Friday, May 23, 2008

Change John 8:10-11

Sermon nuggets Fri May 23

Theme: Confronting Sin

Verses- John 8:10-11 Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"

11 "No one, sir," she said. "Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin." (NIV)

Consider the Change

Jesus demonstrated grace by offering the woman caught in adultery a free pardon. To find out if she received the grace of God depended on her response. It is the same choice many prisioners make after they are set free. Do I change or go back into crime?

She needed to consider if she was willing to accept forgiveness. Many who have fallen into sin have been forgiven but they have not accepted that forgiveness and wallow around in false guilt.

But Jesus doesn’t leave it there. The new challenge is given that can produce change. “Go and sin no more.” It was a call to change. It was a call to leave sin since grace had been applied and start anew and fresh. Leave the past behind and don’t put yourself in this situation again. The best way to confront sin is to change it.

Friends, Jesus demonstrated compassion, and does so today. Jesus took her sin, their sin, your sin and my sin. The one who dares to clear and forgive us and send us on our way without condemnation is the one who bore the condemnation for us. No fingers are pointed at us because they were all pointed at him. Christ expected that forgiveness would cause the woman to abandon her sin.

This was the gospel of the second chance. The Woman knew that she should have been killed, Now Jesus was giving her another chance. There are lot of people who have had sexual sins. Satan will likely attack you as the accuser. Resurrecting past failures is one of Satan's most effective tools for discouraging and immobilizing believers. David prayed, "Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O Lord, Ps. 25:7.

Forgiveness and restoration are the core of the gospel. All through the Bible the Lord invites his people to return to Him in repentance. Do not forget the sin of adultery by King David himself, who was forgiven and reclaimed for meaningful service by the Lord. As a forgiven and renewed person he was used to teach others about God and exalt the Lord with music and words.

Jesus heard the charges of the sin. The law called for death. The wages of sin is death. But Jesus also challenges the righteous to look at their own sin. We stand guilty each one. But the gift of God is eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ. He took sin's punishment on the cross and offers to us his grace and forgiveness. As we accept his compassion we respond also in seeking to serve Him with mind heart soul and action. We are given the power and command to change. PTL

Pastor Dale