one listens to you?” It is so I will be prevented from them changing me.”
            If nothing else keep God’s truths in front of you. Continue to read your Bible. Continue to stand for things you know are right and against things you know are wrong. Even in a pluralistic society that rejects many things Christians believe, if for on other reason than you will prevent society from changing you into it’s mold.
It is interesting that this chapter presents Lot as a respected resident of Sodom. Previously, we had seen him pitch his tent toward the place; now he is in it, as a citizen of this evil and wicked locality. The pull of Sodom was clearly too much for Lot. We must be careful that we pitch our tent in the right direction, with our backs, and not our faces, towards sin.
What bothers me wasn’t so much the intercession of Abraham as one who loved God and was concerned righteous, but the implication that Lot was righteous. Was he the one Abraham thought of? Indeed he was righteous enough to protect them men from homosexual rape, but how then do you explain the fact that he was willing to sacrifice his virgin daughters to the immorality and disdain of the society. They were also engaged to be married. What type of character does that say about Lot? Or what does that say when this is the most righteous you can find in the city? How could he even suggest such a thing as this? I read of a man last week in another city of America arrested because he needed drug money and offered his two year old daughter to men for sex. What do you do with such people?
As the society becomes more perverse even the righteous lower their standards. Human sinfulness by definition infects and rots the fabric of the whole community.
When the fire and brimstone came burning down upon the city, his wife turns back to either mourn for the city, or seek possessions she left behind.
Vs 27-29 is a testimony to those who intercede. Because of Abrahams witness and prayer some were saved. Because of the church willing to give and pray some are saved. Because some are undergoing persecution for a time, some are saved for eternity. We have an important part yet to play in world wide witness and encouragement of our persecuted brothers and sisters in areas that is very hostile to Jesus in different ways. 
How many will be left behind when Jesus returns? How many keep looking to the attractions of this world and not ahead to the righteousness of Christ? Revelation speaks of a greater destruction. It speaks of a needed zeal.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets July 6 Inventive Impurity

Gen 19:30-38

The Lessons of Inventive Impurity
Life changes after there is destruction. Many will sober up and commitment to righteousness. Many, like foxhole conversions, will make promises but quickly break them. God was gracious in saving this family, but it wasn’t long Lot became drunk with wine and his daughter contrived among themselves to have an incestuous relationship with him. So how would you answer Abrahams question to God. How many righteous people the angels find in the city? Was there one?.
Chuck Colson reported that colleges across the country are starting courses in so-called "porn studies". Classes on pornography are offered at NYU, Northwestern, Colombia and several other schools. They watch pornography day after day. Porn stars are popular lecturers on college campuses. Extra marital and premarital sex is glorified on afternoon soap operas and prime time television, Focus on the Family reports that during this week that there is tremendous pressure to get the Dr. Laura show off the air because she has the audacity of saying Homosexual relationship are wrong. Sponsors are dropping their endorsements. Lobbyists work to get special protection for those who engage in perversion while punishing those who have a Bible in school.
The Bible warns us often. Do  not be deceived. God is not mocked what you reap you shall sow. Although it is a very unpopular theme in our society, the Bible speaks clearly about punishment and judgement and the destruction of the whole world.
Jesus used the story of the destruction of Sodom to give warning of judgement. In Luke 17 he talks about the importance of being prepared for His second coming. God judged Sodom and Gomorrah for their wickedness. God tolerated it no longer. There is a limit to his patience and his longsuffering. Thus far, but no further.
It is that concern that keeps the church seeking to persuade it’s neighbors and country men that salvation is found in no other name that Jesus Christ. Just like in the Old Testament they needed to repent of sin and turn to trust God’s salvation so that is the message today. Anyone who has not accepted Jesus is great eternal danger and that the task of bringing the gospel to them is of the utmost importance. Be like Abraham-pray.
These angels arrived on one day and before the next day had fully begun the town was destroyed. One moment a new day was beginning as normal, the next day life was destroyed. One minute men were getting ready for work, women were getting laundry ready, people were enjoying their breakfast. The next minute the town had been destroyed beyond recognition. That is how it will be when Jesus comes. We do not know when God will say "Enough" but when He does, time will have run out.
            Why then was not Lot and his daughters destroyed along with the whole town, was it matters of degrees? Or was it the grace of God in doing what God said needed to be done to be saved. He told them to leave and do not turn back?
            What does he say to you and me. The same: repent of our sin and do not turn back. And believe by faith in Jesus Christ.
Romans says that "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." But God provided an escape - To stay in Sodom was to be judged and lost. But there was an 'out', an exit, a possibility of escape. So it is with the Gospel. To remain as we are is to be under the condemnation and power of sin. But Jesus says 'I am the door'. There is a way of escape, to something safe, to something better.
The New Testament tells us that indeed destruction and judgement is coming. We will not escape except in the plan of God. For there is none that is righteous, All have turned our own way. In fact if we realize that Sodom was a warning to Korazin and Bethsaida how much more is it a warning today? They did not have The Word of God. We have a record of the miracles of Jesus and the teachings of Jesus as well as all the teaching of the disciples. They didn’t have the witness of the Death and Resurrection of Christ. Now He has proved He is God’s son by His resurrection. They did not have the witness of the Holy Spirit. They did not have the witness of the church in this centuries, nor Christian resources, or schools, or text books or worship service, or TV and radio stations. If Korazin and Bethsaida were to be judged more strictly because of their unbelief what about us?

Pastor Dale