Thursday, May 22, 2008

Compassion John 8:19-11

Sermon nuggets Thurs May 22

Theme Confronting Sin

Verses- John 8:9-11 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there.
10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"
11 "No one, sir," she said. "Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."

Consider Compassion

One of the Christian teen magazines was given this question: "About the middle of last year a girl I'll call Robin started coming to our youth group At first lots of people thought she was a little weird because of the way she dressed. More and more we began to see what Robin was like: loud, bossy, disrespectful, etc. This turned people off before they had really talked to her. She could, at times, be friendly and nice, and she could tell a story or joke that would send everyone into fits of laughter.

Robin came to youth group look for a friend, someone to talk to, to express how and why she was hurting; but it didn't work out that way. We didn't accept her. When we would go to youth groups outings people would say, "Why doesn't Robin just stay at home? And once we got to our destination, the only people who would stick around her were my two friends and me. One time on our camping trip not one but us was willing to share a tent with Robin. I know that I reached out only because I felt sorry for her, and I feel bad that she was treated that way. Then Robin was gone. She had run away again and wasn't found for a long time.

One night at a youth group meeting, Robin's name camp up, and I found out that she had been working the streets and was now in a half-way home in Vancouver, B.C. Our youth group leaders always stressed the importance of showing Christian love, especially accepting those who are different from us. What I would really like to know is where was that Christian love when people were talking behind her back or not accepting her or yelling at her?

Now I understand why she never became a Christian, we didn't show that love which all Christians are suppose to have.

The challenge of Jesus is also to us. You who are without sin cast the first stone. Any time of self-righteous indignation needs to a time for self analysis. The prayer of King David is appropriate "Lord, search me, and know my heart, try me and see if there be any wicked way in me."

Jesus is not saying the woman did not sin. He is not acknowledging that it is o.k. to continue this activity. Instead Jesus demonstrates both the law and grace. He demonstrated the Law in that although she was under the condemnation of death, there was now no one who could witness against her. Since the law says there must be at least two witnesses to make it a valid death penalty, she was free to go. He also adds that he does not condemn her either. Jesus is the giver of grace. She doesn't deserve forgiveness, but He grants it.

Do not forget, even if someone is not disciplined, even if a sin is secret, even if there is not substantial evidence to concern anyone with evil practices, one is still guilty in the eyes of the Lord and must face Him. But it is understanding our guilty that leads us to understand His grace.

Compassion is the means given by Jesus that can bring about change. It is God’s first response since the Fall to have people see their sin, see the love of God and seek repentance.

Pastor Dale