Friday, October 10, 2008

A Time of Victory John 16:33

Sermon nuggets Fri Oct 10

Theme Hope

Verses- John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (NIV)

A Time of Victory
The hope we have as believers is- Jesus wins. We do have victory after death. Immorality does not abide in our earthly accomplishments, but our spiritual ones, which are based on what Christ has done, not on what we have done.
Recently I watch on the news the memorial dedication to Lady Diana. Many people wanted to remember her life and the humanitarian efforts she put forth. A number of British people exclaimed she has done more for Britain in recent years than anyone else has. She will always be remembered.

It was said of Elvis. “He is not dead, he will continue to live on through his music." His music will certainly live on.

Such memorials are common with movie stars, musicians, artists, authors, politicians, and leaders. Rich people leave money behind to have a building at a school or institution named after them. But after a few years what does that name mean to the students? Not much.

My mother died a decade now. I will always remember her as long as I live. I will remember her mother as long as I live. That's it. I can't go back any further. My kids might remember their Grandma, they will never remember their grandpa because he died before they were born.

I have boxes of my aunt and Uncle and their achievements and I wonder what I should do with them, because I am their closest relative and it has no meaning to my boys. Soon it will go into the trash and that will be the extent of the memories of that generation. So much for their human immortality.

My message at funerals of believers is that Christ has given victory over death and therein is our immortality. The names of Mathew Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Abraham, Mary live on because of the grace of Jesus Christ. But we can include your name and mine in there even though our names are not in the Bible because our names are in the Lamb’s book of life! That is what counts. The resurrection of Jesus Christ after death is the proclamation that this life is temporary. Jesus gives what is needed for our short term journey with constant reminders to keep our eyes on what is ahead. He will return and make things right, not just for a season, but for all eternity.

He left the grave and banished death and sin: He opened wide the gates of heaven, That we might enter in. Jesus has overcome the world. That is such a great testimony.

John 20:21 "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you" How was Jesus sent? He was sent to suffer with a suffering world. I think what the world needs to see is not that Christians do not have pain, or grief or problems, but rather that we can experience firsthand His power in the midst of pain and give others hope. God takes our wounds and uses them to minster to others who are fellow suffers.

Let's face it. We can't be absolutely certain from Christ's teachings alone that He was the Son of God. We can't be absolutely certain from His miracles that He was the Son of God; we can't be absolutely certain from His holy life that He was the son of God. But when arose from the dead He settled that fact once and forever. The crowning proof of His deity was not His virgin birth, His authoritative teaching, His mighty works. The crowning proof of His deity was overcoming death with victory. When asked what proof did he have that He was the Son of God, He told them, "Destroy the temple and in three days I will raise it up again."

Jesus is alive now and alive to you who wait upon Him. When my bones are laid to rest they point to the release from the struggle, the freedom from the trouble, the completion of grief and victory, peace, and joy forever more. After death there is abiding victory! That gives us hope in our unsettled times. We cannot lose.

Pastor Dale