Thursday, July 24, 2008

Responding in Worship John 112:7-8

Sermon nuggets Thurs July 24

Theme Responding to Jesus

Verses- John 12:7-8 "Leave her alone," Jesus replied. "It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial.
You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me." (NIV)

Responding in Worship

I thought about the preachers comments. “We were made to worship. That is the greatest thing we can do both on the earth and in heaven.”

Is worshipping the Lord more important than feeding the hungry?

Many will criticize money used for a sanctuary while others desire the money to go toward the homeless. It seems Jesus is relating a truth that we find in Ecclesiastes 3:1 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven”

We respond to Jesus by both worshipping and giving a cup of cold water in Jesus name. We respond to His love by adoring Him with all we have and serving others that they might know the love and kindness of Christ. Worship is more than what is done in church, it is ascribing worth and honor and praise in being the provider of beauty as well as food, of salvation as well as meeting our temporary needs.

Jesus was to go to the cross. He used this time of anointing to remind His disciples of His coming burial. John and the others realized the significance of this statement after the resurrection. Jesus knew why He was to be in Jerusalem during the Passover. He knew His Father’s plans. Such ointment was used for burial purposes. She was honoring Him in a way that even she had no knowledge. She worshipped. God confirmed this as a holy act.

Jesus knew the hearts of the disciples. The value of the ointment was of greater concern that the witness of worship.

When I think of the extravagant cathedrals of Europe my admiration goes out to those who planned it and constructed it as a means of their faith expression to the grandeur and exaltation of Jesus. As I toured some of these magnificent structures in Europe it struck me that the faith of the fathers certainly did not carry over to the generations that followed. Faith today seemed dead. It was materialistic. It was ritualistic. Worship for the most part was not out of a heart filled with love and devotion to our Lord, but out of duty, obligation and tradition. Even the alms collected for the poor showed limited compassion.

The worship of the Lord that is out of love was used of God to point to the redemption of Jesus by His death. But worship is also assisting those in need as that delights our Lord.

Mary chose the best part. He was used of God for prophetic purposes. It was designed to prepare his body for burial in the best way possible. It was done in worship.

Pastor Dale