Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fear John 18:17-18

Sermon nuggets Weds Nov 19

Theme- Failure

Verses-John 18:17-18 "You are not one of his disciples, are you?" the girl at the door asked Peter. He replied, "I am not."
It was cold, and the servants and officials stood around a fire they had made to keep warm. Peter also was standing with them, warming himself.

Much of lying comes from fear. In threatening situations it certainly would be normal to protect oneself. If Peter could fall anyone can fall. From time to time we see Christian leaders fail miserably. When sin sneaks in lying about it to ourselves and others is common. Peter feared for his life but in order to preserve his life he felt he needed to lie and thought he succeeding.

Romans tell us if anyone thinks he stands take heed lest he falls. Peter could take on the army in the garden but before the girl at the gates unexpectantly fell in denying the Lord. He needed his pride broken and it was. The Lord has ways to humble us for our own good, just to make us realize how really weak we are. We are afraid to show our weaknesses to others. Peter failed to see himself as the rest and as someone needing Jesus all the time. Jesus was not there to rescue him as he was when he failed walking on the water or swinging a sword in the garden. But still Jesus had prayed for him that although he would sin, he would not be overcome by the sin. Although he would sin, he would not lose his faith and give up.

Satan is the father of lies. Certainly lies are mean to deceive. There are many reasons to lie. But the most common reason for kids is not to get into trouble. Sometimes it works. When we think that is true it is easier to lie.

On America’s Funnies Videos it is cute to see a little girl denying she had piece of chocolate cake while it is smeared all over her face. The evidence is clear. But when I watch COPS the program of people encountering the police, I am amazed how many lie to the officers when it is clear they have broken the law or had been drinking. Before Judge Judy person after person stands before the judge and lies. We are deceived thinking we protect ourselves through lies when sooner or later lies are revealed and the trouble we get into is greater.

There are many times when we are away from our comfortable environment we are tempted to do things we would not normally do. Under the stress of the evening Peter who thought he was strong and willing to die began fall when fear came in while standing before a girl.
What is the remedy? The Bible says, “Perfect love casts out fear.” 1 John 4:18 The more we realize our protection is in Christ the less fearful we become. Peter loved Jesus very much, but failed to understand, when his life was threatened, how much Jesus loved him.

When you are fearful, beware of the temptation to lie.

Pastor Dale