Friday, July 25, 2008

Reactions to a Resurrection John 12:9-11

Sermon nuggets Fri July 25

Theme: Responding to Jesus

Verses- John 12:9-11 Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and putting their faith in him.(NIV)

Reactions to a Resurrection

Many came to believe because they saw the work of God in Lazarus raised to life after being dead. Rumors quickly spread and people needed to see for themselves. Many did believe in Jesus because of the sight of Lazarus alive.

Now Christ will return all all in Him will rise again. But that Spirit of life is available now to all who believe. People take notice when someone demonstrates a new life in Christ by the change and excitement and repenting from sin. Some when they see life in us marvel and follow Jesus for themselves. Do people see Jesus in us? Is there life evident?

Romans 6:4 says, "We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." We have been raised from the dead Ephesians also tells us, that we were dead in transgressions and sins. We followed the ways of the world, but God in His great love and mercy made us alive. "Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set you minds on things above, not on earthly things."

Ralph Neighbour, pastor of Houston's West Memorial Baptist Church tells this story. Jack had been president of a large corporation, and when he got cancer, he went through his insurance, used his life savings, and had practically nothing left. Dr. Neighbour visited him with one of his deacons who said, "Jack, you speak so openly about the brief life you have left. I wonder if you've prepared for your life after death?"

Jack stood up, livid with rage. "You_____ _____ Christians, All you ever think about is what's going to happen to me after I die. If your God is so great, why doesn't he do something about the real problems of life?” He went on to tell us he was leaving his wife penniless and his daughter without money for college. Then he ordered them out of his room.

The pastor and deacon made a follow-up call. "Jack, I know I offended you, I humbly apologize. But I want you to know I've been working since then. Your first problem is where your family will live after you die. A Realtor in our church has agreed to sell your house and give you wife his commission. I guarantee you that, you you'll permit us, some other men and I will make the house payment until it's sold. Then, I've contacted the owner of an apartment house down the street. He's offered your wife a three bedroom apartment plus free utilities and an $850-a month salary in return for her collecting rents and supervising plumbing and electrical repairs. The income from your house should pay for your daughter's college. I just want you to know your family will be cared for."

Jack cried like a baby. He died shortly thereafter, so wrapped in pain he never accepted Christ. But he experienced God's love even while rejecting Him and his widow, touched by the caring Christians, responded to the gospel message.

Since Lazarus was a walking miracle that put him in the place of danger because the leaders wanted to kill him too. They were willing to keep their positions by arranging two murders. When a man has to support a position by destroying evidence which threatens it, it means that he is prepared to use dishonest methods to support a lie. And he knows it. Satan wants to destroy the life. Satan wants us to be powerless, fearful, and self-seeking. He knows when the glory of the Lord is seen people will see the reality of Jesus in ways that they want.

The same miracle produced two different responses. “Lets praise Him and follow Him.” And “If we can’t ignore Him, let’s attack and destroy Him.”

I see this spirit growing as increased martyrdom is exhibited. But Christ’s people let their light and life shine.

Pastor Dale